Topic: Like a Nesting Dove.

Eiellani Rose

Date: 2005-11-06 15:27 EST
"No, No Philippe! I told you the cradle goes in the alcove between the fireplace and the french doors! I dont care if you think it looks better on the other side of the room!"

Permission obtained for the redecorating of the light airy room she had chosen as a nursery Eiellani wasted no time setting plans in motion. The cradle and rocking chair had been delivered the day before, and Lani had spent the afternoon with Lilia combing the castle looking for other peices to fill the room.

By the time that had been done it was quite a list, in a dusty old bedchamber she had found a tall freestanding looking glass, and in one of the many storerooms a pair of tall dressers that would be a very good match for the cradle that would be the centerpeice of the room. Lani very much wanted this room to be a place that would be easily converted to grow with her child so that he or she would always have a safe haven in their home, one place they knew was just for them.

Philippe had frowned when Lani handed him her list and told him that those items it contained were to be brought to the nursery the next day, cleaned and polished. When he looked about to complain about her appropriation of furnishings from other rooms she simply replied "Would not Lord Longden wish our babe to have the best? Well those are the best and you will see them moved."

The castle seamstress and her assistants had worked all night to complete curtains and hangings of the fabrics chosen for the nursery. A soft graceful canopy with alterateing panels of the deep blue silk dusted with silver stars and the white gauze emproidered with tiny crimson rosebuds was waiting to be hung over the cradle once she was satisfied with its position.

Several serving men were hanging curtains on the windows and french doors that led to the tiny balcony, really just a little slip of space barely wide enough for a person to stand on, but with a stunning view of the gardens. The curtains were a deep midnight blue velvet, with under sheers of more of that rose paterned gauze and swung heavily as their hems were hung with tiny silver bells to chime in the breeze.

Lani supervised the work fretting of this detail and that, making sure the placement of each item was just so. Again spotting Philippe and another servant, this time placeing the rocker she made a soft sound of exasperation "Dammit Philippe! the rocker goes next to the cradle not clear across the room!"

Eiellani Rose

Date: 2005-11-06 15:46 EST
Philippe cast a murderous glance at the woman then silently moved to obey before moving out of the room most likely to go complain to his lordship about turning lowborn women into Ladies again. Lani really didn't care. The rest of the staff was so much more pleasent to work with, and she did not have the constant fear of them hitting her for a misspoken word.

Lilia bustled into the swiftly forming nursery carrying a heavily loaded tea tray and immediately started in on Lani, "Now my Lady you know you must stop and eat! You scarce touched your breakfast and my sister says that not eating can harm the babe!"

Eiellani made a horrid face at the little maid "Lilia! You know I did not eat because the baby makes my stomach upset in the mornings!" gathering her skirts around her the young elfess moved to the rocking chair to look at the delicate pastaries that the cook had sent with the tea to tempt her appetite. She settled in accepting the cup of tea the maid handed her with a resigned sigh. In her opinion tea was nearly as bad as wine.

"Lilia, make a note to have the menus changed to hot cocoa and cinnamon buns for morning tea instead of, well tea." Lani made a face the sipped from the teacup before selecting a tasty looking treat. the little bite of apple filled dough was savored with a pleased groan.

"Do you think M'lord will be pleased with the nursery Lilia? I've tried so hard to make it a place for either a male or female child."

"Oh I imagine his lordship will have little care for where the bairn sleeps My lady, most men would not think to set foot in the nursery and I canna Imagine Lord Longden being any different." The little maid replied before moving to fuss at the boxes containing the lines for the cradle. "But it is a beautiful room My Lady."

Eiellani Rose

Date: 2005-11-07 11:57 EST
Just before Eiellani retired for the night, Philippe brought word that Talomar wished to see the nursery the next day. Dawn saw Lani wrapped in a thick white velvet nightrobe, and soft rabbit fur slippers kneeling on the floor in the nursery placing childrens books and soft stuffed toys on a set of fancifully carved bookcases. The book cases were the last item Lani had found quite by accident when taking a wrong turning back to her bedchamber last evening.

She had found herself at the base of a small almost tower like space with a curving staircase. Something, most likely curiosity prompted her to start climbing the stairs. At the top of the stairs was a single door a very plain wooden thing. Hinges creaked as she opened the door, and there was a sound that might have been rats or mice scurrying for cover. Lani wished she had brought cinnamon with her instead of leaving the kitten napping on her bed. Mice spoke so queerly and were often very cruel so as to frighten Lani.

She had moved catiously to the window and pushed back the curtains to let the weak light of the moon in. In the silvery glow she found a erie landscape of dustcloths and cobwebs. Peering under a few Lani swiftly formed an impression that this had perhaps been a ladies office. The furnishings were delicate and feminine, some fancifully carved like the pair of matched bookcases that Lani had aproppriated.

The bookcases came to chest height on the elfess, with a lovely spiraling carving decorated with small forest creatures and fae folk here and there in the swirls. It very much gave the effect that one was peering into a bramble thicket and seeing all the magical life there. And it had been just the peice to complete the room.

Eiellani placed the last soft toy on the shelves and rose to her feet turning to head for the door. Pausing in the doorway she took one last look around the completed nursery and smiled. She truely hoped Talomar would be pleased.