Topic: Pardon and Forbearance - Abuser and Victim Reunited

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 00:52 EST

(from rp, posted with permission of those involved)

Lord Talomar Longden road up to the cabin that he knew belonged to Lani. The left arm that he allowed to be cut, was wet with blood, both dry and new. He dismounted and walked up to the door and knocked heavily on it. He messed up his hair as he waited.

Lani Wintermorn heard the sounds of barking and a low scuffling. Then a voice just the other side of the door. She spoke waverly and hoarse with tears. "If that?s you Earendur Go Away"

He heard her voice and smiled. " me. I'm hurt!"

Lani slowly pulled open the door, and as she did, the first thing the visitor would see would be the bared teeth of the large black dog.

Talomar leaned against the doorframe, holding his arm. "Lani, it's Talomar. I'm hurt. I need help."

The dog is pulled back by a slim white hand and the door creaks open on the girl a basket of herbs and bandages over her arm. "How badly?" She looks deathly pale and as though shes been sobbing for hours.

Suddenly falls to his knees, "I've lost much blood. Please, I won't hurt you. Your husband attacked me."

She emitted a soft sigh and a resigned look. "Can you make it to the bench over there?" She motioned with her head to a seat about two feet away still on the porch but away from the door.

"I'll try. Maybe with your help, Lani." He played the wound for all its worth, but it seemed to be working. "I can't thank you enough, Lani. Will you lend me your shoulder, just until I get to the bench."

For a moment she was so tempted to tell him to crawl. She set her basket down but kept it on hand. With the dog at her side she offered him her arm.

Talomar Longden reached for her arm and stood with wobbly legs, then walked with her help to the bench and collapsed down into it. "I don't know what came over Earen. He was like a wild man the way he attacked me. I just walked into the Inn and the next thing I know he had his elven sword out and swinging it at me."

Lani Wintermorn: sighed softly. "That sounds very much something Earen would do, thinking he was protecting me again. I hate it when he does that"

"I've been trying to make amends, Lani. I'm so ashamed of what I did to you. I was mad to do those things. Please forgive me."

Once he was settled on the bench she moved back to collect her basket. "Can you pull the sleeve from the wound?"

"Sure...I'll try." He lifted the blood-soaked sleeve off the wound. "Can you do anything, Lani?"

"About Earendur? Or about this wound?"

He looked at Lani as she worked on his wound, then smiled. "Well, I would surmise, from what I've seen of Earendur, that this wound would be a much simpler task."

Lani nodded simply as she looked over the wound "Its not a deep cut. It just needs to be cleaned and bandaged.

(To be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 00:54 EST

(from rp, posted with permission of those involved)

Talomar Longden smiled, knowing that he had judged perfectly how much of his arm to give to Earen's sword. "I'm so glad you are here, Lani. I must confess that I have missed you. I've never missed a woman before, and that's the truth." And it was.

A bottle of clear liquid smelling strongly of juniper and mint with the sharp tang of alcohol opened, the contents splashed on a clean square of gauze. The treated gauze then used to wash the wound. "You terrify me, sir. I do not know what to think of you."

Talomar Longden winced a bit at the application of the liquid. "I can't blame you, Lani. I was such a fool. I guess I was just a stupid, jealous man. I've never been that way before. I've always been in control of my emotions. Anyway, I have missed you, and I want you to know that my castle is always open to you if you should ever need to just get away from things for a while. I'd love for you to be my guest."

"The last time I was your guest you raped me and carved a mark into my thigh. Am I now to trust you not to do so again simply because you 'missed' me?"

He hung his head down and nodded. "You are right. I'm an awful man and deserve your mistrust. I wish there was some way that I could make it up to you, but I know I'm asking for far too much."

Already pale skin goes whiter in a moment, and she turned to focus her attention on the basket of herbs. She took a moment picking some to crush between her fingers and pack gently in the shallow cut. "I find myself short on trust and forgiveness this week."

"That's understandable. You must think all men are monsters, and I being the king of the monsters. The truth be told, Lani, I would never hurt you again. You have shown me something that I've never seen nor felt before, and it has altered my heart."

A clean length of gauze wound tightly around the cleaned and packed wound. ?You?ll wish to wash the herbs out with clean water on the morning. Till then they should dull the ache and ward against infection."

Talomar Longden smiled at her. It was not the wicked, lustful smile of a month before, but a smile that was sincere and caring. "Thank you so much, Lani. You have surely saved my life." He smiled again, and laid his hand upon hers. "Earen is a lucky man to have you for a wife."

Lani gave a disdainful snort. "Some wife I am. I canna please him for the entire world, and I am weary from trying. Sit there a moment and Ill fetch tea to combat the blood loss"

He had a shocked look. "If he can't be pleased with a woman like you...he can never be pleased!" he said as she left to fetch the tea.

The sound of a kettle being filled, then footsteps rushing across the wooden floor of the cottage, and the sounds of someone being ill muffled ad they come through the open doors. Talomar stood and entered her cottage and began to look around. "Very nice. Very nice indeed. I can see how one could be quite comfortable here."

She slipped from the bedroom hand pressing a damp cloth to her lips, wobbling towards the sofa by the fire pale as the albino pup sleeping on the cushions

He saw her wobbling and white. "Lani!" Now it was his turn to help. He went to her with surprising speed and helped her onto the sofa. "Lani, what is wrong? Please, I'm not going to hurt you...never again. What is it??

She made a soft shake of her head "I feel a fool getting ill like this, the healer I spoke to in the market district told me it was a normal part of child bearing, but I feel I should have some control over it!"

Talomar's eyes widened. "You are expecting a child, Lani?"

(To be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 00:56 EST

(from rp, posted with permission of those involved)

Lani nodded slowly, ?The woman estimated the birth coming at midsummer?s. It seems so little time really."

He went into deep thought as he calculated. "Lani, excuse me please, but if my calculations are correct, this child, it could be ours."

And here she thought she could go no paler, one hand clutching the arm of the sofa white knuckled, all the color remaining in her skin draining on a wave of dizziness and a squeaked word "Ours?"

He took her hand into his and kissed it. "Yes, m'lady. This could be our child. And I must say that would make me such a happy man. I have no children. It would be my first, and I presume your first also. I guess I might say that this child is *our* first."

Ghostly pale, she looked as though she might just faint from shock, the possibility never having entered her head. "Oh gods."

He kept her hand in his and patted it. "M'lady, you have given me two gifts this afternoon - healing my arm and filling my heart with life!"

Lani?s blue eyes squeezed tightly shut, her free hand clenched into a fist, "No wonder he was so distant about the child..."

"Distant? Who was distant, m'lady? Was it your husband?"

Another slow nod, color returning bit by bit to her cheeks "Yes, like cloud shadow on a summer day, like the news was something that disturbed him as much as pleased him."
She made a skittish glance to the kitchen as the kettle began to whistle.

"I'm so sorry, m'lady. News of a baby's birth should always be celebrated." He looked to the kettle. "Please, allow me to help!"

A slow nod, "The mugs are hinging over the sink, and the tea is in the chest by the kettle." She scooped the little white pup into her lap needing to cling to its warmth.

Talomar immediately stood and walked into the kitchen. The usual sounds of tea preparation are heard, and he soon returned holding the two mugs. He sat next to her and helped her into a sitting position with a strong arm, then handed her the mug. "Here you go m'lady. I'm sure I do not make tea as well as you, but I tried my best."

A shakey smile, "Thank you."

Talomar?s hand reached out and brushed back a strand of her hair. He was remarkably gentle for such a large and strong man. "A mother should be treated greater than the greatest treasure in the world."

Lani gave just the tiniest flinch away from the hand on her hair. ?I have no idea how to be a mother. The idea terrifies me"

He smiled, "I have no doubt that you shall be a very fine mother. However, I'm not sure about how good Earen will be with my child. It is too bad you two were formally married. Of course, that's only my opinion and I should not say such things."

Lani blinked, "Married by what law, sir? I begin to wonder about that myself of late."

"You didn't marry?"

(To be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 00:57 EST

(from rp, posted with permission of those involved)

"There was no priest, no ceremony. Just bedding and a statement that we were wed according to elven custom"

Talomar looked quite surprised, and he was not one who was easily surprised by anything. A smile spread across his face. "If there was no ceremony, and no priest, and no formal declaration, then I do believe, dear lady, that the marriage is not recognized by the law. I'm a Count and am well familiar with the laws of the land."

"I must admit to not having been taught much of elven custom by my mother, but even the handfastings I witnessed among the humans I lived my life with were always blessed by a priest."

"Exactly, my dear!"

Lani continued, "And if bedding equals a marriage," a little blush here, "then I would be your wife as much as his, and my mother married a hundred times over"

He smiled and blushed just slightly. "You've made an excellent point. In fact, they're be far more weddings taking place in the dockside brothels every night then in a week of Sundays at the local parish!"

Lani nodded, "Mother was a whore for the best part of fifty years. She had a new lover every night. That would be a lot of husbands..."

He looked down and took her hand once again. "Your life must have been difficult, m'lady; and I greatly regret that I have not treated you well. However, sometimes good things can spring up from the worst of situations. M'lady, I have missed you since you've left Longden Castle. I must admit, you have touched my heart in ways I never thought possible. The fact that you are not legally married is, I confess, a relief to me." He smiled at her, admiring the beauty that had caught his attention from his very first look upon her.

Lani had a little soft blush, before she?s up again rushing across the floor to the small bath behind the bedroom, to again be ill.

He understood what she was going through and allowed her the privacy at this time. He remained sitting, waiting for her return. The news of her pregnancy and the state of her "marriage" gives him hope that perhaps she would allow him to court her.

When she returned she really could give Specter, the little albino puppy, competition; eyes red from crying and skin pale as milk, looking drained and exhausted.

Talomar saw her return and his heart went out to Lani. He stood and walked to her and held out his arms. "Please, m'lady, if I'm not too bold in asking, may I hold you?"

A simply surprised blink at the man before another small wave of dizziness takes her, causing her to wobble precariously where she stands removing for the moment her ability to do anything but try not to fall on her face. A soft moan slipped from her lips.

Not waiting a second more, he stooped and picked her up into his strong arms. He held her close and kissed her hair. "I'm going to bring you to your bed, m'lady. You must rest." He took her back into her bedroom and laid her carefully upon her bed, then pulled up a quilt and tucked it around her. He pulled over a chair and sat next to the bed. "M'lady, I'll stay here with you until you have someone come who will attend to your needs. You do have someone to help you, right?" He suddenly wondered if his assumption of her having an attendant could be misconstrued.

"I... There... there is no one" Blue eyes averted a strange confused and somewhat guilty expression in them.

(To be Continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 00:59 EST

(from rp, posted with permission of those involved)

He put his hand upon her forehead and brushed her hair back, then went to the bathroom and came back with a wet and rung-out washcloth that he folded and laid across her forehead. He then took her hand into his and rubbed it gently. "M'lady, I'm very concerned both for your health and the health of the child. You should not be here with no one to attend to you and assist with your chores. May I please make a suggestion? I would like for you to stay at my manor. We can bring your horse, your dogs, all of your belongings that you desire. You'd have an entire suite and ladies to attend to you. Furthermore, you would have your freedom to come or go as you wish. You already know how we took excellent care of your horse. We'd do the same for all your friends here." He smiled. "Of course, it's totally your decision."

"I sent Jade away since she was never really mine." She really looked to be thinking this over. Her eyes darted around the bedroom then to the apple pie colored kitten napping at the foot of the bed.

Talomar smiled and reached over and petted the cat. She can come too. I'll have Philippe send over a team of servants with a wagon and make sure that not one of them is left to fend for themselves. If you would like to have Jade, I'll see if I can make arrangements to purchase him for you. If that is not an option," he shrugged, "I have a beautiful white mare that desperately needs a loving owner. What do you say, milady? Would you allow me to help you and our child?"

"You seem so sure it is your child. Earen, I think he had nothing but doubts.?

Talomar nodded and looked down. "I'm sorry, milady." He was hesitant to use her name for it seemed to informal for their relationship. "Perhaps it's just that I desire so much for the child you are carrying to be mine, that in my wanting, I hope to make it so. Forgive me for my presumptions, but if I'm the father of your child, I couldn't be happier."

Lani gave soft sigh. "I truly wish there were some way to know." She watches him petting the kitten wondering a bit at that, Cinnamon was constantly attacking Earen, and yet had made no move to bite his hand.

Talomar Longden thought a bit and then looked at her and smiled. "Perhaps there is a way. A man in my position has many connections, as you can imagine. I do know of a woman who has very special abilities in healing and discernment. I believe that she would be able to tell you whether or not I am the father. Of course, that would be confirmed at birth should the ears be pointy." He smiled down upon Lani as he removed the washcloth from her forehead and washed her wrists.

Lani had: a look of decision on her face, and a nod "Will you take me to see her?"

"Better yet. If you agree to stay at my manor until the child is born, I'll have her come there immediately and attend to you. It's much easier that way since where she lives is far and not an easy journey."

Lani Wintermorn nodded,. "Alright. I was to use Earendur's sister as my midwife, but I do not feel comfortable asking her for help when I told him to leave."

"Of course. That would be most awkward." He smiled, "I'm so happy that you'll come to be my guest. It will be your home as much as mine, and I'll give the staff instructions that any word from you will be as if I myself am speaking it." He kissed the back of her hand. "Do you think you could ride with me, or should I return with a carriage?"

"I can ride, but the puppy and the kitten; we have to bring them with us."

"Of course! Would they travel in a basket, or upon your lap?"

Cinnamon likes to ride in my pocket and Specter says the basket would be much better than Earendur?s saddlebag. The other dog, Earen bought her to guard the house.

Talomar grinned, "Then Spector shall have the most comfortable basket we can provide, for he's the boss. As for the other dog, I would not like to be cruel and leave him here alone. Perhaps he'd follow us and we can care for him until you have opportunity to bring him to the inn and return him to Earen, if that is your wish."

?The inn is only a few minutes ride from here, we could take him there and return her to Earen now."

"Okay. Then that is what we shall do," he smiled. He liked a woman who was both intelligent and practical, and Lani was demonstrating that she was both. "Let's get ready so that we can be at the castle before the sun sets."

Lani sat up slowly and moved to the chest at the foot of her bed, opened it and selected out only the clothes she had made or purchased for herself, and tossed the scant selection in a tattered leather satchel.

Talomar found a basket near the kitchen and put what looked to be Spector's favorite blanket into it. "There, Spector. That should make you right at home for our journey!"

Lani?s packing did not take her very long at all to accomplish, pausing a moment by the writing desk where she slipped the silver ring off her finger and left it lying on the open book, before joining Talomar and the puppy in the kitchen. Soon they were on their way to the Inn.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 02:20 EST

(posted from rp)

Talomar Longden opened the door and walked into the Inn with Eiellani upon his arm. The dog followed at his heels. A slight nervous smile came from Lani as she glanced around the room, ?Do you think he?s here this time, m'lord??

Talomar looked around for the elven cad. ?It appears not, m'lady; but perhaps he'll arrive soon. May I order you a drink and perhaps a little to eat? I know it's not easy to travel in your condition, and I want to make sure you remain hydrated.

Eiellani Rose nodded, ?Some cider would be nice, and perhaps something light to eat. She bent down to whisper to the dog, telling her to go lie down on the hearth.

Talomar Longden remembered the last time he was here, when he first saw the Lady Eiellani. He turned to her, pushing aside the black cape he wore over his shoulders, ?Of course, but let me first seat you. A mother-to-be should not be standing for too long.? He led her to a table and pulled out a chair. He noticed a man (Robert Reynolds) who was approaching his seat at the bar.

Lani slid into the chair with another shy smile. ?Thank you m'lord.?

Count Talomar Longden ordered that two glasses of cider and some club sandwiches be brought from the kitchen. He sat across from Lani and the food and drink was quickly delivered. He nodded his appreciation and handed Eiellani her glass and he lifted his own. ?To a healthy child and mother.?

Eiellani Rose blushed, ?I pray so M'lord. I hope the illness passes as quickly as your healer said it should.?

Earendur Pallanen entered and looked at Robert, then at his wife with the other man; stiffening, his slight smile disappearing as he stepped further inside, holding his hands at his side. The dog on the hearth gave a sharp bark at the elf, while Robert looked at his friend in confusion, following his gaze to the elf and the other man, then at the barking dog.

Talomar smiled at Lani. ?You've made me very happy, milady. I wish to make you just as happy.? He heard the dog and looks to the door, ?Oh, look who's here? How fortunate,? he said mockingly.

Earendur approached their table, ?Eiellani, what?s going on?? he asked softly.

Talomar Longden leaned back in his chair, smiled at the Lady Eiellani, and pulled a cigar out from his pocket. ?If you wouldn't mind, my dear??

Lani inclined her head, ?As you wish m'lord.?

(to be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 02:22 EST

Earendur glanced at Talomar angrily, but still did not speak an ill word. Talomar looked over at Earen, ?We were hoping you'd be here. Care to take a seat?? He motioned to a chair as he lit the cigar, blowing the smoke away from Eiellani.? The dog came from the hearth to nudge against Earendur and whine softly. He pushed the animal back, speaking soft elvish and the big animal laid at his side, his blue eyes never leave Eiel's.


Talomar puffed on the cigar, held between his thumb and two fingers. ?M'lady, Eiellani, do you wish to break the news or should I??

? Earendur,? Lani acknowledged him as she turned her attention to picking at her lunch. ?You may M'lord.?

? I will not hear you,? he snapped at Talomar, ?any word will come from my wife.?

?You're wife? I do not believe that is the case, sir. She never accepted your proposal, and legally, you are very...not married.?

Earendur ignored Talomar, ?Eiellani??

She seemed to be devoting her attention to her meal, picking at it since her appetite was now gone.

?Anyway,? Talomar went on, amused at the way the little elf lad was behaving, ?the lady is now staying with me until the child is born, and hopefully forever. Oh yes, and by the way, we had a special healer attend to her, one with great magical gives of discernment. She confirmed that the child milady carries is not yours but mine.? He puffed on his cigar, smiled at the Lady and gave her a wink. ?She will make a wonderful mother, don't you think

Earen looked to Lani, ?If you are leaving me, then have the decency to tell it to my face Eiellani, you owe me that much.?

?My child deserves to be raised by its father,? she replied softly, ?and M'lord Longden is good to me.?

? Oh yes, he rapes you and slices your leg and tattoos you like some piece of property. Such love I have never seen.?

Talomar smirked, ?I shall never forgive you for making me do that to her. It was all your doing. Now I shall spend my days making it up to milady.?

Lani said, ?He treats me as a person and not as a piece of property to be jealously guarded and kept from the outside world.?

?I only tried to protect you, Eiellani, and give you the world, but that?s fine, I will take what is mine and go, the ring on your finger please, and the kitten as well.?

Eiellani Rose placed her bare hands placed on the table. ?The ring is in your house, the kitten is a free being and will live where he wills.?

Talomar listened, and then joined in, ?You make have the dog here. M'lady would like that little black colt. You may have it delivered to the Inn and we shall pick it up

(To be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 02:23 EST

?My your soul rot in the hell fires of Mordor, for no forgiveness will ever be enough to save you, The horse is mine, you will not see it. Nor will you see Jade or her colt, Nightshade and Jade will both be going with me.You have taken my heart, you will give me no command.?

Lani winced and Talomar blew cigar smoke toward Earen, ?Such anger, quite unbecoming. Appalling really. No wonder she couldn?t stand being with you.?

Earendur continued, ?I have given all I have know to give, may you be as comfortable in your knew home as you were in my fathers, with servants and care takers, interesting how his are better then mine ever were.?

Lani paled and turned away. ?Actually, they are far better than yours,? Talomar commented as he dropped the cigar to the floor and stepped on it.

Earendur stood. ?Good day then, I hope you get use of the trane I had retrieved for you.

Talomar watched Earen hurt the one he had supposedly loved.

Earendur went on, ?I loved you Eiellani, I would have given you the world, but you threw it back at me, I would never have raised hand to you, but you will marry this monster, I hope someday, maybe after he dies, that you will come to realize what you have done, and what he has done to you.? He spoke a sharp word to the dog and she heads out the door where he turned to Robert, ?I will guild you to my home.? He moved to his own horse and paused looking back at the inn, his heart aching, ?I can't believe she did that, what the hell did I do wrong? Should I have raped her like he did??

She choked stifled sob still facing away from the men.

Talomar Longden sighed and shook his head. ?I do think he would have treated you as he treats his dog...whistle for you and expect you to follow.? He stood and walked over to Lady Eiellani, and offered her his hand. ?Please, dear one, let's arise and go home. You shall have a horse unlike any other...and anything else you may want.?

Lani shook and nodded as she slipped her delicate hand in his. ?Yes please, take me home.?

(To be continued. . .)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-02 02:23 EST

Talomar helped her to stand, his arm going around her body. He walked her out of the Inn and to the waiting carriage. He helped her up and closed her door, then went around to the other side and ordered the driver to head back to the castle. He sat next to Lani and took her hand in his. She leaned into his shoulder weak and shaking now. Talomar placed a tender kiss upon her forehead and said softly, ?It will be alright, my dear. That was quite cruel what he did to you. I would have killed him had he not been special to you at one time.?

Lani whispered, ?Why would he think he could take Cinnamon?

?I don't know. I just can't understand his thinking. That was so uncalled for.?

?Nightshade wont be happy, the poor colt. He doesn?t trust males at all.?

Talomar nodded and looked down upon her face - a face so beautiful and sweet, ?Perhaps he'll change his mind about the colt after the hurt subsides. If not, you can have your choice of horse from my stables.? He considered to himself just having the pitiful fool murdered and the horses taken. Lani wouldn?t need to know. He pondered the thought and would bring it up to Philippe.

Lani sighed softly, ?They aren?t just horses, they?re my friends. I will miss jade...but she is very much Earens horse.?

Talomar brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly, ?Then I shall speak to Earen when he's in a more receptive mood. This must all be so difficult for you, m'lady. If there is anything I can do to make it easier, promise me that you'll let me know.?

?Why do men treat horses as though they are possesions?

?Why? This is a good question. What bothers me even more is that some men treat women as possessions. I think he would have treated you as he treats horses - as a possession. That would break my heart.?

Lani agreed, ?He did treat me just as he treats jade.?

He held her hand in both of his, looked into her yes through his long dark hair, ?I'll never treat you that way. I promise.?

She sighed, ?I appreciate that, M'lord.?

They journeyed the remainder of the way to the castle in silence. Lani leaned against Talomar and slept while he kept her in his embrace. She was beginning to trust him.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-05 01:27 EST
Count Talomar Longden, having finished business transactions in town, came into the inn. He was impeccably dressed. The door opened and he stood there, observing for a moment before entering. Lani gave a soft sigh and a small shy smile to the man at the door. ?M'lord!?

?M'lady, you look ravishing." He walked up to his lady and took her hand into his right, his left hand behind his back as he bowed to kiss her hand. ?Have you had a good day while I attended my dull and quite boring business??

She had another shy smile and a blush. ?I did. I went to the weavers to look at cloth samples for the nursery.

He smiled, pleased that she is already attentive to the needs of their child. ?How nice; and did you find anything that appeared suitable?

Lani showed him the small box of cloth scraps careful to make sure the item in the bottom of the box is covered. ?We need to select a room before I can make any decisions. I also saw the most beautiful cradle but I did not want to purchase it without asking your
Opinion, for you may have some family heirloom you wish to use.?

Talomar looked down at the small box of samples and absently fingered through them. ?I have not thought of the nursery. Forgive me for being such a novice regarding being a father. If you should see a suitable room, please let me know.? He released the fabrics having shown the necessary interest. ?These are all nice. You have good taste, my dear.?

?A cradle? Yes. I suppose our child will indeed need such a thing. I would love to see what you have picked out, for I'm sure there are no cradles in Longden Castle. A child has not been born there in a very long time.?

?It really is a beautiful thing. It?s made of a polished black walnut, carved with roses
that someone has painted crimson edged white.?

Talomar took both of her hands into his and kissed each one. ?How did I get to be such a blessed man? I will never deserve you. I would love to see it. And these fabrics are all beautiful. Do you have a favorite?

Lani pulled out a deep blue piece patterned in stars, a soft white gauze embroidered with rosebuds, and the small wrapped package which she laid before him.He picked up the two pieces of fabrics and examined them, ?I like them both. Stars against a deep blue sky. I like the night. And rosebuds...perfect, for you are my rose. He then picked up the wrapped package. ?And what's this??

Lady Longden blushed, ?A gift.?

The package fit easily into the palm of his hand, perfectly square and small, wrapped in a scrap of rose colored velvet and tied with a black ribbon. ?A gift? Who is it for??

?For you. Is it not traditional to give gifts when you pledge to wed another??

Talomar was deeply touched, ?You are too good to me, my dearest lady. And you have caught me off guard for I do not have with me my gift for you.? He smiled and looked that the little box wrapped so nicely. He pulled on the black ribbon, loosening it. Then opened the box, which was a smooth wood lacquered black and painted in gold with a crane under a willow tree, inside the box was a small gold pocket watch, the cover engraved with a rose in the talons of an eagle. His eyes widened and he was truly impressed, which was nearly impossible to do to him. ?My word! I'm speechless.?

Talomar took out the pocket watch and opened it. ?It?s set to the correct time. My dear, I shall treasure this all the days of my life.

The pleasant pink of her blush would be a most welcome change from the paleness that so recently seemed to linger on her cheeks. Talomar bent down and placed a kiss upon her cheek, then whispered in her ear, ?You are already spoiling me. I absolutely love the gift.?

?I?m pleased that you like it m'lord. I?m afraid I annoyed Lilia, spending hours in the market to chose just the right gift.?

?Well, I couldn't be more pleased...both with the gift, and with the beautiful woman who has given it to me.?

She had a rather shy smile. ?To tell you true, M'lord, you terrify me at times.?

Talomar slipped his arm around her, ?That is something that I hope to remedy over time.?
He was concerned that if she really knew all there is to know about him, she'd REALLY be terrified.

?As do I. No child deserves to grow up in a home where its parent can scarce tolerate each other... and i willna raise my baby that way.?

? I agree fully, my dear. Perhaps we should have more time together so that we might become better acquainted; and I don't mean just those dull and formal dinner times at the castle. How about I take you to a special place for dinner this eve? Would you permit me that honor??

?I would like that M'lord.?

?Very well. This is what we shall do. We'll head back to the castle now. Then at the hour of 5 we will return to the city and you can show me that cradle. Following that we shall go to dinner.? His decision was not given as a choice, but as in indisputable fact of what they would be doing. He offered her his arm and they left the Inn to head back to the castle.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-05 01:34 EST
Early that evening. . .

Philippe knocked on the door of Lani's suite and spoke to Lillia in whispers. "Master is waiting for Lady Wintermorn in the Grand Hall. Please have her come down as soon as she's ready." He left promptly after delivering the message.

Lilia half shut the door behind him and moved to fuss once more over Lani's dress. "Oh Milady I truly think you should have worn the blue one, it would have looked so pretty with your eyes!"

Lani made an impatient gesture to the maid, "I told you I wanted to wear this one. It suits my mood." The skirt on the scarlet and black dress twitched into place, and the elfess is slipping out the door into the hallway.

Count Talomar paced in the Great Hall, then walked to the base of the marble grand stairway. He had a lot on his mind and for some strange reason he found himself a bit nervous.

Lilia continued to fuss at Eiellani as she led her down the halls to the top of the staircase, making the young elf suppress a smirk at the girl?s behavior. "Lilia! I'm a grown woman not a toddling baby, I know better that to trip on my skirts and tear my hem!" This stated as she reached the top of the staircase and lifted the trailing hem of her skirt up. The dress was simple, a soft scarlet velvet topped with a fine black lace, empire waisted and quite the fashion, and not a bit of glitter to be seen. Despite her words to the maid as she made to descend the stairs one slippered foot catches on the hem of the skirt causing her to stumble just a bit quickly catching her balance by clutching the banister.

Count Longden waiting at the bottom up the stairs, and looked up at her as she approached. He was dressed in a ruffled white shirt beneath a black vest and a tailored black jacket. He had an ascot about his next and a matching handkerchief in his jacket pocket. Black plants and spit shined shoes completed the outfit - except for the gold chain that went to the gold pocket watch that was nestled in his vest pocket. As she approached he pulled out the watch, opened it, and looked at the time. "My dearest lady, you are exactly on time. Very well done...very well indeed."

A whispered soft giggle, "If Lilia had had her way I would have been fifteen minutes early... she seems to have a deathly fear of you being displeased if I am a breath late."

Talomar grinned. "Well I would be. She is quite correct in that. For if you were late that would mean that I would miss some very precious moments with a woman who means so much to me." He smiled. "Besides, you're never late, and I doubt you ever will be."

?Yes but she seems to think you would punish her for it! I make no promises about being on time when I am huge with our child and stumbling around like an overstuffed goose."

He smiled and took her hand, not letting on that Lillia would indeed have been punished quite severely, for he would not tolerate tardiness in any form, from anyone. "You look lovely tonight my dear, absolutely ravishing." He grinned and looked down at his vest pocket. "Have you noticed what I am wearing?"

"Indeed! And I am quite delighted you found my gift quite pleasing M'lord Have you found the inscription yet?"

He smiled broadly. 'Indeed I have. The gift of time, very nice indeed." She didn't realize of course, just how accurate the description was. He took her hand in his. "Come, our carriage is waiting just outside."

She gathered the black lace of her shawl closer around her and allows herself to be escorted to the carriage.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-05 01:47 EST
The ride to the city was pleasant, with conversation covering a multitude of topics. The driver stopped the carriage in the town square according to Talomar's instructions. He then opened the lady's door and would help both her and Talomar out and safely to the street. The oil lamps were lit and the city was bustling with activity. Lord Talomar again looked at the gold watch, "We have 46 minutes until our dinner reservations. So, let me see that cradle that caught your eye."

A bright smile came upon her face as she pointed down the street to a small antiques shop. "I saw it in there, the shop owner said he would hold it for me until you could see it"

"Well then, let's not keep him waiting." He offered her his arm, and they began to walk down the street. "Are you cold, my dear. There's a bit of a fall nip in the air this night."

"No M'lord.. I find myself always a bit too warm these days." The little bell on the shop doors as it open at their approach, and a little old bent-back man smiled at the pair of them.

"Ah Milady has a dutiful husband that you are back so soon! Come in Come In! I had the boy move the cradle into the store room... and found something else you might like."

Talomar spoke right up, "We would like to see the original cradle that my wife has admired. If you wouldn't mind having it brought back out, thank you." Without waiting for an answer, Longden began to look around the shop, examining a thing here and a thing there.

"Of course not, Sir.. I merely had it moved for safekeeping, along with the matching rocking chair the boy found in the back. I thought the rocker might please Milady"

"Yes, of course it would. We would like to see both, wouldn't we, my dear." It was not really a question but a statement.

If the smile on her lips was any indication the idea of the rocker, it did indeed please her. A thick muscled boy moves into the storeroom to retrieve the cradle and rocker, both covered with white dust sheets. The shopkeeper babbled on not seeming to have noticed Talomar's tone. "I'm afraid the rocker has not been cleaned up yet, it had not been brought to the sales floor yet."

"No matter,? Talomar said as he put a trinket back onto its shelf. If we like it I'm sure you'll give it the care it deserves."

Both items were swiftly settled in front of the pair and the dust sheet first swept from the cradle. The cradle is an elaborate thing, made of black walnut stained dark, carved with a pattern of climbing roses each delicately painted white and edged in crimson. A little puff of dust came up when the dust sheet was pulled from the rocker, causing Lani to cough a bit and press a hand delicately to her mouth.

Talomar looked at Lani and winked. "I think you would look the perfect mother in a rocker with our child." He turned to the man. "Be careful with that dust! You?re making my wife cough!"

They apologized and finished setting up the goods. The rocking chair was nearly more elaborate than the cradle. The slats at the back each a finely turned spiral again carved with those painted roses, and the head of the backrest carved into a pair of nesting doves heads bowed over a nest full of sleeping chicks.

Talomar looked over the cradle with his hand to his chin as he examined it in detail. He then roamed over to the chair. "Hmmm...not bad...." He looked to Lani, "What do you think, my dear. Would this be suitable?"

A soft almost dovelike coo of delight slips from her lips the girl reaching out to touch the dusty carving. "Oh... It would be perfect M'lord"

"You think so? I want you to be fully satisfied. Don't sacrifice anything for my sake, but if you are sure...?"
Lani nodded eagerly her eyes bright and more excited than they have been in days. "Oh yes, they will go beautifully in the room I have in mind, with curtains and canopies of that rose embroidered gauze..." It?s fairly obvious that she is already dreaming this out in her head.

Talomar had to smile, loving her enthusiasm. "Well then, it looks like we needn't look further." He turned to the shopkeeper. "Have them cleaned and polished and I'll have a carriage here tomorrow to transport them. You'll be paid at that time.?

The bent old shopkeeper smiles brightly "As you will Milord. I am pleased Milady approves of them" He motioned and the shop boy covered the cradle and rocker again and carried them back into the storeroom.

"Make sure they are well shined. Nothing is too good for my wife." Talomar looked at Lani. "Looks like our shopping is already done. We can take a leisurely stroll to the restaurant."

Lani has a soft dreamy smile, "Do you truly like them M'lord?" She shyly slipped her hand in his letting him lead her from the shop. "Where are we dining tonight?"

"I love them, Lani. Once again you have shown your taste to be impeccable. I know a nice little restaurant on the east side of town, The Fountain Bleu. I'm sure you will like it." He walked along the street with her arm on his. "I hope you don't mind that I called you my wife in there. It seemed the appropriate thing to do."

"Not in the least M'lord... The man might think it odd were we to..." a soft blush came "protest the state of wedlock with a babe on the way."

"Exactly," he said as he patted her hand. They walked along the streets and looked into various shop windows. He was careful not to bring her to a window where there were shiny things displayed.

Lani lingered a moment at the window of a shop selling sot stuffed toys before moving on talking softly as they wander. "You know, Earendur never took me to dine anywhere. I don't believe anyone ever did."

"Really? I?m surprised. We'll we are going to remedy that in spades. I want to show you off to the world. I'm very proud to have you at my side, Lani. I've never before said that to anyone."

The elfess looked surprised for a moment. "Really? Why is that M'lord.. I am nothing special."

"You, my dear, are very special. More special than you obviously realize." He stopped to point out the restaurant. "Ah...we are here already."

Blue eyes scanned the restaurant curiously, her fingers tightening in his for just a moment until she got a feel of the place. The restaurant had a brightly lit fountain in front. There was a circular drive around the fountain where carriages could drive up to the front door.
As they walked to the front door a man in black tails met them and bowed, "Count Talomar. How nice to see you again. Come this way, we have your table ready for you." He bowed to Lani, "Good eve, Countess Longden. You look radiant this eve."

Again the night found her pale cheeks flushing with color before she whispered a soft "Thank you," before turning her eyes to Talomar, "Countess?"

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-05 03:12 EST
Talomar gave Lani a look that said, 'Don't say anything,' he then turned to the head waiter, "I expect that you reserved that secluded table near the back gardens for the Countess and I. It's such a pretty view, and I love the way you use lights in the trees and shine the colors on the shrubbery. Very nice indeed."

"Of course, Count Londen. Come right this way." The restaurant was filled with people, every table occupied, and every table lit with a candle. Other than the candlelight, all other lighting in the restaurant was very subdued. Certain people greeted Talomar as he and Lani walked past their tables. Lani moved slightly closer to Talomar with each greeting, feeling oddly shy of these strangers and somewhat as if she were an object on display. They came to an empty table by a large picture window. The waiter held out the chair for Lani to sit. Again she gathered her shawl around her so as not to get it tangled as she slides into the chair quietly thanking the waiter.

Talomar attended to his own chair and the waiter lit the candle. "Your server will soon be with you," he said before bowing and departing back to the front of the restaurant. Talomar and Lani looked upon each other in the glow of the candlelight. Outside the window was a beautiful garden all lit up. In the center was another fountain, whose water was blue from the colored lights.

"This place is wonderful M'lord.. everything is so beautiful, like the fairytales my guardian told me as a child" Again those wide blue eyes dance over her surroundings "But I confess to being taken off guard at being called a Countess."

Talomar smiled and reached across the table for her hands. "I'm truly sorry about that. He had just assumed that we were married. I'm afraid that at some point, that title will actually apply." He shrugged, "But what's a title anyway. You can wear it, but it doesn't keep you warm. You can savor it, yet it will not fill your stomach." Just then the server came with Talomar's favorite wine.

"Very true, M'lord. I was just not expecting it."

"I don't think a glass or two of wine will be harmful to the baby, so please drink with me. This will be a night to remember." The server opened the bottle and poured two glasses of wine, bowed and departed. Talomar picked up his glass. "Let's toast the evening."

Lani picked up her glass and took a small sniff, paling just a bit and swiftly setting it back down. "Would you be horribly offended if I asked for milk instead? I have never been fond of wine and lately I can not seem to abide even the smell"

At another time he might have been very offended and forced her to drink the wine, or perhaps punished her when they got home, but this night was different. He smiled and snapped his fingers. Immediately the waiter returned. Talomar spoke, "I'm sorry, I've been so inconsiderate of my lady's condition. She's with child. Would you get her a glass of milk instead? I'll keep the wine." The server immediately complied and soon returned and set a glass of milk in front of Lani.

"Thank you Talomar. I really am sorry to be such an inconvenience at times" She reaches impulsively across the table and brushes her fingertips across the back of his hand "You are so very patient with me."

"Nonsense, you are never an inconvenience. I should have been considerate of your feelings. While we are on the subject, is there anything you cannot eat? Do you have any favorites? See, there is so much I really need to get to know about you."

"I have not had much of an appetite of late, but simple plain foods seem to agree with me best; nothing heavily spiced or bitter. And I have had the most astonishing craving for fresh oranges."

"Excellent, my darling," he said as he played with her fingers with his own. When the waiter came Talomar ordered the Mandarin Orange Chicken, with the chicken fully skinned so that there would be less grease. It would come with green vegetables, small white potatoes cooked in the orange sauce, and small flakey rolls on the side.

Lani gazed almost fascinated at the spot where their fingers were joined, amazed at the easy comfort she actually felt in his presence. Another small soft smile drifted across her lips, almost as if she where trying poorly to contain a secret there.

"May I ask you a question M'lord?"

"No, my dearest, I must first ask you a question. There is something that I must do. This has been on my mind all day."

Talomar stood up and looked down upon her, his long black hair laying down upon his shoulders, his dark as coal eyes shining in the candlelight. He walked to her side and knelt down by her chair. "Eiellani Wintermorn, I fear I am not the tenderest of men, and perhaps not the most romantic; but I have come to truly fall in love with you. I am so pleased that you carry my child. I could not ask for a better mother of my child." He paused a bit and took her hand in his. "I also could not ask for a better wife, but I want that only if you do in your heart. Therefore, Lani, I humbly ask if you would give me your hand in marriage, and become my wife."

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-05 03:45 EST
Again soft color stains her pale cheeks, and a slight misty look comes to her eyes. "I cannot claim to love you with my whole heart M'lord Longden, for it has been so torn and muddled of late. But I have come to have a genuine liking for you Talomar. You treat me as though I truly were your countess and not the lowborn daughter of a whore that I was raised to believe I was. If you can truly love me despite all my faults, then I would be pleased to be your wife."

Talomar slowly rose from his knees and touched her face with his hand, "I can truly love you, and in my eyes you have no fault within you." He moved his head toward her and placed a tender kiss upon her lips.

Lani allowed her lips to linger against his for a moment, almost as if she were testing the feel of them there, before pulling back with a shy smile. "May I ask my question now, Talomar?"

He smiled and sat back down. "Of course, my lady," he said as he reached into his pocket and removed a small box. "What would you like to know?"

"I would like to know why you were so surprised at my gift."

He nodded and smiled, "That is an excellent question. I will tell you why. First of all, I was surprised that you would get me a gift, for I feel that I still don't deserve you or the kindness you show me. Secondly, I used to own a pocket watch that was given to me by my father. Long ago it was lost at sea when I was making a voyage upon very rough seas. To this day I don't know if it came loose from its chain or if it was stolen. I have regretted it's loss and always wanted to replace it. When I opened your gift, it was as if you had read my mind and understood my deepest longings."

"You gave me kindness and support when I most needed it.. you are the father of my unborn child... why would I not show you kindness in return?"

He again reached across the table and took her hands in his. "It is my own guilt that I am dealing with. It may take me some time." He gave her a half smile and shrugged, "But tonight is a time for celebration. Now, I know that you cannot bare things that glitter and a diamond ring would certainly fall into that category. So until the day when glitter doesn't bother you anymore, I have a one-of-a-kind engagement ring. He handed her the small box. When opened it would reveal a magnificent ring made entirely of moonstone. It would not glitter, but it would reveal different colors and hues depending on the light and angle it was viewed. To have a ring of this nature, it was crafted from a single, large moonstone of exceptional quality. He waited for her to open the box, hoping that it would be suitable...for now.

Lani opened the box cautiously, peering inside, almost as if expecting a spider to pop out, a soft pleased gasp slipping from her lips at the moonstone "Why it?s positively magical M'lord!"

His eyes were wide with expectation, so wanting it to be okay for her. "Here...please...if it's okay, allow me to slip it onto your finger."

"You have no idea how pleased I am that it is not a ruby." Box and the appropriate hand offered over with a smile "Rubies frighten me most of all. Did you know fire beetles look like rubies?"

He took the ring from the box and took her left hand in his. "No, I didn't," he said as he carefully slipped the ring upon her finger. "I was not aware that rubies frighten you the most, but at such time when diamonds are okay for you, I will have a magnificent one attached to his ring.

I have never had a diamond bite me.... a jeweled asp... the glimmering acid moths... and of course the fire beetles...

"You must tell me about this. I was unsure, so I took no chance. If diamonds are not abhorrent to you, you will have the most beautiful ring for our wedding, one that will also replace this one." At that moment their food arrived and was set before them.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-16 03:03 EST
It was night, and a candle in the hallway flickers and went out. From the depths of the dark recesses of the hallway, Lord Talomar Longden suddenly appeared. He walked toward Lani's suite in the main wing of the castle and the candle is lit again. In moments he is in the carpeted hallway at the entrance to her suite. He smiled and knockd on the door of the outer room. "Milady. It is your betrothed, come to pay you a visit," he announces through the door.

The girl settled in near the suites small fireplace glances up from her book a slightly surprised look at the door before calling out softly. "Come in Talomar."

The door swung open and Talomar stood there, tall, dressed in a white silk shirt with lace at the cuffs, the neck is open and a gold chain is revealed as it hangs from his neck. His pants are black and tight, he wears boots that come only a little above the ankles and are covered by the cuffs of his pants. His smile outshines his jewelry.

She had not been expecting company this late in the evening so she is hardly dressed for the occasion. wearing only a thin nightdress covered by a warm bed robe, hair unbound and tumbling around her shoulders. "This is a surprise, M'lord... and a pleasure."

"Oh no, dearest angel. The pleasure is mine." He walked up to her and took her hand in his and kissed it. "You are so beautiful." His hand touched her hair. "You make me feel like a young man, feeling love for the first time."

A faint flush stains her cheeks at the compliment, she leaves her hand lying in his fingers curling softly into his, in a barely felt caress. "What brings you here this late? I'm afraid I did not expect you coming... I am rather unkempt at the moment."

"Unkempt? You look ravished, my beloved," he said with his dark eyes peering though his long back hair. He placed a soft kiss upon Lani's cheek and then whispered into her elfin ear, "I would love to see the work that has kept you so busy in the nursery."

That earned him a bright smile and a breathless delighted giggle from Lani. "Truly? Lilia and I had a wager that you would not come to see the nursery before the babe was born... She owes me a set of new hair combs now."

He laughed and his dark eyes shined from the light of the fireplace. He placed a kiss upon her forehead. "I've been dying to see it. It's been so frustrating to have my work keep me from being here. I would have loved to have done some of it together." He smiled, "Lilia better make a present of very nice combs or I'll be docking her pay."

"Oh! Don?t do that! It was just a friendly wager... I really don't even care if she makes good at all." She smiled up at him before sliding to her feet from the depths of her chair. "We chose a room not three doors down from here for the baby. I hope you will be pleased with what we have done."

"I'm sure I will be. Come; show me what you've done." He held out his arm for her to take and lead him through her suit. His black hair was laying upon his shoulders, at times covering part of his face in quite a sexy way. He turned his head to Lani as they walked, his voice was soft, "I've missed you, my darling. Minutes away from you feel like hours, and hours seem like years."

Lani leaned most willingly on his arm a curious look in her blue eyes at his words. "We still need to have some form of lighting installed in the room.. Candles really are not safe for an infant." Pausing in front of a doorway, that is indeed three doors down from her suite and across the hall. "This is it M'lord"

Talomar nodded agreement at the mention of lighting, and then reached out and opened the door when they came to it. "You first, my love." He bowed for her to enter first, and then followed her inside.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-16 03:04 EST
Once inside she moved about the room lighting the few candles that had been left there, their flickering light casting a warm yellow glow about the room. New curtains had been hung on the windows, and the glass paned door to the small balcony beyond, the door was propped open perhaps to air the room, the curtains blowing in the breeze setting the tiny silver bells sewn to the hems singing.

In an alcove by the unlit fireplace rests the carved wooden cradle a round mosquito net style canopy hanging around it, the alternating panels of white rose speckled gauze and soft midnight silk falling from ceiling to floor.

Talomar put his hand to his chin and just looked around, taking it all in. He walked around without saying anything at first. Then he could contain his pleasure no longer. He took Lani into his arms and lifted her up, turning them in a circle, "I am so impressed! I love it!" He smiled at her, "And I love you, my darling."

For the second time that night he has her blushing. "You truly like it? I was so worried, especially when Philippe complained of me taking furnishings from other parts of the castle."

Talomar held her close. "I like it very much. It couldn't be better." He suddenly stopped. "What furnishes, my dear?"

"Well, there was that mirror," Pointing to the freestanding looking glass, "And the wardrobe over there... and the two bookcases. They seemed almost made to suit with the carvings on the cradle." Vague motions of her hand as she mentions each item. "I really did not see reason to purchase new things when the caste was full of beautiful things that no one was using"

His eyes suddenly widen as he notices the bookcases. He whispers far to low to be heard, "Dominique's bookcases!" He rushed over and looked at them to be sure. "Who? Who brought these here? Have to been the room at the top of the back stairs?"

Lani had a startled look. "Two of the serving boys from the kitchens helped me move them... and of course I was in that little office.. how else would I have found them?" Startled turns to puzzled "Have I done wrong M'lord?"

He didn't know what to say. He quickly tried to gather his thoughts. She had no idea what she had done. He slowly rose up from the crouched position he used to examine the bookcases, then walked to Lani and took her in his arms. His hand moved through her hair. "My love, you can do nothing wrong in my eyes." He knew she didn't mean it. She couldn't have known what she had done, nor the danger she had been in. His hand caressed her cheek. "I just get worried when you go into some of the old rooms. This is a very old castle and some of those rooms are dangerous. I was just afraid for you. I wouldn't want my future wife and the woman whom I love with all my heart to be hurt. You just frightened me." He made a mental note about the two boys from the kitchen staff.

"Oh... well the room seemed safe enough... except for the mice. I thought it might be nice to clean it up and use it for an office if Philippe is going to continue to plague me about budgets and menus!"

His hands went to both sides of her face and held her lovingly, his face outlined by his black hair, "There are things that can be dangerous even when they seem safe. I can't explain it now, but that can be a very dangerous room. Besides, if you're up there you'll be too far from our child. How about we turn one of the rooms in your suite into your private office?"

A soft sigh..."but the views from the tower window were so pretty." She had a resigned look "As you wish."

"It is for the best, darling. Trust me on that. There are only a few areas of the castle that you should avoid for your own safety. Any place below the main floor and any tower rooms tend to be particular dangerous and unpleasant." His look softened. "I love you, Lani. I want you to be safe and happy."

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-16 03:05 EST
Lani nodded, biting her lip a bit. "Will you tell me someday why they are dangerous?" She timidly reached out and touches his cheek, the first time she had voluntarily touched more than his arm, almost testing her reactions.

Talomar Longden?s dark eyes looked deeply into hers. His voice was deep and almost haunting. "Yes...I will, my dearest. In time you will know everything, all the boring details. For now, I just want to say that you've done an outstanding job on the nursery. I'm so impressed. I love all that you've done. I feel that I'm the luckiest man in all the world to have you, Lani. I love you with all my heart."

"Why? What did I do to deserve your love?"

"It is your heart. It's your mind. It's your soul. You don't have to 'do' anything. You just have to 'be'." He moved his face closer to hers. "I love you and there is nothing you have to do to deserve it..." his mouth came closer to hers, " just have to be you."

A little lean was all it took and her lips were meeting his in a soft, testing kiss. And then she pulls back blushing, turning her head away and stammering an apology "I should not have done that"

His eyes opened as she pulled away, and his hand lifted to touch her chin and turn her face back toward him. "My love, we are soon to be married, and nothing could be more right or natural. Besides, you're kiss just left me so weak. Please....kiss me again." Once again his mouth approached hers.

Another soft blush and again she?s leaning in letting her lips meet his. This time she lingers seeming to quite enjoy the feelings this stirs.

His hand continued to touch her cheek as his lips moved against hers in a soft, sensuous way. His body smelled delightful, and his long hair slipped forward and gently touched her face.

Soft fingers end up on his shoulder curling into the fabric of his shirt, as she leans a little more into that kiss, a tiny sound of pleasure slipping from her lips.

Arms of amazing strength move down her hack and hold her close to himself, as soft moans come from inside of him. His lips move over hers, letting Lani take the lead in how deep the kiss goes.

Very much enjoying this experiment, she tests his reaction to just the barest butterfly light flick of her tongue over his lips. Her fingers continue an almost kneading motion in the fabric of his shirt against his shoulders.

His hands moved up her back and into her hair. He felt her tongue flick over his lips and he smiled against her lips and let his own tongue respond just slightly to encourage her and let her know that he liked it.

Lani let her hands slide up his shoulders till her arms are around his neck, silently deepening the kiss and pressing close to him.

The feelings she gives him are amazing. He truly loves her and wants her so badly. His moans are deep and soft, and he responds to her lead by slipping his tongue through her lips, allowing their tongues to dance together, tasting, feeling the soft yet strong muscle of the tongue.

She shivers against him pulling back just slightly to look at him with a sort of dazed wonder, before returning her lips to his for another kiss.

His hand caressed her face as he kisses her deeply, breaking it only to speak his heart. His voice is but a deep whisper in the night, "Lani, I love you so much. I want us to be married soon. I want you so much." His lips move over her cheek and neck as he speaks.

"I... I want you as well Tal... very much so, it surprises me."

He held her face in his hands, "You've just made me so happy, milady. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am." His lips brush over hers and he speaks against her mouth, "I don't want to leave you tonight."

A little blush then a soft whisper "Then don't... but perhaps we should move somewhere other than the nursery?"

"Yes," his voice was soft. "Let's go to your bedchamber." His arm went around her and they left the nursery.

Lani leaned softly into his arm as they walk back to her room. When the door opens there?s a rush of skirts and Lilia is there fussing "Oh Milady where have you....." the maid blushes scarlet seeing Talomar with Lani "Oh..."

Talomar looks at her and then to the door. "Please lock the door on your way out, Lilia. We want no disturbances this even while milady and I discuss our wedding day." The maid nods blushing again and scurrying out the door locking it behind her. Lani giggles softly and moves over to the small loveseat near the fire and sinks into the cushions blushing softly herself.

Talomar moved to Lani and sits next to her, slipping his arm around her. "I meant it...discussing our wedding. I wish that we could be married soon. In fact, as soon as is reasonably possible. I don't want people to talk when you start showing. What are your feelings, my love?"

"I agree, the sooner the better. There is already so much talk because of my relationship with Earendur... I want there to be no questioning that I am your wife."

"We can have it be a grand affair or a private one, whichever would please you."

"I have no one to invite to a grand affair... so perhaps just a small wedding?" Another pretty brush of color across her cheeks "I already commissioned an artist to craft you a wedding band."

He took her hand into his and brought her hand to his lips. "You think of everything, my love. You spoil me, and I want to spoil you in every way possible. Come with me."

"Where?" Not that she?s reluctant to come. Just curious at the destination

He smiled and stood, lifting her to her feet with the hand he's holding. He walks her toward the bed, but stops as they stand in front of the fireplace. His fingers loosen the tie of her bathrobe. He then pushed it back off her shoulders, pulling it down off her arms, and tossing it to a chair. Left in just the thin soft material of her nightshift she shivers, a bit from the cold, a bit from the memory of the last time he saw her in a state of undress. He slowly removed his silk, white shirt over his head and tossed it over her robe. His chest is smooth and muscular. He kicked off his boots, then released his belt buckle and let his plants drop to the floor. Standing only in his under shorts, he takes her into his arms while she still has her thin nightdress on. His lips come against hers as he embraces her.

Lani closed her eyes and let her lips play over his, and her hands play over his bare shoulders and chest, obviously trying hard to push that memory away.

He knew that he has to create good memories and trust in Lani, so he will be slow and gentle with her, always sensitive to her leading. He kissed her deeply, yet gently. His hands moved over her back and sides, feeling her body through the thin material. His fingers then went to the tie at the front and loosened the bow. With his lips still on hers, he began to pull the nightdress open and over her shoulders.

The dress once loosened falls rather easily away, leaving her bare to where it catches on her elbows. One hand instinctively catches the nightdress to her stomach, self conscious of what at near two month of pregnancy, is just the slightest bulge in her waistline.

He put his hand on the waistband of his white, silk briefs and pulls them down, letting them fall then kicking them away. Without looking down to embarrass her, his hands move to hers and has her release her nightdress so that it slides to the floor. He then takes her into his arms. "My wife - I say that, for I feel that we are already married in our hearts and commitment to each other. You are so amazingly beautiful, and you feel so good against me."

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-16 03:06 EST
Lani ducked her head letting her curls fall to cover her warm cheeks, a soft whisper from her lips " I'm scared Tal"

He smiled warmly, "I am too. I'm about to lie with the woman I love more than life, and it scares me. Would you feel better if we just lie in each other's arms this night? I don't want to rush you into anything you'd rather not do." The feeling of her body against him had already fully aroused him, but he was willing to give up his own satisfaction to make her comfortable.

"I... I don't know. It's just that the last time... it hurt. But now its different.. and..." she blushes furiously " Oh I just don?t know!"

He smiled, "You are so dear. I hate to let go of you, but let's go under the covers and make each other warm." He went to the bed and pulled back the covers. "You slide in first. I'll be right behind you."

She slides between the sheets then nestles into the pillows watching him. "This is the first time I have seen you unclothed, M'lord. You have a very impressive body."

He stood there and looked down upon her. "I'm glad you feel that way, milady. It will forever be only you whom I want to impress." He slid in next to her and pulled the covers over them both. "I do have correct one is YOU who has the impressive body."

Almost instinctively moves so her head is pillowed on his shoulder. "I am nothing special... and lately I feel nothing but awkward and large."

"You are beautiful, Lani. Nothing is more beautiful than a woman who is pregnant, and you are the most beautiful of all." His arm immediately went around her lithe body, his hand moving over the soft flesh of her back.

"I don't feel beautiful. Especially in the mornings when I am bent over a basin being ill... or at night when I feel so drained that I feel sure I must look like one of the walking dead."

He moved over her so that she was nestled in the crook of his arm while his other hand caressed her cheek and hair over and over. He looked down upon her. His voice was so soft, "You couldn't look more beautiful then you do now to me," he grinned, "except perhaps when I see you rocking in your new rocking chair, holding and nursing our child. That will be the most beautiful of all."

She blushed softly "But what if I am a terrible mother Tal? I have no idea what I am doing!"

His face came down just over hers, his lips barely touching hers as he whispered, "You'll be the best. I have no doubt." With that he brought his mouth down upon hers and kissed her passionately, both arms slipping under her in an embrace.

Lani gave herself over to his kiss, she really does enjoy the feel of his lips on hers again slipping her arms around his neck and sighing softly into that kiss.

He spent a long time just concentrating on the kiss, savoring the taste and feel of her mouth, and lips, and tongue, and even her teeth. When he'd break the kiss upon her mouth, he'd place kisses upon her cheeks and eyes and then settle his mouth in her neck, kissing and nibbling from her ear to he shoulder blade.

A soft giggle as that tickles just a bit. "Tal! stop that!"

He laughed and stopped. "Ah I know your ticklish area." He blew out the candle, cuddled with her, holding her in his arms and was content to just be with her in her bed. They talked in whispers until they both fell asleep. Tal felt that perhaps she be ready for him in the morning.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-19 23:09 EST

Talomar Longden met Lani in the dining room. He arrived with a white rose in his hand and placed it upon the plate at her table setting. He then held her chair and when she was seated he took his place at the head of the table. The room was lit by candles in the chandelier and in wall sconces. Servants flock around with napkins, pouring wine, and bringing out the first course. "You look absolutely lovely tonight, my dear. How do you manage to look so good after a day of travel and excitement?"

"I blame Lilia. She must have spent an hour just fussing at my hair.?

?It looks very good. I like it up in that fashion for dinner. I shall have to let her know it pleases me." He stated to eat the pate. "Oh, I meant to ask, did you get what you needed from that woman at the Inn?"

"I did. I shall have to send her the rest of the coin I owe her. I would have paid her had I not been interrupted so rudely"

"Yes. The nerve of that little ruffian. He tried to hurt you. Do you know who that vile creature was?"

"No, but he frightened me, and he tried to imply that I had lied about the baby being yours."

"That's what made me think he must be some stooge of that Earendur elf. Only Mr. Dur would think such a thing. No one else would even know you were pregnant, let alone care who the father is.?

Lani nodded silently. "The only other person I had told was Charna., and she wouldn?t tell someone that creepy."

"I know who that woman is. She doesn't look the type to betray your trust. So, that silly ruffian must have been from Earen. It looked like he was trying to hurt you. I think you might want to avoid the inn unless I'm there to protect you."
"Yes, that would be a very good idea. Tal? When did you want to hold the wedding??

Talomar smiled at her question. The servants who were now putting the main course on the table were all ears. "Well, if we are not planning a large affair, our nuptials could be in a week or two. What do you think of that?"

"Two weeks would be ideal." A faint bit of color stained her cheeks, "Any longer and it will be very hard to conceal the babe."

"It's done." He snapped his fingers and Philippe walked to his side and stood there at attention. "Philippe, mark down a date for Saturday night, two weeks from today. We'll need a small number of invitations, decorations for the garden patio, musicians, flowers, etc. Clear everything with Lady Wintermorn. She has the last say in everything."

Philippe bowed. "Of course, milord. It will be done just as you say, and with our Lady's approval."

"Thank you Philippe," Lani said. No one could say that Lani did not at least try to maintain a polite front with the man, even though she was again cringing at his very presence.

Talomar looked at Lani and gave a slight smile while bringing his wine to his lips, "I would have asked Lilia to do these things, but she'll have her hands full being with you and seeing that you have everything you need.

?She has been helping me with my gown. I was very happy to have the train returned, but Earen had no right sending someone to my childhood home like that without permission!"

Talomar Longden shook his head in disgust. "That elf is always putting his nose in other people's business. You are quite right, my dear. He should have asked permission. I think he must believe he owns the world. Anyway, you don't have to worry about him anymore. I'd love to show you the garden where we might have our wedding. I want to know if you think it will be suitable."

"Won't it be cold?? Lani asked. ?It is winter."

He set his glass down on the table and looked at it as he turned it between his fingers. He had not wanted to use the chapel, but he may not have a choice. "Well, that's possible. You never know at this time of the year. We could have a wedding in the castle's little chapel. That might be an alternative. It didn't occur to me before. I don't get there very often. I really should try to spend more time there. What do you think of that? I must show it to you."

"I would like to see it. We had a chapel back in Summerholt and a full time priest until he died about twenty years ago"

Talomar smiled, "When we are finished with our meal, I'll show it to you."

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-20 01:28 EST

Upon the completion of their evening meal, Talomar handed his napkin to a servant girl and stood up and walked behind Lani's chair to help her to her feet. He gave her his arm and led the way out of the dining hall. "Unfortunately, I believe the chapel has not been used for quite some time. It's liable to not be in very good condition, but it can easily be cleaned up."

"As long as it has a roof and walls we can make due Tal." Lani smiled up at him thoughtfully. "Why is it not used? I would think in such a large place the servants at least would want Sunday services..."

Talomar brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, his dark eyes smiling into hers. "That is an excellent question, my love. Many years ago a terrible rumor spread throughout the castle that the chapel was haunted. Silly rumor."

"Haunted? I would think that the presence of a full time priest might discourage spirits from resting there... but than I am no expert at spirits"

"That's a very good point, my darling. But it was the demise of the priest that began the rumors. He was in the middle of his sermon when the poor fellow suddenly expired. Those with knowledge say it was spontaneous combustion. That's not what those in attendance say. We haven't been able to get a priest since that day. Eventually we just stopped trying. Of course, then there were the other accidents."

"Oh? Are you sure it will be safe to hold the wedding there then dearest?" That endearment coming as naturally as though she had been using it all her life "If it really is haunted the spirit may not like having a wedding disturbing its rest."

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure it was all coincidence. It's time that chapel was put to use again, and our wedding would be the perfect event. Then the staff would not be going into town to attend their worship services." They continued down a dark hallway in the opposite wing of the castle, upon the main floor.

"I'm sure they would appreciate it... and it would be nice to have Lilia here and not going into town every Sunday"

"Yes, and it would be nice to hear the chapel bells once again, and to hear the sound of voices singing, drifting down these old stone hallways." They turn a corner and go down a dark hall, lit by only one candle. "It's just down here, my love." He kept his arm around her as they walked to the chapel doors. The doors were large and wooden, and there was no sign of a cross or any other religious symbol outside the chapel. A sound was heard, a sound that could be interpreted as the wailing of voices.

Lani shivered and leaned against Talomar "My... that does sound haunting... Do you think it is the wind??

Talomar held her close. "Yes, my dear. The fall and winter winds seem to make unusual sounds as they blow through the castle eves in this wing. I should have some workers take a look at what is causing it. Don't let it both you. It will soon stop." He put a strange key into the chapel door and it opened with a creek. "Wait her a minute," he said. He walked inside into the darkness and shut the door. A wave of his hands and the candles lit throughout the chapel. "STOP", he shouted, and the wailing ceased as if the wind had stopped blowing. Talomar opened the door, "There my dear, all is ready for your inspection."

Lani slipped inside quietly, a very thoughtful look on her face, eyes roaming over the chapel. "That is odd... it stopped...."

Talomar just looked around the chapel. "Yes...the wind must have died down, so to speak. But look! This could be made to be quite nice once again." The chapel had a center aisle with ten rows of pews on each side. Dark burgundy carpeting went through all the aisles and upon the altar area. There were a series of six large stained glass windows on the far wall, depicting what appear to be religious scenes. In front is a large wooden altar, a wooden lectern and a taller oak pulpit. Another large, circular stained glass design is above the altar, candlesticks are arranged about the altar. "What do you think my dear? It can be brightened up, decorated with ribbons and flowers, and many roses."

Eiellani smiled softly, imagining it "white roses by the doors, shading up through colors of pink... until the altar, where they should be deep red"

Talomar laughed and put his arms around her waist, lifting her up as he laughed. "Wonderful!! You are so creative, and I love you my darling Lani!" His voice echoed within the emptiness of the chapel.

Impulsively she leans up and kisses him softly, a slow lingering kiss.

With his arms already around her, he responded to the kiss, deepening it, enjoying the soft, moist lips of the woman who would soon be his wife. When the kiss finally ended he combed his fingers through her hair and looked into her eyes with his own which were dark as the night, "I love you, my dearest Eiellani. You will forever receive my love and protection. I so greatly look forward to the kiss we share at the altar - as husband and wife."

A soft flush stains her cheeks "As do I. It's odd. I was dreading the plans Earen and I were making for our wedding.... But with you... it seems the most natural thing in the world to discuss these things."

Talomar smiled, "It does seem quite natural. We were meant to be one. Tomorrow we can start on the remodeling and preparation of the chapel. I'll have seven servants assigned to do the work. They'll report to you." He took one last look around, remembering things that happened here, things that would remain a secret for a long time to come. "Let us go now."

"Of course, I already have so many plans for the decorations!." She slips her arm though his again ready for him to lead her where he will.

As the chapel doors close behind them, the flame of every candle is suddenly extinguished, and faint sounds begin to once again begin to echo within the chapel, but are as yet too faint to be heard. "Eiellani, my love, if I may not be too bold in asking, would you mind if once again I spend the night in your bed? I so enjoyed the feel of you in my arms last night."

"I would very much like that Talomar. I enjoyed it as well." A soft smile and she continued, " In fact, I see no reason why we should not continue to share a bed until the wedding."

Her words pleased him greatly, and an arm of supernatural strength gently assumed its position about her shoulders. "Thank you, my love. I am a most blessed man to be in love with such a woman as you. Some day I hope I can be the kind of man that you could love as I love you. I shall do all I can to please you, Lani."

There was only a brief hesitation before she spoke again "I believe I do love you Talomar. I feel as though we are connected in heart and spirit in a way I have never felt with another."

Those words touched him deeply. He turned and faced her. "I do not deserve such love," he whispered, "yet I will do all I can to never disappoint you as a husband." In the darkened hallway only the flicker of a distant candle illuminated his face, but it was enough that she could see his mouth approaching hers, and he kissed her deeply and for a long time.

Her arms slip slowly around his neck, almost shyly, as she enjoys his kiss. She ends up pressed tightly against him with her fingers tangled softly in the hair at the nape of his neck.

As the kiss ended he bent down and picked her up into his arms. She literally felt as light as a feather to him. "I'm going to carry you to your suite!" He proceeded down the hall; it had turned completely dark and when it was light again they were in the hallway leading to Lani's suite. "I know a shortcut," he said with a grin as they disappeared into her room and the door locked behind them.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-21 03:14 EST

They walked hand-in-hand along the garden paths within the grounds of Longden Castle. It was the evening of the day following their first inspection of the chapel, and the moon was high in the sky. Talomar held Lani's hand as they walked along the flowered paths toward an area that was lit with several lanterns. ?So, I hear that plans are already being made for the remodeling of our chapel?"

Lani Wintermorn said, ?Philippe must have told you about my lists... he had that 'This is so beneath me' look on his face again when I showed it to him. I think my presence here offends him. I think it is fair turnabout. He frightens me."

Talomar smiled and squeezed her hand. "He is a man of tradition and discipline. He likes everything to be 'just so.' He had been my valet for cent...for years, and now he must learn a new way of doing things. His world has been upset, but he'll work it out. He knows that your welfare must be his number one concern now, since that is my top priority. We have a bath up ahead...heated by the earth. It's nice to slip into it on cool nights like this. Very relaxing, actually."

"Really? We used to have pools like that in Summerholt. The village elders made a schedule of who could bathe when to preserve the modesty of the unmarried women in the town."

"Most fascinating. Sometime after we are married we must visit Summerholt together. i would enjoy seeing it. You could show me around."

"The schedule never really worked that well, we had at least two girls a season come home with child after a night in the pools..."

He laughed. "I would guess that bath was a quite popular place."

"It is a different place than it was when I was a child... most of the people I knew have grown old and died or moved away as the fields failed."

"It's always difficult to go back to our roots. Things are never the same as we remember them." The path opens into a secluded pool area. Steam is rising over the water since the air is much colder than the water. "Care for a bath now?" He smiled.

Lani looks at the water longingly "Can we really? I ache all over from cleaning in the chapel all day."

"I thought you might be. That's why I brought us here." There were towels and scented soap by the bath's edge. Talomar faced her and put his hands on each side of her cheek. He placed a soft kiss upon her lips. "I'm a very lucky man." His fingers began to work at her clothes.

The castle seamstress really was a wonder with a needle, and Lani delighted each time she brought her a new creation to wear. Tonight she had brought Lani a soft gown in pale blue that matched her eyes perfectly, styled in a vaguely Greek fashion. It was obviously a dress for lounging and was covered only lightly with a shawl to ward away the chill.

Talomar removed her shawl and laid it upon a chair. He then loosened the tie that was at her shoulder and the dress fell off her shoulders. He took her by her shoulders and brought her against him as his mouth went to her neck, kissing her there, his lips moving from her shoulder to her ear. At the same time he loosened the ties of his shirt and the belt and snaps of his pants, which fell to his ankles.

Lani gave a soft shiver against Tal, and a muffled giggle as his lips on her neck tickled her. She snuggled into the warmth of his body, nuzzling softly against his chest in an awkward shy gesture.

Talomar backed up just enough to remove his shirt over his head, his muscular chest and perfect abdomen became visible. He dropped his shorts and his hands moved over Lani's hips, releasing her underclothes to slide down to her ankles. He then bent down and picked her up into his arms and began to walk into the warm water.

She shivered again at the change from cool night air to warm steamy water clinging to him just a bit as she adjusted. "Oh... this feels wonderful Tal."

(to be continued)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-21 03:16 EST
He smiled and looked down at her beautiful body. "It is you who feels wonderful, my Cheri." He went fully into the bath and dropped to a sitting position on a submerged step. It allowed them to sit in the water. "Wrap your legs about me, my that you don't slip below the water."

Again those shy awkward movements as she does as he instructed her slender white thighs gliding against his skin as she positions herself firmly upon his lap. "Like this?" She slips her arms over his shoulders to loosely circle his neck so that she may play with the hair at the nape of his neck.

His dark eyes look into her blues, "Yes...that's perfect." He reached for the scented soap and began to rub the bar over her shoulders and back in very slow motions, as if he is measuring every contour and curve.

Her eyes closed as she leaned against his chest lightly, enjoying the feel of his hands soaping her back "Talomar? Why do you think I feel so comfortable with you?"

"Perhaps it is for several reasons," he responded thoughtfully as his strong hands rubbed the bubbly soap over her back from her neck to her bottom. "I think you understand the love I have for you. I think you feel safe with me. And, I think we put our worst times behind us at the very beginning, and have only peaceful and good times ahead of us." His hands then moved over her legs, "Of course, I could be totally wrong. What do YOU think?"

"I'm not sure. I just know I find it very easy to be with you. I never feel pressed to be anyone but myself." A faint blush causes her cheek to warm where it is pressed to his shoulder " And my body aches in ways it never has before whenever you touch me. The things I felt with Earen, Well it is like the difference between a candle flame, and an inferno."

Talomar smiled and began kissing her neck again. "Your words make me feel like a king, my love." He took her head in his hands and looked into her eyes, "Maybe it's just that you are responding to a man who really loves you, and who really knows how to show that love." His mouth came down upon hers, and he kissed her deeply.

She leaned into that kiss letting her lips play and mingle with his, a soft pleased sigh slipping out, her arms tightening around his neck and drawing him closer.

Talomar's tongue slipped into her mouth, tasting her and playing with her own tongue. His soapy hand moved down her shoulders to her chest and, and lowered until her breast was held within his strong hand.

That elicited a soft gasp from her. The feel of his hand on the swollen sensitive skin of her breast earned him a deep shiver from her and a barely perceptible tightening of her thighs where they circled his waist.

His kisses moved over her face, kissing her eyes and cheeks; his mouth moving to her elfin ear and he explored it with his tongue.

A soft breathy whisper "Oh my love... that feels divine" her hand moving to explore the contours of his shoulders and chest even as she whispers.

"I love you," he whispered very softly into her ear as his tongue explored it fully. His mouth then came again to her neck, opening fully upon it, his tongue tasting the flesh that was captured between the teeth of his open mouth. His hand movied over her breast, and felt her nipple between his fingers.

Another soft shiver against him. She does love the feel of his hands on her breast. Her own hands seem to be happily exploring, one dipping down into the water to search the planes of his stomach. The other is once again at the nape of his neck cupping and caressing there, fingers playing through his hair.

(to be continued)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-21 03:17 EST
His mouth moved upon her neck, his teeth gliding over her soft flesh passing beneath her chin and tasting the opposite side of her neck, until he released her neck to nibble her other ear with his lips and exploring it with his tongue. The hand that was free moved down her body and moved over her inner thigh.

She moaned softly and buried her cheek against his shoulder, letting him nibble and explore her ear. The hand below the water moves almost hesitantly down his stomach, to softly cup him in her palm fingers exploring the shape and feel of him.

"I want to be inside you," he whispered in her ear. "Place me so that I can enter into you. I need you, Lani...I need you."

A restless shift in his lap has her hand guiding him gently to her, her lips pressing hot, passionate kisses against the skin of his shoulder and whispering quietly, "Be gentle my love."

"I will, my darling," and he was true to his word. He hardly entered her at all until her walls stretched for him. Her own wetness and that of the pool allowed him to slide into her. Since she was sitting upon him, he let her take the lead in how far he penetrated into her.

The somewhat expectant grimace on her face, half expecting pain, fades into a surprised look of pleasure. Holding him just barely inside her a moment enjoying the sensation before again restlessly shifting in his lap and pressing him fully inside her with a soft moan.

The warmth of being inside her surpassed any warmth of the water about them. When she descended down upon his shaft, he actually had to gasp at the pleasure of it. He moved his hips against her. The feel of her surrounding him was overwhelming. "I could just be this way with you all night, my darling."

A soft giggle moving her hips to meet and match the movement of his, slow and timid that motion. "Well eventually we will need to get out of the water beloved."

"Mmmmm...he moaned and closed his eyes," yes, I suppose you're right. But I'm in no hurry. He brushed his lips over hers. "You feel so good, mon cheri."

Lani Wintermorn gave just the softest of pleased sighs, the timid motions of her hips and thighs against and around him growing more confident, picking up speed and depth each time she presses near to him.

"Oh...oh yes," he moaned, his eyes closed as he moved his cheek next to hers, feeling the softness of her cheek and kissing her ear at the same time. "What you do to me, my love..."

Lani made a little turn of her head to press a kiss to his cheek "You make me wish to be wild and fierce when we are together like this my darling" As if to suit her words the movement of her body against his again picks up speed, each time she slides him almost out of her before pressing him deeply inside again.

(to be continued)

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-21 03:23 EST
Talomar took his clue from her motion, and now he began to move his hips beneath the water, thrusting himself into her to match her motion against him. She was all too quickly bringing him to that special place of no return.

As he moved to meet her motion her breath begins to come in short soft pants, Its very obvious that she is enjoying this most intimate of acts. She continues to press her hips into his hard and fast, lips now slipping to his collar bone to suckle softly a the point it shows best under his skin.

The feel of her mouth upon his collarbone was wonderful. His eyes remained closed as his hand slipped beneath the bath water and grabbed hold of her perfect, little bottom and held her there as she lifted herself up and down on him. He used his hands on her to help drive himself harder and faster into her.

A soft sharp gasp, every bit of her being going electrically tense against him a moment before shuddering hard, ripples of pleasure taking her hard and fast around him. A soft near breathless groan "Oh Tal... gods..." and she?s again sucking on that tender bit of collar bone to stifle more groans.

He feels his release come as every nerve in his body seems to explode at once in pleasure. He would have actually fallen back beneath the water if she had not been holding onto him. He grabbed her face and began kissing her deeply, even as they both struggled for breath.

She clinged to him, loving every second of that breathless deep kiss. The electric feelings of ecstasy slowly subside, but he remains inside of his soon-to-be-wife. His hand brushed through her hair as he leaned his forehead against hers. "You are amazing, my dear. The feelings you give me are incredible."

A somewhat sleepy half smile "I could say the same of you beloved."

"I love you, Lani...with all my soul. What I feel for you now, it will never change. You are mine forever, and I am yours." He didn't reveal to her that she might have to take that forever quite literally.

"I love you "... yawn...."Too Talomar. I very much like being yours."

He saw that she was tired, and so he lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her in towels. Soon they were back in her suite in the castle and in the comfort of her bed, where they fell asleep in each other's arms.

He smiled. Now she was his. Truly his.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2005-11-24 23:40 EST
The night of Talomar?s perusal of the nursery was the last for the two serving lads who had brought Dominque?s bookshelves into the nursery at Lani?s request. They were sleeping when the dark form of Talomar hovered over them and commanded them to get out of bed. They could do nothing else but comply in spite of their fear. Their muscles seemed to be no longer their own.

Lord Talomar walked behind them as they descended the cold, stone steps into the dark depths of Longden Castle. It was there that they were questioned why they had taken anything out of Dominque?s study when everyone on the staff had been instructed to never enter that room. The question was rhetorical, for no answer given would have saved them from their fate.

Talomar's valet, Philippe de Bouillon, suddenly stepped from the darkness of the chamber and into the candle-lit center of the room where Lord Talomar and the boys were standing. Talomar nodded to Philippe. The chief valet calmly removed his white gloves and rolled up the sleeves of his starched, white shirt. He grinned and walked to the boys.

They were stripped naked and hung a foot in the air by chains manacled their wrists. Large porcelain bowls were placed beneath each of them. Talomar took out a particular dagger. It was a vicious looking implement, with a jeweled hilt, and the pommel was topped with a large black stone. He gave it to Philippe and passed out of the candlelight and into the darkness. The chamber door was heard closing. In moments Talomar was back in bed with Lani.

Philippe stood in front of the pleading, crying lads, and proceeded to cut a line down each boy, from their neck to their navel. The knife was so sharp the cut didn't bring any pain. A second parallel cut, and he began to peel away a two-foot strip of their flesh. The pain had started.

Within an hour, the lads had been skinned and their blood collected. Their screams of agony as their lives flowed into the porcelain bowls never rose beyond the walls of their death chamber.

The following morning two new boys were hired, and Talomar had contracted a carpenter to duplicate the two bookshelves in the nursery.