Topic: Time Bomb

lusus naturae

Date: 2016-03-04 18:43 EST
?Who are you?? he asked first. ?Who sent you?? His eyes were speaking a different language. Try to run, they dared, I will hunt you relentlessly.

"Are you fucking high? The fuck is wrong with you? It's me." It's me, it's me -- It's Mimi, screamed from the concerned wilt of nude lips. "Stop fucking around."

?No,? his mouth clipped the word. ?It?s not possible. And whoever you are, if I see you like this again, I?ll fucking kill you.?

"Are you out of your fucking mind? You're just going to leave me here! What the hell!? What the hell are you talking about? Say it again! Say it again, Ketch!" Daring a beast in limbo.

?What the fuck is going on?? He was doing a very poor job of making the case that she was the insane one here.

( Pieces of live play with Ketch Creeley & lusus naturae concerning this playable: Quantum Leap)