Topic: From The Mouth of Madness

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2011-10-18 02:30 EST
The Diary - Part Four

Turn me on, turn me on, turn me on
Don't be long, Don't be long, Don't be long

Bring her down, Bring her down,
Bring her down, see the wonders around you baby
- Bring Her Down (to Crippletown) by Rob Zombie

Entry One

It has started.

Rhy took my children away. I will spare her because what she has done for me throughout the years. But that does not mean I won't do everything in my power to get them back.

For now I will go through with my plans. I love my children, but I have to do this. For them, for me, for Dakota.
Dakota won't shut up. I miss him, but I hate the way he haunts me. Always talking. Always touching. It's just my imagination, Helen says. She says that I just need to take my medicine and drink some more of her blood.

The king of Earth's Tennessee has let me ... borrow, we'll say, his minions for my plans. Eric will not know. As he does come off evil, but I know that deep down he is good and wouldn't let me do the things I plan to do. But Evan, the king, is a vampire that would truly let me do as I wish. He even let me take his personal assistant Helen.
She's a lovely lady, who was turned some time ago when she was well into her 70's. She quite likes it though. Powerful blood she has and knows much in the way of magic. She could use it, but she prefers to take care of others. I won't let her take care of me, except her giving of her blood.

I don't sleep anymore. No time. Just plan making. Much to be done. Much power to gain. I won't let Helen, or any of the others turn me again. So I must drink the blood and study the ways of magic. And train. I have offed a few of the group of vampires training. I tend to go a little too far. But they are only newborns - runaways or druggies with no one to miss them. No loss really. Though Evan might have a few problems with it.

We have discovered a ritual that will bring me the power I desire. Helen warns me of this. I do not ask for what she has to say. I only wanted the facts on what it shall bring me. Power. She warns that it will drive me mad. Mad she says? I'm already far gone.
What do I have left? The life that I fought all my long life for is gone. I have nothing. I will trade my mind, or what is left of it, for my cause.

RhyDin will see. I often go into the inn to people watch. Nothing ever changes. There is not enough evil in this dull place. At any sign of chaos, heros come in troves to fight them off. So chaos is stilled. They will not see this coming. They will not see me coming.

I miss my babies. I miss my husband. But now I am something new. Something more.
