Topic: Oh My ... Baby?

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-09-20 18:06 EST
There Jadey was in the villa... with a baby in her arms. A baby that looked exactly like her.

Jade sighed and poked little Claira Ann in the nose lightly. The baby coo-ed slightly as she suckled on a bottle of warmed blood.
As much as she didn't want to admit it, the baby was growing on her as the night progressed.

She rocked Claira gently back and forth, humming lightly. Claira finished the bottle and began to fuss. Jade put her to her shoulder and patted her little back. Soon Claira burped as well as spit up on Jade's old tank top.

"Great, Claira... Gross," she sighed as she pulled off the tank top. She wiggled her nose and another appeared on her form. She tossed the gross one in the in a hamper then cleaned up Claira's mouth with her bib.

Then she heard a sound that was so new to hear in her home that it nearly frightened her. Thu-Thump, Thu-Thump.

"What? ... A... Heartbeat?" Jade gasped, wide eyed. She set a hand to her own chest. No, of course not.
She held up little Claira Ann as the baby clapped and giggled.

"No... it can't be..." Jade blinked then set her ear to Claira's chest. The baby pulled at Jade's hair. Thu-Thump, Thu-Thump.
She gasped again as she pulled her ear from Claira's chest. Jade pried open her mouth lightly. A tiny set of fangs.

"A... human... vampire? How...?" Jade was wide eyed as the baby coo-ed and giggled more, clearly enjoying the new feeling in her little chest.

"Dear child... you are damned, yet your heat beats. When will it stop? When will you stop growing?" She breathed silently. Claira gave an answering coo.

Jade sighed. At least she wouldn't be a single mom. She had Michale. But she didn't know how it happened, it just did. Claira Ann just appeared.. by Darkmere's doings. He was pure evil. Jade didn't want a kid... but she was forced to keep her. Now Claira grew on her. A baby wasn't so bad...

"Hm... Since you are half human... do you have to do human things... like..." she raised the baby up a small bit, sniffing her bottom. Instantly, she regretted it, "Yes, you do..."

Jade gagged and rushed Claira into the nursery, laying her on the changing table. Claira giggled up a storm.

"Hush you little fart," Jade grunted as she put a clothes pin on her nose.

"Poo-Poo!" Claira giggled, struggling against Jade as she tried to take off her little dress.

Jade blinked. Sure the baby said 'mommy' and 'daddy' to her and Michale... but nothing more than that. For 'Poo-Poo' to be her first word, well hot damn. She was proud anyhow.

"Yes, poo-poo. Can we say 'gross'?" She cringed as she finally got Claira's dress and diaper off. Gag! Gag some more! "Definately Gross."
Jade started to wiped and powder Claira down.

"Gerrowss!" Claira giggled, kicking Jade as she struggled to free herself from Jade's grasp.

First she blinked at the word. Claira was learning fast, even if the word wasn't exactly right. Then she blinked at the kick. It actually hurt!

"Ow! What the fu... fudge!" she caught herself as she yelped. She swiped up a diaper and wrapped Claira good.
At least she knew how to do that. Thn she rubbed her arm where Claira kicked. Jade looked down at the spot as the bruise it had formed already began to fade.

Then her eyes went wide again as she realized something else. Claira looked like she had grown slightly, her midnight hair a tad longer. At that moment she realized that the vampire and human mixed together in Claira was making her grow faster, mentally and her body.

"Pain funny!" Claira shouted as Jade slipped on a little two peice pink PJ set.

"Sweetie, you are twisted. You take after your mother," Jade grinned as she picked the baby up. Claira bit into her shoulder. She could feel the blunt human teeth trying to come through her gums... but the fangs were already out and they hurt like hell. Oh no, teething.

"Ow! Mommy not a chew toy!" She yelped again then plopped a teething ring into Claira's mouth. She tried to spit it out.

"Gerrowss!" Claira grunted, then huffed as Jade put it back into her mouth.

"No, not gross. It will make your lil teeffers feel better. I promise, okay?" Jade mumbled into Claira's ear. She only grunted again, but kept the ring in her mouth chewing on it lightly.

Jade hummed softly, rocking Claira gently at her shoulder. Soon the baby was asleep. She set Claira in a pale pink cradle with black accents. She rocked the cradle a while, watching the little one. She gave silent laughs everytime Claira wiggled her nose, for a new stuffed animal would either appear in the cradle with her or somewhere in the room.

After making sure Claira was asleep, Jade clicked on the baby monitors and brought one with her as she made her way down the hall. She didn't even make it to her room. She crashed on the couch and passed out, sleeping like a baby.