Topic: Welcoming a Steele into The World

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2011-02-01 00:03 EST
[[Warning: I have never had a baby, nor looked into the ins and outs. So, if you spot anything that really isn't right... well... you get the drift.
Written on January 22nd, 2011]]

Jade stumbled down the stairs, clutching her tummy. What she mistook as the baby kicking was actually contractions. Now, they were starting to get more and more painful, tighter, and longer in length. And when she just used the restroom, well, a litte more liquid came out. Her water broke. She was able to amble her way to the living room where Dakota sat watching a cop drama. As she made her way into the room, he already turned his head towards her.

"Dakota," she breahed heavily, "I think it's time."

"Are you sure?" Kota sat rigid as she spoke, "The due date is weeks away."

"I know, I know. But this... this is different. I need to pack my bag, because it's time," she panted, sweat starting to mat her brows.

Dakota bolted up, "No, I'll get it. Just sit down. And breathe, breathe like they taught you." Most of this said class was forgotten in momentary panic. He just went into autopilot. "What clothes do you want?"

"Just... get some comfy clothes," she said weakly as she sat back onto the couch. "And please don't forget mom panties."

"Check and check," he said as he dashed out of the room. While running up the stairs, he shouted, "Claira, get your coat and shoes on! Mommy's going to the hospital! Your brother will be here soon!" Then he slipped into their bedroom.

There was a series of happy screams and bangs going on upstairs. Jade leaned back into the couch, just breathing as she tried not to focus on the pain. Jade started to close her eyes and bite down on her lower lip as Claira ran down the stairs.

"Mommy, is it time? Is it time?" she shouted while approaching her mother.

"Claira, your tone. Mommy hurts. Shh shh," Jade winced and wrapper her arm around her daughter.

"Sorry, mommy," she kissed her mother's cheek then leaned and kissed her large tummy. "Shilah, I can't wait to meet you."

Jade took to running her fingers through Claira's long curly hair to forget about the pain. Dakota shuffled down the stairs with two bags in hand.

"Come on, I'll get your coat," he said as he went towards the door.

"Did you get the camera? The video camera? Did you call Rhy and Dean?" Jade asked as Claira helped her to her feet.

"Damnit! No, where are they?" He stomped off to look for them. "I'll call them when I get you in the car."

"They should be by the computer! I used the camera last to put Claira's dance recital on RhyDinbook. I think the video camera should be right by it somewhere!" She shouted as she slowly put on her oversized coat.

Jade swiped up their keys and passed them to Dakota as he opened the door and guided her and Claira out.

"Do you have your phone?" Jade asked as he opened the passenger side door to their new black SUV.

He patted himself down, nodded, and tossed Jade's bags in the backseat next to Claira. She was buckling herself up in her own booster seat. Jade reached over and patted her daughter's knee. Claira gave a giggle in delight. Dakota slide in the driver's side, took a big breath, and looked over to his wife.

"It's time," she smiled.

"Finally," and with that he leaned over and planted a kiss to his sweet wife's lips.

"Come on! Let's go!" Claira shouted.

"Alright alright," Dakota muttered, turned on the car, and put it in gear. He pulled out his cell phone as they headed out onto the road.

"Rhy? Yeah, it's time." "She didn't say." "I don't know, I'm not a doctor." "No, but she's in a lot of pain." "Yeah, okay. Okay. We'll see you at the hospital."

At that, Jade let out a groan of pain.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2011-02-01 01:18 EST
Dakota held Jade up as they slowly made it into the emergency room, Claira following in toe.

They reached the front desk and Dakota spoke to the woman sitting there. Seeing the state Jade was in, she rushed out from the desk and stuffed her into a wheelchair.

"How long have you been having contractions? You look extremely pale. How far are you along?" The nurse babbled as she wheeled her away.

"For the last two hours. I'm only eight and a half months along; my due date is three weeks away. I'm too pale? What's the matter?" Jade asked in a fretting voice.

"Mommy?" Claira asked after her mother - feeling Jade's panic, but was left in her wake while they asked Dakota to do some paper work as they rushed Jade to a room.

No one seemed alarmed at the rate they were speeding Jade along into a room, but Claira felt her mother's panic even from afar. Claira walked circles, nerves on end even for a nine year old.

Rhy and Dean rushed in, and Claira ran to them. Claira tugged at Rhy's coat. Rhy looked over the room and finally stood beside Dakota.

"Kota, where is Jade?" Her eyes wide already.

"Oh, they're taking her to a room," he muttered from a clipboard of papers.

"Already?! You just got here."
"Yeah? So?"
"They just don't take women that fast. Did you call before you got here?"
"Oh, no. We must have forgotten."

Claira tugged at Rhy's coat again as Dakota finished up the papers, "Auntie Rhy, Mommy's scared. I can feel it."

They all looked at her with wide eyes and a chorus of 'What?'s.
Then, another woman behind the desk looked to Dakota, "Mr. Steele, if you're done with the paperwork, you and your party can go up to see your wife at room 204."

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2011-02-01 02:39 EST
They got to the second floor and dashed to Jade's room. They were met by the sight of Jade clutching the bed sheets in pain, already in a hospital gown, and the nurse hooking up IV's and other cords to monitors.

"Jadey?" Rhy squeeked seeing her best friend lying in the hospital like that.

"Mommy!" Claira tried to fling herself to her mother, but Dakota held her back.

The nurse turned to the four of them, "I'm sorry, family only."

"Ma'am, they are family an' they are stayin'," he didn't raise his voice, but his tone would make anyone get the picture.

"Yes, sir. The doctor will be right in," the nurse nodded to everyone in the room and left.

"Jadey," Rhy breathed, rushing to her side.

"Rhy," she tilted her head up to look at her best friend's husband, "Dean, you two made it. I'm so," wince, "happy."

"Sweetheart, everythin' will be alright," Dakota moved with Claira over to his wife. He stood before her, brows scrunching up in fear and worry. He leaned over Claira to set a kiss to Jade's forehead.

Claira wanted to touch her mother so badly, but settled for setting her head on her mother's arm, "Mommy, you're in so much pain." Tears welled up in the young girl's eyes. Not her own pain, but she was feeling her mother's.

"Baby," she gasped out, "Remember how we learned to block out these feelings?"

"Y-y-yes," Claira sniffled.

"You need to do it now. I know you never ever block me out, but I need you to promise me you're going to do it now," she managed to say soothingly, as she ran her fingers through Claira's hair.

"I promise," Claira peeped out.

"Go lay by Auntie Rhy and sing your song," Jade murmurred as another wave of pain hit her.

Dean wrapped around the room and set a pat on her legs, "Jadey, I'll go out and get your stuff."

"Thank you, Deanie," she muttered.

Dakota handed Dean the keys, "It's in section four. And thank you, too."

Dean just smiled in his quiet way and walked out the door. As Dean went out, the doctor came in. Everyone's eye fell on him. The doctor knocked on the door.

"Hello, good evening, everyone," the elf smiled. He was on the tall side for an elf, but this was RhyDin. "I'm Doctor Niella. I'll be with you in your room and through your delivery." He walked to Jade, "Mrs. Steele, I'm going to check you outnow to see how everything is going. Is that alright?"

She took a gulp and nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Alright," he pulled up the covers and began to feel around her tummy, hips, pelvis, and other things. "Oh." He made a face and moved to her side. "Mrs. Steele, you are very dilated. This baby is coming fast."

"Okay," she sighed, and in pain she started to squeeze Dakota's hand.

"Mrs. Steele, would you like an epidural?" the doctor asked.

"I'd like the epidural, please," she squeezed Dakota's hand harder.

"Okay, the nurse will be in here in abut a half hour then we'll get you down to delivery," he smiled.

Jade unleashed her hand from Rhy's grasp, squeezed Dakota's hand even harder, then grabbed the doctor's collar, and pulled him down towards her, "Give me the damn epidural, now. If it doesn't get here in five minutes, someone will die."

"Jade, Jade... Jade! You're hurting me! Jade!" Dakota shouted.

The doctor held his hands up, "Okay, Mrs. Steele. I'll get the nurse right in, and you're breaking your husband's hand."

"Oh," she let them both go and reached for the sheets again.

Dakota recoiled, rubbing his hand. The doctor blinked and turned to walk out the door. He paused and looked to Dakota, "Mr. Steele, may I see you outside for a moment?"

Dakota nodded and followed the doctor out the door. The doctor shut the door behind the two. He turned around and gave him a grave look.

"Sir, your wife is having this baby too early. And the baby is coming faster than it should."
"What does this mean for her and the baby?"
"She may lose the baby."
"What did you just say?"
"Most mothers who birth premis will be in labor longer. Your wife has only been in labor for nearly three hours."
"Yes, but the baby could still be fine."
"The likelyhood is low, but yes."
"Let's just hope everything will be fine."
"Yes, but remember to be supportive and strong through it all."
And with that, the doctor walked off.

Dakota stood there stunned for a moment. Dean rounded the corner, heading for Jade's room. He stopped and put his free hand on Dakota's shoulder.

"You alright, man?" He asked, care set deep into his voice.

Dakota shook out of the trance, "Yeah, I'll just need a serious smoke when this whole thing is over with."

Dean just gave a laugh, knowing somthing else was up. But Dean being Dean wouldn't prod, "Come on, let's get these bags in here."

They walked in, and Rhy quirked her brow at the two. But Jade piped up before Rhy could.

"What... did the doctor say?" She groaned.

"Nothing, sweetheart. Just telling me that the nurse will be here in a moment," Dakota said as he set another kiss to Jade's forehead.

"Oh, okay," Jade mumbled as she rolled over. The nurse came in and asked Dakota to move. She smiled to Jade, "Mrs. Steele, you're going to feel a long pinch then a little burning. After that, you ahouldn't feel a thing." She stuck a needle into Jade's back. Jade hissed a little at the new pain. The nursed rubbed the spot and walked out of the room.

Jade began breathing hard as she rolled back over onto her back. After ten minutes, she gasped, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

The room gave a few laughs. Rhy the most, "Girl, lucky. I gave birth with nothing. Pain!"

"May the Gods bless you, threefold," Jade smiled, eyes drooping a little. The pain in the last two hours has weakened her greatly. She just drifted into a nice little nap.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2011-02-01 03:25 EST
"Mrs. Steele," a nurse woke her gentley, "Mrs. Steele, it's time for that baby to meet the world!"

Jade rubbed her eyes, "Already? How long was I out?"

"Two hours, ma'am," the nurse smiled, "You were pretty tired. We were able to slow down the contractions a little, and you're dilated enough to pop that boy safely out!"

She smiled and sat up, "Let's go!"

The nurse laughed and looked to Dakota, "Sir, will you be in the delivery room?"

"Yes ma'am, I will be," Dakota wore a wide grin on his face.

"Good," the nurse said as a few men came in to help the nurse with Jade's bed, "Gather your stuff, and we'll get you suited up when we get down there. Everyone, if you'll follow us, we'll show you to the waiting room while we take her down there as well."

Soon, the whole gang was in a fairly large elevator travelling down to the delivery room. The elevator was alive with an exited hum. They were only a few levels off so it didn't take long to reach where they were headed.

They made a pit stop to the waiting room as they left Rhy, Claira, and Dean. They kissed Jade off while Dakota ran off to get suited into his delivery scrubs. The nurse finally wheeled Jade into the delivery room. With great help, they got her into another bed. She lay back as they hooked more tubes into her.

She looked over to Dakota, and he gave her a thumbs up. Jade smiled at him, "Baby, the camera's on, but the lens is still on it."

He gave a small laugh and popped the lens off.

The doctor rushed in with a crew of nurses, "Mrs. Steele, how are we doing as of now?"

"I'm fine, I just feel lots of pressure down there."
"Good. Natural or C section?"
"Natural! I have a summer body to up hold here!"
"Natural it is."

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

A long two more hours later, Dakota came out scrubs and all into the waiting room to greet his waiting daughter and best friends. His look was dazed if not anything else.

"So?!" came from the three.

Slowly a smile cracked over his face. His eyes lit up, and he just grinned.
"He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Perfect. Just perfect."

Shilah Breyden Ravenlocke Steele
Born January 23rd, 11:04 pm
7 pounds, 18 inches long.