Topic: Everyone has their limits

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-06-03 16:01 EST
1. A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression.

2. A state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain.

1. To subject to or undergo extreme stress, as from working too much.


Charlotte was under alot of stress. The past months...even weeks - have certainly begun to take their toll. Charlotte could hardly process the events...let alone make sense of them or deal with them. Perhaps the most trying time was the two days she spent alone when Brian had called off their relationship. It surely threw her for a loop. But thankfully, that little issue had been dealt with. But during that time...Charlotte looked at everything in her life.

When she arrived in Rhy' had been a total accident. She'd been doing something illegal, it backfired, and somehow she wound up here.

Escaping Damien had been one hell of an adventure, but she thought that after three years, she'd finally rid herself of him. But noooooo. He had to find her. He had to revert her to her old ways. Even after finding the man she would later marry (Brian), the terror continued. She'd been abducted, beaten, and almost killed.

Then there was Renna. Must we even continue? Renna was the worst thing possible to ever happen to Charlotte. Renna turned her world upside-down, inside-out...and every other way you can think of. Renna put Charlotte through hell. It didn't matter that the bitch was dead....the problems were still there.

Which brings us to Lucy. Charlotte honestly loved that girl like her own flesh and blood. With the possible execution of the child looming over Charlotte's head, it was more than she could bear. No doubt that if it came down to it, Charlotte would cry for days. The prospect of having children had never been a welcome thought in Charlotte's mind, but all of the good times she'd had with Lucy almost made Charlotte want a baby. Heh, if she were to think rationally, she'd decide against it, but now you know how much of an impact Lucy had had on Char.

Then there was Renee' and Jayde. Both of whom had been best friends of Charlotte. Renee' she'd grown up with and became more of a sister to her than anything. The guilt of having her killed is felt every time she looks in the mirror. THis was Renee's body. Guilt is a heavy cross to bear. Then along came Jayde. Just like Charlotte in every way possible. She'd been there when.......when Renna killed her for sport; to spite Charlotte. She can still hear her screams. The incident with Lorelie brought up all those feelings again and with those feelings came nightmares. Jayde was to be her matron of honor! Who would stand in her wedding now?

Its no wonder Charlotte has been losing weight. Its no wonder she'd been eating less frequently and lost her appetite altogether. Its no wonder she's exhausted.

But is all that really the cause?

Are the pressures in Charlotte's life enough to cause this much physical stress? I'll tell you now that something is wrong. Terribly wrong. These things only exacerbated the underlying cause. One that no one knew....