Topic: Accendo, Acerbus

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-11-06 00:41 EST
Magenta's note was slipped under the door of Madison's room, the big blond not keen on disturbing whatever might be going on in there, weary of confrontation, and--after the scene in the Inn with the creature Lassie--uncertain of the strength of her own self control.

Burn this when you've read it, it began. Really. No matter what that bitch from the Daughters of Cacaphony said last night, you, we, are Toreadors, and we will keep the Masquerade.

Arts' demand is simple, if impossible to meet. She wants her blood out of one of us, and the only avenue I know besides a permanent ending would be to be remade by kin of another bloodline. I would do it were I to know a route. Alma would have been joyfull at the opportunity, but Artsblood and her DreamWitch ended her. And the quality of kin available in RhyDin do not instill me with any sense of promise. If I see a chance I will take it; as the mantis woman stressed to Charna that, immortal though she may be, her patience is not endless.

About the creature that accosted me last night, the girl who called herself "Lassie." The Daughters are a new clan, dating back only some 300 years, at least as far as the Tor know. They are unaligned and lawless, as you saw. Some claim they split from our line, others see a connection to the Malkavian. Surely they sprang out of the Camarilla, but exactly what branch they've so bent remains a mystery.

I don't know her strength, but be wary. Among their powers is song, and the Sirens of the Illiad are said to be nothing to a Daughter in full vocal flight.

Let me know your thoughts on the former matter. I will make this change if opportunity permits, if only to spare you the suffering. If Jane, when Jane returns...I think she will care little what manner of monster I am, since the monstrosity itself did not change her feelings.

As I hope you know, I intended none of this. I will do what I can to make it as right as such wrongness can be.


The script was surprisingly loopy and girlish, with neat little circles dotting the i's and the lower case j's. Clearly no forgery, it carried her perfume and the scent of her skin, the latter so faint that only another of their kind might tease it out. Though a single piece of bond paper, it felt surprisingly heavy in the hand.

(Composed by the player of Magenta)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-11-15 19:45 EST
The finest line is the one I walk

Madison was a dark dream, in her cadillac, down the wet midnight road. The wheel swerved and she angled a corner sharply, narrowing off down a strip. Her eyes were heavy lidded. A cigarette bobbed on her lower lip. She passed posters tattered with the downpour advertising a show. The Nameless One with his knives aimed at Wanda. Further along were the faded WANTED posters of herself which still littered West End. She scowled.

Since Lofton she had been a rager. Wild. She walked a dangerous edge. But it was all done now. Done and dusted. Worn off. Her voice rusted after too many shouts, too much crying, too much...

She hit the breaks and got out, slamming the door behind her. Esther the skull shivered on the back dashboard. She sauntered for the two bit hotel with its stucco walls and battered door. She stepped into the unlit hallway and walked down it with eyes that saw all too well, further and deeper than anyone ought. But she was dead. So what did it hurt? Nothing. On she went and up the back stairwell, boots sounding out against the dirty concrete. Spiral, around and around until she reached the cream door to her room. Her shadow slithered along beside her, lean and lazy. She fiddled with the lock and stepped inside.

It seemed Arts couldn't be angry at Madison, not when she owed her. She had afterall helped the skeleton bitch when half her face had been rotting away with acid. She had been the one to scare the priest off, send him off with a flying punch. But still, Arts was warranted in her unease, as Magenta was in feeling burned. Now there was Lassie to contend with. Some siren psycho. But Madison didn't have any grunt in her anymore. She didn't have room for grudges. She just didn't care. If the cards were turned and she was called to do what she did best, then she would walk that line. Raise that gun. Fire. And if guns wouldn't work she would go at it tooth and nail. And if she had to, absolutely had to, then she would use what she had been given by the Dear Departed. She would dance macabre.

The night outside was still, as the hour proclaimed. Carpet softened her steps, stole their leather squeak. She leant against the sill, brushed aside the curtain, sighed.

"You are more than a little trouble."
"Oh you love it."
"I wouldn't be here otherwise."

Memories stirred like leaves in a gust. She whispered his name like a frayed prayer and hoped he would come around soon. She needed his brand of affection. She needed some release.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-11-25 17:47 EST
The set pieces had all fallen away. Her crown had fallen, was clattering along the castle floors. The projector reel was frying, eating itself. The moon was made out of paper. The sea was cardboard. The world was a stage. She was heading off to the side.

The audience rebelled. The October People were not satisfied.

Madison Rye was not going to play the part of queen or renegade. She was sick of costumes. She tore them off. Tore off the flesh beneath. She raged against the throne of her skin. NO NO NO.

Illusions would fall at her feet. Crack and shatter like mirrors. No throwing in lakes for watery reflections to spook her. No casting of faiths. No warding off the superstitions. She was just a woman. Nothing less, nothing more.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-12-28 07:21 EST
Word spread like wildfire. Raced and tore through her head and stomach like a poison. Lassie was dead. Where did that leave a gun totin' wanderer, The Specialist and a girl named Jane?

So a letter was written, to ask the questions, to make a bet, to finalise the wager:


I got the news this morning. So where does this leave us?

Cervenka is in town, she's running The Cabaret out of the bar once known as Zeal's. I'm under her protection, so is my husband, Eli. If you want to make any deal you'll have to go through her.

Send word in the next week, otherwise I'll take your silence as note that this means war.

I have no more patience left in me.



Date: 2009-12-28 23:12 EST
"It takes two to write a letter as much as it takes two to make a quarrel." ~Elizabeth Drew

The note was cuddled in a cream-colored envelope, its paper as soft as the inside of a girl's thigh. Madison's name swooped across its face, below the point where the missive was pinned to Zeal's door by a single rose; the latter almost frightening in its scarlet vivacity, in the unnatural extravagence of its thorns, one of which served to affix the missive to the frame.

Madison, Dear;

Your thanks, though unspoken, are hereby acknowledged. And your capacity for drama leads me to admit that you might yet be a suitable addition to the clan.

What next, you ask? To my mind there needs be no "next." The recent unpleasantness with the Daughter, and the girl Jane's efforts in that confrontation on Magenta's behalf (and, I can only assume, on yours), leaves me with neither interest in nor motivation to pursue what I now see was a self-indulgence.

In short, be assured that you can delve into whatever future you desire without my interference, unless the latter is earned anew. In fact, should you find youself needing advice in mastering your recent transformation, I will happily offer what little bits of wisdom I've gathered.

For example, I've heard it said that when fieldmice call for war, the fox only loosens her belt.


Artsblood Shusberg

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-12-30 06:07 EST

Thanks for your letter.

Cervenka has invited you to The Caberet. Suggested an evening in January if it will suit you. She says you'll enjoy the show. Even better if you're in the mood for some new business. I agree that there is something to be had in this all.

I've have you know your mention about my capacity for drama made me laugh. Perhaps your right. Or perhaps I have become too serious for my own good.

I will see that yourself, Magenta and Jane are under the Cab's eye. Let me know if it's your fancy to rendezvous with Sasha Cervenka and I. All blood on the house.


As the letter left her hand and filled the envelope she smirked, shook her head and crooked her brows, looking over to the window. Shame Karras had hit the road. He would have made quite an addition to this crowd. And how. Thoughts drifted there, then died away, she got to her feet, pulled on her stetson and raced her shadow to the door, out it and to the post station.


Date: 2009-12-30 22:34 EST
"Deliver de letter, de sooner de better."
-David Allan Coe

The brief note is delivered as the former had been, if anything its pinning rose more disturbingly alive in color, more extravagent of thorn.

Madison, dear-

Such politesse, and a sense of humor too. You will charm me yet.

Yes, I would be glad of such company, on the assumption that my Witch woud also be welcome were she so inclined.

And "blood on the house"? I certainly hope there is no need for such poor paint, miss, at least during my visit...

Artsblood Shusberg

Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-05 22:15 EST
A letter sailed like a paper plane in the arms of the Bunny. Magenta the receiver. As Madison wrote the note her hand shook. She couldn't quite say why.


Cervenka is back in town. She's an old consort of mine. My husband and I worked for her and are doing so again. We would all like your company to talk a little treat for each. Artsblood will be accompanied by her companion and should you wish to bring the same it should be fine. Please come.

Her hand shook again. She swallowed.



Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-07 16:49 EST
Dearest Tag

I haven't seen you in too long. It worries me. Are you okay, how is your wife? I regret not being in town for the Wedding. But I was thinking of you both. Hoping the bad weather away.

I have to keep my head low. You've seen why. And I will be off again, soon, back to the town that soiled my name. One of my boys took down and is now on the run. Some of us never stop it, do we? Running for life.

The days are jumbled and I've been drinking a lot more. It's a way out. But it gets so hard to keep seeing sometimes when you always see so much. Do you get used to it? I thought we all did.

There's a night coming up at the new Venture, an old bar in West End where a good friend of mine ran. Artsblood, her partner who you would recall, the Witch, the one who makes nightmares and dreams, they'll be there, but under creedence. My boss is holding an Affair. I'd like it if you would come.

I guess what I'm doing is asking for your help.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-08 17:43 EST

When you walk the road on Tuesday make sure you go loaded. Jacob's going to smell a rat soon. Likes breathes like.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-08 17:45 EST

Light some matches for me. A vigil is going to help keep me burning.

Keep on shining.



Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-08 17:47 EST

Take this as an S.O.S. One of my boys is in trouble. Do you think you and the Monster could come by Zeal's next week? Another fire got started. It's not the circus this time.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-08 17:52 EST

Want some work?

Remember, I owe you.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-11 01:39 EST

I got your note. Andy Jacob isn't business anymore. To his kidnap I say good riddance.

If anything else pops up of interest, about Big One or The Angels of Truth, let me know.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-13 02:29 EST

Still got bloodlust?

Two nights from now, meet with Cora. She works at The Ugly Piper. Small thing, chestnut curls. I can't meet you in person, it's isn't safe. But I need your help. Cora will fill you in. Drinks on my tab.



Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-13 02:32 EST

I write this with the hope that life treats you easier.

If you aren't busy, how about that dinner I owe you?

I've got a job I need help on. If you can, leave a note at the Ugly Piper with Cora. She's a saloon girl there.



Date: 2010-01-14 22:34 EST
Got your message, Rye. I'll be in town in a couple of nights. Got work to finish on the house. Plus my girlfriend is having a hard time letting me go. I can't leave her alone in the house so she might be along for the ride.

Watch your back. There's a lot of dosh floating for a war like this, babe.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-15 20:01 EST

It's good to know you are around. You might want to keep your girlfriend in Rhy'Din while we are away.

Drop your stuff off at the Cab.

You know what to do.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-01-24 19:56 EST

Cervenka and myself can meet with you and the witch on Monday. Are you available?

The heat is on. If you want to consolidate business and friendship I have a Venture I need help with. Is it your interest? I'm prepared to build a bridge over troubled water with you.
