Topic: Calling the Hunter

Clayton Sheridan

Date: 2010-06-29 18:12 EST
After midnight.

Out in the moonlight.

Not like they used to do, certainly, save for one time, tawny red-gold shadowing a shadow of an Egyptian.

Now he's prowling the dusty, shadowed streets of Ghost Town alone...

...well, as far as he can tell, anyway, which is pretty far. To date, only one has ever managed to get the drop on him, and she had been a feline at the time.

The sleek, muscular red-gold form slips from shadow to shadow, this restless night caused - as so many have ben, of late - by the call in his soul.

A nebulous thing, to be sure, a nameless, directionless pull that is calling him, bading him come to where it leads.

He's resisted. He knows that to give in will change everything, and he is happy with his life. His home is here in Ghost Town, no influences outside of it since their father had passed beyond and his brother had secluded himself in the library with the witch that had ensnared his heart. His bed, most times empty even of him, but those occasions when he came back to find the black, feline form curled up in it, or the dusky, flowing shape of the Egyptian.

It's the memory that keeps him here, a vision of a future that might have been, had it not been for his own carelessness.

Red-gold laid next to black, entwined, tender, intimate touches that were, at once, feline...and yet oddly human.

Two pairs of golden eyes watching cubs at play, some the color of the mountain lion, others of the panther next to him, their coats revealing flecks of inky blackness within tawny colors, or hints of reddish gold highlighted in ebon fur whenever they strayed into the evening's sunlight as they played and wrestled.

A vision of contentment, of happiness free of foolish human concerns, troubles and pain.

She had forgiven him for dashing the dream, had even thanked him for not allowing her to surrender to that bestial, primal urge.

He had never forgiven himself.

From the shadows ahead comes a movement, small and quick, a nocturnal lagomorph frightened by the approach of the predator.

His reaction is without thought, the instinct of eons of felines before him taking control as muscles tense, coil, and spring with fluid speed, velvet paws suddenly contorting to reveal long, curved ivory scimitars of claws as the leap carries him from shadow to moonlight, arcing through the air with the ease of an arrow from a bow.

The front paws land hard in the middle of the rabbit's back, claws sinking into furred skin even as the spine snaps like a dry twig and the small animal is pinned to the earth. The jaws open and seize the doomed lagomorph's head, the great head twisting with a vicious jerk that ends what little life the rabbit had left.

It's so much simpler as an animal. Life, death. The only worries of life the hunting of the next meal, finding a stream to drink from, a sheltered and secure place to sleep.

No worries of death, not even when it will arrive. Just existing, day to day to day.

The mountain lion picks the limp form up in its jaws, looking around for a moment for anyone that might have seen, anything that may try to rob him of his night's prize.


Date: 2010-06-30 10:48 EST
She found her way home to the empty room. The hotel seemed as haunted and steeped in nostalgia and melancholy as the soul of the Egyptian herself.

Delicately and without thought she disrobed, leaving the silk to spill from her flesh as it had so many times before.

A close of eyes and she saw the duality again. The dark figure of the egyptian lioness, the panther one might see her as.

Another image behind lids of the dark beast curled and intertwined with the tawny-red gold of her mate, of the Rex.

The dusky form of the Egyptian dropped down in near defeat to the bed, figure curling into itself as she closed her eyes and crushed her palms against them.

Visions of things she would never have.

She had thanked him for saving her humanity, but every day she was tormented by the fact that choosing humanity had seemed to mean losing everything... a family, happiness, a future untouched by mirages.

The Rex was the only one that was bound and drawn to both sides of the Duality.

She loved him, and the feline recognized the Rex as her mate.

The tears spilled over as the Egyptian cried for all that were lost.

The Rex, the Rain Dancer, the Gun Slinger, the Hunter, the Guardian, the Raven.

The tears spilled over for those found.

The Ember Princess, the Sun Prince, the Enigma.

Ever the Harlot Queen of the Harem, multi-faceted the nature of her and she loved them all.

Each and every one of them.

Exhausted she would cry herself to sleep, silent tears in the darkness that were her own to possess.

The dream scarabs resting on the vanity, a hand full of beads missing and where once there were three... now two remained.

Lost in the savage pain of nightmares and dreams her body curled around the scarab.

She wished... she dreamed...she slept, waiting perhaps infinitely for the return of them all, the love in return.

Clayton Sheridan

Date: 2010-07-02 07:04 EST
Ever has he been the warrior, the hunter. The path laid out before him as a child, and he had followed it with enthusiasm and honor.

But that doesn't mean it's all he knows.

The night's hunt is done, the rabbit little more than scraps of fur and bones in the midst of a bloody stain in the shadows.

Even as he sits on the roof of a building near the hotel, he feels it again.

The call. The pull.

Come to us, brother.

He doesn't know the voice, the timbre of it not that of James. But it has the same pull, the same power behind it.

The golden eyes turn to the distant horizon, still cloaked in night's robes.

But only for a moment, before they move back to the window only a few feet from where he sits. Even in this darkness, he has no trouble picking out the naked form of the Egyptian, curled in her bed, trembling in her sleep as she is haunted by dreams unknown to him.

The call is nothing to him when he looks at her. His heart - human and feline - was hers from the moment that vision had passed between them.

Her pain, her loss tears at him. He feels no pity for her, however, only love and understanding, and a wish that he might perhaps be able to help heal her wounds, though he doesn't know how he might do it.

And fear. That call gets stronger every night, beckoning, pulling. Even as he watches her, he fears what answering it may bring to ruin.

Life without her in it, in whatever small ways they can share, is intolerable.

Muscles coil, the settling shift of all felines, and then release as his leap carries him through her open window, landing with the muted sound of heavy, padded paws.

Without pausing he moves, stealthily slipping into the bed beside her, the great cat curling up around her as she trembles in her sleep, a great, furred forelimb and the thickly furred tail both draping over her gently, the great head very tenderly nuzzling her as his breathing shifts to a low, soothingly rumbling purr. Golden eyes watch her as she sleeps, for the first time this night appearing to be content.


Date: 2010-07-02 07:30 EST
There were no more dreams. Nothing more then nightmares and mirages that plagued her nights.

One moment in a dream where she believed she was back in the marketplace dancing, the next moment in another room with the Guardian there making it seem as if life had never changed and that the past had been altered.

The words lingered in her mind, the silent plea for life to be lived and loved, for a moment to feel the truth in love.

Mixed and mingled with the understanding of just how much she missed her homelands. A world she never could return to.

Another flashing moment of the Red Dragon. A vision of the Roman. Then another vision of the Egyptian sprawled out in a garden filled with savages. The flowers flowing around her, surrounding her.

Then... only then did the lioness stir within her, knowing well that the Egyptian was slowly breaking a part and burning her soul to cinders, the lioness took over as she felt the presence of the Rex, the presence of her mate.

The duality never had the control for the lioness to influence the shift but she at least could progress into controlling the Egyptian's mind.

Just enough to leave those smooth curves to curl against the mountain lion.

Fingers holding on to his tail and for that moment all of the nightmares and mirages were shushed and the Egyptian slept peaceful.

Clayton Sheridan

Date: 2010-07-17 22:01 EST

"She's very pretty, James."

The boy looks up, perhaps seven years of age, already with his mother's red hair and cream skin with just a hint of the duskier red of his father, the brilliant blue eyes that have the same piercing weight. Even at his age she can feel the weight of that stare, the one that others will feel piercing their soul one day. And, perhaps, one day it will pierce the heart of a woman, as well, much as his father's had.

But for now, it's the look of a curious boy that is delighted his mother had noticed something no one else could have known, as well as curiosity as to how she could have come by the knowledge.

"How did you know it was a she, mommy?"

She grins and winks at him, a woman of flowing red waves of hair, pale skin, slender and pretty, a daughter of Ireland without a doubt in anyone's mind. That she and her husband should have gotten married did not seem a likely match, and yet here she is with her son, her belly full and round with the weight of his brother on the way. "I'm a mom. We just know these things."

The drawing is of a black panther, prowling and sleek, the golden eyes fixed on something distant, the ears up and alert. A sleek black Queen among cats, drawn in a child's hand but still lovely to behold.

"She's for Clayton. I saw it in a dream."

She smiles at her son, a quizzical look on her face as she looks at him for a moment. "Really? She's for him?"

He nods, that simple childish honesty of someone who knows something beyond a shadow of a doubt. "Well, she's for him and he's for her."

She ruffles his hair with a puzzled smile, wanting to ask him more, but he's already absorbed in the panther again. Strange thing to say, she thinks, walking away. Her hands come up to the bulge in her stomach as she turns away, the conversation already fading from her mind.


As she curls in against him, he knows a moment of peace. The same one that always steals over him when she feels him there and relaxes, of for a moment forgetting that she had ever been elsewhere. Of being whole and complete.

The limb around her midsection tightens in a curl around her to pull her in close, his muzzle coming to rest against the black strands spilt across her shoulder and neck, creamed coffee of her skin. The tail gives an errant twitch in her grasp, the golden eyes falling contentedly closed.

Sleep in peace tonight, little queen.

The final thought before his own dreams come to take him away...