Topic: One Side of a Coin

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-04 13:53 EST
The other side of the story... for the players. Comments, ideas, hello's and nonsense. :)


Date: 2009-07-04 14:36 EST
SWEET! You got it! Congrats!

Hey, don't forget to ask someone to move Alekhine's Gun over here.


Date: 2009-07-04 14:41 EST
Congratulations on the folder! Cannot wait to read more. :grin:


Date: 2009-07-04 15:29 EST

That is all.

You know how excited I am for you!


Date: 2009-07-04 15:30 EST
Congrats!!! Welcome neighbor! I will bake you a pie!


Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-04 20:17 EST
Thank you everyone. -Insert bounce here-

Delahada - Don't you worry, getting that groovy thread put here! Yay.
Fio - That sounds great! Let's hope Michael Creepy von Scary Maleficio doesn't, you know, make any additions to it while it's cooling on the sill i.e tongues, fingers. Meanwhile, I'll get making that lemonade and some cookies! :)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-05 20:29 EST
Welcome to Lani!!

Cake, cake, cake! Gosh. Between you and Fio, Madi, our sweet toothed gunslinger, is one happy gal!

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-07-05 21:13 EST
Thank you m'dear. Glad for the invite for the witch to find her nitch. Yes... that was not intended to rhyme. ::grin::


Date: 2009-07-06 11:24 EST
'Tizzah neato place you got goin' here.

Fun stories too, very nice, good work and all. :grin:

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-06 18:50 EST
Thank you - Good to know they're fun and being enjoyed. That makes me very happy, Tav player :)

One could say the same about yourself - Madi is definitely a fan of your Trickster.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-07-07 14:07 EST

The Murder of Crows storyline is willingly open for the exploration of those that have held an experience of the Circus. It's an offset thread tied loosely or perhaps tightly depending on perception to the Circus thread.

Feel free to join in with your own little experiences with the seance circle or the palm reader herself.

As per every little haunting bit of the things that go bump in the night, the wicked torments that bring nightmares to our dreams... perception and intpretation will only make the thread more interesting.

Predominantly it'll be breathed in life with those that gunslinger and the witch have come across... but like a web... a cross roads... perhaps some paths will meet in the middle ::wink:; Enjoy

Michael Maleficio

Date: 2009-07-09 23:41 EST
Thank you everyone. -Insert bounce here-

Delahada - Don't you worry, getting that groovy thread put here! Yay.
Fio - That sounds great! Let's hope Michael Creepy von Scary Maleficio doesn't, you know, make any additions to it while it's cooling on the sill i.e tongues, fingers. Meanwhile, I'll get making that lemonade and some cookies! :)

::taps some dismembered foot::

No tongues or fingers for pie. Liver and kidneys, yes. Fingers poke through and ruin the crust.

Belated congrats on the folder.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-12 07:18 EST
You wicked wicked thing.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-12 10:06 EST
I'm out of writing gas at the moment, and haven't been able to get a post happening for the past few days that is doing justice to the story. I will, soon.

Suliss - I'll get that weapon request PM to you, I just haven't checked that link you gave me properly.
Maranya - A post is coming, I swear it.

I will only be around twice a week at the moment. Pressure's on at work so by the time I get in I'm fairly tired. And I've got six months of practicing my as$ off to get my fledgling music career on its feet as a friend has offered for me to play on stage with his band (big freaking deal for me!), so my energies are spread out on a few fronts from now on and I can't dedicate as much time to RP except for chosen periods. However, I *will* be expanding on this setting and maintaining storylines, just don't expect instant development and/or responses. I'll do my best. And as any work has seasons, things will ease up again and I'll be able to get back here more, and you'll see when I do.

In light of this, I've decided Friday and Tuesday nights are going to be my regular writing times in chat, so catch me then. :)

Big fat hugs, folks.



Date: 2009-07-12 23:07 EST
Oh good. I don't feel like such a schmuck for slacking now. Good luck with your lucky break!

also: Michael. I love you.


Date: 2009-07-13 05:27 EST
Thanks babe.

Hope your move went/is going well!

I ought to be back a bit more regularly in about three weeks. But today was another insane day at work (like every other of late) so we'll see.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-15 02:38 EST
Another note! -Ducks from the tomatoes-

To alleviate any confusion.

As you may have noticed there's a woman in red slinking around town who looks suspiciously like our sweet toothed gunslinger, who calls herself Seeohnee (Sione). If your character spies her or happens to come into direct contact with her and they know her, don't be surprised if she snubs them, volunteers little information about herself and is altogether super-quiet. She's not being a meanie, she's just Hiding Out.

For characters who are extra sensitive/magic-a-fied she still carries the same aura, scent and basic physical appearance as per the profile Madison Rye.

The major departures in terms of characteristics that distinguish Sione are

- that she tends to dress a little more provocatively, revealing the Vamp in Madi that most wouldn't imagine her to possess. Usually it is a red-raw silk dress that ties at the nape, with a deep 'V' neck that covers her assets perfectly and finishes to dance at her ankles.
- Sione is dark nails, red lips. Big starlet eyes. Murderously high stilettos. Almost as if she walked straight out of a silent film or noir. The siren, she is breath stealing but untouchable; unless of course she chooses not to be. Dark secrets..If you get that far, otherwise this is the feeling she might conjure. Wherever she is, she is a haunting, ghostly, fleeting and despite her presentation/choice of dress, possibly very easy to miss.

Without giving away too much of the mystery, no, Madison doesn't have any sort of fugue going on - she's running around in Masquerade while she is being hunted. If asked, she will deny that she is Madison or has anything to do with her, and is rarely found outside of the company of Karras when in Sione-mode.

Madison herself may be a rare sight, appearing at odd hours and likely by the cover of night.

So, if your character wants to think her an identical twin (or a lunatic!) that's your prerogative. Madi will be back as per usual in the coming weeks.

Sione is her assumed stage name for her work with the magician, so hence the screen name and separate posts. It's purpose to explore a different side of a cut and dry character. This all very open ended, though, so anything may develop.

Have fun with it if you see her!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-16 22:26 EST
Welcome to Ba'Shara, the latest resident, a sphinx to prowl the ghost streets.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-17 18:34 EST
Why yes, I am a nerd

Sooooo I took a wander down some roads in Second Life, looking for locations similar to where Madi spends her time in Rhy'Din and then some random spots just cause - even found a creepy carnival where the gunslinger was literally the only person.

She went dancing later at a rockabilly club (undercover, I swear!), some blues club, some gothy club (don't ask) where she scored a free pair of leather pants (as you do) from a magic box?!, got some freebies with Icer, visited a western town, a steampunk curio shop, met some random weirdo's (including a guy who had to do the obligatory "eff me baby you're so hot eff me baby" oh and how I wish Second Life had revolvers as optional fashion accessories!) and then went to some place called The Parking Lot where she sat down, listened to chimes and the Grateful Dead where some hippies with names with prefixes of Moon or Star were dancing (if you could call it that, more like feral swaying) nearby and she chilled out after a biiiiig night of exploring the world and ate some popcorn! I felt tired and bedazzled afterwards myself! :P

Here's a couple postcards (knickers included!):

The Carnival of Doom

The Parking Lot

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-19 03:34 EST
Hi all

FYI as to the course of events:

Investigation into The Orpheum and The Big Top are posts concerned with events that took place a week and a half ago. These threads are to be continued but for the meantime anything written in them is not current. When the posts *are* current, this will be noted in-post.


Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-23 22:49 EST
Big thanks to everyone who has been involved in various angles of this big story.

Kudos for all your participation and for perpetuating the tale in chat and posts.

It has been interesting to see such different lives mingling and to see what comes from these interactions in terms of the consequences and the progression. That's what story telling is all about at its heart; bringing people together!

Corny, but true! :)

Andy Jacob

Date: 2009-07-24 00:38 EST
Let me just direct your attention to this piece of writing over here:

Of Fire and Ice as written by NorseLady. Ties into Sins, Smoke and Mirrors.

And. ::Ahems:: Her latest post. One of the funniest lines to come out of her.

::Laughs and laughs::


Date: 2009-07-24 02:33 EST
It's about time I put my thank you's over here, too!

I'm having a good time reading all about Ghost Town and its inhabitants. I find it all so interesting, and mysterious.

I appreciate the link you provided, and for allowing me to post in this forum.

Thanks again!

~S :cool:

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-24 05:27 EST
I'm happy you like the stories and I hope we see more of you around!


Date: 2009-07-29 05:38 EST
okay! so - Alekhine's Gun is being worked on

sorry if my next post there is short, but the more I thought on it the more I realized I just wasn't going to be able to do it all in one grand lengthy shot

thought maybe we could drag it out with back and forth and back and forth and keep working and working until the ultimate awesome climax

kind of set the stage and hope it's something you other two can work with, chapter by chapter by chapter and so on until we finally write up the end of that story here in Ghost Town

also: sorry it took this long

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-31 09:52 EST
All sounds good!!!

Loved the post, has revved me up for a response. So thank you.


Date: 2009-08-02 10:46 EST
Bless you all! Wow! I absolutely love this slice of WestEnd and love the fact that you all have helped this District live and breathe even more.

'Slingers and Witches and Fae and Drow and Vikings and Shapeshifters, even the odd human here and there... Such edge and dark intrigue! I am thoroughly entranced by the story telling of all the players in this folder. Awesome! I cannot wait to read more!

Oh, and Sid and I love the fact the Makos are getting some of their own back!! ::Cackles.::

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-03 19:54 EST
Thank you for giving us West End and the Mako's to work with.

I hope we see some Sid around. She'll have to go shooting with Cal and Madi again someday. :cool:

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-09 09:23 EST
Welcome to Kaleb Holliday, Gunslinger Cal, Suits and Ties and the upcoming Sam Reed to Ghost Town.

Looking forward to reading more of your contributions, guys!

Quickly: I won't be around until the 14th, for the big dance number. A short break from writing and I've got a busy week on. My birthday tomorrow (the 10th) so plan on partying; no doubt I will need some recuperation after that! Hopefully somebody gives me a new bottle of Jack. Hee.

Have a good week everyone, and if I don't catch you before then, see you Friday night for some good old shoot out fun. Bring yer guns, or forks, or spoons, or axes, what have you.



Date: 2009-08-09 16:55 EST
Danke for the welcome. :)

And happy birthday to you! Enjoy yourself and your time off!


Date: 2009-08-09 20:35 EST
Aww happy early birthday hun! If I could I'd be happy to send you a full bottle of Jack... course then I'd have to personally deliver it and we'd have to spend the night sharing it and having pillow fights, and kiss testing on each other and every other little silly notion men have of women staying together ::grin,snicker;:

Make the best of it darlin' you deserve it!


Date: 2009-08-10 00:09 EST
Remind me again, 'Shara...why can't you do all that?::Grin::


Date: 2009-08-10 00:09 EST
happy birthday!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-10 00:27 EST
Thank you darling writer buddies!!!! Those wishes all arrived safe and sound to me from across all the oceans between us.


Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-10 00:29 EST
Sam Reed has made his first post.

I'm already shakin' in my boots!

Sam Reed

Date: 2009-08-10 00:31 EST
Man, and with only a one-minute delay! I feel famous!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADI-DOLL! I hope you party hard enough to forget how old you are! But, in a good way!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-10 00:39 EST
I'm only twenty four! LOL! Jesus. I better watch out when I turn fiddy.

Sam Reed

Date: 2009-08-10 00:42 EST
Yeeeah, I kinda caught how that sounded after I hit the 'send' button. I meant it in the "I'M DO SRUNK! Who'm I?" kind of way. You know I adore you. :D

But yes. When you turn fiddy, I'll make sure to find a way to contact you and make a remark. Just for continuity's sake. ;)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-10 00:44 EST
This will likely happen. :cool:

You better stay in contact, buddy. I expect it! ::Puts foot down::

Sam Reed

Date: 2009-08-10 00:45 EST
Until we're so old, our life's savings will be jokes to us, and we'll spend them on monthly trans-continental visits to play backgammon. ;)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-10 00:47 EST
Luff you, Sam. Luff you lots.


Date: 2009-08-10 08:28 EST
::Throws in a happy birthday for good measure:: :grin:

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-12 20:17 EST
Welcome to Fred McCarty!

Cue snake rattles, Sergio soundtracks and cardboard thunder.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-16 01:59 EST
Welcome to Judah Bishop, Hunts in Silence, Slow Rain, Krysanthe.

To anyone I have not had the chance to thank or have overlooked, thank you for the fabulous play concerned with Madison's abduction. It was terrific stuff!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-21 02:47 EST
It is about time I publically thank Panther for allowing me to have this folder, for allowing us all to expand upon Rhy'Din.

To Sid, for creating West End.

It is so very cool to be able to log on here and have the opportunity to write along with other people in a setting within a setting, that you allowed me to create so we can all express and explore Rhy'Din in a new way.

So thanks, both of you.


Special thanks to the players of Sam Reed and Judah Bishop for their collaborative efforts of late. You both rock my socks. You have taken an idea and turned it into something so entertaining. I feel so, so lucky to be apart of this.


Date: 2009-08-21 06:30 EST
Hey folks,

Apologies that the Egyptian hasn't been around much save for in posting threads.

I've been going through a bit of a rough spot in life. Mostly been sick off and on this entire week and it's taken it's toil on me.

I just didn't want that to prowl into the Egyptian's spirit so I've taken a small, tiny, pratically non-existant break from her until I get my karma, chi, happy bunny nature or whatever you want to call it back into gear.

Much love to everyone. I promise to get out of my rut soon.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-21 06:56 EST
Take care. Play is always here, just get well.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-06 08:07 EST
I owe ideas and posts to some of you. Madison hasn't been easy to write about of late, but I am guessing when finally the water turns on the flood will be worth it. Subject matters are difficult to contain in a post, I prefer chat and the spontaneity of that to explain and reveal, but having this folder encourages me to share and to try and explore her story... which I will continue to do hopefully sometime over the next week. Her story has taken turns I did not expect and as a writer I'm learning how to best convey all the feelings and repercussions of what she has experienced.

Thanks for your patience. I haven't forgotten about anything, it just seems that maybe Madison has actually gone off into the woodbines for real and taken a freaking vacation while she was at it.

Serves me right for making a character like that. Lol. I've never had a character go AWOL on me before so this is weird.

If you see her, please tell her to come home. Thanks. :)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-15 03:22 EST
Holding off on intro' ing Irina for the moment...


Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-16 03:07 EST

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-18 02:14 EST
Yeah, sorry about that Clayton. ::Points to Death Valley thread::

Madi is a wild thing of late.

::Guilty smile::


Date: 2009-09-18 06:35 EST
::low laugh::

Ba'shara is completely innocent in it all. Taken advantage of I say!

Woman thou art loose ::snickers::

Really Madi, I think it's about time we take a bow. Or curtsy or whatever we shall do.

Have a feeling we've yet to see the wilds of the Death Valley Queens. ::grin::

Who knows what can be done when a Sphinx become unleashed.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-18 10:36 EST
Now, really Bashara, who was leading who to the bed? Hmm?


Crazy times indeed. There are lots of surprises in store. I am sure.


Date: 2009-09-18 11:47 EST
She just wanted to sleep! It was the Rain Dancer that got all touchy feely. Hee!

No complaints either way ;) Looking forward to see what unfolds tonight.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-10-28 02:54 EST
Welcoming PlainJane to West End!

A shout out to PlainJane and the players of Magenta and Artsblood for being such wonderful fun with the current storyline. Thank you for being such awesome writers and cooperative players. I keep coming back because of people like you.

Ba'Shara, you've been a lot of fun lately. It's been really nice to still have that after all the changes and developments since I brought Madi to Rhy'Din.

Tag, you rock! The Dark Man's presence in Madi's world is just the thing she needs, she's lucky to have a friend like him. I am enjoying myself so much with our writing. You have undoubtedly helped my Muse to flourish.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-11-12 16:42 EST
Hey guys

Sorry for the delay in replies I owe and story progress in general, I've been working a lot more and it's a time of year where there is plenty on. Not to mention the fact my internet connection has been playing havoc so I've pretty much given up on the net while this has been the case.

I intend to play catch up today so thanks for bearing with me!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-12-22 15:00 EST
Hey everyone

I know I still owe some posts and some play. I have a new job and am working ten to twelve hour days. It's that time of year as well so I'm extra busy. I'll be on holiday from the 24th to the 31st and when I get back only really have one day to rp.. Monday night America time i.e sucky o'clock for most of you I imagine, as Monday's are.

I'll get to those posts in the new year... In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas with those you love and an awesome NYE. Stay safe and enjoy yourselves!

Big goddamn hugs!

Madison Rye

Date: 2010-02-08 03:14 EST
Hey folks

I've been fighting this for a while but unfortunately it's come to a point where I'm going to have to put all my stories on hold, and I don't know for how long. Between the twelve hour days and other commitments, occasions and priorities I can't make the time for this anymore. When I do write these days, it's on a story I'm hoping to publish sometime next year and that's my focus in the spare hours and my music. I hate to leave things standing but I don't want to be half assed in what I bring to the table here. I value you all too much.

Have a great time building stories and please feel free to use Ghost Town for your tales. I'll visit when I can :)


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-02-16 18:07 EST
Just ducking in...

Devil Doll, circa 63. Find, rent, watch. Hilarious.

Madison Rye

Date: 2010-03-20 01:48 EST
Sorry about tonight to those I was playing with, my connection fried intermittently.


Madison Rye

Date: 2010-03-30 23:03 EST
Thanks Elison Blue, Tag Sentry and Todd for being a lot of fun to interact with since my return. I'm excited about all that us yet to take place. Thanks for egging me on.

Madison Rye

Date: 2010-06-12 07:13 EST
I'm back. For real real. Thanks in particular to my writing partners for being oh so patient with me. I'm excited about getting some new stories started and to picking up where we left off.

OneTuffSOB, Artsblood, Elison Blue, Tag Sentry and Karras of note for always giving me so much to work with and allowing me the chance to write with such talent and to participate in these engrossing tales. To helping me better explore mine.


Date: 2010-06-12 09:45 EST
Welcome back! You've been sorely missed. I can't wait to see what you get going again. :)

Elison Blue

Date: 2010-06-12 10:30 EST
Missed you, honey girl.


Date: 2010-07-07 20:10 EST
Hello lovies,

Just to advise that Sol Death is an open thread to any that would wish to add input in to Ba'shara's thread as I take a bit of a new direction with her.

If you're interested in posting in the thread feel free to PM message if you'd prefer to do a post of what's going on in their lives while Ba'shara is lost in the dream world... or have them trying to help bring her back... or even to have your character interact with her in the dream world. Any thoughts or ideas or welcome... just wanted to take a new spin with her.

Take care

Madison Rye

Date: 2010-08-11 08:09 EST
Just a note that Madi is back on the scene along with Dhorgood conducting her "free lance detective work". Thanks to The Masked Man for allowing me to pick up on his lead and work on writing a mystery again.

Madison Rye

Date: 2011-08-22 21:59 EST

Long time no see, folks.

I've slowly been bringing my story (see lotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandLOTSofthreads!) into focus. Previously, I was not able to dedicate I wished to the stories, partly due to RL, committments, and a lack of interest/inspiration as the story had hit a brick wall, but this is one of my hobbies and I know at the end of the day if you enjoy something enough you make the time for it. This story has always been so big and so much fun it is worth exploring further.

So I'm going to be posting more regularly and tidying up as the board went out of control there with a spike in cowboys on the site and my handling too many storylines at once. I fear I've confused any readers I had, so have some 'splainin' to do.

1 - A couple of years back, I explored a spin-off story involving a younger Madi in town, who embodies innocence and the possibility of Redemption. To me, westerns often wrestle this theme, and while my writing is my own re-imagining the genre, I still think it's a pretty weighty, important narrative to play with and has heavily influence my Madison story. ANYWAY! So, we have the little Madi back in town, once again, innocent, afresh, and a little different to the young Madi of a couple of years back, she does not suffer the "illness" younger Madi carried before, courtesy of Magenta Grail (what a generous soul!), and she's back because older Madison is again on the wrong course and not learnt her lesson. This whole thing is aimed at redemption, rebirth and bad patterns - you cannot move on until you break them chains.

2 - Meanwhile, we have the ongoing storyline of The Orpheum, which was assaulted by Delahada, Necromesh and Madison sometime ago. The Orpheum Theatre itself was subsequently burned down a fair bit later between an NPC character mine, Heil Dhorgood of the Rhy'Din Watch, and Madison. Andy Jacob escaped. His brother, Brentan, did not. He was an innocent.

These two storylines cross, and this is what I am writing about here to clarify.

Madi Younger will keep turning up until Madison Older has a fundamental change. This is coming. As it is, The Orpheum is up and running again, with Andy Jacob heading it again. Heil, Madison and one of Madison's old colleagues from Zeal's bar in West End, have come together to form another plan of attack. Zeal's is now the base of their operation and been renamed Charlie's, in honour of its deceased owner, Charlie Renauldt.

It is a bar still, but little classier, a little less rough.

The last point of mention is Somersault, a thread I will be posting which has been written between myself and the player of Tag Sentry, illustrating their friendship and something of a side story between them; high lighting themes again of redemption, rebirth, the past, memories, and the uncertainties and convictions of the future. I am posting this because Tag is one of my favourite writers on the site and having the chance to work on stories with them is just wonderful. The thread is also pertinent as Tag knew Madi both as a youth the last time she was so, and the older Madison, whom he ventured to Lofton County with to rescue one of Madison?s allies, Michael, from the depravity and evil of the Hexxmen (see Hang the Jezebel).

During June, I traveled through some of the heartland of where a lot of my inspiration is from ? the Wild West. How could I not be inspired? I found during my travels I saw Madison?s life more clearly, her voice spoke louder, and the stunning landscapes catapulted my imagination into reaches of my story I hadn?t seen firsthand to be able to capture with words, something I have been ardent about, and being amongst it, anywhere from the stunningly surreal Monument Valley to the history-laden beauty of Texas to the lonely desert roads of California, I knew I had it. One day I plan on hitting Montana wolf country to be inspired still more, and hopefully Wyoming to meet with a western author who knows of Madison and has offered some thoughtful notes. To see these places, meet such people, helps immensely. It's like a fresh breath of air through the tale. I needed it.

While I am still working on my Madison novel, it?s fun to explore other parts of her life and the story that exists here, and as I shared with Tag player, it?s special to be able to return again and again and always come away with more inspiration and ultimately as a better writer.

Thanks for reading and here's to many more stories!


Madison Rye

Date: 2011-08-23 23:01 EST
The thread Mark the devil is another side story that will come to the fore once does the sun go to rest?, somersault and we begin again, it is what we do have completed their course.

Cervenka was shot in cold blood by Madison but as been resurrected, as per the loopholes the Thief will find. All will be explained, if you are following.


Madison Rye

Date: 2011-08-30 20:57 EST
A note that what is taking place in Somersault, right now, is essentially the other side of the mirror, to what is unraveling in



Madison Rye

Date: 2011-11-24 22:41 EST
Somersault has been completed. Thanks again to the player of Tag Sentry for enabling me to complete that story arc. It took me aaagggeeeess to get the last part posted, but there it is.

The next installment is a thread entitled Do you love or slay the lion? which will be posted soon. I hope you enjoy.

Somersault has been one of my most favourite side-stories, but I'm now looking forward to more writings and literary adventures.

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-02 23:56 EST


Date: 2012-07-04 14:38 EST

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-04 19:43 EST
Wanna kick some ass with me?


Date: 2012-07-05 19:54 EST
What a silly question. Of course I do!

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-05 19:58 EST

This makes me happy.

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-15 19:00 EST
I wanted to shout out to everyone who has been keen to write with me since my return and who have been so welcoming. I am so over the moon happy here about all the awesome stories and plots and MAGIC happening of late. I live to write, to watch stories unfold, so it's very heartening to be back.

The calibre of writing on this site astounds me. It's so awesome to be a part of that, thanks for letting me and mine do so.


A Falconne

Date: 2012-07-18 16:41 EST
Just wanted to drop a line about how much I am totally LOVING on the Stars threads between Glenn and Madison! Wonderful, beautiful collaboration!



Date: 2012-07-18 16:49 EST
Just wanted to drop a line about how much I am totally LOVING on the Stars threads between Glenn and Madison! Wonderful, beautiful collaboration!


I have blonde roots and wanted to clarify, the two Shadow's posts between Glenn and Madison. ;D

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-18 19:16 EST
Thank you for saying so, Ducii. Glenn-mun and I are a little in love too, mostly because this whole idea, while loosely structured, went off and did its own thing and surprised us both.

I'm forever grateful to have a writing partner like him.

Glenn Douglas

Date: 2012-07-18 20:20 EST
Thanks so much, Ducikins! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

As Madi said, we're totally infatuated with the story as well and have an absolute blast writing it.

We'll be posting more very soon!

And Madi: <3

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-18 21:05 EST

Rhiannon Brock

Date: 2012-07-23 18:07 EST
Really enjoying the stories for Madison and Glenn!

Bear Jacobs' story is looking good so far, more please!

Madison Rye

Date: 2012-07-24 19:28 EST
Thank you, Rhiannon, both for reading our pieces and the feedback - we are very happy that people are having fun reading our tales.

As for "Shanty" - this will be added to bit by bit! It's a slow burner.


Date: 2012-07-31 03:00 EST
I looooove everrryyythiiiiing. Stop being awesome! ;P

We begin again, it is what we do is the most recent I read and I love it. Keep up all this awesome!


Madison Rye

Date: 2012-08-06 19:09 EST
Thanks thanks thanks!

We have more posts coming. Had the flu the past week so haven't been on my game.

Glenn Douglas

Date: 2012-08-19 21:19 EST
A belated thank you from me, too!

Tag Sentry

Date: 2015-06-11 17:24 EST
Thanks for bringing me into your folder!

Lovely place you've got here.

Madison Rye

Date: 2015-06-11 19:24 EST
Make yourself at home. :)


Date: 2015-06-13 13:17 EST
Loving seeing you writing again, and out in play. Been a real treat. <3 :)

Madison Rye

Date: 2015-06-14 07:20 EST
Thank you, Sal-mun. With all my heart - it means a lot. You were there at the start, always encouraging, and there you still are. I love ya. x

Madison Rye

Date: 2015-07-12 07:08 EST
A shout out to the sweet and excellent writer of Fin Mack - Fin will be coming on board as a bartender and all-rounder at Charlie's Bar from August.

Welcome to the story... :)

Madison Rye

Date: 2015-08-20 00:04 EST
Hey guys

I'm sorry I haven't been around to write - I've had a bit on lately and have started a new job so my hours for writing have been turned on their head.

Once the new roster is in place, I'll be back more regularly.

Charlie's Bar opening will have to be pushed back another week, at least.


Date: 2015-08-22 17:55 EST
Thank you so very much for the warm welcome you have given me into your little section of the boards. I am looking forward to being a part of Charlie's and all the words that you write.

Glad it's just work and that you're okay, take all the time you need.

Madison Rye

Date: 2015-11-22 14:39 EST
Missing the words. On holiday and will return to the Stories in a few weeks. X


Date: 2015-11-22 15:12 EST


Date: 2016-01-11 17:25 EST
omg yay! Madi posts! <3

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-01-11 19:05 EST
Thanks, sweetheart. It's time. :)


Date: 2016-01-12 00:20 EST
Yayayay!!!! I missed you.

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-01-16 07:07 EST
You guys are seriously great.

I feel like I owe this - thanks to everyone who has stuck around and waited me out while I was overseas on holiday and while life got busy at my new job.

Also, thanks for diving into the story in my absence.... and picking up with me when I returned. To everyone I've run into... thanks for keeping those story threads going, even if it a passing acknowledgement. I value you writers extremely. You've all touched me in some way and your magic always stays with me.

Special thanks to Tag Sentry for always being an angel. I am in awe of your talent, your prose and your generosity - not only with your character and his rich history and life, as well as your time... but with everything you bring to the table, after all these years of writing. Everything. You make me a better writer and player.

FinMack... you have been wonderful to write with and again, someone who has dived in when I've been around and carried on and nothing has ever been awkward. Your enthusiasm is wonderful and contagious.

I look forward to what is to come in this board....thanks for sharing it with me.


Date: 2016-01-16 10:09 EST


Date: 2016-01-16 18:30 EST
:oops: :oops: <3<3<3

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-01-18 09:04 EST

Music is often crucial to me when writing. I've very recently discovered this ghost singer and her voice and its force conjures a lot of the mythology of the story. Open expanses and mystery. The fading smoke and the wind-tattered truths on an open, wounded prairie panorama... as seen through a mad man's eye...

Enjoy her stuff, if it's to your fancy.

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-02-19 03:08 EST
All I can say is...

Ruh roh.


*Eyes Foley's posts....*

And happy welcome to Glenn's player for returning with a bang. Natch :)

And the player of Low Life.... come on in, lady. :)


Date: 2016-02-24 13:35 EST
;O @ Cometh the Wolf. ZOMG. I missed Glenn! Can't wait to see how this continues to play out!


Madison Rye

Date: 2016-02-26 10:00 EST
Me too, lady! Should be fun.

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-02-29 05:25 EST
Hey plaaaaayaaaahs.

I'll be out of the game for just over a week out of the country, so no updates during that time as I'm pretty sure my access to a computer will be limited.

Will leave developments of story in your capable hands :D The pot is certainly getting stirred.

See you soon.

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-06-01 04:26 EST
Hey playaaaaaaahs,

A few notes:

Of smoke and ash

The robbery occurs early morning Wednesday 1st June.

The fire takes place Thursday 2nd June.

Charlie's will be closed down the weekend of the 4th and 5th June for detectives.


Date: 2016-08-30 14:33 EST
I really hope there will be more posts for Youth in Revolt! I love your writing, Glenn, and I've always been fascinated by his roots!


Glenn Douglas

Date: 2016-08-30 18:23 EST
Aww, thank you il Duce. <3

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-10-10 10:22 EST
When someone says "Glenn is here."

Glenn Douglas

Date: 2016-10-10 20:52 EST
When someone says, "Madison is here."

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-10-11 10:06 EST
Those feels when you hear Glenn's voice.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2016-10-20 21:27 EST
Sight of Madison

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-11-02 04:30 EST
Hey player friends,

I just wanted to do a shout out to every one for their awesome writing and collaborative ideas and world building.

I haven't been around as much because of IRL and/or scheduling conflicts, but it's always nice to return and find that people are willing to write and play off of the stories. I have the best play partners ever. <3

So thanks for sticking with the stories and being so relaxed about picking things up when we can. If I didn't have you awesome writers, there would be no stories, no community, so thanks for being flexible and keeping things alive.

A little note too, on behalf of Glenn and I, that a story arc we've been coming at and been slowly building for four years, is coming to a head. Along with the writers of Leena (Wild Card) and Salome (Eight Hundred Warlock), big things are going to be happening.

Watch this space :D


Date: 2016-11-26 00:30 EST
This is random, but I've been gone a lot during this month with holiday stuff, and it was great to come back to some new posts! Always enjoy reading your stuff, keep it up! The relationship between Tag and Madison is so unique and fun to read. Looking forward to what happens in the next story arc!

Madison Rye

Date: 2016-11-26 08:16 EST

Thank you very much for saying so. <3

Jezebel Calient

Date: 2016-12-07 01:41 EST
just wanted to give a quick shout out to Tag Sentry for letting me play this smallest of roles in your overall story. Where You Find Coyotes is gorgeous and heartbreaking and so compellingly told, and as tiny as my part in it is, I love being able to say that I helped!

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2017-02-13 13:03 EST
First, I want to thank Madison and Glenn for letting me shuffle into the mix here for awhile. Both of them are stellar writers, brainstormers, and just excellent people in general.

Some of the things I'm planning on posting here were written in a mix of live play and doc play, a sort of piecemeal assemblage that worked out best with our respective schedules and life situations at the time. So dating them has been a bit tricky. I ended up going with a general timeframe for this first thread.

If you're a regular reader over here, then you know Madison's dead. The intent of what's to come is to provide a little insight into events leading up to that point.


Date: 2017-02-13 18:08 EST
OMG Tumbleweeds made me tear up! I can't believe after all these years, Madi will be gone :(

The Way the Wind Blows -- Mm, I love Ketch words <3 and paired with Madi-- complete literary magic! Can't wait to read more!

Madison Rye

Date: 2017-02-16 09:27 EST
Thank you, Duce! :D Ever supportive.

Further to Ketch's post...

Likewise, I have a lot of appreciation to the writer of Ketch and the writer of Glenn for allowing me to take some bold moves and push the story out into a new terrain; both figuratively and literally! The mythology that we are stitching together is terribly exciting and seems to be a renewable source of inspiration for all of us... but getting to build and meld that with you both has been rewarding and a hoot. Thank you.

I also feel that it needs to be said that Madison's death had a pre-amble in forthcoming scenes, so that yes, what is to be posted is essentially like reading a story in reverse, but also, that Madison's demise is only one part of a broader scope that involves the exploration of Ketch Creeley's history and present from both an outward and internal perspective and what happens when worlds marry and, as they say in film, fates collide.

The mythology we are sharing is the work of Ketch's own character history merging head on with the world that Glenn's writer and I have been steadily adding to since our characters met in 2012 and one which has roots in Madison's story independent of either men. The result of all of this construction is what you will be reading now. I am excited to share a part in displaying more of the multifaceted mystery of Creeley and Rye and the development of Douglas as a man alone without a frontier to call home any longer.

Again, thank you guys for all the time, patience, imagination, encouragement and awesome.