Topic: Places of note

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-04 14:02 EST
Look at me Panther; give me my own folder and I run amuck starting new threads! Watch out! ;)

Ok, so seriously, this thread is an important one! It's here to let people in on settings that are here for YOU ALL to use within your own stories and add colour to.. much like Ghost Town itself is adding some flavour to a pocket of West End, throwing light on another part of this crazy old city.

The settings vary and not all of them are located within The Quarter themselves, but they are still settings you're welcome to use, visit, reference. I am very vivid in my writing of these places so you shouldn't have any problems regarding the look and feel of a place; however should you have any specific questions, especially where pertinent to your play or character, feel free to leave a question in the OOC thread or PM me, and I'll respond timely and with as much detail as I can, or befits the location.

The Settings file will be built upon over time. There are several places I want to outline, to enhance my own stories as they tend to come back to these locales, but if anyone out there wants to make an addition to Ghost Town if something comes to mind, then you're welcome to PM me and we'll discuss :)

There is a response to this very post about Ghost Town itself to come soon to express by and large what G.T (Gost Town) is, how it looks and the atmosphere of the place. These things are also dependant on other interested writers to add to. More the merrier, and the more a location can develop and become lucid in a player's mind.

Enjoy exploring this new section of West End. Thanks is given to the player of Sid for allowing me to have a folder here to accentuate West End.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-05 20:36 EST
Everyone -

Before I launch into explanations of GT itself and the settings within it, one important tidbit of information is this:

Anyone is welcome to explore the setting, my board is for your use. I am looking into the possibility of a subforum, but in the meantime, please post as you would in West End, knowing that this is just another slice of town and that posts that reference or are based here you can post here no problem.

I will have run downs on locations and the settings over the next couple of days. Please bear with me.

Also, once some NPC's have been established by me, know you are welcome to populate the setting how you perceive it, with your own NPC's and locations of interest.

The settings such as The Orpheum are freely available for your stories, noting that things are business as usual there, despite Madi's investigation into it.

Have fun!

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-08 07:15 EST
Welcome to Ghost Town

There seems to be a perpetual haze over this part of town. An echo on the wind. A bluegrass longing that stirs and creaks every building. Here, in the quiet, where all seems deserted, there is life, and it comes and leaves with the wind. All sorts make this part of town, but constance isn't in their nature

From storefronts, to saloons, and apartments, all architecture is old and has stood the test of weather and various inhabitants. The foundations are strong, and there is a sense of timelessness, despite recalling a very certain place and Era, it is very much a product of Rhy'Din, built long ago by migrating pioneers, who though long since gone, have left their mysteries, their memories, their legend in the remains of the Past - in the fibres of the wood, in the dust that blows through the avenues.

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-10 02:15 EST

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-08-17 21:36 EST
Not in Ghost Town, but a relevant setting nonetheless:

The Orpheum (one of several show rooms)

Madison Rye

Date: 2009-09-02 10:09 EST
The Ugly Piper

A corner Saloon with a wide floor space, girlies lining the upstairs balcony, and a crowd that spans from riff raff to gunfighters, curious foreigners and those who just want to go anonymous. A liquor range as wide as the floor, run by Bully, a red haired Scotsman who has a taste for women almost as large as his taste for the drink. Popular, rowdy and chaotic at the best of times, though booths up the back tend to be quieter and less assuming and are usually taken up by small groups seeking a quiet drink, or poker players. Or those, of course, making a deal of one sort of another.

The Red City

A city very similar to New Orleans in look and fell, only, that all is covered in a sheen of red dust, sunscorched rust. Where the weather is as sultry as its people. Lots of people living fast and dying young, lots of fallen stars, wayward angels. Lots of people looking for more than a little sin. Lots of drugs, sex and bourbon. It can be accessed via a tree painted on one of the cubicle doors at the back of the Alhambra. The artist goes unknown.


Simply, an art deco styled building that still plays silent films, has traveling vaudeville acts performing regularly, but only of the highest caliber. Live musical arts from all over the worlds frequent this establishment, a classical paen and home to the arts.