Topic: Starting Point

Kiki Masuka

Date: 2008-02-10 13:21 EST
Kiki sat at the desk that was once Aka's, shuffling through papers and books, sorting them into piles. The sun fighting through the clouds outside seemed to stop right at the window, and the dusty room was ten times as gloomy because of it. Behind her, Lain lay stretched out on the bed, pulling out the large clip of pink power crystals from her gun, and jamming it back in loudly - a repeated noise that raked at Kiki's senses until she turned around, slamming down the pile of papers she was reading over.

"Do you mind? There's a whole mansion in which to make as much noise as you please, why don't you try another room."

Lain lifted her head, and stared at Kiki as if she wasn't even there. But she slid the clip in one last time, and laid the gun down by her thigh, surprisingly silent. Kiki heard, however, the slow sigh she let out, and felt instantly regretful. Turning back around, she retrieved the stack of papers she'd been previously reading and continued.


From the get go, Kiki knew this was a long shot. Everything in this room had at least some amount of dust on it, indicating that it hadn't been touched in at least a week, which according to Lain, seemed around the time that she believed Aka had disappeared in the first place. Not to mention, all the information was old without a thing out of the ordinary. She could see no telltale signs of any new ink or pencil writing, no fresh folds in the paper. Absolutely nothing. Not two minutes later, Kiki slammed down her papers, folded her arms and sighed forcefully.

"Din' find anything, huh?" Lain asked, only heightening her annoyance. Kiki stared out the window, scowling at the dark horizon. Her head shook slowly.

"Not even a smidgen of a clue. It's as if she hasn't been here at all, either. Neither of you saw her before this time?"

"She ain't that high on my list of people t'spend time with, so no. But I assume Alex has, why don't'cha go talk to him?" Kiki stiffened, and she could also hear that Lain was speaking through a smile.

"There's absolutely no way that I'm going near that man until he calms down. It's preposterous how he's acting, you'd think his own child had gone missing," she said, pushing out from beneath the desk. The chair legs scraped at the wood and a loud squeak beat on her ears, but she ignored it, taking up a slow pacing walk around the room. Kiki could feel Lain watching, but didn't meet her gaze. Lain's eyes always seemed too clear and sharp to her.

"S'kinda how he views her, yanno..? True Blue ain't really too schway with him spendin' time with his own kids so.. Well, I mean like.. she ain't a replacement'r nothin'. I know he loves his own kids."

"Tch... figures." Lain blinked.

"Yanno, I think that's th'least eloquent sentence I've ever heard you say." Kiki halted in her steps, and tilted her head Lain's way, noticing that she'd sat up and propped pillows against the headboard for her back. Her right leg was bent, and she was resting her right arm comfortably upon it, watching. "Have you always been this jealous of her?"

Kiki began pacing immediately, waving off Lain with an exasperated motion. "Don't be absurd."

"Dun' take intuition t'figure that out, Kiki. Lemme guess... yer jealous'a her cuz she... waltzed int'your school and instantly had everyone eatin' outta her hand. Not only that, she continuously proved that she wasn't just all bark an' no bite, and also had an attitude befitting a brat. Am I warm?"

Kiki clenched her jaw and her fist, swinging the latter into one of the tall bedposts. It rattled the canopy above, and Lain first looked to it, then Kiki, who was nursing bruised knuckles.

"Ya need to keep her hand tight and yer wrist straight, schway?" Lain always felt the need to sneak in as much training as possible.

"Yes, you're right," Kiki muttered, lowering herself onto the foot of the bed. "I don't understand how she does it. She's always been alone, always with nothing, but seems to achieve everything that takes others years of hard work to do in less than an instant. It's not-..."

"Fair? Tch, whoever said life was fair, kid..? S'like.. one'a th'first things you should'a learned given what's happened t'you, huh?"

"Why the hell are you even trying to defend her? You despise her even more than I do, it makes absolutely no sense." Lain scoffed.

"Why does everyone see fit t'ask me that? Can't people just fricken let me behave however I want to behave and shut the hell up about it?" she all but shouted in Kiki's direction. Kiki flinched at the sudden tone, and resumed rubbing her hand. Lain sighed soon after. "Like I told Alex, no I don't like her, cuz yeah, her high and mighty attitude is fricken annoying. Th'point is that she's never really screwed me over, always came through and is really th'only thing Alex cares about. I told him I'd help, and I do not abandon my friends."

"You've abandoned a good many others you seemed to have liked."

"Who said I thought they were my friends?" Kiki chuckled softly. "There's part'a you that doesn't wanna just chalk it up to destiny either, Kiki. You like her cuz she was th'only one'a those idiots on yer level in terms'a skill and potential. And you said you'd gimme a hand, too, and if you don't, I'ma kick yer ass from here t'Yasuo."

"To be fair, you never actually asked me to do anything, you just informed me that I should meet you packed and ready to go somewhere." Lain was silent except for the sudden clicking and sliding of metal on metal as she resumed fiddling with the gun by her thigh.

" .. what?" she asked, and Kiki knew it was feigned ignorance. But she snorted all the same, standing once more.

"Alright... so far we have a room filled with useless knowledge, nothing which proves that she was working on anything new prior to her disappearance," she began, ticking off on her fingers, "we know that this had to have happened more than two days ago. We know that neither you nor Alex can feel her anywhere, and the residue left here is stale. And we know that we cannot get in contact with her via orb.. Although, the orb is easily explained, you have to be attuned to it to hear, and she could have just turned it off. Just to be certain, we're weeding out the possibility of death, yes?"

Lain looked up from her fiddling. "Uh, yah."

Kiki sighed, readjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose. "Then we have two possibilities left. Either she ran off somewhere and has developed a way to cloak her presence, or this disappearance is not of her free will, and thus we need to hasten our approach."

"You think she was ganked..?"

"Not likely," Kiki said, rubbing her temple. Her ears had begun to ring, and the distant wails locked in the Villa weren't helping matters. "Ayaka is no idiot, and even if someone was able to succeed, I'm sure that she would put up enough of a fight that they would just dump her somewhere to save themselves the trouble." Lain chuckled.

"I know, right?" she asked, musingly, spinning the gun about one of her fingers. "So yer agreein' with me that she just randomly up and went somewhere without tellin' anyone."

"Seems to be the most plausible of choices, yes," Kiki muttered, nodding, her hand finding one of the bedposts for balance. The ringing was getting worse.

"Where do you propose we start, then?"

"Well... aside from the school, she has nowhere else to go, and no other acquaintances to speak of, this much I know. She was never that much of a direct socialite, usually sticking with her own group. I presume we travel to Somul first and see if anyone... has... seen..."

Kiki squinted at Lain's hurrying figure, feeling her hand slide down the length of the bedpost. Her surroundings blended into a blinding white light, the ringing in her ears reaching near torturous in decibel, but she forced herself to listen. She realized it was a vision with a sinking feeling, knowing that she would be blind for the next few hours.

The sounds began to blend into a distinct word and take shape and tone into actual voices. Kiki couldn't tell how many people were actually speaking, but she was able to pick out distinct people.

"Aka." "Aka!" "Aka.." "Aka." "Aka." "Hello... Ayaka." "KID!" The voices ran together and sped up until they sounded akin to hamsters on helium, repeating her name over and over again. In the distance, Kiki saw a wave of yellow being fanned by a gentle breeze, and as she neared, she realized it was long, blond hair. Aka was standing ten feet away, her back to her. When she turned, she was smiling, and her laughter drowned out the voices.

Kiki jolted back to reality when Lain slapped her for the third time across the face. She could hear everything, but her vision was dark. She could feel cold sweat on her brow and beneath her clothes, but she pushed to a seated position as best she could, feeling around on the ground for her glasses. Lain shoved them into her outstretched hand, and then cupped her cheek, forcing her face upwards. Their gazes would have met had Kiki not been blind.

"God, man, I know I've seen this before, but if yer eyes do this every time, it's gonna fricken creep me out.." For they were completely white, except for a pinprick of black directly in the center for her pupil. Kiki snorted, letting her eyelids relax over her useless eyes. "What did you see?"

"Nothing of interest. People were speaking Aka's name over and over again.. You, me, Alex.. there were a few I couldn't place.. Then I saw her. She was smiling and laughing."

"Do these things like.. mean anything..?"

Kiki began shifting to her feet, and she felt Lain's strong, thin hands grip her arms and hoist her up easily. "Sometimes they do. However, there's never really any set pattern to the successful visions and the useless ones, and therefore we cannot take this as a sign whatsoever. We need to go back to Somul."

"Yeah, yeah.. Let's just like.. chillax'r somethin' 'til you get'cher eyes back. Ya hungry?" Kiki smiled.

"You read my mind."

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-13 21:07 EST
The humidity was staggering. Heavy, and thick, like a metaphorical brick wall that could crush any set of lungs that attempted to breathe the air that was stale, and lingering. Off-setting a stale room, with nothing but the flickering, barely breathing light fixture that dangled loosely from the ceiling was a door, unhinged and battered. Beyond that, a hallway to oblivion. Where barely noticeable silhouettes could be seen moving amongst the pale bleakness.

Twisting and turning, the light fixture that loosely resembled a centrifuge slowed, honed in on a single steel casket that related itself to one meant for those to be buried beneath the earth. Said casket was hollowed out, a large, gaping hole now its centerpiece crafted from within. Several wires, snapped yet live, hissed in angst to their separation to this metal contraption, snaking amongst the dirt floor to a nearby metal box. A lone display struggled to deliver a readout from its severed link to the nearby casket, announcing falsehoods of a status of what resembled a patient, or perhaps a victim, that once occupied the innards.

The creaking sounds of the unhinged door sounded an arrival, its frame tilting awkwardly to one side, before breaking free from the threshold and plummeting uselessly to the floor. "Dear god?" came a voice, giving his initial report to a handheld radio that was clutched within one hand. "It's free?"

The light fixture broke free from its lone thread, smashing into the ground with a shatter. A hiss followed as a streaking orange essence came to life from a lone gap burrowed within the ceiling. Its glaring eyes and fiery aura was unmistaken, not misplaced within the mind of the lone victim present within the predator's way to freedom.

"Move?" the vibrant essence demanded, just as a tendril of licking flame resembling streaks of molten lava expanded, slicing effortlessly through the nearby sentient. Not even a garbled scream could be managed as that essence delved through a closed mouth with a second tendril, tunneling through his esophagus. It merged near the stomach with the first, and plunged through him until nothing but bits and pieces of melted muscle and ash remained.

And within that same instant, the essence vanished within the burrow, that fire snuffed from existence to leave nothing but a dark room, and the quiet sounds of the metal box continuing to deliver read-outs. A soft click from the radio silenced the chatter on the other end, leaving to the imagination their wonderment of the lone man that went to check on the coffin.

A figure draped from the burrow moments later, dangling freely before the display that quietly sputtered. Beady sapphire eyes, glazed with a striped redness, observed with a squint briefly before the various sounds of footsteps could be heard pounding closer to the destination of the room. A sudden shatter of the display showered the floor with debris, glass, and further components of technical chips broken down before the figure swept up into the burrow again.

Bright florescent flashlights shot into the room moments before new figures did, shining each different way in search. Burnt remains, a broken computer display, and a large hole serving an escape. Several immediately moved in pursuit through the narrow hall where once they came, while a single remained behind. His light remained fixated on the nearby computer module where a thin stretch of tape identified the unit as "Ayaka Mahara".

"It's on the move," came a call upon the radio, louder than average as the figure shoved it against his mouth. "Move, move, move!"

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-02-13 23:20 EST
Lain sat indian style on one of the room's lumpy beds, hands on her knees, eyes closed. Her chest rose and fell with the rhythm of her breathing as she focused. Her surroundings were mildly quiet, with only the faint din of the room below reaching up through the thin floor and walls. It was a surprisingly good quality despite the rest of the crappy place.

As per Kiki's idea, they had checked into an inn in a city that was mainly occupied by humans. So she could 'feel without needless distraction' and 'assess the lengths of her ability.' However, Lain was used to having a constant supply of magic to feel, and the absence of it made her feel funny.

Since Flicker had gone missing, she had never really had a need to stretch her magical senses, and she had almost forgotten how. She could pick out Kiki's magic strongly, directly beneath her. A fire elemental and a couple vampires were out in the street and a demon was in the neighboring building. Beyond that, however, the signals were thin and mixed together, like tangled hair, indiscernible save for guessing.

Within a moment, Lain's eyes slid open lazily, and she relaxed her shoulders. "Cuz I need magic to feed the magic within me.." All of her Manaforge research came flooding back to her in that instant, and she just flopped backwards, watching the cloud of dust that spewed from the blankets beneath her. Clean...

Suddenly, Kiki barreled into the room and slammed the door. Her small hands grappled the bolt and chain and slid it into its holder. She stared at it as if daring someone to walk through and break the measly defenses.

"No one saw her, I take it."

"Why must all the men in this city be the kind that chase skirts and look with their hands?" she asked, ripping off her jacket and scarf. Lain lifted her head from the pillow and looked her up and down, noting the small, pleated skirt that reached her mid thighs, and the knee high punk boots with thick soles.

"Yer not exactly dressed like a modest teen, yanno."

"Well, the boys in my school had hardly any problem being surrounded with girls dressed in the same fashion.."

"Cuz they were young, probably had no idea what t'do with it if they had it, or knew that the chick would most likely blast'em outta their shoes with some kinda spell if they tried," she said, chuckling, and sinking into the bed once more. She studied the moth eaten, saggy canopy above her head as Kiki folded her arms. Lain could feel her gaze.

"Have you been just.. laying there this whole time..?"

"Only fer about like... two seconds..? Why?"

"And? Did you find anything?" Lain shook her head as best as anyone could when they were laying down.

"There's a few vamps in the street tonight," she said with a shrug. "My powers dun' work that way anymore."

"What do you mean 'don't work that way anymore?'" Kiki asked, her tone shrill and accusing. Lain propped herself up on her elbows and stared at the girl, wondering when she started to speak a different language.

"It means they used to work that way, but don't anymore."

"Thank you, Mistress Obvious. This was information that would have been useful prior to now, you realize. I would have made you go and talk to the perverts instead."

"Would'a come up with the same result as you, only a lot more people would be bloodier and we'd'a prolly lost our room, so... it's good that you handled it." Lain laughed at the face that Kiki made, finally sitting up as the girl turned her back on her and walked to the large window shrouded by dark, dusty curtains that were full of holes. "Oh come on, ya can't be this unschway th'whole time. So you were noticed by a couple'a freaks, big deal? Still got'cher virtue, I'm sure."

"At least I'm actually attempting to make this task work," Kiki muttered darkly.

"You don't think I am? Tch. Here, I'll even let'cha pick my brain for the proof. The way that my magical sensing works is this: I need magic to power it. S'like a battery. What'cher doin' is droppin' me in the middle of a desert without a map and tellin' me to go find water before I die, s'not how it works."

"Again, you couldn't have informed me of this beforehand? Then we wouldn't have wasted our time in this dive!"

"So shoot me, I forgot. I've been used to eating magic on a daily basis that I just thought I'd be able to sense like I used to before I died." The conversation died immediately, and the tension settled in the room like a heavy blanket of snow on a silent evening. Her death was a closed subject, and she knew that Kiki knew this. Alex and Tilda were the only ones that really knew what happened, and she wanted to keep it that way. Lain stared at the window, directly at her own reflection. She was sure that Kiki could see the sharp stare given to her. Shortly thereafter, however, she moved from the bed onto her feet and stretched. "S'kinda annoying, though... Cuz back then, I could sense from one end of the world t'th'other. Now I've got to feed the magic to even get it to stretch more than a mile."

"So... if you had a large concentration to focus on... you think you'd have more luck..?" It had been so long since Kiki spoke, Lain had jumped, surprised at the sound of another voice.

"I uh... yeah..? I guess? S'worth a shot?"

"Indefinitely more productive than just standing around," she said, waving her over to the bed. Kiki jumped on it in a rather childlike manner, and Lain grinned, taking up a spot before her. "I'm going to begin channeling a great amount of lightning magic. You can use that and we'll see if it helps." The girl shook herself and relaxed, her lips moving silently.

"If this don't work, man, I'm totally calling it a night."

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-14 02:59 EST
"Check the ducts. Do not let it escape," a voice commanded on the static-filled radio, cutting in and out of audible recognition. What once was nothing but a mere few men turned into what seemed like a national pandemic. Where hoards of persons lined the halls and stationed themselves outside doorways to each plausible exit.

True, or not.

"There's nothing over here," one called back, more clearer than the first.

"Nothing here, either. Empty!" Spoke another.

Crafted anxiety was noted between the pauses, relieving tension only when another would speak up to keep that communication intact. "Find it. It couldn't have gone far."

"Do you think it escaped?"

"Ask that again when it tears your limbs off and uses them for a toothbrush," snarled a reply. Silence overcame the small radios once more.


A soft click quietly echoed within an open duct that resembled a narrow tree trunk, providing just enough shelter for a slender figure to fit perfectly within. Rough breaths were the only audible sound beyond the radio being silenced; controlled within reason to prevent announcing her presence. She was lucky to have managed such an escape of that caliber. Prayers alone would prevent her from giving in so easily; although being trapped like a rat was quite the disappointment she rarely found herself staring into the face of.

"Over here!" a notable voice cried out, different from the rest. This one was close-by, if not just beneath her. "There's a breech in this paneling!"

Was she discovered? Her maze of hallowed-out canyons within the foundation tracked? Her eyes sealed shut, leaving nothing but the imagination to trail to distant places. Softly, she chanted hopes and desires. To be left alone, if just for a little while longer.

"It's sealed. Move to the next one!" they finally called out, softening the heartbeats that struck within her throat, daring to leap from her mouth and cry out her position. Shifting slowly within the hallowed shaft she hid within, she climbed several feet to a second duct that she hoped lead her somewhere other than to the Den of Lions.

The soft clunks of the thin metal she clawed through provided a disastrous thought process. One that almost made her want to remain still and die out quietly, hidden amongst the dust bunnies and chilly air that blasted her flesh to the point she swore frostbite had begun to take form. Yet, it was the drive that clenched her mind, her heart, and her very existence that allowed her to push on, however. The realization that even if they discovered her exact location within those ducts, she had at least the advantage of leverage on her end.

This was one child they would have wished they never trifled with..

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-14 04:43 EST
The trail she followed seemed like a never-ending one. A direction that held no exit ramps. Or feasible escape routes. In fact, she felt no different than a blind bat, for even the ducts lacked vents. She was forced to simply continue on, bumping her head every now and again as she navigated.

Until, that is, an exit revealed itself down a winding shaft. One that she felt was remarkably similar to a shaft. Only, she knew, it'd be no different than one of those slides that toss you at the end, and you go skidding several yards across the sand on your behind. It was to be unpleasant, at best.

Clutching the tattered remains of the shirt she wore, that barely clung to bare flesh, she zipped down the duct quietly, with nothing but a thigh scraping a side. With even the protesting squeal of friction, no alarm seemed to go off. Nor did one when she was whisked from the duct, and directly into the concrete floor beneath her. She gasped out loud, taking the impact in full stride as she uncoiled from her balled coil, laying flat onto her back.

A bright lamp shone brightly onto her, and seemingly the entire room that she had entered. Something that resembled a warehouse. Boxes as far as the eye could see lined upon shelves, carrying off to a distance she couldn't have been sure of. A hand lifted before her eyes, shielding the bright light that bore down upon her. She couldn't recall the last time she laid eyes upon a surface that was radiated by such. Hopefully, such photosensitive behavior was to be brief, at best.

Stumbling, she managed to lift to her feet, giving herself a wobbly chance to acquire balance, and structure. Adverting her gaze from the brightness, she took note of the ragged clothing that revealed nearly her entire body from head-to-toe. A brow quirked to the obvious perkiness of her breasts, realizing they were of a greater size than she once was familiar with. Her mass had increased overall, too, and it did appear as though her legs were longer, more slender.

Had she? grown?

"OVER HERE!" cried a voice, disturbing her brief thought process over her physical appearance. Long, wavy blonde locks whipped about her face as she lifted her head towards the call. Three, four, and a hazy bunch that were just behind that initial count could be seen tearing into the room, all wielding what she could remember as "Fel-rifles: Abominations of Magic".

Glaring intently, she took a wobbly step forward, arms outstretched before her to prevent face planting. "Damn you, legs?" she uttered. Nearly crossed at the ankle, her legs challenged her to step again without falling, and one she wasn't willing to accept just yet.

The various many armed men, dressed in simple uniforms unlike she was used to, continued to approach her with rifles at the ready. Judging from their position, and slow movements, they weren't toying around like the first she slaughtered.

A hiss sounded from within the woman's throat, an unsure step being taken in retreat. She protested silently to the blur her eyes provided, keeping her from being allowed a chance to really make note of the numbers present. "Are you done with the games, girl? Because we can always do this the hard way."

Squinting, she could note the rifles were primed. Her knowledge, vast as it were on Maho's subordinates and his equipped, told her that even one false move meant she'd be tasting bitter ash for quite some time.

Those rifles were sucker punches.

Licking flames glazed over mixed sapphire and tiger-stripped red eyes as they bounced from one rifle to the next. "Don't talk to me like you know who I am, you sniveling piece of kiss shit!"

Tuts resounded from the pack leader who separated himself from his posse. He continued to make slow advancements on the woman. "We all know you, Ayaka. Maybe not your personality, which isn't that spectacular at first glimpse. Nor how you've come to grow outside of his care. But we know you. Allllll about you?"

The woman's face twisted, seething hatred become more and more known as her fingers twitched away flames that crackled between each digit. "Bullshit. There isn't a single person in this entire world that could. It's been that way, and it always will be."

A shameful lowering of the mans head proved he wasn't satisfied with her response. He paused as he considered words to speak aloud, clearly in a state of thought. "Your father would be highly displeased to hear you say that."

Such words caused the woman to hiss a second time, this time filled with heat that staled the very air surrounding her. Again, her fingers twitched to keep licking flames that crackled within her fingers at bay. "My father, you ass hole, is dead. And I don't give much of a rat's tail about him, either. None of them! I only care for you experimental shits, and your so-called him, Mr. Maho.

"I'll kill him, and the rest of you until you release every last one of my friends."

The man provided the woman with a smile. One that was, perhaps, genuine in the scheme of things. However, it was brief and hardly shared extensive purpose beyond the shallow surface that it provided. "Spunk is spunk. And you carry a lot of it. Sadly, little girl, I'm afraid you're terribly wrong about things you think you know." His words were expressed as the rifle he was equipped with was lifted.

The woman spoke no words, nor declared any new posture to the lifting of the rifle. She seemed to wait for him to speak further. Words she knew he'd speak.

"Your father is here, now. Along with your brother. Your entire family, really. They brought you here. To learn all about you. To make you one of us. To? complete you. A damn fine job, I'd say." He paused, the rifle lowering as he looked up beyond it. "Or were you unaware your complete reformation?"

Crackling flames died down as a hand lifted, observing the difference from what was once small. Her slender fingers were longer than she previously recalled, with coupled with the breasts, and the difference in her legs. She felt different, to be sure, but?

"You're complete, again," he finished, lifting to rifle back up to her. "But sadly, we're not done with you, yet?" He continued, but was cut short by a sudden fiery tendril that sprang from the concrete beneath him. The fiery force wrapped about the barrel of the rifle and tore it towards the ground. The commander had little choice but to follow.

"I don't think so, little man?" The woman interrupted, the hand she was examining turning into a fist. The tendril coiled about the rifle responded, tightening to the point the metal audibly bent and popped in loud protest. "?I'm not returning to that hellhole like some sardine?"

Several loud grunts and cries came from the man that was lowered to the surface, attempting to draw his hands from the weapon. However, it could be noted that the flesh about his fingers, and the entirety of his hands had begun to boil, sticking firmly to the metal.

"So if what you say is true, then I'm going to have to ask you to fetch my brother. And my father. Otherwise?" She demanded, flames bursting to life within her eyes and about each of her finger separately. "I'm afraid someone else is going to be stuck in a box. For a very? long? time."

One of the other men surrounding their commander turned to run from the room, only to realize that several new fiery tendrils blocked his way from escaping. The initial dared to say a word, but found himself swallowing a hundred times over in sheer fear, rather than much else. Another spoke up profoundly. "They're not here, presently! They commonly move to examine all the candidates that we?!" He ceased to speak, realizing the little good it would do him to complete that sentence.

Not that she needed to be told anything further.

"Then I'm afraid you boys are shit out of luck. I wish you the best. I really, truly do?" She offered, uncoiling the tendril from about the weapon that belonged to the commander. Delivering a proud smile, she lifted a flaming, clenched hand within the air and sent it heaving into the concrete before her. The sheer impact alone forced columns of flame to lift devilishly into the air, immediately pounding into the group of various men that she stood before.

Lifting her fiery eyes from the tremor she produced before her, she observed the various men begin to combust simultaneously. The various boxes that were shelved in huge rows surrounding the men began to quake, becoming disturbed and falling amongst them.

Combustion was only mere seconds away.

In little time, the entire warehouse was discovered to be set ablaze, leaving it to crumple beneath the sheer pressure of the flames that had gripped it within her wrath.

And only then, was she free from the shackles of Maho, once again. This time, with an all new goal set in mind.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-19 03:39 EST
From day, to night, was Alex finding himself lingering in the Inn above the patrons that came and went to the central hub of the city as though it were a tourist attraction to freaks, and sane, alike. Little heed did he pay to them, residing in the room that Jalleia had offered up to him while she went about her normal activities as she was seemingly prone to do more often, recently.

Closer and closer was he beginning to feel as though it were an office. Or a cage. Or a cage that doubled as an office. He wasn't sure really, being holed up in the small four-walled structure while the rest wandered the streets. A desk was drug from the corner and settled in the center of the room, with the only source of light, a shaded lamp, switched off.

He was more accepting to the dark. And presented the idea that the room was currently unoccupied.

The bitter anger that he had been feeling; the resentment that strangled his perspective had tapered off. It left a sour after taste, instead disillusioning a sense of drive. It was no better than being lazy. If lazy prompted fits of lobbing shot glasses against walls to relieve tension.

The commotion below was observed barely, dragging his attention as though it were tied to the fender of a car and pulled for miles on end. Fumbling, tumbling, shredding against pavement like it were a grapefruit. Without the splattering mess that would result, thankfully.

Small thumps snapped his attention towards the direction of the door; the source of the audible raps. He had previously latched a 'DnD' tag about the handle, leaving much to the imagination of those present on the other end. And were it his source of 'entertainment', she was the true owner of the room he occupied. She had nothing but the need of a key to find her way within the confines of his dreary presence.

Again, the raps sounded. This time, with a sense of urgency. A force that, he noted, rattled the surface disturbingly.

"Get lost," he called out, eyes rolling as he propped his feet up onto the bed that he was sitting before. A chair was his sense of current comfort, rickety and daring to snap as he leaned back onto the rear legs. Coiling his hands about the back of his head, beneath the loose, lavender locks that sprouted from his skull much like a protein waterfall, he shrugged the third set of knocks that came more fierce than the previous two.

"No occupado!" he tried, again, rolling his head back so to peer in the direction of the door upside down. Were it not for the bed that he was using as support, no doubt would he tumble to the floor.

As though whomever was disturbing much required alone time needed further proof someone was present within.

By the fourth set of knocks, Alex shoved himself from the seat. He couldn't help that it snapped underneath the pressure of his shoving it aside, causing it to crumble into a heap of wood. It was old, what was he to do?

He approached the door in heavy strides, twisting the handle to pull the door on open and stare headlong into the hallway for whomever was bothering him at such a late hour. "Alright, jerkwad, what the hell do -" he started, cutting himself off mid-sentence as he stared with wider than average eyes that flared to life in a bright emerald glow that shred apart the shadows that were present just around him.

"Oh, dear god?"


Date: 2008-02-20 20:17 EST
AN: MiC = Man in Charge. ]

Even against the sky, he could see the heavy cloud of smoke blotting out the stars above, stretching across the moon in a transparent arm of smog. His foot pushed into the accelerator, and the vehicle revved to life, kicking up dirt with its wheels. Although it was dark, the large sunglasses on his nose concealed half of his boyish face, and he smirked at his reflection in the rear view mirror.

"Ayup. Lookin' good."


"Excuse me-"

"Get some more water over there!"

"Move all the salvaged parcels outside!"

"Excuse m-"

"Look out, it's gonna blow!"

Connor ducked as three explosions went off simultaneously, sending dust, ash and a whole new layer of smog to the already ominous cloud overhead. As if they weren't running around like ants before, they certainly were now, carrying water and hauling what was left of the large boxes some yards away from the smoking steel framework that used to be a facility. No doubt they were doing this to lessen the blow of their impending punishment. Straighting, Connor laughed to himself, shaking his head, stalks of gelled hair not moving an inch.

Pushing from his lean against the vehicle, he cupped his hands around his mouth and leaned in.

"EXCUUUUUSE MEEEEE!" he bellowed. There was a momentary pause in all movements as the guards' heads swiveled in his direction, but they quickly resumed their work as if nothing had happened. One of the ranks broke free and strode briskly in his direction like Connor had just arrived and hadn't been totally ignored for the past five minutes.

"I apologize for this, as you can see things are quit hectic."

"Yeah, I noticed," Connor remarked sarcastically, pushing the sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose. It didn't help his vision any, but from the way things were being handled, he felt that he really didn't need to see very much. A get in, get out kind of job. "You should have been told I was coming. Are you the guy in charge?"

"Yes, yes, we were informed, and no, he's-"

"Then go get him. I'll wait," Connor said, nodding and folding his arms across his buckle covered chest. They were much more prompt in fetching someone, he noticed.

"Follow me," the MiC said with a nod Connor's direction. "We hadn't expected you so promptly." Clearly this was his idea of small talk and Connor gave his back a puzzled look, his lips twitching into a grin.

"'Within the hour' should have been enough of a hint."

"Yes, of course. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to-" Connor clamped a hand down on the MiC's armored shoulder as he tried to hurry and join the salvaging.

"I need a guide, because it wouldn't do for me to get lost even if there's barely anything here." He spoke through a smile, but his tone couldn't have been more serious. "How much material was destroyed?"

"Sections three, four, five, six, seven and nine are completely destroyed. There was a recent explosion in section ten, but that and one, two and eight are half filled with partially intact components."

As Connor was led into the innards, or semi innards, of the facility, he craned his neck as far as it could go, looking around like a kid in a candy store at the destruction left behind. The obliteration of the shelves and columns that housed the boxes was the worst at the middle, leaving a gaping hole in the inner framework. Connor noted that the closer the wreckage got to the walls, the more intact the shelves were. That, combined with the section numbers that were still mildly intact led him to one conclusion.

"Whoever it was must have nuked from about right here," he said, bouncing up and down on the floor. He thought himself proud for his deduction, having yet to notice the massive scorch mark of warped and rippled floor beneath his feet. "Any casualties?" he asked the MiC, resuming his shaded look of his surroundings.

"Several, however, their identities have not been confirmed as they were only piles of ash."

"Toasty.." Connor muttered, sidestepping a group of moving men who were doing their best to shoulder two boxes at once. Silently, he hoped they would fail, and his face fell when he saw they made it safely outside. "What of the other subjects, those underground, have any of them been destroyed?"

"No, that hasn't been confirmed."

"I'd like to ascertain that for myself, thanks." The MiC nodded and beckoned him to follow to a lift like device that was nearly unharmed. It halted and shook as they made their descent into the abyss, but Connor hardly noticed, humming a tune and snapping his fingers to fight the silence.

The MiC flipped on a flashlight as they reached ground, leading him through a labyrinth of passages dotted with what looked like tiny, hollowed out caves with makeshift boarded doors before them. Everything seemed intact, nothing out of place. Connor nodded.

"Ayup, everything looks good here. Although, I'm guessing they'll have to be shipped to another location to prevent any complications," he said to himself, rubbing his smooth chin. "And the reason behind all this mayhem?"

"One of the children broke free from our grasp."

"Well, that's a bummer for you guys, huh? You need to amp up security, prevent these things from happening!" His voice echoed in the cavern, and the MiC just gave him a look. Connor laughed, waving a hand his direction. "Where were they held?"

"Of course, this way," the MiC said automatically, but it took him a second to turn and move. Connor forced his hands into the pockets of his pants, quite a task considering they were nearly skin tight. The buckles and chains along his hips and legs jingled as he walked, the only other noise aside from their footsteps.

Their trek was long, at the end of an even more confusing path that Connor didn't even bother to keep up with. Only when he was led into the middle of the room and stepped in a pile of bloody muscle tissue did he take off his sunglasses and place them atop his head. Shiny eyes surveyed the broken glass, the ruined computer, the massive hole in one side of the wall whose edges were still orange with fresh heat.

"How were they able to get out?" Connor asked, picking his way through the wires on the floor towards the metallic casket in the center of the room. He nudged the cover with his toe and it clattered noisily on the ground.

"We're not sure. The only one that was down here when it happened you've um... stepped in."

"I see.." he said, running his fingers along the edge of the casket, within it.

"Was there anything in particular that you were looking fo-"

"Shh! Gimme a minute." When finished with the casket, he stepped across the broken glass and knelt beside the computer, touching the monitor and what was left of the screen until he felt the edges of tape beneath his fingers. "Hey, gimme some light." The beam shone down upon the ash dusted label, and he brushed it free so he could read. His mouth opened to read aloud, but he stopped himself. 'Ayaka Mahara.. This changes everything.'

"Were there any clear reports on where she was headed?"

"Unfortunately no, but I'm sure someone could point you in a direction."

Connor was led out of the tunnels in silence and the MiC couldn't have scurried away fast enough when he was told that the inspection was over. He slid the sunglasses back down over his nose and lowered himself into the vehicle, taking a moment to think over everything. Through the windshield, he watched the guards flit about. They'd finally seemed to get the small fires under control and had commenced cleaning up. A small area had been signified for the boxes, and it was continually being added to.

"They haven't gotta prayer," he said, chuckling finally, and cranking the key in the ignition. A well aimed poke to the dashboard had music blasting from the speakers. Connor slammed his foot on the accelerator and yanked the steering wheel in the direction he received from a passing guard. Ayaka had about two hours on him, and he had no idea how fast she was traveling. For good measure, Connor pushed the accelerator to the floor and switched it on cruise control.

It was only a matter of time, now.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-02-21 00:04 EST
The diner that they chose seemed to be straight out of the fifties, and indeed it probably was. Lain had no business questioning the Nexus, its abilities, or why it chose some of the ugliest places to bring to Rhy'Din. Everything was either bright silver and shiny or red. Posters of bands and people she didn't know were plastered all over the walls along with knick-knacks and other useless things. It made her a tad ill looking at it all. For a reason that she didn't know.

"You haven't answered my question," Kiki said around a mouthful of sausage and ketchup. Lain, who had propped her feet on the table, and closed her eyes to gaudiness of their surroundings was just about to fall asleep, jerked into action, and stared at Kiki in surprise.

" .. what?" Kiki's huge green eyes just rolled.

"Your 'Have I Ever' question. Come now, it was your idea to play, and you don't even attempt attentiveness."

"Yeah, sorry.. Fricken place just reminds me of like.. crap. What'd you ask?" Lain said, twitching her legs, and reaching across the table, plucked a piece of bacon from Kiki's plate. The girl scowled.

"Have you even been a victim of one of those.. one night stand deals. Or have you ever done so to someone else?" Lain choked on her food, and thumped her fist into her chest many times.

" .. have I.. what?"

"Please don't ask me to say it again, that will be the third time, and I have enough of an issue repeating myself as it is."

"Lemme ask you this, then," Lain finally said after chugging half the pitcher of orange juice to clear her throat of unchewed food. "Have you?" she asked, pointing at Kiki, who began to cough and splutter in much the same fashion. Lain laughed. "Yeah, see? S'not so simple, huh. And no. To both'a those. I'm not that kinda weirdo, schway?" She waited until she was sure Kiki could breathe, and then asked her question. "Have you ever been kissed before? And if so, who was yer first?" At this, Kiki's cheeks flushed violently red, and her eyes darted off to the side.

"Ara.. I uh.. no.. never. I almost did once.. with this boy I knew from the library.. We had that moment where, um, you know right before you kiss, you look at the person..?" Lain nodded, amused that Kiki was opening up like this. "Well.. we were about two inches from each other when the head librarian uh.. she found us, and began to screech and howl. It was all very startling.." Lain laughed as Kiki lowered her head. One of her small hands shoved her plate forward, which Lain continuously picked from. "What about you..?"

Lain settled back, munching on a strip of bacon as she thought, trying to remember. Being over a century old had its downfalls sometimes. She was momentarily distracted by the bell on the door handle that signified new patrons, but she launched into her story as if nothing had happened. Those that entered sat down at the counter, and the stool cushions let out low puffs of air to the pressure applied.

"Well, lessee.. s'gotta more'n fifty years ago with my brother." Kiki's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

"Nah nah, i'schway see, cuz like.. Flint's not my real brother'r anything.. He was kinda teachin' me how to play guitar and stuff, and we kinda had those tender moments where yanno like.. he told me a chord was wrong and would move my fingers for me an'whatnot, right? Then just randomly, he leaned in and kissed me," she said nodding. "Was fricken weird, cuz yeah, I thought of him like a brother, and so him doin' that was totally like.. the opposite of what I thought would happen between us. So yeah, there's my story.. Uh.. lessee." Lain brushed a few strands of shock white hair from her forehead as she thought of her next question. She hadn't yet noticed that Kiki was looking towards the pair at the counter, canting her head from side to side like a puppy. "You've obviously had crushes before so like.. have ya ever had a boyfriend before?"

Kiki's brows furrowed as she focused on the pair, her eyes flicking from one to the other as if following a conversation even though no voices could be heard.

"Hey! What's this about me not payin' atte-!"

'Shut up, will you? I'm trying to concentrate, and I cannot hear over your voice.' Lain jolted to Kiki's voice resonating within her skull. She lifted a hand to her ear, and stared hard at the girl who continued to, in turn, stare at the couple.

'You're not reading their minds, are you..'

'Not currently. They're speaking in whispers, now just give me a minute.' Lain gave her a puzzled look, but then shrugged all the same. Wasn't any of her business who the kid decided to eavesdrop on. She just hoped Kiki wouldn't get caught, cuz people tended to frown upon that. Quite openly.

Lain pulled her feet from the table, and began to pile up their dishes as quietly as possible. She fished some coins out of her pocket afterwards and left them in a neat little pile by the dirty plates. She'd just settled back into the wall and let her eyes fall shut when she heard Kiki's voice within her mind yet again, and it startled her violently.

'They were talking about a large fire that transpired last night somewhere near here.'


'It seems that a massive metal building was engulfed in flames, and explosions were heard as well.'

'Again.. so..? What th'frick do we care?'

'Ayaka can use fire.' Lain blinked.

'Ya serious..? I mean like.. I always thought she was fricken piss scared'a th'stuff..'

'You have the ability to sense magic, and yet you couldn't have picked this up? You really need to apply yourself to things better, Lain..' There was a pause in which she heard Kiki sigh in her head. 'Yes, she is afraid of fire, but she also has a temper, and when she becomes exceptionally angry, she morphs into this.. flame-ridden specter of herself that's capable of producing flames and magma as if second nature.'

'And what makes you think this was her and not just some like.. mistake'r something? People make those, yanno. Some idiot could'a just fell asleep smokin' and blown th'crap outta th'place.'

'That seems highly unlikely.. We're still kind of in a region where magic is sparse. And they were thinking that it must have been a very large, possibly metal building that was nearly destroyed.'

"Seems like a far fetched idea ya got goin' there, kid," Lain said allowed, shooting Kiki a look that explained just how annoyed with mindspeak she was at the moment.

"Do we have any other leads? Or even a possible direction on her whereabouts? To not investigate a destruction of this caliber in a land where barely a house is burnt to a crisp would be incredibly foolish. That, and its location isn't that far out of our way to begin with."

Lain was quiet as she thought about all of this, staring at Kiki in disbelief. She always thought the kid to be more of a facts and evidence type of person, not one that wanted to go gallivanting after regular fires. In a moment, Lain sighed, but she jabbed two fingers in Kiki's direction. "Dude, man, if yer wrong about this, I'm pickin' out a dude fer you, and we're gonna get that first kiss thing straightened out right quick," she said, folding her arms tightly. Kiki stiffened, but Lain could tell that she knew she really had no other choice. There was a part of Lain that thought the girl was just grasping at straws in pure hope.


Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-21 07:08 EST
Barely visible beyond the congealing fog, the vastly reduce visibly, she could make out the rising pillars of billowing, onyx plumes of smoke lift into the air. Ayaka knew, judging from the hectic scenario that been produced, she had granted herself a brief moments worth of breathing room.

It was something she had been without since the escape, and hardly prior to being confound to a single 'cell'.

Brushing past several trees, having off-set the road that she was following, she darted amongst several branches with splendid dexterity she hadn't previously recalled feeling pump through her muscles. Each movement was graceful, hardly cumbersome, and allowed her a kind of freedom previously only permissible by birds.

Or those disturbing, flying insects.

A branch rustled gently that was bound to a tree of the genus Salix variety, with curtains of vibrant, emerald-like leaves filling out its thick form quite lively. She was almost guaranteed a certain amount of cover amongst nature, given that the tree itself was also surrounded by various others in close proximity of similar fashion. No different than hiding in the room of mirrors at the carnival, she figured?


Night time had come later than she was familiar with, having not observed its visually staggering difference in quite some time. Her sense of time had been misplaced, and observing the various situational properties of the setting sun gave her a false sense of understanding. Not to mention lacking direction.

She couldn't help but feel as though time itself had altered around her a great deal; she herself in the center of a spiraling nightmare, unable to differentiate, nor cease, a winding trail of time. The feeling couldn't been shaken. How long had she been locked away from the world??

Sighing quietly, Ayaka patted the rags that had been torn, burnt, and shredded away to reveal her bare flesh wholly, uttering brief obscenities underneath her breath. She was thankful that no one had really been around to observe bare truths. But, at the same time, knew that if she was to continue along the road of present repentance, she would have to procure new garments.

Such would have to wait until morning, when lacking strength could return, and allow her a second shot at quick movements across the landscape for her next target.

Whatever, and wherever it was, anyway.

The quiet chirps of insects that resounded similar to that of a bog-like setting beat quietly, calming an anxiety-riddled woman that lingered within a tree as though she were reacquainting herself with extremely long, forgotten ancestry with an unevolved presence. Squatting upon the branch, she hovered frighteningly close to the base of the winding, corkscrew like trunk that aided her with a sense of balance and proportion, for she was not feeling batty enough to tumble for the swamp-like waters that was her personal hell, below.

Her feet, bare yet strangely free of dirt nor scrape, curled evenly upon the thin branch that weave its way some feet outwards, exploding gloriously with various type of fungi creeping along its base. She noted, however, that along where she had been positioned, for what she assumed to have been several hours, had been bore free of moss. Or bark for that matter. Seemingly torn away until nothing was left but a bare, charred presence of wood. Lifting a foot gently, to observe the underneath, she could make out a declaring footprint that resembled her own, imbedded in thick blackness of the branch, itself.

She had, unknowingly, begun to burn away nature, itself, merely by becoming in contact with it.

Disturbed, yet seemingly unconcerned, she lowered her foot back upon the surface, reaching her other hand out to coil the base of the tree in a hugging fashion. It was her quiet means of apologizing for bringing it harm, praying that it would at least strive to protect her presence for some time longer until day light could return to her, and be on her way.

Just as the quiet wish etched from her mind, she could feel a teetering below her, forcing her to cling for survival with much more force. A brief glance granted below her noted that the branch was beginning to give way, and in mere moments cracked with a resounding pop, falling free from its foundation and tumbling with tremendous speed for down below.

Ayaka, barely able to react to this, leapt from the branch and latched herself against the base. Her body pressed against the surface, pulling herself with a bit of a struggle in hopes of finding a new branch just nearby.

Other than the one she had landed on, she would either have to find means of climbing the obviously impossible, or succumb to the barren gook that she swore was bubbling, down below.

Grumbling quietly, she dug her fingers into portions of the bark in sheer anger. "Alright, so maybe I deserve that for hurting you. Bear with me, you piece of sh-ow!" came her cry, pulling a hand back. She noted a small prick within the underneath of a fingernail, following it towards the signs that her body had been pressed so forcefully against the base of the trunk, that she had unwittingly caused yet further damage.

This time, in such a degree that she noted the innards had begun to feel extremely warm to the touch.

Barely able to try and make much of a hypothesis to this, she did what little she could to try and reach for the branch that was some feet above her. Which would inevitably fail, the moment the tree itself had begun to combust similar to how those crates had back at the warehouse.

The sudden eruption of flame along the baseline of the trunk, following with the flora surrounding her, forced her to break free of her grip upon the tree and tumble freely to the muddy waters below. There was little, if any, other choice, since the sudden change the tree seemingly desired had come within the blink of an eye.

Her eyes were wide as she noted the previous branch that snapped from place was positioned just below her, daring her to further trample it as though it were but a bug in a kitchen. Little to no mobility became a serious issue, and she was forced to coil her body into a kind-of ball to prevent impaling herself to some extent. She would barely succeed, instead gashing wide a portion of her left arm as she slammed into the shallow, muddy water, causing a small rise of liquid just around her.

A few breaths escaped her quickly as she rolled to the right, her arm extending over to clutch the wide, open gash that was present on her left. Her teeth grit to the point they hurt, and her eyes were shut tight. Pain was an unusual thing for her, and again, it was something she felt she lost touch with so long ago.

A few further audible cracks and pops caused her eyes to squint open, baring witness to the tree she was previously holding onto for dear life and support succumb to a powerful flame that resembled the very one that consumed the warehouse.

Only this time, unintentionally?

Picking herself up, her hand pulled away from the wound, noting the crimson that had begun to pour between the creases of her fingers. Glaring at it, and then the branch that had caused such damage, she clutched her arm tighter before turning about to drag herself from the filthy waters, and continue on her way. Rest was not an option, it would seem?


Date: 2008-02-21 23:36 EST
Nighttime already. Connor had overslept. Of course, this was information only privy to his knowledge. As far as the world was concerned, he was a vigilant tracker and on the case without a wink of sleep!

Connor had stopped six hours after the initial inspection hour at a medieval styled inn that didn't agree with his choice of horse and carriage. Many of the patrons that entered and exited were amazed by the wheels, the tinted windows, the sleek silver body polished to a chrome shine. He had barely gotten any sleep as it was trying to chase people away from his pride and joy.

After questioning all viable persons with a mug shot of Ayaka's presumed likeness, he bathed and crashed into bed with a fat notebook chuck full of information on just that girl. Connor's slender fingers, remarkably lacking in calluses, fiddled with the pages as he read and reread any information he thought he needed to.

"Top of her class in everything, friends with everyone? Pfft. Tool~"

Currently, he was driving at full speed down his previous road, his head nodding along with the music blaring from the speakers.

"Ai. Ya. Ka. Ma. Ha. Ra," he repeated her name over and over again to the beat of the music, dancing in his seat to relieve the tension that set into his legs from having them in the same position for so long.

Just then, a ringing sounded from the breast pocket of his over sized, unzipped hooded sweatshirt. Connor looked down to it in surprise before fishing it out and holding it near his ear. The light from the device cast a faint blue tint within the dark confines of the vehicle.

"Nnnyellow? ... Mhm. Uh huuuuuh. ... Ayup, understood." He smirked as he turned off the communicator and lobbed it into the backseat. No one would disturb his music.

Although, now that he was surrounded with shadows yet again, Connor could easily pick out the orange, yellow and red flickering in the distance, somewhere off to his way west. Full lips pursed, though the smile remained, as he wrenched the steering wheel and turned in that direction. The tires ate up the packed dirt road, squealing and leaving a massive cloud of dust in his wake.

"Off roading, huh? This should be interesting."


Connor stopped at what appeared to be the beginnings of a forest, and it made him smile. He loved trees, flowers. Anything and everything Mother Nature had to offer, he felt himself inexplicably drawn to and connected with. The flickering, from what he assumed was another fire, had all but died down, and he tore himself from nostalgia to reposition himself behind the wheel and flip on the bright beams.

"Now... I'm not going to hurt any of you, or at least I'm going to try not to. It would be a lot easier if you just moved out of my way and let me through, mm? I'm after the fire starter." As he spoke, a mass of solid, brown stone began to grow and flatten beneath the wheels of his vehicle, creating a smooth road for his travel and laying just above the grass to make sure he wouldn't trample even a single blade.

Connor drove forward slowly, new stone forming before his front wheels, and old stone disintegrating behind his back wheels. From the glow of his headlights, he could just make out the last few trees and roots inching away from his destined path.

Despite the generous cooperation of nature, it took Connor the better part of an hour and a half to even come close to the area in which Ayaka had occupied. It finally dawned on him to ask the trees, seeing as how they were eager to help previously. But he did so grudgingly, and was therefore greeted with the same kind of answer.

He parked his vehicle some ways away, zipping up his hoodie as he stepped out into the dark slash lit area of bog and destroyed tree. As he neared the remnants of the foliage, he slipped on a lone branch and nearly backpedaled all the way into the frothing mucky water. Fortunately, he landed square on his rear end.

Smoke was no doubt in the air, as it was in his nostrils and made him sneeze. Rubbing his nose, and whipping out his own mini flashlight, Connor crawled along the ground on his hands and knees towards the tree. He touched the bark, letting his fingers sink into the grooves and dips, bumps and protrusions, and he felt his smile slip as he lifted his light and saw that the only thing left of this once massive tree was about six more feet of corkscrew shaped wood.

Everything else was destroyed. There were no footprints, no pieces of clothing. At this point, he was even wondering if Ayaka had even done this.

He sat down upon the ground in a huff, coincidentally on that same branch that screwed up his fortunes earlier. Shouting aloud, he jumped up, and kicked the fat piece of wood in frustration. It was then that he noticed that a portion of bark had been completely stripped away. Nearing it, he ran his hands along it and felt instantly better.

"It's even still a little warm." It was half a footprint, the outside of a foot to be exact, with two little burns above the sole for toes. Jumping up, he shone his light on the tree once again, and found a fat, broken branch sticking out from one side. He'd find the rest of the footprint there, he was sure.

Upon further inspection of the fallen log, Connor noticed a significant discoloration that didn't match a fire's. He crawled over to the dirty water and splashed his hand in it, coming back to wet the portion of wood that he saw it on. After a few minutes, he retracted his hand, and found a chalky, maroon residue within his palm.

"So... you were trying to hide, and you apparently didn't succeed. And you even hurt yourself, tut tut." Connor stood and aimed his flashlight out towards the swamp before him, shining it this way and that. She could have gone anywhere by now, and if she had gone through the water, there was less a chance that he would be able to find small droplets of blood for a trail.

With the mentality of 'I know you were here, and you already have a head start anyway,' Connor returned to his car, turned off the headlights, locked the doors and laid the seat back. Because he had no other leads, he would just have to wait until she slipped up again. And he amused himself with the thought of knowing she would.


Date: 2008-02-29 21:16 EST
He awoke within hours of dozing off, leaping up to his feet, but finding himself still in his vehicle, slammed the crown of his head into the ceiling and was thrown back in his seat.

"Ooooooowwww..." he whined, pouting up to the roof of the car as if expecting it to apologize to him. Connor rubbed his eyes in a boyish fashion and got out of his vehicle, ready to take another look at his surroundings to see if he had missed something in the dark. And in fact he had! Connor literally patted himself on the back in consolation as he knelt down on the ground and touched the singed grass and dirt with his palm.

Now in the faint light of morning, with the help of his flashlight of course, he could see that the destruction wasn't as perfectly circular as he thought. In fact, there was as a definite stretch of barren dirt that seemed to reach towards the murky swamp before him, and his head lifted as he smiled.

"Gotcha~ But just to be sure," he said, standing. As he walked out onto the water, the same thin rock that had transported his vehicle through the forest kept him from sinking into the gross beneath him. He looked over his shoulder, squinting to make sure he had the path right. He held his right arm out like a ruler, pointing at the opposite bank and once he had it lined up correctly, he began to jog in that direction, the stone under his feet stretching and traveling with him. He needed to merely look down to see footprint squelches in the mud and dirt leading onwards into the forest.

Connor bounced on the soles of his feet, gleeful that he had found an exact lead, and turning on a heel, he dashed to his vehicle and dove into the driver's seat. Once behind the wheel, the impish grin he wore twisted into something sinister.

"Alright, little firebug. Time to stick you in a jar."


Connor had broken free of the forest's confines some time ago and stepped out of his vehicle, leaving a stone on the accelerator and the door open. It broke his heart to watch it slide farther and farther away from him, but he knew it was for the best. This absolutely wouldn't work if it looked too convenient. The moment it wasn't within his sight, he pulled out his communicator and flicked it on with one hand and with the other pulled a remote device from his pocket and punched a series of buttons.

"I need someone to retrieve my vehicle if they would be so kind. I'm sending the coordinates now. If I find anything, and I do mean anything out of place when I see it again, there will be dire consequences."

He clapped his hands together when this task was done, and sighed, beginning to shred his clothing. He mused on the idea of casting a simple spell to trick the senses, however, he figured that the great Ayaka Mahara would not be tricked by such things, and decided to make it as real as possible.

As he did this, from the ground before him grew two identical bodies of stone. Heads formed, hands, feet, fingers; the latter of which they cracked over and over again. Massive amounts of dust were ground off their hands and fell to the ground.

"You know what to do," was the simple order he gave the stone men, and at once they charged. One hard fist cracked him in the mouth, a stone leg sailed into his abdomen. Connor flew backwards into one of the clone's elbows and dropped like lead. Over and over, their feet pounded into every inch of his body they could find. Cuts and abrasions were made, blood flowed, and still they continued.

After about three minutes of the grueling torture, Connor was able to lift a hand shakily, and at once the two stone clones seized a hold of his arms and legs. They spun in a rapid circle, and even though Connor's eyes were closed, he could feel the vertigo sink in. He grit his teeth, awaiting the final blow.

All at once the spinning ceased as they tossed him into the air. As he flew upwards they sprung into action, continuously kicking him in the back to further his ascent. At the height of his flight, one stone body overtook him, and somersaulting through the air, buried his heel into Connor's vulnerable stomach. The boy flew down to the ground like a rocket and smashed into it, immediately falling unconscious.

The stone bodies landed gracefully afterwards, melting back into the earth from whence they came, leaving Connor alone in the middle of nowhere to be found by anyone.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-03 06:03 EST
"Explain to the rest of us, precisely, what the current status is of our objective?"

"Haha! Ha! I'd dare admit we've managed to bait the line, and snag us a trout. Dinner's on me!"

"Pipe the hell down, idiot? Sir, we've only recieved word that the object is en route. We've not had the privilage to hear anything further."

"Then I would advise the rest of you to find means of being 'privilaged'. This will not be compromised."

"Right, right. Leave it to the ones with style. We won't screw you over, sir!"

"?And you consider yourself one of the stylists, Moroku? All this time I thought it was the rest of us that drug your sagging ass around."

"Bite me, jackass! If you want a lesson what true style is, I'd be more than happy to-"

"Enough. Who was to meet our Liaison?"

"Zanzan was. We should be hearing from him shortly on the status of our objective."

"Quan, Moroku, see to it that she is properly escorted. Do not let anything intrude?"

"She is to expect us?"

"Anticipating it? eagerly. Let us meet up here in the coming hours. I believe we have work to attend to."

"Got it."
"No sweat!"
"Sounds fun?"

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-03 06:43 EST
The quiet, steady flow of water was heard trembling distant miles away in the mountainous region that Nidan had been traversing for hours. Her feet were sore, brittle, and begun to swell from the load she was carrying. A large crate, latched together with various seals that resembled quaking, lively runes that glimmered in the afternoon sun had been latched to her small frame, carried along her back as though it were nothing greater than a student's backpack. For, in her own mind, that was precisely what it were.

A vast well of knowledge contained in a single, large tome.

Sighing quietly, the two leather straps that were nailed to the solid frame of the wooden crate were slipped from her shoulders, allowing the item to be settled gently between a rising stone crag, and a small mouth where water seeped freely. She briskly lowered herself before the water, scooping the element within her grasp and splashing it eagerly upon her face. The travel had been long from the city, and she was thankful to manage a small break, even though she felt as though her destination was going to take all the willpower she could muster.

It felt as though it was going to be by sheer willpower alone that allowed her to continue on to the very end.

A small tremble within the earth was ignored as Nidan washed away impurities upon her face, only taking brief notice of it when it had began to rise as though stone became sentient. Lifting as though a zombie had been resurrected, the sentient figurine of stone fluctuated briefly, before taking form in the silhouette of a humanoid. Nidan's brief panic was vanquished as she noted the technique admirably, letting a thin smirk cross nimble lips.

"Zanzan! And here I thought you were going to be an actual predator chasing me down like some hound!" Nidan expressed colorfully. Her words were nothing but a brief echo on reality itself, as though transparent; distant. Her small frame graced a stone, leaning against it comfortably as she observed his arrival.

Nothing greater than six feet in height, possessing rugged features of a man possibly incapable of shaving away stubble upon a chiseled frame, Zanzan revealed himself thoroughly as he emerged from the stone casing of which he sprung, observing the petite, barely four-foot-tall girl expectantly. He, himself, had allowed a merry expression to touch on his features. Something he was not prone to doing often, judging from the twisted curl of the left side of his mouth.

"I am intrigued apart from expression at your timely arrival, Nidan," he admitted. Fuzzy eyebrows shot up and down several times in piqued interest, dual-burly wooden eyes drinking in the nearby crate.

"I assume the objective is within the box?" emitted a second voice, seemingly tearing itself free from Zanzan's left-most corner of his mouth. Despite the alteration in vocal patterns, Zanzan appeared unfazed by the shift. As though it were a second part of his whole?

"Yeah, that's it," Nidan reassured, reaching out to tap it lightly with a toe of a bare foot. "I would have added a fragile sign to satisfy everyone's anxiety. Let's just say I wasn't aware I had the time."

It was clear by Zanzan's features that he was indeed but a brief nudge away from bursting out in laughter. It just couldn't quite make it, though."I'm sure everybody will understand, what with the exemplary work you have gone through."

Nidan giggled gently behind a scuffed, bandaged hand, "Are you of the mellow sort, Mr. Zanzan?" She asked, drawing up to her feet. Padded knees gently bumped together, sounding off the plastic shell that protected bare flesh as she gracefully slid atop the crate, the heels of either foot beating a gentle rhythm upon the wooden surface. "Worry not of the work. But, perhaps Mr. Zanzan, you would grace us by carrying us the rest of the way?"

Hidan pouted no different than that of the small girl she represented, slinking on her back, arms outstretched. The box was serving as a makeshift mattress of the uncomfortable sort. "Pretty please?"

Zanzan was nightly objective to such a claim, for that was to be the crate that they sought. Be it that a small girl was dancing across its surface as though auditioning for a dance troupe, or not. Thin, lanky arms outstretched so nimble fingers could wrap about the leather straps nailed to the frame, drawing his arms through them to pull it up about his shoulders.

It was a brief start of Nidan, causing her to giggle at the free ride she was about to receive. "How far away is this residence of yours, Zanzan? I was only instructed to meet one of your sort, and be guided the rest of the way. But I am so?very?tired. Would it be alright if I napped?"

Zanzan spoke not a word as he nicked a stone before him. Much to how he appeared did he find himself escaping, stone churning beneath his frame as he sank willingly within the earth. Nidan hardly had means to object to the sudden start, disappearing along with the box beneath the surface.

And amongst it all, the gentle spray of water continued, pouring from the mouth and across a reconstructed surface in a small pooling flow for the wider river but mere fingerbreadths away.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-03-12 04:54 EST
"I dislike this place, father."

"Yes, I cannot say that I am a fan either."

"And her... I dislike her even more."

"That is a shame, Haru, but while you are here, you will behave, is that clear?"

The small boy huffed, folded his arms and turned his head to the wall. Tempero's ghostly white face held no emotion whatsoever as he stared back at the child through amethyst eyes that were ringed in red. Like he hadn't slept in days. Like he had sprayed himself with chemicals. The woman Haru spoke of joined them moments later and inched into the booth next to the boy, much to his dismay. She slid Tempero pale tea in a fake china cup, and he lifted it by the handle with delicate fingers. To Haru, she gave nothing.

"There you are, I'm sorry if I kept you waiting."

"Not at all."

"You couldn't think to get me anything while you were at it?"

"Certainly not with that attitude, I didn't!"

"You have a mouth and a brain, obviously, so why didn't you just-!"

Without warning, Haru clutched at the base of his throat and began to gag. His own purple eyes, akin to his father's in every way, widened to the size of dinner plates. His face turned red and a rivers of spittle oozed from his lips until finally, he fell back into the booth's seat with a loud crash, breathing hard. Neither of them at the table or no one in the diner seemed fazed or even to notice this incident. Tempero sipped at his now lukewarm tea, keeping his chilling gaze on Haru as the woman spoke.

"If you'll pardon my asking, weren't our orders to survey the area in question?"

"Yes indeed, Sera. Since you took a fair amount of time in getting here, I have already employed someone with the task and she will contact us when it is time." A thin, dark eyebrow arched on Tempero's wrinkle-less forehead, and he held up a thin, bony hand to stop her from speaking. "I can assure you that Lulu is perfectly capable. And I say that while meaning no such injustice on your fine abilities." Sera smiled modestly at the compliment. Tempero nodded to the now calmed Haru, his lips spreading in a grin.

"It shall not be long now."


It was warm out. Warm and sunny. And Lain loved it. Far from the frigid cold of Rhy'Din city. When they reached their destination, by way of a cloaking spell and Kiki's rapid teleportation, Lain dropped her pack, peeled off her wool jacket, stripped off her two hoodies and button up long sleeve shirt and laid on a smooth section of cement spread eagle, basking in the mid-morning glow.

"Oooooohmigooood, does this feel good.." she breathed out with a content sigh. "Yanno, sometimes I think I should'a been born'a flower'r somethin' from the way I love th'sun this much."

"Indeed, the world would be a much quieter place," Kiki said, laughing softly and shedding her own access layers. She positioned her glasses properly on her nose once more and took a look around their surroundings, something Lain wasn't wanting to do just yet.

They were positioned on a raised section of concrete the size of a parking ramp level. It was smooth and grey, except for directly in the middle where a huge crater of black, scorched stone with chunks missing and ripples extending outwards from the point of impact. The only piece that was left of the so called 'warehouse' was a massive support beam in the southwest corner that creaked and groaned whenever the slightest breeze touched it. Kiki went over to examine it, and craned her neck to see the very top.

"Ara.. this is very strange.. There is nothing else here. No pieces of the building, no bodies, no indication that there was even someone here that came and took anything away. There was obviously a clean-up job performed here so why would they leave..?"

"Crapload'a magic was here," Lain said suddenly, and Kiki jumped. Lain was making a slow pace around the edge of the cement, her hands in her pockets, her head turning from side to side. "It's faint, prolly cuz'a the wind and the time stretch from then 'til now, but yeah... This building was stuffed full'a magic in its prime. And I mean like... seriously clogged."

"A storage facility.." Kiki muttered to herself, still pondering over the purpose of the one support beam. Lain inched her way to the center of the concrete slab and crouched down, laying her hand flat against a charred portion. It was warm to the touch, and in the base of her diaphragm, a peculiar sensation hummed. Her other hand stroked her stomach back and forth as she thought. Somehow, in some way, it seemed familiar to her.

"Wasn't an ordinary fire, either. Good call, kid!" she called over to Kiki. When she pulled her fingers away from the ruined cement, it crumbled into ash instantly as if giving up holding itself together. Lain stood, brushing her hands off with loud SLAPs.

"You're certain?"

"No doubt. Enough magic residue here t'sugar a cake, yer coffee and yer cereal. Too much in fact. Like a fricken novice blasted th'bejeesus outta whatever was in here. Either that, or whoever it was has got way too much power t'-KIKI, LOOK OUT!"

The support beam had finally had enough, and it swayed dangerously outwards before awkwardly changing direction, falling heavily towards Kiki's location. In an instant, Lain felt her port behind her back, and could just see her leaning out from her shield, watching.

Instead of remaining stationary, though, the huge pillar of metal wriggled and warped like a snake, groaning and creaking in time to its movements. The end facing them tapered into a point sharp enough that the sun's light bounced off of it. Without warning, it zoomed at them like a massive bayonet.

"A booby trap!" Kiki wailed, porting from behind Lain once more and winding up at the far end of the concrete expanse, safely out of harms way.

"NO FRICKEN DUH!" Lain called out, barrel-rolling away at the last second and letting the support beam scrape the hard ground. Sparks flew at the impact, but she didn't waste time watching. She clawed her way to her feet and broke into a sprint, turning her head over her shoulder to at least catch the metal skewer's movements. It bounced on the cement and laid still for only a millisecond before it whizzed around like a compass needle, pointing its deadly sharp edge at Lain's face. "KID, JUST STAY THERE!"

"I believe I'm ahead of you on that front!" Kiki called, shuffling continuously backwards.

"GAH!" she screamed as she dove sideways and fell into the ground. The support beam flew past her by mere centimeters and shot up directly into the sky. It flipped end over end, fast enough so that the sound of its razor sharp edges cutting the air became incredibly loud. Lain was halfway to her feet when it decided to fall straight down upon her.


Crystal blue eyes narrowed as she brought both high up into the air, her forefingers and thumbs touching to create a small, triangular window of vision. The very tip of the support beam punctured the space between her hands, the forces from it and from Lain herself meeting so sharply in that instant being enough to made her skid back on the concrete, burning her knees and making smoke waft from the soles of her feet.

She was strong, but she was no superhero. Her arms shook, and she continued to slide back as she fought to keep the undulating metal skewer from decapitating her. It was taking a greater amount of energy than she thought to keep it contained like this. 'If I just toss it away, it'll only come back... I hafta destroy it somehow..'

As she stared at it, its exterior began to bubble and fizz like the surface of soda. Metal shavings pried themselves from the whole and floated off in the wind, the only indication that she was doing anything.

From thin air, nearly fifty yards south of the destroyed warehouse's location, a pair of red ringed amethyst eyes flared to like from nothingness. They were thickly lashed and wide, blinking continuously at the unfolding event.

Directly afterwards, the sound of tearing metal exploded from the area as deep gashes appeared on the outsides of the beam, traveling down its length at warp speed. Lain wrenched her hands apart, and the entire beam erupted in metal chunks, a huge cloud of smoke and a loud BANG that echoed like the shot of a cannon. Lain flew back from her crouched position and shouted aloud as she rolled over and over on the hard ground. Having a good deal of metal within her made hitting things pinch just a little more...

"Ya schway, kid?" she yelled out through the smoke in the direction that she felt Kiki the strongest. Pieces of metal, big and small, rained down from the sky, and she rolled over, covering her head with both arms.

"I think so! You?!"

"Fricken dandy..."

Within the vicinity of that pair of eyes, tiny, girly giggles began to filter through the air.

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-18 19:04 EST

Pitter patter; smoggy overcasts clouding visibility but half a mile ahead; distorting. Ever distorting.

Dreary had her eyesight become, leaving but lingering sensations that collapsing was but just out of reach, threatening to stall her heavy progression from coffin to forest. To bog to field. And yet still, amongst the enclosing world that dared to envelope her senses, she trudged on. Trudged as though should her feet cease, so would she.

The very tattered remains of her clothing detailed a life's story of hardship. Remarkably stating that she, herself, was but one with what remained clinging to her very figure. Sleek, smooth flesh glistened amongst the morning sun that battered the overcast skies in an attempt to grace the planet with its daunting rays of warmth. Bare breasts, unable to be contained within what would remain of her shirt, was concealed behind arms that crossed over her chest tightly, tucking them within her own grasp. Even she held moral standards when it came to revealing. At least, for now.

Hazy was the various sounds of the birds squawking in the distance. The vague static of the radio that dangled from its frizzled cord about her hip. The chirps of insects, vast in numbers from the blossoming mating season. She had become tired. Drained. Exhausted from the constant 'on-the-run' maneuver destiny she had claimed for her own.

And amongst it all, she was already willing to give up.

But a mere day that had passed since her newest beginning, and perhaps but several miles extending the gap between she and the once-upon-a-time fate that cradled her.

Gasping, as if suddenly emerging from minutes of submersion beneath a lake, she fell to her knees. Her hands, clenched and daring to draw blood from the palms that nails begun to burrow into, crashed into the bedding of tall grass that surrounded her, popping each and every knuckle simultaneously. Such pressure removed her kneeling posture, creating a now prone woman flattened against the earth. It wasn't the optimal way in deciding it was finally time to crack down on some rest, but at least to her, no longer did she carry a choice in the matter.

Wincing, she rolled to her left side, pulling up the radio within her hand to remove it from digging into her side, and flicked it aside. The sudden movements, and landing of the square-like object caused it to sputter to life, the various dials tuning into a new channel of the multi-functional item. Vague sounds of voices, resembling that of several men in chatter coupled with brash static, could be heard:

"shhhk, please report."
"Alpha shhhk, reporting."
"And of statshhhk"
"Destroshhhk, reporting presenshhhk"
"How many?"
"Two, sishhhk women."
"Could be of subshhhk hara. Follow-up."


Worn-out sapphire eyes drifted in the direction of the radio, lifting a hand to coil a finger about the frayed rope of the unit, reeling it in before her. Uttering something in dismay of the item, sluggish fingers pried a dial one direction, snapping the unit towards 'off'. A second uttering, perhaps in sheer victory over the noise, lobbed it over her torso to send it sprawling some feet away.

However, no sound of its impact could be managed.

Either too tired to notice, or uncaring of its landing, she rolled a second time onto her stomach. Her arms, sapped of any strength to do anything further, was thrown to either side of her. If anything, she was going to enjoy the comfort of ground. It was, after all, extremely more suitable than a steel box.

Yet no savoring of the morning breeze, nor chilly overcast skies that began to drizzle with a bit more force, would be allowed at this point and time.

For, an extended hand had stumbled upon that of an arm. An arm not of her own?

Ayaka's head lolled in the direction of the fleshy limb that was pressed with digits of her own hand, furthering the acknowledgement that she had, in fact, come across what appeared to be of a dead man. Or, boy. Or an extremely rugged girl. She couldn't make it out for certain.

Flopping, as she had been resorted to due to her legs already haven given out, she closed the gap somewhat between she and the figure, moving in upon it to inspect the various loot on his person. She hadn't a care of the hows he had died, if that were even the case considering how warm he felt presently. Lifting her head, some, she pushed into the figurine to crawl onto him, drawing herself up to a straddling position. His chest was used as means to support her light frame, head lifting with caution to inspect the surroundings. If he had been killed and dumped, those that had done such a thing may still be nearby. Her lips pursed, teeth beginning to work at the lower portion of her left cheek as she searched his pockets.

She hadn't figured out, amongst it all, that he seemed to still be breathing?

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-03-20 02:17 EST
The amount of smoke and ash that hung around their location was uncanny. Ten minutes after Lain destroyed the massive pillar, they could still hardly see their hand a foot in front of their faces. After finding Kiki, Lain produced one of her collapsible staves and used it like a blind man's cane to help pick their way back towards the southern border of the concrete slab.

"Why'r we goin' this way..?"

"I heard water dripping down below. There's a cavern or some sort of vast emptiness underneath us."

"Right... sometimes it makes me wonder why you dun like t'eavesdrop," she said, snorting.

"It is rather irritating, however... The sound seems strongest from this point," Kiki stated, pointing ahead of them, "But there is nothing to suggest that a lower level even exists. There were no shafts leading underground on the main floor.."

Lain hoisted her bag further upon her shoulder, the staff in her hand shrinking to its previous length of three inches before she stowed it in a pocket. "Yeah, well, I s'pose we're just gonna hafta look a-ROOOOOUUUUUUND!"

What Lain had thought was perfectly solid ground moments before melted beneath her into nothing, and she felt her stomach fly up into her mouth as she fell through the cold air. She only had a few feet left until she splattered when she contorted her own gravitational force and slowed to a feather light hover. She still collapsed onto her knees once she reached the ground.


" .. I found it! Port down, kid, it's fine!" The muffled clap of Kiki doing just that echoed for a long while in the dark, and Lain heard her sigh, falling sideways into the nearby wall. She patted herself down, finally pulling out a small zippo lighter and flicked it on. Holding it out, she found Kiki's face drenched with sweat and pale. "Hey, ya schway, kid..?" she asked, settling the back of her hand on her small forehead.

"Yes, I'm fine.. I've just expended a tremendous.. amount of energy, I need to rest.. for a bit.." Kiki began guzzling from a conjured bottle of ice water as Lain began working the tiny flame of her lighter into a large fireball that floated of its own free will, lighting the area around them in a haunting, yellow orange.

She was faced with what looked like a wide, endless tunnel dug out with a spoon. Further down the path, Lain could see deep shadows, indicating separate tunnels, branching off. Half ruined doors of crude, rotting wood stood in front of arching doorways. Upon opening one, Lain recoiled, clapping a hand over her mouth and nose.

"Holy fricken... GEEZ, what'n th'hell was kept in here..?" Even as she asked, Lain began putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Different twinges of magical residue were picking at her senses, and her eyebrows folded into a scowl as she felt the same fire based abilities as above down here. Only stronger.

"What is it?" Kiki asked, joining her at her side. Lain looked down at her, and watched her expression change from slack and neutral to tight, to wide-eyed and terrified all in the blink of an eye. "It cannot be.."

"What can't be." Lain was getting very annoyed at having to ask questions constantly. She would prefer it if the kid would just spill whatever it was she wanted to say. Kiki brushed past Lain and strode as far forwards as the light from the hovering fireball deemed visible. Her head lifted, and she looked around like a lost puppy. Lain could hear the ice rattling in the water bottle. She was shaking.

"This.. this place. This was a storage facility for children.. I have never been in this location, but everything looks exactly the same.. The endless tunnels, the doors, the stench.. of death." Kiki shook her head hard, as if trying to remember and wanting to forget at the same time. Lain slid up to her side and coiled an arm around her small shoulders. The young girl turned into the touch. "I was unaware that there were more than just that one.. It seemed so large.."

"Yer sure about this?" Kiki nodded against Lain's ribs.

"There is no doubt in my mind." Her voice was barely a whisper, and Lain had to strain to hear it even in the silence of their surroundings.

"That makes sense. I can feel a huge difference between the amounts and types of magic. They're scattered and faint, like some of the rooms had kids and the others didn't." Crystal blue eyes narrowed considerably as she stared down the passage into the abyss, the fireball hovering just before her right shoulder. "Whoever destroyed this place was kept here. I can feel their essence the strongest out of everything. I would gladly tell you to just wait outside, but after that fricken beam tried to decapitate us, I'm not so schway with you leaving you by yourself, so you're gonna have to stick it out. Alright?" Once more Kiki nodded, and Lain tugged her along. They paused at three way fork momentarily before turning right.


Tempero lowered the empty tea cup into its saucer and slid it forward on the table. Narrowing amethyst eyes followed the gaudily dressed and make-upped waitress as she took it away, raking over her bowling pin figure with a pronounced expression of disgust upon his pale face.

"How much longer will it be before we're contacted?"

"We must all have patience. She will inform us when her task is completed," Tempero said calmly to Sera, finally averting his gaze to the small boy within the booth who had suddenly gone rigid, his head lowering so that his chin touched his chest. Sera's head turned, her eyebrows lifting with a mixture of surprise and expectance. "Lulu, darling, is that you?"

"Daddy?! Hiiiiiiiiiii, Daddy! How are you?!" The squealing, tiny female voice looked horrendously unnatural coming from a stiff boy, but the two adults seemed unfazed. Tempero's thin lips pursed to an even flatter line as he felt the stares of others settle upon their location.

"Not so loud, Lulu, darling. I am quite well," he scolded gently, nodding. A tendril of long, black hair drifted over his shoulder, away from its slicked back confines. Tempero swiftly rectified this.

"Aaawww, I'm sorry, Daddy. Don't be mad at me please? I didn't mean to, really and truly, I didn't."

"It is alright, Lulu. What have you seen?"

"Ooooh, it was groovy! These two women came up out of nowhere. One of them had white hair and the other blue with glasses. Mhm! I don't know the first one, but the second was Kiki Masuka."

"Kiki Masuka?"

"Kiki Masuka. The only child to date that has escaped from the boogy mens! Anyways. There was this huuuuuuuuuuge boom and stuff with so much smoke and fire and flying things right after I started watching? They wrecked it, Daddy, they totally and completely wrecked it! All by themselves!"

"You are certain of this, Lulu? Was there anything left of the warehouse after its destruction?"

"I dunno yet, Daddy, the smoke and stuff hasn't gone away yet. And I don't wanna get any closer cuz if they see me, I'm gonna go boom like the rest of the place. And just as Daddy taught me, never get too close to what you can see from afar~"

Tempero laughed softly. "Yes, I did tell you that. I am glad you take my advice better than your brother, Lulu. That is why you are my favorite. Remain at that post for a little while longer and continue to observe. Contact us if you see any changes. I shall have a treat for you when you return."

"A treat? For me?! Oh, thank you Daddy!! Okay, I'll stay here! I love you~" Haru's body shivered, and he fell forward onto the table, limp and unconscious. Tempero settled his elbows onto the table's edge, folding his fingers before his mouth.

"An unknown woman and an escaped girl destroying a facility all on their own? That sounds too fabricated for my tastes."

"Indeed. Though Lulu has no way to lie to me, so all I must do is believe her eyes which have never failed in the past. We will need to relay this information to the others immediately, however, I am sure they will want to know of this new turn."

"They most certainly will."


Date: 2008-03-22 02:26 EST
Hours. It had seriously been hours since Connor had been beaten and left. When he first thought of this plan, he obviously didn't factor in the amount of time from incident to discovery, and as a result added to his aches and pains the stiffness of laying outside in the cold and drizzle in a very awkwardly bent position. He longed to move, to get up and shake himself out, to stretch. To even open his eyes. But he knew that at any second, she would be coming upon him, and that anything that would give away the fact that this situation was a ruse wasn't allowed.

So he sighed, and instead focused his thoughts on Ayaka. He wondered what she would look like. Would she be the spitting image of the young girl whose picture was now currently in his back pocket? Or would she be mutated into something else? Connor didn't know the extent of that destroyed device's abilities, and she could very well look like a ruddy prune with six legs, three eyes and no arms.

And what about her personality? How alike would it be to his reports? What if she didn't like him...

'Pffffffffft. That's impossible. Everyone likes me!'

He nearly jumped... nearly... as something touched his hand. Something fleshy, damp and warm. Then shuffling was heard and then... whoever it was was SITTING on him! Curiosity and perhaps a little annoyance at being used as a chair overrode his resolve to remain still, and he forced himself to peel his eyelids open a fraction of an inch and once more nearly flailed at what he saw.

A woman. Not just A woman. A nearly NAKED woman, sitting on top of his chest and feeling him all over... Oh, this was heaven... and she was so waaaaaarm, and light. He fought not to laugh as her hands tickled his sides.

He froze, though, if possible, as he felt her fingers working their way into the tight pockets of his leather pants. She was blond haired, blue eyed, her face confidently set. She was dirty, bare foot as far as he could tell and her distinct warmth gave her away. This was Ayaka Mahara, and she was seconds away from finding a picture of herself on his person.

A quickly as a striking viper, both of his hands lifted and clasped around both her wrists and held on for dear life. Oh, the things he wished to say. Like 'You've gotten further in two minutes than a lot of my girlfriends have in our whole relationship.' But Connor restrained himself, and instead screwed up his face and thought of the saddest thing he could - dead kittens.

"Please... y-you have to help me.. My car.. they.. two men t-took it.. and.. it hurts.. It hurts so much.. please.." He was so glad he wasn't watching himself do this...

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-28 19:19 EST
"Master Zanzan, can we stop, yet?" Nidan pleaded, already growing extremely tired. Even though she had yet to budge from atop the crate that the bulky man was lugging around, she had been making the request for quite some time. She didn't want to move, anymore. Nor feel the wind cut into her face.

The surrounding landscape was but a violent blur, distorted from the extreme speeds that were being reached by Zanzan's movements. All in all, it was beginning to make Nidan rather queasy, and she was not at all pleased with the feeling.

"Soon, little one. We have much ground to cover if we're to meet back up with the Newborne," Zanzan informed her directly. His words, unlike his movements and surroundings, were fluid, hardly suggesting that he was even beginning to feel the exertion that was being produced.

Nidan's nose wrinkled at both Zanzan's words, and the fact that wispy strands of violet hair just whipped her in the eye. She had nothing to tie it back with, nor anything to shield herself with. She was nothing more than an abused child, at this rate. "Aw, c'mon! I just got hit in the eye with something, and it hurts...!"

Zanzan seemingly ignored her words, branching further through the funnel that was crafted from his movements. It couldn't be told which direction they were moving, or if it was even following the sense of gravity, anymore. The swirls of vibrant, warm colors mixing with dark trends of suggestive earth, or at least the ground, continued to escalate to alarming rates. They were picking up speed.

Even though Nidan hadn't a need to cling onto the crate, for no sense of through momentum was causing her to thrash, she still did. She had begun to question if she was going to be flung from it all of a sudden, like when a horse rides just underneath a low-hanging branch, leaving the rider to be thrown a considerable distance away. The thought of convenience had her lowering her head, just in case. "Master Zanzan, I would like to remind you that I'm supposed to be coming back with you? This was a joint mission at your leader's request," she shouted, almost in a demanding manner. It was implied she felt she had a higher sense of superiority between them.

Her words miraculously caused reality to phase back into existence, leaving the two of them close to a cape that overlooked a large canyon below. The fall was tremendous, to be sure, clearly showing Zanzan's capable understanding of the twists and turns of the brisk movements. The straps to the crate were removed to Zanzan's shoulders, setting the crate down onto the ground roughly. Whatever occupied within thumped limply against the sides, then fell silent once more. "You are right, little one," the small corner of Zanzan's mouth admitted.

It was disturbing to Nidan to see such a small section of his mouth move, along with an extremely different tone of voice emit from Zanzan. She swore it was as though they were two different people, mixed together as one. She quickly shrunk back, tumbling from atop the crate on behind it. "Ah!" came her shrill several seconds later in extremely delayed reaction. "What the heck is up with your face, anyway!" A sole hand lifted behind the crate, fingers wiggling Zanzan's way.

"What do you mean, child?" Zanzan questioned, a large, brash hand lifting to gently touch at the left corner of his mouth self-consciously. "There is nothing wrong with it at all."

Nidan's tiny head popped up several seconds afterwards, glaring at the big man. "Oh yes there is! You talk, and it sounds all, 'Well hello ma'am. Would you like a jelly doughnut. Hur, hur'," she imitated, using the deepest voice possible. Her fingers were still pointing at Zanzan accusingly. "That's you. That's what you sound like! And then you have this other voice, and your mouth moves in all sorts of mysterious ways! It's weird, and it's freaking me out!" Worried that she had said a little too much, and realizing it only seconds later, she ducked away behind the crate again.

Zanzan was silent, his large frame slouching as Nidan went on about his obvious 'flaw'. Fingers drew away from his mouth, moving to run a hand through the thinning gray and brown atop his head. "That. It was a gift from an old friend," Zanzan admitted. He waited for Nidan to show herself from beyond the crate once more before continuing. "A back-up." A corner of his mouth turned up in a small smile to the girl. "But I don't think you should call it weird. I'm not sure how I'd feel then."

The corner of Zanzan's mouth moved visibly, "I wouldn't call me an 'it', either. You old tea-bag."

Zanzan's eyes rolled as Nidan's own went wide. "See what I mean!?" she spoke in a shrill, moving to clamber onto the crate once again. "It is weird!"

Zanzan let out a raspy chuckle, stepping to the girl to gently pat her on the shoulder. "You remind me of Moroku when we first met," he said, that smile still present. "He was upset to think something so odd, yet so capable. 'The flawed don't belong here, dude. Get a grip, man. Listen to your talking tumor, you old tea-bag.' But he was amongst the first to compliment me on my adeptness at squeezing the essence of life from my enemies. He was quick to learn. And so will you."

Uncertain if it was a threat, or a sheer fact, Nidan opted not to test anything that Zanzan spoke. Instead, she audibly gulped with her own dramatic flourish, and nodded quickly. "O...kay. Hey, big man, can we get moving? I thought we had a lot of ground to cover?" She didn't seem to mind the idea of being whipped along, any longer.

Zanzan chuckled merrily, pleased to a certain aspect of Nidan's words. "A wise decision, little one. Let's carry on."

The straps were tugged back into hand, arms sliding through the rungs. Picking the crate up, with Nidan onboard, they distorted from view as they slipped back into the hasty movements to continue along their journey.

Tenzo Mataki

Date: 2008-03-28 19:28 EST
A scroll of paper was unrolled between Tenzo's fingers, double-checking his destination as he arrived outside the Inn. Lain had informed him several times of its purpose. How each passing minute of the day, something always wound up happening. As though it were cursed, gypsies channeling their mundane voodoo to prevent a casual evening from striking those that happened to step inside. The scroll was rolled back up, knowingly prepared to step within.

The dull roar of conversation, buzzing within either ear couldn't keep him from distorting his features shrouded behind the elastic mask from twisting. It was visible to the naked eye, something uncommon to lay witness to. Chestnut locks were pulled at, already shortened from a brief clipping several days ago, to try and mask the swirling scarlet complete with tohoes. He was well aware that his appearance was an odd one, and no certain limits to his visage could be taken into consideration when involved in espionage. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Either hand lifted before him, index and middle fingers meeting lengthwise just before his nose. The swirls of his eyes tapered off, leaving them still and motionless, as though dictating the calm before a storm. Several words escaped from his mouth, inaudible from the soft breeze that was already presenting itself on the chilly day. No risks could be taken, for this he was certain of.

"Kirigakure," Tenzo uttered, his gaze lifting visibly towards the large building before him. He could note movement within several of the windows above, alluring to the fact that it would take him some time to discover the location of his particular target. Several moments following the singular word spoken, a dim haze begun to congeal about himself, and the surrounding scenery. A fog was beginning to take shape.

He wasted no time continuing with his plans. "Mizu bunshin," he uttered next, fingers parting only then to motion towards several clumps of snow that build up surrounding him. Including the coy snowman that wasn't too far off from his present location near the porch of the inn. Tearing from the watery powder, as though the snow had been squeezed like a tube of toothpaste, was several silhouettes similar in appearance to himself. In every single way. The airborne doubles quickly began to scour the various levels of the exterior of the building, concealed by the growing mist of fog that had become so thick so suddenly, even Tenzo had trouble following but a foot in front of him.

Tenzo's eyes closed, keeping keen track of each through the clone's own movements. If one was to find what it was he was looking for, he'd certainly be made aware of it. As though a pair of eyes had been tripled. It wouldn't take long, he assumed. Much larger terrain has been scoured with such a technique, objectives found much sooner. "One target, second floor," he uttered, eyes lifting towards the blanket of white that lingered above. Clenching his fingers in idle preparation, he slowly moved in the direction of the door. "Kai."

Before considering entering, he lifted a hand behind his skull, pulling forth a porcelain mask to fully conceal his face. It was remarkably different from the cloth one, painted several unique colors of red, and was shaped similar to that of a fox. A hollowed breath was taken, already unfamiliar with wearing it, before pulling open the door. He winced briefly to the sudden change in lighting. The dense fog disturbed his eyes, since the sunlight outside was brief, but absent. A glance was given behind him just before he submerged himself within the occupied Inn, noting that his release technique had begun to allow the fog to dissipate quite suddenly. A slow nod in approval was given, before returning his attention to the crowd. No presumptions could be made about the singular target upstairs. Prior to following-up with his lead, he had to be certain that anybody within the crowd was not amongst those that he was seeking out. The visible idea of a crowded location could very well suggest that a trap was in the making. Rather than the physical sort, at least. An eye flutter, similar to getting a speck of dust within an eye, was given to the occupants. Then a second. Seeing nothing from the ordinary, he quickly moved in the direction of the stairs, ignoring the greeting from the tender that was on duty. She was not of the objectives considered, and he had little time to suggest a through response.

Briskly, the second floor was reached, the hallway already being scoured by a second clone that sneaked from a window down the length of the hall itself. He opted for no words, instead slowly moving from door to door without even a squeak of protest from the disturbed floorboards. Silence was an optimal approach, and one he was vastly knowledgeable in. If it was required, it was done without thought, without plotting. Lifting a finger to the second clone just nearby, he motioned towards a door down the hall. It was his only lead, and was to be amongst the first considered upon. The clone quickly moved into position, attempting the door with a feather's touch. No response. The door was locked, however. Tenzo would remember to commend the occupants for a worthless security measure, later. An ordering movement with Tenzo's hand suggested "Proceed", of which the clone did without question. Pressing against the door, it began to taper off into a fissure of water, breaking down into various molecules of water, and seeped through the heavy oaken frame. Tenzo quickly approached the door, moving to attempt the door a second time with that same feathery touch. Still no response. A resounding click could be heard from within, which finally granted Tenzo himself the access he was hopeful for. He quickly made his way within, closing the door on behind him.

The clone, once again a pure solid of exact proportions to Tenzo shuddered briefly, before melting into a puddle of water. It splashed as though someone had dropped a water balloon, and was left behind for Tenzo in case he required further need from it. Carefully stepping over the puddle, Tenzo moved to fully observe the room in question. For starters, he could clearly make out that it was unoccupied, and had been for some time. Signs of struggle were evident, from the various broken pieces of furniture, to the more obvious scoring of what appeared to be super-natural power sources along the floors, and walls. Embedded in the wood nearby, a vibrant purple shard was observed, pulsating as though it were alive. He was weary to approach the strange device, if that were indeed what it was, instead observing it from a safe distance. It appeared similar to a crystal, and proximity clearly disturbed the pointed shard with a kind of anxiety. Tenzo was unfamiliar with its trap design, but was uncertain to consider further observation. The end result was clear:

The target was no longer present in room 13A.

Turning about to leave the confines of the room, he flicked the handle on the door open to make his escape. However, no response was made. The handle refused to jiggle, and any attempt at jarring it seemed incapable of happening. Moving back several inches from the door, he moved to quickly shoulder it. Yet that only seemed to accomplish in causing Tenzo's shoulder to become sore. Really sore. The door was seemingly impervious to direct assault. Glancing over a shoulder, he took notice of the various windows that lined the one wall. One of which appeared to link to a sliding door. Wasting no time, Tenzo barreled over the shard, certain to not disturb it in some fashion. He quickly moved to attempt the sliding door in the same manner as he had the door, with a brief tug. It, as well, showed no signs of wishing to be opened. It felt similar to trying to pull an entire building in tow. Or lifting an extremely large object. Like a dinosaur. Stepping back, he lifted a leg to shatter the glass. While it was not his most elusive of escapes, he was well aware by failing to do so, he'd be locked away within the room until somebody was clever enough to come to his rescue. Crashing a sandaled foot into the glass, the pane vibrated angrily at the disturbance, yet his attack failed to even mark up the glass with anything other than the vibration. It was similar to the door, and apparently could not be broken by standard physical attacks.

Knowing that nobody was present around him, he pulling at the mask to settle it atop his head, careful to remember that he wouldn't want to come around with fox hair later. Both exits were locked, barred from being opened. And it was evident by now that no sense of physical power was going to aid him. The continued dull roar of patrons enjoying each other's company was clear through the flooring, which lead him onto a thought of calling for aid. Yet, the idea of being locked in one's own room and requiring outside assistance was not something he was familiar with. And he'd prefer refraining from being ridiculed.

Glancing across the ceiling, he was already familiar that above him was another floor chalk full of occupants. He could not make for certain if the room above was in use or not, though. Not that he fully had the rising urge to care or not, at the present moment. Below him he was aware was a direct entry into the commons, which left him with only one clear option.

He had forgotten amongst the urgency to escape from the room itself that the shard was present nearby, still pulsating. It was stirring, however, and quite aware that somebody was located within the confines of the room, itself. It erupted suddenly in a violet-hued explosion, sending shards of debris expelling outwards to what was located within the room. The nearby wall where the shard was in closest proximity to, as well as the very floor that the shard was embedded within remained mostly intact, however. The ceiling as well had been left unscathed. Further scoring was evident surrounding where the explosion had occurred, which was mediocre at best, clearly meant to only harm whom was present in the small room, itself.

Yet, no signs of Tenzo could be noted. The room itself was empty, and Tenzo's last location was now vacant, perhaps sheerly vaporized on the spot for attempting to meddle in some larger picture.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-03-29 00:46 EST
The scent of blood and smoke smacked her directly in the face again, and Lain once more clamped a hand over her nose as they entered the tiny, destroyed room.

"Good LORD... they obviously failed hardcore at cleanin' this place up.."

"Or they didn't have a sufficient amount of time," Kiki said, whisper quiet, as she came in behind Lain. The room was just large enough so that the very corners and crevices were kept out of the hovering fireball's view, making the items that they could see - a completely wrecked coffin-like device with cords splayed from its innards like rubber snakes, an equally wrecked computer and the charred remains of a desk, the half dried blood and gore on the ground and a massive hole in the eastern wall that clearly marked their perp's exit point - look haunted and ghostly. Lain continued to inspect as Kiki went on. "These facilities are extremely valuable and important in their operation. The obliteration of just one of them would cause such a major wrench to be thrown into the machine, it's catastrophic. My guess is that to avoid the inevitable attention, they shifted into gear and moved all of their captured children to another location and didn't bother with anything beneath. They probably felt that what was here was already jumbled enough to the point that any further clean up wasn't necessary."

"Ahh... gettin' th'hell outta here b'fore th'big boys get too pissed, right?" Lain asked, snorting and letting her eyes make rounds again. The hole in the wall was regarded for a brief moment, but she was more interested in the device in the center of the room. "Yo, kid, 'joo ever see one'a these before?" Kiki, who was delicately stepping over the mess on the floor looked to Lain first, than the device. Her eyebrows knitted together in a scowl, and Lain knew she was trying to remember desperately, regardless of her past experiences. She gave her a sympathetic look.

"Ara.. No. I was held in a similar room, however, I uh.. was bound to a table instead. They required a more open view of me, I assumed."

"I see..." She couldn't tell squat from a hole in the wall about the thing, even if it was technology. Her fingers followed the cords to the frayed and melted ends, suggesting that the electrodes placed on whomever was captured were melted and burned off, which she wouldn't doubt. There was enough fire based magical residue left in the coffin to nearly be a tangible dust. "Right, so I'm guessin' kid got pissed, blasted th'frick outta this thing, whoever that was and went that way," she said pointing to the coffin, the gore and the hole in the wall respectively. "Then went upstairs and proceeded t'burn down this whole place. Judging from how big it used t'be, they were prolly pretty pissed and pretty powerful. Am I right?"

"Come, have a look at this. And bring the light as well," Kiki said wistfully, as if she hadn't heard a thing Lain had said. She was squatting down next to the ruined data terminal, and gingerly trying to move it around without damaging it any further. Lain waved towards the fireball that was currently hovering near the ceiling in the center of the room and it floated down just above Kiki's position, and Lain watched her fingers trail along the bottom edge of what appeared to be masking tape. "The ash is distorted along this label," she said, leaning in to view it closer, "Someone else was here after they got out and.. look at the name, Lain."

"Ayaka Mahara.. What'n th'frick does 'Mahara' mean?"

"I have no idea.. But I knew of no other student that had the name 'Ayaka' aside from.. well.." her sentence trailed off, and regardless of Lain's feelings for the kid, her stomach dropped and she felt like she was free falling again.

"You mean THEY took her?! How in the HELL could they have managed that?! God, and even out from under Alex's nose, and for THIS long?!" Her yells shook the tunnels around them, and she could hear herself several moments after. She also saw Kiki flinch and cover her ears, but she didn't care. No matter how much Lain didn't like Aka, thought she was a brat, how annoying it was that they had a half foot tall know-it-all always dogging their heels... she couldn't help but feel that- "She didn't deserve that... I can think of a lotta people who DO, but her... Yeah, she didn't." Kiki sighed as she stood slowly, keeping her eyes fixed down upon the label.

"No. She did not. It does make sense, however.. She was always very adamant about helping us.."

"I seriously can't imagine that SHE did all'a this, though, man... Like I knew she had a crapload'a power in her, but who'd'a-"

"Lain.." Kiki asked quietly, interrupting.

"Yeah, what?"

"She escaped them and destroyed this facility. They are going to be after her by the droves. We need to lock onto her location as fast as we can." Her pleading tone and expression worked wonders in reaching Lain and shutting her up. She nodded to Kiki and flicked the fireball along ahead of them.

She still couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe how easily they had done this. The whole fiasco of Alex's broken wrists rushed back into the forefront of her memory, and it only made her scowl all the more. She had even scolded him for that. For not even showing any inkling that he wanted to get her back, or even cared that she disappeared in the first place. Lain knew his nature better than anyone she liked to believe. But to watch his behavior around Aka and then to see him without her, just a shell, a mere statue of barely contained worry and wrath and to see him not do anything..? She shut down her thoughts at that, worried that she just may punch a hole directly through the wall.

They reached above ground in no time with Lain hovering up first, and extending a hand for Kiki's floating body to grasp onto. A faint twinge in her diaphragm caused her to whip around and stare at the vast expanse of earth behind them. Kiki's eyes followed her gaze, and her face became set as stone.

"So you realized, too?"

"I wasn't sure if it was just the wind playing tricks on me, but now I am certain if you were able to feel it." Lain nodded, and scowled darkly as she stood.

"We were being watched."

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-04-05 11:48 EST
"Daddy. Daddy!! Psst... I think they noticed I was here~ What should I do?"

"Hmm. Go after them, Lulu. I shall meet you in time."

"You think I can play with them, Daddy? Omigosh, they look like so much fuuuun. Especially the bigger one? She's like got all these like... shinies, mhm!"

"You may do whatever pleases you, darling."



Kiki had gotten to a point where she could barely walk without wobbling, so Lain decided to carry her piggy-back style. She thought about stopping plenty of times, asked her plenty of times, but her response was always the same. No matter how tired she was, she'd always tighten her grip, shake her head, and whisper inside Lain's mind, "No. We can't afford any more delays.."

With a massive supply of fresh pyro-based magic coursing through her system, Lain was able to pick out the faintest hint of a direction, and she jumped on it as soon as she had any sort of lead which was better than the zero they were going on at this point. She'd been walking for what felt like hours, and the sun's position overhead told her so. Her legs felt like lead, even more than natural, and her thighs burned with every step she took. Her arms were numb from supporting Kiki's small body, her hip irritated from her bag thumping rhythmically against it. Her stamina stores were insanely limitless, but her body's capacity? Not so much. She was so lost in the drudgery of her own steps, she nearly missed the fact that a small girl had materialized from nowhere about twenty feet ahead of her.

Her immediate feeling was revulsion, for the girl looked like another gothic wannabe child - all black and white stripes, leather, lace and thick shoes that reached a few inches below the hem of what appeared to be a frilly, black tutu. Her ink black hair was done in perfect ringlets that teased the base of her neck. Her face, hands and the parts of her legs Lain could see were paper white and unnatural looking. But the thing that put Lain off the most were the girl's eyes. Wide and amethyst colored, they were ringed in a prominent red as if she'd been rubbing the sleep from them for weeks on end. The depths of the orbs were not that of a child's, but of someone much older who had seen more than one her age should have. She was reminded of Kiki's eyes on certain occasions. As an afterthought, Lain realized that it had been this little girl she'd felt at the facility, and that she'd felt tickling the edges of her senses.

Lain's crystal blue eyes narrowed to slits, not bothering with her traditional accented speech, but getting right to the point and injecting as much annoyance she could.

"What the hell have you been following us for." It wasn't a question, and was said in a tone that suggested she didn't rightly give a crap what the answer was.

"I can't teeeeeell yoooooou~" the girl said in a sickeningly sweet tone - something that could have made candy taste bitter. Her crimson lips puckered, and her purple eyes flicked around like she was trying to ignore Lain.

"Then beat it, Midget, or the words thigh high boots are going to have a completely new meaning for you."

She looked as if she was about to cry. "Daaaaaaaddyyyyyyy... The big lady's so mean, she called me a Midget and... and...?"

"I don't have any time for this. Nor do I have any want for a foot tall tag-a-long. You've had your little fun, you've watched us and followed us and obviously can see we're going in no direction whatsoever, so get OUT of the way."

The girl's sobs subsided instantly. "I can't do that cuz Daddy said I could play with you and I wanna." Suddenly, the girl was no longer twenty feet in front of her but two, and Lain's head cracked to the side as the toe of the girl's boot flew into her jaw. Her whole body followed, and both she and Kiki rolled, none too gracefully, on the ground. Seconds later, she was aware that the girl was straddling her stomach, hands on her shoulders and bouncing with girlish glee. Now that she was up close, she could see a tiny red diamond shape, about an inch long in the dip between the knobs of her collarbones.

Lain's hand shot out and grappled a good hold on the leather top she was wearing. The fact that it was seemingly made out of latticed straps made it easier to grip. Her fingers dug beneath the straps, curled, and Lain flung the girl aside. She flew a good five feet before landing and laying still. She then shakily got up like a broken doll, jittery and uneven. Lain's stomach lurched as she watched, remembering her own... incident.

The kid was inexplicably fast, and the fact that she was so tiny made her even faster. Lain rolled from atop Kiki's groaning form and had just enough time to strip the pack off of her shoulder and toss it to the ground before she saw the blur of black zig-zagging in her line of vision. She decided to rely on her senses more than her eyes and whipped her head to the left as the girl came flying at her, foot raised. Lain spun out of the way and clamped both of her hands onto the girl's ankle. Using the momentum of her own kick, she whirled around in tight circles before letting her fly into the air via her released grip. She didn't make a sound as she went and crashed into the ground in a heap much like the first time, shaking back to life seconds later.

"This is fun!! I've never gone flying before, lady! Let's do it again, again!!" She clapped her small hands in childish glee and zipped off for Lain once more. This time behind her.

Lain whipped around to see another kick flying for her abdomen, and she blocked it easily. Girlish giggles were what she heard first, and then a blinding pain in her left eye were the girl's fist cracked into it so hard, all her knuckles popped. One eye useless, the other eye closing reflexively, Lain was vulnerable to the rock hard kick to her throat that sent her back a few feet, coughing, gasping and spluttering.

There were small hands on her as she lay there, praying for a breath. Tears ran from her eyes that made it hard to see. She felt her hands being picked up, the rings there being fondled. And then her ears, each earring, clip, chain and charm being touched by the greedy girl.

"Oooooooooooh, I like this one," she said, touching the very point of her left ear where the large garnet earring, one of a pair that she'd split with Tenzo, was situated. Lain felt small fingers dig into her flesh, trying to pry the back from the post, but it wouldn't budge. "Aaaaaaww... it won't come ooooooff..." she whined, smacking Lain upside the head with her tiny hands before trying again.

It was embarrassing, Lain thought, to be beaten around by a child that barely passed her waist in height. But at the moment she was fine with laying on the ground, having not rested for several hours, having not eaten or drank anything. And anyway, this kid was no kid. Something was definitely off about her.

Just as the girl hit Lain's ear again in frustration, she was thrown from her seated position with a force so great patches of flesh flew off from her cheeks. As Lain pushed to her feet, still gasping and swallowing away the pain, she held out a loosely closed fist and the girl halted midair and began bending unnaturally backward as if she was just about to win a limbo contest. Her arms and legs curled back, her head, until she was in a compact circle, but it didn't stop there. The loud sounds of bones breaking and joints forced past their limit filled the air. The leather of the girl's outfit screeched and groaned and even tore in places from the immense pressure Lain was putting on the small girl's body. Her face, before long, dented inward like a plastic barbie doll, her chest and stomach caving in. Limbs that were originally cylindrical became flat and lifeless like fettuccine noodles, and Lain forced her hand closed, the motion compressing the girl down to a sphere one eighth her original size. Dark blood dripped down to the ground before Lain dropped what was left of the kid and sank down to her knees herself.

She hadn't killed anyone since Terrace, but he was different, he wasn't just a deranged child. Had she gone too far? She had always thought there were limits to what she was capable of doing, but now... she wasn't so sure.

"That was quite the amazing spectacle," said a smooth voice behind her that made the hairs on her neck stand up. She whirled around so fast, she fell back into the ground. She tried to get a good look at the speaker, but standing before the bright sun, he was nothing but an extremely tall, lanky silhouette. He had a sticky, pungent smell that she couldn't place.

"I'm glad you enjoy-" She couldn't finish as a thin, icy cold hand clamped over her mouth, the tips digging into her face. With amazing strength, this man lifted her not only to her feet but up into the air by that one arm. His pinky finger burying itself into her jugular ceased all movements of protest.

"Lulu had always been foolish with her playthings, unaware that one would inevitably play back. However," he paused and tilted his head. Now out of the light of the sun, Lain stared down into the same eyes as the little girl's. They didn't just resemble hers, they were hers. Like someone had taken an image of his eyes and pasted it over the girl's face. His long black hair, slicked back from his ghostly face, fluttered behind him in a shiny curtain thanks to the small breeze. "She is my daughter, and I am very hurt that you have harmed her so." The tip of his cold finger drilled further still into her neck and she wriggled, hands flying up to pry at his grip. She vaguely registered a loud sound reminiscent of cracking eggshells.

All to quickly the ground came up to meet her. Lain was surprised, having not expected him to let go, but hoping with all she had that he would. He didn't leave her alone though, and knelt before her, touching the side of her face with his cold hand, leaning in so that their noses and lips were nearly touching. She felt the breath of his words on her face and her eyes crossed as she looked at him. Out of her peripheral, her stomach dropped as she saw the girl, Lulu, stride up behind her father with a big smile on her face. Half of the right side of her forehead and cheekbone were still dented, the amethyst eye bulging outward as if it would burst from its socket. She fought the urge to gag, and lost.

"The Newborne shall be very interested in you. You should consider that a great honor."

The pair vanished before her eyes and she lurched forward at their sudden disappearance, her hand lifting first to her neck then the side of her mouth where she was kicked, feeling the slick blood there.

The newborn..? What the HELL was that? Like she didn't have any serious problems with kids already, now she was going to have a fricken baby out after her? Terrific.

It was then that she finally was able to pin down his smell, and his daughter's for that matter. They stank of death. Not like vampires who wore perfumes and sometimes didn't even smell like anything, no. They smelled as if they had bathed in blood and washed their clothes with rotting flesh. It was a sharp stench that assaulted her nose constantly and started to give her a headache.

In moments, she stopped trying to get up to vomit what was left inside her stomach upon the ground. Then, she weakly laid back, only slightly caring that the prickle of the pair's magic hadn't left her sensory range.

Kiki Masuka

Date: 2008-04-09 15:39 EST
It has been my duty to look after my little sister ever since the day she came staggering back into our house in the middle of the night. Our father, who had not seen her clearly, attacked her with a wooden chair thinking she was an intruder. By the time he realized, it was too late. He was dead a second later.

I had known something was wrong when we stopped receiving letters from her. She was vigilant with it, always telling us what was going on at the school, boys she thought were cute, her grades, the fact that she had made a best friend in Ayaka Iwakura - an unlikely choice considering her previous feelings about the girl - but I was happy for her nonetheless. I had written the Headmaster asking about her, and he tried to reassure me that she was fine and just under the pressure of her studies. He declined my request to see her.

They came a day later, the men in shining black armor, guns and visors. They kicked in our door and it clattered loudly through the house. Kiki was too weak to do anything but whimper. I touched her forehead, looking out the window into the street. It was surprisingly empty for this time of day.

I waited until I could no longer see any of the dark troops, then I threw on my jacket and took my sword. I gathered her into my arms, opening her bedroom window with a kick.

"UPSTAIRS!" I heard them call, and swore, leaping out the window, my skirt billowing around my legs. I landed twenty feet below, pain shooting up from my ankles, but I pushed on. I felt the thunder of footfalls behind me, felt the singes of their shots as they grazed my shoulders, arms and legs. Blood ran beneath my clothing but I still kept on.

Their armor made it impossible for me to turn them around or to will them to fight each other instead. As an alternative, I threw one hand up into the air and bars of emerald lightning undulated and twisted into the sky from the ground, throwing back those that dared to touch it, separating us.

I doubled over in agony as one of their shots hit home in my low back. Kiki rolled from my grasp and stirred, but didn't wake. If only she did, she could port us away...

The dirt around us exploded as they continued to try sink their burning bullets into me, and I grit my teeth together, swallowing the fear and panic. Somehow, I gathered her into my arms again, and half dragged us away.

With our lives both in danger, I merged with her, combining our bodies, our minds, our powers into one being. It was the only way to save us both, and I had nothing left but her. She would live, and I would always be there to help her, to protect her.

It was my duty to look after my little sister, and I would keep doing that no matter what it took.


When I awoke, I found myself in the middle of a vast expanse of nothing. There were no trees, no buildings. It was as if civilization had ceased to exist. The sun beat down on me from overhead, causing a sheen of sweat to instantly coat my forehead. I shrugged free of my jacket and folded it, forcing myself to get to my feet. My whole body felt heavy as lead and ached. As to be expected - Kiki had used up a vast amount of magic.

A few feet away from me lay the elf woman I always saw with Kiki, the one who was teaching her to fight and taking care of her like I could not, taking my place. It was my own fault for not leaving Kiki with any memories of my final moments. I wanted to keep her grief from getting the best of her. The question then can be asked why I let her remember all those things she endured. Well... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And her help was needed. Keyword 'was.' There was absolutely no way that I was going to let this continue.

After collecting myself, I stooped and gathered Lain into my arms as best as I could. I was taller than her, but she was, without a doubt, twice as heavy as I was. In the end, I draped her arm around my shoulders and held up her up, porting back in the direction of the tiny diner they had stopped at this morning.

"What'll ye have?" the waitress asked once I came in the door. She gave a look to Lain, and her heavily mascara coated eyes narrowed. "She was in here just this morning with a tiny girl who looked a lot like you.." she said musingly, eying me next. My eyebrows rose.

"Is that so. Two waters, ice," I said over a shoulder as I settled Lain into the booth first, propping her against the wall. I sighed with relief, rubbing at my shoulder and sat next to her, waiting for her to wake up. Which was a surprisingly short time later.

"Uck, god... I feel like I've been fricken eaten, spat out and eaten again.."

I stared at her. "That's.. colorful." The waitress set the waters down, and I slid Lain's to her, watching her gulp it down in two swallows. After that, she leaned her head back against the booth seat and sighed. It took her a moment to realize I was still there, and when she did, she regarded me with a quirked eyebrow expression.

"Who're you. And where's Kiki." The irritation in her voice was surprising despite the fact that she looked ready to pass out. With one hand I cleared Lain's loose hair from her temples, and with my other, I gripped them between my thumb and middle finger. She tried to shy away from the touch, but she was too weak. It made me laugh.

She knew what I was doing, I knew that much, which meant I had to work fast. Memories were like archives with many different file cabinets, and hers was exceptionally large with years of data stored in places I was sure she didn't even know. As soon as I latched onto the proper memories, my grip tightened.

"My name is Mie Masuka, I'm Kiki's sister. You had a nice lunch with Kiki, and are ready to head back to the Red Dragon Inn with her now."

"What the hell are y-!"

I tossed her head backwards and she slumped into the booth, fast asleep, looking peaceful, thankfully. I would never understand how Kiki could stand her on a daily basis.

I sipped at my water, already picking through Kiki's own memory, wiping anything that had to do with this wretched journey from it. She would not be put in danger for that girl anymore.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-04-10 18:19 EST
The resting grounds for the lapsing travelers of unique speeds of space and time came only when they ceased before the mouth of winding, maze like caverns that had been called home to the Newborne. Ones such as Zanzan, and soon to be Nidan, used these chasms as means of losing themselves, and their trails. So easy was it to lose followers, or become lost amongst the shadows, that even they themselves could become lost in the closed spaces of the mountains of the Ater-Atra-Atrum.

Nidan's head was clutched between her hands as they zipped from the swirls of bubble gum and ebony, gaining the little bearings that she had left from such fierce traverse. "God! Master Zanzan, I'm afraid to say that such methods of travel are not something I'm becoming used to." Thumping an ear as though she was attempting to remove excess water from a deep dive, she glared at the back of Zanzan's head expectedly. "Might we choose another style?"

"We are here, little one," Zanzan pointed out, slouching his shoulders to remove the stress of the heavy weight from the crate. It, along with the little girl that straddled it like a boxed horse, fumbled to the ground abruptly. She did what little she could to hold on, falling from the unit and to the ground promptly. "We will rest here briefly."

The little girl scowled, peeking her little violet-topped head from just behind the large box. "You're much bigger than I, Master Zanzan. I would expect you to be able to carry this much further than I have!" She slapped a hand against the surface of the large wooden crate, eyes lowering to examine the seals to be certain they were intact. Her arrogance barely suffered the scopes, and merely examined them out of exercise to not look Zanzan in the eye, were he to turn her direction.

She was thankful he did not. "This was a mistake, bringing her along with us."

Peridot eyes widened at the sudden eruption of words, cupping his own mouth as he excused himself from her presence. A sudden glance over his shoulder during his steps made himself realize she had not caught wind of the words seemingly uttered. "Perhaps so, brother. But she will prove as much an asset as what lies within."

"Too much do you rely on the words of the Master. He will not guide you to the destiny that we were to seek eons ago. Be wary of what is asked of you."

Zanzan shielded himself behind a nearby obelisk stone that acted as sheer decoration to some, his mouth uncovered only then. "And if not for his guidance, slaughtered those same eons ago by him. Our life we owe The Master our debt, should he have a true direction to send us."

"Be it as it may, do not lose sight. The blind are, too, worthless despite their acute belief they can see through the many other senses they possess."

He fell silent, suggesting he had nothing further to observe in his other half's words. The nearby cry of Nidan had him peering out after her. She appeared dramatic as ever, sighing loudly and slumping over the crate. Were it a cushioned bed, he'd believe her to already be asleep. "... Children..."

And he went out after her.

"Off the box, little one." He requested, delivering a shooing motion with a hand. "Until we reach our destination, we should do little to disturb the contents."

The small one lifted her head, staring upside down at the approaching Zanzan. Although she wasn't interested in his shooing, she went along with it, giggling along the way. "Oh, Master Zanzan, you're a silly old man. Aren't you? I wouldn't have been asked by your lot to handle this if I wasn't to be sure it'd remained sealed!" Rolling a finger, she pointed at the box playfully. She winked at it, toying with what laid beyond the eye. "You could beat it with a hammer. It won't open."

Zanzan didn't share her views, his faith ill-placed by believing something so small capable of assuring him of encasing something so large. "Even if so, little one. It is best to leave the contents alone." Zanzan moved to sit alongside next to the box, eyes scoping the various runes that marked the sealing process. "These are more acentric than I am used to," spoken quietly as he ran a finger along the edge of one, guiding his own knowledge along with the seal displayed.

She smiled proudly, dancing over to Zanzan. "Precisely! The arrangement is meant to throw the very seals into a state of unrest. While it's not the best method of sealing something, it keeps them fighting, and as such, keeps the strength intact. It's kind of like an ever-lasting infection," her nose scrunching at her own analogy.

Zanzan nodded in understanding. "And this is a proven sealing method?"

Blinking in disbelief, Nidan's eyes cast down onto Zanzan, who was still tracing the seal with intent interest. "Master Zanzan, I'm hurt. Would you think myself an amateur in these things?"

Zanzan was quiet, eyeing the singular rune a moments worth further before lifting his head to observe the nearby pouting girl. He smiled warmly, reaching up to ruffle the violet strands of hair until they fully masked her scrunched face. "Of course not, child. Of course not. Merely an observation. Shrewd, as it were.."

Nidan giggled happily to the ruffles, and his following apology. Bouncing, she moved in the direction of the gaping, large opening in the mountainside. As far as her eye could see within, which was not very far, it appeared to already branch off into various directions of unknown. The bowels of some abyss? "Where is this anyway, Master Zanzan?"

Clearing his throat, the big man rose to a stance after several floundering moments, dragging his feet lazily as he followed after the bundle of energy. "We are amongst the ruins of an old settlement. Precisely, one of our old Boss's headquarters. It had fallen some ages ago, and we have rearranged it to shield our presence."

Similar violet eyes, matching that of locks of wispy hair, rolled in the direction of Zanzan. "Old Boss?"

A raspy chuckle was all Zanzan offered her in a response, hand lifting to cup over his mouth, clearing the excess growl that was present within his throat. "This is the home of the Newborne. One of many, at least. And I assume this will soon be what you consider home as well, considering the fine work you have handled, child."

A moments worth of a bounce was Nidan's response, mildly refraining from outbursting at the compliment. Violet eyes intently stared within the mouth of the cave. "I, well. Thank you, Master Zanzan, for your kind words. But isn't this a little??"

The burly man interjected, "Gloomy? Would you expect a bunch of hiding scoundrels to dress the entrance with fluffy curtains and teddy bears?" A glance down to Nidan, who seemed semi-interested in the idea. He was quick to crush her hopes to dust, "It is what nature has given us. And what we grace ourselves with. Do not fret, child. For your room will be littered with the above mentioned, I am sure." He almost sounded? entirely certain of such things. Mental notes aside.

Being detailed on the sights and sounds of the Newborne lair, as well as the layout and how one is quick to reach the inner sanctum without becoming fully lost, their ears and eyes had been lost on the nearby crate. The very one that Nidan packaged, and was requested of the Newborne to obtain. The very same that they were certain to not disturb, nor bother toying with until they were within the confines of the various others. Where their leader would fully subject his eyes, and intentions, upon the contents within?

Three of the four seals that rested on one of each revealed side, exception given to the one present upon the surface of the top, had been quaking since the very start. Vaguely, yet certainly, those very same seals had begun to crumble, bleeding away what source of power was present that kept the innards intact, and subdued. They had become visibly crushed, like somebody had tangibly gripped them and strangled the very life essence from their frame. And then briefly were snuffed from reality, lost all together.

The crate rattled audibly, disturbing the silence of nature that surrounded them, resounding loudly within the cave and echoing back towards Nidan and Zanzan. Together they turned, and together bore witness to the crate, itself.

The top was blown open, and standing before them was the subject that they were meant to capture. A grizzled, older man appearing in his fifties with a head full of vibrant, lavender hair that was tied back and out of his face. His skin was visibly wrinkled, telling tales of his age and experience in full. Various runes dabble across his forehead, churning away within his flesh, fully being ebbed from view. Several bruises were apparent on his cheeks, across his neck, and along either arm that was bulked with clenching muscle.

Yet the one very thing that stood out from the rest of this aging man, was the piercing emerald eyes that stared at the two with a glare suggesting murderous, devilish intentions?

"I'm not one for being locked away in a fucking box, you assholes?" announced a deep voice, with a white-knuckle fist lifting angrily.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-04-14 02:17 EST
Zanzan observed the older man that emerged from the crate, peridot narrowing to provide closer inspection. "I am perturbed. Our data states that we were to obtain a man younger than this for our research."

Scowling, the youngest of the three waved a hand dismissively. Unlike her counterpart, though, she was quick to dig a precautious toe within the earth. No chances could be delicate enough as now. "Your data is on the mark, Master Zanzan," she commented, hints of a smirk creeping up the corner of a small, tightened mouth. "His magic has simply waned, revealing truth from fabricated, artistic lies."

The aged male in the crate was slow to remove himself from within the confines of his crunched prison. Panting, and struggling to regain a fixated sight on the two before him, he seized control of the final seal. Twisting it within his firm grip, it snapped in half, causing the crate to collapse on itself like a Jenga tower. The free mobility was glamorized briefly, as he himself collapsed to his knees, gripping the earth for support.

Smirking, Zanzan arrogantly left his guard wide open, approaching the male with bright hair. "You have certainly done a number on his one, child. We were informed that his loud-mouth, brutish tendencies were to become a serious cause of concern, were he to break free?"

The girl nodded, yet failed to move from place. Already, the gleam of miniture beads of sweat were noticeable across her brow. Ones she was not quick to swipe away. Her posture was still, that of a statue. Even her words had left her, leaving nothing but calmness in fear of the storm she knew was to brew.

"You?" the aged man on his knees murmured, emerald gaze weakly rising to stare at the still girl. A finger uncoiled from the earth, pointing across the dusty ground towards her. "You have? survived? How?" Nidan didn't move, nor granted a brief lapse in her still posture to observe the pointing. It mattered little, for her senses were acute, strangling what her vision couldn't detail.

Approaching the fallen man, Zanzan slowed before him, heavy boots crushing the finger extended beneath the whole of his expansive weight. While Zanzan didn't stretch to matters of obesity, his height and tremendous sense of muscle was high. "How rude. Pointing to a child with such brash words. Have you no sense of manners, male?"

Unable to pry his finger from the underneath of the heavy boot, the older male let out a yell. One that gave Zanzan and Nidan both, uniquely, a sense of bliss. As though they fed from the pain that the aged man let loose upon impact. It spurred Zanzan on, causing his boot to burrow further within the lone finger, inching further to consume the entirety of the hand that was connected. The yell only brightened the fire in his eyes. "Scream. Yes. Scream for us, weak one."

The child nearby watched with anticipated glee, only distracted when she could hear a subtle sound behind her draw her gaze that direction. Violets flashed brightly as she rose her hands up before her face, widened eyes announcing startled emotion as a sharpened tool bounced from a thin shield that surrounded her, embedding itself within the ground beneath her. "Master Zanzan!" she called out above the subdued shouts that were nothing greater than quiet, feral growls of the oldest. "We have another."

At that, Zanzan twisted on a toe, delivering one final shred of pain to the man. Peridot was quick to scan the darkened cave ahead of him, intrigued that someone was laying in wait for their arrival. He hadn't figured there was anybody capable of moving with quite as much speed as he. Snapping his fingers, he pointed to a small chasm that extended beyond the mouth of the cave, indicating Nidan to move that direction. "Take your toy, and the box. We've no ti-" he was cut off, quickly forcing a fist to pelt a second sharpened tool that had been quickly thrust from the innards of the cave. The impact crushed the iron-crafted object to sheer dust, showering the ground beneath him as he pressed off towards the direction of the thrown weapon. "We've no time."

Nidan's eyes flashed several times in rapid unison as several more bounced from the thin shield erected about her person, both startled by the haste they were traveling, and that they were under attack. It was not something she planned, nor had means of countering when she could not see her opponent so clearly. "Master Za-!" zom, a singular sound that announced the threshold of her shield having been reached. She rolled around behind the nearby stony obelisk, her breath already extending to severe pants. "Master Zanzan.."

The burly man snarled loudly as he immediately snatched the aged man into hand, lifting him up before him like that of a tower shield in preparation. If this figure cared to take them down, another would have to go along, too. And although the movement of these small, sharp objects that resembled inferior daggers were much slower than even a fish on land, the precision was unmatched. He could tell with ease, Nidan's shields were down. "Move, child. We make for the chasm!"

She acknowledged his order, but was unable to find the energy nor courage to adhere, forced to duck behind the obelisk only mere seconds after showing faint signs that she was about to depart. She was pinned, and knew that Zanzan was to be, as well. "We surrender!" she called out, taking matters into her own hands. She hadn't any other choice but to.

"Drop the male, and step away. No body will get hurt," emitted a voice from within the cave. It had understood the request for surrender, even though Zanzan himself did not seem prepared to let something subside so quickly.

Zanzan watched the mouth of the cave with sincere interest, peridot dancing for any glimpse sign of movement. He was to be let down by his own slacking observations, this day. "You are wise with primitive weapons," he called in response, grip tightening about the collar of the geezer's shirt. "But surely you do not think this so easy a request as that, do you? Violence will not -" Just as soon as Zanzan continued to speak, was he cut off. His head dodged to the left, noting another streaking piece of iron whizzing by. Peridot glared in the direction from which it came. He could tell? the source was deeper in the cave than it seemed.

Again did the voice call out, this time with further demanding tone than previous. "Do not challenge my request, Zanzan of the Newborne. You will drop the male, and step away. I will not ask you, again." His eagerness to quarrel the exchange was heightened as well, although it could be sensed his movements within the cavern was swift, ever-changing.

Bright violet eyes flickered as Nidan attempted to regather resources necessary to construct her personal shield. The sealing process, as well as the travel, had simply worn her down to such excessive levels that it was improbable she'd be allowed another chance. Not first without rest. She urged with pleading eyes for Zanzan to merely do what it was that was requested.

The big man's throat rumbled before the collar was released, allowing the oldest to collapse on the ground. His hands went into the air, though the looks he was shooting Nidan were not pleased ones. He slowly stepped away from the fallen, and inched closer toward the obelisk, and where Nidan was stationed. "You have us, Darkness. Now what do you plan to do?"

Silence overcame the four, with nothing but the soft whistles of the wind weaving its currents through the gash in the earth, gently humming along a tune to drift within each and every pair of ears. A man of average height, wearing a porcelain mask resembling that of a fox, and decorated with faint trickles of blood beneath the socket of either eye, concealed his face, his identity, and the very manner of which he was focusing at. A Ninjatō, strapped to his back and still within a scabbard that was latched across his torso was but one or two very obvious weapons. Carrying several sharpened weapons that rested comfortably between each space of every finger, those of which he used to pin them down in the first place, was lifted and seemingly primed to be launched at a moments notice, and the very manner he carried himself as he walked suggested he had the momentum to do so as he advanced towards the uncovered Zanzan. "Lower yourself to the ground, and keep your hands where I can see them. Should I think you up to something, I will not hesitate to put you in your place." His voice carried distance, signaling the girl to do the very same. "Do not make me ask you a second time, for I will not do so."

A soft squeak was all Nidan allowed as she came fumbling from behind the towering stone, hands already high. She went to the ground without a pitch, to such a degree that she could have very well hurt herself on the descent. Her muffled utters were lost to the short man, who's head snapped to her plummet, before rising back up to the man that highly outclassed him in most attributes by eye alone. He kept his distance.

"A pity, that so soon you wish to meet your demise. Were it at any other location, fit would it be for us to engage in a tussle," Zanzan declared as he, too, lowered to his knees and stretched out in a prone position.

The sharpened weapons encrusting the open spaces of his fingers were released, moving to craft several hand signs as he mumbled various words to go along with them. Bindings that resembled glossy veins of transparency crept from the grassy earth beneath them, snaking along their frames until they entangled themselves about either wrist.

Once that much was accomplished, the masked man approached the fallen, aged man, tending to the few wounds that decorated his face, neck, and so on. "Alex-sama, you are well?" he questioned quietly, moving to assist Alex to his feet.

Still writhing from the crushed hand, and feeling the bits of strength that clutched him quickly being sapped away at the idea of speech, he inaudibly responded with nothing but breaths.

The masked man gently nodded his head in response, aiding Alex to his feet. "We have not much time, Alex-sama. I caught word that their members are to amass here, and soon. We must depart."

Alex graciously accepted the masked man's aid, at least until his legs would support him well enough without the teetering like that of a two-hundred story tall skyscraper. " are.. Tenzo Mataki. Lain's..?"

"She has requested of me to aid you, Alex-sama. I was fortunate enough to avoid the trap laid in your room, although your refuge is another question all together," his lip was bitten absently as Tenzo turned his head to spy on the two bound. "We must depart, before your strength gives out all together. Your aging-guise has already taken a severe hit." In reference to Alex looking like he's about ready to bench the sixty-plus mark.

Nodding gently, Alex moved to step forward, his head inclining. "..yes.. I fear.. we are running out of.. time."

Various sounds of laughter, like that of a crazed clown, could be heard as the pair began to move away with due haste. Tenzo took one brief glance over a shoulder as they moved, seeing Zanzan struggling with unprecedented strength to break free from the watery bonds that were placed on him. Each time an arm was able to snap free, those watery particles rebuilt themselves, latching ahold and pulling it back into place. A never-ending rubber band was the best analogy he could ever consider when seeing it in action. Tenzo tugged Alex's arm, signaling him to hurry. "They have arrived. We must go now!"

A brief glance was given over Alex's shoulder as he went along, catching the last glimpse of the one that stashed him in the box and sealed him away. He knew by doing so, the very seal that was applied, his magic source, and his very life, had been drained. To the point that he, himself, was on the verge of a death even he wouldn't be able to will himself back from. And the one that had done it?? "Tenzo?she? she is? is my?"

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-04-18 21:21 EST
"Rey? Rey!" Ayaka called from downstairs, stomping her foot in adolescent fury that her brother hadn't responded to her in some time. "Get down here, right now! I made you toast, and I don't want it getting cold!"

Various sounds of what resembled hoofs banging against the carpet came from above, working their way to the nearby stairwell. Emerging from the nearby hallway, Rey made a face at his little sister as he moved to take a seat at the kitchen table. "Gee wiz, sis. Don't get yourself in such a mood. Your face will stick like that, and then you'll have everybody making fun of you," Rey said, smiling sweetly to his sister. Several bites of cooled toast were taken happily.

Ayaka bounced over nearby her brother, hovering about him like a gnat. She was always comfortable around her brother, even though most times they were seen in public together, he resembled something more of a bully than a brother, and only true friend. She poked him gently in the shoulder with her chin, nestling into him. "Will you play with me today, big brother? I wanted to show you a new trick I was working on last night."

Rey's dark eyes, complete with several layers of rings that suggested he did not sleep extremely well ever, lowered to the plate, playing Connect the Dots with the everlasting number of crumbs that remained. The single piece of toast in hand was tossed, actively disrupting his mind game. "What have I told you about doing magic, Ayaka? The elders' do not want you to. They told you they would remove us all from the village, to protect themselves," he warned, anger rising in his tone. While only four years older than his little sister, the age gap was considerable to feel as though he must council his sister's every last step. If only to benefit each other appropriately. "They'll put us in some foster home with cages, and poke and prod at us all day long. Do you want that?"

As Rey turned to observe her, Ayaka's eyes turned for the floor, instead. Bright sapphire, normally filled with mirth and excitement, had lost that certain flare to them at the mention of the elders' decision. "I thought? maybe?" she trailed off.

Rey interrupted her process of thought, compassion evident in the way he was looking directly at her. The pain he noted, it was immense. Carrying on, she would cry. He just knew she would, if he took it even one measly step further. "Look, sis? If you want to show me? I know of this little place outside of town. Okay?"

Ayaka's eyes lifted, smiling happily all over again. "Oo yeah! Okay!"

Nodding in fatigued agreement, Rey lifted from his seat, and ambled for the door. "Some of the kids from school are coming by, and we're going to try to throw rocks at Old Man Lorsen's place."

At the hint of an invitation, Ayaka bounded past the kitchen table to catch up with her brother. "Really!? That's the new guy that moved in some weeks ago! CanIcome? Pleasepleasepleaseplease!?" Pratically begging, she lowered herself in a small bow to her brother, hands clasped together.

Rey shook his head, dark eyes avoiding coming in contact with her. He turned to face the door, reaching up to snag his jacket from the coat rack. "No. You know how those kids think of you. I? just stay here. Laura will be home soon. Help her, will you?" Stepping away, he opened the door and stepped outside.

"Gee, big brother? you're always busy with something else?" she frowned, watching him until the door prevented it, any further.


Ayaka's left eye, a pure wildfire within her very soul that would consume millions of acres of forest on a hot summer day were it to stretch in comparison, glared angrily at the grasp. She hated being touched, and this difference in appearance, or age, did not constrain those dislikes. Pulling free with a slight bit of effort so as to not harm this fallen male too severely, she moved to cover herself up. She had decency, if a little skewered in her own mind. "Whoareyou? Whatareyoudoinghere?Car?Whatcar?" she asked, each question coming from her at the near speed of light. Her gaze drifted upwards, outwards, inspecting the surroundings in case there was any hint of presence nearby. She couldn't see anything, and hadn't encountered anybody in her quest to get away from the facility.

Shrugging off of Conner, she stood. The angry glare remained centered, focused, and shared intent that, on a whim, would strike at him should he decide to move before being told. Using only one hand, while the other arm encompassed her vaguely bare breasts in the tattered remains of her shirt, she pointed at him. It was much more threatening than it would naturally appear. "Get up," she demanded, tone cold and chilling. "Show me to this 'car' of yours. Is there a facility nearby?" she queried, insisting in her own mind this one was a refugee that escaped the clutches much the same. "Or some clothes I can change into??" she meekly added. Her gaze lowered onto herself for a second.

The crackles of the radio prior to it being shut off suggested there was some kind of base nearby. She was no radio technician, and normally left it up to Kiki to decipher the directions and hows of contact. They were able to plot ambushes quite effectively? The finger lifted and lowered, suggesting back and forth that she wanted him to move. Quickly, efficiently, and now. "Come on, kid. On your feet. I don't have all night. What's the quickest way back to? Rhydin City from here?" The various questions kept coming, since she was well aware she had him in a pinned situation. Might as well milk it for what it was worth.

Stepping to one side, she leaned over to fetch the radio that she had tossed to the ground. It was flicked on at the switch, and lifted to her ear for the faint sounds of static. Whatever brief lapse of information that was capable of being gathered was seemingly lost, distortion coming full circle. It was reattached to the strap dangling about her hip, the coos of the device remaining audible in the off-chance something would announce itself before she was done.


Date: 2008-04-22 12:31 EST
"Ooo hooo," Connor purred and grabbed out for Ayaka as she pulled away. "Feisty.." His dark eyes were heavy lidded as they just raked over her figure. His fingers itched to do the same, but that would be hardly professional.

"Whoareyou? Whatareyoudoinghere?Car?Whatcar?" Now that she was OFF of him, he began the painstakingly slow act of propping himself up on his elbows. The cramps and aches throughout his body weren't helping in that respect.

His large, dark red, button down shirt was open and hanging off of his shoulders, revealing the torn material of what used to be a white tank top with swirly little designs and colors. On the flesh beneath were clearly massive bruises and cuts, not unlike the ones on his face. His mouth opened to say something, and just hung there as she kept on. Oh, how he was fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Get up," Connor raised a bloodied eyebrow to her brandished finger. "Show me to this 'car' of yours. Is there a facility nearby? Or some clothes I can change into??"

Finally able to sit upright, Connor forced his fingers through his hair and the motion tore apart the old product he'd slicked it with. The sweat from his forehead kept it from falling back into his eyes, and he swallowed hard before responding.

"Didn't you hear me..? These two men.. big," he paused to cough and dramatically rise to his feet, "they took it.. I have no idea where it is, even if I wanted to help you." His mind fought with him throughout the whole motion of shrugging from his open shirt and shaking it out. Pounds of dust and bits of rock flew off to the ground. He handed it to her. "It's not much, but it's something.." he said gently, shaking it to get her to take it.

He was specifically ignoring the facility based question for the time being, letting his tired gaze rest upon the radio she began fiddling with. What could she be planning..? Why would you want to go back towards those that you just escaped from?

"I don't have all night. What's the quickest way back to? Rhydin City from here?" Connor shook himself, and covered half of his face with a bruised hand to hide his pensive expression.

"I.. sorry.. headache.." Rhy'Din city... where the hell was that..? Did he know? Of course not. Was he going to act like it? You bet.

He turned on the heel of his sneakers, looking through the one dark eye that wasn't covered by his hand, trying to pick a direction, pouty lips mouthing 'Eeny, meany, miney, mo' silently. And suddenly, his arm jutted out to the southwest, index finger extended. The sun above glinted on the thick ring encircling that digit.

"I'm fairly certain it's this way.. but if it's not, well, I doubt it'd be that much of a problem. I think anywhere's better than here, don't you agree?" This made more sense to him, and made him feel at ease. While a small piece of him enjoyed seeing the drones flit about doing useless tasks, Ayaka was now his responsibility... and he would prefer keeping her away from any other facility until he discovered her motives. After all, any slip-ups would immediately rest on his shoulders. Now that her attention seemed to be on this.. Rhy'Din.. Connor wanted to keep it that way.

He stepped aside and gestured wide with his arm. "Ladies first?" a pause, "And I hope you don't mind my company. I'd.. feel better if I wasn't alone, yanno.. after," his un-gesturing arm waving over himself, indicating his injuries, a good number of which were visible and caked with blood.

No... he'd keep it a good secret that he wanted to watch her as she walked, a quirky smile beginning taking up the corners of his mouth.

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-11 22:32 EST
Ayaka's nose turned up at the notion of wearing somebody else's clothing, yet found little reason to argue with him at the selfless gesture. With a brief glance being given to the article of clothing, she snatched it up in hand. She twirled a finger for him to turn around before opting to shrug off the tattered remains of one shirt, and apply the other. It was buttoned up, and was thankfully long for her figure.

Her new toy, the dangling radio, was adjusted to fit over the shirt, allowing it to become her own makeshift belt for the very shirt she wore. It kept the draft from lifting anything remaining. And, continuously, it would simply have to do until something more appropriate came along. "Big men, right. Then how do you propose we go somewhere? I have to get back," her tone suggesting she was anything but content with these arrangements, and her care that the other was possibly injured taking no priority. She was anything but fazed, at the moment.

"This way?" pointing ahead of her as though she was beginning to possess a sense of direction that she otherwise lacked entirely. A beady eyed glance was given before her, then glanced back towards the pretty boy. "... and come along? I..." she paused, hesitation signaling uncertainty. She wasn't about ready to have some other unknown traveling along with her, but the idea struck her as being a good one. Perhaps the idea of bait was interesting, or sheerly the fact that traveling this road alone meant they only had one target to aim for. Regardless, no, certainly? this was a much more suitable suggestion. "Yeah, fine. Maybe we can come across this car of yours. The sooner we can get back to Rhy'din and to my home, the better. I have a few? things I should pick up, anyway."

Taking several steps ahead of the pretty one, after being offered, she delivered him an obviously fake, prima donna smile. "I'm Ayaka, by the way."

Tenzo Mataki

Date: 2008-05-28 20:59 EST
"You are certain of this, Senpai? That is unusual news to be bared against," Tenzo commented, sparking to life a small fire constructed of dried leaves and wilderness grass. His survival skills were exceptional, capable of using the very surrounding wildlife to his advantage. The rising plumes of smoke was a possible hazard, thankfully exhausted within the alcove of rock that resembled a clam they took refuge within.

Alex had retained his original appearance, once again resembling that twenty-something boy of good looks. Tenzo was, to be exact, interested in the guise. Why, most of all, he chose to appear other than whom he was. Yet, to mind his manners, he did not question these reasons.

"There is little doubt," Alex responded, approaching the vivid light the flame emitted. "Very few are able to remove the guise so easily. There within lies of the question of how and why, though. I can't make sense of it."

A twig was prodded into the flame as Tenzo listened, his mind wandering from the vague hints of conversation that transmitted between them. They weren't on high speaking terms, only opted to unite when a plan was in the works. One such as now. So, the awkward silences were a custom he was used to. "I understand, Senpai. It may be a question we are not to answer for some time."

A shrug of broad shoulders was all Alex could maintain, plopping onto the rough stonework beneath him. He was still drained with fatigue, and the idea of having to move such a vast distance was wearing him down mentally as much as he was feeling physically. His eyes drifted close as the crackles and pops of flame emitted before him. "Even if we aren't supposed to, I hope to. This is troublesome."

"And the man that she was with, then?" Tenzo inquired, interest falling onto those present within the cavern.

"I don't know. A friend of hers, perhaps. Or something else. From the sounds of it, there were more than just he with her." Came the thought as Alex's eyes opened to observe his counterpart.

Tenzo's masked features were impossible to read. Nothing except the motionless scarlet hues that swirled gently about a dark pupil. "When observing their trail, I came across peculiar observations. The one she was traveling with used some sort of masked method to cover his tracks. I could go miles without finding anything, and suddenly come across faint traces of movements. When I was able to plot their movements to this cavern, those traces were abundant."

A slender lavender brow lifted, "Then they are not alone."

"It is my guess as well, Senpai," Tenzo concurred. "To suggest we needed my analysis on that would be ill-placed. Those hoots and hollers were of many, and the cavern they use is a central base. Complete with living quarters."

Alex's head shook gently, in a near state of disbelief that he was kidnapped. By a kid! "So I'm forced into a box, siphoned of power, and taken to a base where they? what?"

"Your guess would be no better than mine," Tenzo said, sharing his uncertainty with Alex. It was impossible to come to any conclusion why they would wanted a drained person of power, other than to acquire the person himself. Flicking the twig into the flame to feed it a bit more life, Tenzo rose to his feet. "You should rest, Senpai. We will assess the situation better tomorrow."

"Ah, Tenzo?" Alex spoke to draw Tenzo's attention his way. "You've spoken to Lain recently?"

While slowing at the inquiry, Tenzo took little time to allow for proper hesitation to settle in. "No, I have not Senpai. Last I was aware, she was seeking out your adoptive daughter at a large building that exploded. She had certain belief that yours was present within at the time, but nothing further."

Alex quieted, his thoughts scattering at what it was he was looking to fulfill with a question such as that. When nothing came to mind on how to further that? "We should go to her."

Sliding out from beneath the curling low-ceiling of bedrock, Tenzo leaned over, tilting his head to look back at the netheran that was under it, "Senpai? With due respect, we should observe this group and discover their reasons."

A hand lifted, fingers curling to waggle at Tenzo, "Then see to it, Tenzo. But if Lain is so openly checking out an explosion, there may be larger trouble afoot. These are no small men we're dealing with. And they may be connected to what has happened to me."

Tenzo has known since he first met Alex, once the big lavender one has made up his mind, very little could be done to advert it to what was either more important, safer, or otherwise worthy. Shrugging gently, Tenzo moved to climb atop the clam-shaped rock formation, and pay heed to their surroundings. He had ample vision to play watchman from such a position, and the night time allowed him affordable camouflage. "Splitting up is not of my interests, Alex-sama. Please consider discovering more on your recent happenings, first. While we are both in the area, and they have not moved."

Silence overcame them, and no further conversation would continue while the night time loomed high within the air.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-31 18:04 EST
The following morning, the movements of the pair had begun once again. This time, they were heading on a direct, crashing course with the city of Rhy'din, making certain to not take leisurely strolls, or stop to briefly rest. Even though one of the two had taken quite a punch only a day's worth previously.

Tenzo remained ahead to spot for any potential threats, quietly signaling here or there to announce a possible aggressor. Until now, everything was orderly, and no signs of trouble were discovered. It was always considered a bright, looming omen; the day a Ravenlock went without a threatening encounter. "We've been at this for hours, Tenzo," Alex called ahead, annoyance taking priority in his tone as he observed the surrounding forest. A single, dirty path was their leader, and Alex could only assume they were on course. "Are you sure this is the way back to the city?"

"Hai, Senpai. This path is rigid, if you look closely," Tenzo motioned to the ground with indication of his words. "It is an unnatural design, and not shrewdly put together like a pathfinder would. Our unknowns did this during their travels."

Alex's lips pinched together, sliding to one side as he looked off. His hands, dangling motionlessly at his sides, drew up to rest behind his head. He always had trouble finding a location to place them so as to appear casual. "Yeah, yeah. Are you going to tell me here that if we'd just stayed back and research, we'd understand something important with this path?" Tenzo was always making some kind of ends meet, and Alex was already quickly approaching that limit.

"Not at all, Senpai," Tenzo said with a hinting smile beneath that elastic band. "I thought it appropriate to soothe your fears that we would travel to the depths of a dead-end. That is all."

"Ah?" in surprise, Alex's eyes slowly moving to lock onto Tenzo. "Well good, good. We're on a brisk schedule."

It was too clear already, how they managed to rest only until the hints of the sun was peeking over the horizon, and the night time's chill had warmed away. But Tenzo had little, if any, understanding as to why they were moving so quickly, and seeking to return to the city before night fall hit, once more. These questions brought further, vocal ones.
"If I may say Senpai, what is the purpose of our return? As I have mentioned, Lain is not present in the village. And she will not be for some days to come. Perhaps we sh-"

"It has nothing to do with Lain, Tenzo," Alex snapped in interruption. His gaze drifted skywards, attention diverting away to avoid the otherwise inevitable meeting of eyes. Tenzo, slowing to a halt, was avoided as Alex went wandering right on past and continued down the path. "I already told you, something larger is going on here. I'm not taken away and allowed to escape unless-"

Tenzo interrupted, this time, although it was evident he had little meaning to. "They've already acquired what it is they wanted."

A stumbling step forced Alex to cease in his movements, as well. A glance was given over a shoulder to Tenzo's words, obvious thought being placed into what it was he had said. Certainly, that couldn't be the case. They didn't acquire him to any extent of the possible goal, as he's standing and moving away from the scene as they speak. A soft chuckle, coupled with a vague smirk lined Alex's lips as he continued on, ignoring Tenzo's implication. "Hah! Doubtful. I'm right here. So, clearly, their goal is to take me out of the picture while something else unfolds. This is why we must make haste."

It was only then, as Alex was distracted with Tenzo's words, and Tenzo blind-sided by Alex's carelessness, that an unusual distortion along the path just ahead of them began to take shape. Where once an unsteady road continued to weave its way through an endless forest, with nothing but the sounds of chirping birds and crunching dirt was evidence of life, now stood silent and barren, as though life surrounding them died off, leaving nothing but their sole existences to steadily continue the flow of life.

A soft chortle, like that of a small girl that had just been pounced and licked by the softest, most pillow-like puppy, resonated around them. It was barely audible to the pair, yet at the very same time pounded their eardrums like that of a band's own percussion, sending them spiraling to a sense of alertness. Looking ahead, the pair could make out what was, in fact, a dead end. No longer a path, but a pillar of rock and dirt that columned into the air far ahead, it was but one of many that surrounded them, placing them in a prison of pure earth, with the only exit being some certain distance into the air. A distance Alex had no strength to summon the ability to lift out of, nor one Tenzo's agile fitness could overcome.

"Dear, what have we stumbled across?" a feminine voice questioned, one that echoed from the various pillars of rock.

Alex and Tenzo both glanced around at their uncertain predicament, Tenzo drawing a slender tool that resembled a slender, longer than average needle. It calmly rested between two anxious fingers, eyes flicking between a pair of rock where a womanly figure stood. "Alex-sama, there!" he called, motioning with his head.

Glancing to the direction Tenzo pointed out, he too could make out the figurine of a female. Flowing, emerald hair that shrouded nearly any attempt at distinguishing facial features. Beyond the loose hair, a giant piece of clothing that resembled a dark tarp concealed anything about the figure's appearance. "Great, now what?"

Tenzo irrationally decided to be honest, "It would seem our friends at the rocky canyon decided to not let their objective escape."

Despite the feminine appearance, a boyish voice spoke out from where it was they were staring. "See? I freakin' told'ja I'd snag us dinner tonight! Style triumphs age, I'd say!"

Emerging between a pair of closely-spaced pillars of rock was that of a young, smooth-toned female, dressed in a similar over-the-top arrangement of clothing that resembled a tarp. Her vibrant, magenta shaded hair stood out, even within the shaded darkness from where she stood, and her delicate beauty was something even Alex wasn't about to deny. Even if she was on the verge of possibly maiming them where they stood. "It would seem we, once again, are forced to clean up the mess our associates made. It is unfortunate that a pair of hunks like these are our targets? Wouldn't you say, Moroku?"

Like the female, Moroku defied the physical by slipping between tightly-spaced rock columns, trotting over to stand beside his partner. "Ew, what the hell ya askin' me for!?? I told'ja, the ol' codger's outdone himself at his age. Should leave the work to the real pros!"

Quan let off a soft giggle, slinking on over between Alex and Tenzo before either of them had a chance to refute the approach. Small, child-like hands snaked across Alex's shoulders, moving dangerously close to an ear for a whisper that was not heard by any single surrounding figure.

"Senpai, look out!" Tenzo called out, his wrist working magic to flick his hand in a hasty, upwards motion to unleash the thin needle towards the female hanging all over Alex's still, motionless figure. Quan, however, was in no mood to be interrupted. Emerging from beneath her arm, like a porcupine, was several spines. Arranged in a perfect formation, they sliced through the air to catch the hurtling weapon, and stopped it dead in its tracks.

"My, you're rather aggressive, aren't you little boy? Moroku, if you could?" Quan questioned, lavender eyes rising to observe the luscious-haired male counterpart. "I want to play with this sexy one. Just, for, a, bit." she uttered beneath puckered lips.

Moroku smirked, giving Quan a thumbs up in understanding as he slid back and out from the rocky formation. Tenzo's gaze shifted to the retreating male, moving with post-haste for the female that was barely a yard in front of him. If the male was clearly out of the picture, then he only to deal with removing the female that was clutching a seemingly paralyzed Alex. Unfortunately, just as he reached out to grapple a hold of the female by a shoulder, another column of rock slammed into him from beneath, launching him upwards into the air and clear out of the picture. "AHAHA! BULLSEYE! I AM AWESOME!"

Quan's eyes lifted to acknowledge Moroku's self-praise, before lowering her gaze down onto the taller Alex. "My, my. We've managed to be both rude, and rather direct. Haven't we? But then again, I suppose we can always be formal?later?"

Alex, much against his usual expectations to be uniquely forward to a aggressive woman, found himself incapable of moving. Even his eyes were locked dead ahead, staring at the silhouette of Moroku, rather than attempting to judge his surroundings and discover an easy escape.

"D-d?amn. It!" he uttered, teeth gritting and apparently the only thing he found himself capable of doing at that very minute. His body, beginning to feel as though it was too cold to sustain feeling, felt awkwardly tight. Especially where Quan's fingers were knitting the flesh at one of his shoulders. Damn? She's fast. Her touch has me under some kind of paralysis? His mind, racing from the situation, was left to anxious wonderment.

And now Tenzo was probably on a direct course with outer space. This looked? grim.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-05-31 22:16 EST
"You know the rules. You stay the hell out of it, and if you lose any of my crap, I'ma fricken kill you," Lain quickly explained as she stripped her hoodies and jacket off, shoving them into Kiki's face. She scrunched the bunched ends of her fingerless gloves up her arms and flexed her hands, the metal reinforcements cracking in response. She didn't even bother with her hair, and it flapped freely in the breeze. In the distance, Lain could just make out pillars of tan stone clawing up from the lush grass and trees like Mother Nature was somehow confused on what to make.

"You get as close to that eyesore as possible without being noticed, schway? If you think anything needs reporting... this time mindspeak is fine." Kiki nodded, something that Lain didn't see nor pay any attention to for she was already running at breakneck speed, vaulting over tree roots and rocks. Sparse rays of sun flashed off the guns strapped to her belt and the snugness of her leather combat slacks. Bending her legs, she sprung into the air, the soles of her boots catching tree branch after tree branch, her hands doing the same as she propelled herself into the canopy of leaves.

Lain broke out from the top of the forest with a gasp and launched herself into the air spewing up at the sky like a bullet from a gun having taken care to make her own hold on gravity virtually non-existent. The wind rushed into her ears and was so cold that it burned her skin, but she clapped her arms down to her sides, blinked the tears from her eyes and continued.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on.." she didn't know whether she was muttering it to herself or to the rotating dark speck that had just broke into her vision. A second's worth of observation declared that his ascent was finally over and he began to plummet in slow motion back towards the lower levels of the sky. Lain halted in mid-air and reeled as it felt like she'd left her stomach back on the ground. She only gave her organs a moment to catch up before she spiraled off, board straight, fighting to pull her arms away from her sides, preparing them for work.

"TENZO!!" Lain shrieked so hard it tore at her throat. The resonating THUD of his armor into her metallic structure came as a comfort to her ears she wrapped her arms about him and felt him do the same just as tightly. It occurred to her that he could have gotten out of that situation by himself, and she felt a flush creep into her cheeks despite the cold air biting at her skin.

"Lain!" It came as an expulsion of emotion that she couldn't place: surprise, relief. She hoped it was the latter, and rested her head against his chest as she worked to distort their combined fall into a haste, but exceptionally less dangerous descent. She smiled as he smoothed the hair at the back of her head.

"Tenzo, what the hell are you doing out here?" she ventured once her heart rate had begun to return to normal. Her voice sounded small and more weighed down with anxiety than she would have wanted in any normal situation. They touched down on a particularly thick bough of a tree, and Lain searched his swirling crimson eyes for an answer for as long as he let her. She soon found her hand taken in a tight grip as Tenzo easily began to scale the trees like he was raised in the forest. Their feet only hit branches at rare intervals, and Lain stumbled for quite a while until she found herself succumb to the ease of this mode of travel.

"Alex-senpai is in a sufficient amount of danger," he said aside to her, and she blinked.

"Alex is here too..? AAGGHH!" She missed her footing as Kiki screamed inside her head, and without knowing it, dragged Tenzo out of his swift pace. He dipped effortlessly, and slipped an arm beneath hers and hoisting her back in step.

'LAIN, YOU NEED TO GET BACK HER FAST!!' She sounded like she was running away from something. The kid was even out of breath.

'Kiki, is Alex there?' It wasn't that she didn't believe Tenzo, but... she had to be certain. Especially if he was stuck in some kind of issue that even Tenzo himself thought was serious. He was special for a Roundy. Lain tightened her grip on him as the tan sprouts of stone loomed on the horizon.

'YES! AND HE'S NOT ALONE!! LAIN, HURRY UP!' Lain let loose a stream of profanity at Kiki's screams in between her ears, and shook her head clear just in time to hear a rather amused and loud cackle of laughter as a pillar of stone jutted diagonally out of the ground. Kiki's high pitched voice was enough to tell Lain that she hadn't done her job correctly, but the kid wasn't an idiot. She could hold her own until they both got there. What was circling Lain's head were more important questions:

Why were they here... together? And more pressingly, why was SHE here?

"Fricken lucky I showed up, huh.." She thought she saw a crease in the fabric of his mask indicating a smirk.

Tenzo Mataki

Date: 2008-06-05 01:32 EST
Tenzo hadn't much put thought or effort into experiencing flight in a shrewd, violent manner such as this before. Where nothing but the sky was his canvas, he himself being painted into a visage of setting suns, watery vapors and chilling reminders that continuous ascension towards the stars was an relinquished desire.

Not one he was going to have rise to fruition, however.

Feeling the troublesome bedrock crash into his figure, liftoff was unavoidable. It would have naturally crushed his rips into powder, he assumed, were it not for the durable, resilient padding that he commonly wore beneath the thin robes that concealed every last inch of his figure. The freedom he felt when beginning to drift within the air much like some feather becoming untethered from a hawk's wing, Tenzo's mind paced on par to a hamster attempting to scrounge his way from the never-ending exercise wheel, ever succeeding in a failing triumph. Fingers, ever prepared to begin those hand signs that would allow him a fighting chance, pressed together in rapid succession to craft a split in his current self into. The moisture he felt pinpointing in boundless wonders surrounded him, and within but a second, he was free from a climbing, watery clone that would only find his way to the arms of a beautiful elf some many yards back.

Tenzo was not so quick to allow those that assaulted them in their weakened position to go without at least a troublesome encounter.

The vast bedrock that encompassed the pair that remained within the center was suitable cover, where several towering pillars acted as camouflage. Their size, and proportioned height circumference advantage was unprecedented. It also helped that his leverage was granting him the escape from the visual eye. Those were locked onto Alex both within and outside the rocky ring itself.

His scarlet, too, remained deadlocked. A dangling pouch of leather jingled just out of earshot, fingers working a small tool from within the confines. He was seldom without the tools of his trade; needles barely two inches in length that could accurately divide the playing field if worked correctly. Several were pinched between several slender digits, ears tingling in twitches as he picked up the audible stand-off.

"My, aren't we the worm in a can this day? Don't tell me Zanzan allowed you such freedoms?" Quan chortled, her gentle touch remaining present on a heavy shoulders, working her fingertips into it.

"It is her touch that has him swooning, is it not?" Tenzo silently asked himself, scarlet swirling as he focused on the female's tender embrace. "She has much a similar technique as I, but hers must remain physical. This bodes well for us, senpai. Hang tight," Tenzo informed his counterpart in a foreboding request, inching away to fall completely out of sight of the various.

Moroku shielded himself just beyond the bedrock he crafted, eyes gleaming as he watched through a single sliver of space between the earthly ring. He hadn't much taken interest in Tenzo's flight, and as such, was completely unaware that the ninja was inbound, dancing his way stealthily across the solid rock far above. Lavishing emerald hair was tugged on anxiously, watching Quan's teasing playfulness. "'Ah'ah! Ya gonna actually break him down a bit there, Quany? Dun think he has much, and Master would be sorely displeased! Let's give it a go and book before we're really in for it!"

Quan's gaze drifted aside to Moroku's words, brows furrowing in displeasure. "Moroku, since when did you ever care about following a single request that was given to us? You're always rambling about 'enjoy the game, enjoy the game!' like some rabid five year old."

A hiss sounded from the other side, yet no further voice came to. "Figures. You've always been terrible with the-"

A sharp, sudden pain engulf Quan's fingers, each seemingly working against her favored requests of knits. The sharp, reeling pain forced her grip to release from Alex's shoulder, at the very same time that the rocky ring dispersed like any mirage would when suddenly closed in upon. Fumbling, Alex took a few steps away from Quan, an arm flailing to be sure to bat away the attempt of latching onto him again. One that did not arrive as he assumed it may.

Several further steps were taken between the pair, each parting from the other as Quan's eyes were deceived by the sudden dispersion of rock. Glaring, her attention diverted towards where Moroku's original position was, now missing. "Y-You!"

Instead, a nimble Tenzo was in position, several needles at the ready. His arm was tucked away just beneath him, and was prepared to launch several further shots at the female should she attempt anything so raunchy as before. He was intrigued to note those spines from previous were not present, and was dully noted, all the same. "Senpai, are you injured?"

Fumbling, stumbling, and only recently recovering feeling from the numbness that engulfed his entire body, he moved to stand beside Tenzo, acknowledging the loudmouth other had been bashed unconscious by a rather massive slab of rock. The guess would be that the bedrock was at least real, despite it's quick removal.

"He will be fine. A rough bump on the cranium was all," Tenzo mentioned to the female, head tilting gently to the side to indicate her fallen comrade. "Allow us to depart, and he shall remain so. We have no qualms with your sort."

Wriggling fingers revealed slender sections of spines emerging to forcefully remove the needle that pricked her fingers, completely removing the foreign metal from her flesh. She paid it little mind as it rolled from her person and dribbled to the ground, forgotten. Her eyes were much more intrigued by the one speaking to her, and his request. "You would be so inclined to allow us freedom, child? And here I was beginning to enjoy our company."

Tenzo exchanged glances with Alex, curiously wondering if there was another lurking nearby that they were unaware of. However, no sensation of eyes, nor did Alex seemingly pipe up as he gently pressed vibrations in an attempt to lure out another potential. "Leave us, and inform whomever you work for that we are not to be trifled with. This is my request, and you shall abide by it!"

Quan chortled gently, the back of a hand pressing to her lips to conceal the merry amusement she possessed at this. "You are? an interesting figure. To engage with you, child, we are not so inclined. However, the Newborne will not take demands from a hoodlum such as yourself, and you'd do well to? watch yourself. Moroku! We're leaving!"

An unconscious Moroku was startled at Quan's startling leap in tone, his eyes groggily opening, words an incoherence of babbling nonsense.

Tenzo prodding Alex with an elbow, informing him to move forward before Tenzo was quick to follow afterwards. He was uncertain to turn his back to the pair, at the same time attempting to remain aware of their surroundings. If another sudden lapse of bedrock was to charge them, he knew they'd be left in a completely vulnerable state. Only when the pair were but a gentle speck in the distance along their path did Tenzo turn to follow after a wobbly, powerless Alex.

Moroku floundered as he rose, moving to meet up with Quan. A hand was pressed against his skull in hopes he wasn't leaking brain fluid, inspecting the damage every few seconds in the meanwhile. "Gah, freakin' angry son of-? How'd he get down so quick? An' what's wrong? You should have smashed him up pretty good?"

A gentle wrinkle in Quan's otherwise precious face was the only thing that off-set an expressionless, carefree appearance. She watched as the pair took off, understanding precisely how and why Zanzan and their newest addition was so quick to fail. "To engage with him? it would require us both. And I'm afraid to say that? nobody would have survived."

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-06-05 05:50 EST
One hand gripped Tenzo's and the other combed through her hair and held it in place. The nearing tan pillars of stone loomed before them and were hastily nearing. Lain hadn't heard a word from Kiki since she had a nervous breakdown inside her head, but she could still sense her somewhere. Crystal blues spared the trees about them a moment's glance, and she nodded as she was able to pinpoint the teen's location.

Soon after, they skidded to a halt, kicking up blades of grass and bits of dirt before them. It felt weird to be back on the ground again after such a long time in the air. Not that they'd spent forever up there, but she found she was having a hard time keeping balance, and she cleared her throat as she waited for her organs to catch up to her.

"Alright, so gimme th'fricken short version, schway?" Her question would never be answered as several things happened at once.

Suddenly from above her, she felt another surging of Tenzo's presence. As if he were in two places at once. She covered her face with her arm as the pillars then collapsed before them and caused a massive cloud of dust to swirl. Tenzo yanked her hand back, and she stumbled into him, abruptly falling through him as his form bubbled like water, and indeed melted in much the same way. Lain hit the damp ground with a grunt, gritting her teeth to keep herself from losing her temper at being, once again, the last to anything that was going on involving Alex. The scene that greeted her was even more confusing.

"No surprise," she muttered under her breath as she watched Alex through the dust with yet another chick. But him batting at her like she was a gnat was something that wasn't expected. Lain couldn't pick up anything from her, and it was unnerving. She carried herself like one who held more potential than she presented, even Lain could tell that.

"Leave us, and inform whomever you work for that we are not to be trifled with. This is my request, and you shall abide by it!" Her heart leaped as she heard Tenzo's voice, strong and commanding - something she'd never pictured going with his quiet and respectful demeanor. His tone verified her suspicions about the chick with them, and Lain decided to stay crouched low on the ground with the faint cover of dust and distance as her protection.

"You are? an interesting figure. To engage with you, child, we are not so inclined. However, the Newborne will not take demands from a hoodlum such as yourself, and you'd do well to? watch yourself. Moroku! We're leaving!" The instant that the woman turned, Lain shrunk back and trotted in a wide arc around to Alex's vacant side where she touched his arm gently to alert him of her presence. She received a groggy look before he abruptly turned and began some attempt at walking away from the encounter unscathed. Her head turned so hard over her shoulder, her neck cracked, and she fingered it gently beneath the curtain of tangled blue black. There was residue on him, no doubt from the chick. She'd have time to figure all that crap out later, though.

'Alright kid, come on. Coast's clear'n all that.'

'Are you sure..?' Her voice inside Lain's head vibrated with fear and uncertainty, but at this point, she just rolled her eyes to it.

'Yer up in th'fricken trees fer christ's sake, you should be able to SEE that I'm right.' She was greeted with a loud CLAP as Kiki ported into existence behind her. The female, although some distance away, turned at the noise, and Lain's eyes narrowed, loose fingers twitching at her sides, aching to clasp onto one of her guns and fire six crystals into her smile. The green haired dude at her side kept walking. A string of choice words fell from her lips in almost incoherent hisses. But it was simply the fact that Lain had a lot of practice in swearing.

"I heard that."

"Bite me," Lain spat as Tenzo turned and gave them, what she thought, was a smile. His eyes certainly narrowed enough, but the swirling pools of crimson were dagger sharp and rock solid. A look that he hadn't meant to turn on them, it seemed, for he blinked once, and it was gone, his head pulling back as if in surprise.


Lain's eyes widened so much, she thought they'd pop out of her face and run away. "That's all I get? 'Hi?' What kind of a lame greeting is that?" her tone was teasing enough, but part of her was truly disappointed. She moved towards him and slipped her hand into his, giving it a hard squeeze, a third for her own comfort, a third to keep her grounded and not running off after Alex, and the last third for making sure he wasn't composed of liquid.

He leveled a questioning gaze on her. "I do not understand, Precious Lain. Is that not a correct form of-?"

"It's fine," she said quickly, becoming all too aware of the fact that a fifteen year old was standing just before them, snickering her brains out, and trying to hide it. It didn't help matters that Kiki projected that sound of mirth directly into her head. "Come on. You've got a lotta fricken explaining t'do, cuz I doubt Big'n'll be willin' t'talk t'me."

Kiki turned before them and continued laughing into her hands, and Tenzo and Lain brought up the rear, the latter rubbing her cheek like it would kill her if she didn't.

'Lain's got a booooooyfriend~'

'If you want to keep your head, you'll shut up.'

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-06 17:44 EST
Alex Ravenlock: The Escape Artist? "Tch, don't be absurd," a decided response was given as he stepped into Room 13A, his first return to the Red Dragon in several months.

Running a hand through frazzled lavender, he was able to see just for himself that Tenzo was on the money; the entire place was a complete wreck. He always knew the risk would be had, decorating beyond what came standard to each room. The very regenerating powers of the Inn itself wouldn't reach his technological modifications. The scorched wood beneath his feet, a bottle rocket's presumptive take-off point, encircled half of the room itself. Cavities within the nearby wall, stretching to the far wall to his immediate right, where the bed would lie, expressed distress with the numeral exposed wiring hissing and popping like carnivorous snakes.

And let's not get started on the new decor.

"Damn it?"

For once, Alex had very little to unpack from such a lengthy journey, and instead had but merely a change of clothes to concern himself with. Discarding his cool spring morning attire, summer wear was donned: tightly clung leather, complete with fingerless gloves. Such was the fitting alteration from one season to the next, ever careless of the heat lingering beyond the closed doors. Kicking aside the dirty clothing, he silently padded off into the bathroom, the only haven of this wrecked, established base of his, unscathed by the morsels of strong opposition.

Flicking closed the lid to his toilet, he moved to seat himself upon it as though it were his newly acquired throne, gently and ever-so-tenderly. Tilting his head to one side, a finger grazed the surface of the wall within reach, running several fingers across a slit within the work. Pressing, a soft, hydraulic hiss emitted, revealing it to being a workplace. It's placement, likely, for when those dangerous nights of corn beef were considered. A musical arrangement of blips and beeps announced it's working condition, greeting the Netheran with pride, were a computer arrangement of commands and monitor capable of such.

Dragging his hand across the surface of the monitor, adept finger work proceeded to place in commands by the millisecond, bringing up a main read-out of the current damage done to the room, to various off-site locations such as the Villa, the now destroyed Glenside Acres, and those that are involved.

Current Vital Readings:
Villa de Ravenlock: 1 occupant, 92% damage sustained
Glenside Acres: 0 occupants, 100% damage sustained
Off-site HQ: 1 occupant, 78% damage sustained
Alex Ravenlock: 31% functionality
Lain Amthras: 100% functionality
Ayaka Iwakura: 0% functionality

The third slowed his gaze. Narrowed, slender eyes capable of squeezing the very life of the words that stretched out from the open screen stared long and hard at the name, the current vital readout, and the possibilities that unfolded from such a moment. Alex knew, somewhere in the depths of his mind, that she wasn't gone. If she were, Lain would have told him the moment they met up following the strange incidents of kidnapping - of engagements. She wouldn't hold something back like that, he knew that much. The joys she would have of telling him? unprecedented.

Shaking his head from side to side gently, a finger scratched across the name to remove it from the database. A few warnings were issued about hardware instability, and promptly ignored. "Such is the wheel of life?"

Nearly at the same time that he did so, a gentle rap sounded at the door. One he was unfamiliar with, yet at the very same time considered a further nuisance. "Come in?" he called, teeth gritting to avoid letting out the fierce, seething annoyance. A second, slightly rougher knock sounded, as though his voice didn't carry far enough. Sighing, Alex pressed the monitor aside, it hovering out of the way as he rose up to a stance and sauntered into the main living quarters. Drifting towards the front door, he called out, "You know you can just come in, Lain?" as though being proper was her forte, anyway.

A grip on the handle was given, though hesitated before doing absolutely anything as stupid as the last time. "This? is familiar," he quietly reminded himself?

"Get lost," he called out, eyes rolling as he propped his feet up onto the bed that he was sitting before. A chair was his sense of current comfort, rickety and daring to snap as he leaned back onto the rear legs. Coiling his hands about the back of his head, beneath the loose, lavender locks that sprouted from his skull much like a protein waterfall, he shrugged the third set of knocks that came more fierce than the previous two.

"No occupado!" he tried, again, rolling his head back so to peer in the direction of the door upside down. Were it not for the bed that he was using as support, no doubt would he tumble to the floor.

Sneering, the handle was released as he doubled back several feet, pulling a finger up and out like it were a B.F.G. He knew that whomever was on the other side couldn't get in without proper invitational rights, such as possessing a key, or otherwise. And unless it were somebody beyond one particular person, or in this case, dragon? "Announce yourself, or you're going to be the other kind of swiss cheese."


Unsettling silence.

"You've got to three, bub. One?"

Another sudden rap sounded, causing a faint echo of beats within. Both irritated, and becoming wildly careless on whom it may be, his finger lit up a faint emerald green, and unleashed a sudden wave of life energy that tore through the air much like a flash light. It sliced through the door as though it were nothing more than paper, and in it's wake, left a massive, fist-sized hole.

Alex followed through with his sudden attack, clambering to the door and tearing it on open, finger at the ready. Glancing to one side, he noted that nobody was present. And the same went with the other direction. "?games?" he uttered, like some old codger being ding-dong ditched.

A few incoherent mutters were given as he turned to slowly move his way back into the room, flicking a wrist so he could manage to close the door.

It gently thumped, rather than closed with its standard sound.

"Jeez, daddy. Getting maniacal at your old age?" came a voice, vastly feminine beyond any reasonable doubt.

Fingers moved to brushed aside lavender strands as he glanced from the corner of an eye towards the unfamiliar voice. Or, so he presumed was the unfamiliar voice. It was mildly placed, a whisper on the breeze that can only be heard for several words, then lost entirely to the rising tides. He turned to face whomever it was, astounded by what, or whom, it was that he was standing before. "Y? You're? a-ali-"

"Alive, daddy? No thanks to you?" Ayaka declared. She was semi-thankful that this exchange could be met with a fresh change of clothes, and a revitalized evening to rest her anxious, fiery demons within.

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-06 18:17 EST
"This it?" Connor questioned as they strode on into the city from the north entrance. The malodorous smell of sea water, trash, and standard living conditions combined met either of their noses roughly. It was something that, Ayaka felt, even the slum types weren't able to sustain for long periods of time.

"Yeah, Rhy'Din City," she quietly announced, mismatched eyes taking in the surrounding rise and falls of buildings. It was rough to make out their destination from where they stood, but she did recall how to carry her weight to the Red Dragon.

The pair were quiet to move through the city. While Ayaka carried a small sense of uncertainty about her new traveling partner, she was quick to accept the fact that he had escaped a facility much like herself. Not to mention his age, and the fact he was cute company, the story seemed to play out. The reasons and depth of it would be figured out, at least once she was able to put aside other portions that were on her mind.

"Where we headed, anyway?" Connor asked, feeling a little self-conscious at the light stares they were snagging.

Ayaka slowed, a gentle light pinging within her eyes as she acknowledged Connor's question. "Ah? Hey, look. Do you think you can do me a favor?" turning with a small bounce in her step to her traveling partner. She hardly slowed in her words, her anxious demeanor of clapping hands and standard child-like drifts in her personality. "There's this big, worn down building outside of town, you see?" Ayaka began, bringing to light the Villa where she spent a large period of time, and certain objects that took refuge within.

"Statues? What?" Connor questioned, when being informed.

"Statues? you know, like the one that was in Somul. There's two there, right now. I need you to? get them set up for transport?"


The newly reformed blonde quietly watched the comings and goings of the Inn from a nearby rooftop, her own standard stakeout. Generally, she would watch for her friends entering and leaving class at the school, or if she woke up after only numerous hours of rest, waiting for Kiki to rise so they could find something to get themselves tied up in.

This time, while she could relate to the circumstances, it was much different than anything she could consider in all her lifetime. "Where are you??" she gently asked herself, peeking up from behind a slab of extending wall that acted as her cover. She could note various few that she briefly knew during her time at the city, but nobody that her adoptive father knew personally. Nobody that she ever spent any time with to have them rat her presence out.

It was only then that she picked up several voices. Loud voices. Familiar voices. Ones that had her snapping her gaze to one side quickly. "Alex-sama, you will rest for us? We have much we must discuss about these opponents that have shown themselves from the woodwork."

"Yeah, yeah? look, I'm not in as terrible shape as you think. I just need to fetch a few injections?" Alex declared not only to Tenzo, but Lain and Kiki that were also walking along with them. Tenzo had only recently brought the pair to light on what they had all encountered, and a kidnapping of his stature was no small feat.

Mismatched eyes narrowed as the four slowed outside the Inn. While only vaguely seen from her current, out-of-the-way position, Ayaka still ducked away when a wandering gaze from a nearby Kiki began to head her direction.

"I understand, Senpai. We will meet later. I will discuss the happenings with Precious Lain and her Kiki, and we will discover a direction to go." Tenzo stated, a hand mindlessly adjusting the porcelain mask that rested upon the back of his skull. Chunks of chestnut were pulled from beneath the lingering elastic bands that conjoined the mask in such a fashion.

"Great? can't wait?" Alex uttered, turning to move on within the inn, and out of site.

Ayaka slowly peeked her head up at the remaining three, seeing they were motionless, uncertain to move from position just yet. "Ya schway, kid? Lookin' like ya just seen a ghost, 'er somethin'," Lain questioned, reaching over to do her best to not kill the smaller girl as she swatted her on the back.

Fumbling forward, Kiki's daze being launched from her person, and probably lost for some odd hours now with such an impact, she nodded with but only a moments gaze towards the nearby rooftop, and it's empty occupation. "Ah. Yeah?" she informed Lain quietly, with an adjustment of glasses.

Tenzo stepped beyond the pair, and began to move down the street. "We should go. I must hear what you two encountered, and any possible location of Senpai's child target."

Ayaka blinked, quickly lifting her head on up and over her cover to acknowledge the trio. She was careless, even to the point that she paid little heed to the fact that Kiki was staring immediately at her before turning to follow after Lain and Tenzo. Ayaka's gaze softened, her eyes shallow, as she watched them walk on off. "Child? target??"

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-07 18:17 EST

"You? remember what they say? brother?"

Alex set aside the data pad he was thumbing through, the various reports of Lazros' well-being put on hold at the shattered words his sister pronounced for him.

"They? admit purpose?"

Alex slowly turned towards Categorical, a brow rising quizzically. "Yeah, purpose. We all have that."

Flitting through the air, resembling a blanket on the breeze, Cat unraveled her position before her brother. His exceptional size never caused her distress when it came to seeing eye-to-eye on a conversation, nor pleasantries. "And when? it has run out??"

"Then you discover a new purpose, to sustain a common goal for yourself. To the betterment of everything that surrounds you," Alex answered, having little hesitation in her question. But the reasons were quite the burden on his thoughts. "Why are you asking me this now, sis? We have?"

She drifted into transparency, her hold on the physical plane still a heavy work-in-progress. "Our goals?dreams?they do not?last."


"When did you??" He wanted to ask how, possibly even why. But neither were managed to be etched from a dry mouth, shocked ot the very core that even his movements were frozen stiff.

Ayaka, briefly taking time to observe any possible wanders down the wall and spotting none, she drifted on within the room, and closed the door silently behind her. "Recently. Not too recently, of course. I've always been what you see," taking time to twirl around a single time, like some model fresh on the runway, for Alex to bare witness to. "The reasoning for this is of nigh importance. I have acquired what they stole from me. And I'm certain, quite certain in fact, that its purpose will be understood soon."

A faint twitch of a brow was Alex's only reaction to her subtle step; a demonic waltz that ravaged any innocence she once carried. She reeked?of death. "You're an adult, then??"

Annoyance took precedence, audibly sighing at the prying words of her once-idol figure. Much like the mentor prior, her perspective changed. The very way she looked at him was but vague hints at the rising anger she felt burrowed within; merely being within his presence. "Something like that, daddy. The little girl you took your troublesome pity on was nothing more than a ruse from a higher up, something to keep me in check. Something that? I understand quite clearly, now. But as I've said, this is of nigh importance right now."

Numbness was regained within a leg, and then the other. Each, while fumbling with uncertain purpose, shifted in a slow backpedal to bring Alex back from his aged pupil. "It's? good to see you're safe, then."

A loud scoff popped from Ayaka's mouth, mismatched eyes rolling in disbelief to his words. "Oh, please. Don't feed me that line. We both know that's hardly the case."

Furrowed brows urged Alex's perplexity to show in accordance to his failing understanding, "Wh-what? I've just spent half-"

"Your elven princess has, daddy. While you've been prancing around with your little cat girl!" She interrupted, her voice rising to match that seething, pent-up aggression.

"Well, maybe not so? much, now?" in hopeless attempts at correcting his adopted daughter.

Another faint roll of eyes sent her attention to the ransacked room. Or what she presumed to be the case. The setting was a familiar one, as it was a known location she took refuge in for quite some time. Although, skewered her memories were, and she cared very little about its current appearance, or reasons behind it. "And you couldn't even come chasing after me when that sick bastard took me, could you?"

Pausing, Alex's emeralds swirled, giving her the good ol' stink eye for good measure. "?excuse me? You presume too much for a little girl to even comprehend the levels I have gone for you. The only one I've ever even considered attempting working my ass off for, no less. So don't even pretend you grasp the understanding."

Ayaka would yawn behind a hand, only to display how little she cared for his 'touching' sentiment. Something that she was better off without, she was certain. "Please. Keep in mind that when you were too busy sucking, I had to pull your lame ass out of the auditorium and conceal you as one of our own to help bust you out," she stated, a hand rising to dismiss his words. "We all did. And you can't even attempt to return the favor. You're a disgrace."

A clenched fist was produced, Alex rising it in angst to the newborn blonde. Vaguely could he find words to battle her own, for she carried a biting truth that haunted him for quite some time. Regardless, his attention was on larger prizes. "You know the reasons for that, Ayaka. You can't simply stomp your foot and presume things are going to get taken care of. We have a severe madman on the loose, attempting to merge ancient beings together for a sick purpose!"

A thin smirk was a fitting expression. One that Ayaka took the moment Alex said such words. "Oh really?? And your own goals for these 'ancient beings' are? Or are the two stashed in the basement over at that rundown piece of trash merely for? decoration?"

Startled, Alex regained hesitance for the second time. It wasn't something his smart-ass personality was accustomed to, and because of it, failed to find meaningful words to retaliate with.

"You're little, to no different, from that man. He takes what he feels necessary, discards the rest, and then abandons you the moment you're beginning to feel like something," she quietly admits. The barriers that were in place, those that separated her actual self from her childish prison, no longer barred those thoughts. Those memories. Those encounters. "And if it's not in his 'Divine Purpose', he couldn't give a tail. No doubt, you've been carrying me around for something similar, no?"

"Oh, that's asinine," Alex snapped back with.

"?Heh." Moving away from her stationary placement, Ayaka slowly walked herself about the confines of the room, observing tattered pieces of furniture, or remnants of technology. "Well, if that's the case, you won't mind if I take them then, would you?"

A quiet rumble in Alex's throat, something feral, was his decided response.

A momentary pause was given so the fiery one could acknowledge Alex's posture; his own alteration in positioning. "Oh, you would?? I wonder why that could be?"

A step forward, in the building heat of the moment, was taken towards his daughter. A clambering stomp was issued in that single step, pressure rising. "Only because they're mine. I-"

Ayaka was known for her interruptions, and they didn't cease even now. Not when she was right, and knew anything she said would make him quiet down. Unsettled as it would become. "Stole them fair and square? For your information, and I would know since I'm the brains of our little 'squad', they belong to the Mizers. You know, the people that you wound up killing at the school to take it in the first place? Both of them, all Mizer deaths. Are you really so satisfied, with the blood on your hands?"

Clearly, Ayaka had little understanding of him, even though she prided herself in seemingly knowing everything.

A swish of saliva was produced, and launched from Alex's mouth the floor in utter disgust. "All's fair in love and war, sweet cheeks. And I'm afraid that includes you." A slight adjustment of Alex's coat, and one of the Tempest Weapons that were forged from his pure life essence back at home was produced. It's soft hum was indication that it was primed, and nothing more than a slip of the trigger was required to optimally pulverize anything it was aimed at. "Touch them, and you'll be added to the stockpile of corpses. I have not come this far to be stopped. You will not jeopardize the mission, little girl?"

Ayaka's eyes fell to the barrel of the pistol, mismatched eyes acknowledging what it was. She had dismantled but several crystals that provide its core, and how it is powered, and she knew just as well as he that it was enough to screw over even hefty foes. "?then you admit it?"


"All dreams last, Cat. They have to, otherwise they're not dreams. Merely shells, empty promises. And a person without a goal, or a dream? they're not truly alive." Alex informed his sister, reaching over to gently run his hand over her head.

The contact was fresh, like how one would describe gaining the sense of touch for the very initial moment in their life time. Glancing up to the sudden embrace her brother had on her, Cat's lips pursed, eyes falling dim. "Dreams come?and go? as do the very existence we all? must share."

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-08 22:42 EST
"Admit it? Declare it? Does it even matter, now? You'd do well to retract your statements, less you'd prefer being another mess that management will have to clean up." Alex was quick to inform, the dormant hum of the energy pistol an ever reminder of his proclamation.

Heterochromia eyes lift from the barrel, and to Alex, noting the swirl within emeralds developing. She was always able to tell when he was beginning to work his abilities, be it scanning for levels of magical potency, or possible attacks that were possibly being constructed. The lowdown was: She wasn't capable of sneaking something up on him to protect herself without his inept ability to see immediately through it. It was her roughest weakness to his eye technique. "What'cha going to do? Blast the head off of the only child you ever took time away with? The closest connection you've had since ever stepping foot on Rhydin? Don't be so arrogant," she said, calling his possible bluff. If she was wrong, the worst that would happen is the sudden blackness that would consume her; the end of her very life. It wouldn't be the worst thing, she figured? "If you were to do that, you'd never know how to obtain them back again."

A pause in the standoff was granted, Alex peering just above the risen weapon to his daughter. "What, now?"

Cue the smirk, the one that Ayaka gave only when she found herself in the dominant position. It was rare, she felt, but one that she always stuffed her pride into when possible. "Come now. You don't think I showed up here merely to request your permission to take them for myself, did you? And all it takes is for you to off me, and you'll never manage to see those ancients. Ever. Again." Approaching her father, several fingers drifted through the air to pet him gently across the bridge of his nose; her own faint affectionate touch. "Naive, little Alex. You never were as bright as you let yourself on to be, you know."

At the touch, an extended arm lifted to shrug away her reach, settling the barrel against her proximate forehead. "Then I suggest you tell me where they are. Because while I may struggle, I will obtain them once again. Yet you, dead as you will be, will forever lose out on your sudden glorified chance, girl." He didn't share her amusement in the situation, but with certain reasons.

"Ah, ah, ah. Bad Alex," slinking back and away from the weapon some yards away. She closed in on the nearby sliding door that lead out to the balcony, still intact and perhaps the only fragile component of the room that was so. "Like I'd be so inclined to handle this by myself. You see, my newest partner would much prefer I return in one piece. Otherwise, who knows what he'll do with them."

A faint lapse in Alex's expression shouted realization as Ayaka spoke. "Then that's why there was one occupant in the read out?"

"Good, you're catching on," she said, having some shrewd sense of gratification.

The pistol was lowered, Alex's eyes ceasing their swirling momentum. "Then I presume you're wanting to compromise?"

Surely, at some point and time, Ayaka may have considered a compromise. After all, her two goals when teaming with the Ravenlock to begin with was to find means of rescuing her classmates, and stopping Maho from obtaining his ultimate power, something that she knew he was teeming with, sheerly just out of reach of. Yet, at this point, it was clear her objectives were not to be met, his own desires blindly leading him. She entirely forgotten. "Hah! No, no. Nothing so simple as that. For, you see, your selfish desires? your pointless goals of power and immortality on the fronts of a God? they reek of Maho's very own. But I've already said this, before. So?"

Enough was enough. Alex could only muster so much belittling conversation that lead to little to no ending before he'd resort to his violent tendencies. Lifting the pistol on up towards the blonde woman that he personally couldn't admit being his daughter, a single, powerful round was unleashed from its barrel. Resembling a supersonic sound wave a jet made when streaking through the air, the bolt of emerald energy streaked at nearly pointblank range into Ayaka. A flash, like somebody reflecting sunlight into the room, trashed the vision of either, leaving to merely their hopes or expectations that something was, or was not, happening right at that very moment.

And in mere seconds following that shot, in the quiet breaths that chased the moment down?

Ayaka stood in one piece, waves of violent heat shredding from her figure like a bonfire may on a chilling day. The very heat that the room was producing from the summer evening, coupled with what was already present due to the failing conditioner within the room, were sucked away like what only a vacuum could, and left a shivering chill in its wake. Concretionary eyes, livid at the assailment, were burning with the dreamy reflection of towers set aflame. Pulses of orange and red pumped viciously through veins across the outer layers of her flesh, causing her to light up vividly. Molten flame atop her head, consuming what was more than likely locks of bright blonde, whipped viciously about her figure. A mane of pure element. Four tendrils expanded from her back; a mixture of tails and tentacles, also composed of red and orange that pulsed like a heartbeat. Hot, licking flames consumed her very body, and left nothing but a living fire. No longer was that innocence apparent, nor the playfulness of minutes previous. "You. Fucking. Idiot," the essence declared, its figure a mirage in itself, slick upon reality that was seconds from burning away.

A quizzical stare was issued onto Ayaka's sudden shift in posture, ability, and her escalating power. It was something that he could have only dreamt her possessing a year ago. Yet, what had him moreso, was the bolt's deflection. Or, rather, its disappearance. She was unscathed, as was the entire room surrounding them. To the best of his knowledge. "? what are you??"

Shrill was her explosive scream, like a harpy unleashed from it's cage after two thousand years. Whipping tendrils of flame sliced through the air at blinding speeds that caused the stale air surrounding her to blur, leaving her movements incapable of being dictated from any position. Each pinpointed onto Alex's figure, and if it wasn't for his sudden shift in placement, certainly would he have been impaled where he stood. Rather, each sank within the floorboards, melting away the wood that supported them until it was nothing more than sickly puddles of obsidian.

Glaringly, Alex's attention drove onto Ayaka's assault. The pistol was discarded, for he had seen firsthand how little it would do in this situation. Bad move, 'lex? "You'll regret that!"

Ayaka's frame shifted in position, mocking a feral stance of positioning herself on all fours, tendrils whipping from the flame in a sweeping motion towards Alex once again. Again, she'd fall short of hitting him, but had intentions each time to do what she could to literally cut him in half. "Hell as come for you, Ravenlock. I'll deal you a death that even YOU can't will yourself back from!"

Aya Mahara-Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-08 23:57 EST
Their engagement had only briefly begun, leaving between the pair nothing further of fatherly-daughterly bonds. No sooner did the pair begin to find themselves finally able to connect with somebody other than themselves, or the hopes that they clung to uselessly, and then discover that only through a clash would they severe what they felt they must.

And were it not 'they', it was she.

"I'll deal you a death that even YOU can't will yourself back from!" she shouted, or possibly, it. Her voice resembled nothing that it used to, instead mimicking that of what some beastly creature would sound, if capable of speech. Tendrils of flame shot each and every direction outwards from her figure, stabbing blindly at the air before her. Any notion of Alex's movements were immediately locked onto.

Such an offensive left Alex having to shift to and from in quick bursts to prevent a sudden, deadly impact. As much as he enjoyed piercings, having a new one shoot through his chest, or head, was not optimal. No doubt it'd fetch quite the opposite impression on the ladies, as well. "God? you women and your time of the month?" he egged, tilting his head to the left to avoid a shockingly close grazing. It was a close-call reminder to not take her lightly, and something that he heeded with great extension. Pride suggested it was because he trained her, and something else informed himself it was because she was no longer? she.

A sudden stillness came over Ayaka's fiery posture, the feral creation slinking so dangerously close to the floor that the very wood began to splinter and crack at the intense heat. The lacking assault brought Alex back to plain sight, swirling emeralds glaring at the hot essence. He could already feel his power waning, the recent kidnapping the probable reason for such. He was not in prime condition for yet another assault, and almost preferred the box in this instance. "Look, Ayaka? if you want your classmates back, I'll try-" he began, only cut off as another sudden stabbing shot immediately beneath him as he rose into the air in a leap.

The essence of Ayaka lit up brightly, as though kerosene was poured over her figure. The riles of anger, of atrocity, they were too fierce; her personality extremely one-sided and too far gone to allow herself any rational sense of diplomacy. At this point, only one thing would she allow herself the freedom to do. "Too late? too late! I must have them! We need them for us! He must fall! You must fall! You will both pay for this pain!"

A waver in Alex's hover was evident as he stared down onto his daughter. He could note from the elevation in her magical properties, she was intent. Too intent, to achieve what it was she wanted most. And what Ayaka wanted? Ayaka naturally received. "You're more nuts than I am, girl! You're going to kill yourself before you ever manage to lay a finger on me! You need to s-!" he managed, only to be interrupted again by another lashing tendril. This time, however, it was one that slapped him directly on the right arm, and brought him to the floor as though she was the fly swatter, he the fly. The impact was brash, hard, and capable of sending any normal person on a direct course to unconsciousness.

Thankfully, or to any insane masochist, he was not normal.

The writhing sensation of burning was felt encompassing his entire arm, stretching through his nervous system and straight into the core of his life force. Much like how wiring was fused through heat, was his life force cut off at the point. His arm was entirely useless, with nothing more than a severe slap.

Between the spasm in his arm, and several twitches through his entire frame as his body began to adjust to the shock of foreign material sealing his arm off, he had little time to bare witness to Ayaka's reversion to her standard figure; unharmed by her heated transformation. "See, daddy? I grew up," twirling to showcase her unscarred physique. "Transforming to what I truly am? No sweat. ?neither is doing what I must to ensure we're granted a freedom from the tyrants of magic."

Squinting, narrowed, grimacing eyes could vaguely make out what it was she was saying, resorting to the sounds of her voice and apparent unhindered tone to do the talking. "I'm no tyrant? Ayaka. You think you're the? only one who has people in? pain in their life?"

Her footsteps were evident, the way they carried themselves with a crunch of obsidian present beneath each. She slowed hovering over the fallen, giant Netheran with a stare that was unmistaken. One of pity. One of remorse. One of self-grievances. Yet she would shed no tears in her moment of opportunity. "No, maybe not. In some broad perspective, everybody has pain. Has those dying before their eyes. My people, however? Will not be a victim to somebody else's fate?"

A gentle cough igniting spurts of lively emerald spatter to emit from Alex's mouth, and drip across a hand that he rose to conceal any expulsion. He only managed a weak glimpse at it before realizing that she had done something further than a fierce, fiery tap. Something that he trained her to be capable of, no less? "Smart move?"

A faint giggle was managed, fingers lifting in a standard 'peace sign' to her mentor. "Thanks, daddy! Like I told you, a death even you can't will yourself back from. After all, you always did express your odd ability to do so, just as long as you manage to restrain slivers of your life force, and cause them to lapse intact. But if you're sealed? You're no different from any basic, normal human. A clear weakness in your design," Ayaka preaches, clicking gentle amounts of obsidian from her sneakers.

Alex knew, were this on even grounds, where the pair met at a revitalized point, he would have been capable of doing something other than dodge here or there, and assume she's merely hoping for contact. Her skill, despite the fact of sealing him within his own body, was not what one would consider 'exceptional'. But, then again?

"Dreams come?and go? as do the very existence we all? must share."

"I guess you're right. What's the point of a dream if we're not alive to experience, and live towards them?"

"It's why we? inspire others to go after their? own goals. Especially if our own? can't be met in our? lifetime."

"?inspire others, huh??"

Blonde locks of hair were cast aside behind an ear in simple brushes, glancing towards the nearby window. She could note that the sun was setting, and that her time had grown extremely short. An apparent frown creased the corners of her mouth as she lowered her gaze to her fatherly figure. The only one she had ever actually had in her life-time. "Thanks for everything, daddy. You really did teach me what I needed to know. How to? be me, again! Even if you're a little wet around the edges, or a little self-centered. I know you? cared about me. At some point." She had to bite back on several words that were just short of exploding from her. She had to remain tough, as class president to those victim of a madman. And as the daughter to somebody she would always look up towards. No matter what. "But? I have to go. And? you can't come with me. You know this?"

Weakly, Alex managed to smile. Something that he was incapable of most days, or nights. Something that he was without for some time; proud of somebody else. Little was he to care, right there, that he had been beaten once again on the field, only furthering his lapse on the battlefront. While years he was invincible, undefeated, and an undisputed fighter in his own right, those years were long gone. And much like he, they would remain but a simple memory. For those that knew to remember, and for those that were curious to read upon.

"I know, honey?" he quietly whispered, but an etching on the ears.

Nodding gently, Ayaka lowered to a kneel before Alex to gently press a kiss to his forehead, one that revealed the faint wrinkles on his flesh. She could always see through the youthful guise he presented, but for the first time, she saw beyond it. With her own eyes, who it was that he really was without the mask. A hand gently rose to coil locks of lavender within her hand, quietly but surely snipping free portions of the one thing that she adored the very most about him. They were pocketed mindlessly, before retracing her fingers over his arm. "I promise to look after that bitchy Lain, and that fae-thing Jewell, too. At least? once I-"

"Fulfill your purpose. I know? and if you left me here, I'd only wind up getting in your way? and just maybe? harm those that you only wish to protect the very most. I know. I know? you need to do it," Alex said, gently nodding to her as the gentle kiss was laid upon his head; the soft touch of her hands running across the damaged arm. "You need to do it?now."

And just like that, her hands squeezed his arm like it were a watery balloon, sending the sealed arm up in a flame. Merges of red, orange, and emerald danced before her eyes as she watched, ensuring that the flame itself took not only the arm she touched, but the entire body of her mentor. Unlike the various she had slain using a similar technique, she saw no urges to scream, nor any retaliating movements in an attempt to douse the flames that clenched him.

Nothing at all, really. Other than that he had begun to burn like any piece of wood, and leave behind but glimmers of ash that glistened of emerald and lavender, mere traces that would remain once the fires had done what it was they were destined to do:

Finish a purpose.