Topic: Captain's Log


Date: 2012-09-14 11:05 EST
14, Septem

The return to Westmarche from the Erabedlem went without incident. Matter's were tended to and preparations made for the coming winter. Strangely enough, this was the first season The Handmaiden hasn?t taken damage in quite some time. I probably just cursed myself in that.

The rest of the fleet was not so lucky. The shipright's have their work cut out for them in the coming months.

Sinclaire has already left to take Maemo back to Tortuga. Hopefully their trip goes smoothly, the woman as she gets up in age, is not travelling well. Maybe that doxy Darchelle will help the Captain.

I will be making my way back to Rhydin and am thinking to spend the winter there. We shall see if things in the Tarso's are calm enough for Rique to join me and the children. I am quite sure I will have word from him soon, if he is not already waiting on me.

I assume Devin and Brantee will be settling and not heard from, as they embark upon wedded bliss. It would be a shock if the lass isn't already with child. Time will tell, I suppose.

Nereid is very quiet and has whispered about an unsettling, but has not elaborated.

The scout?s have given word that Silver is indeed breathing still. I will seek her out once I?ve returned. Damn lass, will she ever learn to stop being so flighty and senseless? Doubtful.


Date: 2012-09-15 08:06 EST
15, Septem

You'll have to excuse the spots of chicken grease on today's entry. I'm enjoying a particularly nice cold meal while I write and every so often I get my quill hand mixed up with the drumstick and end up smearing fat onto the parchment.

Not more than twenty four hours outside of Westmarche, a tremendous storm was sailed into. Minimal damage occurred, but we lost three men to the brunt during midnight watch. Clancy, the eldest of the trio was a well suited gunner?s mate, as was Gerald. Joey, the youngest of the crew, this was his first season and he proved himself well, even though he was still green.

There is a heavy, solemn filled shadow over the crew this night, even the song?s of Marshall and the flow of rum has failed to elevate such a loss. Word will be sent to their families.

For now, due course is to the East. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.


Date: 2012-09-17 08:40 EST
17, Septem

Atlantic Ocean, 17 degrees North, 64 degrees West. 18 miles from the coast of St Croix Isles.

Finally, the storm has ended. The torrent of rain has faded and become nothing more than a cloying mist which clings to the skin and whispers of its former power. The clouds are thinning and being torn apart and scattered by the sea winds.

The lookouts spotted sails over the horizon, this morning. A Spanish galleon by the looks of it. Keifer spoke of that sot, Alejandro making threats while he was moored in Westmarche and boasting of his hold's being full. A coincidence? Possibly.

Regardless, while he claims himself a Trader, he ain't nothing but a smuggler under written law and might be well in receiving a lesson in etiquette. The crew was ordered to keep an eye on the horizon.

I must admit, now that the storm has passed, it would be fine weather for a fight.


Date: 2012-09-18 09:39 EST
18, Septem

This day proved the adage in spades, that old habit's die hard. While I am in a state of limbo retirement, my blood was set to boiling and my pulse to race as that idiot Spaniards' sails were in plain view earlier this morning, before the sun ever went to rise. Something's, never fade.

The crew aboard The Baetylus was caught off guard, never knowing what hit them. There was no pillaging, no sinking of their treasured and ill run Galleon. There was just a point made and it was made by way of splintered wood, maimed sails and the sweet scent of burnt powder.

Their Captain Alejandro Barcelo a furious and spitting entity, well seen via my glass, brought a smile to my lips. Right handsome fellah he is, a pity such a thing to be wasted.

Another day perhaps, we're already running two day's behind to Rhydin. He deemed himself to Minniver, a gentleman back in Westmarche. That's rich and like calling me a Lady.


Date: 2012-09-19 11:11 EST
19, Septem

Atlantic Ocean, 25 degrees North, 82 degrees West, Tortola Island.

A matter to tend to, we are moored a mile or so from the island of Tortola. It would seem our stop will prove to be a most prosperous venture indeed come the spring. Many year's have passed since I set my feet on their sand's, but we were received quite well, all things considered.

Time was taken to visit an old friend this evening. I was quite shocked that Nelly was still alive. I always thought of her as a shipwreck in human form; keeper of the lagoon and lost dreams. I guessed her to be 80 but a local said she had yet to flirt with 60. Her eyes were rheumy, the left one in a permanent droop; her salt and peppered hair was matted, strewn and straggly. Yet she had a quiet, regal presence. She is knowing. She is kind.

Gathering the herbals the woman pressed by hand, she was quite humored by the fact that I was taking almost all she had for private use aboard.

When a squall came upon us, the tavern we were taking up, filled with island dwellers looking for shelter; chatter sometimes turning back to voodoo and legend lore's. It's hard not to think of Tortola as anything other than salty love and hurricane-dashed hopes.

Name's fell from innocent lips and one in particular caught my attention. I knew I was being stared at before it had ever fully finished being spoke. It was at that point, I took my leave with the crew and long boated back out to the ship. We will be pulling anchor come first light.


Date: 2012-09-22 05:21 EST
22, Septem

Atlantic Ocean, 20 Degrees North, 72 Degrees West, Tortuga

Moored in Tortuga, it seemed fitting to spend a couple of day's before we venture to our final destination of Rhydin. Fair enough to give the men a break, not to mention myself.

As I write this, my hand's are shaking and I can hear the boom of life ashore. I will not deny, the tinge of scotch is not dulling my senses, as I would like. A large share of restraint has been taken not to partake in one of the den's. While I know it would end in disaster, the ache kept at bay is ebbing and threatening every sense of reason.

Tortuga has always been a second home to the fleet, a pity we aren't altogether. I should go out and check on Maemo, Sinclaire must have delivered her home by now. A fair chance, he's still here. I'm not seeing the ship, but that matter's little considering the many coves and inlets.

Little ever change' Tortuga. Men drink themselves silly, whores flit about and the smell....its a combination of liquor, smoke, dirt and sweat. In a word it, stinks....but I cannot help myself from breathing it in deeply.

A blood thirsty melee unfolded as we walked into The Drunken Tortoise, a zigzag path didn't avoid it as two fell into the street to continue their mayhem. A right fine looking time-piece fell from one of the rolling drunks pocket and it was plucked up from the ground. By the time it was missed, it would be too late. By the looks of it, it's gold and not surprising....Spanish in fact.

Blaine was found quite easily, the merchant always grumbling about this and that, he was easily waved off and business tended to. I have no time to stroke his aging ego, the harlots can take care of that quite easily. Coin exchanged, the loading of The Handmaiden will commence at dawn tomorrow. Food and supplies to last through the winter, also several crates of precious cargo to be delivered.

Summer is drawing to a close, the days are becoming shorter and the sun less focused on melting everything it touches. We won't dally here too awful long, I cannot deny the urges clouding my mental vision and the distraction is a harsh one.

Nereid and Layla are asleep in the next room, my bed has become their constant. I think I'm not ready to close my eyes and will go ashore. Maybe I'll take Jon with me, or simply go alone.


Date: 2012-09-24 21:58 EST
24, Septem

Leaving Tortuga under the cover of night, thing?s have not gone quite as planned but when have they ever?? Needless to say, I was not able to check on Maemo, word instead was sent through a messenger that was short on coin and even shorter on common sense.

Several of the crew, heavy in their cups were left behind and considered lost. There was no time to hunt them down and drag them from whom ever's bed they were sweaty within or whatever tavern table they were passed out across. More coin I say, for the rest of us.

Earlier this night and several miles out, I found myself thinking on Rique and wondering if he was back in Rhydin or was he still in the Tarso?s. Layla has cried herself to sleep several night?s, she misses her Poppy and I could not console her. Instead, with her trailing right behind me, the decision was made and anchor pulled. If he is not within the realm, I will deal with it then. For now, she is sleeping soundly next to me.


Date: 2012-09-26 11:21 EST
26, Septem

Atlantic Ocean,14 degrees North, 80 degrees West, Caribbean Sea

An unidentified ship was spotted early this morning. Dutch from the looks of it. It's unfortunate that we are just sailing into the Trade Straits and it would be leaving us as sitting ducks, mostly.

Regardless, the foreign colors of the Dutch were hoisted and our gun ports were camouflaged. For the now, the men were ordered to leave our sails unaltered. Too early to tell how high the ship is floating in the water, but it looks pretty low. Given the chart's, she probably came out of Nombre de Dios for their final run of the season and would be carrying silver.

Dammit to Hades and further damn the Dutch. While Donatien's head was delivered to me, his predecessor's are still roaming and have not shown their faces in several year's. This may just be ripe for the plucking, but it won't be today.

This is why I loathe sailing the coastal's without the fleet. It's a no win volley if shot's are exchanged, as the Dutch are notorious for their lookout's. I ain't gonna take the chance with the bairn's aboard.

The cables and mattresses over the side of The Handmaiden, will be left in place till the morrow, slowing us down a wee bit as the wind is rushing us too fast towards her broadside. I'll alter course come the midnight hour and further stalking will be abandoned. There is just too much at stake.


Date: 2012-09-27 11:26 EST
27, Septem

49 degrees North, 8 degrees West, The Great Sea

Only another day or two until the nexus is reached. I find myself almost circling it in navigation. My only hope is that Captain Ornsby did not send word ahead of me to reach the Watch Commander in Rhy'din, giving him a heads up of our arrival. Highly doubtful, but the tick is still there in the back of my mind. At least Clover is no longer a worry.

I long for a quiet winter. One that I can spend with Rique and the children, much out of the sight of the dweller's of the city. That's easier said than done, but it will be accomplished...hopefully.

Several matter's need to be tended to during this time, business relations are key in the joining of several open contracts. Our Letter's of Marque are all in order, and the list grows. Owain acquired fairly legal documents for Machinhata, I still don't understand his obsession with the Portuguese. It makes my head hurt to listen to him babble on and on. But I will admit, their trade practices are better than most. All in all making it a pity to attack and capture their ships.

A trip to T'sel is in order before too much ice forms. A long sit down with Gavin and maybe even Gwyn, is much overdue.

I wonder on Devin and his new wife, Brantee. A hard press indeed it has been to let him go. My Pirate Prince is no longer stumbling across the decks, declaring a raid on the crewmen. He's a grown man, with a good head on his shoulder's. I just wonder how long the tides will call him, before he finally answers.

I also wonder if Lucas is running his father out of his mind. For some reason, that brings amusement to me. The lad has more energy than he will ever know what to do with.

All of these changes, and the fact that the bairn's are growing so fast, makes me very aware of how tired I truly am. Such a thing would never be admitted to those in reliance, but dear god I am so tired. My body screams in pain at all times and the ability to find some numbness or relief, is no longer an option.

Perhaps, my time is coming.


Date: 2012-10-01 12:28 EST
01, Octo

Well, we made it. Not so safe and sound, but we did make it. The hull of The Handmaiden is in dire need of repair. It's my understanding that Keifer is already present in the realm, we will drop anchor near the dry dock's and he can take a gander at the damage.

I can only say next time, the dumb ass Dutchman sailing that ship best check his sights before turning leaves via the trade routes. A good thing we were as close to the swirl of the familiar as we were, or we would have been dead in the water.

His gunner's are nothing more than a folly, earning himself quite the flogging. His shrieks were dreadful, but amusing to me, as if holy angels were going to save him. He got what he deserved as we had ceased in pursuing his ship.

I'm sure by now, he's been cut down by his remaining crew. Perhaps they will stage a mutiny, setting him ablaze at the main mast. We left her hull's as full as they originally were.

I must remember to send word back to Westmarche, before rumors begin and it's thought we are strung up elsewhere, much off the beaten course.

Now it's time to get things in order and set foot on land, regardless of how much I loathe the city.


Date: 2012-10-04 11:02 EST
4, Octo

Keifer states he's waiting on a load of lumber to be delivered. At that, he'll be able to get the repair's done. At least the ship isn't listing or anything, and will be fine for another couple of weeks. If she sinks in the harbor, well it wouldn't be the first time.

As we're settling in for the season, Nereid went off to find Devin and let him know of our arrival. Also to see if there has been any sign of their father. I'm in dire need of a sticky kiss from Lucas.

I flanked Nereid with one of the crew to set my mind at ease. This damned city has never been one to be trusted and I won't have her wandering alone.

Layla for such a young lass, is knee deep in her studies. She has a certain quality and passion for anything historical, whether it be the languages of the Mongolian's or the great war's of Rome. A sponge that one, always soaking up whatever she possibly could. While Akira is a fabulous cook, he is also a tutor not to be toyed with. The hiring of him several year's ago, has been a god send at the very least.

With them both well looked after, I suppose I should head into the city and take care of some business. The scouts have been sent on their way, delivering required paperwork to the Solicitor's office. I hadn't realized the stack of Trade Agreement's had gotten so thick, it should keep them busy for awhile.


Date: 2012-10-11 11:02 EST
11, Octo

It's been strangely quiet the last few day's. The city of Rhydin is of course getting ready for all hallows eve, and even the harbor district has been vamping up for it as well, but something It could be a case of paranoia, not that I would ever admit to such. It is possible though.

Nereid returned after spending some time with Devin and his wife. There has been no sign or word from the Tarsos, or their father. It's still fairly early in the month, Rique is probably tying up business through the end of the year and will join us soon.

Last night, during dinner with Layla, several of the men were talking and had a fair tale to tell. The lass sat there, mouth open with her fork hovering nearby until I gave her a nudge. Such a wild imagination they are instilling within her. George was quite animated and the other's were just as rich to egg it on.

"When Bordeaux and his men attempted to capture Gibraltar, a Portuguese man endured several forms of torture once he told them he only possessed 100 pieces of eight. The pirates did not believe him, so they stretched him on the rack until they broke both his arms. Still he didn't change his story!"

"They tied him with small cords by his two thumbs and great-toes unto four stakes that were fixed in the ground at a convenient distance, the whole weight of his body being pendent in the air upon those cords. Then they thrashed upon the cords with great sticks and all their strength, so that the body of this miserable man was ready to perish at every stroke, under the severity of those horrible pains. Not satisfied as yet with this cruel torture, they took a stone which weighed above 200 pound, and laid it upon his belly, as if they intended to press him to death. At which time they also kindled palm-leaves, and applied the flame unto the face of this unfortunate Portuguese, burning with them the whole skin, beard, and hair! Even then, the man didn't confess and endured additional beatings and insufficient nourishment. Eventually, he and the pirates agreed on a ransom of 1,000 pieces of eight, which he paid."

I will have a talk with him this evening, such stories are clouding the child's attention as she repeats them to the tutor instead of tending to her lesson's.

The repair's have begun to The Handmaiden, hopefully it's finished by first snow. If not, it will mean we linger in this damned port two weeks further into the spring. Not that the Saint's have lost anything without my bowing to their feet, but I certainly would not dismiss a favor or two.


Date: 2012-10-25 16:58 EST
25, Octo

Time has been spent the last few day?s out at the cottage, with Nereid and Layla. A much needed relief and break it has been from the constant of business dealings. Layla is such a spit fire, a question for everything and a demand of an intellectual answer. She is not one to be reckoned with over any matter and will definitely prove a worthy debate opponent. The fragments of her father and myself run freely within her and are absolutely stroked in a delving for more and more knowledge.

Nereid has drawn quieter than usual. Generally she is bubbling with life when it is simply the 3 of us, but I think something is weighing on her mind. Hopefully she will open up and relieve herself of whatever it is troubling her. I am almost willing to bet a monk is on her mind. Matter?s of the heart consume her at times, but those are mostly of the family sort. But as she grows older, so does her wisdom, her fondness for some and her heart.

Devin and Brantee seem to be doing well, they were both at the cottage yester eve and spent a good deal of time with us. It was nice to have this with my daughter in law, things are very relaxed and it was splendid to see her so happy and laughing. The wolves came with them and made themselves right at home. Layla fell asleep sprawled across one of them and the sound of their snoring was comical.

I am feeling very light in all of this, my mind is settled and my body seems to be healing on it?s own from the abuse I have subjected it to. While my cravings are a daily struggle, I am learning to cope with them better than I thought I would. Thank goodness for Scotch, or I think I would be over the edge and 2 feet from being 6 feet under.

I must return to the city in the next day or two, word came via the placed scouts and there are matter's to tend. I do think a trip to T'sel is in order as I am not pleased with financial matter's being addressed in Westmarche outside of my presence. I should never have left Sinclaire to tend to them before he left.


Date: 2012-11-03 09:25 EST
03, Novem

I received word from Westmarche; Ranulfsson is escalating the letter of Marque to include the western provinces of Pryholt and Erimoor. This should prove interesting as their trade includes that of a more risqu? nature. While I have no desire to dabble in such things at this point, the coin offered via the contract is more than just a taunting to these greedy fingers. Pickup and delivery only, I will return to Westmarche in late winter and divvy out the fleet to complete this with little fuss or muss.

An interloper was hand delivered to the Watch last evening by Moctez. When I came upon the incident, the male was screaming and taunting about the righteousness of his God and that we were all confirmed sinners. Nothing like stating the obvious. The curious thing was he blathered names and incidences that several of us recognized.

This trip needs to be kept as low key as possible, these things are clearly not falling into that realm. If there had not been so many witnesses, the old sot would have taken an unhealthy drink of the harbor. Blasted fool.

Keifer passed word that the Handmaiden would be back in the water within a week or so. The repairs have gone well and she is worthy once again.

Still no sign of Rique. Why am I not surprised? If something had happened, I would have known of it by now. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have sent a missive to the Tarsos and if I don?t hear anything soon, we?ll pull anchor and head that way blizzard or not.

Nereid and Layla are thriving, both are spending time out at Brantee and Devin?s.


Date: 2012-11-12 08:55 EST
12, Novem

Day's are blending once again, when will it stop..?

It is an insult to extreme, this time of year always my undoing.

I miss the wind, dear God how I miss it. My gut is warning that this will unfortunately be a long and painful winter.

The goal is to keep things moving as quietly as possible, the key element in that being the crew. At least we were able to restock our holds with fresh water and food. This year there will be no worry of scurvy as citrus is in abundance.

A scuffle broke out amongst the men last night below deck just before 6 bells. Nelson, the second mate, and another officer attended the scene and were quick to put a stop to it. The men know the rules about gambling for money while aboard, but they persist in doing so. It's forbidden as it causes endless dissention among the men.

The four were thrown summarily into the brig and this morning, under the full crew's gaze and the afternoon sun, the culprits were stripped to the skin, each receiving thirty lashes. Dalley and Lacrosse had to be revived with a bucket of water to allow Nelson to finish the flogging. They will be sore for many a day to come. Let's hope it serves as an example to the others. Trying to maintain discipline on board is a delicate balancing act, one in which is teetered at all times.

My mind is so splintered this night, the sound of the quill scratching on the parchment does little to calm this and so I write long into the night using words to beat my anxieties into manageable proportion. I wonder sometimes if I will win. If I lose the fight with myself, I've lost it altogether.

'Eight bells and all's well' sounds the call of the watch and I realize it's midnight. Time for sleeping, if sleep there be.


Date: 2012-12-05 07:26 EST
05, December

Time splinters at it's own hand. There is not a sense of logic or purpose in this as it simply carries on and flutters from one direction into another, seamlessly.

The men grow impatient with the weather, each pissing and moaning that we should have gone straight back to Westmarche from Oro Negro. The winter is different in this realm, it always has been. It is much more than bitter and foreboding. It is near violent byway of ice and rain. The sleet enough to pierce to the bone, it's unforgiving and leaves it crimson mark upon the flesh of most.

Nereid and Layla are still sleeping in my quarter's, it is much easier to have them there, then to run back and forth during the night when Nereid starts to dream. They have become intense again. At times, there is no consoling her or an ebb of them to cease. She cries out in the night, ancient tongues whisping away her voice, her solidity. This too shall pass, and if it does not, I will seek out Gaston once again to smooth the edges and bring her peace.

Layla speaks of Rique near constant these days, wondering when he will show himself and under what guise. Her faith is as solid as the rest of us, for this too will resolve itself. It does not change the fact that he is greatly missed and loved beyond comprehension.

Lucas, how I miss his sticky kisses and infectious laughter. Dear Saint's, keep him safe with his father. Do not allow him to be sucked in beyond repair. His innocence is at stake.

I do wonder to what end it will be.

I have sought out Ella, to no avail. I am quite positive a wicked means is to follow or reveal itself. How the woman maintains what little fragments of reality remains a mystery to me, even after so many year's with her embedded in our lives. Helpless to a fault, there is no whisking her away into peaceful circumstance, as the shadows follow her and rape her merciless. If only.

We will remain steadfast as long as we dare here. For even in this city, there is great unrest and turmoil. It reeks of festering wounds and sores, destined to trap those that dare to reach farther than they should.


Date: 2013-09-20 15:30 EST
20, Septem

Parlay? I think not.

Thought's and musing's have been splintering for month's. I tire of this dormant state. I spoke to Rique yester eve and told him we were sailing back to Rhydin. Supplies are needed. Many of the crew need to get back to their families. This wild goose-chase has gone on long enough.

I am not certain of standing, but I have no intention of remaining in Rhydin for very long before we sail back to Westmarche. Preparation's for the upcoming winter need to be handled.

Most walk around me these last days as if walking on burning embers. My skin is crawling, not from partaking in the dusty sort, but because we cannot live our lives threaded through a veil of nothingness any longer.

I wish to shake my fist in the face of the one who started all of this. But where would that leave us now? Hopeless? Faithless? Ahhh Faith. Aye. Faith. A smile curls my lips at this moment with the thought.

I have screamed until I can scream no more. I feel the one sought, no longer.

There is an evil around us. I have pinpointed him and wish to rip his eyes from his skull. He is aboard and his pores reek the stench of rotting flesh. Elusive however, he changes forms and I cannot quite grasp him. Rique thinks I have finally lost what threads of my mind remained when we began this journey.

I keep Nereid sequestered. All of the children are heavily guarded. Devin and The Mouse, in their own world.

I yearn for Tortuga. And it shall be.


Date: 2013-11-08 13:11 EST
15, October

There is a shift, I am not certain where it lies and where it comes from, but there is a shift in the breeze, in the breath of all aboard. An unrest that continues in it's evolution around and through us all.

Some of the crew jokingly refer to a mutiny. Those displaying such met the hand of Moctez and have been made an example of. It infuriates me to a degree that lacks appeal and borders the fringe of yester.

Nereid is at the center of this shifting. She has grown further within herself, her dreams and wakeful times unpleasant.

A few more day's is the only amount of time that will be allowed. Rique much as he can dare.


Date: 2013-11-08 13:16 EST
08, Novem

Still no wind. This inability to progress tries our patience badly. Moctez thinks with a steady wind we may make Tortuga in six weeks but not at this pace. Clever with the astrolabe, he has pinpointed our exact position. Land lies portside no more than five days distance with a good wind.

Our stores are dangerously low and I know Clark worries about the lack of citrus. He reports that there is already evidence of scurvy among the men. We hoard what little fruit we have left but it's not enough. My own gums feel spongy. We need to make landfall as soon as possible to restock on fresh water and foodstuffs.

A scuffle broke out amongst the men last night below deck just before 6 bells. Cambridge, the second mate, and another officer attended the scene and were quick to put a stop to it. The men know the rules about gambling for money but they persist in doing so. It's forbidden as it causes endless dissention among the men.

The four were thrown summarily into the brig and this morning, under the full crew's gaze and the hot sun, the culprits were stripped to the skin, each receiving thirty lashes.

Culver and Partridge had to be revived with a bucket of water to allow Cambridge to finish the flogging. They will be sore for many a day to come. Let's hope it serves as an example to the others. Trying to maintain discipline on board is a delicate balancing act, even after this many year's.


Date: 2014-05-09 12:50 EST
09, Ut

In all of my year's on the sea, this voyage has been the most ghastly. The month's don't seem to end.

The seas have been calm for fifteen long days now. The sails hang slack with nary a hint of a breeze to stir the canvas. The Sargasso, which floats around us and seems to spread in every direction as far as the eye can see, nestles against the hull and an odd sucking sound can be heard in those rare moments when the ship moves. Curious stuff when first we beheld it but time breeds a weary contempt for the novelty of the thing. And the sun is relentless. Saint's, how I've grown to loathe it. It saps the very strength out of you. The humidity is thick, cloying and the linen sticks to my sweat-drenched body like a lover. Only at night after I've retired can I rid myself of these tiresome clothes. I lie in the dark like a beached whale, my very breath an abomination in an airless cabin.

Faint on the horizon, the ship to port is caught as are we. Its proximity seems to mock us and, when they aren't gambling, the men take delight in hatching outlandish stories as to the ship's origin and purpose. We know it's not a privateer as it flies the British flag though that's not always a guarantee of safety. I look at these men and wonder just how deep their loyalty goes. I wouldn't want to put it to the test...not today, not after this endless journey to nowhere.

'Eight bells and all's well' sounds the call of the watch and I realize it's midnight. Time for sleeping, if sleep there be.


Date: 2014-06-10 09:06 EST
10, Junius

At the first sight of Westmarche, jovial cheers from the crew split the mind and shattered the very nerve endings, that have been so precariously tuned. I firmly believe the lot of them, have lost what tethers still remain after all of these months.

Dear Saint's, we made it.

The ship is in need of heavy repair. One last jaunt almost proved to be her undoing at the seams, literally. But alas, we made it. A bit heavier in the hull, but that's the draw, is it not?

I suppose it's time to face the glares from the Captain's of the fleet and move on.

Will this ever end? I fear not. However, I look forward to taking the children into T'sel for a much needed holiday. Perhaps, Gavin can help bring a chaotic mind into relative order.


Date: 2014-08-01 12:19 EST
01, Augustus

Our time in T'sel has been extended. The children are delirious in this. I, on the other hand, have not regained my footing.

Thing's are unknown in Westmarche. A licking of wound's, seems to have unfolded in a huge display. While my intention's were purely business, it would seem the human element has reared it's head.

So be it.

The fight is gone, I am weary to it....finally.


Date: 2014-09-24 09:35 EST
24, Septem

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years. Every speck of time we have is stolen from us in this world of the future and the happening.

Emotion's, thing's, people and places change and adapt, to the always ticking of the invisible clock hanging high above our heads. Counting down the days till the end. We walk blinded by what we think we want but not really knowing exactly what it is.

We walk, shackled behind one another following the latest muse and doing what they do but, not thinking for ourselves. Our freedom of expression is an illusion of what we think is individuality; it isn't.

I sit and wait for time to slow down, but it never does and its only when I realize how fast things keep moving, that I also realize I too have to move as fast to change what is wrong and let loose a piece of my mind into this world of change and blindly shackled people.

I will fail. This time.


Date: 2014-11-05 13:51 EST
05 Novem,

Like leaves tired of a tree, words mimic sentences that make no sense.

Undressed, memory is blank, chaotic, pale. I think of a broken pearl necklace that?s spilled into every corner. An animal that?s sloughed its skin.

Time will pass.

It will shape me again.

Which brings me to the ghastliness of hope: which for some like myself used to abide in memory, or in amulets, or in the faces of others, arms of others, tales of their past and future others brought to me, and I listened.

But hope was a wish somehow strangely avoiding any abiding in the present?at bay out there, true abeyance, adrift, off the coast.

I can feel the current of desire to go to that place as just such a ghastly hope.

And the ghosts there?of course.


Date: 2014-12-31 08:40 EST
31 Decem,

Our becalmed state finally ended five nights ago and it was with enormous relief that I watched the men climb the rigging to unfurl the sails. Moctez was in his natural element giving orders to ready the ship to sail. His growing frustration with our inertia was becoming wearing but I understood it only too well.

My own retorts of late have at times been unkind. It has taken the whip to persuade squabblers below deck to bury their disagreements. I have been told that on those more egalitarian vessels flying the skull and crossbones, there is a much greater amicability between all those who sail on them. All are given a right to voice their views, all share in the booty and all have a greater stake in succeeding on the seas.

A far cry from the absolute rule of the captain on merchantmen and naval vessels. This egalitarianism disquiets them.

Once again, the waves have lifted to greet us....gaotha aonach.