Topic: I Need A Ship

El Sabatier

Date: 2012-12-06 17:13 EST
The scene at the docks, office of the Harbor Master, a few days ago:

"I need a ship....or passage on one."

Words uttered evenly without expression of feeling yet colored by a Spanish accent, coming from a tall dark form of a man who stood blocking the doorway with his frame, making an eclispe of the light, until he moved and stepped into the quarters of the harbor master. The scratchings of quill against parchment never ceased, the routund sweaty body bent over the ledgers of his business never straightened, as the harbor master spat back, "Which be ta yer likin' an' where be ye bound fer?" He was used to all manner of men from all walks of life interrupting him for one demand or another, this was just another one, hardly worth his time, except he might make a dime or two out of the deal. Might being the operative word that would make him sit up and pay attention.
Or not.

There was a moment's hesitation before the same voice uttered calmly back the one-word answer.

The harbor master grunted in response, but did pause in his figures, to raise his head and squint quizically at the man.
"There ye be already, Sir. Ye'll hae to choose another port."
He studied the man as he waited for a more conclusive request.

But the Spaniard said nothing more. A moment of silence was all that filled the space between them, until the harbor master suddenly laid down his pen and with a surprising burst of agiliness, departed his stool to stand, hands on hips, regarding the man.
"Say. I know who ye be." Nodding, he walked back around to the desk and disappeared behind it, toning up his voice a notch to be heard. "Ye be wanting passage to Carthia, where ye wife was bound fer, not near a fortnight gone past, I'm sure. Let me see what I can come up with here." His hands deftly shuffled the leather books stacked beneath the podium, reading the writings on the front of one, then putting it back, before pulling out the next.


"No? But yer wife...."


The portly man stood to gaze at Antonio. "Are ye not Senor Sabatier, married to the Lady Gabriella, who booked passage to Carthia a few weeks ago?"

"I am not going to Carthia."

"Where to, then, Sir?"

The Spaniard had thought this through. He knew quite clearly what his course of action was now to be. Logically, he should book passage to the Tarsos. Yet well known he was there and peace would not be his to command. And that was the same reason he would not sail home to Spain. Not yet.

There was a place, believed to lay in ruins, which would be perfect. No one would dare to cross the sea to such a place, no one would dare to ascend the hills to what lay in waiting high above, no one believed the place even existed anymore. As far as anyone knew, it had been blown to kingdom come months ago, and there was nothing left of it. It lay at the bottom of the sea, in pieces and parts, a watery grave for the evil that it had spawned.

The thin line of Antonio's rigid mouth rose at one corner into a savage smirk as his eyes narrowed in wait for reaction and his voice crooned the word....



Date: 2012-12-10 09:56 EST
Clancy was coming out of the Harbormasters office just as Antonio was making his way in. There wasn't even a glance given the man by the crewman, but as the door was about to snap closed behind him, the Spaniard spoke and Clancy hesitated.

He knew that voice. Not very well, but it was extremely familiar. Catching the edge of the door with a booted toe, Clancy listened to the interaction between the two other men and the span was soon closing soundlessly behind him.

Later that day, closer to evening, the boom of Clancy's voice vibrated the pounding of the cabin door. "Cappy, yew's got's a minute or two?!"

It was no secret that Aullere was in Rhydin, but she was not showing her face as she had in the past. Nor did she go anywhere near the city offices as there was still the warrant on her head, but none in the docking district would dare to act upon it. Things were quiet, perhaps too quiet.

When the boom came, she had been hunkered over a particular list of invoices Sinclaire had sent from Westmarche and the number's weren't adding up. Leaning back in her chair, she eyed the door and slid her feet into her boot's.

"Wha' the hell is it?!" Called out in return, it was but a second and the larger than life male was filling the doorway.

"Tha' fella, th' witches husband....'member him? He bae ther' when we fetched 'er, aye aye." Such a ridiculous question Clancy asked.

"Aye y' idiot, I remember him. Wha' o' it?" A slender brow rose, Aullere wasn't amused to be interrupted in such a fashion.

Hooking a thumb over a shoulder, the toothless twitter of a grin met Clancy's lips and it was then he began to speak in near conniving tones. "I jus' seen him, down at th' Harbor Office. Talkin' 'bout's passage t' some place called Halerck, errrr Haleycr...." Tapping his temple, he watched as Aullere rose there behind the desk and planted a hand to her hip. "Spit it out!" Came the order, loud enough to make those as far as the Galley, jump.

"I's sorrah, Cap!" Near saluting her, he corrected. "Halech."

"Halech...wha' th' hell..." Aullere glanced to the portal window and held up a finger to give her a pardon for a moment while she pondered.

Halech, why the hell would Antonio be going there? The wench knew of the place, but had never in her year's, ventured there. Mostly it was lore, she assumed. Maybe it wasn't.

As much sense to that as anything else as of late, there was no telling. But there was also the simple fact that the witch had not been spotted in any context, nor heard from either. And let's not forget, Aullere's husband had not arrived either. Something was definitely amiss, as usual.

The constant unrest was now to the point of being ludicrous. If there was a means to an end, or a purpose for all of this going for so many year's, it may be understandable, but this? Always this? What was being accomplished? Nothing of solidity, that was for certain.

"Run back down ther', see if you can catch him an' let him ken where we are moored. He can make his own decision if he chooses t' come up here for a word or nae. Make sure y' identify y'self as part o' my crew or y' might find y'self dead. Go on!" Coming from behind the desk, she pulled a dusty leather bound from the shelf and smacked it to the surface. "Now!"

It wasn't like Aullere and Antonio had ever grunted more than a few word's to one another, they were strangers at best, but there was a common thread between them.

Clancy visibly cringed and gave a shaky response. "A...a....aye, Cappy. 'way, Cappy.." Leaving the door open in his wake, the crewman was gone in a flash.

One thing for certain, Aullere was regretting ever dropping anchor in that cess pool again. Winter or not, she was one single hair away from setting sail and returning to the Fleet. Nothing ever changed

El Sabatier

Date: 2012-12-17 20:26 EST
No moon this night, and just as well. Black the man's heart, black his face would remain, void of all illumination to reveal anything....any thought....from behind silver eyes turned dull and dark....once molten from a fire within, now burned out and charred, carbon pupils in a moonless sea.

He stood at the end of the dock and stared across the bay. Three nights to wait and a ship would be sailing, bound for the direction, somewhat, of where he wished to go. Close enough, anyway. The captain might not have plans to put into port precisely where the Spaniard wished, but the man was a strong swimmer and not afraid of jumping ship, even if it meant into the murky depths of the sea. Close enough, and he figured he could get himself the rest of the way there.

Halech. Hell. Might as well complete the journey the witch has started him on. She'd taken everything from him. His heart. His children. His joy. The only thing she had left to him was the one thing that she didn't fully comprehend, the thing she didn't understand. And he wasn't about to hang around and let her figure it out. There would be nothing left of him and he was just stubborn enough to want to go on living, even if it was without her, even if it was without Zander and Zoee, and the babe, if it had even survived. He knew what she thought of it, he had heard her call it such, stopping just short of cursing its very life. She hated it as much as he finally realized she hated him and what his presence had meant to her. He had no way of knowing for sure, but he wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't caste some sort of spell on herself to dispense with the savage, as she called it, that she carried.

There is a powerful urge held deep within a man that is the ultimate power that a human being possesses. It is the same for everyone when their time comes. Time of being tested, time of no return, time of do or die. That urge to live surfaces and propells a man even when he lies on his deathbed and has taken no sustinance for days. Even then the body continues to fight to preserve life, struggles for just one more day, one more hour, one more breath. It does not go gently into that good night, or that dark night, or any night. The heart beats on. It writhes and wiggles and fights hard with a surprising strength to not fall over the edge, to not walk the plank, to live. At all costs.

Even if there is nothing left to live for.

There was not even a hint of breeze this night, yet the hair on the back of Antonio's neck suddenly fluffed, as if stirred by it. He tensed, musculature rigid, like a great cat on the hunt who has scented the prey and is about to pounce. Someone was behind him and he knew it. Oh, they were quiet about it, to be sure, but the Spaniard felt the presence. He'd be ready.

One quick move had him turning, lunging, deadly blade withdrawn and exposed in one fist, the other open and poised to encircle a neck, and the force of his entire body's weight so launched would be enough to catch his stalker offguard. The panther would have the advantage and only when his prey was safely rendered immobile underneath his great bulk flat against the boards of the deck, knifepoint dangerously pressed to throat's flesh, would he growl out menacingly to an unsuspecting seaman named Clancy, who was merely making sure the man was the one his capitain bade him bring greetings to.....

"Who tracks me? And who sent you?"


Date: 2012-12-18 18:06 EST
"Have y' lost y' fookin' mind?!" Hollered as Clancy's pint went sailing for the cobbles and shattered into a million pieces.

"Tha's m' damn'd last PINT for blooday sake!!" Flattened there on his back, the crewman was more concerned about the spirit's seeping into the ground, then a god forsaken blade at his throat!

"Get offa me...!" And promptly spit in Antonio's face. "Name b' Clancy, I b' on' o' Aullere', sh' sent me." If he hurried and got off of him, Clancy might be able to lick the place where the amber was being sucked away.

Why is it, every time he did something for the female Cappy, he ended up with some itchy in his groin or a blade at his throat? He needed to find another line of work, but he thought that pretty unlikely all things considered.

El Sabatier

Date: 2012-12-19 17:24 EST
The name was repeated by the Spaniard as he moved off the prone seaman, shealthed his blade, and extended downward a hand to help the man up, taking in all he revealed in his sputtered words, while with the other hand he casually wiped off his face.
"And aye. To yer credit, ye have me straight to none. I have indeed lost what little mind I claimed to have had." With a roll of his shoulders he jerked and pulled Clancy to his feet, releasing his hand and clamping him on the shoulder.
"My apologies Sir. Sincerely. So, you say, your captain is Aullere Moir? I know the Senora. Si, donde esta? Is she in port now? With... a ship?"
And no matter what the hapless Clancy would answer, Antonio would press on.
"Sorry about your pint there, mate. To make amends, if you'll take me to your captain quickly, I'll see to it that you get another, plus a full weeks' wages, on me, to keep your thirst at bay, and...whatever else you might require.
What say you, Clancy? Can we make haste immediately?"


Date: 2012-12-31 10:03 EST
(continued under Breaking The Veil)