Topic: Citadel Raithmoore -Open to All-


Date: 2009-04-29 21:26 EST
The towering home of Anatar Raithmoore stood like a dark marker on the countryside, signaling the presence of some great power at hand. A low hum of energy seemed to permeate the land around it, seeping deep into the ground, spreading like the roots of a great tree. Citadel Raithmoore was rooted, and it wasn't going anywhere.

The dark edifice served as a home, a place of study, a place of prayer, and everything in between, for Raithmoore himself, and those who'd come to learn what they can from his vast stores of knowledge.

The citadel's doors had opened though, where once it had been an exclusive thing, only a select few being allowed in, Raithmoore had allowed all entrance to the walls of his vast home.

Only those seeking the darkest of secrets would find something of value there. The so called holy ones might have come to try and disrupt the age old man's plots, but in the end, this was his domain, and those obsidian doors that served as the citadel's entrance, with their rich flowing text, clearly conveyed that.