Topic: Toppled Tower on the News

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2013-10-09 16:54 EST
Having felt, not obligated but something else, at the news of Batten's Tower, Jenai penned a quick letter while Gria stood by.

"Even if he's not available, he's around. See that this gets to him or those we know will make sure it does. It is not much, but at least he'll know."

She slide the paper into an envelope, not even bothering to seal it. Why would she? Let it be public, let it be read, let it be known. She'd not told Storm, but she really didn't think Storm would think or feel differently about this. They had considered him an ally even before his help with the Seraphim Armor and Weapons.

"Batten has been good to us, We shall return the favor whenever he decides but I want him to at least know the COS is there if need be."