Topic: Crimson Starlight and Eternal Fog

Rose Black

Date: 2013-10-11 12:49 EST
Rose strode through the large stone monastery turned club like she owned the place, which in a way was kind of true, in a way. So this was home now, huh? The club was extensive and had potential to be sure, but there was much to be done. Naturally, the first order of business was going to be to make everything more fantastic. As she walked she spoke to an assistant who had been assigned to help her with putting things in order in time for the Devil?s Night party.

?The first thing we need to do is secure the perimeter properly,? Rose waved off the girl?s reminder that there already was plenty of security in and around the club, ?No, no, no! You aren?t getting the point. There?s no visible way to discourage intruders? We need a moat a wide one, deep as the ocean and surrounding the entirety of Babylon.? The club was comprised of many buildings and what not, it would be a large job to get it done in time.

While the assistant was stammering about how it would take time and ?they? might not like this? Rose was contemplating, seeming not to hear a word of what the girl said. ?But then, what is a moat without a proper monster living in it to guard our little island?? she mused, almost as if to herself, ?Yes!? Rose exclaimed excitedly in a sudden outburst making the assistant jump, ?We will also declare ourselves an independent nation and need never worry again!? Rose said with a firm nod, this explained everything.

When questioned about the type of ?guard beast? Rose had in mind she simply smiled to herself. ?No need to worry about that? I?ll take care of that part myself.? Yes, that would be a wonderful surprise for all the lovely people at Bonny who were so kind as to give her this raw material to work with. It may not be The Isle of the Rose? But she?d do the best to make it more ?homey? for them all.

?Oh and the moat, it ought to be filled with mercury. It will be very pretty.? Rose appeared to be listening to a voice that none could hear but her for a moment? She grew more excited, which people would come to associate with dangerous outcomes. ?Ooooo yes! We need a drawbridge made out of enchanted dry ice! It will never melt, but cover the grounds in an eternal fog.?

Just like your brain, thought the girl a little too loudly. Rose heard those thoughts sometimes, especially when they were thought loudly, but she simply laughed in response. ?Yes, exactly like that! It will make for a good atmosphere, you?ll see.? Rose asserted this with a knowing nod.

Looking at the girl inquisitively as a thought struck her. ?Have you ever tried Zydrate?? The girl, stunned and still blushing from having realized her thought had been heard simply shook her head. ?Well, make sure you have some at the party, my treat. I?m going to see to it that our local dealer attends and everything is on the house on Devil?s Night!? She proclaimed this loudly while holding out her arms to the largely empty entrance hall. A few employees stared at the strange angel as they passed.

?Everything?? Asked the girl in disbelief. ?That?s going to cost a fortune?? The girl was dubious but Rose wasn?t. ?What do you think it MEANS to host a party exactly?? It was a rhetorical question and Rose waited for no response.

?You know if we are to be our own sovereign nation we want everyone to believe we?re the best so they?ll all want to come. You know that people used to believe that America?s streets were paved with gold?? The girl had no idea about Earth history... Rose wasn?t put out by her vacant stare; she went on with her tandem. ?I want guardians? Giant cats made of silver and gold so pure you can hold a conversation with them.? The girl froze with her pen on the page and Rose simply smiled and prompted her on with an encouraging nod. The girl went back to writing with an unnoticed shake of her head.

?I want a monument built right there in the center of the dance hall, a giant mug of ale. Not just a mug though, it must be a fountain. With real ale flowing that you need simply put in your mug and? Oh yes, the rim must be lined with large mugs.? Again Rose listened to the voice in her head and laughed but explained herself no further, all in good time if the people of Bonny allowed it.

?One last little thing?? Rose?s eyes grew distant as she stood in the door way now, looking out across the grounds, ?A tribute? a dome to cover my island. A magical one that filters all rays of light so that only one color can pass? Red. Babylon will be forever lit by Crimson Starlight.?

Then it will be home... Rose nodded solemnly and stood in silent reminiscences before coming back to herself. ?It?d be a good dual purpose thing, offering magical protection too,? she stated as an after thought, ?anyways, good luck on all that. Follow my instructions and the place will be truly magical come party night. I?ll see to making sure Rhy?Din knows that there?s a party and everyone?s invited.? A wink and she skipped off on her way singing, ?And there are no cats in America!?

The waitress, whom Rose had mistaken for the assistant, did get her message relayed to the actual assistant? To the girl?s credit, frazzled though she was, she managed to take notes on a napkin as to what the angel had said in her little rant. No doubt the higher ups would soon know exactly what happens when you say things to Rose like ?go wild? and ?make it magical? and then give her free reign.


Date: 2013-10-16 19:11 EST
Mary dealt with the assistant who was beside herself with the list the waitress had compiled from Rose. She assured the assistant that she knew just who to call and that the girl should go back to tending to those preparations which she was capable of doing. Mary noted that the assistant, possibly other people too, were beginning to think the Rose was insane.

True, she was a step beyond the normal eccentricities of the people of the corporation? At least the angel was in good spirits again though. It did seem her plans would definitely make Babylon a bit more interesting? Who could have guessed that the only thing needed to make the club an even darker place to be was an angel?

Perhaps the madness could work to their advantage. After all, a touch more darkness wouldn?t hurt anything would it? But even as she asked herself this question a shiver crept up her spine. A premonition? Or perhaps it had just been a little too long since she had fed?

Problems would be dealt with if they arose, in the mean time, there was work to be done. Mary put in a call to Lillianna over at the Bonny Corporation?s main office.

"Hey Lilli, it's Mary. It's been a day and there has been some... developments. Come to Babylon as soon as you can and I'll bring you up to speed."

Mary would relay everything to her over drinks. If anyone could help make Rose?s vision for party night a reality. It was her.


Date: 2013-10-18 13:47 EST
Lillianna was dressing after bathing when the phone in her room started to ring; she skipped over to answer it, no one except for the inner circle had that number so it must be something important. She placed an ear piece into her ear so that she could continue dressing while she spoke, ?hello?? she said once it was in place, "Hey Lilli, it's Mary. It's been a day and there has been some... developments. Come to Babylon as soon as you can and I'll bring you up to speed." Was said all in one breath and without waiting for a response Mary hung up the phone, leaving Lillianna wondering just what this was about.

She knew that she was going to be performing on Devil?s night at the club, but this sounded more urgent.
She threw a low cut purple dress with grey flowers on it on, and then added a grey hooded sweater as the weather had begun to turn chilly. She looked affectionately at her slaves and smiled at them, ?I shall return soon,? she said before leaving them to the care of her watchers.

She met Mary in the club as instructed, the excited woman explained to her about the angel Rose Black taking over the plans for the Devil?s night party and what she had come up with so far. The moat would be easy; there were plenty of dead in the area, even if she just took from those who had been buried in secret, and without markers, though she would probably need to pull from the graveyards as well as the angel wanted a lot done, and Mary had been right, Lillianna could help a lot with all of this.

The monster was one that she would have to see to personally, summoning such a creature would take concentration, she would also have Rose there to help as well as anyone that had capabilities to help call and then hold the creature until they could place it in its new home in the moat filled with mercury. ?The angel is correct,? she said when Mary had explained everything to her, ?this is all doable, I can supply all of the workers that are needed to get this complete in time, though artisans will need to be hired to do the more delicate work, corpses are not known for their finesse. ? said with a small laugh, "and we will need one living creature to every group of the dead to control them, though I could summon a few spirits to do that job,? she was still thinking as she spoke, ?and come to think of it, demons make good artists, they would be able to create the statues that she requested, and we wouldn?t have to worry about how we are going to heat the metals, or any accidents from the heat.?

?I will speak with Rose about the creature that she would like to summon to live in the moat, and work with her on summoning it whenever it is convenient for her.? She finished, realizing that she had not given Mary a chance to speak while her thoughts were examining the task that she had been asked to help with. ?Is there anything else that is needed before I get to work?? she asked.


Date: 2013-10-22 13:19 EST
Mary smiled as she listened to Lillianna explain her plan of action as it came to mind. She knew she had chosen correctly when calling her and Lillianna had yet to disappoint. She was decisive, intelligent, and taking the initiative.

With that pleased smile Mary shook her head to the question of there being anything else. "Not right now, you seem to have a firm handle on the situation. Please see to it your spirit workers set to task immediately... I believe you would be best put your person into hooking up with Rose before she does something drastic by her lonesome."

Mary opened her phone but before putting in the call explained. "She's ambitious in this project. It would be a shame to lose her on such an errand... or anyone else. Take care with her."

Was that a request to take care of Rose or be watchful of herself? Perhaps both would apply.