Topic: Confessions of a Misplaced Momo


Date: 2008-04-28 14:46 EST
(( Thoughts, comments, and reactions can be written in the OOC thread. Kind of like...livejournal. These writings can be found in the tiny sketchbook she carries around with her at all times. You can play off of it if you snatch it away from her or something.))


If only I counted how many days I've been here. I lost count after one. It's been a few weeks, I guess. I really wanted to make this journal formal like. I always heard about those historic journals in the Discovery and History Channels. How those great figures somehow documented their lives day to day. Well, the date'll have to do. Who else is reading this thing but me, anyway?

Just got back from the healer chick today. I don't know how I exactly remembered how to find her. After seeing Chase at the Inn...I just walked. And there I was. I never thought I could actually do that!

She wasn't blue this time. What is her DEAL?! Goes to show you how shotgun her life is. The kind of life I wish I had. Full of eventful stuff. Life's boring for little old me. She's prettier than I imagined, though. And cooler, too!

Well, now that I bought this sketchy-sketchbook...I can doodle too. Bwaha! Hooray doodles! I can't believe Wyatt's dating that girl, Mack. How'd he snag such a hottie?! In seconds flat?! Well, Wyatt is amazing. Always looked up to the big guy.

But looking up and comparing are different things. And I do a bit of both. GAH! Why do I feel like I've fallen behind or something?! I shouldn't think like that. Why do I think like that?! DAMNIT!

Speaking of thinking like that...Schway-Schway(Lain) totally punched me last night. Hence, the healer. Not like I'd EVER forget that. It was my first violent...anything. That wasn't choreographed, that is. I've...never been punched before. The healer said she broke my FRIGGIN nose. At least it's all fixed. Rhy'Din always did make things better.

Now? My life makes the MATRIX seem like boresville. And I loved that movie! Mmmm, trenchcoats....

But even here and now, I feel the same. And a bit worse. I wonder if they presumed me dead yet at home? How many would go to my funeral?

There I go with emo thoughts again. But seriously, I really want to know! Is it wrong to smile at how much my mom and dad must be freaking out about this? And is it even more wrong to think that my brother is crying too? I know that if my brother went missing, I wouldn't cry. I'd laugh. And wonder what took him so long.

What with being a drug dealer and total loser. At least I tried and go to school. Wait! I got out of doing those stupid essays! SWEET!

No more teachers, no more books!


Date: 2008-04-30 09:20 EST

Hooray dog walking! It's not a bad job. Not as bad as I presumed it would be. I guess it's loads easier to cope with when someone like Kazzy is around. She evens the load of dogs, and keeps me distracted with talking.

And when she's not around? It feels like years. When only hours have passed. I realized that last night. What's up with that?!

But of course, a guy has to come into the picture. No less, my friend from Earth. Jordan, of course, digs her. And I'm not sure if she digs him back. The two would make a cuuuuute couple, though!


How could I have missed that!? DUDE!!

The thing made me feel like a rickety old fart! AND I'M ONLY FRIGGIN 19 YEARS OLD! DAAAAAAAAAAH!

Aw. But the thing was SO cute! I want a Sylince plushie now. Really bad. I wouldn't mind squeezing the living hell out of it as I drift to sleep. One of the few happy encounters I've had was with Sylince.

Oh, and Atalanta. She's so nice. I ended up laughing my poor a*s off at Locke the first time I saw him, though. TOTALLY HIS FAULT. He shouldn't have pretended to hit on Mish and be gay then. The limp wrist. Ohhhh, the limp wrist!

It was a riot, though. But...ew. Mish was hitting on me. The blue killer man was friggin' undressing me with his eyes! I want so badly to stand up and tell him.. "There's nothing nice under these, douche! I'MMA FATSOOOO!"

But noooo. MOLESTING!! B'AH!!! >_<

He's sooo fugly, man. The confidence does add some sort of allure to him. BUT HE'S FRIGGIN UGLEH!! How did...? Why does...? WHY DO SOME LADIES GO FOR THAT MAN!!??!?! AGGGGGH!

I hate women more and more. They're idiots. Total idiots. To bang him?! WTFFFFFF? Whatev.

Time to sleep with Kazzy. Woooo! She's already out. Stone cold sleep. Wait. Okay, I just kicked her to one side. She's long gone. Getting up is going to suck tomorrow. Kaz had the most effective...but most horrid ways of getting me up in the morning.

I won't go into details now, though. SHLEEPEH TIME!


Date: 2008-05-05 13:14 EST

Whoa whoa whoa.


She, like, toootally poofed into the Inn.

I Never got to meet her In Real Life. She's prettier in person! I'm so relieved I have my homie with me through all this. I was beginning to feel awful lonely. Even with Kazzy and Lain...Nothing'll match up to what we have. Shana and I, that is.

This dude, Danny, keeps talking me into feelin' pretty. Morgan was hitting on the poor thing when I left. THEY SO BANGED! Morgan will owe me ten bucks by the time I see her next. Heeeere's hoping!

I clued her in on the score. On how Wyatt's dating Mack. On how..well...I'm friends with Lain. And this chick named Kazzy.

How this all went down? It all just...fell into place. Didn't anticipate any of this. What'll she do about Pauly-Poo?

Oh, well. She's sleeping like...dead asleep right now on my bed. I snuck onto the couch so my writing or snickering wouldn't wake her up. Kazzy was totally...looking stupid.

We missed out appointment to walk the pooches. Crap. We're screwed. Kazzy was supposed to be up by now. I should've woken her up. Damn.

Oh lord...Feckin Clover was in the Inn being the louse she is. Buh. BUH I SAYYYY! Sons of bitches.;AJFDLISJ;AJSLJAS

That's how mad she makes me. Curses.

Wish I could grow up and walk it off. But I can't. Oh well.

I'll have Shana to keep me company.


Date: 2008-05-05 16:37 EST
So I stoled your book. You're out.. someplace and you left me here. I'm too lazy to go exploring right now.

I miss my cat. :(


Date: 2008-07-29 19:51 EST
This friggin book's polluted with sketches, comments I don't remember writing, and stains of random drops of alcohol.

Well yeesh!

Guess I just use this blasted thing for blueprints, designs, and alterations.

Work's been hectic.


By golly, uberly abused book, I'll tell you!

So, I was looking at all the Earthen stores that are the new thrift stores and trading posts. I dubbed them that, because I can. So...yeah.

I was in one of those, right? And I walk out to sit at a bench outside of it. I'm relishing my spoils~!

That day's grand total of finds:
-"A Clockwork Orange" Poster
-Multicolored thong sandals
-A DVD of "Batman". The 1989
-Half used erasers

Total spent: 19 Crowns!

How awesome is that?! Oh wait, tangent.

So, I was celebrating by smiling at my stuff. Then, while putting the poster of Clockwork Orange away, sketchy (Yes, sketchbook, that's your new name!) fell on the floor opened.

Like anything out of plan, I panicked. Cursing, rushing, and frantic like, I picked up. But this dude saw some drawings I had on there.

They saw my sketch of Alain in there. He looks more like a magician since I stylized the crap out of his hat. Oh, and I had him posed and angled in a non-Alain way.

But yeah. The guy digged my stuff. Carefully, I showed him more of you on request. Thennnn, by the end of that day, I walked back to the Inn with you and a job!

He wanted me to draw him a picture of himself, in my style. So I did, right? And gave it to him. SCORED 100 CROWNS.

Then, he showed it to his friends. Who happened to be rich. Or richer than me. Either one.

And next thing I know, I get stopped all the time in the marketplace with someone who knows my name. I'm no celebrity, but I'll admit that I feel like my name's getting tossed around in money-making circles.

No big money though. Just small 100 crown-ers or 200 crown-ers for a drawing, poster, or name design.

One time though, this really nice lady gave me 1,000 crowns for like...drawing her while socializing with her.

Sure she was old, but hey, she must've been lonely. And paid me to work and talk! It was nice. Hooray for that!

Unfortunately, I don't walk those dogs anymore. At least, Kazz never wakes me up anymore. I still have that Jordanly bastard mooching off of my room in the Inn.

I can't say much though, I'm not even paying for it. I'm hoping not to pay for as long as I can since I can barely pay to eat and sustain myself as it is.

Yes, I splurge on knick knacks, but I pinch my pennies.

Hell, even when I do that, they pinch me the hell back.

Which sucks.

But hey, Sketchy!

You're filled with random comments, sketches, and designs. Sorry for the smears on your cover!

It adds character, I promise!


Date: 2008-08-13 04:31 EST
August Something

Yeah. Painting's done.

The rich yuppies'll love it. I made it all bright colored, pretty, and idealistic.

Dynamic positioning. Good subject matter.

Flowers. Damned flowers.

Nice green vines. Just like the ladies wanted.

Then they'll tell their friends. Then their friends will tell their friends.

They've started inviting me to dinner parties...Even lending me their dresses to dress appropriately for their silver spoon bullshxt.

It's kind of sickening. Kind of nice.

Silver platters. Stone faced butlers. That world is nice to visit.

As poor as I am, I'd rather not be in that world.

But I want some of their pie, to be sure!!!

I should really get to sleep.

I have to go to their pretty little luncheon to present it to the woman and all her friends. I get a golf clap applause.

Hopefully, if I'm lucky....I get more paintings to paint. More money to get.

More luncheons to "Special Guest" appear at. And more businessmen Husbands hopefully.

I prefer designing logos as opposed to paintings. Logos are more productive.

They're gifts that keep on giving. A painting is too, but to family members who will get it as a hand me down. Or as inheritance.

Inheritances don't give me crowns. Recommendations, appointments, presentations, and luncheons do.

I hate them. But I play along enough for nobody to know but me.

Annnnd whoever else I tell.

Like you, Sketchy! Man, is it late!

Late enough to know I should sleep. My alarm's set, though. So I'm good to go.

I wonder whatever happened to that blue giant guy that kept me company when the Epic-looking Dragons were at that tea joint?

He was nice. But...not really my thing. I'm not into blue guys. I'm picky. I know I shouldn't be.

But I am. Le sigh!


What's sad is I know I'm not a picture perfect type either. But I demand it of those who I'll give my heart to. I reallly need to kill off that habit.

I really, really, really, really, really DO....

Ugh. Oh well. I haven't seen him in ages. Must've gone off doing whatever.

Eh. Good for him. At least I'm good to go if I'm in any sort of scrap.

It's nice to know a strong big guy's on your side. Wyatt's busy being in love with Mack. And being her Knight in Shining Armor.

Armor, Lumberjack flannel. Same difference.

They're adoooorable. And were nice enough to give me a call. It was awesome seeing those two again. Poor Mack and her leg. I hope she gets better soon. I'll have to ask Wyatt how that happened.

I don't know the girl well enough to ask her myself. I have no cajones when it comes to that. Who knows? What if it's a sensitive matter? What if I offend? And make an enemy....

Worse. TWO enemies.

Nooot good. I'd rather that not happen.

Oh well. It's a good thing I bought new clothes the other day. Professional looking ones. Laura always said I look good in that stuff.

Tailored style? Eh. I prefer comfy. But that's not the deal with being a girl.

If you're not miserable in your outfit? You're a dyke. Ugh. Whatever.

Look the part, get the money, buy stuff. Pay the room's rent.

I need to get those comic books I saw at the Earthen Store! Who knows who'll buy it at this point!

My collection of home will never be complete. But I'm getting happy with the stuff I've got so far.

For example, I love this Fight Club shirt I got. It's already pretty damaged, so I don't feel bad painting with it on. Wheee!!!!

And I got a cabby hat! Well, found it. Well, sticky fingered it. If you know what I mean, sketchy.

It was 2,000 CROWNS!? How the hell will I cough that up for a hat? A *HAT*?!

Yeah. No. For that, I'll pickpocket. And pay that in other things I'll buy there over time. It's not like I'm stealing business. I'm going there all the time. They know my name now. And the guys there are pretty nice.

Whatever. I like it here.