Topic: Screwdrivers are the Dickens


Date: 2008-04-17 16:00 EST
Great. There goes my pride. The once proud fact that I could hold my liquor was now proven null.

Damn. Why was I so wound up? And why did my Puerto-Rican parents embed in my brain that liquor was the only way to unwind?


Oh well. Doesn't matter. I'm at a faraway place now. Intoxication, whatever motherf*cker it is, has the strings. I don't even know what I'm doing.

I'm just watching. The sane, overly-controlling side of me was buried under the gallons of alcohol I drank. Cursed Screwdrivers.

It's dark. I shouldn't be out and about. But I drank myself out of such rationalities. I'm laughing at walls existing. I giggle when I bump into one of those walls I forgot to remember existed.

I wore someone else's jacket I unrightfully stole from the rack on my way out of the Inn all those many moments ago. What the hell time was it?

Then, I'm answered. Wait. Was that fourteen times?!

Course it wasn't. I've never been this drunk before. I'm just making up stuff. Yet, the bottom slump arrives on my trip.

I start feeling amplified depression. The kind even *I* block out of my sober thoughts. Yep, I'm pathetic. Yep, I'm never getting laid. And yep, it's all my fault. Brought this all upon myself.

I laugh, but would sniffle LOUDLY every once in a while. Then sneeze. Ew. I forgot to bring tissues. Of course I would.

I found my own emoness hilarious. So many different halves of me would play tug-of-war over putting in a thought. The confident side would laugh and promise things would get better. The emo side would watch in shame. The proud side would grow upset and yell at me.

I have way too many faces. The characters I made that live in this place...Rhydin. They don't help at all.

I would giggle, sniffle, and let out a decent bellow in the streets. I'm so getting killed tonight. But I can't stop. I'm not in control.

The screwdrivers are. The vodka is. How many did I have to drink again?


Date: 2008-04-28 12:32 EST
Oh great. Allergies.

Sneeze. Stagger. Sneeze. Stagger. SNEEZE!

Then, the pattern ends. I stumble to the ground. On my hands on knees, I scrape them. Reddish stains are visible on my jean shorts. I curse. Yet, I'm laughing again. Sneeze while on the ground.

Like being punched to a pulp, I'm sneezed into oblivion. Further and further into the ground I'm pommeled. By myself. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT?!

Loud sniffles and disgusting wipes of my nose follow. Sniffles everywhere. Loud, obnoxious sniffles.

I would move, but it hurts to my. The moving joints of my knees are bloody and sting. I hiss at them.

"F*cking hell.." Slurred, I curse aloud and proud. Mismatching giggles are with my cursing. More Spanish. Nobody here would understand.

Slurred crappy American Spanglish? Ha. That's just sound and slurs with hints of some words in between.

I start to crawl. I can't stay still. Staying still made things move funny. Moving funny can mask that fact to myself.

I somehow get myself to stand. Even standing, I hug the walls. Pitter-pattering my palms against the grimy, greased bricks of the building, I slide along. Where will I sleep tonight? Worse yet...where the hell will I wake up?

Will I even wake up after all this? The thoughts of death make me giggle. And sneeze. Sniffle. Sneeze.

I'm slamming into walls with my sneeze, sniffling only to be stolen by another sneeze.

I'm filthy. I'm sneezing. And I'm drunk.Man, I'm SOOOO dead. Yet, that only makes me laugh. And sneeze some more.

I must be allergic to Rhy'Din.


Date: 2008-07-29 19:35 EST
Inside out...Upside down twisting inside myself....

Wait a second. Was that a song? That voice....

Sure as hell wasn't Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson?! I can't define just why it was so funny, but at least it stopped the damn sneezing!

Glasses kept on falling though when my head felt more like a bobble head. It was sooo heavy. And my eyes just kept on wanting to close. Where in the damn hells was I?! I need my bed. Time to sober up!

Ah but it wouldn't be so easy. Ha, easy! I know someone who's easy....It ain't me, though! More laughing was inspired there. Now where exactly was the Inn from here....?

Thought processes were destroyed when I heard someone's steps join mine in echoing. Oh shizz. Who is that? A murderer? Rapist? Pillager? Robber? Or an outlandish mix of both!?

The one outlandish thing I noticed was all those damned tattoos. How much did those suckers cost?! And oh, how they all must've hurt! Must've damn well taken FOREVER to heal...I bet it must've sucked. More laughter from me, but it was strangled into breathing sounds.

Those were some niiice legs too that I saw. I couldn't stand up straight for the life of me. Ha. Standing?! Not happening. Nope.

But they were a chick's. Major bummer. Even drunk, I couldn't imagine fooling with those ladies. They're crazy! I should know, I hate 'em!

But wait a minute. Boots? Those boots look like the ones I've always wanted. The ones that are simple from far away but cool in design up close. They sure had some mileage.

Black finger nails?! Why am I starting to panic? I think there's something I should have realized by now that I haven't yet. Something in my gut tells me to run. Or to look up and rationalize my way out of certain paina nd death and other uncool things.

I don't want to die. I don't wanna! I don't wanna!

Finally, here comes the words. Let 'em rip, Momo!

"Uh...'scuzzze mee." I giggled before I could stop myself from letting it come out. Why were giggles so quick?! They were worse than ninjas!

Then, the girl answered quick. Quick enough to startle me into looking up at who I had the pleasure of humiliating myself in front of...

"You're excused. Don't I know you?"

Quickfix sober, thy name is Rainbow hair.

This MUST be a hallucination. I giggled anyway.