Topic: Confrontations

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-29 01:22 EST
Here we will have battles to come.edward will rise, and who will fall t his will?

Will V be able to with stand her past and come out alive? Will she go off and face this foe alone?

In the end, you're always by yourself. You're all you've got. That's the point.

Or will the allies ride to her aid?

Will love be this vampires down fall?

Personal affection is a luxury you can only have after
all your enimes are eliminatnated.Until then,everyone
you love is a hostage,sapping your courage
and corrupting your judgement.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-29 01:26 EST
When facing death does one run? Or does one turn and face down death ?

But then how do you fight death? This is a question many mortals have. But yet I am not mortal.I have not been mortal in over six hundered years. How do immortals deal with death?

For most of us,the older we get, the more years that pass the more death we see, we watch our familes die,our friends,neighbors,allies all die slowly. Some slower than others. The only ones who stick around are fellow immortals, not always fellow vampires.

Immortals can die. They can be killed, they can sarcifice themselves for those they love. Vmapires die in many ways. All as I have come to find die differenly. Some vampires can not walk in the light of the sun and doing so would kill them. Fire,is another death sentance for some of my kin. Holy water and the cross work on old vampires, older than myself. Ones tied to religion and a god. A stake to the heart, a time old classic that can and will kill some,but not all. Beheading,that is a time honored classic, that will work for anything,mortals and immortals a like. I do not beileve that in this realm or any other that anything could survive that.

Death comes for us all,and we wait for it.Many of us fight it. I would have likely lived till my early thrities then sickness and death would have taken me.France was not always the place it became.

I am not damned,nor was I saved. Elliot gave me this life,this immortality,what I have done with it is of my own doing. My soul has always been my own, tainted as it might still be.

We all fear death, even immortals. Though none would say that out loud. It stalks us at every moment, and we stak it right back. Most of the other vampires in this city and in this realm and others feed on d eath.Blood is death and life. Death for those who have it and life for those of us who take it.

It comes down to blood first and last,it comes to blood, we both need it,we live off of it humans and vampires. Just in very different ways. Its hard yes to resist the temptation of blood,human blood.Flowing thick and rich over out teeth and touge, how it fills you,the warth lasts only for so long then dies as the heart dies.Any sane vampire can not go long with out it,many can and do eat human food,but that only keeps the craving at bay,and yes there is animal blood,pig,goat,sheep,deer,rats even.. but they dont last you as long. Its also an aquired taste.

We are souless,facelss shadows in the night, least some of us are that.

I have only met a hand full of demons,vampires and the like who can walk in day light with out some sort of protection..most I met in Nosogh, those half breeds, part vampire part angel...who easily blend. I met a few others two or three who could walk in the sun but needed a heavy coat or sun glasses or even the help of a well trained mage to mask their demonic nature from the flames of the sun.

For all my soul I know nothing of god. I was never one to follow religion,if there is one,he or she gave up on me long ago. Thoguh I know with out any shadow of a doubt that I have a soul,for any time I feel that need to kill a human I can feel it burning inside of me like a torch.

Though I know not of god.I know something of the devil nd of hell. Every demon,vampire and alike has his or her own version of hell. Just like every mortal. And we all know a devil,maybe not one of flame and forked tounge but of flesh and bone. Edward DeShard is the devil I know.. and his imps are the clans now bled to be one Makariy and Ahati now one group they have been calling themselves Mak'Ahati an d they are led by Nate and Vlad. I know they have some numbers now, even if the two I met are long dead. When I left France and the Earth realm Makariy was Vlad,Alec,Willaim and Martin. Ahati was Nate,Rosaia,Jacob and Lily. If the whispers of the assassins I have killed is true there are twenty new members to Mak'Ahati.

The assassins are not real members just hired guns,trying to earn a way in.Most have ended up dust and bone ,blood for the cobblestone of Rhydin.

This is the battle ground.This city,full of blood.It will not be easy.Edward will not fight fairly.he will not come alone, he will come armed to the theeth and beyond. I have trained,months and months of training will dull down to one night.I can taste it on the air,so thick with blood. He is here, preparing,hiring more to his cause. Causing Rhydins citizens to have more to fear than they already do. This city will be bathed in blood once more, and before its all over I know I will face him. The eldest of the DeShards. The family may come with him,Joseph,D and Greg. And whom ever else might have become one of them..

Edward once said I would have to return to them, to the fold that I would have no other choice. My choice is to fight them with everything I have..and die if I must to protect those who I love. They are like family to me, more than friends...

I know the night will come soon,and when that night comes I will be here again in this city.. awaiting the end.If it is mine or theres... only time will tell.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-29 14:49 EST
Ancient,older than dirt.

The word vampire has been around longer than any are likely to recall. How it came to be,I do not know. It is likely that the firsat vampire that ever walked is now dust. Or maybe thats seeing the glass to empty perhaps he or she is still alive some where in the old world gone new.
I have met many vampires over my years, All very different. Some clans,some families,some nomads. Some evil,some good, some,some where inbetween. I may never know where the word began.But I know my history,both my mortal history and my immortal history as it is still slowly being written.

Six hundred years and change. Yet I look as I looked when I was twenty. My hair raven black,my face smooth and unmarked. My eyes though tye did chnage, gone from bright blue to violet and sometimes ruby toned. It is likely that I will never gaze at myself and see those blue eyes again. Some find my eyes now beautiful,some find them fierce. In any case that alone did change.

The day light plays here across the valleys of green grass ,the shadows dance and the realm feels balanced,pure and powerful. This is not my realm not my tower or my world. But it has become my home. The home I knew in France is long gone,who knows what has become of the little foundation thatw a sleft of the Thomas farm house. But Nosogh has become a home to me. My heart is here,my soul.

A vampire in love. Not such a new notion, for we are capable of love,of deep and bidning love. Lust is somehting all creatures know, as I believe love is as well. If my heart could beat,it would beat for Rune. I would give my life for his,I would do anything..

Being here makes me feel balanced,powerful.In Rhydin i feel like the creature I am the blood the pople they stir me down to my soul. The hunt,though I hunt my own kind, those assassins sent to bring me to Edward. Here I feel safe,loved.

Those assassins those murderers in the dark. They come for me, to bring me alive,barely alive at that to Edwards feet. So that I might beg him for death. He does not want me dead he wants me apart of the fold again,part of his'great' family once more.And he will do anything to have me there,kill anyone to get me there. I know he would try to capture Rune if he could. And now that Rune is coming to Rhydin simply for me makes it even more dangerous. I love him,and if Edward did capture him he would torture him till I came... and then would not stop till I signed over myself to him.

When the fight comes,that abttle.It will come hard and fast.It will be bloody and many will die.Edward will not fight alone, no he will call upon the clans,and his humble 'great' family to fight with him. So I too must now go to those who have become my fmaily,my friends to ask them again for their help.They trained me, never agve up.Pushed me harder than I have ever been psuhed and now again i must go tot hem ask them if they will stand with me in this fight. I do not know what they will say. They have familes young children some, and I would not risk them dying upon my behalf.

The fight will come one way or another. I will stand alone if I must.. I will die if that is what it takes. But I will take Edward with me in to hell.

Nothing ventured nothing gained,so yes I will go again to the king and his wife.To their allies and family to ask for help in this battle. Rune would come willingly with me.I do not know if I wish to risk the man I love in this battle. Or if I am willing to risk anyone at all...

I did not begin this fight.Elliot began it,the hunter who kille dhim began my slow decent,and there for after that I was what I was. Ewdward has never been able to let go. He did not start his 'great' family his wife did.He has just held on to it... the old ways...

For now I bathe in the muted sunlight outside the tower.. soon... so soon the fight will come to me.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-29 15:17 EST
To truly know me one must know everything I have gone through. To in someways understand it as well. Its hard to get to know someone even as an immortal you have maybe sevetny good years to get to know any mortal. But then again,at some point mortals start cursing you for your youth, and some even beg you for immortality.

I have never changed anyone.Sired. A sire,a parent. How odd that its never like that at all. Yes some sires will take newborns under their wing,teach them,trian them. But others, others will not. Then there are some sires you wish to know nothing from. Sometimes your left little choice "Vous n'aura pas d'autre choix." Such odd words that I echo now.

Souless,faceless,life with out breath, without heart. There are some words for us. Vampire kin. Though,these words are more befitting of Edward and the DeShards ,along with the clan. Many vampires are souless. For the moment our mortallity was over we became a monster, look up vampire in any olf world text and you will see us, a faint picture of that faceless, souless monster. We need no breath,though many of us do bretahe,ina way, we can take in air to scent it,see whats floating around.But we dont need to breathe,but the sense of sell really does help. It also helops to act like your breathing amoung mortals. People as odd as they are, pay attention to these things

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-29 15:19 EST
We just take it,we hunger for it, crave it, with out it we cease to be. Its in our nature to hunt, kill,feed. Some of us enjoy it more than others,just as humans do. Some humans enjoy to kill. This I have found.

Some of us enjoy causing pain,incling fear,tromenting and torturing our prey just as we do. Here not all are of the same cloth.Every vampire like every mortal,elf and every other being is different some how, some very slightly. But for the clans and DeShards Blood is the one thing they can not go with out, human blood. A few days, maybe. But no longer than a week. Yes they too enjoy wine, and other food.But it does not and shall not satafiy them.

The allue is powerful,drink or die.

Even for me. The scent of human blood, the knowing.I once enjoyed it too. And can not say I have lost all taste for mortals...that is why I am very careful. Edward knows this weakness. It is one I have been fighting for the better part of my immortal life. Just one taste and I might fall off the wagon again.

This is what it is to truly know me. You must be in my world,in this place.To understand me. And if perhaps you lived forever you may never truly know me. There are parts of me that are deeply hidden. Parts that none have seen for an age. These are the parts Edward and his great family will attack.For they once knew me, and although I have changed in someways, in others I am always the same.

Erotic,Exotic and somehow horrible.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-30 00:40 EST
The year was 1487,and at this time I was still maried to Elliot. Yes our marriage lasted longer than any might have thought, we dwelled for a little over two hundred years together. From the moment he made me in 1382 till the summer rains came in 1582.

That was the year he betrayed me, the month was mid July. The rains were falling,the summer rains in the country side. I had no idea then at that time what Elliot was sup to, leaving to go hunting he said with his father, but really it was a cover story. He was going off to find a woman a mortal woman for the night. I was left to my 'unnatural' hunting of animals. Yes,it was by this time I had not had human blood for almost a year. So much had changed.

Too call myself navie would be stupid, some part of me knew, some part of me always knew but I couldnt bring myself to say it out loud.He was cheating,I knew it.But I didnt want to believe it.

I had gotten used to being alone in the manor,though alone would be a far strech of the word.There were the servants, alwas very aware of me. But it wasnt he same,lonelyness seeped in to my bones.I found myself alone often, with Elliot gone.

I found myself desriing to be with someone,someone besides him. 'You know, hes lying to you.' I'd heard myself think out loud unable tor ead the book in my lap any more. ' You know hes off some where with someone else.'

The lonelyness bit at me,like snakes, and each strike made me weaker by the moment, So weak and tempted to go after humans, even the innocnet humans that served me daily. Yet Elliot even away kept track of me, D would pop by, or Edward. I would always be sure to be well fed and not show my weakness.

In my mind every immortal is alone, no matter if they are apart of a coven or not. Even in the cold hard waste of eternal life,you end up alone. I always wondered why mortals were so myserible all the time. Now I understood, being alone, with out anyone to truly come home to or lay with, was worse than death.

Most immortals spend their lives alone, yes go they can go from coven to clan, to mate and mate again. But we are normadic creatures, many could not stay in one place for too long. I know now there are great execptions,like the Alcars. They are the very oppoisite of the DeShards, though much more powerful in all senses of the word than any of the DeShards could dream.

Lonelyness bit at me for a long time, until the day the hunter came with Elliots head, then rage ripped forth.I should have left long before that day,I should have walked away. Yes they would have come after me,but I had know for so long that something wasnt right. It just took seeing her, the hunter with his head in her hands to push me off the edge.

From then on I was a monster. Till the night I met Cian and crawled in my hole. Now at last I will not run, I will face down the devil I know and burn the DeShards to the ground.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-30 00:42 EST
Theres always one thing you cant escape. For most its death, it comes for us all and we wait. For me.I should have died long ago.Elliot was justa mishap, a mistake. No ones supposed to live forever. It should have happened long ago,when france was still old, still plagued with war and all sorts of famon and desease.

It should have happpened then.I often wonder how things would be diffferent if Elloit and I had never met if I had not become a vampire. I would have likely conitnued my work at the loom nd at the club till I could no lobger work at either then too I would hevbeen there to see my partents before they died, I would have retired tot he little farm house andlived out my days as long as they could last.

I suppose any one whos ever been saved from death wonders why. And wonders what would have been if they had not been. But I can not go back,in some ways I think I would want to know, and it others I am grateful for what I know now beacuse of my immortality. It is not a simple task living forever, you soon elarn that no matter what your going to live it alone, no matter who passes through your life.

Mortals die, and immortals dont keep much company. It wasnt till Rune and his great family that that all changed for me. As an immortal you have all the time int he world to aquire things, power,knowledge,money. Centuies of time. All immortals have is time, many fill it with,blood and realtions that dont last long. But there are some that fill it with family,music,and the gaining of great knowledge.

At some point that time starts to run thin,dangerous are everywhere. The tick of the clock becomes something you cant stand any longer. I have heard many of my kin have ended their own long lives to finally gain some sleep, eternal rest.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-04-30 01:32 EST
The thick forest towered overhead, the rain had just stopped, but the pines held the moisrure and let little drop fall to the ground, the oaks soaked up what they could and more drops fell. The ground was wet,not quite mud under my bare feet. I looked down, my feet were bare? It was rare that I went bare foot anywhere,unelss in Nosgoth, and this forest was not Nosgoth, no it was to foreign.

The smell was a mix of pine and wet soil. I looked to the trees to the sky fileld with bright stars.Where was I? I was dressed to hunt, to patrol. In black and dark blue,my arms bared to the cold whisp of wind that graced the trees and low lying ferns.

I could not see my breath,even as I breathed out. Taking in the scent again, earth,rian,pine,soil.And something else, a deep musky sent, then the muled sent of tanned leather. There was another scent on the wind,not human. The blood that ran there was ancient. I took a defensive stance, noting now how well armed I was, daggers,my sword and that pendant I wore the color so vivid it lit up the space I was in.

The scent of musk,tanned leather and that immortal blood came close I was ready, I was ready for anything. The face that I saw was not the one I had thought. No it was not Elloit, nor Edward nor any of the DeShards no. It was Cian,his skin as alabaster as my own, his eyes ruby, fraed by his long tawny hair. He was in black leathered pants and a white button down shirt,left open, he was unarmed, around his neck he wore the cross many hunters wore, simple and silver.

I recoiled. This was not real. Cian had grown old had children and grand children, Willow had spoke of one names Julieck that was of the Winters clan. I stared at the man, it was Cian, there was no doubt in my mind that it was him. He didnt speak, he pointed off through the trees then like mist he was gone. I started walking, the way he had pointed, the trees started to thin and a field opened up before me. The grass was tall, to my ankles. The wind was softer now, blowing in the scent of the wet grass, the woods beyond.

"Vanessa." A voice came, it sounded like it was every where at once. I knew the voice. It was Runes voice. "Rune?!" My voice echoed,bounced off the trees rolled over the grass land. "Vanessa." The voice came again. I looked right,left,straight and behind me and there was no sign of him. "Rune?" I called again.

Then far in the distance I saw him, his back to me his blue hair caught in the wind, he didnt turn to look at me. I started running for him.I never had to think about running it was second nature but when I got to where he had been he was gone.

"V." The voice this time cut through me like daggers. I turned to see Nate standing there with his new clan. Makariy, the whole clan was there Vlad, Nate,Lily,Rosaia,Alec,Willaim Martin. ,Jacob and about thrity or so behind them their faces unknown to me to me. But then I saw him,behind them a few paces behind held by three vampires,three of the assassins I was so used to seeing in Rhydin. Rune. My herat if it could beat would have stopped at that moment. I drew in harsh breath.

"Look what we found." Nate said smirking. "Edward wants to see you." He pointed off the other way along the tree line. I could almost feel the DeShards staring at me. "Let him go."I looked back and Vlad chuckled, " No..." I growled.

"Youd better follow what I tell you V." Nate smirked, "Go to Edward, and once hes had his talk with you will let your pet go."

"If you harm him I'll break every bone in your body." Nate knew it was no threat that it was a promise. I stalked off to meet my doom. I didnt want to think of it, if I didnt come back what they would do to Rune. Of coarse I knew. I saw Runes eyes, I looked back at him with all the love in the world. If this was to be my last fight my last moment. I would not leave with out words unspoken between the two of us. I turned my back,dreading the moments to come.

I walked through the trees the path laid out before me and there they were.Edward,D and Greg. But no Joseph. I looked for him, but he wasnt there. I wondered where he might be,if he was waiting some back up gropu or if he was not here after all.

Edward smiled,and looked me over. " You look good Vae." He stepped closer and I growled.

"Now now,behave or I'll have Nate kill your boy toy and you'll watch." I growled more. "Leave him out of this." They all chuckled, "I cant do that,you see he knows too much, but if you come home with us now, back to our old home that is will leave him alive."

I shook my head. " Never." Greg smirked, "Bring the boy over please." It took Six vampires to drag Rune over as he fought against them. I looked at him,I had brought this upon him. I mouthed 'Im sorry', to him.

Then there was a sudden howl, and a trio of Lycans burst in. I could hear fighting behind me, in t he field, the zap and thrust of magic and the sound of swords. I rushed in right to Edward just as he was going to kill Rune and knocked him back. His dagger went right through my side, but that wouldnt phase me any as the allies fought for me I fought for Rune. I lost track of him.

I spun around looking for him and there was nothing but blackness.


"Rune!" Light filled her eyes as she sat up in bed. It was daylight, and the scent that filled her was the scent of the tower, the sweet scent of Rune, lillac and leather bound books. But Rune was not there, yet there was a note.

"I've gone over to see Darkmere and Ghallon, when you at last awake, come join us all for some food."

She pressed the paper to her nose, taking in his scent. The sent of the ink and paper mixed in. And then hurried to dress. Then hurried down towards the castle. Telling herself the whole way, that it was all a dream.A horrible nightmare. I bounded downt he steps of the tower,two three ata time, rushing to the castle, pulling on my boots as I went, I didnt want to seem crazy but I had to see him, I had to make sure it was all a dream.

She went down stairs, in to the castle, right to the dinning room.

Jades brows rose at V as she came rushing in to the dinning room. Willow,Ghallon, Raz ,Gabe, Anala and another women V had never met all sat at thew table along side the brooding king and Jade. And the children were there too, Warner, Azura and Angel. "Good morning V." Jade smiled, " come to join us for breakfast?" She motioned to the table but V noted the one person who wasnt there. " Wheres Rune?"

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-04-30 13:29 EST
Darkmere glanced up as V ran into the dinning room, before nodding his head in greeting. And was about to greet her as well, before she asked about Rune. He glanced to Jade for a moment, then back to V.

"He said something about going to Rhy'Din." He trailed off, already knowing that little bit of information would spur V to take off.

He glanced to Jade. "Go help her look.. and find Lang and Hera. Tell them to help out as well." He knew somethign was wrong, but didn't know what at the moment.


Rune slowly made his way into the city, wearing his white cloak. Golden staff in his left hand and a sword hidden under his cloak. He was ready for a fight, as he knwe at any moment. He could be attacked, just for being a friend of Vanessa's.

But he was more than a friend to her. He was her mate and her lover, even if they had not taken that step as of yet. He also knew he could be, if captured could be used against her. He would no go down without a fight.

Many concider love a weakness, other concider it a strength. He was in the latter, as ever since Vanessa chose to be with him. A mortal, no matter how powerfull he was. Her love made him stronger, as his love made her stronger. Showing her she was not the monster she had lone though she was.

He slowly looked around for a moment, as a shiver ran down his spine. He was being watched and followed. Right hand slide silently over to the hilt of his sword. With his left hand curling a bit tighter around the golden staff.

Without warning, he turned around sword drawn. Slashing one of his followers across the chest, getting a hiss from the vampire. He took quick note of the crest. DeShard. So he had been right in who was stalking him.

"So.. You cowardly poor excuse for vampires finall grew a pair. Where's your sorry sxcuse for a leader?" Poitning the golden staff at the male. He didn't care for names at the moment.

If they wanted a fight with him. They found it and he was ready for it to start, reguardless of the out come. If he died, he'd die on his feet. If he was captured.. He'd take as many as he could down with him.

He knew the moment Vanessa or any of his other family found out what happened.. They would hunt these DeShards down, and kill every single one of them.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-01 00:57 EST
"Rhydin..." V tooka breath just one and shot out of the door, with Jade in close prusute. Willow nodded to Dark she would help Anala tend to the wee ones while everyone else went out. Jade followed, using the allies pendant to call to Hera and Lang. They were already in Rhydin.


Hera jolted from the roof top, she was in west end and had a very good morning and a rather nice afternoon. The moment night fell all the creeps came out. A few muggers caught a slew of slavers then she felt the pusle around her neck where the pendant of the allies lay hidden. "Time to Go!" She called down to Lang who was talking to the guards men of Rhydin. "We've got trouble." She looked towards the market place, some hwo the fire child just knew. Before Lang could likely even look up she was jumping roof tops.

V passed through the portal with Jade on her heels. V tested the wind for any signs of blood, anything to give her a direction. Jade sniffed the air too. " The market place." They nearly said at the same moment before darting down the dark streets. V held back her worry, and it slowly turned to rage.

~Market place~
The vamp who got too close hissed as the balde crossed his chest. But it would take more than that to kill him. He backed off a touch and the leader of the little stalking group clapped his hands. But he wasnt seen satnding in the sahdows watching the puppets go first.

"Nate told us to be careful,Jarod." He grinned to the Vamp who was already healing, they all wore the clan crest a large M, and also wore the DeShard chest. There were five totally at the moment. Two men two women and one unseen male in the shadows beyond the four. "Capture him, try not to kill him." The orders came and the three went in, the two men and one woman. While the other female stood back.

They advanced looking at him like a meal like a target. They wouldnt kill him, but they could break him. They could break every bone in his body, they all coudl smell the mortality on him, the power of his blood.

~Up Town.~
Hera jumped across the roof tops running till she caught the lypines scent they were at last catching up to Jade. But Hera noted something else too Jade was alone. "Go on a head." She called to Lang as she jumped to the lower buildings. He could track down the vamps and Rune while she went to go see what was holding Jade up.

~Just beyond the portal~

V ran with the lupine on her heels, damning herself for getting Rune and everyone else caught up in this, what if he died? What if they all died? V stopped in ehr tracks then and Jade took a few breaths. "What? What is it?" Then V grabbed the lupines arm. "Forgive me." Jade felt a sudden shock go through her arm and down a cross her body then fell to t he ground knocked to her back side stunned. "V!" She growled but the vampire was already out of sight. "Damn it!"

V ran down the street as fast as she could, she knew Jade would kick her ass later for that, that was if V lived through the night.


Moments passed, it felt like hours, every moment waisted was a moment anyone could die. Not that she didnt know Rune would give the vamps a run for their money .

Jade lay there trying to shake off the magic, but the more she moved the more it hurt. Then she could smell Hera coming, that burnt ember smell.

Hera jumped down and went across the street to see what had the lupine knocked on her backside.There was no sign of V.

When Hera got to Jade the lupine was shaking off the shock. "Jade?" Hera pasued and held put her hand. " What happened ? Where you and V attacked?"

Jade growled and took Heras hand and rose to her feet. "V shocked me, remind me to poke Rune for teaching her magic.Shes trying to be the hero and gonna get her self killed. " Hera grinned. "Come on wolfie lets go hunt some vamps." Jade grinned and shifted in to her wolf form and then she and Hera headed for the sounds that echoed from the market place.

So they ran the lupine and the fire child along the street, Lang some where still on the roof tops and V. Far ahead of them but knowing they would soon be beside her. V had to get to him, before it was too late.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-01 13:25 EST

Lang paused in speaking with the guards, as he felt the same pulse that Hera had felt. He nodded to the two guards, before taking off after Hera. Knowing by the tone of her voice, there was little time to waste. He was soon running along side her.

"Catch you later!" Called to Hera as she moved to see what happened with Jade. As he contineud the roof top jumping. Following the faint scent of V. She was well ahead of them.


"Lackeys.. Figures your leader was to scared to get his hands dirty. Very well. Let's dance." Oddly dispite being outnumbered five to one. He was smirked his arse off. Sword and staff at the ready.

As the nearest vampire ludged at him, the same one he had cut across the chest. Rune turned spinning the staff around to hit hm in the back. Causing him to crash to the crowd.

He barely had time to defend against the other two. Both lashing out, forcing him to take a few steps back. He gritted his teeth as a slash got through, catching him across the chest.

Seeing the glee in the vampire's eyes, he turned slamming the blunt end into the temple of another. While turnning to catch the other off guard. Sword cutting through tendons, muscle and bone.. Blood spray everywhere.

One dead with four to go. The first one recovered and hissed at him before leaping into the air to attack from above. Rune turned and aimmed the staff at him, then channled his energy. The heat around him increased, before lashing out.

A pillar of fire hit dead on, cauing the now burning and screaming vampire to crash to the ground. Rune turned his attention to the last one. Who managed to kick the staff from his hand, sending to flying a few feet away.

Rune cursed under his breath, but started to defend and counter attack. Each landing grazing blows, before he dropped to duck a high slash. Drawing a hidden dagger from his boot, as he then thrusted it up under the rib cage. Implaing the heart, before he stood. Finishing the falling vampire off.

Sword again found it make as he beheaded the last of the lackeys. Now leveling his gaze at the remaining two. " That the best you got! Or do one of you wish to fight me?" Smirking as he was breathing a touch deeper than normal.

He hoped V or one of the other allies would know somethign was wrong and got here fast. He already knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.. Not if both of them attacked.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-01 16:35 EST

As the three went in and were slowly taken out. The one in the shadows ventured in tot he dim light of the lamps of the market.He was tall, his skin olive toned, his hair white and ashy. "Rosaia." A slight accent hung on his words as he spoke to the female with the power of a leader. Rosaia smirked and looked to the mortal, who wished for more. She stepped more in to the lamp light, the flicker of a sword now in her hand. She was rather impressed with the mortal. She hadnt even budged as William,Jarod and Karli were killed. They were just what he had called them lackies. And through the whole fight she was trying to figure out why he would fight so hard for Vanessa. She could see why V would like this mortal, he was handsome, and he had guts, taking on three at once.

As Karli was the last to die and Vlad had given her the order, Rosaia moved in slowly. Smelling his blood on the air, so pure untainted. "You wont survive long." She drew that sword out he would see it better now. A enclosed guard rapier now the red head was crossing towards him quickly. Vlad stood back watching smiling,he could smell V coming feel her rage as she ran through the streets towards them. He knew the mortal couldnt last throgh another two fights.

Rosaia moved in quickly but the wind blew against her and blew Runes staff towards him, some form of magic was in the air. She growled and moved in for the kill. "Rosa, you cant kill him Edwards orders!" Vlad called out as he sensed her anger. She growled more, "I know!" She growled at him not looking back as she moved in jumping in to the air slashing down at Rune from right to left with that sword.


"Blood." Hera looked to the cobble stones under her feet. She pressed the blood between her fingers and smelled it. "This way." She broke off down one of the longer alley ways and Jade was on her heels. She knew V was ahead of them,a few blocks maybe. Hera just hoped V made it there in time.

V ran not looking back or up, she knew where her friends where the lupine and fire child closest on her heels, and the demon some where also close by. All three a few blocks back, she was running at full speed. The smell of blood had filled the air, it was normal to smell blood in Rhydin but this blood was clan blood. The mix of Deshard and Mak'Ahati. And she as she knew Rune would fight them off no matter how many they had sent. But she also knew Edward, his orders would have been simple, "capture the human, do not kill him.I want him alive." She growled as she ran,she knew she was getting closer.

V ran down the alleyways and through the streets cutting her way across the market, running towards the far end of the market place the wind blew in her favor, she knew exactly who was there. "Vlad..." She growled low in her chest. So Edward hadnt been man enough to come himself, no he sent his men in first. She hoped Rune could hold out a few moments longer and shed be there, only two more blocks. "Hold on Rune, I'm coming." Vlad was strong, and likely Edward had sent at least four with him. V knew Edward well,too well he wanted Rune alive, but Edward idnt know anything about Rune he just figured he was some lowly human with no power. V smirked, Rune had power and she knew he was strong.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-01 21:35 EST

He turned to the one called Rosaia, as she stepped out of the shadows. Eyeing her as she was ordered to take the place ofthe now ashed lackeys. He then smirked as a sword appeared in her hand. "Sending a woman to do a man's job. How quiant that the big bad Deshards cower behind others. Very well.. I'll add her to the others." Not daring to show a hint of weakness.

He smirked more to her thinking he wouldn't last longer. Which could be true if it wasn't a fair fight. Oh he could tell these two were better than the three he had just fought. "We'll see." Winking at her.

He braced himself before a touch of wind was felt, whcih got that smirk to deepn. V.. She was closing in on them, he knew it now. Left hand snapped out, catching the staf out of the air. Just in time too, as he brought it up to parry the slash.

It was just enough to put some distance between them. Now thw fight took a much faster pace. This time his sword was sent flying from his hand. Forcing him into a more defencive battle, as Rosaia kept herself between him and the sword.

This didn't look good, as his now tattered cloak was tossed to the side. Soaked in his and vampire's blood. His clothes faired slightly better, then an openning gave him a chance to stike. As Rosaia thrusted her sword at him, he waited till the last moment to parry. He then twisted the staff to crack the back of her legs. Slamming her into the ground.

Another sip leveled it at her head, channeling his energy as he prepared to end her life. All went black before he could finish the spell, causing the energy gathered to simply fade.

Vlad had come up behind him, and using just enough force with a blunt object to crack Rune in the back of the head. Staff left the mage's hand, which was kicked to the side by Rosaia when she stood.

"Let's go before V and her friendss arrived. Edward will not be happy if we are stopped." Vlad glared at Rosaia, who quickly picked Rune up. In the blink of the eye, the two disappeared. Rune had been defeated and captured.

Two blocks away

Lang caught the scent of blood, as he moved from roof top to roof top. The faint scent of vampiric blood spurred him to move faster, before leaping down from the roofs. The only thing that told him that it had to be the DeShard's clan blood. Was that he could just make out V a few blocks in front of him.

In mid run his form flared, allowing his full demon form to take over. His speed doubled allowing him to catch up to Vanessa. "Come on.. Let's go give them hell." Said as he caught up to her. But deep down, the demon just had that gut feeling.. They wouldn't make it in time, but he didn't say it.

One glance at V could tell she had the same gut feeling. Things were going from bad to worse, he felt the slightest bit sorry for Edward. He knew V was going to make them pay for this. And with the fire child and the lupine backing her up. As well as himself, this wouldn't go unpunished.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-02 01:08 EST
Rosaia rose to her feet kicking his staff out of her way it slipped away and knocked in to his sword just within the lamp light. Vlad placed his hand on her shoulder as She lifted Rune with one hand. Then they fled. As they fled they spoke. "You tried your best Rosa." Vlad smirked at her as she brooded. "No mortal has ever lived through my attacks before." Vlad just chuckled, "Dont worry pet, as soon as we meet up witht he others this one will wish he was dead."

Two blocks away

One More Block, V told herself. She had to run one more block, round one corner and theyd be on top of them, the sounds of fighting were fading. The scent of blood flled her nose, immortal and mortal blood. She growled, they would all pay. When Lang joined her in his demon fore he would see the rage on her face, no one had ever seen he like that before, out full vampire, her eyes ruby red and glowing, fangs showing through her growls. She moved so swiftly,like the wind

"Come on.. Let's go give them hell." She had to smirk at him . she wa a going to give them hell, and worse.

V ran the one block, there were no more sounds of fighting. Just blood in the air. She knew they were too late but she didnt stop till she stood in the place Vlad and his company had. She stopped then under the light and lifted Runes sword and staff from the ground. There was blood on the street, vapire blood, no bodies meant that they had poofe din to dust or Rune had made them all ash. But four sets of bloody boot prints led away from where the fight had taken place. "They'ce taken him captive." It was her wrost fear.

The wolf was the first to show, running out of the alley way towards them. She could smell the blood, see it too. Hera out of breath was right behind her. "No more.. running.." She looked to V and Lang and the blood on the street. "Captive.." Hera nearly used the word like a curse word. " Your old pal in to torture?" V growled softly and nodded,she handed Lang Runes staff, but she sheathed Runes sword across her back. He at least could carry it, she wasnt sure what to do with it. "They took him that way." She looked to the bloody boot prints.

Hera looked at the prints and Jade started to follow them. V then started to follow Jade. "They will expecting us." Jade grinned and sniffed on,the tracks led slowly out of the market place and out of town in to the woods. The tracks stopped in the dirt and mud. V smelled the wind, Jade and Hera did too. "This feels a lot like a trap." V nodded, " they would want us to come this way,"She looked in to the woods, " they went right in, carrying Rune." She could see small spots of blood on the ground. "Vlad wants us to follow." She looked in tot he trees and lifted up a rock and tossed it in as it flew past the trees arrows shot out and hit in to the other trees and dirt.

"They set up traps." Hera nodded , " we go around then, they cant have rigged every inch of these woods. " Jade nodded and tilted her head at Lang if anyone of these three could hear her speak in this form, it would be him. ~ I know these woods well,Follow me.~ The lupine started off going the other way, around the long way.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-02 09:29 EST

Lang slide to a stop as they arrived where the fight had taken place, before looking to V as she spoke. He caught the hidden sorrow in her voice to her uttering those words. A moment later he looked to Jade and Hera as they arrived.

Without a word he took Rune's staff from V, with a light nod. Placing it across his back. He then scooped up the tattered white cloak, before turnning to follow the three ladies.

As the moved to follow Vlad, he moved up behind Jade with another nod. He flared the cloak out and drapped it around V. "He'd want you to wear this." Which a moment later she'd see why.

The cloak shifted untill it fit her like a glove, yet didn't hinder her movement. She'd also suddenly feel a faint connection to Rune. He was still alive.

In the woods,

Once Vlad and Rosaia reached there camp there. They set about tying him up, before slapping an odd metal collar on him. It suroressed his magic, before Vlad slapped him awake. "Wake up mortal." He hissed as Rune slowly snapped out of the daze.

Vlad then turned to inform Edward of their capture, as well as to tell him of the fight. Which Edawrd only shrugged to the cost. "They matter not..With this mortal..We'll force V to rejoin us, or we'll kill her pet." Edward then moved over to Rune.

"This is the one that gave you so much trouble? Ha! He doesn't look like he can even fight. You were sloppy out there." A cold smirk as he gripped Rune by the chin. He didn't see why V had chosen to stay with a mortal.

Rune gritted his teeth at the grasp of his chin, before jerking his head free. "How about you let me free, so I can kick your ass all over the forest? Or does seeing me tied up like this turn you on?" Smirking at the male in front of him, as the comment earned him a stiff backhand.

"Silence mortal. You'll die soon enough." Before Edward could leave.. He growled as Rune hauled off and spat in his face. The next few minutes was punishment for the act. As Edward started to use Rune as a punching bag. Punches to the ribs, easily cracking a few of then. Yet Rune just gritted his teeth.

Glaring right into Edward's eyes, refusing to show this man and his clan any signs of pain. Then next round would come as a hard hook to the jaw. Nearly braking it. Once he was done, he turned and started to walk off.

"Make sure there are people out on guard. I am sure V will come running to her pet's aid." Edward smirked as he already knew how this would play out. He would either force V to join them, or he would kill Rune. He would then kill V, letting her die along with this mortal.

Little did the arrogant male know, V had friends with her..but that V also had one other trick up her sleeve. That was Rune, as he closed his eyes. His body racked with pain, but forced his mind to block it out.

He done the one thing he could still do to reach V. He reached out to her mind, with the pendent around his neck. "V..What ever happens to me. Know that I love you. I know you will be here soon." His voice cut off..passing out from the first round of Edward's fun.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-04 01:00 EST
As the moved to follow Vlad, he moved up behind Jade with another nod. He flared the cloak out and drapped it around V. "He'd want you to wear this." Which a moment later she'd see why.

The cloak shifted untill it fit her like a glove, yet didn't hinder her movement. She'd also suddenly feel a faint connection to Rune. He was still alive. She felt him as if he was right next to her, even though the clock took on her form and movements, it felt like he was there, his hands upon her shoulders.

V closed her eyes as the cloak fit around her taking on a sleek form,like her own,yet she could feel Rune,sense him better now. He was alive. He was breathing. "hes alive..." She spoke out loud more to herself than anyone else but Hera heard her. They were wlaking quickly all following Jade around the woods, around the traps. There would be guards, but they would be easily handled soon enough. They were getting close.

In the woods,

After Edward had his fun and passed on over in to the trees. A short,thin,dark haired female vampire came over. She watched carefully,her eyes the tone of ivy leaves shimmered int he dark, the guards had been set out, Nate had sent a few, Vlad the rest. The Deshards were all camped together beyond the line of trees where Rune was tied up. The female came closer,watching the two guards who were supposed to be watching Rune, they eyed her once and she smirked. No one messed with Lily, she was one of the higher ranks, right under Vlad and Nate. Edward had taken a little shine to her as well,for she was so rare.

For when she was mortals he was so plain, so normal. A simple girl,with simple mousy ways, her hair long dark brown her eyes green so very simple. But as a vampire she took on all the traits she had within, she was strong, and dangerous, as well as beautiful. Her eyes were a rare tone, that Ivy Green. D had taken some liking to her as well, enchanting the vampiress with other talents. For ti was D who had all the magic in the DeShrad family. Greg had it as well, but he prefered to use his ways yto sway pretty mortal women to his bed. While D was enjoying being the strongest one in the bunch, even Edward couldnt over power her any more.

Lily walked up to Rune, torn up,bleeding,beaten down and passed out. "Poor mage." She touched his chest and ran a finger along one of the open wounds. She then licked off the finger. "Hmm oh my.." She grinned running her fingers along his bruised chin a d jaw then down over his neck. "So shes tasted you..hmm maybe thats why shes kept you so pure...Hmmm I could change that.."She looked him over, smirking. She leaned in closer. taking in his scent, " so much power,how I would love to see all of it in action." She leaned towards V's marks on his neck and then..

"Lil' " A male voice came. She turned to see Nate watching her, "While I love to watch you torture men as much as any other, this ones off limits.. to you luv." She pouted as she turned, " your no fun," He grinned at her, "maybe you can convince Edward to keep him alive long enough to watch V die, then have your fun." She grinned at that idea. " Hmm yes, well that might be fun." She then stepped away and went towards her guard post.

While Lily tried her best and Nate got her back to wrok Edward was dealing with Rosaia. She was currently on the ground,bloody nose. "You did not do your best work tonight Rosa.." He growled at her, " you almost cost us everything...and you" He looked at Vlad.. " go stand guard." Ouch that had to hurt Vlad just got demoted to guard rather than a high ranking officer. Edward no longer needed him, he hated failure. Edwrad smacked Rosa across the face again as he lifted her from the ground. " Go stand watch over the boy, and Rosa... fail me again, and I'll have D kill you slowly." The vapiress ran off. And D smirked,watching her go.


~ we are nearly there~ Jade was still using her mind speak with Lang, but she noted how nice Runes cloak took on V's form. She also felt the rage int he vampire, after years of hunting them, here she was not only married to one, but going off with one very pissed off one to kill many more. The lupine had to smirk at the idea.

In the next moment three things happened, first V heard Runes voice in her head.

. "V..What ever happens to me. Know that I love you. I know you will be here soon." His voice cut off..passing out from the first round of Edward's fun.

Second, everyones pendants started to glow virbatntly green, and thrid. Eight vampires came running at them some with man made weapons some with only claws and fangs. V said two words, " Nate and Ewdard are mine, every other vampire is free game.." The fight was about to begin. V didnt draw her sword, no not for these eight there were nothing, four to eight meant each one there got two. Jade was already lunging at her frist, Hera was already flame ready and Lang. V was sure Lang could take on all eight at once. These vampires were dead men walking.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-04 19:19 EST
In the woods.

Rune smirked faintly as Edward walked off. Taking the break to gather his thoughts, before looking to Lily as she walked over. Narrowing his eyes at ehr to her very unwelcomed touch. "V's going to kill all of you slowly for laying your hands on me." Said in a cold tone to them.

He then chuckled faintly at how arrogant they were. "Just so you know.. I'm going to enjoy watching the show. Each one of you begging for mercy." He then closed his eyes again, saving the strenght that he had left.

Close by,

"Get ready." From Lang as he heard Jade, as his words were to the other two ladies. He was temtped to sit back and watch the three take out the clan. But he wouldn't have any fun that way.

Just as each took their first vampire to battle, a bright flash of white suddenly blinded the other four. Sure to draw attention from the four, after they finished off their chosen vampire.

When the bright light faded, a cloaked figure in white stood before them. The reaminning four already taken care of, as they slumped to the ground. Turnning to ash just as their bodies hit the ground.

"We move now.. Show no mercy for you will recive none." Slowly looking over his shoulder at the four. Getting Lang to mouth an Oh shit to himself.

Ghallon had chose to step into the fight now, and he looked just as pissed off as V. He looked to V, before turning to her, pulling out a sword from his cloak. He then held it out to her.

"Use this against Edward.. It will aid you in that fight. Jade..Hera.. You two will clear a path for her. Lang.. You will get Rune and get him home. I'll cover you." Without a word he turned to head towards Edward's camp.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-05 00:13 EST
Nate smirked at Rune and his words. "You think Vae is going to live through this?" He then nodded to Rosa as she came in to view, the black and blue marks upon her face told Nate where she had been. "You think that boy, just give a gander to Rosa here, this is what happens to people who fail him. Think what hes going to do to V. " Chuckling he went off to take his rounds, patroling. Little did he know what was happing beyond the trees.

Close by,

"Get ready."
Jade was ready, Jade was always ready. She lept in to the first one fo the eight, Hera was already done with her first one as Jade ripped hers to small pieces and the one who came up to V was dead before it even reached her. Jade smirked her muzzle bloody as well as her teeth ready for more just as the bright light nearly blinded her. Four were dead by their hands and now the other four were dead by Ghallons. Vampire blood had been shed, and ally blood as well, but cuts and small wounds would heal.

V sheilded her eyes from the light ready for the worst thing possible, then surpise washed over her face as she saw Ghallon standing there. He looked pissed off.

"We move now.. Show no mercy for you will recive none." V had never seen Ghaloon like this. Jade had, she smirked more and gave a little howl. The lupine was ready.She shifted back to her human form and drew her sword, it was always fun in the wolf form to kill things, but she always could go half way, and choose the lycan road. It was also much easier to have her voice.

V blinkned at Ghallon as he drew out the word and handed it to her. Shock was the first thing that came to Jades face then a slow smirk."Use this against Edward.. It will aid you in that fight. Jade..Hera.. You two will clear a path for her. Lang.. You will get Rune and get him home. I'll cover you."

"God I love that man ." She sent a wink to Ghallon, and nodded to Hera "lets go light it up." Hera and Jade ran in leading the charge to clear the path for V anything that stood in their way was dead with in moments. Crys an screams were heard and some of the guards ran. Hera loved a good chase. But there was hardly any need for it,as those who ranw ere just doomed to die any how.

V wasted no time she held on to that sword, touched by the gesture. Shed have to thank the brooding king. But that would come later. Right now she was following the lupine and fire child in passing by bodies, ashes and bones on her way, they left no one alive, showing no mercy, V expected no less of the assassins.

~~ In the woods~~

"What the hell?" Vlad was on the outside,no longer one of the chosen few inside the protection of D's magics and now he stood face to face with Jade. Hera was within his gaze too slicing and dicing up three guards at once as they came at her. He watched one run past him and away in to the traps they had set for V. Many who ran died in the very traps meant to capture V. He curse Edward and his stupid plan.

Vlad looked to Jade. "Who the hell are you?" Jade just smirked flashing her long sharp teeth. Vlad took a step back and Jade just reached out with a clawed hand and lifted him off the ground. " Your worst fear." Jade could hear Hera laugh at that as she killed the last of the three that had been on top of her. V was coming up fast behind them, so they had no time to really play around. With out much thought in it Jade crushed the life out of Vlad,crushing his neck with her powerful hand. V came up behind Jade she had no one stop her all the way in.

The guards were dying all around them, meaning that Lang and Ghallon were working sliently and swiftly. Vlads dead body fell to the ground and Jade just smirked. Hera laughing came up beside the two. Whipping some blood from her face and hands. "Okay dont piss Jade off..." Jade gave a low growl,her eyes flcikering brightly. "Look whos talking.." Looking to the body count Hera had racked up and that wasnt even counting all the ashes.Smirking wildly the three side by side ran in through the trees stopping any one that came at them.

The screams that were heard soon reached Nates ears and he got the DeShards, the great family and the rest of the clan gathered: D, Greg, Joseph,Melline, and Edward came in to join Nate,Lily, Alec,Matrin,Rosa and Jacob in the grove where Rune was tied up. D cast magic over it, hoping to keep everyone out.

Edward looked to Nate,Lily ,Alec,Martin ,Rosa and Jacob. " You six go stand out side the circle and kill anyone coming near." He looked back to his son, his new pregnant wife, and his sister and her husband. "V's on her way, I'll stand guard over the boy, if these pawns fail us, we alone will stop V. If you cant kncok her out , kill her. " He went to go stand in front of Rune.

The six had no other choice but to each take a point around the small circle to guard. Little did they know who was with V. And unlucky most of all where Nate, Rosa and Alec they all had taken the back of the circle thinking for sure V would come another way. But they were wrong. For, from out of the woods, running came the three women. Jade in her half form, part lycan part human, the fire child, hands glowing with fire, eyes burning bright and V.That wicked sword in hand, Runes cloak to her body looking fierce,fangs showing eyes ruby and bright. Jade grinned, for as they rushed in she knew Lang and Ghallon were rushing in for the other end the other vampires on the side of that circle of magic, which wouldnt last long.

Jade lept at Alec. Hera smirked at Rosa,fire flickering and V stalked to Nate.

Nate watched as Alec was killed with two moves from the half woman half lycan. Jade had lept up sword in her right had as her left was claws.She swiped with the sword in one move and tore with her claws in the other and Alec was slashed and beheaded.Then as Rosa was burned in to nothing but ash. Hera hadnt even used her swords on this one, the moment Rosa touched her hands Hera set the vampire a blaze.

V stalked to Nate and grabbed him by the neck. "You should have stayed in France Nate De'Lonce.You should have never come here and dared to take that which I love," He chuckled lowly, "a vampire in love with a mortal... its so lame V, your going to go to hell for it. And send him there as well." She just smirked, "Not before you.." And a blue fire ripped through him rising from her hand and Nate died screaming in her grasp. Jade and Hera watched for a moment before going around the magical barrier tot he other side where they could see three more vampires standing.

Inside the circle Edward watched with wide eyes as V stood not alone but beside two other women. He cursed lowly in french.As the three died shocked as V used powers she never had before. "D,will this shield hold?" He whispered to her and she nodded, " they are all very powerful women, bit none of them has the power to take the shield down. Nothing to worry about my dear brother." Edward nodded, then looked to Joseph, "Get Melline out of here, " was that fear in his voice? "You can go back get more back up." Joseph nodded and turned and took his brides hand. "Come my dear." And the two started to pass through the shield, as D opened a small doorway. They went slowly throught he other side, passing by Lily,Martin , and Jacob.
On the other side of the circle Lily,Martin,and Jacob stood. Lily was taking the charge. Watching the out lying trees. "Kill anyone that comes." She watched as Joseph fled with his bride. The clan was dying, there had been fourty vampires and now it was down to six. She kept her eyes on the woods beyond,never guessing that Jade and Hera were circling around while V stood close to the barrier that held her back from attacking Edward. None of the vampires left could see what was coming.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-05 20:55 EST
Rune smirked faintly as he listened to Nate rattle on. Yet he'd let the male believe that they would be able to stop V. He would close his eyes again, with a grit of his teeth to each breath taken. His body was sore and hurt, cracked and broken ribs would do that.

In the woods.

While Hera, Jade and V took a direct path. Ghallon and Lang moved around, taking out any straglers in their way. They either fell to Lang's sword, or to Ghallon's magic. Each turning into a pile of ashes, with both slidding to a stop upon reaching the barrier.

"Give me Rune's staff." Ghallon looked to Lang, as the demon nodded and handed over the staff. One he was armed with both staffs, he started to murmur to himself.

Lang then whirled around, seeing five figures nearby. "Handle the barrier..I'll take these out." Without another word, he charged the group. Taking out Joseph and Melline. Before either could say a word.

He then turned and fired off a few rounds. Taking out Jacob and Matrin, just as they took note of him, leaving Lily. "Tell me.. How does it feel to know you are about to pay for your sins?" Smirking at her.

While Lang kept the attention on himself, the barrier fell getting the elder Alcar to smirk. He then openned his eyes as he looked to his right.. Seeing the three women waitting for that. He moved over to the three.

"Lang will be joinning us shortly. He is taking out a few of their guards.. One looked to be a woman." A glance to Hera, before moving to head where he sensed Rune was at.


"Soon.. it will be over for you." Murmured under his breath as he smiled the best he could. He could sense the group moving closer and closer to where he was at. As well as how quickly it had turned in the favor of his family.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-06 00:51 EST

In the woods.

While Lang kept the attention on himself, the barrier fell getting the elder Alcar to smirk. He then openned his eyes as he looked to his right.. Seeing the three women waitting for that. He moved over to the three. The three watched as the barried flickered twice then fell in a loud woosh.

"Lang will be joinning us shortly. He is taking out a few of their guards.. One looked to be a woman." A glance to Hera, before moving to head where he sensed Rune was at.

V watched Lang off int he distance as he took out Joseph and Melline, along with Jacob and Matrin. And Lily was the only one there backing up slowly.

V looked to Ghallon nodding."Lily.Shes the only one I didnt cross on the way in.Shes gonna try her best to get out of it. " Hera brows perked at Ghallons words. "A..woman.. So whats the big deal.." then she looked to V . V just looked over her shoulder in tot he din of the woods,"Lil likes to flirt,and shes always been very good at it. She was once a professional,if you know what I mean.. " Hera was the one to growl now and she took off towards where Lang was. V just smirked softly, "a good end for Lil," she then looked over to Jade. Jade smirked as the barrier fell and they started in to the camp.

D, Edward and Greg were left and right off the bat Edwrad snarled at his sister. "You said the shield would hold!"

"Soon.. it will be over for you." Rune got a heavy smacka cross the face from Edward at that. "Shut up." He glared at V and trhe man in white coming in fast. "Magic weilders..." He snarled. "I expect you two to hold them while I try to get the bait out of here." Edward was untying and D and Greg were heading towards V, Jade and Ghallon.

Just outside Camp
"Tell me.. How does it feel to know you are about to pay for your sins?" Smirking at her.

Lily backed up to a tree smirking at him. "Hmm, I've always beena sinner." She was toying with the buttons of her blouse. "I've never had the pleasure of a demon like yourself, perhapat should be the last sin I have." Smirking at Lang. Little did Lily know that Hera was going to kill her any second. "Come on,"Lily smirked, " I could show you things you've never seen before."

"Tell me.."Heras voice came from behind Lily from behind that tree. "Ever seen how fast a tree lights on fire?" Lily would find her hands were quickly trapped behind her back, by some sort of magic and the tree was lit on fire. She screamed and cried and howled. Hera got bored quickly with it and drawing Alfirn beheaded the vampiress. She then smirked to her self. Lang just grinned at her and was gone n to help get Rune free. Hera moved in to the woods to make sure everything was clear.

Greg moved for Ghallon and D for V. "Hello Vanessa." "Dedra." V looked over to Edward trying to get Rune untied. She would have to deal with D quickly or some how keep Edward away from Rune.Then V looked to Jade. ~Distract him.Now~ "Hey Edward." She called and he looked and the moment he did Jade smacked him from behind. Jade was mearly doing as the Vampire had asked. Jade smirked as Edward face planted in to the dirt she then cut Rune free with her claws. "Hey demon boy some help here?" She called over to Lang. Hera was off running rounds around them cleaning up anyone in their escape route.

With Edward eating dirt at the moment V could concentrate on killing D but D had other plans. " You could have ruled at his side for tens of thousands of years, and yet you choose the mortal."She shook her head always keeping and eye on Greg and the man in white. "Id rather send you all to hell." She snarled and lunged at D, and D growled and shocked her with lightning. "Poor little V, not enough power to kill me." V smirked softly, that blue fire flickering in her hands. "I've been training all my life for this."

D cocked her head to the side softly. And the ground her V's feet started to rumble, she could see now that Jade and Lang were getting Rune out, they were nearly beyond the camp sight. All she had to do was kill D and keep Edward on his face.So pulling double duty she zapped Edward who was still face dwon in the dirt and slashed at D. D was unarmed save for her magic ablity and V was going to use that to her advantage. As D tried to shock her V snarled through the pain,gritted her teeth as the lightning struck at her wounds making them bleed more.

She had that wicked sword in her right hand and she wasnt going to use it on D no with two moves she sheathed it and pulled her own anicent sword and slashed as D as D tried to burn her. The burn mark rose over V;s arms and she hissed as they went down her arm.

D smirked thinking she had gotten the upper hand but then suddenly the ground under D's feet shook, and the trees swayed back and forth and the earth opened under her feet and swollowed her whole, but not before V could set a blue blaze upon her. "See you in hell. " The moment after Edward rose to his feet seeing that his sister was dead, and in Vs hands she held the DeShard crest. "Next..."

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-06 11:48 EST

Lang smirked as Lily tried to worm her way out of the fate that was soon about to take her. He had seen Hera slidding up behind her. "Why would I want you, when I have her." Just as Hera decided to have her fun.

"You know.. I could have handled her myself. Maybe a little flirting." Winking at the fire child before he turned to dart off to help Jade.

"I'll demon boy you one day, Fido." Flashing Jade a grin as he saw the fight between V and Edward. As well as Ghallon and Greg. He then moved to help Jade get Rune to safety.

Ghallon smirked as he toyed with Greg as V smacked Edward around. After getting tired of beating on Greg, he blasted the vampire with a blast of holy fire. He then turned to make sure Edward couldn't fee.

" and Hera stay and make sure he doesn't run. I'll get Rune to safety. And tell Hera.. That V.. that lover boy is going to need her to stop playing around." He then picked Rune up, placing him over his shoulder.

As for Rune, the pain had finally knocked him out. As the two disappeared, appearing back at the Tower in Nosgoth. Where Dark was already waitting for him, as well as Willow.


Lang would lay Rune on the bed in his room, before stepping back letting Dark take over. The demon moved over to Willow and placed a hand to her shoulder. Knowing this was getting to her seeing how in the past few months. She had lost one son, and could lose another.

Dark tried his best to heal the wound by magic, before leaning back. "Tell V to come see me as soon as she gets back. There is something I must tell her." He then moved to let Willow watch over her son.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-06 15:53 EST

Lang smirked as Lily tried to worm her way out of the fate that was soon about to take her. He had seen Hera slidding up behind her. "Why would I want you, when I have her." Just as Hera decided to have her fun.

"You know.. I could have handled her myself. Maybe a little flirting." Winking at the fire child before he turned to dart off to help Jade. Hera grinned at Lang as she ran past him after sweeping up any left in to ash and dust. "You have me for flirting. "

"I'll demon boy you one day, Fido." Flashing Jade a grin as he saw the fight between V and Edward. As well as Ghallon and Greg. He then moved to help Jade get Rune to safety.

Jade snickered at the fido comment and flashed Lang a toothy grin. "Dont fido me,I'll bite you. And give you some scars to mark up your pretty face." She helped Lang support Rune while Ghallon dispossed of Greg. D was dead and Edward was now stalking towards V. "Ohh this is gonna be good."

" and Hera stay and make sure he doesn't run. I'll get Rune to safety. And tell Hera.. That V.. that lover boy is going to need her to stop playing around." He then picked Rune up, placing him over his shoulder.

"Will do." Hera slauted Ghallon and she and Jade leaned on the trees watching V and Edward face full of dirt square off. "I'll be willing to wagor she kills him in four moves." Jade stated "In six." Hera noted watching V, "I'll let her know, but I think she already knows that." To Ghallon before he and Lang disappered.

*"Vanessa, vous regarder. Donc beau, donc peux voir la rage dans vos yeux. Pourquoi ne pas me joindre ? Votre mortel ne vivra pas longtemps par le battement je l'ai donn?, vous pourriez venir me joignez, reconstruire la grande maison." He looked her over smirking,she was beautiful like this, letting her ture form show, showing her anger in her eyes, her lust for the kill.

** "Je br?lerais plut?t dans les feux d'enfer pour milliers d'ans ose aller alors n'importe quel o? avec vous Edward. " She spat on the crest in her hand and tossed it at him, " that is what I think of your great house, your the only one left. And you wont leve here alive." She grwold at him, and slwoly drew that wicked sword from her back. "Lets end this now."

Edward hissed as the spat upon chrest slid along the ground, he lept in to the air and went right for her. From the tree line Hera and Jade watched.

V dodged the first three blows as he came down fists waving. But she got her feet knocked out from under her in the second move. She slashed at him with her bare hands clawing his shirt to shreads. Blood dripping from his chest now, his lip already broken open from her punches. Then she thrust that sword at him and caught his arm. Edward hissed as the wound burned in to his skin. He had no magic now, not with Greg and D dead. No now all he had were his years of skills and one very simple dagger. V was heavily armed, but she used maily that wicked sword Ghallon had given her, and her bare hands.

"Girls got skills." Hera smirked watching as blood flew on both sides as hits were landed. Any mortal would have been dead by now. Bones craked, body broken. "Hows Rune?" She looked to Jade and Jade had one of those faces on, "Ghallons given him to Darkmere, but I dont know if theres anything he can do. Willow is there, but Runes bones are broken, hes lost a lot of blood." Hera looked over to V then still fighting. " Think she knows that?" Jade shurgged softly, "I am sure she can sense him, it is after all his cloak its connected to him."

They were dancing, punches and kicks were landed and missed, slashes and swipes drew blood both hers and Edwards. She was trying not to waist time, but Edward was quick and crafty.She came left he went right, he caught her hits a few times and she did the same to him, trying to crush his fingers in her crasp. She had tapped in to her magic, her free hand burned with blue fire. That sword in her right as she kicked ,slashed, and punched. Edwards nose was broken,his ribs likely after the beating V had given him. He was getting up for the second time from the ground. V looked over to Jade and Hera .Hera tapped her wrist lightly, she wore no watch there, but she assumed V would get the message.

Edward spat blood out, and whipped dirt from his face, laughing. "Your fighting for a dead man." V growled and smacked him hard across the face with her burning hand, leaving a sharp burn mark a cross Edwards perfect albaster cheek. "He wont die. But you will." She then grabbed him up by the collar and lufted him up off his feet. "You should have never ever taken him. This was not his war." Edward was still laughing, " It became his the moment he kissed you Vanessa ,you cant kill me V..I'm part of your blood. Andyou know it." She growled lowly the fire rising in her hand, but then she dropped him, and using that sword she ran him through. "I can kill you, love has given me the power to do anything." And then she pulled the sword out and sliced his head off, and as his body fell over she lit it on fire with blue flame.

"Yes!" Hera gave Jade a high five. "Come on killer... Rune will need you." Jade called and head for the portal Hera close in toe. V took one moment longer, it was over, finally over. She whipped the blood from her face,winced softly, and started to follow the two. Her nose was bleeing her lips slpit open, her shirt in shreds, showing a lot of skin, and mroe blood, along with healing wounds. She could still feel Rune, his pulse was slower now, his breathing as well. She had only glanced at him once as Jade and Lang took hima way fromt he scene of battle she had seen his face, swollen and bruised. She started to run she ran right past Hera and Jade who had to sprint to catch her.


Willow watched as Dark tried to heal Rune. "Four of his ribs are broken, his nose, his cheek bone. " She was usuing hrer own magic to survey the damage, " his ankle is sprained. Hes been cut at,clawde at, lost a lot of blood. Hes barely breathing." She nodded then to Dark, knowing he couldnt do anything to save Rune. Willow welled up. Shaun had be cast out, and now Rune might die while she watched him. "Hang in there Rune." Willow whispered.

Nosgoth portal

V ran till she reached the portal and jumped through. The day light nearly blinded her, the time difference was still so odd to her, but there was no time to think about that she ran right for the tower.

Jade and Hera jumped through right after her, and followed.

V took the satirs three at a time running till she reached the top and saw Willow her hand on Runes her head bowed. "No...I'm not..." Willow looked up, " Hes still alive but...many of his bones are broken,he lost a lot of blood. " Willow lookd to V, her raven hair had twigs and leave sin it and blood, her face had long marks across it,that were healing, he nose was bloody, as well as her lips. Her shirt was torn, showing her middrift, with claw and dagger wounds healing. Her arms werea bloody mess. Her pants were torn, muddy and bloody as well. And down her left arm was a long burn mark. V went over and looked over Rune. "Oh Rune.. Im so sorry.." tears started to form in her eyes. "Dark wishes to see you hes waiting for you .Its urgent." "But I.."

"Dont worry V." Jade said, "we will watch over him." Hera nodded and tooka lean to the wall behind Willow and Jade took up a post ebside his bed. V turned and went down the stairs, to find Darkmere. The tears broke free now, washing down ehr face over the wounds thatw ere slowly healing, through the bloody mess and dirt.

She found dark waiting downstairs. "Whats so urget?" What could be more important than helping Rune. Where were the healers, the great mages at?


*Vanessa, look at you. So beautiful, so powerful.I can see the rage in your eyes. Why not join me? Your mortal will not long live through the beating I have given him, you could come join me, rebuild the great house.

**I would rather burn in the fires of hell for thousands of years then dare go any where with you Edward.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-06 17:15 EST

Lang gave Willow's shoulder a squeeze. "He'll be fine, after all look at the crowd he runs with. None of them know when to give up." A grin to her before spotting the three women.

He moved over to Hera and Jade as Williow informed her of the situation, and gave Jade's side a poke. "Fido. What you going to do now?" Smirking at her as he slide behind Hera. Yeah he was so ducking and hiding behind the fire child.


Dark and Ghallon would be in the main hall of the Tower, with Dark informing the elder Alcar of Rune's condition. Ghallon nodded before looking to V as she came down. He then nodded to her. "I'll leave you two alone." He then moved to head upstairs, with a pause to pat V's shoulder.

Dark turned to V. "We have tried to heal Rune, but he refused to let it happen. I respected his wish to allow another to heal him. That person is you." He paused for a moment to let her take the small bit of information in.

He moved over to her, and gestured for her to follow. "In short.. He wishes for you to turn him. I know what you are thinking, but he wishes for this so he can stay with you. I have told Ghallon, and he will tell the others." A glance to her.

"Things are different here in terms of turning others. Place your hand over his heart, when you bite him. Then channel your own energy into him. It will bound you two together in a deep bond." Now coming to a stop at the door, motioning for her to head inside. She'd be alone with him.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-07 00:27 EST

Lang gave Willow's shoulder a squeeze. "He'll be fine, after all look at the crowd he runs with. None of them know when to give up." A grin to her before spotting the three women.

Willow nodded to Langs words. "He is very strong.I know."She smirked then as Lang toyed with Jade, and hid behind Hera, the goddess took those moments to slowly slip out.

"Fido. What you going to do now?" Smirking at her as he slide behind Hera. Yeah he was so ducking and hiding behind the fire child. Jade growled at the poke and flashed him her long sharp teeth. "Im going to bite you " Hera snickered and gave Langs cute toosh a swat and shrugged at Jade.

Willow smirked then as Lang toyed with Jade, and hid behind Hera, the goddess took those moments to slowly slip out.

"Do what ever you want to him,as long as your both clothed. He wanted to flirt with Lily so there you go you can have Jade chase you around. " and Thus Jade started to chase him out of the room.Hera chuclking in toe.


V paused in t e door way when she saw Ghallon again standing with Darkmere. As he passed by her and patted her shoulder she looked to Dark.He had that serious face on.

Dark turned to V. "We have tried to heal Rune, but he refused to let it happen. I respected his wish to allow another to heal him. That person is you." He paused for a moment to let her take the small bit of information in.

She was sielnt, she didnt dare breathe, didnt dare blink or move. Not to take a leaf from ehr hair or wiped at her bloody lips.

He moved over to her, and gestured for her to follow. "In short.. He wishes for you to turn him. I know what you are thinking, but he wishes for this so he can stay with you. I have told Ghallon, and he will tell the others." A glance to her.

"Things are different here in terms of turning others. Place your hand over his heart, when you bite him. Then channel your own energy into him. It will bound you two together in a deep bond." Now coming to a stop at the door, motioning for her to head inside. She'd be alone with him.

She stood there listening shocked, silent. Rune wanted to be turned. To become like her? What was he thinking ?Why wasnt he letting anyone heal him.She followed dark upstairs. She had seen Jade running out after Lang and Hera clsoe in toe snickering. Ghallon had gne with Willow, she had watched the gdodess pass as well. When they reached the top of the stairs she had taken it all in. "In all my six hundred years and change I never turned a soul.I watched it many times, all about blood." She shook her head, " my hand over his heart, alright." She nodded and started in to the room. "Wait," slowly she unsheathed that wicked sword from her back, " thanks for the loan." Then she walked in tot he room,closing the door behind her.

She held back her tears as she looked to Rune laying so lifeless on his bed, so broken and bloody. She crossed inward slowly and took a seat beside his bed.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-07 00:46 EST
She held back her tears as she looked to Rune laying so lifeless on his bed, so broken and bloody. She crossed inward slowly and took a seat beside his bed. She tried to recall the night she was changed, and shook her head, trying to forget it again. This was different things were different. Rising, she slowly took her weapons off laying them to the table, then she took off that cloak, his cloak and hung it up behind her. She couldnt sit still, she didnt dare look at her reflection in the mirror as she passed it knowing she looked horrid.

She could still taste her own blood mixed with the many immortals she had killed this night on her lips,she felt it on her face. She knew time was an issue but she needed to wash up, so as quickly as she could while his eyes were still clsoed she washed her face and arms, and changed her clothes, and burned the ones she was wearing with that magical fire. She wnated nothing more than to forget the night.

Now while she washed and changed she could survey the damange to her own body, bruises lined her albaster skin, over her ribs,stomach,legs and arm. Long scrathes lined the left side of her cheek.Blood dried was washed away A brusie was slowly yellowing under her right eye.

Her nose was bloody still. She wahsed the blood from under it but she could still smell it any time she took an intake of rbeath through her nose. Her lip cut and healing. Her hair had been filled with leaves, drit and blood and now it was damp from a quick wash. Along her stomach long claw marks were healing,,deeper dagger wounds had to be wrapped just to be safe.

Her right arm was bloody marked up but moveable, her left had that long burn mark down it, it ran from her wrist to her shoulder.And it ached, any time she flexed her fingers it hurt. She dressed in the only thing she had in the bath room, a long purple robe. She tied her hair back and took three long breaths before walking out again. Now his eyes were open ,and her gaze met his. "Rune..."

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-07 14:29 EST
While V moved to clean ehrself up, Rune would flinch slightly to each slow breath taken. He knew she was in the room, just by sensing her aura. Lang and Willow had doctored his wounds, as well as changing his clothes. Yet the blood still seeped through.

After a few moments of hearing the water running, his eyes slowly flickered open. Looking around to see where he was at, before letting a light sigh pass his lips. He was back at the tower, and back home. He cursed faintly to himself to what happened, before falling quiet as V stepped out of the bathroom.

He flashed her a weak smile, as their eyes locked on the other's. He then slowly looked her over a moment, before he chuckled faintly. "" His words followed by a wince. As he knew he propbaly looked the same.

He sure felt like it, before he seen the look in V's eyes. He knew then that Darkmere had told her what his wish was. Before she could say a word against it, he spoke up. "I..know are thinking." Said softly.

"I want you to turn you are going to be stuck with me." Laying back in the bed as he had sat up just slightly. He then slowly lifted his hand towards her, with a soft nod. Letting her knwo he was serious about what he was asking her to do.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-07 17:18 EST
She walked slowly. Her eyes on his, she knew what he saw her wounds on her face, her bared arms her collar. He couldnt see her legs under the robe,they were brusied here and there. She was glad for the long robe. He also saw the deep sorrow in her eyes, the tears that welled there. How she wanted to hug him to kiss him, he was alive.She smiled dimly at him at his comment that she looked like hell , "newest fashion." But she stopped walking when she met the foot of the bed. "Yes, Dark told me...." Could she even get the words out. "You could let Dark,Ghallon, anyone else could heal you."

She saw that his wounds had been cleaned and tended to, his clothes were changed but blood still seeped through. She took two more steps and took his hand gently in hers. "Rune..I know your serious about this, but your asking me to.."She starred down at him, she was being very carefull with him, as she took a slow seat beside him on the bed. Her free hand graced his forhead, "your crazy you know that..there are a dozen people in this realm that could heal you fully, and your asking me to turn condem you to a life of blood. " Now the tears flowed down her cheek, she could sense every borken bone he had, every burise, every cut and gash.

She could even smell the blood. " I love you.. I am so sorry for bringing you in to my war. You should let someone else heal you. "Her fingers graced his cheek, she wasnt sure she could do it, or if she should to condem his pure soul to a life of blood. She closed her eyes. "I will never forgive myself for getting you involed in the war.." She leaned forward and ksised his forhead, " are you sure this is what you want?" Now as she with drew he would see her face, those long fangs. Her eyes glowing red. Her hands were like ice upon his cheek and hand. "You dont have to do this you know, I would stay with you no matter what. Even if you suddenly spoutrd bunny ears and a tail. You dont need to be like me.. condemed to this." She titled her head.

"You know I love you, and if this is what you really want then I will.." Shed do anything fro him, he could see that in her eyes.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-07 19:36 EST
He kept his eyes on her as she spoke, and knew this was something hard for her to do. He then took her hand into his, laying a light kiss to the middle knuckle. "Vanessa. Enough." He knew she was trying to be carefull with him.

Now making his body sit up on the bed to snake his arms around her, drawing her in close. "I have been pondering this for a while. I want you to be the one to turn me. I know what it will mean." Whispered into her ear, then smirked faintly.

"Unless you want me to find another lovely vampire that is willing to turn me. As well as to spend the rest of their life with me." Oh he knew how jealous she could get when it came to him. He was planning on using that to coax her into listening to him.

One hand lightly stroked her hair. "Now..are you going to turn me? Or do I need to head out for another lovely vampire?" Still teasing her as he leaned back a bit.

Light grin as he moved his hands up to dry her cheeks, knowing he would get hit later once he was healed. He then placed a kiss to the tip of her nose.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-08 00:40 EST
Her brows perked up as he wrapped his arms around her. "Your hurt you shouldnt.." But the moment he drew he rin clsoe she closed ehr eyes and breathed him in. "I just didnt want to hurt you any more than your already hurt." She cocked her head at him slightly, " for a while? I know what it will mean too.."

She gave him a low growl at the idea of some other vampiress trying to turn him, jealous as ever. " Got someone in mind?" Her hand slowly stroked over his neck over her marks. " Your not going any where Rune Walsh." As he leaned back she kissed his cheek, "I've never done this before,but I will try not to hurt you. " She gave him one last look in tot he eyes then lowered her lips to her marks. She breathed in his scent, that pure, earthy, magcial scent he had, that tinge of mortality, the steady pulse of his heart, the steady rise and fall of his breath

Those things would all change when she turned him. He would have a slower pulse. His heart would beat,most likely, just slower, barely noticable. He would have no need to breathe save to take in the scents of a room or area. And his smell would change, most immortals carried an icy tinge to them, along with other scents stolen from humans. He at least would be able to walk in the light with her,the sun would not harm him as it had her many 'cousin' kinsmen.

She took one last breath,and laid her hand over his ehart as Dark had said she should and bit him. She closed her eyes to the taste, pure, untainted,mortal in some way, immortal in other ways, touched with magic. She didnt let her body touch his save for where her lips touched his neck and her hand touched his heart, she didnt want to hurt him, she knew where his bones had been broken. All she knew about turning was two things, most mortals had to be near death before they could be turned, and two:

Rune would have to drink from her as well, unless that was some how different too. She doubted that much. He had always said she could take what she needed and never harm him, she wondered if that was ture now, after the beating he had taken. He wnated this so he was going to give in some how as she drank. She could feel his pulse, his heart, the slow change she knew it could be jarring.

Slowly after she took what she figured to be enough she with drew her lips,licking the wound clean and looked down at him, her hand still over his heart. She then slowly bit in to her own wrist and gave it to him, her eyes closed. Fighting inner demons, her hand over his heart never moved.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-08 18:03 EST
"You won't hurt me, my dear." Murmured softly to her as she allowed him to pull her in closer. One hand stroking her hair as she mentally got herself ready for the task. He took a deep breath when she was ready.

The bite soon followed, as well as the spell that would take place. There would be a dual dance of their spirital auras, starting off in a slow pulse. Soon it reached it's full climax, as she drank. His heart beat slowed a touch, yet his touch oddly remained warm.

Slowly the change started to take place in him, doing so very slowly so his body could get used to the new life. Bones slowly twisting back into place with a crack and pop. Allowing them to reset and heal, followed by the various cuts and bruises healing over.

The change would affect Vanessa as well, as the new vampiric bond would seep into her. Healing over her wounds, as wel as enhancing her magical skills. Slowly a pair of fangs would slip by Rune's lips, with his eyes flashing lightly for a moment.

As Vanessa leaned back from him, he placed a kiss to her wrist. Causing the wound to heal over in the blink of the eye. He then cupped her chin, as he ran his thumb over her lips. "Seems the change has effected you as well." Whispered softly.

"You see.. When one turns another here.. Both are effected which means.. We are now one.. Mind body and soul." Moving his hand to cup the back of her neck, before moving to lay down. Pulling her to lay over him.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-10 02:01 EST
"You won't hurt me, my dear."

She didnt really want to believe him. But she trusted him fully. As she with drew she heard the pops as his bonesfused back together, and watched as his cuts healed, his bruises faded.

She felt the changes in her own body, that small soft pulse fo magic became greater,more likr a rapid beat than a little pulse. She watched as the wounds she could see healed over and closed ehr eyes as the ones on her face healed. When she opened them again she saw his new fangs and smirked a little.

That smirk turned toa smile when his hand oddly still warm touched her cheek. She noted all her wounds were healed her body felt rested, and new almost. "Seems the change has effected you as well." She nodded softly. "Yes, its very odd.." Then as he exaplined she nodded, understanding that things were always different here.

" We are now one.. Mind body and soul." She leaned in and lay over him as he pulled her down and grinned at him, tracing her fingers along his once broken nose. "Hmm" she cocked her head at him, "Im not even sure you are a vampire, I mean, your eyes are the same" She sniffed at him, " you scent,even your skin feels warm to me still, and " She lay her head lower for a moment and listened for that beat, it was there a little changed, but mostly the same. She lifted her head and starred at him. His face framed in her dark hair. "Hmm." She gave his side a little his ribs had been broken now even with just that little poke she could tell they were healed.

" I was always one with you. even before now." A poke to his nose. Then she kissed him, rather fiercly and deeply. As she had wanted to the moment she saw he was alive. And she didnt let up for a few moments. "Hmm.." she cocked her head at him again. Then she gave his shoulder a whack, " thats for running off and almost getting yourself killed." Then ahother whack. "Your crazy you know," Then another kiss. "If yo ever do something like that again.. I'm gonna bite you.. all over.." And she rolled off of him and lay beside him, " now.." a little run to the shoulder she whacked. "what shall we do?"

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-05-10 17:32 EST
He smirked back up at her, to the poking and slaps to his shoulders. He then returned those favors, by poking her in the sides. And smacking her across her butt. "I had everything under control." Cocky grin up at her.

He would return those kisses, before stealing a few of his own. "Bite me all over? I could think of a place where you can start." So asking to get hit yet again, as he wiggled his brows at her.

He would then roll to his side, before starting to give her chest a poke. "And just what will you do if I done that again? Tie me up?" Teasing her now, with a smirk.

"As for what to do? We keep ech other company." Turnning to lay on his back, with his hands slipping behind his head. Before starting to close his eyes, still teasing her.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-11 00:26 EST
She shook her head at him, and giggled at the pokes and whack back. "Under control?" She cocked her head to the side, " so getting beaten up, and dragged off by Vlad and Rosaia was part of your plan.Then getting tied up and beaten by Edward.." A poke to his nose for the cocky grin. "You must have really pissed him off."

"Dont tempt me." Said to his comment on where she could start to bite him. "I'll happily bite you in the butt." Smirking. She looked down as he poked her chest, " yes, I will tie you up. But your like a super vampire now,so I dont think any of the vampires I once knew could take you now.. hmm like Ghallon more and more every day.Daddy must be so proud. "

She snickered as he laid back arms behind his head. Starring over at him as he attempted to tease her . "Looks like your doing just fine there." She sat up a little,looking at him still. She felt different, even though she wasnt touching him at the moment she felt like she was. It must be that bond he spoke of. She wiggled her fingers and that blue fire came to her hand much faster, even faster than when she had been inraged by Edward.

A glance back at him his eyes still closed. "Its been such a long day.." She looked to the light slowly dimming outside, she knew now it would be daylight in Rhydin and any vampire bodies left in the woods would be gone with the sun. It was over, of coarse she had plans to make sure, later.

Rolling over on to her side she traced her fingers over her marks on his neck. "Feel like a snack?" True she couldnt cook, but she could see what they had down stairs, or raid the castle fridge.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-05-27 01:39 EST
He just smiled at her. "Relax,"He touched her cheek softly. "I am alright,"he starred in to her eyes, " we can rest for a while,everything will be alright." How convincing was he, that look in his deep jade eyes.

V smiled and closed her eyes at his touch, "alright." She lay back looking over at him,nothing had changed. How was that possible? She was expecting everything to chnage, for things to be different but he was the same Rune he had been before the wwar had come in to his life, he was the same man that loved her. With his eyes closed she saw his smile. She was tired that was true,but she didnt want to close her eyes and for everything to drift away. But finally she curled in tighter to him, and closed her eyes,taking in his scent,still woodsy,and magical none of the icy tinge that hung over immortals that she knew. Things were going to be be just fine.

It was dawn when she woke and he was up getting dressed. "Hmm come back to bed." He looked over at her and winked, "I need to go see Darkmere about something, I'll be back soon." He walked over kissed her softly then left the tower bedroom. V pouting, watched him go then rolled over and cuddled with his pillow.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-06-02 00:17 EST

When the knock came it startled her from her almost sleep. "Rune.." She rolled over to look at the losed door.

"Vanessa?" It was a soft female voice that floted in. "Its Anala Nirvelli Alcar." V rose off the bed and wrapped herself in that purle robe once more and padded to the door. "Lady Nirvelli." Anala smiled softly, "I have already told you Anala is fine, my students dont even call me Lady Nirvelli." V nodded once, " Runes not here if your.." "No, no."Anala cut her off, "I am not looking for Rune,I came here to tell you hes gone off with Dark,Vic,Lang,Raz, Gabe and Ghallon." "Gone where?" There was that crease of worry on the lovely vampiress face that Anala had expected to see, "It seems no one knows, Dark told Jade he had a meeting,Raz told Aldaya no more, Gabe told me it was of some import,something to deal with all the kingdoms. I suspect Rune didnt plan on going, but Ghallon likely asked him to."

V sighed, "But he just got back." Anala nodded, "I know how you feel my dear, you get used to this, the men leaving and such, if you like some of us were going to sit out in the garden with the children. " V shook her head softly, "Thank you thats very nice of you, but I think I'll go train a while." Anala nodded, "very well, we will likely be there a while, Shea is likely to drop by , the mage gets restless more than any of us when Victor is away." V nodded again and Anala bowed softly and left closing the door behind her.

V sat on the edge of the bed and sighed running her hand through her hair, then idly touching her mark on her neck, she could sense him,still, but it wasnt as strng when he was near. Training may get her mind off of things, but there was somehting else she had to do first she had to go check a few things out .

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-06-02 00:17 EST
As time goes on some vampires would like you to beileve, that they can tell the future. That they can see it happen, the past and the future are alike, in that all humans, mortals at least will eventually make the same mistakes over and over again.

Sometimes its true. But other times we can not see what is going to come to pass. I could have never forseen my future. No years ago I could have never seen this life. Immortal life.
The year was 1450, and I was still feeding on humans.I had just been givena lesson on Lycans after seening my first in the main city only fifteen years ago at that time. By then I had seen many even on the DeShard esate. Elliot explaned it simply, "we are not friend nor foe, we feed on blood, they feed on blood. Sometimes it comes to blows, but otherwise we can live along side eachother in peace."

What he really meant to say was,'I keep some as pets, and they follow me like their master, and the females...well the females are very nice to have in bed.' But he wouldnt have ever told me that.
Things went on as they always did, blood, and sex and lust and the kill. We were the Souless,faceless monsters of the french country side. And I lived for it. But eventually I came tos ee it as I did. The taking of a soul, a life for a life.By 1487 I was done with humans, no matter what Elliot tempted me with, and he we'll he was just begining. But by the time it was over and the burnt embers of the DeShard manor hit the ashen ground in 1582,I was no longer who I had become.

And now, again I have changed. Years have passed. And I am attoning for my sins, even if there is no god for me in heaven.
It was easy to get lost in the memory of the past, even as the streets of Rhydin filled her lungs with the blood of humans,and other beings. The forest was calling to her, he rmind would not rest until she was sure it was over. She stood there she had stood not a few hours ago,only a day had passed,the bones were gone,ashes blown away, but there was still evidence of the fight here. Arrows in trees,blood on the ground.

The rope used to bind Runes hands lay by the tree he had been tied to. And there on the ground were two things, the first was the M pendant the new clan wore. Mak'Ahati was no more. She curled the dark iron coin sized pendant in her hand. Then she found what her dreams would be haunting her to find the gold coin sided pendant of the DeShards. Laying right where she had killed Edward. He was gone,long gone. But as she drew the piece up she growled. They were all dead yes, here at least. But others were likely alive and well in old new france, and yes there were vampires still of the wicked kind in Rhydin.

She tucked both pendants in to her jacket pocket. She breathed in the forest air and headed back for town.It was over for her, her past was the past and she would never forget it,but it could no longer hurt her future.