Topic: Sealed With a Kiss


Date: 2006-08-18 18:06 EST
After Issy had taken care of her at the Inn, after she had sobered up a bit, after she had confirmed with her own two eyes that Alex was indeed alive she had been able to sway her way on home--for she wasn't completely sober--and take a nap.

She had woken up feeling lighter than air, or at least lighter than she had felt in the last week. Rosie's ordeal and the memories it renewed for her still weighed on her shoulders but she could deal with that, she was always dealing with that. She was free of that soul-depressing emptiness that was only filled for a short time by the presence of loved ones before it washed over her again.

After waking from her nap and cleaning up, she had looked like a train wreck from Issy's point of view, she changed into a light, white summer dress and took off into the city. She had a letter in her hand, sealed with a kiss, that she planned on delivering it herself.

She didn't knock on that familiar front door or ask to have someone announce her presence. She merely slid the envelope, decorated as it was with the name "Skyler" written on the front in her flowing script, under the door and took off again.

The contents of the envelope were a single sheet of paper covered in her handwriting:


I wanted to thank you, love, for being the dearest sweetheart these last few days as I once again broke down--that seems to be the trend since I've met you, has it not? I hope you'll believe me when I say that your presence is one of the few things that kept me going this week. You helped to fill that aching hole that sometimes grows within me. Thank you for making me smile, for making me laugh, for making me feel beautiful.

I feel lighter than air once more, energetic and totally alive. I hope to see you tonight but if not, know that I am thinking of you.


p.s. Could you tell I sealed the envelope with a secret kiss just for you?


Date: 2006-08-18 21:02 EST
Skyler returned home with a smile on his face. He?d had his typical happy day, being mean and teasing almost everyone he met. After he slammed the door he looked down between his feet. There was a letter. And, from the way his name was written upon it with flowing script, he knew its author.

He knelt and picked it up. Then he simply plopped down, right there on the floor of the foyer, sitting cross-legged as he looked it over. He could indeed discern that it had been sealed with a kiss. He smiled, brushing his fingers across the seal. Finally he tore it open.

The boy?s smile faded as he read, as thoughts of what he wanted to write in reply filled his mind. He went to his desk and formulated a reply on a clean sheet of paper, using the same blue crayon with which he often wrote.

As usual, he expressed exactly what he thought, not skirting around or veiling his true sentiments in any way. When it was completed, he stuffed the letter in his pocket and went outside into the fading dusk. Skyler hopped on his motorcycle, a metallic blue crotch rocket with the words ?Honda Darkstar? in raised letters on the side, and called the engine to life. It purred beneath him, rumbling potently between his legs, much like the way Jewell sometimes did.

He jerked the handle grip and the bike peeled away, the front wheel lifting off the ground for the first hundred yards or so. Skyler chased the sun westward, his long pretty shiny black hair sailing out behind him.

It was dark by the time he arrived at Jewell?s villa. He stopped the bike next to the mailbox, stuffed the letter inside and drove away.


When I see you feeling down, I can?t help but act that way toward you. Making you laugh and smile is one of my most favorite things to do in life. Most people I meet in my daily walk I?d just like to insult and rob. You, on the other hand . . . all I want to do is delight you.

However, know this: I can be more than that if you let me. More than I am now. Though I refuse to force my curiosity about your hard times upon you (I know how annoying it can be when presumptuous people think they can solve all your problems with a few words of advice), my ear is always open, should you care to use it. I am here for you. And if you ever feel you?re ready to dig in with me, to start exploring deep down inside one other, know that I am, too.
