Topic: Blowing off steam..The hurtfull way....

Commander Gree

Date: 2008-02-09 20:06 EST
He walked into the training room and got busy. His fists taped up and a punching bag set up. He punched, kicked and kneed the thing as hard as he could. He was literally hurting himself with the amoutn of anger he was transfering into it.

At the end of the four hour long workout his hadns were bloddied. His feet red adn his knees week. He was getting all of his anger out. How could they trasnfer him...Him away from his boys...Those he saw as his kids...

He roared and started to punch and kick it once more. He was going all out to get rid of his anger. Better the punching bag then a person. And whats worse. He had gotten USED to being the Feild Commander for the 9th Assualt boys...

He wouldnt stop. His ahnds woudltn be broken but at the end they wouldnt hardly have any feeling in them. To think the contract he signed was actually him signing his service away. FRom what he understood he would be overseeing the 9th and the ARC academy...WHat was going on.

Commander Bly

Date: 2008-02-16 14:33 EST
He walked into the training room and shot behind Gree to stop him. Its what squad brothers were for. He had his arms pinned and had him pressed agaisnt the bulk head.

" got two otions...You stop or I make you.."

He didnt lossen his grip. Everytime Gree pushed back Bly rammed him back into the bulkhead until he got the message. Ladies and Gents the powerhouse of the Explosive FIve has just boared the Crimson Fist and is here to help `em out.

Commander Gree

Date: 2008-02-16 19:03 EST
Gree stopped fighting. ONe because his head couldnt take being slammed into ther bulk head anymore. Second he knew he could never out muscle Bly. No way he could get the Star Corp commnder off his back by force...

HE snarled a "LET ME GO!!"

He gave up. And he would stop hurting himself. He looked back as he tried to force his way free of Bly. Why in gods name did he stop Gree in his work out.