Topic: Safe, Loved, Wise ... Home

Niamh Garridan

Date: 2010-10-31 21:05 EST
There are relatively few things in all the planes that can be accurately predicted. Labor is definitely near the top of that list. And in their surrent situation, uprooted from home and family to be housed in the safer confines of Z'ev Zayveon's southern manor house, Niamh had concerns other than her rapidly approaching due date. Even today, on the sacred day of Samhain, she was busily assisting newly arrived refugees into their assigned quarters, and delivering the carefully prepared concoctions which would speed the healing of any wounds they had received during their flight from the city.

However, Niamh was so stubborn that she'd been working through contractions for the last two days, dismissing them as false alarms, or backache. Which was why she was standing in one of the corridors when a rush of liquid toward her feet informed her that she really should have been paying closer attention. Leaning against the wall with one hand cupped under her belly, she whimpered, looking this way and that for anyone to come
and help her.

Brishen, the mostly useless person that he was in situations that required more than drinking and story telling, had been mostly idle in his time at the manor, doing his best to help were he could and staying out of the way when he knew he should. It was during one of these idle moments that he had decided to walk the halls aimlessly, knowing Niamh was likely busily helping someone in some far off section of the large estate. He hadn't expected to turn the corner and be, more or less, face-to-face with her.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he walked down the corridor toward her, rubbing at an eye with the distinct air of someone who'd recently woken from a nap and was not exactly 'all there'.

Bent over her swollen belly, Niamh lifted her head to grimace at her husband. "M'havin' a baby, what d'ye think's wrong?" was her sarcastic reply to his innocent enquiry. She looked down at the slick floor under her feet. "Someone needs tae clean that up."

"'Course ye are," he said absently, as though they were just commenting on her pregnancy. Then he looked down and his eyes widened. The little alarm in his head was almost audible, followed by that likely expected bit of panic. They hadn't exactly discussed what to do! "Where's Lilli?" If it sounded a bit loud? It was intentional, Brishen began frantically to look this way and that for a sign of his sister, as though expecting her to pop out of one of the random doors in the hall with that handy key of hers.

Lilliana, by chance, wasn't too far away; and by 'by chance' that meant that a certain small, far from innocuous dragon had all but crashed in through the gypsy's door and had begun tearing up her room in an effort to gain her attention. Her voice, furious as fire itself, echoed from the stairs and began coming closer down the hallway.

"BURNER! I said st'op! If ya' keep yankin' on m'skirt's like tha', I'm goin' t'skin ya' scale by-Oh dear swee' goddess!"

As she rounded the corner, she suddenly forgot all about the pesky dragon. Perhaps later she'd realize that the red imp was actually trying to gain her attention, not just smash things up and spike her blood pressure. However, right now, her eyeballs were full of the situation. "Fer the love o' all tha's good, I though' I t'old ya' t' t'ake i' easy!" Well, she had to vent somewhere; it was now pointed at Niamh and her brother.

"Lilli!" Relief! During all his frantic looking around, Brishen had scooted closer to Niamh. "Hush up an' hurry! I dinnae know what tae do!"

In the midst of Lilli's scolding and Brishen's panic, Niamh let out a low groan, turning to press her forehead and palms against the wall as she breathed slow and deep through the pain of contractions rippling through her womb. As it passed, she offered both brother and sister a faintly guilty smile. "D'ye think we could mebbe take this somewhere a wee bit more private?" she asked.

"Aye, aye, Arg-ack!" Panic was something the witch herself was feeling a good deal of at the moment; enough so that she missed the feel of Zayveon's presence completely; something she normally felt as instant as the strike of a match. "Oh, oh.. Room. Room. Ah!" Grateful beyond words that she never quite took that precious gold key off from around her neck, Lilliana fisted the small piece and motioned frantically towards the nearest door; a good four feet away, to be exact.

That innocuous little dragonkin had sped off to fetch his master, and so it was that Z'ev Zayveon rounded the corner to witness the confined panic that was yet to spread. "Is it that time already?"

From further down the hall, a head or two from one of the many that'd come to 'go to ground' in the draconian's home in the deep south had poked out. One was more noticeable than the other, why? Because it was a brilliant shade of violet.

Hearing Zayveon, a wave of calm hit Lilli like the welcome cool of a breeze. "Oh goddess, yes, i's t'ime... Z'ev, can' ya' help carry her? Brishen, help me ge' some ho' wat'er an' towels an' the like?" Her hand was already on the door, and the key in its hole.

Never would Niamh have imagined in a thousand years that she would be the calmest person at the initiation of the birth of her first child. She groped for Brishen's hand, holding on tightly, and moved with Lilli's ushering toward the door indicated, relying on sheer bloody-mindedness to get her there and through before the next contraction hit. Z'ev's appearance was a balm in itself, and Niamh chanced a grin toward the draconian before she groaned again, breath hissing through her teeth as she tensed against pain.

Niamh Garridan

Date: 2010-10-31 21:05 EST
"On it," Brishen said in answer to his sister's orders, squeezing Niamh's hand in return as he helped her to the door. He was thankful for something to do and paused to sweep a light kiss across Niamh's cheek as Z'ev arrived, stepping back to allow him to lift her without Brishen being in the way. "I'll be right back." Several nods of reassurance followed his words, his head was about to fall off.

"Ye'd better bloody well be," Niamh muttered as her husband made his escape, not exactly in the right frame of mind to be supportive or a calming influence on anyone at that moment.

Given his height and size, it wasn't hard for the draconian to step over to Niamh and lift her gently into his arms. He'd worry about having his robes cleaned later. Turning with her in hand, literally, he moved toward the door Lilliana was near. "A bed or couch we be needing."

Lifted off her feet by big, but gentle hands, Niamh leaned gratefully against Z'ev as he carried her toward Lilli's chosen destination. She knew she should have mentioned something about the increased frequency and duration of her contractions earlier, but there just hadn't been time. Well, she had the time now ... and all the panic the gypsies could manage.

"Err, ah, bed. I can crawl up. No! The couch by the fire. Better light there, we can lay t'owels an' clean linens down an' I can sett'le fer the babe there bett'er!" Lilliana chimed loudly as she all but flew to the linen closet to begin pulling out the necessary spreads.The fire was already alight, and roaring indeed; she'd been right about the light. Basin, a basin, her kingdom for a basin to fill with hot water!

While the other two were busy running about, Zayveon stepped with Niamh for a fourteenth century victorian couch, knowing that the plush cusions would do well in supporting her back as he eased her down into the couch's comfort. "How are your contractions, Niamh?" he asked her in a gentle rumble, as it occurred to him that he just might be the only one out of them all that had delivered a child before.

"Lilli, fer cryin' out loud, will ye shake th' ants outta yer pants!" the laboring Irish woman declared in exasperation, even as Z'ev lowered her down onto the couch. Turning attention from the fussing witch, she grimaced up at the draconian. "I dinnae know if'n it's s'posed tae feel as though I've a double-decker bus tryin' tae crawl out o' my muff, but that's prob'ly th' worst o' it."

"Don' be yellin' a' me! I haven' done this b'fore. Ma's been drillin' me, bu'.. I mean. I's no' tha' hard, is i'?" Realizing she was questioning herself before she even finished the sentence, Lilliana shook herself and took a firmer step, arms ladened with linen as she knelt beside the couch and wrapped her fingers around Niamh's ankle; she was checking her pulse, not to mention getting ready for the inevitable disrobing. Seeing Z'ev's obvious cool, she looked to him. "Have ya' done this b'fore'?"

"Yes," Z'ev assured his fiery gypsy woman. "Several dozen times."

Having been settled down on the couch, Niamh was once again struggling through the rippling tightness of a contraction as Brishen re-entered with a basin filled with steaming hot water. Her hand flailed towards him. "Tell ye what," she suggested when her breath was returned to her. "Next time, ye kin carry th' bairn and give birth, an' I'll fill th' basins an' such." A fleeting glimpse of her usual impish smile made an appearance as she turned her attention to wriggling out of her jeans.

:With a look to Lilliana and then Brishen, Zayveon lowered down to a knee to come closer toward Niamh's legs on the couch. "All right ... I need water down at the side by the couch on the floor, several towels or blankets, one clean, blanket, and Burner - go fetch me the Bacarna' dagger from the other room." As he radiated his calm throughout the room, Zayveon could be assured that his orders were being followed, even by the excitable little dragon who whisked off on his own errand. "Niamh, how's the pain?"

On hearing mentioning of a dagger, Niamh's eyes flew wide open, and she stared at Z'ev in horror. "S'fine," she managed. "Painful, but m'nae strugglin' wi' it." Her eyes narrowed. "What d'ye mean, fetch a dagger? M'nae here tae be cut intae!"

"To cut the cord, Niamh," the big draconian hurried to reassure the new mother, "it's perfectly normal. The cord once birth is completed needs to be cut before I can separate the afterbirth. I assure you, it'll be fine." Laying a large reptilian hand upon Niamh's stomach, he sent a gentle warmth perking into her flesh through the shirt she was wearing, turning his hand to check on the child's positioning within.

Opening her mouth to answer, what actually was released was a cry of pain as yet another contraction took hold of her slight body, waves rippling across her gravid belly beneath Z'ev's hand. But as the contraction eased once more, the draconian would feel quite clearly the outline of the baby's backside at the topmost cresh of Niamh's womb. Dropping her head back with a breathless gasp, Niamh looked up at those around her. "Is there summat I should be doin'?"

"I think I should be askin' that," Brishen cut in, staring rather blankly at the scene as it unfolded.

Lilliana was quite content to let Zayveon take the lead, she wasn't far away though; her hands were along Niamh's neck with a cool towel, or across her temples with a soothing touch. Eyes intent and unintentionally wide, she watched the draconian work, murmuring softly. "I guess I wasn' ready..."

"I want you to take a slow, deep breath, Niamh," Zayveon was saying. "When you exhale, I want you to push." His free hand moved to shift Niamh's legs further apart as he used one of the towels Brishen brought to cover her. Modesty, after all. Though in a way, they were all family. His hand remained upon her stomach, monitoring the child's health and positioning.

Niamh Garridan

Date: 2010-10-31 21:06 EST
"C'mere." Niamh flailed a hand toward Brishen as the other found a grasp on Lilli's fingers. Grey eyes levelled on Z'ev as he gave her the only instructions she needed. Unfortunately for Brishen and Lilli's hands, however, when she did push, she squeezed on their fingers as hard as she could, her eyes squeezed tightly closed as she groaned through her teeth.

Brushing the stray hairs away from her sister's brow, Lilliana turned towards her brother with a meek sort of grin."Wat'er, Brish, an' wine... Lot's o' wine." She offered sagely as she set another slow, cool draw of that soft bit of cloth across Niamh's head. The other hand, well, it met it's fate bravely clenched and creaking. "... or no'. Ya' go' a job tha's more import'an'. Righ' Niamh? Tha's i' darlin'..."

Brishen quickly hurried over, best to do as told. He let his wife take his hand in a death grip. " What?"

"Oh gods, dinnae give 'im wine at a time like - ahhhhhh!" Niamh's protestations were cut off as she felt another contraction coming, and her fingers crushed down on those of her husband and his sister as she pushed as hard as she could, feeling a stinging burn take hold as the little one's head began to make an appearance.

The draconian midwife knew the squeezing that took place of those poor souls that held the hand of a birthing woman. Warmth from his hand still flowed upon Niamh's belly, continually monitoring, as his other hand took hold of a towel to place under her and between her thighs. "Good, Niamh, very good." He was calm and confidence itself, much needed by all three who were centred on this event. "I need you to take in a deep breath and push again. Nice and firm, now."

Niamh's teeth were audibly grinding as she concentrated every part of her being on doing as she was told, bearing down with everything she had, barely aware of anything but the poor abused hands in her grip and the burning easing of a tiny life pressing through her pelvis.

"Lovely, wonderful-oh goddess tha's a babe! Oh Niamh! Don' st'op! Yer doin' so well already!" Lilliana had been hoping, no doubt as Niamh had been hoping, that the birth was quick and successful; the only thing a mother could wish for was a healthy newborn and a quick delivery time. Though she felt the hair on the back of her neck beading moist from the nerves that clogged the room, there was an overall rush of urgency and power surging about the room; the electricity of so many bodies in so small a circle.

Burner came dashing through the air with a tiny decorative dagger in his clawed grasp, landing on Zayveon's shoulder and looking down at the life being born, chirping excitedly over the top of his master's gentle voice. "Good ... very good ... once more ..." Both the draconian's hands were between Niamh's thighs, busy at work in catch and cradle. As and when it should happen, he was also ready to receive and set aside the afterbirth before reaching for the tiny dagger from Burner.

Niamh could not believe the work that went into giving birth. She was shaking, her body slick with sweat, and already she felt so tired she could barely hold her head up. When the order came to push again, she actually cried, sobbing out her weariness as she shook her head. "I can't ..."

"Ye're doin' fine." Brishen assured her. He really didn't know, he'd never done this before, but he was following Lilli's lead and just being optimistic, yup. He had to be sure to do that, lest she rend his hand from his arm all together. "Dinnae stop now."

"Ooh yes ya' can. C'mon Ni'... Ni', swee' Ni'. Jus' a lil' more darlin'. Then ya' can swaddle up an' sleep." Lilliana crooned encouragingly, trying to placate her mewling sis as best as she could; her hand was already being punished, but it had long gone numb; she paid it no mind anymore. Her eyes were all for those shaking thighs and the peek of skin between their slick, messy gleam.

"Once more," Zayveon's voice added to the encouragement that assailed Niamh on all sides." Take in a deep breath, hold it ... then push, my dear. You can do this."

Panting hard, ashamed of her herself for crying at all in the midst of what was supposed to be a joyful event, Niamh released a loud yell to urge her body onward, and she pushed again with as much strength as was left to her, her head turned toward Brishen.

Large reptilian hands, amazingly gentle and careful in their work, took and cleaned the wriggling babe as it was born, wrapping it warmly in the second towel Brishen had brought. The tiny dagger was positioned to cut the umbilical cord, and a hand delivered that 'pat' to the child. And the result? Well, there was a new gypsy crying in the room besides Niamh.

As the fresh wail of the bairn filled the room, Niamh let out an explosive breath, laughing and crying at once as she lifted her head to look down at Z'ev. "Is't ... is everythin'alright? Nothin' wrong wi' it?" she asked anxiously, slowly releasing the beleaguered hands of her husband and sister.

Brishen's hand sort of hovered in place where Niamh released it. He was too busy staring with the dumbstruck expression he usually reserved for when he'd just woken up to something unexpected.

"I's... Oh-, oh no, tha's a penis." Lilliana's tone went from alarmed to relieved in point seven seconds as she tipped up onto her toes, positively radiant beside Zayveon as he tended to the newborn. "Ne'er mind."

With a perk of his muzzle, Zayveon lifted the new-born Garridan in his large hands and offered him to Niamh. "Congratulations, new mother." With a clap of one hand to Brishen's back, and a wink to Lilliana, he added, "New father ... and aunt. You've a healthy, quite verbal son."

Niamh Garridan

Date: 2010-10-31 21:07 EST
"A - we got a boy?" Never mind that it was a shock - the firstborn in both Niamh's maternal and paternal lines were women, and Lilli was proof that Brishen's maternal line had the same issue. Niamh's face lit up with a bright smile as she turned her head to look over at the father of their boy. "Brish ... a lad, we've a son!" Her arms opened to take the squawling bundle from Z'ev's outstretched arms, wrapping securely about the newest Garridan with a small chuckle for the sheer volume of noise coming from him.

"I dare say all those children o' yers have done ya' a world o' good, Z'ev!" Lilliana was all but leaping into his arms as her body surged with joy, helping to soothe the ache in her hand and the flutter of her pulse. In all her years gone by and in those to come, she already knew she could admit with every bit of her heart that childbirth was truly the most body rending experience, for both the barer and the helpers. She was sweating, and she hadn't done a thing!

It took a moment for the expression to fade, just a second or two. Then he beamed just as brightly as Niamh and leaned over her to look down at the bundle in her arms. "A boy? Are ye sure?" He asked, peering at Lilli for a moment as though this may be one of her odd tricks.

"Aye! I's a boy! I wasn't sure, I though' there was somethin' wrong w' i' for a momen'... I mean, i' is yer babe t'oo aft'er all, but no, i's jus' a wee bi' o' ext'ra skin that's already the spitt'in' image o' ya'!" And there Lilli was, well, her humor at least; barbing at her brother's manliness. It was her own version of sibling love... really.

Giggling at Brishen's reaction to the news, Niamh twitched a fold of the blanket aside to let him check for himself before wrapping their son up safe and warm again. She knew she would have to rise and get herself comfortable and clean before she could properly rest, and being the practical soul she was, she had no problem with offering her husband his son to hold. "Here," she smiled tiredly to Brishen, "say hello tae Connor." Lilli got a wide, beaming smile before her attention lowered to Z'ev. Grey eyes blinked wearily, lit with a grateful smile. "Thank ye, Z'ev. Fer ev'rythin'."

And then Brishen had an armful of Garridan. He blinked down at Connor and smiled at Niamh, shooting Lilli a dirty look for a moment. Given the situation and her help, he'd let that one slide. For the time being. His attention was soon taken by his son, whom he was studying scrutinously.

"Not a problem, Niamh." The draconian bowed his head to her. "Always a blessing to be part of a child's beginning upon life. I'm glad I could help."

"Aye, well, m'glad ye were here," Niamh assured the big draconian. "Yer as much family as th' rest o' us now." Despite the ache in her body, she was already up and on her feet, looking around at the room thoughtfully. "This isnae th' room where we've bin sleepin', is't?" she asked with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Lilli, where'd ye park us this time?"

"Connor." Lilliana repeated the name slowly, tasting the sound on her tongue as she turned and watched her lover take his humble tilt of the head. "Look a' tha'. Oh Z'ev, Niamh's righ'. Look a' tha'... Look a'.. I couldn' have done tha' m'self. I couldn'."

Even as she said it, the gypsy witch knew it was untrue. If the straights had been dire and it was down to her hands, oh yes; she'd have done it in a heartbeat. But Brishen was there, and Z'ev, and Niamh had been pinker than pink. Pulling her thoughts back as Niamh's voice sank in, Lilliana found herself smiling again.

"... the room? Oh. He's go' a lo'. I sor' o' panicked. This.." She looked around and spired the familiar, seamless, fresh sprawl of the draconian's favorite crimson silks. Oh yeah, and that fireplace. "Ah, this is our room.." She added, finally realizing where they were herself.

There was a gentle chuckle from the draconian of old as he nodded to Niamh. looking them all over with a slight perk to his muzzle in a somewhat smile, clawed fingertips moving to discard the items used. "I once helped birth every child in a small town on an Eastern continent during the fall season," he mused softly. "Remarkable to be part of the welcoming of new life into the world."

"Thank ye again, Z'ev."

"Aye, thank ye," Brishen said finally, blinking up from Connor whom he'd been watching quietly and holding carefully, as though he were afraid too much movement would break him.

Niamh, however, couldn't resist a dig at Lilli in her usual less-than-subtle fashion. "Yer room, aye? Hopin' tae make it a fertile place wi' a birth an' ev'rythin'?" she teased, making her way over to a likely looking closet to extract one of Lilli's shifts.

Niamh Garridan

Date: 2010-10-31 21:09 EST
"H-hey' now, Ni', ya' shouldn' be prancin' around like tha' already! Brishen, back m' up on this..." Lilliana drawled in a tone that bordered between alarmed and concerned; for just whom one couldn't really quite be sure, but Lilliana was well past on her feet and zooming past the new mother. Her hands were at the closet and slapping the open doors closed with a quiet wooden clap. "I t'old ya', I panicked ... M'mind said 'safe' an' m' room came t'mind. Well, ah', the room I share w' Z'ev."

Niamh laughed as her hands were slapped away from the closet door. "Yer own mother said I was tae be on m'feet b'fore an hour after the bairn was born, an' here I am, doin' it," she snickered. "B'sides, m'nae fallin' asleep in yer room. Sae y'need tae take us back tae our own, don't ye?" Returning to Brishen's side, she leaned against her husband fondly, her eyes on the tiny boy in his arms, who had finally stopped caterwauling.

"I wouldnae want tae fall asleep in their room, either. Who knows what she'll get up tae wi' 'im while ye sleep," Brishen shook his head and shot Lilli a disapproving look before turning to smile down at Niamh. "Dinnae worry, love. I already checked, he doesnae look a thing like Lilli, we're safe."

Giggling through a yawn, Niamh grinned at her husband. "Aye, he'll be th' spit an' image o' his da," she insisted cheerfully. "An' if'n he's got e'en half o' th' power I could feel while he was growin', he'll be a fine man, just like his da."

Banter was natural among this clan, and Brishen wasn't about to let that opportunity pass him by. "I'm nae buyin' any presents for ye, quit tryin' tae butter me up."

Niamh's brow rose. "Who just birthed yer son, mister?" she demanded laughingly. "Be nice, or I may just decide tae ne'er give ye any more tae play wi'." That little comment earned her a horrified look that lasted all of a few seconds, before Brishen smirked back at her.

"O'course he don' look like me, I don' have one o' those." Making a face, she pointed indignantly at the child as though she didn't think he was the most adorable dollop of child she'd ever seen. It was fairly easy, considering she was looking at her brother. "Fer the sake o' yer boy, Ni', I won' be risin' t' yer' thick husband's jibes." Nodding her slowly, Lilliana set her eyes to Brishen in a sideways fashion before she took a step towards the door, huffing quietly. Z'ev recieved a much fonder look though, one she meant to follow up on later with him. Silly witch; she'd left her key in the door. She saw it gleaming from across the room.

With a nod of his muzzled head, the draconian spoke again. "You two and the newborn can, of course, stay in this room if you'd like. Plenty of rooms, I can handle a night in another."

"He does have a poin'... he only uses this room 'cause o' the view, the feminine darlin' he is." Lilliana teased over her shoulder.

"Nae, we'll nae turn ye out o' yer bedroom," Niamh insisted as she gently ushered her husband and son to step with Lilli toward the door. "We've a place right royal that ye've gi'en us; we'll settle 'im there."

Brishen rolled his eyes at Lilli and turned to shake his head at Z'ev. "Aye, thank ye, but I think we'd be more comfortable in our own, an' I'd nae want tae kick ye out o' yer room. If Lilli just used that key properly we'd already be there."

"All righ', all righ'... Damn ya' both. Wailin' like a banshee an' pale as ghos's one minut'e, then rowdy an' bruisin' the nex'." Clucking her tongue slowly as Zayveon nodded to the new family, Lilliana gave the key a turn and opened the door, gesturing to it for them with a small, small smile hiding in her cheeks. "Don' be afraid t'ask or call fer anything, ya' know tha', righ'?"

"Aye, mother, I know." Brishen stuck his tongue out at Lilli as he allowed himself to be ushered along by Niamh.

Niamh smiled, pausing to hug Lilli warmly before returning to her weary lean against Brishen's back. "Aye," she assured the new aunt. "An' ye kin bet I'll be callin' on ye five days out o' six tae help wi' yer wee nephew there."

"I don' change diapers, bu' I'll burn'em." Lilliana teased as she wrapped her arms all kinds of warm and secure around Niamh's shoulders. She was, of course, mindful of the little one who'd managed to stay quiet so long. Peeking down at her nephew, Lilliana stared, eyeing the little wrinkles that'd formed across his forehead. Reaching out, she stroked her thumb gently along the baby boy's cheek, humming her approval. "Ya' did wonderful, Ni'... Jus' wonderful."
((Many, many thanks to the players behind Lilli, Brishen, and Zev Zayveon for this fantastic bit of play!))