Topic: Uncharted Waters:A Sea Weathered Journal

Kathryn Manchester

Date: 2008-04-20 00:12 EST
A new love, a new start,a new journal with pages blank.

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.

Kathryn Manchester

Date: 2008-04-24 00:33 EST
I have been starring at thiese blank pages for two days now. At last I can no longer leave them blank. Some how by just sitting upon my desk the journal has already begun to weather. We will set sail in four days. The crew seems alright with it. I wonder if Vincent will enjoy the life of a sailor? Tis far different from life on dry land. Perhpas I will seta corse for Harpston,and Lote. To see Vaepin and Henry.

I have let Zach's ghost get some peace. Though I dare nto part witht he Tigers Heart now the ring that once adored my finger. Just liek I can not bare to part with the sword Dristan made me, nor the blue pearl ring he gave to me.

This new love is very new, its exciting . I am no stanger to passion. But it had been a long time. I enjoy waking up in his arms,and falling alseep in them as well. He has met a few of the crew but had yet to meet them all. I wonder if he will be able to take orders from me while we are at sea with out being his playful self. Not that I mind. The Black Velvet will sail again. Its crew will have a new member, and I have a new love in him.

Love has not been kind, not to me. The sea has not eb kind to most sailors. It has been ratehr good to me, a few storms, a few hard times. But the salt of the sea stings less to me than my own tears. Which I hope to have fewer of.

Kathryn Manchester

Date: 2008-06-12 00:23 EST
My lover is a wanted man, how odd that seems to me. But he is stilla good man in my book, We left the rgeen port days ago, and gained two new crew members. Rismund and Zakie. How I have missed the tall elven man, who always seems more dangerous than he really is.

Mic is at the helm nw while I take a moment in my room. My thoughts drift back now to Zach. He is dead, but many of the crea are still alive.

Ethan,Nate,Wil,Riley,Arad,Saka, Eider, Muirin,Hope,Abi,Iona .Etory and Eirien. They are all alive. Though Etory and Eirien did not have to face the death of Zach, both safe and in love far away in Lote. Etory with Henry and Eirien with Vaepin.

We go to see them.

Will Lote be safe?

Will my brother find me yet again? Will I lose the Velvet and my life?

Only time will tell.