Topic: A Dame's Discovery


Date: 2006-12-12 21:11 EST
It was a loose pebble that was caught in her boot, partly legless as she was, bottle in hand and hair falling forward to snake, wet, across her face. She had no sense of time or place, just that it looked interesting! Early evening, she could register that much if she tried, but only as her peripheries stung with the twilight haze as she skittered and trudged in that slouchy, sulky way.

"Gud damnit!", she yelled as she tripped, log rolling off this dire, dark ripple of earth and volcanic membrane, she kept on and on, picking herself up and eventually disbanding the bottle to go at its own lazy glass echoed pace. "And gud riddance ta!", she would follow with, as her top lip reared into a snarl and she hunched over, walking on and on and on, here and there and frayed and frazzled-such was lack of sobriety. She was human. She was a woman. She wasn't any particular fiendish or fabulous variety of anything. Just a skulker, right now, weaponless and idle. She lifted her head up at the passing monochromes and thick, humid air, that clung to the back of her neck and she felt through her steel-capped boulders that shaped her feet in that clomp and stomp that ever signified her arrival.

"Gud damn; wha' we 'ave 'ere?"

Long, curled lashes, a natural blessing to a woman who didn't care, lifted high as she inclined her head to peer past smog and blaring twilight nuisance to see what it was she had happened upon.

"A throne?", she muttered to herself in that gravelly voice that lilted not but dropped to a pitch above a sleeping breath.

"Devils an' trolls an' orc!" She threw a fist in the air, throwing her whole self into it, and so into the act she fell forward, and went flying down into the misery of this dark flavoured place; a trend to it more suffocating then the air, but as she was catapulting down, screaming like the banshee she was, well, not really, but could pass for at the best of times, she had not the time to register such. She just flailed her arms and wailed her vocal chords, before landing in a pebbley thud and letting loose a peal of raucous laughter.

Her own throne had always been the pavement; cross-legged and wide eyed on someone elses stoop. She slowly stood and yelled out a hello, and thought and said nothing more on this place. Gave her the heebee jeebee's it did!