Topic: Encounters


Date: 2007-02-10 03:39 EST
...A somnumbulant adolescent with a wild dye-job would be what it appeared as the girl walked bare foot amongst rocky terrain without a jab of pain to awaken her to her environment and bloodied feet.

Lashes so low as to brush the crest of high cut cheeks, the delicate fold of skin creased as though in concentration on what was imprinted, shadow or light, on the back of those lids that dull pupils stared vacantly before.

Her stride was long, her feet smoothing over stone as a maiden across a pebble laden stream bed. It was an unusual grace that accompanied her towering height, though vulnerable in this meander without sight, it propelled her quickly, and her ears, somewhere, somehow, were pricked to surrounds in her passing. The sheer light of moon and strips of shadows casting funhouse mirrors in her paramnesiac dreaming augury and distraction. A pause, and the girl was stiff backed and straight, masculine in her demeanor so tall and forboding, though where light managed to outdo the dark, her fixed expression of confusion was ripe, on stark features; her eyes opened were but blank, blue gulches, gaping with liquid colour. Straight ahead was dark rock and air that sang with coolness.



She collapsed, then, as though her eyes had overdosed on imagery, and she was thus a lone shape, sprawled white and red, in this wilderness of competitive light.

Her body echoed with sadness, and frailty.

Alysia Skye

Date: 2007-02-13 20:45 EST
Something burned in the corner of Alysia's thoughts, an alert little warning-tickle. She stilled the movements of a kata, closed her eyes to push away the temptation of distraction. A quandary had crossed the boundaries that she considered her domain. Something both tantalizingly familiar yet strikingly strange. Something almost recognizable in nature yet neither friend nor foe. Something with potential enough to trigger the wards she'd placed.

The near-lassitude of solitary meditation left her and she was immediately on guard and curious.

She framed a query in her mind, tracing an illuminated sigil with her fingertip. In response, a sylph breezed past the Priestess, whispered cool words. She frowned and stepped outside, taking a path away from the sleeping manor across dew-heavy grass. The normal sounds of the Dark Lake were absent, hiding under heavy silence. Shadows lengthened as the moon sank toward the horizon. The chill stung her exposed arms and face.

Alysia looked down at prone figure draped across the ice-crazed black stone not yet worn smooth to sand by the action of the lake several meters away. Tall and apparently female (if the thin, girlish curves were any clue), the creature would stand at a height greater than Alysia's. Ivory flesh, bare feet bruised and torn by the rocks, garbed in sheer white linen. Stark contrast with a cranberry-red mane of ringlets.

She appeared young, but the Priestess acknowledged to herself that could be deceptive.

"I wonder what. . ." Alysia began in a low whisper, then laughed sharply as she realized some of the familiarity. This was some form of demon-spawn, perhaps even succubai. The irony wasn't lost on her. The Priestess crouched on one knee, gently touching the girl's face, sending a questing thought toward her mind. Movement revealed a gleam near the curve of the creature's left ear, an incandescent braid ornamented and jingling with tiny metal bells and gemstones. The girl didn't stir.

Coming to some sort of decision, she directed the wind elemental which had accompanied her to bear the girl back toward the manor.


Date: 2007-02-21 01:02 EST
Lift off was barely sensed as her body was levitated across miles by a sylph who bore an unrecognisable weightlessness yet strength that her subconscious was both comforted and terrified by. Her mind was a blank playground, broken twigs, squeaky swings and abandoned seasaws. Her eyes fluttered as though to open wide, but as lids dropped back all was white, as the marbles of blue eyes had rolled back into their sockets.

Alysia's fire welled beyond the decay and she felt the tinder flicker close and far. A relativity between two souls of expansive history. Her fingers splayed and grabbed at the air, then limpened. Her mouth hung slack and her hair was squiggly outlines in the dark hum of icy night. Something lulled her, quelled the tearing chills within, the empty spaces. Her vacant lot heart pumped with a solemn air, whispering haunted across her flacid body. The fire she felt now more than simply sensed was like a dull jolt through her feet and up towards her chest. She welcomed the enormous tug towards this being taken. Eyes opened for a moment, wide, spaced out, staring straight up. Such was her entrance to the Manor, all ceilings and cornices and curlicues of colour and shape she was unfamiliar with...Yet certainly drawn to, in her drowsy, frightened state. Something in this unknown that had spirited her unto it was vibrant and knowing her. It would have to take her own lost conscious to recognise in return.