Topic: Ghosts


Date: 2009-03-13 23:15 EST
Chryrie had been having her morning tea with Kitty, flipping through the Gossip GangSTAR idly. Their conversation was casual and didn't consist of any one topic for very long. But then one mention in that paper caught Chryrie's eyes, making her visibly frown.

"Kitty? What's this about Alysia leaving Rhydin?"

Kitty glanced at her sister over the rim of her coffee cup hesitantly. She knew the fae would be displeased by the news. "Well, she mentioned to Lucien and myself that she was thinking of returning to Rhilshen for good. I don't know if she's actually done anything to pursue that."

Chryrie's eyebrows lifted, but she said nothing. Their conversation continued as usual, but she made a mental note to find Alysia and ask her about it.

The next day Chryrie made her way to the Dark Lake Manor. What struck her as odd as soon as she got there was the total complete silence. It had always had been a quiet place, but this time was different. There was nobody there... at all.

She made her way from room to room, a feeling of panic rising in her chest as she found only the eerie silence. The furniture remained, but some was covered with sheets. Any shift of the air caused the sheets to billow and shift, making it look like the room was filled with oddly shaped ghosts.

Ghosts... perhaps that was all that remained in the Manor now.

Chryrie pressed a hand to the top of a table as she found herself in Alysia's personal quarters. It too was empty save the furniture. However, the personal effects were missing. Perhaps Alysia was simply living elsewhere until she decided on whether or not to make the final trip to Rhilshen. She hoped.

But the fae knew Alysia could not simply return through the shadows as she once had. Alazais had ensured that. No, there was hope yet.

She moved to a mirror on the wall and stared at her own reflection for a moment. One hand lifted up and moved inches from the glass surface.

"Show me what has transpired here."

The image clouded then cleared to show Alysia packing things into boxes. Occasionally she would exchange words with one of the serving staff, but those words could not be heard through the magical scrying. The words didn't matter as much to the fae as the look on Alysia's face. Her eyes seemed filled with storm clouds, but otherwise it was an expression of a decision made.

Chryrie waved the images away, causing the mirror to go dark and then return to it's normal reflection of the present.

She had to find Alysia.


Date: 2009-03-16 15:36 EST
Chryrie had been in the Inn, speaking with Skid, when Lucien walked in. She had been wanting to talk to him, so she finished up her conversation with Skid and then watched the Barrister as he made his way over. He settled down next to the fae with his glass of scotch.

"So..." He left that to hang there as he took a swallow of his drink.

Her expression grew pensive as she looked at him. "Kitty told me about what Alysia had mentioned to the two of you..."

Lucien nodded. "She also told me you went to the Manor and found it empty."

"I did... on both accounts." She frowned as she thought back to what she saw in the all too quiet manor. "The furniture was all there, but the personal belongings were gone."

"I went by there last night. The grounds were so..." Lucien struggled to put to words to properly describe what he felt more than what he witness. "...still."

Chryrie nodded at his words. Still was an understatement. It was if the very Spire was mourning the Priestess leaving. "I know. It bothered me greatly." She let out a sigh. It more than bothered her. But there simply were not words to describe it. "I must find her."

Lucien's voice was quiet as he spoke to Chryrie. "She was looking for passage on a ship. Said something about other passage ways being blocked to her." And then he murmured under his breath. "She hates sailing."

"They are." Her frown returned. She also knew Alysia hated to sail. But she knew Alysia had no other means of returning there on her own. "Alazais destroyed the shadow portal, and has blocked any means of shadow transporation in and out of Rhilshen. She doesn't know I can slip in and out by other means."

At least, she didn't think the woman knew. Nothing had been said to her about her comings and goings. It was entirely possible Alazais forgot about her very existence.

Her tone turned bland as she thought of the impostor. "I'm sure she honestly believes I fly there and back. Even though that's impossible to do."

"When was the last time you spoke with Alysia?"

Her brows knitted together as she thought about it. Too long. "It's been some time."

"She knows about...Alazais though?"

She nodded to him. "Yes. We discussed it. When I saw her here I was confused, because I thought Alazais was her..."

When I go there, I will not return. Alysia's word echoed in his ears. Lucien took another good swallow of scotch before he spoke again. "She said if she goes, she won't be returning."

Her gaze lowered. So the rumor was true. "I had heard something to that effect. And the images I saw... of her expression..."

Lucien's brow knit to a deeper furrow. "What images?"

"I... had the mirror in her room show me the past. It showed her packing up things from her room... and she had such a look. Like she had made some sort of decision."

Lucien's finger tapped more rapidly against the side of his glass. Memories of Alysia struggling with voices and focus collided against the resolve he heard in her voice.

"I'm sure she hasn't left yet." Her kaleidoscope eyes whirled as she watched him. "But I do want to find her. I don't.. I won't let her do this alone."

Lucien's gaze held the small ripples his tapping caused in the amber drink. "She was thinking of going by the embassy. You might see if one of the street urchins she was working with knows of her whereabouts. They know more than people give them credit for."

Nearby Gemethyst smiled and nodded as she heard Lucien. She knew how correct that statement was. Chryrie nodded to him as well as she listened. She doubted Alysia would go the Embassy. Not with Alazais controlling Rhilshen. But the street urchins..."Good idea."

The mark on his arm twinged as he thought of the fading scar nestled in his palm. Lucien shook his head to Chryrie. "I can't suggest anything more than that. I don't know anything more." A light humored grin accompanied the latter confession.


Date: 2009-03-17 04:58 EST
Chryrie gently put a hand on Lucien's arm, trying to comfort him. "I promise, I will do everything in my power to find her.. and I won't let her return to Rhilshen alone."

Lucien didn't doubt that Alysia would find a way to return to Rhilshen. It was her return that weighed heavily upon him. He bade quietly. "Make sure she is able to return"

"I can return... and if she truly wishes to go, then I will take her."

He grinned and shook his head, clarifying his remark. "Make sure she is able to return to Rhydin...whether she chooses to or not is another matter."

"As long as I live, she will have a way back to Rhydin." She smiled to him. Did he really think she would just up and leave a woman she called kin in a place where she was no longer welcome? She mentally dismissed the thought. "And I don't have an expected mortality."

He found a grin at her reply. "Good. I'm going to hold you to that."

Chryrie crossed her arms. "I'm sure you will. And... you know... she will probably make me promise to keep an eye on you in her absence." She smirked at him, but she knew it was likely true.

Lucien couldn't help but laugh at Chryrie's remark. "You'll be very busy keeping an eye out for the both of us."

"I won't have a moment to myself. Although you're pretty boring to watch for long periods of time." She teased.

"I am trying to make your job a lot easier." He offered with a wry grin, before taking another good swallow of scotch.

"Sure you are, Barrister." She stressed the title of his chosen profession.

In return Lucien offered a conceding shrug with a grin. "I can't help I'm boring."

"I'm sure it's just part and parcel of your job." She gave him an amused look. She really did consider the practice of law an ultimately boring job, what with all the paperwork. "And with you whipping things out of your pocket when you're startled, I'm sure I won't have anything to worry about."

"I only need to do that when I walk through the West End." He patted his pockets as a matter of demonstration, showing a lack of his occasional weapon.

"Mmm... that would explain why you came up empty handed when you reached for it to aim it at me." Chryrie tapped her bottom lip with a finger as she thought of the time she scared him with the illusion of a snow monster attacking him.

"I've picked up a few new tricks." He offered vaguely.

"Oh really?" She lifted one eyebrow at him.

"It is part of the deal." He offered in reply before taking another drink of scotch.

Instantly both eyebrows came down in a furrow. Deal?? "What deal?"

Lucien ducked his head and drops his voice to speak privately to Chryrie. In those whispered words he revealed the price he paid for Alysia's freedom.

It was a horrible price in her eyes. She visibly paled. "Oh no..."

Lucien set down his glass and unfastened the cufflink of his left sleeve. He sent Eless a nod, then proceeded to unroll his sleeve, slowly revealing the tattoo he normally kept hidden. Then he pulled the sleeve up higher and pointed to a foreign mark on his upper arm, above his own tattoo.

Chryrie looked down at his arm. Oh gods no. Not this. Anything but this. Her hand covering her mouth as she turned away and squeezed her eyes shut. HER fault. She still blamed herself for Alysia's capture. She had no idea the dear price that had been paid for the woman's freedom. And by someone she would never wish to hurt.

Lucien's brows furrowed as he quickly rolled his sleeve back down and re-secured the cufflink. "Chryrie?"

"This is all my fault..." Chryrie murmured as her hand went up to cover her eyes and rub a spot on her forehead. The guilt washing over her was nearly unbearable. Her fault.


Date: 2009-03-19 22:25 EST
"Uhm..." He was confused now. "It isn't your fault. You weren't even involved."

She realized he had no idea of what all happened that night. "No no.. I was! I was the one who set him off the night he captured her." Chryrie's voice caught in her throat as her eyes began to well up. Don't cry. Dont cry. Don't cry... too late. "And now you're... this isn't right."

Lucien was even more confused now. "I thought... I heard it..." He shook his head as if to dismiss it. "It doesn't matter."

"I am so sorry Lucien." She clamped her hands over her face to hide the tears. Her fault."I'm... gods. I was there... fighting him with her. And he took her before I could stop him." Her fingers moved to her temples. "It's my fault..."

Lucien moved to wrap his arms around her in embrace and began to speak quietly to her in a whisper. "It isn't your fault. It isn't at all. This was his doing. He's really good at goading people and getting people to lose their tempers."

"It is... it is. If I had just kept quiet. Paid his blathering no mind. But he just made me so angry... his chess playing with other's lives. I would take my own life if it meant I could take his too." She sniffled unable to keep the tears hidden any longer. She would do it too. Her hatred for that man was that strong. "My anger... and you're my friend."

Lucien reached into his pocket and offered a silk handkerchief to Chryrie. "It isn't. You aren't the only one that he's pushed to that point. More than once I've come real close to trying take him out." He chuckled humorlessly at the absurdity of his confession. "Can you image?"

"I'd rather not." She took the handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes. The thought of what Veighn could do to Lucien at a whim made her sick to stomach. It also made her feel that burning rage at that man all over again. "I know I wouldn't be able to control myself if I had to scrape what was left of you off the walls."

"I'm taking this approach..." And then he dropped his voice to whisper in her ear once more.

She listened, and despite her overwhelming guilt induced misery, she let out a chuckle at his words. "You are a brave, brave man, Lucien. Never let anyone tell you differently."

Their conversation wandered over whether or not he was a royal pain in the butt and various nicknames. That was something Chryrie no only denied, but in her heart refused to believe. He was a dear friend, and she trusted him. However, her guilt pushed her to make another decision.

She lifted a finger at him to ensure she had his attention. Her voice was resolute. "You.. will let me teach you things as well, or I'll never be able to set this aside."

Lucien smiled and nodded. "I would be honored if you would."


They talked for a bit longer. Chryrie let him know she was going to be keeping a closer eye on him from now on. Mentally she avowed to keep him safe... at any cost. But soon Lucien decided it was time for him to leave. He tipped his glass back and drained it of it's remaining amber contents and then set it aside. "You'll let me know when you find Alysia?"

Chryrie nodded. "Yes, of course."

Lucien then rose to his feet as if preparing to leave.

"Heading home?" Chryrie questioned.

He nodded to her. "Might stop by the manor on the way home though."

"Would you mind if I walked with you?" She paused. It was only fair if he could see what she saw. "And I can show you what I saw in the mirrors... if you stop there."

"I would like that very much." He offered her his arm.

The walk to the manor was filled with their usual banter, punctuated with the silence that comes when two people are worried about someone they care for. The occasional quiet turned to a deafening hush when they arrived at the manor grounds. There was a heavy, mournful stillness that blanketed the grounds. Lucien's attention swept over the too still landscape as Chryrie led them to the Manor. Neither spoke a word as they walked through the equally still Manor to Alysia's private quarters. Chryrie moved to the mirror and commanded the mirror as Lucien watched with brows furrowed. The image of the Priestess shimmered into view as Chryrie showed Lucien what she'd seen in the mirror.

A deep frown marred the Barrister's features at the resolution on the Priestess' face. He paced around the room as Chryrie watched on, shaking his head, finger tapping anxiously in his pocket. Her words came back to him. Lucien came back around to the mirror and looked at the reflection there for another breath, the nodded to Chryrie. She waved her hand over the mirror and the images faded away.

Yes... she definitely needed to find Alysia.