Topic: Oblivion not alone

Kitty Helston

Date: 2009-05-10 03:19 EST


Date: 2009-05-10 03:22 EST
Chryrie had sent word through the street urchins that she sought to know where Alysia had gone. Soon, one returned to her with word that Alysia had gone to the Rhilshen embassy. And so, it was to the Embassy she went.

"Where has Alysia gone?" Chryrie stared down the woman before her.

Thraci gave the moredhel fae a droll smile. "To her certain doom, I'm sure."

Chryrie had no time for this woman's games, and so she stepped forward, a hand grabbing the woman by the throat, the other lifting to hover before the woman's face. Electricity sparked between her fingertips. "Then you will tell me exactly when she left, how she left, and where I will be able to find her. Otherwise, I will return and make you suffer the worst pain you could ever dream of. And do keep in mind I can outwit your pet mages here. I've done so before."

Thraci went rigid, the fear showing in her eyes as she realized the fae was truly angry and could very well follow through with her threat.

In moments she had detailed where Alysia was suppose to go, how she was getting there, and when she was expected to arrive.

Chryrie left the embassy, her jaw set in determination. She would not let Alysia do this alone.

It was not long before the fae had gone into the "in between" to make the trip to the Dragonspine. The trip was long enough the fae would make it there just a day or two before Alysia was expected to arrive. During that time she pondered what brought it all on. She came to no definite conclusion. Whatever Alysia's reasons were, they were her own.

There was a slip of light, and the fae stepped through it, her feet touching firmly on ground before the slip disappeared. She wasted no time getting to the docks.

And there, she waited.

Alysia Skye

Date: 2009-05-19 22:56 EST
"Ahhh..." Alysia muttered held up her hand to shield her eyes. Sunlight gleamed mirror bright against the water; the ocean-front shops and warehouses seemed black in start contrast. "Astaen's blood, why does it have to be so bright."

Vich, one of the Legionnaires, winced at the blasphemy. Alysia ignored his discomfort, drinking in the acutely familiar sights, sounds, scents and auras that made up this part of Rhilshen to her. Fire-red eyes glanced over the oceanfront crowds, picking out few threats among the busy dock workers, merchants, fishermen, and sightseers. Through the enhanced awareness granted by bloodspice, she quickly noticed one aura that stood out. It was one she did not expect to see here, not now, and it recalled her to her present purpose. A challenge to mortality.

She gently nudged Hazel and Vich aside, then stepped past her escort, squinting at the moredhel fae waiting at the docks. "Chryrie." Alysia bowed her head in greeting. " must be wondering why I'm here, almost as much as I'm wondering why you're here." After a moment, Alysia half-smiled. "Let us hope the current Emperialle is distracted. Otherwise, she'll be convinced that I'm gathering my family to retake her throne."


Date: 2009-05-20 15:57 EST
Chryrie patiently watched Alysia make her way up the docks with her escorts. Their presence slightly surprised her, but her attention was quickly reverted back to Alysia herself.

"Actually, I know exactly why you're here. Lucien and I have been talking at length about your plans to come here... with no plans of returning back to RhyDin." She tried to keep her expression neutral, but the pain of knowing Alysia would be going was a bit much even for her. She then lifted a hand before Alysia would have a chance to voice any displeasure.

"Now, before you start protesting, I'm not going to try to stop you. I already know you have your mind set. I could see it in the Manor mirror when I scryed the past, and I can see it now." She sighed and looked to the woman she called sister. Promises voiced and asked echoed in her mind. "I've simply come because I won't let you do this alone. I promised Lucien and myself that I wouldn't. I also promised him that as long as I live, you will have a way back, in case you change your mind. But... I find myself doubting that will ever happen. Finding you was hard enough as it was. I had to threaten Thraci just to get the information out of her."

Her eyes turned to the escorts, then to their surroundings. She felt like she was looking for something, but wasn't sure what.

"As for her..." The name unspoken, but easily enough assumed. "I highly doubt she pays any attention to my comings and goings. Not that it would do her much good. Besides, if she knew me as well as you do, she'd know neither of us would be here out in the open if we were planning such a thing. I know you're not here for the throne, and believe me, I have no want or need for it."

She turned her attention back to Alysia. "So... I'm coming with you. You can tell me no, but I won't listen. Besides, there are a few things I wanted to discuss with you... and ask of you before this was all said and done."

Alysia Skye

Date: 2009-05-20 23:30 EST
As soon as Chryrie started talking, Alysia began to formulate a response. This journey and its conclusion is fated to be. You can't stop me. Don't even try. But those words remained unspoken as Chryrie held up a hand, forestalling the expected comment.

"Now, before you start protesting, I'm not going to try to stop you. I already know you have your mind set. I could see it in the Manor mirror when I scryed the past, and I can see it now," Chryrie said. Alysia smirked in silent assent and subsided, listening to the fae.

Eventually, she nodded. She knows me too well, thought Alysia, and she will not be diverted. So be it.. She turned and looked at the two Legionnaires, tossing each a small pouch of coin. "Vich. Hazel. We will be heading west in less than an hour. Get mounts, hellsteeds if you can find them, and whatever supplies you need for two weeks travel. I will wait for you at . . . oh, the Plaza of Greenthorn, is that good enough? Good. Go." The pair saluted and moved toward the marketplace. Alysia watched them with narrowed eyes, then returned her attention to Chryrie.

"They'll be gone for at least a half hour. I trust them, but they'll most certainly be questioned by the Emperialle after they've discharged their duties, and the less they know, the better. Thraci has gone to great lengths to slow down official word of my presence here, and I'd hate to spoil her efforts." Alysia didn't volunteer any more information than that, and she stretched and began to make her way away from the harbor. After the days of travel aboard a ship, the ground felt particularly reassuring under her feet, familiar and solid. Reaching a tree-lined avenue, she commented casually to Chryrie,"I wonder. What did you want to discuss?"


Date: 2009-05-21 16:30 EST
Chryrie watched the escorts as they moved away, then she stepped to match stride with Alysia as she walked. Her lips pressed into a line as she tried to gather her thoughts that were threatening to scatter.

"Plausible deniability..." She nodded, then took a deep breath.

"Lucien told me of the price he paid for your freedom." She frowned deeply as she recalled the conversation with the Barrister. That horrible horrible price. "Something I now feel even more guilt over. So... I have decided that I will keep him protected. I told him as such. He's a dear friend and I could not live with myself if he came to harm over this."

She glanced to Alysia, trying to gauge her expression. She then looked back to the path before them as they walked.

"I can't say I understand your reasons for this, since you have yet to voice them. However, I have chosen to respect the decision, nonetheless. I know you wouldn't make such a choice without thinking it over. But... I truly wish you would have come to me and let me help you make the trip. I know how you hate to sail. Although, I'm not sure how well you would handle a trip through the void of the in-between."

The moredhel fae knitted her brows together slightly as she considered the complications of that. Many were known to become quite sick after such a trip, since there was no up, down, or visible points of reference. She mentally dismissed it, since it was too late now and pondered the question that was also on her mind.

"I also wished to know... Since the Manor is now empty, if you would permit me to take up residence there. The Dark Lake would surely become even more volatile if left untended, and I myself would like to be closer to RhyDin for personal reasons. The island is nice, but the long trips are tiresome."

I also can't stand to see it empty. The unvoiced thought echoed through her mind. But she kept it to herself... for the moment.

Alysia Skye

Date: 2009-05-21 23:52 EST
"You know, you ruined a perfectly good retort I had waiting. But you deserve answers to your questions, I'll grant you that." Alysia pressed her lips together in a thoughtful smile, considering her words. As they traversed a stone bridge spanning a tranquil green river, she paused in the shade of a huge willow tree. She looked squarely at Chryrie for a while. The thoughtful smile turned somber. "Please believe me when I say that you are not to blame for what happened with Yhaull. That confrontation was quite inevitable and likely planned in many aspects. It certainly wasn't the first time I've reacted like that to goading or threats against my family, and given the same circumstances, I would do so yet again. I learned much about misplaced trust and alliances with that. . . experience. But I would have rather died, than have Lucien negotiate for my freedom with the coin he chose to pay. The guilt for his price is mine to bear. If you can protect him, that is more than I have ever been able to do."

Alysia took a deep breath, listening to sound of tiny waves lapping at the stone pillars supporting the bridge. She nudged a twig off the edge of the bridge and watched ripples spread from its fall. After a while, she added,"I'm old, Chryrie. I've hidden it for many years and there are very few who I have admitted this to, but thanks to my mother, I'm just human enough to quail at the concept of eternity. I have watched worlds change, and I have not changed. I have built tombs for more than one lover and most of my children. I have become a relic, and I weary of life, of the constant struggle and strife of living.

"My fate has been foretold. So, knowing with a certainty that I will die, I would die with a modicum of grace, at a time of my own choosing. When I was much younger, I learned of a divine graveyard called the Sea of Turmoil. I've visited there once - only once, it's far to the west, even past minotaur territory. It's a place where the ancients and forgotten gods of Rhilshen go to die. That's where I'm going." She skimmed narrow hands through her hair in an unconscious gesture that betrayed a restless hint of dread. Fiery eyes settled back upon the moredhel fae.


Date: 2009-05-25 15:52 EST
She listened quietly for a moment, then slowly nodded.

"Death with dignity. I can understand that. I suppose it would be selfish and thoughtless of me or anyone to want to deny you that."

Alysia's words over the incident with Yhaull were of some comfort, but she couldn't help but feel that guilt still gnawing at her insides. Her brow furrowed slightly, then smoothed as she took a deep breath.

Her hands rested on the railing as she looked to the willow that shaded them as she considered Alysia's words of age and death. How long would it be before she wished to finally end her existance out of simple weariness.

"Well, if this is what you truly wish, then so be it. But... I still won't let you go alone. No one should die alone. Least of all someone I call family."

She turned to look directly at Alysia once more. "I will help you get where you wish to go. If you were to go alone, you may get the desired end result, but going through minotaur territory may make it not the desired location. "

She paused a moment. "And you never answered my final request of you."

Alysia Skye

Date: 2009-08-09 21:57 EST
"Ultimately, everyone dies alone," Alysia reflected. "It is rare that you can bring a companion with you into the Dark. But someone should bear witness, and best that it be a close friend. Even better that it be dear family." She smiled, wrinkling her nose as she did so. "Trust that it is truly my wish, Chryrie. Besides, one never really dies as long as one is remembered."

The erstwhile priestess nodded as Vich and Hazel made their way toward the bridge, riding swift half-blood Hellsteeds and leading two more of the same along with a packhorse laden with supplies. A cloud passed over the sun for moment, dimming shadows. She looked back toward Chryrie. "Dark Lake is yours, Chryrie. It should stay in the bloodline. Some of Javan's little street rats may make their way back there, in time. I only ask that if they do, you see that they are cared for."

The Legionnaires saluted in unison as they came to a stop. "Recognized some of the Emperialle's personal guard hanging outside the chandlery," muttered Hazel. "Might be inclined to interfere."

Alysia looked from one to the other, some complicated emotion fading from her face, then she mounted one of the Hellsteeds. "I don't want complications. Let's go."


Date: 2009-08-11 21:49 EST
"Of course. I wouldn't dream of turning them away. They're only children, after all."

Chryrie glanced at the hellsteeds and exhaled through her nose. She always preferred to fly over ride, but flying would draw unwanted attention. Come to think of it...

She stepped up next to the hellsteed that she was to ride, and before she was fully mounted, her appearance had altered. Her wings were gone, along with any signs of her being fae or elven. She looked liked a completely average human. Less than noteworthy in every way.

She rode in silence, appearing to be in something of a daydream. In truth she was focused on keeping a spell maintained. It was a small... subtle. Practically a cantrip in all honesty. But it would save the four of them a great deal of headache.

As long as she kept focused on it, those who would look in their direction wouldn't give them a second glance. The eye would see, but the brain would automatically dismiss them as just part of the local color. And she would be able to maintain it as long as none of them tried to interact with the Emperialle's personal guard.

She didn't speak to the Legionnaires beyond what was necessary. She owed them no explanation for her being there. And when it came time for them to take their leave, she wouldn't miss them.

Alysia Skye

Date: 2009-11-08 17:43 EST
For fate has wove the thread of life with pain,
And twins ev'n from the birth are misery and man!
--The Odyssey of Homer.

The gulls wheeled and screamed overhead.

I sat upon the shore and watched the storm raging over the sea. The last several weeks, the journey from Rhy'din, the events that had led me here... they had all taken their toll and I felt empty inside. At my back, dawn crept over the Dragonspine Mountains and cast long shadows upon the ashen wastes. Somewhere east of here, my official escort was riding back to Aeshelm. Although they would not hurry their journey, I had no doubt Vich and Hazel intended to report to the Emperialle. They were Legionnaires, and it was their duty.

Acting upon a whim, I summoned my will and gave it form, then turned toward my sister with my palm extended. Against my fingertips lay a gleaming, iridescent pearl the size of a robin's egg. "This should be kept safe. If not upon your person. . . well, there is a coffer at Dark Lake suitable for holding it." I offered no other explanation, and Chryrie did not demand one as she accepted the small orb.

I fell silent again, a victim of my own treacherous mind.

"It's not too late to turn back," Chryrie said quietly, addressing my unspoken doubts. She sat next to me, kaleidescope eyes shifting, fingers trailing through the black sand. Her voice cut through the cacophony of crashing waves, thunder, and wind. "There are other options, Alysia."

"I know. This is the coward's way out, isn't it." My words were lost to the storm. I shook my head, cleared my throat and raised my voice. "This is something that must be done. Fate cannot be denied."

Banishing reluctance and fear, I got to my feet and strode into cold oblivion.