Topic: Apologies-An OOC Announcement

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-05-23 17:06 EST
To those that had their feelings hurt in the great Slam-Fest held in this folder recently, and as the folder owner and moderator, I apologize. I was out of line allowing such slander to take place in my folder. Tynan-mun, you have nothing to be sorry about. It was my fault it got out of hand. Ash-mun, you did not instigate it. Heated emotions got out of control, and I was as much to blame.

Thank you, however, for showing support for Chiana-mun and her wishes in her absence. I know she appreciates it.

Thank you, and I hope to play again with you all, on better terms, of course.

Ash Avarice

Date: 2008-05-24 16:18 EST
Very gracious of you, Miss Dalia-mun, but unnecessary, at least to me. All is forgiven, even DarkHand-mun's accusations against me. I wonder what he would think if he knew that in fact I am a woman and not this Michael person??

It seems he is gone, so perhaps he will never know. He should have just asked me, if he needed to know that badly.

But, as you said, no more talk of this. I apologize, I have started in on it again and it was strictly forbidden, wasn't it?

Naughty Me.

Spank me?



Date: 2008-05-24 16:32 EST
Then i feel like a complete ass, and i apologize for everything, and i'm sorry for all of it, i have lost too much now, by losing Chiana mun, the price i pay for my mistrust. And to Ash mun, i am sorry for lashing out, and i dont deserve your forgiveness, but thanks all the same.

Now i walk alone....

Darkhand mun

Tynan Devi

Date: 2008-06-06 17:28 EST
Even though you say I have nothing to apologize for I still feel like apologizing. I feel like this all started b/c of me. But everything is forgiven. I've learned now that to hold a grudge creates an ugly festering wound that won't go away. So it's better if I let everything go and I hope that Darkhand-mun can do the same.