Topic: Dalia's Room

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-04-23 16:40 EST
Lyric emerged from the bath, nude since Dalia never did bring her that robe. She covered herself as best she could, and hurried past the women into her own room next door.

Having dressed herself, sans her fake wings, she returned to Dalia's room and sat, pouting, on the bed.

She was silent, but her heart fluttered in her chest. It may have been due to the drug, but Lyric didn't know any better. She figured it was due to the sight of that woman. She smiled, in a bit of a daze, and stared at their guest.

Beauty In Negative

Date: 2008-04-23 17:10 EST
"I am Koya Ran, Madame Blackthorne. Pleased to meet you." She smiled at Dalia's reflection, bowing at the waist in her family's way of greeting.

Koya arched a brow at the young nude woman that ran by, but ignored it. She smiled casually to the girl as she returned. As she spoke to Dalia, she ran a hand up the back of her French twist, her head aching from the hair being pulled too tight. She slid the chop stick out and shook out the shoulder length mass of dark tresses.

"Yes, I figured you to be the one who came to visit. I recognized your scent. Lilly of the Valley?" Tucking the chop stick into a coat pocket, she slid the leather off. "As for the mishap that landed me here, yes, I did learn not to meddle with magicks I do not know how to control. But, it was necessary that I try. I was trying a dark spell to heal my father. I f*cked it up, obviously."

Koya moved to take a seat on a love seat near the windows, "May I sit?" A nod at Dalia's permission and she sat gracefully, crossing her slender legs with the soft whisper of leather. She went on, hand moving animatedly as she told her story. "I chose a transformation spell, a transfer of power spell, and spell that dealt with returning health to the dead or nearly so. I developed a ritual and wrote a spell that combined all three. I don't know what happened, but I ended up here." She glanced at the young girl that had returned and was now staring at her. She smiled weakly, but looked away. What was that all about? Clearing her throat, she shrugged it off as simple fascination, maybe the girl rarely saw anyone but her mistress. Oh well.

"I tend bar here, now. I perform on the weekends to supplement my check, I play piano. On Earth, I was recording a demo." Sadly, she looked at her long, slender, flexible fingers. When she was nervous or upset, she tended to play a tune on her thighs with her fingers, subconsciously playing something to soothe herself. She found she was doing this now. "I-er--I don't know what I will do if I can't get back." She said, finally.

Her dark gaze lifted from her dancing fingers, she forced them to calm, and she looked at Dalia. A tear threatened to spill down one pale cheek, she recrossed her legs and glanced at the young woman on the bed, then at Dalia again. "I suppose you know that I am a witch. I have other talents, Seeing, reading people, I half some talent communicating with the passed over. Would any of that be of any use to you here? I could part time it, or..." She left off, not quite sure what she was asking Dalia for exactly. She knew she couldn't spend the rest of her life working in a bar and singing for the few who came to see her play. She was barely making ends meet, but she let the sentance hang, the question go unasked.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-04-27 19:12 EST
It might have been the drug, or it might have been the eagerness to be closer to Koya that urged Lyric to speak. She piped up, deepening her voice a bit to sound older, and she broke out that "adult" tone she'd been working on, ever since she'd lost her virginity and felt that she was now a woman.

"I have an idea, Dalia, if I could intervene for a moment. You need help running the shop during the day, and people usually take me for a child. What if Koya were to work the store with me? We could take care of things for you, while you are indisposed, during the day."

She climbed to her feet, bright pink/red hair in pig tails, but her body already that of a woman. She had grown since she'd begun staying here, and was already nearly taller that Dalia. With a grace she had not earlier exhibited, Lyric curled at Dalia's feet, looking up at her with eyes far too old for a girl her age. She smiled, coyly, as if her act was one of devotion and obediance, not one of a purely selfish origin.

She reached for Dalia's hand, curled at her feet, and rested her head on Dalia's thigh. She leaned against her as she was seated at her dressing table, eyes locked with those of Koya now. She smiled at the woman, winking conspiritorily at her. Would she understand Lyric was doing this for her? Would she care?

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-04-28 14:45 EST
Smiling, smoothing the damp hair of her charge, she nodded, thinking. Yes, Koya just might make a good addition to her blossoming "family." She sighed, patted Lyric's shoulder to get her to move, and she rose.

"I will help you, Koya. I will do what research I can, but I fear that it will be for naught. I do not think there is anyway back to Earth via magick. Interstellar travel is expensive. You may live here, in my brothers old room and I will provide a wage for working in the store." She moved about the room, brushing her long hair as she spoke. "Any readings you do, you may keep the payment, as well as tips. I will pay you by the spell, if you choose to stir them up for me. An hourly wage for working the store for me during the day, as Lyric has so kindly suggested. I do hope that this will be satisfactory for you?"

She knew it would be, for the girl had no better prospects. She decided to sweeten the deal a bit, however. "You are, of course, free to do what you wish and I would encourage you to continue performing at night. A talent like yours shouldn't be wasted, and I am sure you enjoy being able to play. Now then, do we have an accord?" Her pale, cool hand extended to Koya as her body came to rest before her.

Beauty In Negative

Date: 2008-05-02 19:12 EST
Bell's went off in Koya's head, alerting her to someone inside the building, but she wasn't sure that it wasn't the ghost that was in her room that had done it.

Banging on Dalia's door, frantic and gasping, she shouted through the heavy, solid door. "Dalia! Open the door! There's someone in the house or the store and there's the ghost of your naked brother in my bedroom!!"

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-05-05 18:24 EST
Dalia opened the door, having been alerted to someone uninvited in the building. She grumbled at the frantically shrieking Koya, patting her shoulder and shoving her behind herself, into her room. Dalia locked the door behind her, and whispered to the girl pressed against it, "Hush, Koya. Be silent, I will be right back. There is someone in the shop downstairs. Once you calm down, the key is under my pillow. You can let yourself out. But, be silent and stay upstairs until I call for you. Keep Lyric in her room, and send Chiana down."

Moving silently, but with her usual regal grace, she descended the stairs, barefoot, to confront whomever it was had let themselves into her building.