Topic: Upstairs, Home to the Dark Beauties.

Beauty In Negative

Date: 2008-04-21 17:37 EST
Only special guests, friends, and lovers are allowed up the staircase at the back of the shop. Follow me for a glimpse of what lays beyond.

To the end of the hall and to the left lies Dalia's bedroom and adjoining bath.

Directly next door to Dalia's room is the room Lyric has taken over after the murd, ah, erm, death? Yes, death, of Dalia's prior pet, Cyan.

Koya's room is at the back of the apartment, with a view of the gardens beyond. Her private bath is attatched. This room used to be Zillah Blackthorne's, but Koya has begun renovations and is slowly making it more her own. The Japanese feel will be further improved upon.