Topic: Highlights of Lowlifes


Date: 2009-01-20 12:01 EST
The dark haired beauty sauntered her way down the sidewalk of the bustling marketplace. Despite the chill that hung in the air she was dressed to the nines looking more ready for a party than shopping. A red top cut down to here and a black skirt up to there, an open leather jacket to ward off a bit of the winter weather without denying others the chance to gawk over her hard work. Matching heels battered the ground mercilessly with each stride. Her head was held high and aimed straight forward though her gaze weeded quickly through the crowd from behind a pair of oversized sunglasses.

Thick red lips curled at the edges when she spotted him ahead, seemingly enjoying a stroll through the city on his own and headed right towards her. He was a well-kept gentleman who wore a lavish outfit of silk and fur. His hair was neat. His features refined. The dark haired beauty kept her pace steady, her fingers flexing and relaxing at her sides as if she were quickly and discretely trying to warm them. He was only ten feet in front of her. Six. Four. Two. Now.

Her next step faltered, her foot curling underneath her causing her to drop. It would have been a nasty fall for the woman, but luckily the well dressed man with a heart as shining as his jewelry caught her as she fell into his path. Her body pressed against his, hands grabbing at his coat instinctively for balance. He held her up easily as she found her footing once more, an expression of surprise aimed down at the woman in his arms.

A blush crept across her pale cheeks and she straightened releasing him from her grip, her hands shoving themselves into her pockets as if she were trying to strike a casual pose. "Thank you, sir. Must have found a crack in the sidewalk." She offered a flustered smile laced with apology and nodded her head towards him, those dark locks falling around her face like a curtain ready to close. He was gunning up for a boisterous speech about how it was of no trouble to him and how he wished more lovely ladies would fall into his arms, but before he could get any of it out the woman chirped that she had to be on her way and was moving past him. He figured she was embarrassed by her own clumsy nature and continued on.

The dark haired beauty kept an unbroken tread; turning a corner and staring ahead until she was positive the man had no intentions of following her. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed that there was nothing but a sea of strangers in her wake. Her movement tapered off into something a bit more slow and steady. Thick lips took on a hearty smirk as she withdrew her hand from her pocket. Perched in her palm was a purse of warm supple brown leather. She bounced it in her hand reveling in the jingle-jangle of coins held within it. With that she turned into a nearby alley and quickened her pace. Not out of fear, but excitement.

Baker would be happy to hear that the barbecue wings and booze were on her tonight.