Topic: Oi! Hijo De Puta!

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2007-04-09 21:37 EST
PJ awoke before Gage, as she often did. For some reason, that guy could just sleep the day away... At any rate, she shuffled out to the couch, her fuzzy Vans Skull and Crossbones slippers keeping her adorable little toes cozy and warm.

After the other night's blow up with Gage, things had been good between them. Very good, in fact. The very thought of it put a little smile on the otherwise bitchy little Latina's face as she started perusing her favorite pink haired, light in the loafers' blog. PJ just loved the way that little fruit wrote stuff up.

"Oh! Lookie... DoD got his attention again!" PJ grinned as she read about Sexy Sebastian joining in the fun, and then again at the mention of Baker and Evie.

It wasn't until near the end that PJ started to freak...

"Oi! That Little Hijo de Puta! I'll kill him!"

She had, (being the honest, upstanding, sweet little thing she is) of course, told Gage that she'd been flirting pretty heavily that night, but she hadn't named names! (She wasn't one to lap-sit, kiss and tell!) PJ knew if Gage saw it, he'd go through the roof!

"He's gonna kill me... " She whimpered and looked towards their bedroom door. "Unless..."

Somehow, someway, PJ had to keep Gage from seeing that blog!


Now I lay me down to sleep
I Pray the Lord, my Gage to Keep
If I should die before I awake, oh!
Tell my Friends to Blame Marc Franco!!!

Gage Sammeal

Date: 2007-04-11 22:49 EST
He had been awake for a couple hours, sitting in his chair behind steel shudders that blocked away that ever-burning orb in the sky. He debated opening the shudders to test that glass wall out. He was told it would block out whatever it was that was harmful to Vampires. UV rays? Whatever, Gage didn't fucking know, he just knew he missed seeing the sun, and spent good money on something he was too scared to try. Before Paige, he wouldn't have wasted a second, but now that she was in his life; he felt it was harder and harder to risk what he had with such foolish things.

That got him thinking about her now, instead of the long lost sunrise, and he looked over the back of the chair at the closed bedroom door with a smile. It was okay to smile like a fool in love. So long as no one could see. Lately though, he was finding it harder and harder to not show those types of emotions around her. He was happy now. Sure, she may have felt like he was breaking her down every single moment they spent together, but she would have her own effects on this hard ass. He should have been furious about the other night, when she had told him she almost slept with some fucking man. Why didn't he just ride off and leave her ass behind? He had never really been the jealous type before, but he had never put himself in a position to be jealous. It was different now. He was jealous. He hated the idea of her sharing a bed, a bike, a table, a dock, a bridge, a bar or anything else sexually, with another man. That thought caused that dark blue gaze to shift back to the bottle of tequila in his hand. He brought it up for another swig, trying to drown those thoughts of her fucking another man. It would continue to eat at him on the inside, but he was just too damn good at masking shit like that away. Couldn't show anyone in the Pen what you were thinking, and it just carried on to Rhydin.

He reached into a paper sack he had at his feet, withdrawing a pack of smokes that he had bought while he was out for that short time tonight. A few smacks against his palm and opened it up, sliding a cigarette free, and up to his lips for a light. That carton of smokes he had thought he bought a couple nights ago, during the broken face incident, never made it home with him. Karma perhaps. He took a long drag and let his eyes close as he relaxed against his chair, listening to the barely audible music coming from the sound system he had installed before he moved in. He kept the volume low, not wanting to wake her. She needed all the sleep she could get, to let her body heal from however long she was using meth. Dark blues cracked back open to his bottle and he brought it up for another shot without the glass, chasing it with a drag from his cigarette. That bottle was then tucked into the corner of the chair between him and the arm of said chair. He was just getting ready to crumble up that paper sack before noticing a folded up piece of paper in it. Curiosity caused him to inspect, and so he did.

Just another one of those fucking Gossip GangSTAR tabloids. He had half a mind to crumble it up right there, but instead, found himself reading at least the first article with a smirk. "Sebastian?" He asked himself as he looked up in thought. That was the man PJ claimed to fuck, when they were teasing one another in the shower. Not that he thought it was true, but he was still surprised to actually see the man's name in the same paragraph with her DoD club she had going on. Just like the rest, he was suckered into reading on. A drag from his cigarette and he continued on down to the next article. That would be skipped, not knowing those two. Truth be told, he would recognize Eve, but he didn't remember her by name. "The Fuck?" He said as he continued reading. Charlie fucking married that pansy ass bitch? He shook his head at the idea. It seemed so out of character for her. But perhaps he never met the real Charlie. Wait a minute... He skimmed back over that article again. He referred to her as Paige so often now, that PJ just didn't stand out like it should. "The..sluttacious PJ Ramirez?" He read aloud as he passed over that line. "What the fuck kind of reference is that? .....And who the fuck is this Reap?" He turned to look at the bedroom door again, and couldn't help but be pissed off. Why would they label her that? Why did he care either way? He never would have before. Unfortunately now, he did. The idea of her name being ruined, or the idea of her sleeping around behind his back. Sluttacious.. Flavor of the month.. This is exactly why no one should read this shit. Of course, that's what he SHOULD be thinking. Instead, his mind was hazed over with jealousy again. He turned back to the GangSTAR and read on...

The next few paragraphs were skimmed over, nothing really catching his eye. He stole a good portion of tequila during the half assed read. That cigarette was long forgotten and burnt out in an ashtray as his attention was fully on that fucking tabloid. There's that Sebast.. well.. Bastian again. He smirked at the name and continued on, that smirk fading quickly. Once again, he was with Paige. He even clicked as to who Eve was now, not that he was thinking about her. All he could see was this? Sebastian mother fucker, hanging over HIS woman. He had enough, and crumbled that piece of paper up in a tight grip. There would be nothing left in there to further piss him off anyway. He tossed the crinkled tabloid to the coffee table in front of the couch and tipped that bottle of tequila back for a few more long gulps. He couldn't believe what he was reading. And if he wasn't too fogged up with jealousy, he might have realized he was believing a tabloid. Unfortunately though, all he could think about was her telling him she almost slept with some guy at the Inn. And this - soon to be dead - Sebastian couldn't seem to keep his hands off of his Latina. What else happened that didn't make it into the articles? He could only blindly imagine and that made matters only worse.

He leaned forward with hands to his temples as elbows perched on his knees, thinking. He wanted to just ignore it all, and act as if everything was fine. He wanted to, but he couldn't. That bottle of tequila was reached for again and he started to bring it up to his lips but paused as he looked at it. This was probably the shit she was getting drunk off of when she was fucking around with that man. He chucked that bottle through the air, shattering its glass against that large windowed wall. Thankfully those windows were strong and only bowed out from the impact before shaking back into place. Surely if Paige was a light sleeper, she'd be awake now after that. But it wouldn't matter if she did sleep through it, because she wouldn't be sleeping much longer. He was out of that chair not long after the broken pieces of glass fell to the carpet and heading for that door. A level headed person might have opened it like one would open a door. But he was far from level headed right now; something that had never happened before. That rubber sole of his boot was lifted and drove into that bedroom door, breaking it open, and causing the top hinge to pull from the wall, that door would fall back at an angle now, leaning along the wall it crashed into.

"What the FUCK IS GOING ON!? Your boyfriend Sebastian is one dead mother fucker!" Even if she was a sound sleeper, she'd be awake after that outburst as he started through into their bedroom...