Topic: One More Rainy April

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2008-04-24 13:24 EST
The gentle sprinkle of rain that tinkled against the windows of the her room, made Erin sigh, just a little bit. She hadn't much thought about anything since moving back into the house that held her friend's family. It just seemed like a natural progression, or regression, since her and Jake and split ways. Things mished and mashed and never fit or smoothed and she always felt like she was being torn in a million directions.

What was new?

Spring began anew, and she was back where she was the one before. It made her laugh, maybe even a little bitterly as she spun the yellow cloth flower in her hand. Coming across it as she packed her things for the millionth time. New Hope made her laugh. New Hope made her shake her head.

There were two kinds of women in the world, she realized. There were those that were wives and mothers and people that had families and there were those that always had a new home. That were always moving. There were those that had connections, sure, but never belonged to anyone.

Erinalle Dunbridge would never belong to a single soul. She was just like Jordan in that way, wasn't she? Her lips pursed and she shook her head again.

Ironic, wasn't it? What happened when you fought our own destiny.

She pushed away from the window and the rain. April showers. May would be here soon enough, and another season would usher in more things to do. Perhaps she would take back to the Arenas again. She did miss the sport. But perhaps not. It didn't really matter.

Placing a picture on the table next to her bed, she cleared a smudge from it. Lydia, her, and Grem. She couldn't bring herself to block him out in the end. It was a moment in time, and even if that moment had long passed, and things had moved on, there was no reason why she couldn't' remember that, right? Letting out a long breath, she kicked her feet up on the bed and leaned back, closing her eyes.

A nap would help.