Topic: The Counterfeit of Campania and the Assassin of Abruzzo

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:00 EST
((Author's Note: The following was originally posted on RoH's House Dragoon-Talanador board in May 2006. This is the first bout Charlie had with the "curse" and gives some background into her relationship with Ruke LaChayne. Everything here was written with the help of Ruke's player and is reposted with his permission. As I'm posting it all at one time, I'll make it sticky so it doesn't fill the front page and will later go in and make it normal.))

Charlie tilted her head and pursed her lips while tapping the eraser of a pencil rhythmically on the newspaper in front of her. 13 down. Eight letters. "A small single-edged katana sword," she murmured under her breath as if saying the words aloud might aid in solving the puzzle.

"A Wakizahi," a deep voice announced. Her gaze immediately jumped up from the newspaper to her visitor. The man before her had taken a lean against the doorway of her office. His dark coat was pushed back enough so that he could sling his hands in the pockets of his tailored pants. He had perfectly manicured dark hair with a set of cool blue eyes that shone brightly with boundless debasement. He was trouble -- the type of trouble that ended with women spreading their legs or men forking over their wallets.

The bell on the front door of the House of Retribution had never sounded but that certainly should not surprise her being as who the intruder was. "Well, if it isn't the dashing counterfeit of Campania," Charlie snorted in greeting.

Ruke LaChayne feigned a look of hurt as he stepped into the room. One exquisitely hand-sewn fine leather boot hit the floor boards after the other. "Are such hurtful words truly spewing out of the lovely mouth of the assassin of Abruzzo! What sort of violent crossword puzzle are you in the process of completing?"

Charlie ignored the question and glanced down at her newspaper. "You are wrong. Wakizahi does not fit."

Ruke placed a hand on the newspaper, turning it to face him. "Ah, that's because you have ten across incorrect." His steely gaze was leveled on her and a hint of a smile appeared once again on his lips. "'A dagger with a double-edged, triangular blade, often hidden under clothing' is a stiletto. I'm disappointed that you did not know that one. You have killed more than your fair share of men with such a blade."

A palm was slapped down violently on the newspaper as she drew it back across the desk towards her. "The last time I saw you, you were running like a coward leaving me to be caught red-handed in Leonardo Rhamat's diamond stash."

Ruke plucked a round, red mint from a dish at the corner of Charlie's desk and popped it in his mouth. He then pressed both hands on the desk and leaned across it with a lascivious smile. "It doesn't appear you received a scratch on that delicious form of yours, but uh, if you'd like, I can take a closer look." With the tip of his tongue, he pushed the mint against his upper lip and rolled it back forth, wagging his brows.

That was the moment she choose to strike. She lashed out a clenched fist, catching Ruke in the right eye. He grunted and stumbled back from the desk in surprise. As she rounded the desk Charlie violently backhanded the lamp that was on her desk, sending it crashing to the floor in an explosion of porcelain.

"Holy Christ, Charlie." Her grumbled as he dropped his hand from his abused eye and held up both hands innocently. "Must we do this every time we meet?"

He was answered with a knee to the groin. Ruke's large form immediately curled protectively as a pained groan escaped his throat. "Oh, Ruke, I think I might have broken something down there. Now how will you ever woo the desperate wives and impressionable daughters of governors and lords?" Charlie stated in a mock sympathetic tone as she watched his anguish proudly.

He launched up from his curl, slamming the back of a closed hand against Charlie's right cheek. She stumbled back from the blow as the taste of blood hit her throat. "Tsk, tsk. That sounds like jealousy. Sorry, Charlie, but I'm really not into you in that way."

Her green eyes spun back to face him, spitting a mouthful of blood in the direction of his expensive boots. "Like you could ever have a taste of me," she grunted with stifled breath before drawing a knee up to her chest and then launching a boot out in a sidekick.

The move was too slow. Ruke's hands locked around her ankle and tugged her towards him, causing her balance to be upset. She tucked herself in time to keep the back of her head from taking the brunt of the impact with the floorboards. Before she had a chance to leap to her feet, Ruke was on top of her with a wry smirk. "Now be honest, this is what you really want," he whispered in a rich heart-melting tone.

"What can I say? You make me go weak in the knees," she stated in an equally soft and sultry voice. Then instantly, Charlie shoved the palm of a hand into his gut. She felt the air being pushed free of his lungs and Remy rolled off of her gasping. She quickly scrambled to her feet. She drew her leg up and went to bring the heel of a foot down on his chest but, just in time, Ruke rolled away from the blow. Her heel landed hard against the wooden floorboards and caused her to have to momentarily check her balance.

The brief moment was all Ruke needed. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye and tackled her into a wall. Charlie's head thudded against the interior exposed brick and she allowed a muffled whimper at the pain. He pinned her against the wall with the weight of his own, larger frame and frowned darkly down at his bloodied old friend. "Truce?"

"Truce," she disgruntedly spat out in return.

Ruke grinned a victorious grin. "Do I need to make you pinky swear?"

"I said 'truce'!" The grin never fading, Ruke released his hold on Charlie and moved back towards the chair in front of her desk. He brushed himself off and straightened his clothing before taking a seat in the chair as if the brawl had never happened. Rubbing the back of her neck, Charlie retreated to her chair behind the desk. As she sat down, Ruke eased the grin and crossed one ankle over the opposite leg.

"What exactly can I attribute this surprise visit to, Ruke?"

He reached down to pick a piece of lint off of his pants before returning his pert gaze back on Charlie. "I hear you've been on the straight and narrow for several months ... so by now you must be terribly bored and looking for a bit of fun."

Charlie allowed a slow smile with her bloodied lips. "Keep talking, you dirty mutt. I like what I am hearing."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:00 EST
"A dear employee of mine--"

Charlie interrupted, "You mean a mage."

"Yes, dear, a mage." Ruke continued on impatient with the tone in Charlie's voice. "He came to RhyDin to escape the Nausikaan regime in Talsiny. While I hate to say anything bad about your former employers in your presence, they have not been good to my business."

The woman before him leaned back in her chair, giving a one-shouldered shrug. "Well, magic in Talsiny and smuggling magic into Talsiny is illegal, Ruke. It is not like you have not always known that."

Ruke gave a shake of his head. "I would have thought your time in RhyDin and your... rebirth would have opened your mind past equating mages to criminals."

He frowned at her so severly that she diverted her eyes past him, setting her features in a practiced look of boredom. "Why not get to your point?"

"His name is Zale Renzo and I have reason to suspect that while in RhyDin he was captured by one of my competitors," Ruke explained, templing his hands and placing the tips of his fingers against his chin.

The quick retort on the tip of Charlie's tongue was held as she noticed some true emotion in the sentence. Guilt seemed to be pulling at Ruke -- guilt at being unable to protect his employee and friend. Charlie pursed her lips into a thin frown before posing her next question. "And you want me to help find him?"

Ruke's hands dropped back into his lap. "I have heard that you know the streets of RhyDin and that your private investigation business is quite successful."

"And what makes you think that I would get involved?" Charlie asked, narrowing her sharp green eyes on him.

"Because," Ruke began as he leaned forward across the desk, his hand reaching out for Charlie's ear. "I will give you the Rhamat diamond." And with that, he flipped open his hand and between his first finger and thumb was the flawless yellow diamond as if he had just pulled the precious jewel out from behind her ear.

With a gasp, Charlie reached out to grab it from him but as quickly as it had appeared, Ruke flashed his hand with another slide of the hand magic trick the diamond had disappeared. He waved his empty palm in front of her face as his lips curved upward in a sly smile. "I will give it to you upon the safe return of Renzo."

"I could kill you and take the diamond off of your dead corpse," Charlie grumbled as she leaned back in her chair.

Confident that he peaked the woman's interests and that she was fully in for the mission, Ruke's smile widened into a brightly amused grin. "What fun would that be, Char?"

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:01 EST
"Slash, you bed hog, get down." With the grumbled complaint, Charlie tried to fight back for space by pushing against the dog's back.

The oversize dog gave a heavy snort of disgust but finally gave in. The bed springs heaved as Slash hopped down to the floor and settled on a shaggy rug. Within five minutes, the heavy snoring erupting from the dog suggested he was already back to sleep. Charlie gave a groan, pulling a pillow over her head.

There was no getting back to sleep now and there was few things more frustrating than attempting to force herself back to sleep when her body was resisting it. With the sun just peeking over the woods that guarded her small home, now seemed as good a time as any to make a start to the morning. With some coffee and a sketch pad, it might prove to be at least a bit relaxing.

She tossed a pillow in Slash's general direction. It thumped off of him but he did not budge. Still muttering incoherent curses at the dog, she shoved the blankets off of her and slid her barefeet to the floor while pushing herself into a sitting position. She forced her green eyes opened and stared at the wall for a long moment.

Her will power faltered in that moment with its constant struggle with her mind to keep her thoughts off Tareth Thorn. She could not help but allow herself the brief moment to remember what it felt to not want to rush out of bed, what it felt to want to linger there with him. Then having given herself the minute or two of self-pity, her palms dropped to the mattress and she shoved herself to her feet. Her barefeet padded across the dark wood floorboards towards the bathroom, pausing only to step over the sprawled out Slash.

When she came face-to-face with her bathroom mirror, she frowned sternly at her image. A twenty-five year old (as long as one does indeed age while dead) killer frowned back at her. Her sandy blonde locks were piled on top of her head in a messy bun and held in place by a rubber band. "Christ, Charlotte, you look like death," she stated to herself and then her lips twisted into a grin at her own joke.

From the corner of the mirror she could see Slash's reflection as he tilted his head curiously at her. She hated the look that Slash gave her when she was talking to herself. He always seemed deeply concerned that his master was losing her mind. Charlie twisted back to grin towards her stubborn pup. "I earn the money in this relationship and if I choose to talk to myself I have that--"

Her statement was cut short as a dark patch of skin on her bare shoulder caught her attention. She immediately turned her back towards the mirror, arching her neck to get a good look at the reflection. There just above her shoulder blade was a golf ball size brownish-gray patch of crackling and blistering skin.

"Oh my God," she murmmered under her breath and then quickly began searching her bare skin for other patches. There was a similar one on the inside of her left thigh, one on the top of her right foot, another on her lower back.

She placed both hands on the cool marble counter, gasping for air from the exertion of the search and from the shock that this latest twist had been. Finally she slowly lifted her green eyes to the mirror and stared back at her reflection. The realization had finally settled in. She was dying... again.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:06 EST
Luther Varisco never knew what hit him. However, he never did when Charlie Nausikaa choose to pay him a visit. One moment he would be out exercising a new mount and the next he would be on his back wondering at the odd formation of the clouds.

Yet, how could he complain? The woman had helped him escape Fermony after that horrible incident in which he impregnanted the ravishing daughter of his patron, the Baron Di Meo. Instead of facing the business end of Di Meo's short sword, Luther Varisco was free to stun other wealthy art aficionados with his cello and woe other young impressionable women into his bed. So if Charlie Nausikaa wanted to come to him from time to time for information and preface it with a brief beating, who was he to deny the woman who had saved his life?

This time Luther had been out for a walk with a pair of his prized hunting hounds which were a present from his new patron, a Lady Lutheridge. Even the dogs did not notice Charlie Nausikaa's approach and they certainly did not do much when she attacked but whimper and hide in the brush.

Luther remained on his back in the mud, staring up at the leafy canopy above him while allowing the air to reinflate his lungs. However, as he finally attempted to push himself into a sitting stance, he was thwarted with a boot pushing him back down. The blonde woman clad in tight black leather came into his view as she crouched beside him, pinning him to the ground using a knee on his chest.

Her voice was honey. It slide through one's blood warming him from the inside out. "Hello, my love." After that initial warmth was always the thought of who she was, of what she had accomplished, of how many she had killed. Then the warmth was exchanged for something dark and sinister that chilled the blood rather than warmed it.

"Mademoiselle Charlie," Luther stated smoothly. Although, she would always ensure that they met on an unequal playing field, Luther would not allow her to hear him gasp for breath. "To what may I account for the pleasure of your company on this fine afternoon?"

Her frown darkened and the knee was shoved deeper into his sternem. "I need to know about the DiRossi family."

Luther gave a cough and Charlie let up the pressure enough for him to talk. "They deal in a lot of things but must notably smuggling. They deal in some magic particularly to Talsiny and the surrounding areas. Will you let me up now?"

Charlie smoothly rose to her feet at the request and began to pace back and forth in front of Luther as he pulled himself into a sitting position. He rested his back on a nearby oak, rubbing his abused ribs with a slight frown. "I know all of that already. What I need is something I can use."

"Perhaps if I knew a bit more about what you are up to than I can guide you."

Charlie shot him a stern frown at the digging for information. "All I will say is that I am trying to help Ruke LaChayne with--"

Her statement was interrupted by an amused peel of laughter from Luther at the mention of Ruke's name. He grinned the grin of a man being reminded of a like-minded peer. "Well, if we are speaking of the dirty dog LaChayne then I am quite sure he would be interested to hear about the youngest DiRossi daughter."

The pacing came to a stop and the leggy woman turned on the heels of her battered old black boots to turn her eyes on Luther. The tension on her features eased into curiousity. "Why is that?"

Luther gave a grin to Charlie and he lifted a hand to pat the gangly pup who had decided that it was safe to return from his hiding place. "She's the last unmarried daughter he has at home and is wonderfully frivolous and silly. I doubt she would prove much of a challenge for a man of his vast... talents." The last word caused an annoyed eye roll but Luther continued on, pretending not to notice the rude gesture from his mannerless companion. "She is quite beautiful and, if Baron Di Meo was not still fresh in my mind I might charm her myself."

Charlie allowed a long moment of silence to process the information, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "If I needed to arrange a meeting between this girl and Ruke, when would be the best time?"

His gaze was torn to the dog who was now snuggling against him seemingly apologizing for the cowardly lion routine of early. He took the dog's head in his hands and looked into its deep brown loving eyes, scratching behind his ears while answering Charlie. "I believe she is planning to be at my concert this evening at the home of the Count Wilhoit who is newly arrived in RhyDin and looking to use the occassion to make some new acquaintences among my many fans. However, the youngest DiRossi..."

With the sudden feeling that he was alone, Luther glanced away from his hound and looked around the dirt path to see that the young woman had indeed disappeared. He gave a short laugh before turning his gaze back on the dog, finishing the sentence to a much more patient audience. "...will be escorted."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:07 EST
"You must be Miss Kingston," the Countess Wilhoit stated warmly as she crossed through the parlor towards her newest guests -- Charlie Jericho and Ruke LaChayne.

Under Ruke's patient tutelage, the harsh, dangerous beauty of Charlie had been softened, at least for the evening. He went for simplified elegance. Her hair was pulled and twisted cleanly on top of her head, exposing her bare neck. The graceful empire gown of cream satin had been tailored perfectly for the event. Ruke allowed a small smile of pride at taming such a wild beauty into such a courtly creature.

Charlie's lips spread in a polite smile to the woman as she crossed the room. "I am deeply sorry for my impertinence. The Lady Ganderfald knows of my deep love for Master Varisco's music and I could not convince her that it was impolite to write a letter to you requesting an invitation for me."

She had to tame her satisfaction from reaching her lips. The letter from Lady Ganderfald to her "dear friend Countess Wilhoit" had been a fake. Charlie had gathered enough information from gossiping maids only too willing to talk with her to learn that while the Countess Wilhoit and Lady Ganderfald had met at several times over the past several years, Lady Ganderfald had been polite but not overly friendly to the Countess. The Countess was anxious to strike a true relationship and, perhaps, secure the marriage of the youngest Ganderfald princess to her son.

The Countess Wilhoit took both of Miss Kingston's hands into hers, smiling warmly. "No, I am quite glad to make the acquaintance of a valued friend of Lady Ganderfald."

"That is kind of you," Charlie stated demurely before glancing towards Ruke. "May I introduce you to my brother and escort for the evening, George Kingston."

Ruke gave a deep respectful bow and the Countess returned it with a tilt and nod of her head. "It is wonderful to meet you both. Let me introduce you to Miss DiRossi and her brother. I believe the four of you will have much in common."

The Countess started away, excited by introducing two handsome young women to wealthy men at the same time. Ruke placed a hand on Charlie's arm and guided her after the Countess. He stole the moment of the Countess's distraction to lean in to whisper to his companion, "This will be far too easy."

"Not if you keep running your mouth," she hissed under her breath before presenting a dazzling smile as they came upon the DiRossis.

"Miss Kingston, Mr. Kingston, I like you to meet Madeline DiRossi and her brother, John." The Countess gave both women a satisfied grin, eager to have such pretty young ladies, rich in connections and wealth, to be grateful to her. Madeline shot the Countess a toothy smile to show that she was but the gesture was lost on Charlie.

Madeline DiRossi was everything that a young socialite should be. She was perfectly attired in rich colorful silk for the event knowing that, as the most beautiful maiden in the room, she would be the center of attention. Her dark hair was carefully molded into soft curls. Half of the curls were piled aristocratically on her head while the other half were loose as if they had fallen there by their own will. The hair style framed her doll-like features, warm dark eyes, and porcelain smooth skin.

In a stabbingly bitter moment, the contrast between Charlie's slowly deadening skin and that of Madeline DiRossi's perfect body flashed through her mind. She shifted her green eyes on the woman's brother, not trusting herself to linger on Madeline. She would not let the thought of Tareth Thorn nor her withering body allow her to be distracted tonight.

Madeline's escort was a man of approximately thirty who mirrored Madeline's dark looks and perfect skin. In fact, by the appearance of his hands, he seemed to be even less familiar with a hard day's labor than did his younger sister. With one look, Charlie was immediately bored with the idea of entertaining this man while Ruke moved in on the sister.

Yet, that was the task she had been assigned tonight by Ruke so as the Countess made an excuse to leave the young people alone and Ruke took a seat by Madeline, Charlie drew her gaze up to John's and allowed her lips to spread in a shy smile. John drank her in for a long moment like a man dying of thirst. Finally, he gave Charlie a slow smile and she knew she had him hooked.

If the night was not to be enjoyable, it could at least be easy.

There had always been something about the cello that had snagged at her soul. The deep, sorrowful tones had always wrapped her up as if in a dream and left her reevaluating her own life.

Introspection had never been a good move for Charlie. It always left her in the dumps. Feeling depressed would lead her back to thinking about her sole spot of comfort -- Tareth Thorn. Yet again, she had found herself longing for him. Luckily, John had taken her silent solitude as a fascination with Luther Varisco's music. He was endeared by her love for music. Charlie had molded herself into what he wanted, a shy idealic beauty, and John had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

As usual, Ruke had little trouble wooing an unsuspecting young woman. He had a sharp wit and a ready smile. With a girl as young and sheltered as Madeline that was all it took. By the end of the evening as Ruke was escorting Madeline to her carriage and John DiRossi was escorting Charlie to hers, the Countess Wilhoit was already anticipating how she would call in the favors owed to her once Miss Kingston became Mrs. John DiRossi and Miss DiRossi became Mrs. George Kingston.

With Miss Kingston on his arm, John had little thoughts for his impressionable sister and the sweet nothings she was being whispered. He only had eyes for the seemingly shy, mysterious woman on his arm whom seemed unimpressed by both his wealth and high social stature. He was determined to move the reserved woman into full blown infatuation.

The rolling acres of the DeRossi estate was the perfect setting for such an event. "This has been such a lovely evening. I hope that we all may meet again soon," he began to his small audience as Ruke helped Madeline into the carriage.

Ruke turned after Madeline had settled dantily. "That would be wonderful!"

John DeRossi cleared his throat before continuing. "If you all do not have any other engagements tomorrow afternoon, my sister and I would love if both of you accompanied us on a ride through the country. Perhaps we can show you around our estate."

Ruke could not help but shoot Charlie a bright smile. She had unknowingly done so well with John DeRossi that he was suggesting a second meeting sooner than even Ruke could have hoped for. It was a second opportunity to be alone with Madeline and gain the information that he needed. Charlie tempered her smile but listened with great satisfaction as the men began planning the next day's activities.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:07 EST
Charlie gently brushed away the dark mane from the forelock of the impeccably bred stallion hanging his head over the stall door in the hopes of another carrot. Then, with John DiRossi watching carefully, her fingers traced the white star on the stallion's forehead. With a final pat to the cheeek, Charlie turned away from the stallion to shoot John a cool smile.

John refused to be frustrated. The stunning DiRossi manor house and priceless pieces of art had failed to impress the lovely Miss Kingston. The rolling acreage and mature hardwoods had failed to impress her. A picnic lunch of the specialities of the DiRossi's cook eaten with Madeline and George Kingston under a walnut tree had failed to impress her. The well-stocked pond, fertile farmland, and dazzling gardens too had failed to impress. Now, while she seemed to enjoy them, she had not be properly impressed by the DiRossi's fine pedigree of horses.

All of this suggested to John that she was a very wealthy and well-bred woman herself whom would not be charmed by the mere idea that she may some day be the lady of this estate. Her attitude only made John more assured that he must spend more time with the woman.

The day exploring the grounds to the DiRossi manor home did not hold the charm for Charlie as it had for John. Grace was not a quality that came easily for Charlie. She was used to her battered boots and filling space. While in this role, she had to be delicate and artful. She was deeply surprised at just how much work it took to focus on maintaining both qualities, especially under the watchful eye of John DiRossi. Weighing her down further was the ever present worry that John may spot the blistering patch of dead skin that was growing in size as it moved across her back up towards her neck.

By the time John escorted her towards their phaeton which the grooms had brought around, Charlie was quite ready for a long nap. Ruke was already there, whispering his goodbyes to the seemingly lovestruck Madeline. John pulled Charlie up short and took her hands in his with a smile. "Well, Miss Kingston, it has been a fantastic day."

"Yes, yes, it has," Charlie stated with a shy smile, dropping her gaze demurely.

John tilted his head to catch her gaze. "I have to go away on business. My father wants me to handle a delicate matter. However, I will bring you back a present."

Charlie met his gaze easily at the mention of a present, allowing her smile to loosen slightly. "A present, Mr. DiRossi?"

"Yes, a present. The city where I am headed is known for their fantastic chocolates. I will bring you back a box when I return in a week." John patted her clapsed hands before starting to lead her once more to the phaeton. "One bite and you will surely be unable to resist my overtures," John stated mysteriously.

Charlie shot him a sidelong glance at the curious statement and saw a sly grin lighting up the man's dark features. Before she could question him on the matter, Ruke's long strides had brought him to the side of the carriage to help Charlie in. "Charlotte, my dear! It has been such a lovely afternoon, has it not?" He lifted a hand which she took as she climbed into the seat.

"It has indeed, George."

As Ruke shook hands with John, thanking him for the lovely afternoon, Charlie allowed her green eyes to move on Madeline. She was struck by the somber look on the young woman's face. None of the friviolity or girlish love that she expected could be read on her features. For a brief moment, Charlie thought that they had underestimated the young woman. However, those thoughts were pushed aside as Ruke joined her in the carriage. There were seemingly heartfelt goodbyes all the way around as the groom handed over the reigns to Ruke and with a snap of them, the phaeton leapt off back towards RhyDin.

As soon as they were out of hearing distance, Ruke leaned over to nudge Charlie with a proud grin. "She told me that she would question her father about Zane's whereabouts tonight."

Charlie groaned, rolling her eyes. "So we will have to meet with them again?"

"What? You don't want to be Mrs. John DiRossi, Charskie?" Ruke asked teasingly. His question only gained him an elbow to the ribs at which he shot Charlie a pained expression. "We're on a truce, remember? Anyway, she pointed out her bedroom window. There's a terrace beside it that looks sturdy enough. After the household goes to bed tonight, I'm to climb up to her window and she will let me in to tell me where he is."

She gave a short amused laugh. "Yes, I am sure that is all the two of you will 'discuss'."

Ruke offered up a shrug and a bright grin before snapping the reigns once more and calling to the horses to pick up their pace.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:08 EST
"You should get up there. You've got about twenty minutes before the guard comes around in this direction again," Charlie stated to a distracted Ruke.

To most women, the ideal way to spend this warm summer evening would be a relaxing moonlit walk with a dashing man. Charlie, on the other hand, had convinced herself that she was above such banal ideas of romance. Instead she asserted to herself that this was her perfect way to spend such an evening -- slinking under the cover of night around a large manor house to make sure that a man who was not at all into her got in and out safetly of the bedroom of the family's daughter.

"Wish me luck," Ruke whispered to Charlie, interrupting her before her thoughts could once again turn on what she was missing.

Charlie's gaze moved from Madeline DiRossi's window to Ruke's twinkling blue eyes. He was mischief personified. She could not help but give a soft laugh before whispering back. "This conquest should be easy for you. If you need luck then you are losing your touch."

Ruke's grin brightened. "Men always need luck where the fickle emotions of women come into play." Before she could issue a retort, Ruke slid out of the cover of the hardwoods and quickly headed towards the ivy covered terrace that reached to Madeline's second story window. Charlie squinted, frowning at the darkness which limited her vision. She could make out the opened casement window and the light curtains fluttering in the breeze. However, much of the rest of the surroundings were a mask of misleading shadows.

Ruke clutched the terrace and pulled himself up onto it. He took each step upward slowly, making sure that the terrace was sturdy enough to hold his weight. Suddenly torches flared up from all sides of the house and in a flurry of activity, a group of men appeared from behind well-chosen hiding spots and closed down upon Ruke's location. Charlie wordlessly flattened herself against the trunk of the tree she was hiding at some distance away. It was too late to call to Ruke to warn him.

"Well, well, well, Ruke LaChayne." A rich deep voice rose from the group. From the aristocratic tone of the voice, there was no denying that Ruke had been caught by Lord DiRossi. Ruke's shoulders slumped as he too realized that the game was up. He slid from the terrace to his feet before turning to the group of men before him.

"I could easily kill you for the offense of climbing up to my young daughter's room and there would not be a soul who would care," Lord DiRossi accused.

"No, you won't, DiRossi," Ruke stated in a bored tone. Charlie tightened her muscles at his tone. It was almost as if he was daring them to test his confidence. Should they try to deny the truth in his statement, Charlie was ready to spring into action.

"Oh, and why is that?" DiRossi asked.

Ruke heaved such a heavy sigh at the dullness of the DiRossi clan that even Charlie could hear it from her position. "Because I know where all the Talsinian mages are hiding and you would love to obtain that knowledge so that you may hire them."

The thought was clearly one that was not new to the Lord DiRossi. He was merely toying with Ruke like a cat with a disabled bug caught beneath its paws. "Where is the girl?"

"What girl?" Ruke asked innocently. "I am alone." The statement was pointed and much more directed towards Charlie than towards the group of men who had cornered him. He had made it clear in that instant that she was not to rescue him.

It was John DeRossi's voice that now piped up from within the group of men. "She had nothing to do with it, Father. Of that, I am sure."

Even Ruke was surprised to the extent at which Charlie had been able to suck in John DeRossi with her act. He, therefore, just remained silent and unblinking as he watched the exchange between father and son. The father's gaze turned on his son and remained there for a moment before giving a shrug as a signal of giving into his son's will. He then motioned for the guards to move in on Ruke. "Take him away."

As a large man roughly pushed Ruke against the house and began tying his hands behind his back, a lamp was lit in the window that had been Ruke's intent. The lovely face of Madeline DeRossi appeared in the opened window, holding back one of the sheer linen curtains with a hand as she watched the scene below with the same deathly somber face that Charlie had spotted earlier.

As Ruke was led into the manor house, Madeline DeRossi disappeared from the window and the light spilling out of her window was shortly extinguished. Only then, safely masked in the shadows of a tall oak and too afraid to move an inch less be seen, did Charlie Jericho fully recognize just how deeply that she and Ruke had underestimated the young woman. The words that Ruke had said to her before slipping out of their cover still rang in her ears. Men always need luck where the fickle emotions of women come into play.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:09 EST
While it has already been established that Charlie Jericho does not share much in common with the typical heroine, it must be mentioned that, unlike most heroines, her dreams were nothing of great importance for the most part. She never dreamed of events that would take place in the future. She never dreamed of ways to avoid tragic pitfalls. Her dreams were never insightful, hopeful, or intuitive. They were never of flowers, green fields, and men who asked her to dance. At best her nighttime visions were the product of random firing neutrons replaying unimportant conversations or creating an unfollowable story and at worst they were horrific nightmares spurned around her biggest fears -- abandonment and her three years caught between this world and the afterlife.

Some nights her dreams were an odd combination of a stray puff of thought and a nightmare. This was one of those nights.

It started and centered around the latest tear in the black hole of abandonment that was centered in her gut -- Tareth Thorn. He was before her again, denying that she was capable of love. With every verbal blow he spat out, the grayish deadening skin spread further across her body. She tried to part her dry, fragile lips but her tongue dissolved into ash.

"Every time things get tough, you want to bail. Every time you start feeling something, you want to leave. That's not love, Charlie."

She wanted to deny it. She wanted to scream at him and shake him. She wanted to beg him to stay as she had refused to do when he had actually spoken those words. She couldn't though. Her voice would not work and she could not move fear one of her arms flaking completely free of her grotesque body. Instead, her desperate green eyes bore into him from hollow sockets. What was she but a walking corpse?

"You came in here tonight willing to give it all up and leave me, only changing your mind when I challenged your assertion of love. That's not love! That's doing something to prove me wrong," he accused vehemently.

He pushed back his hat (God, how she hated and yet still loved that hat) to take her in better for a moment. For some reason, in her dream, he was not the least bit surprised by the grayish deadening that had overcome her, leaving her a bald shadow of her former self. He seemed to be waiting for a response; a response she could not give. With a shrug, he gave up. He gave up on her. As he did, as she saw the hopelessness in his eyes, he slowly faded from her view. Desperately she tried once again to reach out for him but suddenly the nightmare turned to that random floating cloud of thought that had somehow escaped the folder that it had been filed away into.

Tareth Thorn no longer stood before her. Instead, he was replaced by John DiRossi. She too was no longer the walking corpse but was wrapped in the rich green fabric that she had worn on that afternoon they spent at the DiRossi Manor. John was attentively showing her back to the carriage. Although, deeply desperate for a return of the former dream (for even when he was hurting her, having Tareth was better than not having him), Charlie played her role wisely. It was an easy role to play wisely as she had already played it once before.

John tilted his head to catch her gaze. "I have to go away on business. My father wants me to handle a delicate matter. However, I will bring you back a present."

Charlie met his gaze easily at the mention of a present, allowing her smile to loosen slightly. "A present, Mr. DiRossi?"

"Yes, a present. The city where I am headed is known for their fantastic chocolates. I will bring you back a box when I return in a week." John patted her clasped hands before starting to lead her once more to the phaeton. "One bite and you will surely be unable to resist my overtures," John stated mysteriously.

Charlie shot him a sidelong glance at the curious statement and saw a sly grin lighting up the man's dark features. Before she could question him on the matter, Ruke's long strides had brought him to the side of the carriage to help Charlie in. "Charlotte, my dear! It has been such a lovely afternoon, has it not?" He lifted a hand which she took as she climbed into the seat.

As the phaeton took off, Charlie's attention swept back to John DiRossi but John DiRossi was no longer John DiRossi. Instead, Tareth Thorn was back. His lanky form remain rooted in place as his sad gaze followed after her. Charlie called for him but he didn't seem to hear. She reached for Ruke's shirt to tug him and urge him to stop the carriage but as she did the dream world faded into nothingness.

Darkness surrounded her as she opened and closed her eyes several times. The pale light breaking through her curtains suggested it was far too early to get up. Her fingers traced over her shoulder and across her abdomen ensuring that the deadening patches of skin had not taken over as they had in her nightmare. Her mind was slow to begin functioning and unwilling to start yet another day with the stabbing pain of Tareth Thorn, it lingered on the oddly worded conversation she had with John DiRossi that afternoon.

Suddenly, she bolted upright in bed. The answer could not be more clear and she mentally sneered at herself for not connecting the dots earlier. Without hesitation, she was on her feet and throwing her clothes on. She now knew where the DiRossi family was holding Zale Renzo. Although Ruke had made it clear that she was not to rescue him, he had made no such suggestions about his employee. Thus, Charlie Jericho was headed to Benlo Springs.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:09 EST
With a spirited chesnut stallion beneath her, Charlie Jericho rode into Benlo Springs as Charlie Nausikaa. Her blonde hair was held back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck and all of her deadening patches of skin were covered by a sleeveless black leather cat suit. The quiet people of Benlo Springs stopped and stared at the monster. While most of her notorious deeds were limited to Talsiny, they knew of her reputation and while they had never been graced with her presence, there was no denying who the woman could be.

Clearly word would get back to the DiRossis that Charlie Nausikaa was in town. They would most certainly make mistakes in the ensuing panic. It was those mistakes that Charlie would use to her advantage. Taking the DiRossis by surprise never occurred to her. She was angry over her failure to protect Ruke and she would take it out on someone.

She did not stare back at the townspeople. Instead she kept her green eyes trained ahead of her as the chesnut pranced along the dirt Main Street towards Charlie's goal. She passed through the single row of stores and spurred the horse into a trot as she spied her goal.

The livelihoods of all the men, women, and children of Benlo Springs centered around the plantation she had just come upon. Row after row was filled with leafy trees, full of life and abundant with their fruit. Just to the north of the plantation was a natural spring with water so strikingly clear that one could nearly see the very details of its bottom. Charlie drew the stallion to a halt which he came to with an indignet toss of his head.

Work within the plantation had slowed to a halt and all were watching her, though, they were pretending not to see her. No matter. She was used to this diochmety by now. Clutching the reigns in one hand, she stepped closer to one of the cacao trees. Her free hand reached out, snapping off one of the ovoid deep orangish-brown pods to inspect it closely.

Charlie knew enough about the region to know what she was holding. The Benlo Spring was a magical hot spot, a collection of untapped energy. A brew, which included water from the spring, was mixed by the townspeople using a spell that had been handed down throughout the ages. The potion was dosed on the plants once a year and, for the rest of the year, these pods would be filled with forty to sixty cacao beans enfused with a mild love spell.

Once the beans were cultivated, the town would harvest, ferment, and then dry them by hand. After the process was complete, the women of the town took over. They mixed huge bats, turning them into chocolate and then molding them into delicate shapes. The children even got into the work by aiding in the boxing and packaging. When each gold box was wrapped with a bright blue bow, they would be shipped off to the surrounding region.

The spell was not strong or long lasting but was perfect for a man to serve to one whom he was about to ask to marry him in order to help gain a positive response or for a newly wed couple to share on their wedding night. They were, as are all magical items, illegal in Talsiny. However, they were not difficult to find. In fact, they were one of Ruke LaChayne's most smuggled items and one of the Talsinian Police's most confiscated items.

Her lips broke into a slight smile as she allowed herself another proud moment to soak in the revelation that she had made. The gift of chocolates John DiRossi was to bring her back were Benlo Springs chocolates. He had been unable to woe her with the size of the manor he was to inherit or his sense of fashion and decorum. Therefore, he would use the help of these chocolates.

Of course, Lord DiRossi would want to make John DiRossi more involved in the family business. Lord DiRossi was growing older and more out of touch with the needs in today's business world. As his only son, John was his natural apprentice. As magic dealers, it made perfect sense for the DiRossi's to build the headquarters of their business in this town.

As her gaze traced up from the pod in her hand she noticed a stately home looming in the distance passed the plantation. The people of Benlo Springs were quiet and, while they made a decent living at this work, they kept it well distributed through the community. That home, with its fortified walls and numerous guards, would not be the home of a local. She shook her head with an amused smile at the DiRossi pride and inability to escape their desire for ostentatious wealth. She was instantly sure that somewhere in that monsterous house, Zale Renzo was being held.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:10 EST
With a spirited chesnut stallion beneath her, Charlie Jericho rode into Benlo Springs as Charlie Nausikaa. Her blonde hair was held back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck and all of her deadening patches of skin were covered by a sleeveless black leather cat suit. The quiet people of Benlo Springs stopped and stared at the monster. While most of her notorious deeds were limited to Talsiny, they knew of her reputation and while they had never been graced with her presence, there was no denying who the woman could be.

Clearly word would get back to the DiRossis that Charlie Jericho was in town. They would most certainly make mistakes in the ensuing panic. It was those mistakes that Charlie would use to her advantage. Taking the DiRossis by surprise never occurred to her. She was angry over her failure to protect Ruke and she would take it out on someone.

She did not stare back at the townspeople. Instead she kept her green eyes trained ahead of her as the chesnut pranced along the dirt Main Street towards Charlie's goal. She passed through the single row of stores and spurred the horse into a trot as she spied her goal.

The livelihoods of all the men, women, and children of Benlo Springs centered around the plantation she had just come upon. Row after row was filled with leafy trees, full of life and abundant with their fruit. Just to the north of the plantation was a natural spring with water so strikingly clear that one could nearly see the very details of its bottom. Charlie drew the stallion to a halt which he came to with an indignet toss of his head.

Work within the plantation had slowed to a halt and all were watching her, though, they were pretending not to see her. No matter. She was used to this diochmety by now. Clutching the reigns in one hand, she stepped closer to one of the cacao trees. Her free hand reached out, snapping off one of the ovoid deep orangish-brown pods to inspect it closely.

Charlie knew enough about the region to know what she was holding. The Benlo Spring was a magical hot spot, a collection of untapped energy. A brew, which included water from the spring, was mixed by the townspeople using a spell that had been handed down throughout the ages. The potion was dosed on the plants once a year and, for the rest of the year, these pods would be filled with forty to sixty cacao beans enfused with a mild love spell.

Once the beans were cultivated, the town would harvest, ferment, and then dry them by hand. After the process was complete, the women of the town took over. They mixed huge bats, turning them into chocolate and then molding them into delicate shapes. The children even got into the work by aiding in the boxing and packaging. When each gold box was wrapped with a bright blue bow, they would be shipped off to the surrounding region.

The spell was not strong or long lasting but was perfect for a man to serve to one whom he was about to ask to marry him in order to help gain a positive response or for a newly wed couple to share on their wedding night. They were, as are all magical items, illegal in Talsiny. However, they were not difficult to find. In fact, they were one of Ruke LaChayne's most smuggled items and one of the Talsinian Police's most confiscated items.

Her lips broke into a slight smile as she allowed herself another proud moment to soak in the revelation that she had made. The gift of chocolates John DiRossi was to bring her back were Benlo Springs chocolates. He had been unable to woe her with the size of the manor he was to inherit or his sense of fashion and decorum. Therefore, he would use the help of these chocolates.

Of course, Lord DiRossi would want to make John DiRossi more involved in the family business. Lord DiRossi was growing older and more out of touch with the needs in today's business world. As his only son, John was his natural apprentice. As magic dealers, it made perfect sense for the DiRossi's to build the headquarters of their business in this town.

As her gaze traced up from the pod in her hand she noticed a stately home looming in the distance passed the plantation. The people of Benlo Springs were quiet and, while they made a decent living at this work, they kept it well distributed through the community. That home, with its fortified walls and numerous guards, would not be the home of a local. She shook her head with an amused smile at the DiRossi pride and inability to escape their desire for ostentatious wealth. She was instantly sure that somewhere in that monsterous house, Zale Renzo was being held.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:11 EST
Word that Charlie Nausikaa was in town spread like wild fire. While Lord DiRossi was no fool, he could not fit all of the pieces together with the information that he had available to him. Yet, he knew that the infamous Talsinian was not in town for the renown chocolates. She was here for one of his prized possessions. He could not, however, determine if her object of desire lay in his vault of priceless jewels, the tower of magical runes, or the stunning artwork that adorned the many rooms.

As the sun set on the vast home of the DiRossi business, torches flared to life around the narrow walk situated in the walls of the fortified chateau. Guards, clearly on alert, slowly walked the circular path and sometimes paused to squint out into the distance at a shadow or a noise. Each seemed to be keenly aware that a lethal monster was stalking them.

Stalking them was exactly what she was doing. Clad from neck to toe in a tight black outfit with her blonde hair tamed into a low tight bun and masked by a black handkerchief, she studied the guards' movements, making careful mental notes on the weaknesses of the fortification. Deep into the night, when she had assured herself that the guards would not be back by for at least half an hour, she used a knotted rope to make the slow, treacherous climb up the east wall.

Finally, muffling a grunt of effort, she pulled herself up over the wall and sunk to the stone walkway, exhausted from the climb. Only the echo of boot falls could make her move and once she did indeed hear the sound of them as a guard approached, she pulled deeper into the shadows, waiting for him to pass.

Her muscles ached with adrenaline for the attack as he grew near. She could make out his young chiseled features in the torch light. She forced herself to remain perfectly still, unwilling to give away her hiding place until the last past second. She could not give him a chance to shout a warning to the others.

Finally, when she could smell the meat he had been roasting earlier in the evening on his clothing, she launched her body forward, knocking him to the opposite wall and back into the cover of darkness. The wall knocked the air from him and she pinned him there with her weight. Her hands landed on either side of his head and she was a split second from snapping his neck. She only had a moment to act before his lungs would refill with air and he would be able to call for help.

Just as her hands went to twist his head violently, his scared brown eyes found her steely green gaze. He could hardly be more than eighteen years old. Recognition sparked in his eyes and desperation overcame the fear. He knew who she was. He knew what she was about to do. Caught by his hopelessness, she remained frozen with her body pressed tightly against his. When the air began to fill his lungs once again, he did not call for help. Instead, he pressed his eyes shut tightly and whispered breathlessly, "Lord, deliver me from this evil."

After a moment of tense silence, the boy reopened his brown eyes to meet Charlie's gaze once more. Confusion filled his features at her not having ended his life yet. After a long moment of reading one another, his voice suddenly raised. "She's here!" he called as loudly as he could.

With her hands still on his head, Charlie instantly slammed his head against the stone wall behind them and took a small step back as his unconscious body slid to the walkway. The damage to her cover, however, was already done. She stepped away from the body and slid against the wall, watching the ensuing shouting of the guards.

They knew she was here and it would only be a matter of time until they narrowed down where the alarm had been raised and, thus, her position.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:12 EST
Many miles away from Charlie and her troubles in Benlo Springs, Ruke LaChayne sat on a tiny moth-eaten cot in the corner of his cell situated deep within the basement prison of the DiRossi's RhyDin manor.

His mind had grown weary of circulating impossible escape plans. The dungeon was quite secure and very well guarded. Lord DiRossi and his underlings only occasionally visited to ask the names and whereabouts of the Talsinian mages in hiding in hopes of luring them to work for the DiRossi family. Ruke continued to refuse to give those up and Lord DiRossi did not seem all that displeased.

After all, his greatest competition in the magic black market was now rotting away in an underground jail cell.

The slapping of the leather soles of slippered feet against the cobbled ground drew his mind awake. His hopes rose rapidly at the soft noise that suggested a woman's approach rather than the deep echoing boot falls that sounded the arrival of DiRossi or one of the guards. Ruke was not disappointed.

Madeline DiRossi appeared even more beautiful than he remembered. Perhaps this beauty came more from knowing that she was a formidable opponent rather than from her features which were quite charming in their own right. She stopped in front of his cell with a tray of cold meat and bread. She carefully set the tray down on a small opening in the bars made for just that purpose and unabashedly surveyed him.

Finally Madeline raised her voice, tearing her dark eyes from him to a spot on the far wall. "I heard you were only being fed stew. I brought you some meat."

Ruke did not move a muscle. He merely soaked up the situation. He had underestimated the young woman once and this time he would not betray himself before he was fully aware of her character. "Why would you do that?"

"My father says that one's enemies must be crushed when weak. However, my mother used to tell me that kindness towards those who have wronged us is the greatest act of humanity," Madeline said carefully.

Now Ruke did lean forward, placing his elbows on his knees as he intently watched the young woman. "So, I suppose the question upon which my future rests is are you your father's daughter or your mother's?"

That drew her gaze back to him and for a brief moment her large dark eyes and porcelain features were readable. It was the question that she too was struggling with. Was she the dutiful daughter of a rich man or the dreamer who wanted more from life? Was there anything more important than a secure life? For that brief moment, it was all there on her face to see. He had seen brief moments of this in Charlie. There was nothing so fascinating to him as a dangerous, cunning woman lay bare and naked with all of her insecurities open to the world.

Just as quickly as the moment had came, Madeline's face slid back into her perfected mask and she was once again her father's loyal maiden. Leaving the question hanging in the air just as it was hanging on the minds' of both she and Ruke, Madeline turned and, with the echoing slap of her slippered feet, she moved away from the cell.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:12 EST
Back in the chateau in Benlo Springs, Charlie Jericho was creeping down the stairs of a torchlit tower with her back against the cool stones. The old familiar feeling of a mixture of fear and adrenaline had struck her like a hit of a favorite drug. Reveling in the joy of an impossible task under impossible circumstances, Charlie listened for footsteps.

Oddly enough, despite the monstrous size of the house, she knew where to head -- down. When Arane had taken over as head of Nausikaa after Henry's death, she had outfitted all of her homes at the time (and every home to follow) with a prison. Charlie, as the only one with the gumption to tease the head of Nausikaa, had made up a list of requirements for a true Arane prison. Even Arane had cracked a rare smile when Charlie had announced them at a Nausikaa dinner.

The first requirement, and the one that was leading her downward, was that every proper dungeon was underground.

One leg crossed in front of the other as she moved down the stairs, stepping lightly on the balls of her feet to mute the sound of her boots. The sound of approaching footsteps caused her to pause. There was not enough time to get back up before the person passed. She pressed herself even more tightly against the back wall, hoping the guard would be too preoccupied to notice her. A scurrying beside her foot caught her attention and she looked down just in time to watch a strangely gutsy rat crawl over her right boot and then back into the shadows.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip to squelch a disgusted groan, allowing just a shudder instead. Unfortunately too much of her attention was on keeping quiet after the rodent incident which allowed a sneeze to sneak up on her and rack her entire frame before it could be snipped out. Her lips moved in silent curses at her amateur mistakes but the guard was already closing in on her.

He turned the corner and drew back the unlit torch in his hand, bringing it around like a club at her midsection. She pulled herself back against the wall just in time to miss the blow and then as the momentum of the torch was swinging back towards him, she pounced on the man. The torch was dropped and the much larger man had little trouble swinging her frame and pinning her against the wall.

She gave a grunt as he smirked at his success. Instinctively she freed a leg and in one fluid movement drew her knee up in a solid blow to his groin. The bulky guard released her, giving a pained breathless moaned as he doubled over in pain. Immediately her hand went for the unlit torch and she swung it in a shot that was much more true than had been the guard's. The wood thunked against his head and his heavy frame dropped onto the bottom stairs.

The unlit torch was dropped onto his body as Charlie carefully stepped over him, brushing her palms off on one another. "Well, that's one down," she muttered beneath her breath. However, as soon as she turned the corner after stepping over the guard, she was faced with many more. A handful of guards were there to meet her. The front two unsheathed their swords with the ominous ring of steel.

"So this is how it is going to be?" There was no need to whisper any longer. She pulled the blade strapped to her back free of its sheath. "Well, I am not going down without taking several of you with me." Her fingers wrapped slowly around the hilt of the blade as her weight automatically shifted to a defensive position.

There was something wrong... besides the fact that she was greatly outnumbered. Her green eyes grew wild as her mind immediately flew into gear, evaluating the situation. When it clicked on the answer, panic settled in her gut. The men lacked fear. Despite the numbers advantage, they should be afraid. They were facing the monster herself, the angel of death. Typically, she would feed on their fear but there was none.

So intent on that goal, Charlie missed the captain of the DiRossi guard who had approached from behind. It was not until she heard the whistling of a club cutting through the air that realization dawned on her. With Nausikaa now in control of Talsiny and clamping down on the illegal magic trade, now was a very bad time for a black market magic dealer to kill a Nausikaan. The goal wasn't to kill Charlie, it was to capture her.

The club connected with Charlie's skull with the same sickening thud that she had just given the guard on the stairs. However, this thud Charlie would not remember. She was unconscious before her body hit the ground.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:13 EST
Consciousness returned slowly. Her eyes blinked open but even the torch light was too much for her pounding head to bear so she closed them tightly once more. She lay motionless, allowing her mind to fight past the sluggishness in her head to kick back into gear.

Finally she fought past the pain to force her eyes back open to take in her predicament. She lay on her back on a small cot in the corner of an underground cell. The black cat suit she'd been wearing had been peeled down to her hips revealing a strappy cami beneath along with the deadening patches of her skin that were beginning to over take her abdomen and right arm.

With a groan of effort, Charlie attempted to sit herself up but as soon as her head rose, the pounding became unbearable. With a soft cry of pain, she let it fall back to the lumpy pillow. Her pain drew her attention from sound of quick movement across the small room. Therefore, it took her by surprise when a tall dark man appeared over her.

He lowered himself to a chair beside the cot, immediately reaching out to soothingly pet her hair. "Shh, shh. Slowly now."

The order not to move was all the encouragement she needed to move. She again attempted to push herself to a sitting position and, now expecting and bracing for the pain, she was successful. Her accusatory green eyes turned on the man seated to her right. "Who are you? Where are we?"

He was not taking aback as most are by her gruff tone or blunt manner of questioning. He did not stutter or stammer. He met her gaze easily. "Zale. Zale Renzo. You're in a cell in the DiRossi headquarters."

That she had finally stumbled upon Zale Renzo was of little importance to her at the moment. Her mind was busy reeling with the events of that night (...or was it the night before?) that were flooding back to her mind. Her features tightened as the pounding grew worse but she refused to give in to the pain. She swung her feet to the floor, pushing the battered blanket covering her body to the side. Zale made a noise of disapproval at her making a move to get up so soon but he said nothing and Charlie had more pressing matters to deal with -- primarily, how to get out of the cell.

Shakily she rose to her feet and stepped towards the bars. Her green eyes swept them from top to bottom, even inspecting the door. She paced the perimeter of the room, looking for weaknesses from ceiling to floor. The more she looked, the more the reinforced stone floor, iron forged bars, and windowless walls caused a ball of panic to well in her gut.

Zale had seen the look before. Several months back when working in Peony, he had seen a trapper bring a mountain lion into town after having used a poison dart to sedate it. When the wild creature had awaken finally in a specially crafted cage, it had paced the bars anxiously. The event had left him depressed. The hopelessness in the eyes of creature who has only known freedom when that freedom is brought to an abrupt end was too much for him to bear. In the middle of the night, someone had picked the lock and opened the cage door. The mountain lion was never seen from again and, while the hunter had insisted upon a full investigation by the local authorities, the lion's savior was never identified.

With her evaluation of their living quarters complete, Charlie moved on to taking account of her resources. Her hands slid over her body but not a single one of her weapons had been missed. She snorted as she was sure it was a task that the guards delighted in. Her gaze then moved to her next resource -- Zale Renzo. He felt himself straighten under her scrutinious green gaze.

Charlie pursed her lips into a tight frown as she inspected her new roommate. His hair was too long. The ends of his shaggy brown locks were drawing up in curls which half hid his ears. He reached a rough hand up to rub his several day old scruff. There was some quality to him that caused her to write him off as a resource if the need to fight their way out should arise. It was not his physique, as he was a solid man, but his eyes that told her he wasn't a fighter. There was gentleness and kindness there that struck her as far too human to allow him to cause pain to others. Gentleness and kindness -- those were two she usually found absolutely disgusting in men.

However, there was something about Zale Renzo that kept her attention. Uncomfortable under the unrelenting critique of Charlie, Zale gave a cough which broke her fixation. "My head hurts," she stated finally.

He nodded slowly, patting the cot to indicate she should lie back down. "You need to rest."

The pounding had become too much to deny. She managed to make her way back to the cot. As her head landed against the pillow, Zale rose to his feet. Despite her sluggish mind's desire for rest, her gaze followed him. Zale's hand reached out to his left and picked up a cane resting against the wall. With a slow shuffled step, the man limped towards the opposite end of the cell where a rickety table held a pitcher and a glass.

With his back to her she could watch his step carefully without detection and, for a moment, she did just that. Zale's limp did not have the signs of a temporary ankle sprain or pulled muscle. The way he relied on the cane, the speed in which he could move despite the disability all suggested that he was well used to this manner of walking. She draped an arm over her eyes, forcing her mind away from this new wrinkle in any plan of escape that she may have been forming. For now, she would simply rest.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:13 EST
"Can you not simply blow our way out of here? You are a mage, are you not?"

Zale could not help an amused smile from spreading across his lips at Charlie's question. They had sat side-by-side on the cot for some time now since Charlie had waken. Long moments of silence would pass as her mind worked on a plan of escape. He let the silence pass. After several weeks of solitude even the company of such a monster would be better than none.

"Did Ruke tell you nothing at all about me? I am not that kind of mage. I am a healer. I combine a knowledge of anatomy and herbs with a bit of magic. I am far less talented than the DiRossis give me credit for," Zale stated with a sheepish shrug.

And yet, she was not as bad as he had expected her to be. Despite everything -- the stories he had been told, the damage she had done, the lives that she had ended -- there was something irresistible about Charlie Nausikaa. With a cleanly washed face and her hair piled messily a top her head, she was just a woman.

"What do they want from you?" Charlie turned her green eyes on Zale curiously.

He ran a hand through his shaggy hair. "A weapon. They want me to bottle up a formula for a horrific sickness so they can sell it to armies and get even more filthy rich."

"And you cannot create such a formula?"

The question drew a sharp look from Zale. "I will not."

"What did I offend the sensitive morality of a mage?" While the question and insinuation was meant to offend, it oddly did not. Usually Zale could barely tolerate his people equating magic with evil. However, while Charlie spouted the rhetoric, there was a slight teasing tone to her voice that seemed to suggest that even she did not believe what she was saying.

The echoing sounds of boots down the hallway quieted the conversation and any possible retort. Zale's frame immediately stiffened but Charlie didn't notice as she was only eager to get a first look at their captors. She rose to her feet as two well armed uniformed guards appeared at the cell. A key was produced by one as the other motioned Zale forward. "Let's go," he stated roughly.

Her green eyes zipped towards Zale and his unwilling stance told her all she needed to know. "No," she stated quietly, a hand reaching for his upper arm.

Zale, however, was already rising to his feet. His dark eyes met Charlie's and the corners of his lips turned upward in a forced smile. He reached up to pat the hand on his arm before reaching for his cane resting against the cot. "It's alright."

"No," her voice rose and she took a step forward to block his path as one of the guards stepped inward to collect Zale.

"Go sit down," the guard ordered Charlie but there was no mistaking the fear that was rising in his tone.

A growl rose deep in her throat. "Go to hell." Her gaze swung from him back to Zale.

The anxious guard saw an opportunity and was the first to make a move. He drew his arm back and sent the back of his closed fist slamming against Charlie's cheek. The blow sent her stumbling back a step but anger caused her to recover fast. Before she could move to strike in retaliation, Zale moved in between them. There was no way Charlie would win this fight. It would merely leave her body further battered.

"Come on," Zale stated quickly to the guard, leaning heavily on the cane as he shuffled toward the cell door.

Charlie threw herself at the door just as it slammed shut behind them. Anger welled up in her, choking off her voice. Her hands tightly gripped the bars as she watched the guards forcibly guiding Zale down the hall and out of sight.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:14 EST
"Do you think of anyone but yourself?"

That was the question which drew Ruke LaChayne from the brink of sleep and the question which reminded he had sworn off ever living with a woman again. Women have such an uncanny flair for ruining a man's sleep with such loaded questions.

He folded his hands on his chest, staring up at the cobweb covered ceiling. "I try to not, no. The affairs of others tend to depress me."

Madeline DiRossi gave an annoyed snort at his response to her question. "You think you have played me for a fool, Mr. LaChayne."

Ruke gave a chuckle and finally lifted his head to shoot his amused blue eyes in Madeline's direction. "Of course not." His voice was filled with irony.

The tone and laughter caught Madeline by surprise and she shifted her weight, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You do not?"

Ruke slowly rose to his feet in order to take a step close to the young woman. "Of course not, Madie. May I call you Madie?" Without waiting for an answer to the affirmative, (perhaps because he knew that the response would be to the negative) he continued on, "I am the one who has been played for a fool." he said, motioning to the bars that stood between them.

Madeline did not respond. With her brows furrowed in thought, she shifted her gaze to the floor. Ruke dropped his voice, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Does that make you happy? I am in here. My friend continues to rot away in one of your father's jail cells," he shot at her bitterly.

Shock was the initial emotion to register on her features. She was the youngest DiRossi, the maiden in a fine family. She was not at all used to being spoken to so harshly. Yet, anger quickly followed -- anger at being spoken to in such a tone, anger at Ruke for having attempted to use her to gain information, anger at her father for his business practices. "He's just a dirty mage. He'll end up in hell anyway," she shot back in the heat of the moment.

Ruke took a step back with a sad shake of her head. "Don't spout such racist comments, dear, especially when you do not even believe them." He then turned his back on her as he walked back to the cot, sitting down heavily as a signal that the conversation had ended.

With the statement, the anger with Ruke was taken out of her sails. She was only left with the anger with her father and, although she was having trouble admitting it, anger at herself for not having helped Ruke free the man. Her dark eyes brimmed with tears as she turned from the cell and quickly headed down the hall determined not to allow Ruke or any of the household see her cry.

In his cell, Ruke leaned his head back against the wall and his blue eyes shifted to the ceiling. In that moment of solitude he allowed himself a small smile of success. Events were unfolding better than even he could have hoped for.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:14 EST
Zale Renzo was numb -- numb from the overload of pain and numb from exhaustion. As the guards dragged his battered body back to the cell, his eyes sought her out. He found her where he had left her. She was seated on the cot with her elbows on her knees and her face buried in her hands. He had seen her a handful of times in Talsiny at a distance. She was always larger than life, an eye-drawing character but seated there with her dying skin hidden beneath a blanket which was wrapped around her back, she looked small, frightened, and horrifyingly vulnerable.

He wondered if the guards saw it too. Had his mind been able to focus on anything other than her, he might have noticed that their posture stiffened as soon as they had seen her. While Charlie and the guards were roughly the same age, they had grown up fearing her. They had heard all the stories of Charlie Nausikaa -- the beautiful angel of death who would kill you rather than look at you.

Zale remembered a particular wives' tale that Charlie could kill just by touching a man. Merely brushing against her was a death sentence. These guards were not taking any chances. They'd stay as far away from her as possible.

She rose as she heard them. Her desperate green eyes found his but could not linger there long. As the guards opened the door, she carefully took a full account of the damage. There were numerous cuts on his face. His clothes were further shred and the bruising from the guards' attacks were beginning to discolor his olive toned skin.

The guards released their hold on him once he was within the cell and while Zale made a valiant attempt to shift his weight onto his cane, his legs gave way and he began to sink to the floor. Charlie quickly stepped in, sliding an arm under his to keep him upright.

Quickly, the guards exited the cell, slamming the barred door shut behind him. The older of the two gained the nerve to glance back at the pair and Charlie met his gaze angrily. "I want you to take a good look at this man's injuries," Charlie started smoothly with a deathly cool to her tone. "Because I will revist them on you before I kill you."

The bars between them and the peer looking on emboldened him. He gave a short laugh, meant to be offensive but gave off a clear undertone of anxiety. "Eventually Lord DiRossi is going to realize that Nausikaa doesn't care about you anymore and then we will be able to get rid of your stain of evil that you brought back when the Devil rose you from the dead."

With that, his peer gave him a hefty slap on the back and the pair headed away from the cell. Charlie's arm tightened around Zale as she watched the pair walk off with joy in their steps. They had bested Charlie Nausikaa. It would be a story that they would tell many times over in the hours and days to come. Each time they would tell it, embellishments would be added and Charlie's admonishment would be greater.

The only thing that kept her from throwing herself at the bars in a tantrum of threats and curses was the semi-conscious man in her arms. Shifting the weight of his body, she helped him to the cot and, this time, she was the one to help him drift off to sleep.

While studying the many cuts, bruises, and bumps the guards had created on Zale in their quest to obtain the magical formula, Charlie muttered from the Book of Ezekiel, "Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:15 EST
When Zale Renzo began to awake, he found that his companion had surprised him once more. She was seated on the rickety chair beside the bed with a bowl of water balanced in her lap. Gently, she was cleaning the lacerations on his face, arms, neck, and shoulders. There was something unsettling about having such an infamous character tend to him in such an uncharacteristic way.

His hand reached up to snag her wrist. The movement drew her attention from a particularly deep cut on his right shoulder up to his face. Their gaze met for a long moment before Zale could find his voice. "You don't have to do that."

Charlie's lips spread in a rare soft smile. "But I want to." It was then that Zale Renzo realized that he was no longer in the presence of Charlie Nausikaa. This was the softer side, the human side of the woman that few had ever seen but that Ruke had insisted to Zale did exist. This was the part of her that Ruke wanted him to get to know.

Realizing the opportunity was upon him, he released her wrist, allowing his hand to slide back down onto the cot. "I don't understand something," Charlie began.

Zale gave a slight wince as she reached a nasty bruise. She shot him a brief apologetic smile before continuing on a bit more gently. "What is that?"

"You seem like a decent guy who really is in the whole magic business to help people... so why do you work with Ruke?"

Despite his pain, Zale could not help but allow a short chuckle to escape him. "Good question. I suppose I like Ruke. I like living in RhyDin -- the crazy people, the modern conviences."

He paused as he struggled to sit up. He settled facing her with his back against the wall and his knees hanging over the edge of the cot. "Primarily, though, he offers safety. As if life isn't hard enough for a Talsinian gifted in magic, I am also a cripple." His tone was not bitter but matter of fact.

Charlie placed the piece of cloth in her hand back into the bowl and met his gaze with a tilt of her head. "And, if you don't mind me asking, what did happen to your leg?"

He met her gaze willingly. There was something bluntly honest about him that she found disturbing and refreshing all at the same time. "My parents died when I was quite young. I went to live with my grandmother who told me that my parents were angels who watched me all of the time. Whenever I would fall, she told me, they'd be there to catch my fall with a giant cloud cushion."

"When I was six, I decided to test her theory," Zale continued. "I found the tallest tree I could find, climbed to the very top, and then leaped off of it. They weren't there to catch me." Charlie pursed her lips into a thin frown. Unable to come up with words of sympathy, she returned her attention to cleaning his cuts.

His eyes drifted down from her face to the dead patch of skin spreading across her neck. The magic that brought her back from the dead and the success of the mission was fascinating to him. He wanted to know more yet he had to feign ignorance. "You really were reborn from the dead?" he asked in prepared tone of a mixture of shock and curiosity.

He broke her mending with his question and her green eyes traced back up to his face. "Yes," Charlie answered simply with a nod of her head. "And now it appears that death is reclaiming me." With her free hand she motioned towards the greyish patches of her skin that appeared as if her body was dying and turning to ash.

"Fascinating." He reached a hand up to touch her skin. Part of it immediately dissolved and slowly fell to the floor. Charlie stiffened at the touch but did not move. "Actually, it is not death that is reclaiming you at all. It is the person who woke you up from the dead."

Her green eyes shot back to him. "I'm sorry?" The desperation was clear in her voice. Could it be possible that he knew what was happening to her? Zale could read all of that on her face.

He removed his hand from her, allowing it to fall back to his lap. "The person who woke you from the dead put a curse on the magic. Think of it as a time limit. After about eight months you would start getting these patches of skin, and by twelve months you would be dead."

"Can you fix me?"

He was drawn to silence by her tone. There was such hope and desperation to it. There was something tugging deep down in his gut. He wanted to be her savior. "Somewhat. I can restart the timer but I cannot remove the original curse. Every eight months to a year, we would have to do it all over again."

She leaned forward, both of her hands reaching out for one of his. Her voice dropped low. "You have to help me. I am not ready to die again. I only just came back."

He gave her hand a squeeze. God, how he wanted to reassure her, to tell her everything was alright. Zale paused momentarily to remind himself that the woman was a killer. He was a healer. She stood for everything that he hated about humanity. She brought death. He was one who attempted to stall death. Yet, it didn't work. The woman before him did not fit the picture of evil that he had imagined. "We will get out of here and then I will heal you."

His heart jumped when a bright smile broke through her anxiety, lighting up her face. He had caused that smile. His heart felt full with that knowledge. "Thank you."

Finally his mind cut through the silly emotions that had overtaken it and clicked into gear. His gaze dropped to her deadening skin once more and a glimmer of hope brightened the moment further. "I have an idea on how to get us out of here."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:15 EST
"Wake up," a voice demanded in a hushed whisper.

The urgency in the voice tore through Ruke LaChayne's sleep. He rubbed his eyes as he shoved himself into a sitting position. Darkness had settled on the DiRossi's RhyDin Manor. The bustle of the house was finally still. He ran a hand through his shaggy dark locks before turning his gaze towards the bars to get a look at who was summoning him.

"We need to leave now," a woman stated in the same hushed whisper. Sleepiness clouded his mind causing him to be unable to identify the voice.

The visitor clad in a full-length dark cloak slid a skeleton key into the lock. The lock clicked open as she twisted the key over. Ruke rose to his feet, squinting at the figure but it did him no good. The hood of the cloak was pulled up and her face was lost in shadows. Without a face to put to his rescuer his mind immediately jumped to the most likely candidate. "Charlie?"

The ring of keys was abandoned in the barred door as it was flung open. Her hand reached up to draw back the hood of the cloak. A braid of dark hair rested on either shoulder and warm brown eyes met his gaze. Where Ruke had expected Charlie's stern frown and statuesque features, he found only soft curves and gentleness.

Ruke's lips parted in a half-smirk as Madeline DiRossi tilted her head curiously at him. "Who is Charlie?"

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:16 EST
"Help!" Zale cried at the bars. "Help us! She's dead!"

Echoing footsteps signaled the guards return. They found a desperate Zale at the bars and Charlie Nausikaa sprawled out on the stone floor. She was stripped down to her cami top and a pair of skimpy boy shorts leaving the many patches of gray peeling and blistering skin visible. The guards, who had yet to see the death that was taking over her body, were appalled.

What made the situation worse was that her eyes were open and unblinking and her chest was not rising and falling in time with her breaths. There was no breathing. Panic welled up in them. If Charlie Nausikaa died on their watch, they would have a lot of explaining to do to Lord DiRossi who was still hoping to gain favor with the ruling Nausikaas in Talsiny by returning their wayward enforcer unharmed.

"Hurry, hurry," demanded the older to the younger as the younger slid in the key and unlocked the cell door. Both rushed inward and dropped to a kneel on either side of the prone body.

Zale remained standing at the opposite end of the cell. His dark eyes fluttered shut and a single word was whispered beneath his breath. "Spiro."

As one of the guards reached out to touch the deathly skin on Charlie's body, the other reached out to grab his hand. "It could kill you!" he warned. They were too consumed in their own anxiety to notice Zale's utterance or that as soon as the word passed his lips Charlie's lungs reinflated with air, causing her chest to rise.

Awareness flooded her green eyes and took in the guards who were now bickering incoherently over their next move. The one to her right was flung against the wall like a rag doll. The back of his head violently struck the wall. As she turned on the shocked second guard, the first slid to the floor, leaving a vertical streak of blood on the stones.

Before he even had a chance to mount a defense, Charlie was on her feet and had her right hand wrapped around the second guard's throat. While the pressue with only one hand wasn't enough to cut off his oxygen supply completely, it was enough to disable him while she yanked off his belt holding his sheathed weapon off of his body and allowed it to clatter against the floor.

Fear registered in the guard's eyes as a slow smile spread across his captor's lips. "I told you, love, that I would revisit all the injuries you gave my friend before I killed you. Do you remember that?"

"Charlie, forget it. We need to get out of here," Zale pleaded uneasily as he took a step towards the pair. He forced himself to watch her. This was the side of her that he needed to see. He needed to convince himself she was indeed evil, she was a killer, that the plan was necessary. But wasn't she just angry because he had been hurt? Was she evil or simply overprotective?

She did not respond to Zale. Her gaze remained intent on the guard. Her grip on his neck kept him from talking so he merely nodded helplessly. Finally, the internal struggle within Charlie seemed to end. Her gaze briefly dropped in disappointment. She grabbed the cell's keys out of his hand and then released her hold on the man.

Even the guard relaxed slightly as she took a small step back but as soon as he had, she launched a high round kick towards his head. He couldn't react quickly enough and a heavy boot connected with the side of his head. Unconscious, he joined his silent friend on the ground.

Charlie tossed the keys to Zale whom relied on his cane as he shuffled out of the cell. She picked pulled free the swords of both guards from their sheaths before following Zale out of the cell. He slammed the barred door back shut and locked the two guards within before turning his brown eyes up to Charlie. "What now?"

Her lips twisted into a slight smile. "Now we fight."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:16 EST
Charlie tightened her grip on the blade in each hand and violently swung them upward. The crossed swords blocked the incoming blow meant on removing her head from the rest of her body. Instantly, she realized that the guards were no longer concerned with keeping her alive. She leaned into the block, using her weight to shove the attacking guard off balance.

As Charlie battled their way up the back stairs into the main house, Zale Renzo, with his slow limping shuffled step, was doing his best to merely keep up. After a brief glance in Zale's direction to ensure that he was still following her, Charlie spun around and slammed the flat of one blade into the skull of the guard. Even before the guard hit the floor, Charlie was shoving his body to the side so that they could get around him on the narrow stone stairs.

The front half of her hair was held back in a bun but wisps of hair had escaped and were stuck to her glistening face. Her lips were pursed and features tightened in a stern look of concentration. He could tell that each sense was focused on one thing and one thing only -- their escape.

Despite his panic and the energy he was exerting to keep up, he could not tear his gaze from the woman. She was not killing unceremoniously. In fact, she had gone out of her way to keep from having to permanently disable their captors. Still he had never seen her look more dangerous, more in her element... or, he had to admit, more beautiful. Zale Renzo had convinced himself that destruction was what the devil had made this woman for but now he was questioning all of that.

Did the Lord not need such muscle to protect his people? Could her infamous past have been a perverse way of evil using the Lord's own tools against His work?

He shoved those thoughts from his head as he concentrated on taking one stair at a time. Charlie was creeping around a corner and from Zale's angle all he could see was a fist fly forward and catch Charlie in the eye as she turned. "Christ!" she cursed beneath her breath.

"I'm sorry!" came a return woman's voice.

Zale quickly moved up the final steps but was unprepared for what he found at the top of the stairs. Charlie was bent over clutching her eye and still muttering incoherent curses while the youngest DiRossi girl, her attacker, was staring down at her in horror. Ruke LaChayne, of course, wasn't far behind Madeline and was sporting an amused grin at the scene.

"You just hit me!" Charlie exclaimed as she finally dropped her hands away from her eyes and sternly frowned at Madeline.

Ruke patted Madeline's shoulder lightly. "It was a nice shot, dear."

The stern look was shot in Ruke's direction and he shrugged absently. Zale decided it was as good a time as any to cut in. They were standing in a lower hallway of the home, exposed to whomever may come along this corridor, and neither woman was being particularly quiet. "Hello, Ruke. I assume this is the lovely Miss DiRossi. Why exactly are the two of you here?"

Madeline shot a sheepish look back at Ruke before meeting Zale's gaze. "We came to rescue the two of you."

Charlie gave an indignant huff but Zale cut her off before she could begin a lecture on how she did not need to be rescued. "Well, Maddie, where do we go from here?"

The young woman took a moment before speaking. She was not used to having her opinion relied upon. "There's a hidden tunnel from here to the barn. We could get a couple horses there and--"

"And get the hell out of here," Ruke added. "Lead us to the Promise Land, Mad Maddie."

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:17 EST
It took some effort but by shoving his weight against it, Ruke was finally able to fling open the rotting wood trap door above his head. The rusty hinges protested with a squeak. Ruke glanced back down at the rest of the group to shoot Madeline a smile. "Nice job there, Mad Maddie."

A proud smile was elicited from the young woman. Ruke carefully stepped up the final stairs and through the floor of the barn into a back storage room. He turned back to extend a hand to Madeline to help her through as well. Zane relied heavily on his cane as he took the final steps upward. Charlie followed behind him still clutching one of the swords she stole off their original guards, watching his gait carefully. He was getting tired. She knew she had to get him free of this place and she had to do it quickly.

Her long strides immediately took her to the door of the cramped storage room. Carefully she inched open the door, her gaze carefully searching the barn. Save approximately a dozen horses and several sleeping cats, the barn appeared devoid of life. Only the pale light of the early morning hours peeked through the windows but a pair of lit hurricane lantern hung from pegs on the wall at either end of the barn, illuminating its occupants in an eerie glow.

Several barrels in the storage room had caught the attention of Ruke. He had dropped to a crouch to investigate the markings on the front of them. Finally, he shifted his concerned blue eyes to Zale. "Do you see this?"

His uncharacteristically somber tone immediately drew the attention of both Madeline and Zale. Zale frowned darkly at the Latin markings before nodding gravely. Madeline tilted her head slightly, repeating the words over in her head several times before pronouncing them aloud. "Liquidus relevo. Liquid lightening? What does that mean?"

Ruke rose to his full height, brushing his palms off on one another. "When combined with fire it creates a terrific magic-resistant explosion. I only know a handful of mages in the area that can create it and none that would create it for Lord DiRossi."

"It's very dangerous," Zale added quietly for Madeline.

Charlie turned back to address the trio behind her. Their conversation had not phased her. She would not be deterred from getting them out of Benlo Springs. "Let's move quickly. Get a couple horses saddled up. I want to get out of here before dawn breaks." They nodded in agreement with her plan and silently got to work. With Madeline's help, the men were able to pick out four athletic mounts and gathered together a equal number of saddles and snaffle bridles.

Too uneasy to help, Charlie headed for the barn's exit and slowly eased open the door, anxiously awaiting something that she could simply not put her finger on. Her gaze was drawn downward to an attention-deprived mackerel tabby cat which was twisting between her legs. Its chest rumbled with a deep purring noise which reminded her instantly of Tareth's ball of fluff, Hack, and briefly caused a small distant smile to creep across her lips.

The distraction of Tareth Thorn would again be her downfall. The barn door was pulled violently from her grasp from the outside and when she reached forward for it in her panic, it was slammed into her head. The hilt of the sword slipped from her fingers as she stumbled back in surprise. A shout rose up from the guard who caught her, alerting others of his find.

As Charlie struggled to clear her ringing head and make a grab for the weapon, Ruke wasted no time in creating a diversion while shouting to Zale to help Madeline onto a ready mount. Ruke yanked the bolts up out of the remaining eight stalls and threw open the doorts. Ruke shouted and slapped the rumps of the horses within but the horses needed little further encouragement to escape the commotion that had befallen the barn.

The guard who had discovered them had pushed his way in and swung his sword at Charlie's midsection. She pushed her weight off to the side, missing the brunt of his blow. However, she was unable to miss it entirely. At the very tip of the arch of his swing, he cut through her cami top and into her gray deadened skin. Ash fell to the ground and blood quickly colored the fabric on her left side just beneath her ribs.

She cried out in pain but the guard, taken aback by the dead skin which was revealed, was unable to take advantage of the situation. His shock allowed her to turn away from him briefly to send a side kick to open the pair of barn doors for the rush of eight horses. Her boot connected solidly sending the doors banging open and was able to get out of the way just in time for the herd to push past. A small group of guards that had been arisen by the shout of alarm was now waiting just outside but the pounding of exiting hooves kept them at bay for a split second.

"Go!" Charlie shouted to the three others who were now all on horseback. As the guard came at her again, Zale swung his cane against the man's head from above. The blow stunned the guard, giving Charlie enough time to tuck and roll to her abandoned blade.

Madeline had hesitated in leaving her to the fight so Ruke leaned forward and slapped the haunch of the mare she was on, yelling at it. The mare immediately lept forward, anxious to join the push out the door. Ruke dug his heels into the leopard flank of the Appaloosa he was astride and followed after the startled young woman.

The guard came back around for another attack and with the horses thinning out in their exit, the rest of the guards were beginning to see an opening. Zale only had a moment longer to keep the cover of exiting with the rest of the herd. She could see him hesitating, not wishing to leave her alone and greatly outnumbered.

"Get out of here!" Charlie cried to him desperately.

She swung the blade around as she rolled back up onto her feet, blocking the incoming attack and then rapidly pushed her edge by slicing the sword back around. He ducked and rolled behind a stall for cover and her blade hit the wooden opening of the stall, causing shards of wood to fly in every direction. With the guard hiding, her green eyes swept back up to Zale and were met by his dark gaze. She tightened her features into a hard frown. He was not leaving without her.

Zale watched as one of her hands reached for the hurricane lantern hanging beside her. She tossed it against the opposite wall, not far from his gelding. The glass burst open, spooking the horse and before he could stop him, the horse lept to a canter after the others. The fire from the lamp was not extinguished and fueled by the surrounding hay, began to lick at the wood around them.

He ducked his head as the horse passed through the barn doors as the last of the twelve. The guards outside had drawn close now that most of the panicked herd had cleared the stalls. Several reached to grab at his legs to pull him down but Zale leaned forward keeping his legs tightly against horse's side. The gelding needed no more encouragement than the lapping fire to increase his speed to a more ground-covering gallop.

He caught sight of the flapping dark cloak of Madeline with Ruke beside and kept the horse in line with their's. The horses began to tire from the break-neck speed and Ruke finally slowed his to a stop on high ground. Madeline drew her horse around to face the direction in which they came. Zale followed suit as she muttered softly, "Oh God."

While the details down below were difficult to make out, the general picture was not. Fire had nearly consumed the building in that short period of time. Suddenly and violently, the building exploded in a brutal concussion as the fire reached the barrels of liquidus relevo. The earth shook with the energy of the magical formula and the blast of explosive color against the early morning sunrise was brazenly radiant.

Madeline's horrified gasp drew Zale's mind from its fascination with the beauty of the scene to the tragic thought that Charlie Nausikaa had more than likely still been in that building. His stomach wrenched at the thought.

"Do you think she's d--" Madeline began but Ruke cut her off before the sentence was finished.

Ruke's tone was no disingenuous. He was confident in his assertion. "She is fine."

Yet none of them could tear their eyes from the burning building down in the valley below. They were so consumed with the fiery vision that the missed the approaching rider from behind.

"Let's go," came the tired voice.

All three immediately twisted on their horses to catch a look at the fourth rider. Relief flooded to Zale's gaze. Charlie was alive and astride an equally restless palomino before him. Her clothing was singed and some of her deadening skin was burnt, turning gray ash to hardened black coal.

Her green eyes again found Zale but could only read the emotion flooding his face for a brief moment before she yanked the horse, setting a direction out of Benlo Springs. "I said, 'let's go'," she demanded again which this time spurred the others into action.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:17 EST
Charlie Nausikaa leaned her head back against the bamboo wood of her headboard to look up at the spinning ceiling fan above her. Her lids fluttered shut as she soaked in the gentle breeze. Although, she was Talsinian and had grown up with a complete lack of technology, her time in RhyDin had left her with an enjoyment for these small comforts. Silently, she said a prayer of thanks for being brought back home safely. For the first time since Tareth had disappeared, she was able to speak to God without bitterness, without hopelessness, without a desperate request.

A knock on her door broke her thoughts and she offered a smile to Zale as he stepped through the doorway of her bedroom, holding a mug of steaming liquid. "Are you ready?" he asked as he stepped toward the bed and then sat on the edge beside her, lying his cane against a knee.

"I don't have much choice, do I? I do this or I die, correct?"

There was no need for him to answer her question and her questions had answered his. He held out the mug in his hands. "Drink this. It will put you to sleep. What I have to do to... reset your clock is going to last well into the night and will be painful. It will be best if you just sleep through it."

Her hands reached out to take the mug from him. The death was now even reaching her wrists. Her smooth golden tanned skin had turned to a gray ash. The dark liquid within the mug smelled strongly of nutmeg which she assumed was added to make the taste bearable. "Do I even want to know what's in this?"

Zale answered the question with only a chuckle. He watched silently as she lifted the mug and gulped down drank the liquid. A shudder spread up her spine and her features twisted in distaste as the liquid was forced down the back of her throat. She handed the mug back over and leaned back to rest her head against the propped up pillows.

"Charlie, I have--"

She shook her head sadly, lifting her worn voice to interrupt him. "You don't have to say it. I already know. You won't be here when I wake up. I just want to know why."

He smiled softly at her, reaching up with his free hand to draw a lock of freshly washed blonde hair away from her face. "You are in love with another man." It was an assertion, not a question, and was said with a good deal of sadness.

"He left me."

Zale's hand fell back to the mug as did his gaze. "Yes," he said softly. "And given some time I am sure you will heal from that as well so I must leave and give you that time. When I come back, you and I will get to know one another."

"Mm. I will miss you." Her tone was slow and warm. Zale could tell that the liquid was beginning to draw her towards sleep.

He laughed softly and leaned forward, pressing his lips against her forehead. "I will write," he said softly before rising to his feet with help from his cane. He paused briefly in the doorway to cast a glance over his shoulder at the woman who was already fast asleep. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to admire her sly smile and mane of golden blonde hair. Then he forced himself to close the door and move for the kitchen to prepare the rest of the ingredients he would need for the very long night that they had ahead of them.

Charlie Jericho

Date: 2007-07-02 09:17 EST

Her name seemed to be coming from a million miles away. It was spoken softly but echoed in her head. The willowy branches of sleep grabbed at her and she wanted to stay.

"Charlie, wake up now."

She blinked her eyes open. Bright light peeked in through the slim opening of her drawn heavy linen curtains. Then the pain flooded back as well. Every joint ached. Every muscle screamed. Every one of her bones felt pulverized. A soft whimper escaped her parched throat and then Zale, looking haggard, appeared in her line of sight.

"Is it over?" she whispered.

He nodded to her while sliding an arm around her back to help her sit up. With some effort the pair succeeded in the task. He handed her another mug of the same steaming liquid. "You just need some more rest. You will feel better soon."

Without hesitation, the liquid was downed. The taste was a small price to pay for the coma-like sleep that would allow her to escape the pain. Zale placed the empty coffee cup onto the nightstand while helping Charlie slide back down to a comfortable position. She rolled over on her side, exposing a bare shoulder above the sheets. He ran a finger from the strap of her tank top over the arch of her shoulder and then down her right arm to her elbow. While her skin was not flawless, thanks to several old scars that crisscrossed their way across her body and were hid from her fans by the art of air brushing, it was again how it should be.

"Ruke will stay here with you. I must leave," he stated softly, his hand slipping off of her body. The guilt weighed heavily on him and for that brief moment he wavered in his conviction. "Charlie? Charlie, there's something important I must tell you."

However, even his grave tone was not enough to draw her from the sleep that had pulled her back within its strong grasp. He received no response and merely sat there listening to her heavy breathing for several long moments before he could work up the nerve to face Ruke LaChayne. Finally, he reached for his cane, leaning his weight forward onto it as he forced his exhausted body to his feet.

His step was even slower than it was normally. He could not be sure that was the lack of sleep or an unwillingness to leave her that was the cause. After quietly shutting the door to Charlie's room behind him, Zale turned to take in Ruke.

Ruke was a victor and was enjoying the moment in full-fashion. He was leaned back comfortably on the couch with his fine leather boots kicked up onto the ottoman. An ashtray lay on the arm of the couch and a unlit cigar was in one hand while the other clutched a generously filled whiskey glass. "Zale! Have a drink with me before you go!"

Slowly Zale shuffled to face Ruke, leaning against a chair and frowning sternly at Ruke. "What are you celebrating?"

"My genius, of course!" Ruke brandished his infamous grin with too little ease. "I thought that the DiRossis kidnapping you was terrible luck at first given the timing and our plan but then I realized just how perfectly it would work into everything if she was the one to save you! Genius, I tell you."

"We can't do this to her, Ruke."

The grin immediately disappeared. He set the glass heavily down on an end table and pointed the cigar at Zale. His voice dropped low and serious. "I cannot believe I am hearing this from you, Zale."

Zale shook his head adamantly. "I am just saying that maybe we should consider that she has changed. When Hazel told you that Adana Ganderfald had approached her to bring back Charlie and we gave Hazel the knowledge, the potions, everything to do so--"

Ruke rose to his feet quickly. "Adana would have found somebody else to bring Charlie back. Somebody who would not have put the curse on Charlie."

"But are we sure that the curse is necessary? The pain that she will go through everytime I have to do this to her--"

"Is necessary! There is no other way to control her!" Ruke's voice had nearly reached a shout. He took a moment for a deep cleansing breath before continuing on in a more controlled tone. "Have you forgotten the people she has killed? Have you forgotten the lives she has torn apart? For God's sake, Zale, have you even forgotten your own brother?"

The words were like a stunning blow to Zale. Had he? Had he forgotten what she had done to Tomasso? Had he too fallen victim to her cunning ruse? He shook his head slowly, banishing Charlie Nausikaa back into the part of his mind where she belonged. She sat beside the devil. "You are right."

"Of course I am," Ruke huffed as he fell back onto the couch.

"Are you sure this will work? Are you sure she will fall for me?" Zale asked, lifting his gaze to the man again. "She is in love."

"It will work," Ruke stated confidently. "I don't know who this Tareth is but I doubt he is coming back and if he does, I will find some way to ensure that it does not work between them. Not that it will be needed. Charlie is quite good at ruining relationships all on her own."

Zale nodded slowly. They had been over this all before. "You know where to find me when I am needed."

"Take care, Zale, and try to not get yourself kidnapped again," Ruke called in parting as Zale shuffled out of Charlie's home.

With the pieces of his game in place and in feeling in full control of not only his own destiny but also the destiny of those around him, Ruke kicked his boots back up on the ottoman. He smiled a hefty smirk as he picked his whisky glass back up and settled deeper into the couch cushions to enjoy his victory.