Topic: The DoD Scrapbook


Date: 2007-03-16 17:39 EST
Regardless of their varying ideas about who or what brought about the sensation of sleep, the Daughters of Decadence did not excel at it. Charlie certainly hadn?t been getting any and PJ needed to self-medicate. Rena might have had a shot at a good night?s sleep if it weren?t for all the death and destruction raining outside of her Old Temple district.

And what of the Legislator? Koy never slept much in general; with Matt gone she found it all but impossible. How the elf kept on going was anyone?s guess as her main diet currently consisted of booze and the occasional meal when she would eventually remember that she needed to eat.

Some people wished for more hours to their day. Koy needed to invent new ways to spend the time, preferably mindless ones where she could completely disengage from reality. Although she needed to finish pulling together her fall line for Millie & Mallie?s Department Store, even the Heavenly Boutique did not fill up her schedule.

The hardest time to stay occupied came late at night. When her friends would take off, Koy often retreated back to Matt?s office in the Outback. Rena continuously invited her to stay at the Temple and while Koy appreciated the offer, she did not feel right about leaving the two places that meant so much to Matt?their house being the other one. She wanted to make sure he had no trouble finding her when...yes, when...he returned.

Stowed away in the office, Koy sat at the Colonel?s desk. The sound of the Terran Confederation News Network?s round-the-clock coverage droned on from the small radio on the shelf.

Any of Matt?s pertinent paperwork had been cleared away, not by Koy but by Kheldar. He tried to be subtle about taking care of the Outback?s business, especially those issues Matt had planned on being back to handle himself. Koy did not comment on Matt?s uncluttered inbox, though she felt grateful for Kheld?s discretion.

Koy sprawled her newest after-hours undertaking out on the clean desktop. Colored pencils, glue sticks, and a plethora of what she considered DoD memorabilia covered the polished surface. Sitting back in Matt?s chair, Koy finished stitching her homemade logo onto the pure white fabric in her hands. She then fit the fabric over the cover of the large blank book she had purchased in the Marketplace earlier in the day.

Koy admired her handiwork. She thought the color choices ? black writing on white ? classic. It looked deceptively simple with her neat back stitches and white traditionally leant itself to portraying innocence. The women who would be documented within the book?s pages were neither simple nor innocent. The contradiction pleased her to no end.

After she put her initial gathering of items and drawings together in the book, Koy would share it with the other Daughters as an ongoing tribute to their decadent ways. They would leave it in the Den (once they had a Den), to be added onto whenever they felt like it.

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2007-03-18 06:06 EST
What had started as simply PJ and Charlie drinking together, soon turned into Girl's Night out ... then that grew into the DoD. At the heart of the DoD, there was the fun... and the booze. When the girls of the DoD got the alcohol flowing, anything was likely to happen. PJ couldn't remember the night, but it was obvious by the picture that they'd all had more than their fair share of indulgence. Rena, the Voice of Reason, included. Rena might not be the dancing on the bar type, but she obviously shouldn't be behind a camera either. PJ would have to remember to give the picture to Koy for the book...

Charlie, PJ, Evie, Koy.... and Rena's thumb.


Date: 2007-04-19 12:04 EST
Charlie and Cor might not have eaten their wedding cake in front of the rest of the DoD but Koy thought it might be safe enough to document the event in the Scrapbook.

Koy clipped out the article Marc Franco wrote about the drunken debauchery that was the ceremony and pasted it on a new page. It was as good as any wedding announcement. She also drew a sketch composite of the scene as she imagined it, placing herself up above in the corner watching over her intoxicated friends since she had only been there in spirit.

Since Rena refused to break out her camera at the (failed) wedding reception Koy tried to throw, she only had a picture of the cake itself courtesy of The Little Big Cake Company who provided the chocolate and fruit covered work of art.


Date: 2007-04-22 16:27 EST
Eve was still on an adrenaline high (or maybe the booze just wore off and this is what it was like to be sober) from the previous evening as she went through the pictures she had developed from her newly found camera. She wasn't sure who the camera belonged to, but she enjoyed capturing the memories of the evening and figured she would keep it until someone said it was theirs. Or she would simply refuse to listen to them and claim she paid for it in the Market Place. She wasn't quite sure yet!

She grinned while looking over each image. The picture of Kina and Issy kissing her cheeks made her chuckle out loud. She wrinkled her nose finding the picture she had accidently took which captured her look of confusion at the unexpected flash. The picture she meant to take of herself got a stern nod of approval.

Then she paused on another photo. The first one she had taken of the evening. Tilting her head side to side she appraised the image with a thoughtful expression playing across her features before her lips curled into a grin. She shuffled the rest of the pictures together and kept that particular photo in hand. Off she went to find Koy. This was a photo worth the DoD scrapbook.
A moment between Reap and PJ caught on film.


Date: 2007-06-07 10:22 EST
Koy had moved the Scrapbook to the new DoD Headquarters that Rena had suddenly provided for them. That Sage Bean Counter was a woman of mystery as well as the brains of the bunch.

Rena was keeping them on something of a budget when it came to furnishing the place. The first order of business had been installing a bar and stocking it with beer and ale from the Red Orc Brewery as well as a few bottles of whiskey, tequila, gin, vodka, rum and brandy. They didn't need much more than that.

Seeing as the bar was the only thing in the place at the moment, Koy left the Scrapbook on top of it, opened to her most recent entry. The message was meant to be an inspirational one, though coming from a DoD member it was not as overly optimistic as it could have been. She wrote it the next morning when she woke up to find the dream that was Matthew Simon had not disappeared with the moon.


All things are possible.


PJ Ramirez

Date: 2007-06-30 23:17 EST
A note from PJ was scribbled in the book above a collage of pictures.

"You guys missed a helluva party! Took me forever to get these developed. Hell, I don't even know who took any of them. All I know is that drunk women should never be allowed to use a camera! Even my pro-photo guy couldn't save these! Oh well... Let your imaginations run!"


Date: 2007-07-01 00:16 EST
The opportunity had been too good to pass up.

When Brenda Eakes came into The Heavenly Boutique to buy a few new bikinis for an upcoming cruise vacation she could not stop raving about the latest summer read she recently picked up. When Koy heard the title she was desparate for it to be closing time so she could pick up the book from the local Sheds & Royal bookstore.

It wasn't that Koy was dying to read the trashy romance/mystery novel. The title was just too perfect.

Cutting off the paperback's cover, Koy covered the author's name with one much more dear through the creative use of a gluestick and markers.

"I know PJ has her Little Black Book but if Beans ever decided to write the tell-all to her love life, well it's a shame this is already taken. Still, we can dream..."

The new and improved cover was pasted into the book beneath her note.

Koy then made sure to be far, far away from the Den of Decadence the next time Rena would have a chance to see the scrapbook.


Date: 2007-07-03 12:57 EST
Last night's unofficial DoD meeting had been nothing short of frustrating for Koy. Really, it was just Charlie. Koy knew the Viceroy was having a tough time of things but having her act and cold towards Koy's apparent happiness drove the elf nuts. Hadn't Charlie been the one pushing her the most to find Matt and take back her happy ending?

Not that she or her ending was entirely happy, but she was trying.

She wanted to marry Matt but it scared the living daylights out of her. Not only because of her own hang-ups about the institution of marriage but because Matt...well Matt simply was not the same man these days. There were good moments and there were bad ones when he closed down completely. It shifted their dynamic as he had always been the one to reel her back in and now she found herself forced to take on this role for him.

But she loved him and she had seen the alternative to a life without him.

She could do this, but she needed the DoD behind her. They didn't need to cheer or rejoice. They only needed to be there.

Of course she hadn't said all this to any of them in so many words because that wasn't the way they did things. She had a brief moment of brave honesty when she tried telling Charlie she wanted to show the Viceroy that this type of impossible could be possible for all of them if Koy could pull it off.

She wished she could have said more to all of them but she didn't. Instead, she thought of the next best, if more cowardly, thing. She would write it down in the one place that only the DoD would see.

Taking the scrapbook, she first pasted in it a copy of Evie's fantastic DoD tribute.

"Come one and all to gather around so you may hear
A tale to be told and passed for many a year
This story of big breasts, long legs and rough lust
Blood shed and a lot of booze are also a must
Listen as I tell you all the saga of four dames
Charlie, Koy, PJ, and Rena were their names

Whenever they were around a celebration was had
Other ladies weren't too happy, but the men were damn glad
They would steal from the rich and give to the whores
Maybe even a bit for themselves so they could raid the stores
The faces of angels with evil thoughts from hell
They knew what to do to make the boys feel swell
But warning to the gents who wants their company at night
These lovely ladies f*ck as hard as they fight

Give respect if you see that DoD patch adorning your date
The girl you're with is nowhere near second rate
Sing the praises of these women from their fronts to their rears
Or If nothing else simply spread this one tip to all willing ears
Daughters of Decadence is what they are called
Get the name right or you could be de-balled"

She then added her own note.

"Beyond the boozing and the brawling, beyond the teasing and the partying, underneath all the thick skin and sarcasm this is first and foremost a bond and a sisterhood.

To the Daughters of Decadence, I admit the following:

I love you though sometimes I want to strangle you.
I am here for you though sometimes I want to punch you in the face.
We are linked forever and there's very little any of us can do about it. Deal with it.

I may not say these things every day, I may not say them ever again but here, today they exist and I cannot, will not take them back.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

-The Legislator

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2007-07-14 01:14 EST
Coming soon to a Dragons-Egg-head Video Game Store near you!



Date: 2007-07-25 02:06 EST
The DoD girls are always up to somethin'. Whether it be partying or something a bit more serious (seriously partying?) the girl's have more hectic lives then most people will ever realize. Alas, Even fiesty bombshells need a night off every once and a while. Sometimes you just need to kick back in some comfy PJs and have a night of flicks with your closest friends.
Rena, Eve, Charlie, Koy and PJ.

The RhyDin party scene would survive one evening without them. Besides, they'll probably just make it up the following night... and then some.


Date: 2007-07-25 14:31 EST
Every sorority, even one as chaotic and dysfunctional as the DoD, needed a composite. With the induction of Evie into their twisted ranks Koy thought it would be a good time to make such a composite for the Scrapbook.

Finding pictures of PJ and Charlie was a breeze. They were models after all and highly photographed ones at that. Eve?s took a little more digging around and finding one of Rena required even more effort as the Voice of Reason was the most private one of the bunch. Koy picked out one of herself that she thought showed her best side and set to work.

Having pasted down the cut out photos on a clean sheet of paper she thought the whole thing looked too?neat. They were far from perfect and she wanted the composite to reflect that. Opening up the pen she had used to write their names and titles, she smeared blank ink along the edges in a haphazard pattern, pleased with the result.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2007-07-29 00:03 EST
::So noted in the scrapbook::

Let it be known, that on this day-July 28, 2007- witnessed by Captain Sassypants and the Sage Bean Counter that the DoD beloved Viceroy did hereby and with great pomp, on her own, provide said introduction between herself and Piper-then introduced her to the SBC.

Also on the same day, the Viceroy offered Piper a personal invitation to the upcoming party to either praise or grieve(take your pick) the upcoming nuptials of Legs this coming Sunday at the Inn.

So duly entered.


Date: 2007-11-18 19:44 EST
With much snickering to herself Koy left the following note within the scrapbook:

Ladies, ladies. Some of you and your respective gentlemen (don't tell them I called them that) have really lost your touch at hiding things from the public with all the recent flashing of questionably significant jewelry. Some of you also need to be thinking about weddings before you unleash any ale-filled babies into the world (CAPTAIN SASSYPANTS!!).

Here is a helpful guide to get you all thinking about your prospective big days without having to ask. I'm not sure how fast you're all planning - charcoal, blue and white are particularly lovely for a winter wedding and something with a cherry blossom theme, think chocolate brown and strawberry pink, might be extra special for the spring.

Let me know if you need help with a gown. You can even tell me it's for a "friend of a friend" if you don't want to admit you're planning your nuptials.

Love and Wedded Bliss to All!


The back of the thin pamphlet was opened and pasted across two pages of the scrapbook for easy reading.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2008-02-02 18:41 EST
::A note was posted into the scrapbook as the SBC was not the computer expert like the others...pen and paper did well for her::

Dear Ladies,
Alain has graciously invited us to the grand opening of his bar next week, February 7th. As we all know, my memory has lost the name of the bar so I will edit this note as soon as I remember. I get free drinks as it will also be the day the SBC becomes a year older. I expect to see you all there.

::In larger letters, the name of the bar was scribbled below::

The Silver Mark is the name.

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2008-08-10 20:29 EST
Hey Guys, sorry to stash these here. But with Laci in the house, I want to get them out before she starts crawling around and destroying things. (God, she's so much like me... only it takes a couple bottles of tequila to get me to crawl.)

Love you all so much,

~El Presidente!


Date: 2008-12-09 23:19 EST
It took the new parents some time to adjust to their new routine and so the birth announcement was sent out a little later than proper etiquette would have liked. Eventually though they were sent out, one copy being glued into the scrapbook to mark the birth of Thia Amariel VanDuran-Simon:

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2011-04-23 19:05 EST

Reap having a last smoke and PJ waiting inside the brewery for him.. impatiently at that! :grin:

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2011-05-03 23:00 EST

Sleepy Laci at DoD headquarters

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2011-05-03 23:25 EST
The House that Jake Built! Heavily fortified and well guarded... and the place PJ feels safe and secure.

Jake Thrash - You're my Hero!

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2011-05-06 00:38 EST
PJ's Tab at the RDI

PJ Ramirez

Date: 2012-03-30 17:46 EST
Laci got into her momma's make up and wanted to look like PJ after a night at Duel of Fists.


Date: 2014-01-03 12:23 EST

Simon Family Portrait

((by OrangeNuke with much thanks to Matt's player!!))