Topic: Visitation. Right.


Date: 2015-03-19 01:51 EST
March 12, 2015

It has taken him two whole days to find out where Bethany lives and that was only after asking everyone around town. Most people just ignored him, some grunted and a few told him to "find it his damned self." A girl with a gray plaid dress and hair the color of fire helped him out and even wrote down the address for him on the back of a store flier.

This place is so detached, so gray that it doesn't take long for him to understand just why his ex-wife clings to this little backwater melting pot like she does. Why she's so defensive about it.

It's a lot like home. Sure the people, the buildings, the everything else is different, but the stale aura of cheap liquor, cigarettes and loneliness are here. It just isn't hidden behind pretty cypress trees and phony, smiling faces.

Nathan eventually finds himself in a crumbling, dilapidated burg; the buildings, the streets and the people all painted with the same, depressing gray brush. His heart aches at the thought of his Beth living in a place like this.

Need to get her out of here. Not safe. Not safe.

He stops in front of the brownstone that matches the address on the poster and brings his fist down, heavy and hard, against the metal door.

In the distance, a clock tower's bell chimes low and mournful.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

When no one answers, he knocks again.

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...

He knocks harder this time, over and over again, hoping that the girl in the grocery store hasn't mislead him.

The screeching sound of a metal door being opened pulls his eyes forward to the woman standing in front of him.


Dark hair a disheveled Dionysian halo around her head and still dressed in an over sized white button up shirt, Bethany gives him the look that she gives everyone when they disturb her from her sleep. It's the bastard child of a scowl and a pout and it just accentuates the bumblebee colored bruises on her cheek and neck.

She knows they're there, of course, and now she's keenly aware that Nathan knows too. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, a stark contrast to the self induced insanity that usually hangs there.

Worried. He looks worried about her.

"Go the **** away, Nate. There is nothing for you here."

"Bethany, hi, I..."

"What are you doing here?" She asks, her tone even and cool.

"I was just checking on you."

He always looks so fascinated, so in awe when he sees her and she tries hard these days not to think too much about it.

He sounds so worried. Why is he so worried? Oh right, the bruises.

She presses her back against the wall of the stairwell, just enough to allow him some room, and when his lumbering gait drags him in, she reaches back out and pulls the door shut.

Bethany knows that the question is hanging on the tip of his tongue, but she doesn't want to answer him. Of all of the questions he could ask during his visit, that one is one that she knows will breaks his heart. She turns her back to him, quick feet pounding up each step two at a time until finally and the echo matches Nathan's heavy steps in perfect syncopation.

"What do you want, Nathan?" she repeats, cigarette smoke breathless and her milkshakey voice faltering.

************************************************** *

What did he want?

He tosses the question around in his mind while standing there, frozen in his tracks in a room that is scattered with his son's toys. A small hand gives him a shove and he finds that his legs do still work. He looks over building blocks and toy trains to the little specks of dust covering framed pictures that no longer have him in them.


"I just wanted to check up on you," he finally stutters out, broken record boy, the urge to bolt down the steps and out of the door a strong one.

Ahead of him Bethany flops down onto a couch and stretches out a leg, the other folded beneath her, and her toes turn the dial on a small, black and white television. While her eyes watch Sylvester try his best to catch Tweetie between white noise and specks of snow, his own gaze travels to the closed door on the other side of the room.

"I'm fine, Nathan, and before you ask, Henry is over at mom's. I'd suggest you not pay her a visit too."

"What about the brusies, Beth?"

He knows something is there, even if he can't pin the "what" or the "who" of it down. Something in the base of his brain, an alarm bell, goes off. It's a gnawing, clawing primitive little remnant that knocks his fight or flight response into full gear.

The woman on the couch, huddled into a ball beneath a plaid square of fleece, just looks at him as if he has suddenly sprouted another head.

"I passed out again. It," she sighs, "it wasn't as bad as before, and thank God Henry wasn't here. I was only out for a few minutes."

She sounds so very tired, but not afraid. It strikes Nathan as odd and terrifying that she doesn't have the same response as he does. She looks, for all intents and purposes, comfortable.

Had he ever seen her this comfortable?

Long legs carry him to the couch and he sits down next to her. With some effort he tears his red rimmed eyes from Henry's bedroom door and focuses them on the cartoon. Anywhere but the cold, blue eyes now staring holes into him.


Her hopes had been that if she ignored him, perhaps he would go away. She feels the couch sink with his weight and turns her head to him, but it has long since been established that hints roll off of Nathan Kay like water from an oily surface.

"Should I even ask how you know my address?" She asks, no attempt given to keep her voice from sounding anything but inhospitable."

He clucks his tongue against the inside of his cheek, his fingers steepled atop his knees. "A girl gave it to me at the grocery store."


Date: 2015-03-19 02:12 EST
The silence that passes between them is as thick as it is awkward.

"We're divorced, Beth, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Bethany holds her hand out to him, her eyes clenched shut and her cheeks flushed. "No, Nathan, you don't get to say that to me, not after what you've put me through. Not after what you've put Henry through."

Nathan's brows knit together, and he looks at the floor shamefaced, the ticking of a nearby Tweetie Bird clock almost taunting. "Beth, I..."

She jumps off of the couch as if it has burned her, and there are angry tears in her eyes. He knows that look. It's the look she always sports while trying to keep cool under pressure. She holds her index finger up at him and shakes her head.

"Stop, Nathan. Please, just stop. I have tried so hard. I knew you had a problem when we got together, I knew where you went when you disappeared at night..."

Nathan doesn't look at her. He can't look at her. "I never cheated on you, Beth."

Her eyes flash, tears rolling down her cheeks, and her face from her chin to her hairline goes stop sign red. "I wish you had cheated on me, Nathan! Instead you went off and got your fix, and I had to pick up the ******* peices! I have supported you for as long as I can. Interventions haven't worked," and she begins to tick things off with her fingers, "rehab hasn't worked. You promised me you would kick it once Henry was born, and you couldn't even do it then!"

"But Beth, I..."

"Get out of here, Nathan! Leave before I make you leave!"

No sooner does she point to the door does Bethany Kay begin to sway, one hand reaching for the side of her head. Nathan hurries to steady her, only to be shooed off with a warning glare and a high pitched "GET OUT!"

He backs out of the door just in time to bump into George, her new beau and just a Really Nice Guy. George looks at him in confusion.

"Hey Nate, what.."

And through the door he sees Bethany gripping the couch to keep herself upright. Immidiately he runs to her side, leaving a crushed Nathan in his wake. The door slams shut and muffles their worried voices.

Nathan stands in the street and watches the house long after the lights have turned off, his hair and suit dissheveled and his five o'clock shadow already creeping into beard territory.

He shakes out of it when a homeless man approaches him asking for change, and he rifles through his pockets and fills the old man's cup without giving thought to what exactly it is that he has donated.

While the man picks through the contents, Nathan turns and heads down the sidewalk like a deathrow inmate walking that long last mile.


Date: 2015-03-19 02:44 EST
There is something about Nathan his wife will never know, and though he has come close to telling her, he has always managed to stop himself because sometimes even he has trouble believing it.

It isn?t heroine or acid or even something so innocuous as pot that has Nathan in its grasp, but blood. Vampire blood to be exact. His heart beats and the sun is harmless to him. He enjoys food and taking long naps. But for over five hundred years, Nathan Kay, real name Natanael Kj?rstad, has been a ghoul.

Ghouls are weird even in a world filled with weird creatures. So long as they get their fix, they remain immortal. Their sense of pain is dulled, physical but not mental, and most are content getting it the old fashioned way; by flitting about as servants to their undead masters.
While this had been Nathan?s story long ago, he has since relied on his own cunning to keep from being blood bound to them.

There is a lesson in that. Vampires do not cotton well to ghouls who steal blood. While not a problem for younger ghouls who can simply go the route of kicking the habit and still be relatively unscathed, Nathan is far too old.

If he simply stops then he will revert to the age that he should appear, and then just crumble into dust.

This, surprisingly enough, does not appeal to him.

Once upon a time his corner of the world had been ripe with foolish neonates who saw themselves as invincible. They were easy enough to track down, given Nathan?s connections, but vampires are none to0 happy to be parted with the blood outside of their own terms, and thus that meant dispatching them once he had gotten his fill.

Fine and dandy, easy as candy, but word does spread and Nathan, at present, finds that he is bordering on completely and utterly screwed. Now even the dumbest of fledglings eye him with suspicion.

In dire straits on several different crappy levels, he returns to his mockingly pink hotel room and flops down on the bed. Thoughts zip in and out of his head, but the one that seems to really stick is a memory of years past. Three years ago, when he was still with Bethany and she was pregnant with Henry, his nightly excursions had kept him gone for a solid three weeks. During that time he made the acquaintance of vile, sweet voiced Nosferatu named Lana.

At the time not even he was that desperate, but Lana seemed to have the most glorious habit of running her mouth. He told her where he was from, where he was originally from, and one thing eventually lead to another. As the pieces of their conversation began falling into place, she revealed to him that they shared a common thread.

A loathsome Toreador named Mona. After some math using the details given to him, Nathan discovered that the prodigal sister his mother had always spoken of with tears in her eyes was still alive. Undead.


Lying on his bed, he picks at that thought until he falls asleep.


Date: 2015-03-19 22:18 EST
"What do you do for a livin', Kay?"

The old man at the front desk bears a striking resemblence to a pull dog, all sorrow eyed and droopy cheeked. He's taken a shine to the poor young man, but not so much that he's forgotten that Nathan still owes him five hundred dollars.

Nathan looks into his empty wallet as if money will suddenly appear there. "I'm a history teacher. Was a history teacher."

"Don't they make good money?"

Nathan frowns and shoots a look to the old man as if he had just informed him that his dog has died. "Not really, plus there's the divorce. I can pay you on Tuesday, Farley. I'm good for it."

Farley doesn't move from his lean over the counter, and his expression says it all. You don't have to go home, kid, but you can't stay here.

"I know that, Kay, but the wife? She don't. I'll tell you what though. I'll forgive the five hundred if you just pack up your **** and amscray."

"Where will I go?"

"I don't know. There's a homeless shelter on down the road. You know if it was up to me, I'd let you stay. You usually pay on time and you don't cause no ruckus. You're good folk. It's just the wife.."

Nathan rustles up the ghost of a smile. No hard feelings, Farley. "I get it, I get it. Gotta keep the misses happy."

Farley nods, genuinely sorry, and begins fumbling through the storm of brick-a-brack and papers on the desk. "I got the number for the shelter in here.."

But Nathan is already half way out of the door. "No need. I got a sister. She'll probably let me crash on her couch."

Farley's mouth twists in disabelief, but he'll play along. Sometimes it's hard to seperate the young from their pride. "A sister. Right. Well, come visit sometime, Kay. It's nice to have young blood around here."

"Old blood, too."


"See ya 'round, Farley." He turns before the door closes completely and shouts out a companionable, good humored, "give the wife a kiss for me!"

As Nathan Kay disappears from Tim Farley's life for the last time, the old timer shakes his head and smirks. "Smartass."


Date: 2015-03-20 02:50 EST
March 14 2015

(Taken from play with Zofie's mun.)

Zofie's spot under the umbrella has less to do with her concern for her own saturation as that of the spread of cervigriff (eagle-deer) barbecue that takes up most of her table. The back of her chair is covered by the long, high-necked blue coat the matches her loose high waters, leaving her gold sequined tank top to catch and reflect the errant light from the tiki torches and gas lamps settled around the massive crater in which the restaurant resides, and from whence it received its name. Orcs and dock goblins seem to compose most of the staff, occasionally muttering about opening up a second location in Old Temple, due to the district's recent top bidding for Raging -Show.

Zofie simply snorts out a few snickers as she cleans the softball-sized, beaked and antlered noggin of its meats, simply taking in some atmosphere for the night.

Once Nathan has freshened himself up in the bathroom (freshened here meaning a quick whore's bath in the sink, and a trim of the ol' chin ferret), he stuffshis old clothes- stale from days of wear and tear- into a hunter green backpack, covering the knives and various other tools while also effectively muffling their clanking.

Pulling on a fresh white tee, boxers and blue jeans, he tosses on his old tan coat and heads outside, a nod to the annoyed mother and child waiting just by the bathroom door. Standing in the middle of the floor, Nathan's pale pale eyes scan the patrons gathered here, and were he not already a man accustomed to weirdness, he knows without a shadow of a doubt that the sight of orcs and trolls and whatever that pink haired girl iss eating just outside would have made him fudge his undies.

Taking in a deep breath to steel himself- time to crap or get off of the pot- he starts with one patron and then another and another, asking them all the same question- "Do you know Mona Oliveira?"- and, mercifully, getting the same response, -"No"-. The scent of food is killing him, dragging growl after growl from his stomach, but he has bigger, badder matters to attend to. When the inside proves fruitless, he moves outside and starts again- a few tables away from Miss Kaminsky.

Zofie's head lifts just a tad as she catches a hint of "ddh yn nuh mnnu olhviruh" muffled at the distance, mostly from Dire Straits' "Walk of Life", of all things, cranked on the sound system. She nearly opens her mouth to speak before remembering that it is full of hybrid animal eyeball. Thus, she simply chews and swallows daintily with her mouth closed, before leaning forward and turning an ear to follow what the scruffy, scrawny blonde fellow seems to be doing.

It is apparent enough that she is following his motions, and doubly so that she hasn't an ounce of the usual defensive paranoia surrounding such matters. Sidelong through blue cat-glasses frames, she tracks his motion, carefully nibbling on a rib in the meanwhile.

It's looking like old news for Nathan. Either Mona actually doesn't exist and the universe is really just having a ball reeming him right in the ear, or she is super good at hiding. If she is anything not at all like him, it's the latter.

Thanking each person and apologizing for interupting their grub downs, he stops to survey who is left with a rake of his fingers through his blond hair. The music is alright, but what sort of karmic asshattery is going on that it's Dire Straits?

His eyes land on the last customer not to have been treated to the question, and he sauntersover to Zofie will all of the mastery of a young horse not yet used to how long its legs are.

"Hey, excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me out? I'm looking for someone." To his credit, he also tries not to think too hard about what Zofie is cramming in her mouth. Or the way her mouth moves.

Cut the guy some slack. He's divorced and it's really been a long time.

Well, heck.

Zofie holds the far end of the rib between her forefinger and thumb as she pulls off a chunk of meat, her lips pursing in a manner that makes them seem a touch fuller than they really are, which isn't helped by the little flicks of tongue at the corners to clear up the bits of dry rub.

In spite of her meal, Zofie does, at first glance, seem like a harmless thing, yet her body language and its lack of both forward motion or defensiveness, not to mention her dead-on look to his face, might have struck the average person as unnerving. She shrugs and tilts her head to the side, setting the meat-cleared rib aside before delicately lifting a drumstick, complete with the talons intact, up to nibble off a bit more.

"Well, my eyesight kinda sucks, so I'm not sure how big of a help I'd be."

She sits an elbow on the table as her legs fold atop the seat, her wry smirk and drooping lids affable in spite of her smartassery.

Nathan isn't average, but he is still unnerved, and thus he keeps his distance. Some animals are fine until you invade their personal space, and Nathan isn't about to test those waters.

"I'm looking for a Mona Oliveira. I heard that she lived here."

Wherever here is. When a mage offers to repay a favor, you take it while you can, no questions asked.

Let it be known that he has no hope that this interaction will lead him anywhere, some part of him sure that his quest will never end, that he is stuck on some perpetual loop.

Zofie has a moment to look at the speaker, thankfully, before offering some off-putting ribaldry into the world. Something about the cut of his face, weird corners in his eyes and lips have her pink brows steepling and her posture slowwwly moving upright.

"? I mean? she lives a ways from here, but she ain't too far?" She takes much larger bite from the foreleg, munching it down enough to tuck in the corner of her cheek with her tongue before speaking again. "What's the occasion?"

If it had been a happier time, Nathan would have clicked his heels together and shouted his joy to the world. But these are dark days, and try as he might, he can't shake the weight of his desperation from his eyes.

"I don't.." He swallows hard and scratches at the back of his head. "I'm her brother."

She chewsdown her food as she watches the agitation flit across his features, enough time for her to clean the bone of all muscle and tendon before receiving his answer.

Her eyes go a bit wider than mere surprise would elicit, her upper body tilting for a full "Ohhhhhhh!" Her smile goes wide, the dimples perhaps distracting from the apprehensiveness that sits it a little wider than she'd intended. Lordy, her teeth were shiny.

"Oh wow!" She wipes her hand clean on her napkin before extending it to the fellow, a bit suddenly, a bit stiffly. "I'm Zofie, by the way. Yeah, she lives on the coast, west of here n' a decent drive south. Cool as all , your sister."

He hasn't felt so nervous since his kid was born, and that's saying something. His eyes land on those teeth and then quickly dart to a nearby sign announcing some garage band's gig.

This has been a lot easier than he had expected, and now all he has to do is wait for the bottom to drop out. His wits gathered, but still reeling from the news, Nathan brings his pale eyes back around to Zofie and smiles. It's hesitation and relief; desperation and elation.

"Hey Zofie. I'm Nathan." He takes her hand and gives it a shake- not too long. He isn't That Guy. His chin lifts to an empty chair across from her.

"Do you mind..?"

The handshake seemsto do a fair amount to settle Zofie's nerves about interacting with the fellow, her posture just slightly turning more to face him. It is still a dangerous proposition, considering the gold tank top's lack of subtlety in both composition and neckline, but nevertheless, she bobs a nod that rustles her dreads as she extends a hand to the seat indicated by his chin.

"Go right on ahead! N' help yourself to the haunches there. I'm not sure what the exact rules are on mythical creatures, but the back half I think is at least close to kosher, if y'keep to it."

Nathan drops his backpack by the table and takes the seat with a slightly relaxed sigh; the sound of a person who has been on their feet all day. At the offer of food, he shakes his head, his growling stomach providing a counterpoint.

"No thanks. I'm way too nervous," his mouth stretches into the exact expression one might use when overhearing a particularly scathing remark from one stranger to another.

The neckline of her top doesn't go unnoticed. Apparently he and his sister do have something in common. "Has she ever mentioned me? No..that was a stupid question. She doesn't know about me." One brow creeps closer to the other. "Are you close to her, Zofie?"


Date: 2015-03-20 03:02 EST
"Well, I'll endeavor t'keep a haunch untouched in case your nerves start windin' down t'catch up with that rumble in your guts."

Her nose crinkles fetchingly under her glasses as she smiles, working on a few of the smaller ribs in turn. With his attention settled on her clavicles and lower, she draws in her mouth curiously, using that moment of distraction to get juuust a bit of a better sense of the fellow, and whether or not high-strung or strung-out seemed the more appropriate moniker, if not both. She smirks apologetically and shakes her head in response to the first question.

"Naw, she doesn't really bring up family much at all. I just figured she was kinda private about that sorta thing."

His rebuttal to himself might have made her a bit more apprehensive, gold-glitter-nailed fingers plucking one of the split leg bones from the spread and sipping down the marrow. The second question makes her toes scrunch tight from where they rest on her seat, and the swallow a bit heavy for simply bringing down the marrow.

"Uhh? after a fashion, yeah. We hang out a fair amount, but we ain't confidantes or nothin'."

He smiles at her, his gray eyes misty. It suddenly doesn't matter that he is teetering so close to his own demise. That horror seems like it had been a dream. Nathan finds himself wondering what his sister looks like, what she sounds like, and his heart aches. Of all of the places to find what he was looking for, he didn't expect enlightenment to fall from the lips of an inked up, dredlocked girl sitting outside of a barbeque joint far far away.

"I'm sorry." He wipes at his eyes with his coat sleeve. "I didn't think I would take it like this. It just doesn't seem possible. My mom said the Kaddish for her up until she died. This is probably confusing for you, too."

He chews on the inside of his cheek and peers over his shoulder at a passing car, if only to keep another round of tears at bay. "All I knew was that I had a sister that got left behind when my mom and grandpa moved to Sweden, and that she was kind of this ghost that lingered around them."

He swallows hard and eventually finds the nerve to look back at her. "I can't tell you how grateful I am for your help."

Zofie can't help her chin's drift forward as she watches Nathan's smile go from congenial to emotional, her own expression becoming tender and empathetic. She tugs a few napkins from the dispenser and uncoilsed from her half-lotus seat on the chair to set them near him, shoulders up as Distracting Gold Jewbage seem so dreadfully far from appropriate.

She sinks back down and keeps her hands folded on the table and her posture straight, yet still centered toward Nathan in a receptive manner, showing deference to the upwelling from the fellow. The shake of her head is a dramatic, Jim Henson-y thing with her dreads, swishing about bare shoulders and inked arms.

"Naw, it's not that confusin'. Families go through weird stuff."

Her hands slide from the table to her lap as she listens to his story, eyes soft behind her glasses, lips tight with curiosity. They soon draw wide as she batts her hand, shrugging one shoulder up to touch her cheek. "Aw, it's nothin'! It'll be a trip when she sees you, dude!"

He takes the napkin with a nod of his head in thanks, and instead of wiping the tears from his eyes, he blows his nose and then crams them into his pocket. "You're sweet." But down to brass tacks. "Could you tell her I'm looking for her? I don't want to just show up and surprise her." Yes you do, assface. He frowns at that voice and casts his eyes downward. "I know I wouldn't know how to take it."

She took the compliment with a small smile and a shrug, perhaps a tad on the cocky side, before righting herself to listen. She nips gently at her lower lip before bobbing a nod, gradually letting it bloom onto a grin once more.

"Aw honey, I can definitely do that."

Quite suddenly, she raises a finger toward him, then signals to an orc waitress milling around, pointing to the packet of tinfoil by the cutlery. Said orc-lady flaps her hand twice and looks at Zofie askance over her shoulder, giving her the go-ahead. With a flick of her wrist, two sheets of the tinfoil flutter out from the box and across the crater to their table, snatched in one hand as the other works free a thigh and loin section of the cervigriff.

"Before you go, you're takin' some of this. Don't go tellin' me no, cuz your nerves ain't gonna get enny better on an empty stomach, sir." With the meat wrapped up, she presents it to him with both hands, her face kind, but definitely insistent.

It would be just his luck, just his rotten stinkin' luck that there are hidden cameras watching him, because he had not expected the ol' bippity boppity from the girl across from him. He tries not to act too surprised, and his stomach decides to distract him with a low, angry gurggle, as if at any moment it is going to wage war against his liver.

"I'll eat it. I don't think I've ever had..that..before, but I'll eat anything once."

Before he can forget, he grabs his bag from the ground, perches it in his lap and unzipsthe front pocket in search of a pen and paper. "I'm going to give you my number, okay? I think my phone still works here."

His handwriting is, surprisingly, very neat and tidy. Trapped. He holds the slip of paper out to her. "I know I've already said it, but thank you Zofie. If you're not busy sometime, maybe I could repay you by taking you out for a beer or something?"

Zofie gives a single dip of a nod to meet his statement of eating anything once, with just a hint of an if you only knew glint touching her eyes.

"Trust me, it's good. Lean, kinda sweet, n' doesn't weigh ya down. My first time havin' it, and I think it's one of my favorites."

She sits the foil-wrapped haunch down on the table before him and presses her palms against it, trusting that it'll leave with him as he went into his pack for the pen and paper. A few of her previous apprehensions creep back in at the anachronism of a young-looking fellow going for the paper and pen instead of pulling out a mobile phone, her shoulders slipping forward just a smidge before taking up the paper. She opens up the paper and looks over the number before folding it back up to slip into her pocket.

"Only if y'don't mind if I drink some big goofy tiki drink what's on fire, I'm in!"

"Sounds like a date." Whoa. Rewind. "I mean, a date..for the drink..and I need to stop before I ramble myself into a hole."

He tucks the leftovers into his bag, nearly knocking his toothbrush and Hav-A-Shave kit out in the process. "Thanks again, Zofie. I'm really glad to have met you."

Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he stands up and arches his back with a grunt in an attempt to work out a kink somewhere. He isn't sure where he is going to sleep, hasn't put that much thought into it, but Rhy'Din seems like the sort of place you'd want to scope out before trusting anything as a suitable resting place.

He had seen a faded sign in a store window a way's back advertising a joint called The Red Dragon Inn. Maybe there he can find a bite to eat and rest his aching old bones.


Date: 2015-03-23 01:27 EST
His dreams are usually the most endearing mixture of filthy and weird; the kind of strange that a man who enjoys the kinkier aspects of his psyche can really get behind.

But tonight his dreams center soley on his mother. They remain blessedly lucid lest his mind decide to play of a rousing, soul scarring game of Oedipus Complex with him.

Yael appears exactly as she did when he was a child. A lovely, soft spoken woman with long hair as dark as a raven's wing. Her eyes are almond shaped, pale brown and filled with a lingering sadness that, despite itself, makes her all the more beautiful. A gentle soul riddled with holes by bullets of despair.

She is in the dark dress she had worn on the day that his father died. Nathan had been ten years old and a handfull to put it kindly.

"You've found your sister," she says, her voice etheral; ghostly. It draws a shudder through Nathan's sleeping form. "My brave boy. My little hero. You've done what I had always longed to do."

And scenes flash before Nathan's eyes. His mother crying at night. The plans she had made with his father to return to Portugal to retrieve Nathan's half sister. The despair that came with the passing years when that dream grew stale, when the climate of Portugal grew somehow even more inhospitable for the Jews.

"I'm not sure she wants to be found, uma." He takes her hands into his and squeezes them for dear life, well aware that Yael- the real Yael- has been in her grave for centuries. That smarts.

"Everyone wants to be found." She inclines her head sadly and sighs, the scent coasting on her breath one of rot and funeral flowers. "You?"

"I'm lost. I don't think I can be found anymore, uma. I feel like I'm sinking in quick sand."

And suddenly he's that little boy again, the same little tyke finding solace in his mother's embrace. She holds him close and suddenly he's overwhelmed by her corpse scent, but dead or not, she's his mother, and he won't vomit. He owes her that much.

"You will find your place. Tell her that I did not stop thinking of her. Tell her that I died with my little Almonda on my mind."

"I will. I promise."

And when he wakes up, tears streaming down his cheeks, Nathan is crestfallen to find that he's holding only air.

"I promise, uma", he whispers, wiping at his eyes with a fistfull of sheets.


Date: 2015-03-23 02:07 EST
March 16-March 20, 2015

Nathan lurks around The Red Dragon for days in the hopes of at least glimpsing his sister. Each time these searches end in frustration, and he feels stupid and useless because he isn't even sure what she looks like. Each time he stumbles back to his room so alcohol sodden that he often wakes up sprawled by the toilet with his head pounding and stomach lurching.

So on one of the increasingly few nights when he stays sober, imagine his surprise when he finds a guest in his incredibly small room. The girl is lovely; tiny and pale with long dark hair and eyes like his mother's in color, if not shape and warmth. If she is spooked to see him, he looks at her as if she is some seldom seen anomaly; a white buffalo or a Tasmanian tiger.

His heart pounds loudly in his chest, and his eyes widen when she tips her head to one side as if she can hear the rhythmic thumping. Maybe she can. It's the uncertainty that scares him.


"I do not have a brother," she spits, her words heavily accented. "My only brother died in childbirth."

Nathan swipes his tongue over his dry lips, his heart sinking fast to his feet. She's right there in front of him, and he's surprised at how hurt he feels by what she's saying.

"I know it's hard to believe.."

"It is not hard to believe. It is impossible."

Her eyes narrow, fire dancing there behind her caramel hues, and Nathan takes a step back, ready willing and able to abandon the room if this happy little meeting goes any further south.

"My mother is your mother, Mona. Yael."

Her lips pull back in the silent snarl, and he can feel her anger hanging like fog in the air. "You know names. That is good for you."

Nathan lifts his head back, tears welling up in his eyes, but he refuses to cry in front of her. That would be far too much. He isn't sure what he had expected, but he hadn't expected this.

"She said she never forgot about you. She said the Kaddish.."

And suddenly the little beast is on her feet, pointing an accusing finger at him, her words calm but dripping venom. "You do not know anything, amigo. I do not know who you are, but any idiota can tell that you are a scam artist. You do not get to say her name. I looked for her. I cried for her! Every horrible night, I cried myself to sleep. I dreamed of her saving me and she never came."

Nathan looks at her, and he can't keep the tears at bay. Angry tears. Sorrowful tears. Too many emotions best kept away from one another. "Mona. I can't fix the past. She didn't leave you because she hated you..."

"I know that! But she didn't try to fix it, either!"

"...she said she promised she didn't forget you. She called you Almonda."

And suddenly all of Mona's ire drops along with her hand, her large eyes somehow larger. He's suddenly very aware of what he is talking to; what he has forgotten. A vampire. An old vampire. His flight or fight response screams at him to run.

"No one has called me that in a very long time," she keens, and suddenly she's sitting back on the bed, her Sad Sam eyes studying his face. Nathan isn't even sure when she moved. To his shock, Mona pats the space next to her, and he finds himself bridging the gap between them and taking the offered seat.

He places his head in his hands, his fingers ruffing up the hair at his temples. "It's confusing for me too, Mona."

A cold hand lands between his shoulder blades, drawing hesitant, unsure circles there. "What is your name?"

"Nathan. Natanael."

Mona gives a curt nod and leans her head forward to get a better look at his face. "Nathan. Falas portugu?s?

He painfully aware of the borrowed blood pumping through his sister, and he finds himself shaking, hoping that she will mistake the quivering for emotion. " Sim..."

"De onde ?s?"

"Sweden. Lately of New York."

Lately. Late. He hates those words. The Late Nathan Kay. How gloomy.

"Why are you here, Nathan?"

He wishes his mind had given him enough time to think of a good lie.

"Blood," he spits out, and the hand at his back disappears, leaving him cold right down to the marrow of his bones.

"You are a ghoul?" She recoils from him as if he has bitten her, angry at her own stupidity for not seeing it before. I am slipping in my old age. "Is this why you wanted to meet me?"

She sounds hurt, and for some reason that really bothers Nathan.

He blows a sigh through pursed lips and closes his eyes tight. "At first, yeah. I'm not going to lie about it. But not now. The minute I realized that you existed, I kind of tried to forget about it. I had never thought in my wildest dreams that you were alive. Undead. Whatever."

Silence passes between them, giving birth to ugly thoughts and the reality of his own approaching demise. He can already feel it; as surely as an old man may feel bad weather in the aching of his bones.

"So what will you do?"

He looks up at her and stares into her ancient eyes. "I don't know. I really don't know. My life is **** right now. I guess I'll die."

Mona sees her mother in his stare, in the shape of his nose and the size of his ears. In all of the little things that linger with her despite how old she gets. She will never understand how the universe works- such thoughts, when considered too deeply, are anathema for her kind- but her brother is sitting next to her, pondering his death, and she looks at him as if that's the most tragic thing of all.

"You are not going to die, Nathan. You are going to tell me about yourself and then we will decide from there.."


Date: 2015-03-23 22:30 EST
One would think that a person so old, one who has seen so much history, would enjoy talking about themselves. Nathan is not that person. It's a failure of his, he knows (and if he didn't, countless therapy sessions with Bethany would be more than happy to remind him), but sitting in that room across from his sister, the words roll off his tongue like honey from a spoon.

"I was thirty two, but I'd already figured it out. You live in a world where the cold makes cheeks all nice and rosey, and bloodless folk, they stand out." His hands bounce upon one knee, aided by the jittery movements of his leg. A nervous tick. "I can't even remember her name- isn't it weird how that happens? Sometimes the most important people lose their names in your head- but she was always surrounded by boys. I thought she was a hooker, but I don't care how good you are in the sack, it can't buy the kind of loyalty these guys had for this girl."

Mona's expression is thoughtful; distant. If a person didn't know any better, they'd have every right- in that instance- to mistake the pale little creature for one of those high quality, super creepy ball jointed dolls. Nathan shakes his head, that image far more unsettling than the knowledge that Mona is a vampire, and he continues after stealing a sip of water from the glass resting on the bedside table.

"I figured it out. Oh man did I figure it out. A week in and she spilled everything to me, even showed me how she fed them. She didn't call them ghouls though, but I guess you didn't either. Anyway, wasn't long before I decided to try it, and then that lead to another few minutes at her wrist, and another and another. Soon I was one of those men hanging around her, and I didn't think the world could get any better."

"But here's the thing. I didn't even notice time passing. I mean, sure, I was aware of things like changes in fashion, changes in leadership; stuff like that. But I can't tell you that I noticed children growing up and dying of old age, because I really didn't."

Nathan looks down at the lines marking his palms. "But then Ol' Whats-her-face bit the big one, and all of the little lackies drifted away or died because they couldn't figure out how to get more. That's when I knew I'd been at it for too long and that I didn't want to be someone's lapdog forever."

Something like familiary flashes behind Mona's eyes, but it is so quick that Nathan begins to wonder if he's just imagined it. A trick of the light.

"I'd already been doing a lot of traveling. Actually came to Evora once to try to find your headstone, but I couldn't. Mostly because the Jewish cemetery had been turned into grazing land. You weren't in the Catholic one, either, and good luck if you ever try. Portugal is lousey with Silvas."

"Anyway, I met a few vamps who helped me out, but for the most part no one wanted to just give me their blood without something in return. I couldn't go back to how I was around that chick."

Mona nods her head in understanding, her hands busying themselves with the varied but sad contents of her brother's wallet. "You're not telling me what I do not know, Nathan. We know you became a ghoul, we know you are still a ghoul. You have a wife and a kid.."

"How did you....?"

She holds a small photo up; one of a smiling Nathan holding Henry while Bethany beams at his side. Nathan frowns. "Oh. Well, not wife. Not anymore."

Mona snickers and pockets the photo without thinking. "Anyone ever told you that you are a downer?"

Nathan sighs with all of the emotion of a hearbroken teeanged girl while falling back against the bed. "Story of my life."


Date: 2015-03-24 20:11 EST
"Alright, alright. You know so much about me, what about you?" Nathan watches her out of the corners of his eyes.

She is small, yes, but he's come to find that Mona takes up an incredible amount of room. She looks around at the room's sparse furnishings as if assessing them for auction, her lily white shoulders rising and falling with a sigh. "I was back there and now I am here. I am older than my teeth but younger than my tongue." She shrugs. "There isn't much to know, Nathan."

Nathan sits up quickly and shakes his head. "Ohhhh no. You don't get to do that. You don't get to watch me spill my guts while you rifle through my wallet and then say there isn't much to know. I call bull****."

"?guas passadas n?o movem mo?nhos.."

While she looks away, a baleful stare disguised as sheepish, Nathan's fingers find his hair and fan out in the air above his head, giving him the appearance of some weird human-deer hybrid. "Don't give me that crap! You're older than me, even if it's not by much, you are. You gotta have stories, dude!"

Mona's patience is beginning to wear thin. Spilling any information to Bart had taken her years, and even now what he doesn't know could fill a crater on the moon. This man is asking for her story right now. "Everyone does, Nathan. I am no different. But I am not a trusting person, and my stories, they have to be earned."

Nathan shakes his head in genuine and faux disappointment. "Alright, alright. How does someone earn a story from you?"

Her small fingers steeple upon her knee. "Time. You give me time and I will give you a story, little brother."

Little brother. Little. Brother. Mona's little brother has come to find that time is not a luxery that he can afford. Nathan stares off into the distance. "Do you think that wounded animal look is genetic?"

But Mona is gone, leaving Nathan and his question to answer to the darkness.


Date: 2015-03-24 20:38 EST
March 21, 2015

Nathan knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who can get hold of any book, no matter how rare, no matter how well guarded, for the price of a normal human being's life savings. Nathan is lucky in that regard. Though a man who once prided himself upon working, his bank accounts- all seven of them- are well padded.

Time. She needs time. Usually such a request wouldn't matter, but Nathan's life is ticking away from him more and more, and though Big Sis is reluctant to anty up her deets, Nathan is a stickler for research.

Amidst the records he's found on his own- ancient things saved but for the advent of the Internet and some quick thinking cleric's boner for history- he finds her name and his mother's, all of the way back to his maternal grandparents Nechimiah and Afriat (called Ramona by the kindly doctor who had adopted her when her parents succumbed to The Plague).

He finds records of Nechimiah and Yael's exile from Portugal, the church registration of his mother's marriage to his father, but nothing else regarding Mona.

So he contacts his friend of a friend of a friend, lays everything he knows out crystal clear while the dusty voiced fellow hems and haws on the other end of the phone. When the man falls quiet, Nathan glares at the receiver in his hand as if the man will feel his irritation if he tries hard enough.

"Your problem is you are looking for a human girl. Your sister, she is not a human girl, correct?"

Nathan rolls his eyes and snickers. "No. Vampire. I don't know if she's Kindred or Cainite."

"You don't need to know. You give me a few days and I'll get you what you need, my friend. You ain't gonna like what it's gonna cost ya."

Nathan stares at his poor wallet, his bank cards mocking him from within. "Eh. Any idea what that's gonna be?"


His mind skids to a stop and he opens and closes his mouth. "...50,000 what?"

"Fish. What the hell do you think? Cold, hard American dollars to be delivered to me before you get your hands on what you need."

Nathan places the phone down, stands up and then loses his mind. His long limbs go everywhere and he nearly tears his shirt by pulling at it. Once he's calmed down, he flops back onto the bed, legs crossed, and picks up the phone.


"50,000..alright. You know what? Okay. But you better not screw me over."

The man on the other end laughs before hanging up with a click. Nathan drops his arms between his legs and stews. "The things I do for family."


Date: 2015-03-27 03:12 EST
Their meetups become something like routine, and such things are often cherished in their family. Nathan knows, like clockwork, that at least two days out of the week he will find his big sister sitting on his bed. He doesn't ask how she gets into his room. He doesn't dare. But life likes to throw him curveballs.

He would never have thought to find her curled up on his bed, her cheeks crusted over with opaque pink tears. Nathan is careful not to wake her, if she's even asleep- he skipped that course in Vamps 101- and it is only when he pulls the blanket around her that he notices the nasty scar zigzagging a path up her left arm. It's somehow paler than her skin, and he feels like he should have noticed it before.

He pauses, blanket in hand, and studies it like a child observing a particularly horrific butterfly pressed between glass. It shouldn't startle him like it does- Nathan a proud graduate of The School of Hardknocks- but she's his sister. Not a name on some antiquated peice of paper. Not a sidenote in some mad ghoul's book.

"You shouldn't stare at people, maninho. I hear to do so is rude." She slowly sits up and Nathan is startled in the way any normal person would be to see a corpse stir.

Mona stretches her arms over her head and touches the flaked blood against her cheek as if she's checking for smeared mascara.

"I was just..." Nathan points to the door, a corner of the blanket still caught in a deathgrip. "Do you..need anything, Mona?"

She immediately tugs her sleeve down and sticks her thumb through a hole put there after the garment's creation. There are words dancing around in her eyes so brightly that Nathan can nearly read them. They are completely snuffed out when she shakes her head, and that action is so like their mother that he can't help but to smile and grit his teeth.

There is nothing wrong, my world is only burning down. Now let us tend to your skinned knee..

"I contacted a friend of mine, one that can possibly help you."

He smiles graciously and nods his head. "Thank you, Mona," he motions to the empty spot next to her, "do you mind?"

She hops to one side to make more room and watches as Nathan's long legs carry him closer to her. The sudden deposit of his weight nearly knocks her into the floor.

"I, uhh," and he looks up as he always does while he gathers his thoughts and matches them to the right words. He also kinda figures that belting her with alcohol breath isn't exactly pinnacle of manners. "Do you ever feel like you're screaming in your skin?"

Mona tilts her head to one side, both brows hitching up in confusion. His eyes follow a few wayward flecks of rust colored blood as they drift to the covers beneath them. He silently counts to three and tries again. "I mean, it's hard when you get to a certain age, isn't it? There's so much stuff you've gotta remember, and it gets really difficult to let people in. The closest I've ever come was with Bethany, but I still couldn't tell her what I was. It was easier to make her think that I was some drug addict. It gets..lonely, doesn't it?"

Familiarity softens her wide-eyed stare, and inside he gives himself a highfive. He's still careful though, because feral cats are known for startling easy, and Mona is as close to a feral cat in human form as Nathan has ever seen.

When she doesn't speak, he continues if only to test the waters. "I've seen you around with Zofie and that one guy.."

"Bart.." Mona growls.

Nathan nods slowly, measures his words with teaspoons of caution. "Right. Bart. I think you're close to them. Zofie says you're pretty much just a gal pal. I'm wagering that Bart would say differently, right? Not your Bethany, but close?"

She brings her head down and rolls her head up to fix those cold eyes upon his face. He looks away. "It's too hard to go at it alone, Mona, and it hurts, I know. God do I know. Always being too afraid to let too much out, because you're already so sure that people will leave if they know, that way when you alienate them enough and they do run away, you can sign your name on another self-fulfilling prophecy."

"You're wrong."

Nathan blinks. "Excu.." But the sight of her hand suddenly cleaving the air between them silences him.

"Bart is not Bethany."

Nathan sighs in relief with the realization that his nose is still very much attached to his face, and his hand is void of the blanket. She wraps it around herself until only her face is peeking out.

"I had a Bethany once, and he knew more about me than anyone ever did. He made me feel normal, even if the situation we were in was not. I think about how it ended all of the time, and each time I fix it. It's different. Each time I become what he wanted and not just what he had at the time."

It's the most Mona has said to him thus far, and he focuses on the lamp by the door.

"He sounds like..."

But Mona quickly silences him with a warning hiss. "He was a good man, Nathan. A hurt man, but a good one. I was just a kid even if I wasn't, you know?"

And Nathan nods his head, because he can get that. He's also keenly aware of the sorrow in his sister's voice, the pain that comes from placing salt in a wound that refuses to heal.

"Saudade," he mutters.

She nods and parrots him. "Saudade."

It isn't one the hardest words in the Portuguese language, but perhaps one of the heaviest ones. It has no translation elsewhere, for its existence is one of longing and despair; of pining for ships that will never come in again.

It's possible, probable, that no one will ever know the complete stories of Nathan Kay and Mona Oliveira. It is, indeed, a product of living long enough to spit in Death's eye. It's also possible, probable, that they will never completely know what the other has gone through. But as Nathan slips his arm around Mona (and he is oddly chuffed when she leans into him in leiu of liberating him of his eyes), that loneliness appears as a dream might; far away and with no basis in reality.


Date: 2015-03-27 20:43 EST
April 4, 2015

''Where did you get all of these?"

Badgers frozen forever in mid-hiss, fish forever flopping on wooden plaques, right down to rats posed like little warriors, fists wrapped around clay swords, Mona's little Oreo colored Nash is jam packed with taxidermy.

Nathan is gobsmacked. Short of museums and the odd- very odd- collector, he has never seen so many stuffed animals. He has to look away, because even though their glass eyes are vacant, he feels like they're staring straight into his soul.

Mona smiles a devious smile and cozies the car into an empty, weed eaten parking lot, dark but for one pitiful, sputtering streetlight. Turning to face her brother, she places a finger against her lips. Shhhhh...

Both of the hooligans look from side to side to make sure that no one is watching them. A few clicks of their seatbelts later, and Nathan finds himself toddling alongside Mona, their arms burdened down with as many animals as they can carry. He peers over the rubbery red crest of a dead eyed rooster as passersby drift along like smoke on a breeze. Strange.

"Some of these are probably worth money, Mona."

Mona rolls her eyes and sighs. "You can always get money, Nathan. But money cannot buy the look of shock on someone's face when they find a deer head in their shower."

He wants to argue but he really can't. There's logic there that he just can't wrap his mind around yet.

His nerves ramp up when they approach a modest little home, the front yard strewn with brightly colored children's toys. Mona places her horrific treasures in a beat up Radio Flyer, and studies each one with a look bordering upon fondness. Nathan watches as she removes a moth eaten rabbit mount from the pile, and while he stands there shaking with excitement and dread, Mona saunters over the a child's sandbox as if she's delivering a newspaper.

Mortified and amused, Nathan can only bare witness to what she does next. Picking up a neon green plastic shovel, she digs a hole and carefully, thoughtfully, buries the rabbit up to its head in the sand.

Cold sweat beading upon his brow, his head slightly dizzy, Nathan sucks in a deep breath of air, and with it a lungful of dust. By the time he's finished coughing, Mona is standing at his side, a small hand gripping the handle of the wagon.

"There we go."

"You're kind of ****** up, you know that?"

And she laughs. Dear God does she laugh. It's sweet and sinister, and Nathan can't help but grin. He follows her as she makes a beeline for the sidewalk, the squeak of the wagon's wheels filling the air.


Date: 2015-03-28 14:35 EST
April 5, 2015

He doesn't receive another phone call from his contact, and that irks him. It's been nearly a week since he wired the money to the man's admittedly sketchy bank account, but stupidity often clings to the coat-tails of desperation.

He doesn't tell Mona because most people don't take too kindly to others snooping around their business, and she's been so kind to him. She has in essence saved his life. He hadn't asked her to feed him even if the want was there, but the moment she disappeared into the bathroom, he knew. When she returned with a mug filled with grisly crimson and handed it to him without a word spoken, her hand still baring a brutal red gash, he had nearly cried.

She gave him the gift of time. Another life bestowed in a horrible game of grim reaper cat and mouse.

For the first time in a long time, Nathan sleeps like a baby. He would have continued had his phone not screamed at him at some ungodly hour in the afternoon. He rolls over, eyes bleary and his hair a toussled mess. The name on the screen is a familiar one, and he quickly fumbles his thumb against the right button, nearly dropping his phone in the process.


"Nathan, where the hell are you?"

He's just happy to hear Bethany's voice, anger and all, and a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Sighing softly, he rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling.

"I'm taking care of some things. How are you, Beth?"

"Don't give me that crap, Nate." A resigned pause. "Seriously, where are you? Are you okay? George went by the hotel, but the guy there..he said you were in a halfway house or something?"

"I'm fine Beth. Remember the sister I told you about?"

"The dead one?"

"Yeah. Well, apparently she isn't dead. I've been staying at her place."

A little white lie. He's never even been to Mona's house, but it sounds a lot more plausible than the truth.

" this girl just came out of the woodwork? Nate..."

He's chuffed by the concern in her voice, and maybe that makes him a bastard, but he'll take what he can get. "She's the real deal. She's been helping me."

"You're not paying her are you?"

"No not at all. You're not the only one worried about me, Beth."

He could cut the ensuing silence with a knife. He closes his eyes and just listens to her breathe.

"Well hopefully she can do you some good. Just don't get scammed okay? Remember the court said that we can do joint custody once you get clean. Henry has really been acting out here lately.."

Nathan sits up and sucks in a sharp breath. "Tell him it will be okay. Tell him that he's Superman, and Superman behaves."

Another pause. "Why don't you tell him, Nate?"

There's a static shuffle on the other line, but Nathan can barely breathe. His eyes grow misty, but he holds back the tears with a shuddering sigh.


"Hey buddy. Your mom says you're misbehaving. What's up?"

"Daddy! It's daddy! Momma, it's daddy!"

"Hey...hey, bud? I need you to listen, okay?" Reassurances falling from the mouth of a loser while his own heart is breaking. "Be good for your mom, okay? You gotta be brave for me, little man. You're Superman, right?"

"Supa'man! I'm Supa'man, daddy!"

Nathan nods and presses his forearm against his eyes. "Yeah, you're Superman. Just be brave for a little while longer, and then I'll be home. Can you do that for me, dude?"

"Yeah. Yeah! I'm your dude! I'm Supa'man."

"I love you, Henry."

"I love you too, daddy."

He can hear his son passing the phone over to Bethany, but he doesn't want to talk anymore. Worst yet, he knows he has to.


"Y-yeah." His voice is rusty as if from disuse.

"Make sure this one counts alright?"

"I will. Goodnight, Beth."

"Goodnight Nate. Good luck."

And long after Bethany has hung up, Nate stares down at the glowing screen. Luck. He's got plenty of that.


Date: 2015-04-06 02:14 EST
"Confidence schemes are easy, but first you have to have confidence, or at least be able to pretend at it."

Nathan watches Mona closely and takes the occasional sip of his whiskey. He's never been one for scamming people for a living, his own bag of lies almost too heavy to drag around. But his sister seems so animated, her eyes so bright when she speaks of these things, and it isn't until the dim light of his room catches her eyes that a word drifts from his brain to his tongue; grifter.

Mona throws her shoulders back and lifts her head high. "You carry yourself like you know what you are doing. You make eye contact," and her amber eyes lock onto Nathan's baby blues. "If you go into a college, you keep in mind that you are the most qualified teacher there even if you are not, you know?"

Nathan shakes his head and clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the burn of his last shot of whiskey still a smokey phantom upon his tongue.

"You are good at history, no?," his sister continues. "You lived it but no one will give you a chance if you look so sad all of the time. Do what I said to you and you will have a new job."

"Thanks, Mona. I'll give it a try. I miss teaching." He rolls his glass between his palms. "When am I going to meet this Bart guy?"

The light in Mona's eyes softens and her smile turns bashful; a change that surprises Nathan more than he will let on. She glances down at her shoes. "Bartolomeo? Soon. He..he is a very busy man."

Words leap from Nathan's mouth and he can't take them back. "Do you love him, Mona?"

She stares at him and he knows that look, knows that her blood feels like ice water pumping through her dead veins. "Sim sim. Of course. He is my best friend."

He's made her uncomfortable and he knows that, so he tries to remedy it the best way that he knows how. "Think it'll end up as something more?"

"Why would it? Soulmates do not always get married. You think he should drape his football jacket over my shoulders or something?"

Nathan blinks and drains his glass with a wince and a hiss. "I..said the wrong thing again, huh?"

Mona looks down at her hands, studies the way her fingers curl and uncurl.
When she doesn't speak, he tries to think of what he wants to say and he watches the way his glass captures the light. "The world would probably be a lot easier if people thought that way. Me? I'm a one trick pony."

Mona scrunches her face up in a nearly ugly, sour apple scowl. "I like his company," and suddenly she's grinning, her eyes shining as if she has all of the knowledge in the world hidden away in that pretty little skull of hers. "He makes me happy, but we do not belong to one another, not in that way. We are not property to be owned. That's a dangerous game. Bad juju, little brother."

It's going deep, and Nathan pours himself a few more fingers of hooch, his mind a jumble of words. He's enjoying the conversation because, deep down, he knows that there are reasons why people like Mona rarely talk. They are observers, and thus he believes it's important, with all of his heart of hearts, when the listeners of the world speak. "It works for people all of the time."

The little brunette studies her sibling and nods her head in agreement. "Of course it does, but what are such labels to me? He has my back, I like to think I have his. But boyfriend, girlfriend? Husband? Wife? Words to me. To me. It is like when people speak of the social status, their lineage. My eyes, they grow fuzzy."

Nathan watches as she backs towards the door . " know you can leave if you want to, right?"

She seems to study him, her hand hovering over the doorknob. "Sim about that..." And she's already sauntering down the hallway when Nathan stands up. He scratches his head and then gives it a shake.

"Can't even be mad."


Date: 2015-04-07 00:13 EST
April 7, 2015

Nathan takes his first bath in what feels and honestly smells like forever. If he had went any longer then dogs would have been worrying at him and buzzards may have mistaken him for food.

He salutes the filthy water as it whirls down the drain and slings a clean towel over his shoulder, one last look tossed over his shoulder to Nathan In The Mirror, and why, that handsome devil returns his wink and everything.

His flirtation with whimsy ends once he steps foot outside of the bathroom. Despite having changed the locks on the door no less than six times-one admittedly wasn't a lock but some gum, bobby pins and prayer- Mona always seem to manage to get through.

But tonight the coast is clear, and after slipping into his boxers and ratty old shirt, Nathan falls into the armchair by the window.

He isn't sure what drives him to do what he does next. The words simply fall out like marbles spilled from a bag.

"I don't pray much, but if you're up there then you know that. I guess I just need someone to talk to, and you're supposed to be a good listener, God."

"If my dreams are any indication, my mom already knows, but just in case could you tell her that I found Mona? She' know, I can't even lie..she's a reprobate." He's being polite just in case his mother really is listening. No need to worry her.

"I met a girl named Zofie and she's been such a big help. Cute too in that..hippy chick sorta way, ya know? Just my words to your ears right now, God. Mom gone? Good."

"You know how things are between me and Beth. I've told you about those before..and speaking of, could you..I don't know..."

He mutters something about mercy at the exact moment that he realizes how stupid he sounds. Prayers are wasted words, fodder for the lambs who hold such hope in a higher power. Nathan shakes his head and draws his hand down his face, exasperated.

"I'm slugging through more now than I ever have, and man, let me tell you, it sucks. It sucks having all of these feelings bottled up. Five hundred years of feelings, dude. Might seem like a drop in the bucket to you, but it's what I'm working with. Just, if you're up there, maybe give me a sign?"

And a giant rat darts across the floor and over his feet without so much as pausing. Nathan, however, shouts out a Hey whoa hey! and finds himself teetering haphazardly in a human pretzel on the arm of the chair. Red faced with shame, he stabs a finger at the ceiling.

"That **** there? That **** right there? Not funny, dude!"


Date: 2015-04-08 01:55 EST
April 8, 2015

He still hasn't received that call from his contact. By the time the package shows up outside of his door, Nathan has nearly forgotten his request and the money he thought he had wasted.

He nearly trips over it on his way to drink his breakfast. It's pretty standard; a thick, bookish parcel wrapped in brown butcher's paper and laden down with stamps. He looks down one end of the hall and then the other just to make sure this isn't a joke before recoiling back into his room with the parcel held out at arm's length as if it contains a bomb.

He tries to be gentle with the unwrapping, but Nathan's excitement gets the best of him, and he tears into the paper like a child unleashed upon a birthday present. A book. A very thick, very old book. No title. Musty smell.

He flips through it. Everything, every last word, is in Portuguese. And not just Portuguese, no, but older than the hills Portuguese. Nathan frowns, but Nathan is nosey, and so he turns on the lamp by his bed, turns off his phone and hunkers down for what will surely be a long night.

The next thing to catch his eye are the sketches. Beautiful weathered images complete with handwritten captions. He recognizes Mona. She's wearing a dress with ornate embroidery on the sides; vines peppered with roses and tangled around strange looking ankhs covered in thorns.

He doesn't know the other subjects of some mad ghoul's whimsy, though he studies each sketch and marvels at the beauty of their details with an art critic's eye. In each one, somewhere amidst the embroidery and in a variety of ways, is the same horrible ankh; most of them hidden just ever so much. Blink and you'll miss it. Most of them visible enough to be a dare.

Nathan closes the book and looks across his dimly lit room. Sabbat. A shiver snakes up his spine and the color drains from his face. He's had a run in or two with that particular sect, and only after he had escaped with his life and most of his fingers had he learned that the ones he had crossed had been gentle.

He swallows hard and eyes the bedside table for a moment before standing up and throwing the book through his open closet door. He closes the door and goes one step beyond by sliding the table against it, lest the tome try to escape.

"I'm way too sober to read you right now, pal. We'll try again tomorrow."

He doesn't lay down with his back to the closet, but he doesn't lay with his back to the room door either. Instead he sinks into his chair by the window and stares between splayed fingers.

"What have you gotten yourself into, you stupid bastard?"


Date: 2015-04-08 14:31 EST
Nathan may consider himself an idealist, and by proxy, a cynic, but he is no more immune to the thrill of a good train wreck than anyone else.

The ghoul who had written the book, a fellow by the name of Carvahlo, had spared no detail with his words, and what had Nathan expected after glimpsing his drawings? The only mercy- and it is a small one- is that age has made bits of some sentences unreadable.

They removed his head, the Rose and the Beast, while the silent one looked on..
...merry with it like a child taking his foot to a rag ball...

Dom Cosimiro has no fear of fire, which I understand to be quite common with this hellish coven. The girl will learn to denounce her fear today or be eaten by the flames.

The silent one they call Aamir, the one with skin as dark as coal, is recalled in tales somewhat biblical in their scope for his mastery of the blade. With a skewer meant for meat, tonight he lived up to the legends....the end was slipped through the left ear and out through the right eye socket, thus liberating the has been seven days and the man still lives. We are grateful it was not us.

The Cardinal has wounded the girl for speaking out at him. The Beast, the one called Isidoro, has spent the better part of the night trying to piece together what he can of the back of her skull...hasn't eaten in days, cannot stay awake for more than hour. The Cardinal refuses to (feed) her....beastly growls. Senhor Villa carrying a bowl of cow's blood to the girl was met with great resistance...allowed to keep some of his teeth.

...all of them new initiates, and thus their heads will remain outside of The Cardinal's haven until they are taken by nature...

He has pitted his knights against one another by treating their minds as playthings. He refuses to let them take a different chamber than the one they share. We hear arguing from the two with their tongues still intact...test their loyalty...dare not intervene.

...was made to tan Senhora Fama's skin, at which time the leather was passed on to the girl who, under the tutelage of Dona Allegra, has become quite the seamstress. A coat was fashioned of his wife's skin for a hysterical Senhor Fama, whereafter he was forced to wear it under threat of death..

"Couldn't that have been disjointed like the other ones?" Nathan's full bladder is begging for him to take a break, and he wants to; wishes more than anything that he could scrub his mind clean of the horrors he's reading, some penned by his sister's delicate little hand, but the trio of his soul, better judgement and bladder will have to wait.

He flips towards the beginning, his journey through the book by no means a linear one, and he mouths the first words to jump out at him. Cadela de Portugal.

Maybe someone else was the B-word of Portugal, but the sketch above the darling little nickname sends a deep breath hissing between his clenched teeth.

"Maybe it was just like how, you know, someone is called Sparky or The Babe." His eyes skim over the accompanying text. "Nope. Iiiittttt's because she killed the clergy. Okie dokie then."

His foot begins bouncing like it always does when he's nervous. Even with her inked face staring up at him, Nathan just cannot reconcile the Mona he knows with the girl on these pages. He skips ahead, one page, one hundred, one thousand, until he gets to the end. Nothing but a slapdash smathering of other autrocities, the last recollection seemingly cut off mid-sentence.

He closes the sampler book of the Damned and drums his fingers against its cover. "Bet I got four guesses as to what interupted ol' Carvahlo. Why would anyone want to write this crap down? Why would they want to remember this?"


Date: 2015-04-08 17:27 EST
"It isn't about the ghouls remembering it. It is to make sure that we do not forget."

Nathan sits up board straight as Mona's voice drifts to his ears. He can hear his heart beating, can feels his nails digging into the leather encasing the book. He tries to appear cool, unafraid, and he fails miserably. Mona, leaning against the doorframe, arms over her chest, can sense his fear as easily as one might hear the shortlived boom of fireworks.

"Why did you go snooping?"

Nathan watches her with large, fearful eyes, while his lunch threatens to have a reunion with his mouth. "Y-y-you're a monster...all of these things.."

"Are in the past," she chides in a tone that invites no argument. "Did you think me sweet, Nathan? Loving? Caring?"

He tries to speak, to say anything other than what comes out, each word dragging guilt in its wake. "You can't be those things and be the thing in this book."

She lifts one brow but otherwise she remains still. "Oh? You say this, so you must believe that people cannot change. The man who killed vampires in order to steal their blood is still that man?"

He blinks, and that's when she snarls, causing him to junk. "Are. You. Still. That. Man. Nathan?"

"No!" He shouts, realizes his folly and then lowers his voice. "I haven't been that guy in a long time."

Mona purses her lips together, shifts them into one corner of her mouth and rolls her eyes to stare sidelong into the beyond. "Mm." She nods. "But since I do not have a pulse, I must still be a monster."

" Well, you're not a hero, are you?"

His sister rolls her eyes and pushes herself away from the door with one foot.

"I'm done talking to you, idiota. You think about what you have said here and hope I do not. Brother or not, you disrespect me like that again? I will have your bolas," and one hand comes up in an animated claw, her eyes livid and feeding teeth visible,"in a jar on my bookshelf."

Nathan instictively crosses his legs and stands up; to apologize or run or piss himself. "Mona..I.."

But his sister abandons him there, a cheery middle finger a substitute goodbye.


Date: 2015-04-12 22:50 EST
April 9, 2015

"No refund!? Are you serious!?"

"As a heart attack, Mister Kay."

Nathan stares bullets at the book as if the man on the other end of the phone will feel his hatred by proxy. "I need that money for therapy, guy! Seriously, you could have given me a head's up! A 'Well Mister Kay, be careful because this book would give Stephen King nightmares' would have worked!"

Silence on the other line and then.."Well since you've read Mister King, you're aware that you own what you pay for. It is your book now, Mister Kay, along with what horrors it may hold. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

A click and then nothing, and Nathan sits there stewing in his frustration, his brows knitted and lips trapped between his teeth. He paid fifty grand for high octane nightmare fuel. Fifty grand. And on top of that, he hasn't seen Mona. As much as he may miss his sister's company, there's a very vocal part of Nathan that knows that if he doesn't feed, if Mona cuts him off, he's utterly screwed.

It doesn't help that the book is still in his room, albeit wrapped in no less than five blankets and locked in the closet. And that's silly, isn't it? Being afraid of a book. It isn't bound in human leather or written in blood; it's just a smelly old tome. The World's Worst Diary.

He runs his finger through his hair until it resembles the feathers of a startled chicken. He's been fretting so much lately, so often, that his worry is actually tiring him out, and though his mind knows that now isn't the time for a nap, his body isn't having it. .

Just a little catnap. Just a little catnap and then...

A loud crash echoes from the closet, causing Nathan to sit up with a start, his lips smacking together to sample the stale flavors of morning breath and old booze. His face scrunches up and he slides to his feet, his long legs sleep stiffened and aching.

Another crash. He swallows the lump in his throat and draws his tongue over his dry lips. More chaos. Nathan forces himself closer to the closet door, goosebumps dotting the flesh of his arms. Curiosity draws a trembling hand hesitantly towards the doorknob, and as his fingers grace the chilled brass, the sounds abruptly stop.

When his defenses drop, when his breath rushes out in a sigh of relief, the door flies open. Two small hands as cold as clay emerge from the darkness and grip his shoulders. Before Nathan has a chance to scream he's pulled into the closet and the door slams shut.

Suddenly he's staring down at Mona, his eyes wide and confused. An anxiety attack blooms within him when he notices that the wallpaper is melting, reds and browns oozing and melding into the color of a hangover.

"It is so good to see you again, little brother."

Every tiny part of his being screams and roars for him to get away. Tells Nathan that he's not safe. Mona isn't who he thinks she is, but despite it all he finds comfort in her voice.

But something about the room isn't right, Nathan remembers that now. Rooms shouldn't melt. He feels so very light-headed, his eyes crossing and uncrossing in their doomed attempt to focus on Mona's blurring smile.

And the smell is something foreign and familiar all at once; an ambush to his senses and it's only when the scene changes that he remembers. Blood.

Nathan awakens in a panic and tries to jolt up from the chair, but his wrists are bound with rubber surgical hose and his cries for help are hoarse and muffled by the impromptu rag gag in his mouth.

Blue eyes chance a terrified glance down to one arm and Nathan's heart sinks in time with the lurching of his stomach. Bite marks as plentiful as freckles. Bloody and bruised and weeping. His attention slowly turns towards the door and the girl standing in front of it, that same sleepy smile gracing her face; as sinister beneath as it is inoffensive on the surface.

Mona Oliveira and the thing beneath her skin, the thing at the controls, stalks towards him; teasing him and taunting him in the feline fluidity of her gait.

"I am not sure why you did not give up," she says, her voice the sadistic side of cheery.

And then it's as if Nathan is standing at the door watching himself stare up at Mona in gut wrenching, fist clenching, teeth gritting fear. Nathan tries to move, tries to save himself from the grisly fate of that chair.

"You should have let go," Mona continues, attention focused boiling water hot on Nathan In The Chair while Nathan At The Door feels every emotion that his mirror self is feeling. Every grain of terror; the ecstasy of fear turned into adrenaline.

"This never happened. Not like this," whispers Nathan At The Door between clenched teeth and a new wave of fear washes over him when she turns her cold brown eyes his way.

"Oh but it will, Nathan. It may not have happened yet, doce garoto but rest assured that it will happen. I'm a lady of my word and I am your big sister, no? Big sisters take care of their little brothers."

Those eyes snap back to Nathan In The Chair and Mona begins to hum over the sickening chorus of fists against flesh, delicate bone and anguished, gagged cries.

The alarm clock bellows out "Walking After Midnight" in a staticy croon and Nathan sits straight up in his bed. He doesn't remember moving from the chair, but his aching back is certainly glad for the change. Pale and covered in sweat, Nathan falls back.

"A nightmare," he reassures himself. "It was just a nightmare."


Date: 2015-04-13 12:23 EST
April 10, 2015

It doesn't help his nerves when there's a knock at the door. He's caught between wanting it to be Mona and the lifeblood running through her dead veins and hoping like hell that it isn't. Pulling his blankets up to his chin, he closes eyes, but the knocking doesn't stop. It only increases in frequency.

Worming his way out of his bed, a bloodshot eyed Nathan throws on the royal blue robe hanging from a bedpost and shuffles slowly to the door. On the other side stands the most striking redhead he has ever seen. Tall and long legged (though the denim short shorts she wears gives the illusion of them being longer) with a thick mane of dark copper hair and a smiley face tee, its happy expression at odds with the scowl on her lips.

Out of habit Nathan looks from one end of the hall and then the other before locking eyes with the stranger. He notices that one green eye is darker than the other. "Can I help you, miss..?"

"Valk," a quick English snap. Posh. "Abby Valk. I'm here on behalf of your sister."

"My sis.."

Before he can finish, Abby pushes her way past him and he freezes if only because of the nature of her audacity. When he turns around he finds the woman sitting cross legged in his armchair (and he notes how easily those legs could wrap around his arse). He opens his mouth to speak, to ask if Mona has hired her to do him in, only for her to silence him with a quick raise of her hand.

"Don't look at me as if you've seen the bogeyman. Your sister asked me to help you while she's gone."

His brows raise up. "Where.." he blinks at him hoarse his voice is, clears his throat and tries again. "Where is she?"

Abby removes a knife from one of her belt loops, and at that moment Nathan swears that his testicles have retreated to his throat. She his fear, and when she smiles there are too many teeth. "You know, for Mona's brother, you're quite the jumpy thing. Yes, very skiddish. I assure you that I'm not here to take your life, Mister Kay. Your sister would not be so sloppy as to send someone else to do her dirty work."

Nathan nods and watches Abby drag the blade across the palm of her hand, and by the time the wound begins to weep blood, he's shaking. A junkie's tremors.

Her expression unchanging save for a wince to acknowledge the pain, the gingersnap lifts her hand above the whiskey glass by the lamp, makes a fist and unclenches it to get the blood pouring before the cut heals itself.

"We do favors for one another, Mona and I."

Nathan can't tear his eyes away from the slowly filling glass. "...what sort of favor does she owe you for this?"

That shark's smile again. "Oh, darling, that is for me to know and for Mona to find out."


Date: 2015-04-13 12:50 EST
Abby Valk steals his lamp on her way out. Nathan is just grateful that she's gone and he has all of his parts intact. It's the little things.

However he was not prepared for the crazy pumping through the redhead, or knowledgable enough to realize that his intensifying paranoia was by no means normal and had everything to do with her blood.

While locking the array deadbolts lining his door and pushing the dresser against it just in case, the book now wrapped in plastic and placed in the toilet's tank, realization does hit him..and it hits him hard.

"A Malkavian." He says it over and over and over again until sounds strange; until it loses its meaning.

Removing a hammer and nails from his backpack, he begins to nail down the windows, finishes them off with black garbage bags and duct tape. A Malkavian Malkavian MalkavianMalkavian. Crazy is as crazy does.

He's been in this boat before, knows to just ride the wave until breaks. "I don't wanna hurt anyone, Doc. I do a bang up job of hurting myself anyway."

It isn't that the man currently pacing from one corner of his room to the other like a trapped animal is ungrateful. He's incredibly grateful, and Mona's request of the Valk woman cements his growing affection for his estranged sister.

And oh man..he had called her a monster, hadn't he?

Hello Guilt, I'm sure you know Nathan.

Nathan Kay, one of the universe's favorite punching bags, nearly crawls out of his skin when the phone rings. He fumbles it from its spot on the pillow and flips it open.

"Hey Nate. Just touching base."

Bethany. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? The only thing that would make this month better would be if a clown jumped out from behind the door and clocked him right in the berries.

"H-hey Beth! How's it going?"

"Good. I have something to tell you.."

He hates her something to tell you voice. Despises it. Out of habit he lowers his head and steels himself for what's coming next.

"Nate..I..George asked me to marry him. I said yes.''

And something in Nathan breaks. A nervous chuckle quickly spirals into manic laughter that he can't control.

"Nate!? Really!? What's so funny!?"

Nathan can't speak. His sides hurt and there are tears running down his cheeks. If he doesn't laugh then he's gonna vomit or throw things or, hell, rip his hair out from the roots. He isn't happy. He's miserable and somehow that makes it worst. Beth, sadly, thinks he's making a fool out of her.

"You know what? Whatever, Nate. Call me when you grow up."

A click, and wouldn't you know that that's when the laughter stops and the sobbing starts.

To add insult to injury, the very same rat- he's come to know each of the rodents he shares a room with- from his previous dish session with God takes that time dart out from beneath the bed and scamper over his feet.

"I hate you, Ronald," bawls Nathan at the back-end of the rodent. "I hate you so effing much."


Date: 2015-04-15 16:02 EST
April 15, 2015

He meets Mona?s friends and finds that Bart Fitzroy is good company. He?s still high when he gets back to his room, his head hazy with boo, but he?s comfortable in his bed and more relaxed than he?s been in quite some time. That night Nathan doesn?t dream, and what a relief that is. Just the bliss of oblivious slumber. When he wakes up the next morning, Nathan takes his usual a.m piss, brushes his teeth and downs as much water as he can to soothe his cotton mouth.

At ease with himself and the world, at least for the time being, Nate Kay calls Bethany back and by the grace of God he manages to smooth things over. Even congratulates her on her upcoming nuptials; even means it. For his efforts he is rewarded with a brief conversation with Henry, and that's just dandy.

By the time he returns to his room he's still riding high on his good cheer and he hasn't had a lick of booze. Just water and actual food, and his body is happy for it despite the ever-present tug that grinds in the back of his head; that clarion call that all ghouls know. Blood. Blood. Need need need. But he's smart enough, aware of his body enough, to know that he has a few days before that craving becomes something far worse.

But the universe has a surprise for him, and when he opens the door to reveal a stoic faced Mona sitting in his chair, he kicks himself for not having known.

She doesn't seem angry, doesn't seem happy. For all intents and purposes, her shoulders slumped and her face cradled in her hands, his sharkish sister appears defeated.

"Mona? Is everything alright?" Because he's still approaching a mercurial animal, and he keeps his tone gentle lest she turn against him.

She waves for him to join her, and Nathan sinks down on the end of his bed and watches her with his head cocked curiously to one side.

"You have shaved," she mutters. "It is a good look on you."

He smiles a little smile and strokes his cheek. "Yeah. It's weird not having my beard."

Mona nods her head but she says nothing, not for a full five minutes, and by then Nathan is squirming; a restlessness felt in the marrow of his bones.

"I want to talk to you, Nathan. I want you to understand."

"Understand what?"

"That you are never going to understand."

Nathan sits there and stares at her, still having a hard time trying to reconcile the girl in front of him to the monster he had read about. "I'm not trying..."

Mona's eyes narrow for a second. "You are not meaning to try, no, but you want to understand the people around you so badly. I did a lot of bad things back then, and hopefully I will never have to do them again. Most days, eh, I at least attempt to be decent." She shrugs one shoulder. "I know the reasoning behind what I did, but I see no reason for you to know."

Nathan nods and just as he's about to give up, a light bulb goes off over his head. "You said that if I gave you time, you'd give me a story."

She circles him, places a hand on his shoulder and grins. "Oh, sim sim," he doesn't see her roll her eyes when she turns away from him, "you got me. Fine, a story. There was a girl, there is always a girl. This girl she walks to the door and..." The room door closes behind her, abruptly ending her narrative and making sure that Nathan sits there, stewing in his silence.


Date: 2015-04-30 23:31 EST
May 1, 2015

The apartment that Zofie turns him onto isn't a bad place, not really. It has a smell, that scent shared by most previously occupied places now hedging on the brink of abandonment, but the rates are good and the landlady seems nice enough, if not a bit nosey.

The little old woman toddles after him as he inspects room after room. Spacious without being insanely so. No holes in the walls, no holes in the floors. Windows intact. No chalk outlines like the last place he'd looked at.

"So..why is this place going for so cheap?" He turns and looks down at the elderly woman with her grandmotherly smile and sharp yellow hawk's eyes. He knows in an instant that a fly farting down the hall would fail to escape her notice.

"Oh, dear. Damnedest thing, you know, but each person who rents this room moves on soon after."

Nathan looks away lest his mind be bogged down by her perfectly practiced charm. One blond brow quirks up. "So they've all moved away?"

A wrinkled old hand paws through the air. "Oh yes dear. They've all moved away to heaven."

The man's head jerks so quickly in the woman's direction that he nearly pulls a muscle, his expression baffled and worried. "...uh huh. Maybe this isn't the place for.."

Suddenly she's gripping his hand too roughly with strength that doesn't suit the trembling sack of old flesh and bones that comprise the woman's being.

"Please don't be scared off, Mister Kay. You seem like such a nice young man. Don't get the wrong idea. The last dozen or so tenants were all very old, and I wouldn't put too much stock into what others say about it."

"What do others say about it?" His hand hovers over the doorknob to the bedroom.

The old lady, for her part, appears momentarily angry- an anger turned inward, but her smile eventually returns. "Just ghost stories, dear..just.."

But both of them stop when a flip of the switch illuminates the bedroom in a dull, humming glow. A room, sure enough, new carpeting, new paint, new blood that someone has used to paint GET OUT on one of the walls in letters four foot high.

"I'll..just give you your security deposit back and we can pretend we never met, alright Mr. Kay?" The old woman's words fly out in a blur, and Nathan almost misses what she says. Almost.

He nods his head and casually turns out the light and closes the door behind them.


Date: 2015-05-04 00:14 EST
May 2, 2015

When he tells Mona about the apartment, his heart still pounding in fear, she does the only thing she can do; loudly make fun of him.

It isn't that she's mocking his fear, but the way he explains the story, how very animated he becomes, and though he had, at first, taken it to heart, he doesn't now. He even laughs along with her, because yeah, it's silly, but they know how dangerous the unknown can be. It's a school they've both had the honor of graduation from.

When the mirth at Nathan's expense dies down and things become Super Serious, he shifts his pale blue eyes to his sister's face. "But really, I never knew that trying to find a place would be this hard."

Mona sits upon his television set as primly as a queen upon a throne, the sound mute but the static snow reflecting off of the pale flesh of her legs. Though she's still grinning, she seems thoughtful and concerned, because over the months she really has come to care for her little brother.

"Bart and me are going to Indiana. You can stay in the house, if you want. There is lots of food and we need someone to watch the animals during the day anyway."

Nathan looks down at her feet, touched, and though he is about to humbly refuse, the sight of one of his rodent roommates staring at him from the edge of his underwear drawer tosses all modesty out the window.

"Sure! I can look for a place while I'm there, right?"

Mona peers down at her fingernails, her head tipped to one side.

"Certo. Be mindful of Tegan, Nathan."

Tegan, right. The new bird. He sketches her a salute to show that he understands and shoots around the room in a flurry of activity. He grabs what he owns- which isn't much, truth be told- and piles it into the middle of his bed. Mona watches all of this with a cat's simple fascination, and when he jerks one of his shirts from beneath her, she simply shakes off the intrusion and goes back to enjoying The Nathan Kay Variety Hour.

Everything is stuffed haphazardly into a black duffel bag (the replacement for the poor, shredded backpack that he had arrived to Rhy'din with), and once he is finished Nathan stands proudly with it in his arms; his smile fit for the face of a new father.

"Alright, sis. I'm ready to go."


Date: 2015-05-04 18:07 EST
May 4, 2015

(Taken from play with Tegan's super player.)

It feels strange being in another person's house, even is said people happen to be his sister and her gearhead best friend. It's weird, like wearing someone else's shoes or wearing their underwear. It's always been a bit too personal for Nathan, but maaaannn what a house!

Beachfront property, two floors, holy (bleep).

But the huge dog that lives there watches him from her too small bed, her black eyes following him from the moment he exits the kitchen to when he takes a seat on the couch turned bed. Nathan is painfully aware that the Tibetan Mastiff could fit his entire head into her mouth is she so chose, and it is but by the grace of god that she believes herself to be a lapdog.

Then there is the matter of the birds, and birds creep Nathan out. Two macaws. The greenish one he remembers because he and Mona had hunted all over creation for the damned thing. The purple one, the one he believes is called Tegan, is a new fixture in the house. She is shy and my what a big beak she has.

She seems content just watching him, and Nathan seems content to just leave her to that.

But then there's the matter of the noises. A long, long, long, long, long, long existence has instilled within Nathan a healthy, fearful respect of the more ghostly aspects of the unknown; live and let unlive. But the occasional sounds that filter up from the quaint beach home's basement- which serves as Mona's room- are becoming so subtly terrifying that Nathan is half convinced that Lovecraft Himself perhaps fashioned the house during some undocumented architectural phase.

Raspy groans follow barely audible footsteps that abruptly just stop before beginning again. The rabble of a television shifts from blaring to soft to off completely in seconds flat.

At what point he's even sure that whatever is crashing down there is coming up the stairs, and that idea and the imagined horrors that follow turn Nathan- a man once known for killing sleeping vampires for their blood- into a trembling wreck beneath his borrowed blanket.

The sounds continue and as time passes it becomes maddening. Teeth gritted and eyes glued to the old wood of the basement door, Nathan steels himself, mixes his courage equally with his stupidity, and with his blanket tossed over his shoulders like a cloak, he creeps towards the basement door.

His hand trembling like a leaf on a storm shaken tree, he grips the knob and gives it a turn. Then, on the count of three, he pokes his head through the opened door and squints into the darkness. Seconds turn into minutes, each scrap of passing time serving a reminder to him that he's being Totes Silly.

"Yeah," Nathan snickers. "You're a big man. Scared of noises like a two year old. Hell, even Henry isn't afraid of ghosts, and he still believes that cartoons are real..."

The subject of cartoons seem to arrive eerily, in spurts of soundtrack, from the basement, some low warbled dialogue from Fantastic Planet, in the form of a little girl's voice declaring 'He's a monster' in breathy, vicious approbation. Almost on cue, the darkness seems to shimmer, to shake as something moves within it, as a pale, white, nearly luminous blue face emerges. It sits too high for how delicate its features are. From the sheer, gaping voids where its eyes ought to be, it may very well be a mask.

A mask that turns ever-so-slowly towards the stairs.


Date: 2015-05-04 18:43 EST
Oh. Hell. Naw.

Nathan stares for a split second at the creature, his brain scrambling to make sense of what it is he's seeing. His hand is having none of that mess. Before his stomach can empty its contents into his tighty whities, Nathan's hand shoots up and slams the door shut, drawing a loud ruckus from the two birds and a lion's roar of a bark from Hallah.

Though Nathan is by no means a stupid man- he is incredibly 'book smart', his common sense is a precarious thing, and his mind immediately jumps to the idea that it is the beast downstairs that holds the responsibility for the animals' unease.

His heart pounding in his chest, the blond man stumbles back and back and back until he collapses onto the couch. "That wasn't real, Nathan," he says once he can catch his breath. "Wasn't real. Wasn't real, wasn't real. Mona would have told you about a gho- wait," he wraps himself up in the blanket, producing a tightly bound Nathan Burrito. "No she wouldn't have," he spits. "She'd think this was funny!"

The stairs seem to creak slowly just after Nathan clears the air to speak. Hallah rumble-rurrrrs at the door and sits upright, her ears perked to attention. Batata and his new friend both bob and Wark!twirddlrrHraAAK up a storm on the respective perches. The knob turns slowly on the basement door, creeeeeaaaaking open to reveal the same angular blue-white face from the bottom of the stairs, turning more to stark porcelain in the ambient light. The eyes, however, become more clearly black.

Unfortunate, however, is the manner in which the lengthy bangs hide the tilt of brows in concern as the strangled, hoarse rasp of a voice chokes out its words. "Are you well, sir?"

Nathan is going to die. He's going to die. Breathing becomes and a struggle and he's going to die. It's a good think Mona isn't here. She would have questioned, loudly, how he had managed to survive five centuries with a spine so yellow.

He moves the blanket just enough to peer out at the creature, and every bit of color is gone from from his face. He looks to Hallah, who he is sure will freak out (he's watched those ghost hunting shows) and validate his fears. But Hallah pads across the room, smacks Nathan in the face along the way with her wagging tail, and all of her two hundred plus pounds rises up and her huge front paws rest upon the monster's stomach.

Wordlessly the creature brings her hand, her long, black nailed hand, down to slip into Hallah's fur, scratching from her crown to the ruff of her neck in stern-handed rubs that lower the dog's lids and leave her mouth agape in joyous pants. The other hand settles on the door's frame, wrapping around to brace as Hallah drops down and trudges off to her water bowl.

The scene puts him at ease, only barely, and Nathan draws his blanketed legs to his chin. "" he finally squeaks out. Manfully.

"What ails you?" Her rise to the last step sees her duck down to clear the door's frame, her lengthy body clad in a long, bell-sleeved gown of black, embroidered subtly at its seams in the same shimmering shade of night as her navel-length hair.

She rises to stand a good three inches taller than the door. "You must be Nathan. I've heard ever so much about you." Her voice's rumble seems to swallow all of her otherwise conversational inflection.


Date: 2015-05-04 18:58 EST
Nathan, of course, asks the most rational question. "...are you a ghost?"

After all, a ghost would have heard about him around here, yeah. What else does it have to do? And if the woman is a ghost, what sort? Pointed ears would point to an elf, but those black seas that function as her eyes could mean anything. But then, Hallah had proven that she was tangible, and not..well, a dog eating hatebeast.

Slowly Nathan sits up, the fine blond hairs on the back of his neck still standing on end, and he lets his blanket creep down to his upper arms. "You're not a ghost at all, are you?" His tone is almost defeated, but there is no striking the joy of that realization from his voice.

Tegan brings her hands together before her, clasping one with the other in a tenderness that belies any and all of her intimidating demeanor. Her head drops forward, enough to show the points of her ears, yet they soon disappear in the inky curtain of her hair as she raises a faint, soft smile to the fellow still cowering on the couch as she shakes her head.

"No no. I am no apparition, Mister Nathan."

Her walk is as smooth as a snake's slither as she settles into a chair across from the couch, yet still far enough away to keep Nathan relatively comfortable. A message to him that she will not approach him unbidden.

"I am of the Cainite condition, not unlike your sister. However, my er? bloodline, as it were, bears a few telltale marks of an ill-begotten ritual involving the essence of the Fair Folk." She presses her lips together tightly, for just a moment, as she collected her words. "I am Tegan, by the by."

"Wait a minute," he pushes himself up and onto the bit of couch where the back meest the arm, his eyes wide but soft, the fear leaving them with each second that passes. "You're Tegan?"

Be mindful of Tegan, Nathan.

His incredulous stare shoots toward the hyacinth macaw currently grooming itself upon its perch. "Oh! God, I feel so stupid. I thought the new bird was called Tegan."

He shakes his head, his cheeks not just red but RED! Unaware, or at least uncaring, that the blanket's absence presents him in his brief'd glory, he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and drawls out a gentler "well how about that." A slow smile. "Hi Tegan. I guess we're roommates for the time being?"

Nathan may seem oblivious about his state of undress, but Tegan turns her head to the side and clears her throat, her arms tucking demurely into the bells of her sleeves. She spares a croaking little chuckle at his misgiving on the name, dipping a quick glance to the aforementioned bird as her smile blooms more fully. The smile suits her face far more than any could have anticipated.

"I suppose we are. The bird's name is Curacao. She's quite the well tempered lady."

The turn of Tegan's head reminds Nathan that, hey, he's still in his skeevies. He throws on a faded Garfield tee and stumbles dances into a pair of baggy sweatpants. "I like her a bit more than Batata, that's for certain."

He finds her smile oddly nice. When the drawstring at his waist is tied into a neat little bow, he throws his arms out at his sides. "There we go. Sorry. It's super hot in here." He sucks in a deep breath, lets it go. "You like birds, Tegan?"


Date: 2015-05-24 20:26 EST
Mona comes home to a quiet house and finds only her brother there, sitting on the couch. Batata watches her from beneath his cage across the room while Curacao does her obliviously happy little head bobbing dance on her perch.

From the basement she hears the happy squeak of Hallah's rubber steak, and when she listens very closely she can hear Tegan's words of encouragement as the great dog plays.

She greets Nathan with a smile, but the uneasiness that wafts from him like a bad smell settles like weights upon her small shoulders. So Mona shivers, clenches her fists at her sides and appears to him as if she is steeling herself from a blow; a familiar hit. It's doomed but it still strikes Nathan as impressive.

The moment he stands up, Mona somehow knows.

"..hey, little girl." An shaky greeting. A testing of the waters.

She holds her head up high, tips it back and stares him in his pale blue eyes. "Bom dia, Nathan."

She watches his adam's apple move as he swallows.

"Do you know someone named Anouk?"

Mona wishes she didn't for a variety of reasons, and perhaps if she doesn't acknowledge the connection- or her very tangled history with the woman's ex husband- then the news that teeter-totters on the tip of Nathan's tongue will simply cease to exist. But something inside of her makes her nod her head.

" know Bakar?"

Another robotic nod. Nathan whistles out the air in his lungs.

"Bakar.." and with that name said, everything that follows sounds distant; a whisper through thick fog.

"Bakar is dead. He died in Barcelona. His childe, Helene, felt it and told Anouk. Anouk wanted you to know."

Mona doesn't say a word but it doesn't startled her brother. People react to this sort of news in a variety of ways. He's made the connection between them; between the mysterious bloke from her past who still owns at least a few acres of real estate in her heart and the man whose death had been lifted to his ears by a small, shark eyed french girl.

Nathan reaches out to touch her shoulder but Mona quickly steps out of his reach. "Mona.."

She smiles at him, a shudder winding from her shoulders and down to her toes, and it is a mercy, perhaps, that she doesn't link the Basque man's death with a silly wish made upon a star.

"Bakar died a long time ago," she says, her head turned to one side. Away from him. "I think he just realized it."

And Nathan watches as she moves back through the door to help Bart unload his car. Nathan goes into preparation mode as he stands there; a plan for when, and if, the news has sent a storm to brewing in his little big sister.

His eyes roll to the kitchen, to the half ajar door and the Cabinet O' Booze that it reveals.

"Console later, if she needs it, fangy beasty or not, but get drunk first."

No way in hell that could go wrong.


Date: 2015-06-02 21:34 EST

Bethany's voice doesn't twist his heart into two like it once did, though Nathan still cares. She was the love of his life and the mother of his son. He smiles the smile of a man unburdened by at least one more load, and he closes his eyes. "Good to hear from you, Beth. How's shakes?"

"Good, good. How are you doing?"

She means about everything she thinks she knows. Nathan grows silent, thoughtful, and stares down at one of his faded blue bedroom slippers. "I'm doing pretty good," I'm not going to die anytime soon, thanks to a really nice, really tall, pointy eared and void eyed vampire. "A lot better than I was if you want the truth. How's Little Man?"

"That's what I called you about. George and I discussed, and while we'd love to have a wedding, it just isn't in the cards right now. So, I know this is really last minute, but we still wanna do our honeymoon. Just a weekend at the beach."

Nathan listens to the way she breathes and closes his eyes. "Want me to find a sitter for H-dude?"

"Actually," another pause. Another deep breath. "I was wondering if you could watch him while we're gone."

The blond man lurches forward as if he's just been struck, the air knocked right out of him. He isn't exactly sure what he had heard, isn't dissuaded of the idea that Beth is playing some cruel joke on him, but without thinking- because it's a chance to see his son- he gives her an answer.

"Sure, Beth. I'll watch him. Just.."

"Why you? Nate, you've really improved. I figured that out when you called and apologized to me over your last little meltdown. Besides, Henry really needs to spend time with you."

He tries to play it off cool; calm. "Alright. When?"

"...this weekend. Like I said, if you can't do it I'll understand.."

"Oh, I can do it, Beth. Time?"

"10? Thursday? We'll be back Sunday night."

"Sounds like a da--I mean, it sounds like a plan. A plan. Right. Yeah. Catch you then, Beth. Give Little Man a kiss for me."

And it hits him just as he hangs up that he lives in, to be less than gentle, a bar.

Well ****.


Date: 2015-06-02 23:37 EST
He just has to mention the word 'child' to Mona and she's going through her little book of contacts as if the very devil is prompting her to do so.

It isn't because she believes that her nephew should have a safe place to stay during his visit. Mona simply does not like children. Nevertheless, she finds Nathan a loft apartment in Dockside, a little studio shindig situated above a defunct tire shop. 500 silver a month, utilities included and no murders or ghosts to speak of. Nathan kicks himself for not asking for Mona's help sooner.

She doesn't help with the furniture, though, so he sends a wire offworld to one of his accountants, who dutifully lines his pockets with dead presidents a few hours later, and before he can really settle into his new digs, Nathan has his apartment furnished and paid for.

"I love you," he tells his sister, and the only reason he is able to pick her up and hug her is because she allows it. He even sways her from side to side to the tune of her slippers grazing the floor.

"I would love you more if you would let me go," she replies, and he drops her to her feet.

Chuffed and almost dizzy, Nathan steps back to give Mona some room lest she suddenly decide to liberate his eyes from their sockets. She moves to the long locker mirror hanging by the apartment's door and begins to groom herself; a dark lock tucked behind one ear here, a hank positioned there.

"So how have you been, little girl?"

She stops primping and watches his reflection. "Eu tenho sido bom."

And he wants so badly to ask about Bakar; to ask how she's feeling about his death. Maybe she senses it, that question hanging in the air, because her expression turns cold beneath the feigned warmth of a sudden smile.

"How old is your boy, meu irm?o?"

Resigned, Nathan lets his arms dangle between his knees. "He just turned three."

Mona repositions a silver feather adorned clip above her temple. "He your only one?"

Nathan swallows hard, the question a weird one; a bold one. But even if it isn't true, he feels as if he owes Mona. "Now? Yeah. I had two before I became a ghoul, two little girls, but they're gone now."

Mona turns to face him, not a dark hair out of place, and she lets her clasped hands dangle before her, the innocence of her sweet face no match for the darkness in her pale eyes. Nathan shivers.

"Two little girls," she muses. "Their names?"

Nathan claws at his memory, an extensive library, and finds what he's looking for beneath the faded faces of his daughters. "Ronja and Yael."

Whatever Mona had sought from this line of questioning she finds, because when she smiles again it is genuine, her nod approving. "I cannot remember the names of most of my sisters, meu irm?o, but you still remember yours girls. Your boy, he is lucky. One day when I forget his name, you will remember."

He looks confused but slowly he understands what she's saying. Nathan reaches for the remote and throws it over to her. Mona snatches it out of the air with ease. "You are so weird, Mona."

Thumbing the big red POWER button, she grins at his words and the hiss of television static. "We are both weird. Good thing we are pretty, no?"


Date: 2015-06-05 02:02 EST
Even though he's gotten the child safely to Rhy'Din, Nathan is still a big ball of nerves. He grips Henry's sticky little hand and scans their surroundings, looking for a path less traveedl to his apartment lest his son see an elf or a demon or, god forbid, a dragon.

He cannot imagine how soul crushingly hard it is to convince a toddler that dragons don't exist, especially after he sees one.

They pass a large ogre on 4th and 5th, causing Nathan to lift the boy in the air and turn him around for a view of a very ordinary stop sign. The pretty angel girl waving at them? Dodged with another circular turn (much to her chagrin). Bear monster? Hey look, little dude! That cloud looks like a hippo! Look at how normal everything is, buddy! Hahaha. Daddy isn't going crazy!

Not at all.

His father's need to protect him from things that- he thinks- might warp his little mind is the exact thing that makes poor Henry a crying, anxious wreck by the time they reach Nathan's flat.

"Hey, hey buddy. It's alright," comforts Nathan. When Henry rips his teddy bear eared hat off and tosses it to the ground, Nathan snatches it from the air and tugs it over the crying little boy's blond curls. "It'll be just fine," followed by a quieter, "Dad's just an idiot sometimes."

He places his son on the sofa and rushes around the room to gather up pillows, which agitated little Henry pitches immediately into the floor. It's only when Nathan turns the television set on that Henry's cries fade to sniffles before disappearing completely.

Sighing in relief and still clutching one throw pillow, Nathan falls into a lean against the wall and watches the television's glow drain the color from the child's face.

"Are you hungry, Hdude?"

Henry, his thumb glued to his mouth, looks over with sleepy eyes the same color as Nathan's and he shakes his head.

"Wanna go to sleep? It's been a long trip, Little Man."

Henry shakes his head again but he's smiling, his father's earlier theatrics long forgotten; traded for the weird cartoon bear thing doing the foxtrot with a serpentine dragon on the tv. Nathan smiles, because that's his buddy in there, and he steps over into the kitchen. He throws the cabinet door open and starts perusing his I'm High Enough To See God stash of grub, his mind soon erupting in a bitter war between cookies and lemon bars. A helluva choice for any man to make.

"Tomorrow we'll play games and stuff, Henry. Then maybe you can meet your Aunt Mona if it's not too late. We're gonna have fun, little dude. We're gonna-," Henry's soft, sleep tempered breathing reaches his ears beneath the goofy clangs and blips coming from the tv.

Nathan pauses his search for the perfect junk food and crosses the room to turn the television off. Then he grabs his blanket from the back of his armchair and drapes it over the boy. "Goodnight, buddy. I love you."

After kissing the child's cheek and tucking a few cookies beneath his hand, Nathan kills the lights and heads off to bed...

..where he won't sleep because he had told Henry that tomorrow he was meeting Mona.

Well, balls.


Date: 2015-06-05 02:17 EST
Just outside of the little beach house that Mona shares with her BFF Bart, Nathan kneels down in front of his son. He looks at his chubby cheeks and big eyes and he smiles as he places a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Buddy? Some rules, okay? Don't look up to Mona. She's not a role model." He brings his hand back, steeples the tips of his fingers to his lips in thought.

Henry is far too busy staring up in awe at a low flying seagull.

Nathan snaps his fingers to draw his attention back, and he then gives the sides of his hat a tug. "That's probably a bit too harsh. She's just..a bad role model."

"She your sister, daddy?"

The man nods. "Yeah..but don't look up to her."

"I look up to Superman!"

"Yeah ya do, and she's not Superman, okay? She's more like Silver Banshee."

Henry looks confused, but Nathan just shrugs it off and begins leading the little boy up the stairs.


Date: 2015-06-24 00:21 EST
Henry now refers to himself as 'Booger', and cheerfully recounts his little weekend stay with his Tia Mona. Apparently he has, in his toddler naivete, disregarded his father's warnings to never, ever look up to her.

Driving along the dark, deserted highway that will eventually lead to Chateau Beth and George, Nathan attempt to hide how mortified he is at the things spewing from his young son's mouth.

"I met Zofie an' Kate! They talked 'bout birdies, daddy!"

"They did, huh?"

"Yeah! The birdies not friends so they fight!"

"...uh huh."

"Bot has lotsa friends, daddy, an' he said one of 'em dances!"

Bot? Bart. Ohh. Bart has a friend who..oh god. Nathan glances through the rear view mirror at the happy, bouncing little boy.

"So..what else, bud?"

"Tia Mona gots catsup on her face!" He giggles, unaware of his father's wide-eyed stare. "I gave her a naptin though."

Nathan laughs, slightly unhinged, but Henry doesn't pick up on it. Thank goodness for small miracles.

"I learn porkoodese!"


"Uh huh!"

Beth, not Nathan, will discover what bits of Portuguese that their son has learned later on, when she is hit with a lifetime ban from shopping the markets of Little Lisbon.


Date: 2015-06-24 00:34 EST
Nathan is still fuming be the time he reaches Mona's. After a very -colorful- conversation with Beth about their son's newly learned vernacular, one Mr. Kay plays on loop what he will say when the dark haired little demon opens the door.

But a different monster greets him, a pale waif of a girl with badly dyed blonde hair and eyes as dark as topsoil. She's dressed like a gutter punk, her vest so replete with patches that only spots of denim shine through. Her tank top has been snipped right above her navel and her jeans are so riddled with holes that Nathan wonders if it is only by power of prayer that they do not fall to pieces.

She leans in the doorway, looks him over from head to toe, and smiles a devilish smile. Nathan can feel his resolve crumbling.

"Tall, blonde, big ears. You must be Nathan," she says, her voice an oddly lovely mixture of broken glass and honey, her accent not as heavy as Mona's but still evident.

"I, uh, yeah. I'm Nathan." While his heart begins to race, his mind teetering towards panic mode, the head in his pants is more than happy to react to the way she looks at him. "Is Mona here?" Boner killer right there. Thank God.

The woman shakes her head slowly, and there's something about her that Nathan hates. She's Kindred as she sure as he's standing there, and that's enough to put him on edge, but there's something else; something terribly false about her.

"She is out with her pet human. Or is it the other way around? I cannot tell." She steps to the side and waves him entry. "Come in though. She should be back soon, no?"

Nathan drifts through the door as if stuck on autopilot. Later on, tangled up in the sheets of the guest room's bed, his neck still slick with his blood and thighs sticky from their unexpected coupling, Nathan will realize that he doesn't even know the name of this woman.

The sun is out though. Too little too late.


Date: 2015-06-24 23:09 EST
Mona watches her brother pace back and forth, her smile reaching eyes that shine with amusement. His anger is half-hearted (Mona knows what real anger looks like, knows it like the taste of Bart's lips), his hands flying like wounded birds to punctuate his frustrations.

"If not for me," she chimes in, taking advantage of a pause," then he would have learned on the streets."

Nathan spins on one heel and points an accusing finger at her. "You are the streets, Mona!"

Mona, sitting indian style, grips her ankles and begins to rock back and forth, the curious arching of one dark brow a contrast to the sudden appearance of a cheeky grin. "Are you going to blame me for Caridad? You should know better, irm?o. She looks looks like she has a smell, you know?"

Nathan crosses his arms, appalled that his sister would dare accuse him of bad taste, despite having scrubbed himself no less than fifteen times after spending the night with Caridad.

He rolls his eyes. "For your information, Harpy, she smells just fine. Besides, I figured she was okay, what with being in your house."

One of parrots squawks just as Mona laughs. Great. Now even the pets are making fun of him. "Bart, he stays here too. Are you going to sleep with him?"

Nathan flops down next to her and snorts. "Bart isn't my type."

And he can feel Mona's eyes on him. It unnerves him, the way she can seemingly peel back the layers of a person without opening her mouth. When she throws back her own bit of banter, Nathan finds himself relieved.

"Caridad is not your type either."

And Nathan sighs, his head falling to rest against his sister's shoulder, and he's slightly surprised to find that she doesn't flinch. "No. She's really not. How in the hell do you know her anyway?"

"She needed help, no?" Four words, just four, but they're measured with teaspoons of caution, just enough to make Nathan feel ungracious to even ask such a thing.

He peers over to his sister's face, studies the lines in profile and quickly sits back up. He mutters Mona's name, his tone nearly chiding. The pale little brunette shakes her head, and he's suddenly stricken by the look on her face when she turns her head to him. Amusement still twinkles in her eyes, but there lurks behind it something grim and dark and terribly tired.

"...are you going to help her?"

And Mona slowly moves to her feet, her voice silent while that look- so loud that is shakes him to his bones- stays trained to Nathan's face. Before she leaves the room, she brushes her fingertips across one of his shoulders.

He isn't sure what exactly is going on, but he thinks he could warn Caridad.

He knows that he won't.


Date: 2015-07-06 22:25 EST
The bouquet of bacon wrapped, stick stabbed chocolates miraculously make it all of the way to the warehouse's large doors before they begin weeping from the heat. Nathan knocks three times and turns around to look at the passersby and sucks a spot of melted candy from the webbing connecting his thumb and forefinger. Dressed in a plain white tee and a pair of jeans, his feet clad in humble black and gray sneakers, he slowly brings his had away from his mouth, eyes agog (out of propriety and the need to be polite) at the cat headed woman walking arm in arm with a two headed man.

It isn't all that long before the inner door to the warehouse's vestibule is opened, albeit all on its own, followed by a sudden swish from a tangled curtain of pink hair. Zofie seems to emerge from beneath her own locks, pushing them aside to show the simple black square frames of her glasses and a ratty Iron Maiden tank top paired with denim capris torn to the point of being a perfect accessory for The Hulk. She seems to skitter to the door more than walk, peeling the treated glass of the front door back and waving Nathan in silently, at least until a little rumbling clear of her throat frees up her voice.

"You're an Absolute Life-Saver, Mister Nathan."

From beneath her seeming upheaval, she still grins warmly up to Nathan as she plucks one of the bacon-chocolates up and pops it into her mouth, the ball of a bare foot splatting against the inner door to keep it open.

"It's the chocolate and bacon, really," he admits. Cheeky devil. "I'm just it's sidekick."

He ducks his head and shifted inside. He offers the bouquet out to her and smiles, nothing about the way he looks or the way he presents himself hinting at his concern for the pink haired girl.

"Tegan let me go for the night, so I figured I'd visit my pal," he continues.

He looks up slowly, seemingly entranced by the sheer size of the warehouse (and, truth be told, by how small the space makes Zofie seem).

"So how have you been, Trouble?" An inquiry complete with a tilt of his head.

For as frazzled as she seems, Zofie's posture hasalready become more relaxed since Nathan has shown up. Still, she has chipped paint stuck to her usually fantastic nails, not to mention a bit of dirt still present under all twenty of them. The warehouse is still fantastically arranged, with a little 'den' cleared out not far from the door with two beat-up couches, one Swedish Modernist piece of something that could pass as a chair, a few lamps set near walls for indirect light and her flat-screen TV above her little computer desk and the mini-fridge. She lifts each bacon-chocolate-flower-thing slowly, chewing and grunting in joyful consideration of each one as she tumbles over the arm of one couch to lay, at first, before tucking in her legs to allow Nathan to sit.

"I've been," and she takes a deep breath through her nose as she fumbles for the remote, pressing a few buttons to turn on a soft background-noise of Led Zeppelin's Rain Song at a low enough volume not to disrupt conversation. "I'm? likely gonna end up just word-barfin', so before that happens, How've you been, Danger?" She pokes him in the side with her toes to punctuate.

He takes the seat next to her and turns to face her, though his upper body remains in a backwards lean to give her her space. The question wrenches his gaze from her nails and plants his baby blues dead on the lenses of her glasses, and the Screen O' Death color of her own eyes.

"I've been fine. Running around with Tegan, getting things ready to amscray." So what's the deal, pickle? He holds one finger up. "A weird question. Where do you keep your nail polish?"

It should be noted that Nathan is a pretty weird dude, and being a pretty weird dude meant that Zofie's neglect of her nails did not go unnoticed. Indeed, they sent warning bells a'ringing in his head. SNAFU. Situation Normal, All Bleeped Up.

While Zofie doesn't seem to register his stare at her nails, she does, however, start scritching at the last few bits of iridescent silver that still cling to them with her thumbnail absently, in between bites of the bacon-chocolate. She eventually shifts to let one leg drop off of the couch with the opposite foot tucked under its knee, bringing down the shield of her legs from between her and Nathan, even as his own search of her eyes has her looking around all squirrely for a moment.

Then she tilts her chin back with a sweet little smile, quietly taking herself a moment to absorb the endorphins and caffeine from the chocolate, sent on the vector of the bacon's fat in quiet bliss. "Aww, Te-gan. Glad I finally met her after hearin' so much about 'er. I really, really hope y'all kin git back here t'visit."

Her brows furrows at his raised a finger, her lips pursing off to the side before she pointed to her computer desk. "Oh! I keep 'em in the first drawer on th' right. Makes more sense t'me t'let it dry while I'm watchin' screeners n' dailies n' cartoons than in the bathroom, which is, incidentally, past the figurines on the left, if y'need t'use it at enny point."

Nathan unfolds his legs and stands up, causing various joints to crack in protest; a reminder of how old he is and how close it is to feeding time.

"I'll keep that in mind. I've been known to use the bathroom from time to time," he says gravely.

Zofie follows Nathan's rise from his seat by flattening the sole of her dangling leg against the floor, letting her eyes catch up to settle on him after she senses his weight's shift.

He reaches the drawer while Zofie's thick drawl is still fresh in his mind.
Nathan finds himself presented with a wild collection of colorful bottles.

"And Tegan? She's a sweetheart." He plucks up a thing of orange polish charmingly dubbed Orange You Hot? and then resumes his search. "I wouldn't wanna get on her bad side though. She's really tough."

The fondness in his voice cannot be ignored, but it is lighthearted and chaste. He chooses his final selection, the more conservatively called Cornflower and shuts the drawer.

"Phew, you're tellin' me!" Zofie says with a nod. "Tegan uh? she kin git downright scary in the quietest little ways. I'm incrrredibly thankful she did end up wakin' up to meet Splatterson."

Nathan smiles. "Thank God for that cat. But yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll be back. I can't leave my sister like that and you're probably the best friend I've had in a long time."

Armed with the bottles and a little pot of acetone, Nathan returns to his seat and takes her hand in his like some fairytale prince charming; one with a strangely keen eye for colors.

"I'm gonna do this for you," he explains, "and not just because I like painting nails..because I really do. I need a favor, okay?" His dark blonde brows furrow, his expression Very Serious. "What goes on here between you and me, it doesn't leave this warehouse."

He thumbs the lid from one bottle, balances it against the little pot of polish remover, and then repeats the action with the other before finally ridding the pot of its top. "I would like you to talk to me. You never let your nails get this bad."

She nods at his request, her lips folding in and dimples flaring out of the sheepishness in her expression before bringing both heels back onto the couch and settling with a quick huff of a sigh through her nose. "I kin do that? Uhm? hm. It's gonna be a bit of tellin', just as a heads up?"

With her hand in his, Nathan removes the pad from the pot, the stench strong enough to perhaps tell the polish that it isn't fooling around. Wiping the cracked paint from one nail, he peers up at her, one eye half obscured by a wayward hank of honey hair.

"I've got time, Zofie."

(This was Part 1. Part 2 is down below. Edited from play with Zofie's awesometastic player.)


Date: 2015-07-06 23:46 EST
Zofie drops the left half of her lower lip in a grimace while half-heartedly nodding in acceptance of his words, letting her fingers become more responsive beneath his brush to stiffen for needed resistance or to soften for pliability while he takes the chipped old coat away from her nails.

"Well? mmkay? So?" She swallows and runs her free hand back, collecting her hair and tugging up from beneath, where she'd inevitably sat on it, to let it spill down the arm of the couch instead. "When I left my Earth? and that's never not weird t'say? that's when I got kinda shoved into all this weirdo body stuff, like the pink hair, n' weird skin? all that Connor Kent Superboy crap."

She lets her other hand settle on her knee, playing the grooves in the denim like the bristles of a comb with her thumb. "Ennyway, so? Things got left in a mess at home, for one. Like? over **** that doesn't seem t'matter now."

She sighs out of her nose and lets the free hand drop to her lap, letting it come to rest as she stops circling and starts homing in on her point. "Still, like? it's catchin' up to me that in two years I went from 'okay, gotta maybe start doin' weird internet porn t'keep me afloat when it's takin' time from what I wanna do' to runnin' around with some whole new body to--"

She swallows and takes in another deep breath, turning her eyes towards the ceiling. "Let's not beat around the bush here--eatin' people on a prison ship to live. It's?" Zofie drops her head back to lean on the arm of the couch, her lips bunching as she squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, letting tears well up before opening them. "I'm havin' a real hard time, dude. It was a bad, bad situation, and now I got Geist tellin' me that the ships might be comin' back this way. I'm not? entirely ready to face that."

During her confession, Nathan had dutifully stripped her nails, but is it's a lot for Zofie to say then it's heavy for him to digest. He stays silent for awhile longer, one nail painted orange with a chevron of blue, the next soon sporting the opposite color scheme and on and on. It's zen, man, and he's after all, he's heard horrors tumbling from his sister's mouth, right?

Enlightenment comes when he finishes her last pinky, and he looks up at her, his eyes filled with a kindness that barely shields an almost desperate understanding..wait, internet porn? Stop it, brain! He may be a ghoul, but in the end the years that accompany that, so many that he confuses dates now like some doddering old fool, make him all the more human.

"Zofie? Hey. So you've..eaten a few people. That sucks, dude. That would make anyone depressed, but you know what I see? Someone who is trying. I see a sweet, gorgeous girl that has every right in the world to be worried, but has enough heft on her side to help her weather this storm. Sometimes we don't get choices. (A sentence Zofie punctuates with a very enthusiastic nod) Sometimes what a person's saddled with, it ruins them. Drags them down. But sometimes, I think, the best people in the world are the ones that come out of it..a little up, ya know, but better for it."

He slides his hand along hers (as not to ruin his nail painting job) and gives her palm a squeeze. "Just try to remember that it's a storm, that's all it is, and it will pass."

Zofie herself seems to keep her hands extra-still, extra-stable in near over-compensation, yet she breathed through it slowly, and controlled. She wears right on her sleeve how unfamiliar it was to let someone else take care of her nails, yet on the same sleeve she showed her concern for Nathan's work, if protective of it against her own tendency for wild gestures. As she now leans up from the arm of the couch, she sets her vision to just past Nathan, over one of his shoulders to let his words ring true. She shivers here and there as they sank in, digesting.

After the last of his words settle, Zofie lets out a loud sniffle, her lips pressing together as she gives him a pleading look, followed by a gesture toward the computer desk, where a box of tissues sits. "Ggnnh..."

Nathan lets go of her hand reluctantly to retrieve the tissues. With his back to her, he frowns, but there's one simple rule that he's learned, one that his recent split with Beth and the discovery of his long lost sister had reminded him of.. can't let the world break your heart.

"It's not simple, is it?" The frown is gone by the time he returns to her, the box nestled between them as he reclaims his seat.

Zofie could, when pressed and starving, consume all manner of things fair and foul, yet while she has her composure, the dribble down her nose keeps her from giving Nathan's first, perhaps rhetorical, question a proper answer outside of "Mnrgh?"

He watches the nose slug's descent. "I can't say everything will get better, because that's up to you." A tissue is plucked free and handed over to her, offered along with a small smile. "Just..don't clam up. Find your space, but don't completely isolate yourself. I think people might like you."

He shrugs, trying to inject at least some bit of humor into the situation. "My sister, for one. She's so torn up that she hasn't peeled herself off of Bart."

And Dear God hadn't that been something he had nevereverevereverEVER wanted to walk on. Guh.

Zofie, However, she catches just a hint of implication about Mona, Bart, and Nathan's own rather direct knowledge of the situation, her brows arching high and her jaw adorably slack with shock. "Aww did you--?" She attempts to parse the right words by looking from side to side and switching with half of her lower lip stuck in between her teeth before speaking. "Y'walked in on 'em, huh?"

He sports a Thousand Yard Stare that would make any battle scarred soldier proud. His tongue probing the inside of his cheek, he let's Zofie's question bring him back around with a series blinks. "Ah. Yeah. Learned my lesson about knocking, but I can't look Bart in the eyes..not after looking him in the butthole."

But he waves that image away, stores it way way way way back in his mind where it hopefully will be lost to time, and looks around at the room again. "You're welcome, by the way. You know, if you ever get tired of wide, open can stay in my apartment. I mean, after I leave. It'd really help if someone would take care of it while I'm gone."


Date: 2015-07-24 01:55 EST
Nathan harangues Mona into spending time with him before he leaves. All that it takes is a pretty thrift store dress placed in a shoebox and wrapped in newspaper, and BAM! Sibling bonding time extravaganza. In fact, he decides to tell Mona that that's what he's calling it.

"Sibling Bonding Time Extravaganza!"

Mona stops admiring the dress in the mirror and peers through the halo of pot smoke surrounding Nathan. "You are a very big dork."

He wags his spliff at her and grins a cheese eating grin at her. "So sayeth Little Miss Hammer Horror. But come on, Mona. For serious. I've like..I've wanted to hang with you, just you, for awhile now, and who knows when you'll see me again."

Mona's eyes widen, and what is that? Is that sentiment he spies? He raises up from his seat on the floor to get a better look, then deflates when she plucks a tiny speck of something from her eye and flicks it away.

"Like the herpes, you will be back," she says while eying her reflection in the mirror. She seems perplexed by what she sees, much in the same way her parrots seemed confused by their mirror images. Nathan flashes a thoughtful smile at the realization.

"You say crap like that, but you'll miss me. I'll miss you."

Mona rolls her eyes, smooths the fabric down against her stomach. "But I will be there," she spouts mockingly, "in your heart. Always."

Nathan stands up, is about to give up, when Mona is just...not at the mirror anymore. Out of the blue she's hugging him, and even though he can tell that such a display of affection (aimed at anyone other than Bartholomew Fitzroy) is awkward for her, he's chuffed and he returns the embrace wholeheartedly.

He even dares to stroke her head. It's his understanding that Mona doesn't talk much because she doesn't have to; the way she moves, the impressive variety of expressions she possesses, do most of the speaking for her, and that hug is saying I'll miss you too. You are the best brother anyone could ever ask for and I look up to you.

Probably not that last bit, but Nathan is an imaginative guy.

She eventually steps back, a startled look on her face. "I was just.."

"Stealing my wallet. I know, Mona. Petty theft aside, you hugged me."

She shuffles from one foot to the other and stares intently at the ground like a child in trouble. Nathan is smiling like and idiot.

"Hey now weirdo, it's okay. Now, I just so happen to have a copy of Un d?a en Lisboa, and I haven't packed up my DVD player yet soooo.."

That gets her attention. He may as well have told her that he has the Holy Grail in his underwear drawer given how she looks at him.

"You know I love Soledad."

Nathan nods like a bobblehead doll. "I do. Now come on and let's watch it. I bet we can finish it before you have to go home."

Mona grips his hand, just three fingers, and she leads him straight to the DVD as if she has a sixth sense about campy old films. She lifts the disc from its case as it at any moment it will shatter and bridges the gap between the table and his television on her knees. Once the DVD is safe inside of its player and the power button is pushed, Mona scurries a few feet away from the screen (he worries about her eyesight, though he really shouldn't) and plops down with her hands on her ankles.

Nathan (who probably *should* worry about sitting that close to a television screen) opts to lounge of a lawn chair, courtesy of Zofie Kaminsky. "So I.."

Mona doesn't move, but she does bark at him. "Shhh, Nathan. Soledad."

He chuckles and cranes his neck to rest his head on his shoulder. "I love you too."


Date: 2015-07-24 02:42 EST
Bart finishes checking the oil in Nathan's convertible, wipes the dipstick off on a grimy napkin and closes the hood. He shoots the driver a smile. "There you go, dude. Ready and rearing to go."

Nathan pockets the joints gifted to him by Mister Fitzroy and gives the man a thumbsup. "Thanks man." His fingers tighten around the steering wheel and he releases a shoulder slumping sigh. "Well, guess I'm heading out. I've gotta pick up Tegan ASAP."

Bart pats the hood. "Take care. Be seeing you." And the gearhead heads up the stairs to the door, passing Mona along the way.

She smacks Bart's rear without missing a beat, and he stands up straighter before disappearing into the house. She spies her brother and hurries to his car, a quick hop dropping her into the passenger seat. Nathan pops the stick into neutral and regards his sister with a grin.

"I can't leave if you don't get out, Weirdo."

Mona peers off into the distance. "Sim, I know. You don't want me to leave though, not yet."

Nathan guffaws and adjusts the rear view mirror. "And people say that pretty girl's aren't smart," he jokes.

Mona doesn't get it, but she shrugs it off. "I guess, you know, I will miss you."

Nathan stops laughing and his smile fades, his expression suddenly Incredibly Serious. "I'll miss you too."

Mona is fiddling with her the hem of her shirt almost nervously. She silently mouths something, repeats it just as soundlessly, and then nods her head as if to convince herself of whatever she's thinking. "Nathan?"


"I love you, meu irm?o."

As silly as it is, Nathan has been waiting to hear those words from her. Now that they hang fresh in his ears, he isn't sure what to do. She doesn't say that she loves quarters, or cock fights, or Soledad Miranda this time. She said that she loved him. That means the world to him.

"Thank you, Mona," and to keep himself from tearing up (thus ensuring that Mona mocks him for all of eternity), he reaches over and gives her a playful shove. "Now get the hell out. Tegan'll have my hide if I'm late."

Mona moves to exit the car, pauses, and then quickly reels around to plant a chaste kiss against his cheek before vacating the seat. Her lips are cold, the kiss a chilly brand; one that Nathan will wear with pride. There are no other words exchanged between the siblings because nothing else needs to be said. With Mona watching from the curb, Nathan pulls away.

He glimpses up at the rear view mirror until Mona is no longer reflected there, and he knows that this trip will mark his last moments in Rhy'Din...

..for now at least.


Date: 2015-08-04 22:40 EST
Nathan marvels at how much the land of his youth has changed. Three hundred years have passed, so of course it?s different, and Nathan watches the world drift by from the window of his taxi and he can barely remember what buildings had once stood there. He looks at a gaggle of redfaced teens in passing and starts speaking without realizing it.

?The young believe that everything is permanent. They don?t get that one day people will be trying to remember what a McDonalds looked like.?

The taxi driver peers at him through the rearview mirror, rolls his eyes and looks back to the road.

?Sooner or later,? Nathan continues, ?everything becomes history.

The sky is dark by the time the taxi pulls up to the field. Nathan grabs his hat, pays the driver and offers to double his tip if he?ll stay until he returns. The man nods his head. The night is chilly, and he zips his jacket up to his chin. He doesn?t have long, not with the possibility of his befanged companion already rousing from her sleep in their Gothenberg hotel, so he releases the chains binding the more vivid childhood memories he keeps, and allows them to lead him off of the path with its helpful signs and into the forest.

He can remember when almost all of it was woodland, when cars were something that only mad artists dreamt of and literal wolves came to the door. Now all that he hears aside from the chorusing cries of more sedate wild life mingling with his own footsteps is the hum of cars far off on the highway.

Nathan finds what he is looking for. Half a mile from the taxi, buried deep in the night black woods are weathered stones. They are all that remain of his childhood home. A shudder tears through him as he circles them, and he nearly leaps out of skin when he startles a red fox from where it lay hidden. It dashes off into the wilderness, leaving behind a half-eaten grouse. Nathan wanders away to a clump of trees, and he knows exactly where he is.

The family graveyard. The stones not destroyed by time and the elements are sparsely scattered around and indistinguishable from one another. Anyone else would wrongfully believe them to be no different than any other stone, but Nathan knows better. Yet even he would have a hard time remembering where all those dead Kjaerstads lay, his father among their number, but they are not the ones he is after.

Despite Sweden?s far more tolerant attitude towards his mother?s people, she was not laid to rest in the ancient Jewish cemetery. His father had been decades gone by the time his mother had passed, and had had no say in the matter, either. His father?s younger brother had shouldered the burden of his mother in her later years. By then his uncle was a senile old man himself, and he had grown disenchanted with religion and its trappings all across the board after a particularly brutal winter had stolen his wife and three young sons away.

When Nathan reaches the lone headstone, he finds a tree growing through the middle of Yael?s final resting place. It stirs within him certain feelings that have no place out here in the woods, and he pushes them back to concentrate on his reasoning for coming here in the first place.

?Hey. It? Natanael.? He sniffles and tries to keep his voice level. ? Heeeyyyy, Mom.? He fails.

For as much as he has forgotten, his mother will never leave him. It?s bizarre to think how easily he can conjure up visions of her when time has erased all physical traces of Yael from the Earth. He blinks back tears and follows the line of the tree up to where its top brushes the sky.

?I talk to you a lot, but I figured I should visit. Just in case you don?t remember, I?ve found Mona. She?s?she?s tough. I don?t think I?ll ever figure her out, but I could never really figure you out either and that didn?t stop me from loving you.?

He removes a small box from his pocket and his fingers shake so badly that he?s afraid he?ll drop it. He doesn?t. Inside are things only important to him, and things he believes his mother would like. A wallet sized photograph of his son, Henry. Another of himself. A painting of a Sabbat dressed Mona ripped from the accursed diary of an insane old ghoul.

Moving to his knees, Nathan digs a small hole between two of the tree?s roots- tries not to think too hard about what had once nourished these roots- and he buries the little tin box there. Standing back up, he knocks the dirt from his pants and smiles.

?Well, there you go. I know I wasn?t the best son, and I can?t do right by you now, but I think about you a lot.?

When he turns and makes his way back to the taxi, he realizes that he hadn?t told Yael that he loved.

Somehow he?s sure that she already knows. Perhaps there is truth to that thought; perhaps it is Yael's love for her son and not his haste to return to his hotel that spares him from looking at the large sign that the taxi ferries them past.



Date: 2015-12-30 23:24 EST
"How can you just shrug your shoulders like it's nothing, Mona?" Nathan looked agog at his sister. "You were kidnapped dude."

His sister watched him from her spot on the arm of the couch with a perturbed look, as if the very idea that her attitude towards her earlier abduction was anything but normal. He was the weird one. Not her. Tucking a sprig of dark hair behind her ear, Mona eventually rustled up a sweetly slow smile. "I think if you are a thief then you should not be mad if you are caught."

Nathan canted his head and raised a blond brow in confusion. "..but you're not a thief."

Mona rolled her eyes and huffed, her hands slapping against her knees. She shifted her weight. "You are not getting it. You do bad things then you do not complain when they catch up with you. I did the girl an unkindness. She wanted to pay it back to me, that is fair. If I had wanted to crush her head in with a hammer, that is also fair."

A spark of understanding lit up Nathan's baby blue eyes and he nodded, his mouth tugged into a stern line. "So pretty much you play with fire don't scream when you get burned."

Mona's smile blossomed into something genuine. She clapped her hands together and bowed her head. "Sim." Then after a flutter of lashes, "Henry? How is he?"

Nathan let his head fall against the back of the couch and he looked to a bronze ringed clock on the wall. "He's..getting there. He's four next month. He doesn't really get what's been going on."

(In progress)