Topic: Journal of Lucien Beniot


Date: 2016-08-12 00:42 EST
This old leather bound book has seen many years. The covering was once a stiff and flawless wrap now holds the tale of a century and some. Weathered and beaten, well 'loved' and travelled. Within its pages is the life and thoughts of a southern boy turned man turned into lost soul with the passage of time.


Date: 2016-08-12 00:45 EST
3 of Janvier Year of 1856

A book. Not one them good reading books but one I got to go and fill? Merde. A journal, Mama done tell record my thoughts and such things. Says it be good for when I done take over the plantation, ya. I would have preferred a new buljoo or even a bag of peewees, a small one even, instead of some writing book. Merde...All I done get for Christmas this year too. I get that Renee, T.Bo and Suzette be still bebes but Christmas done be for fun and games, no schooling. Merde.

27 of Mai Year of 1856

Mama done be talking and wondering about why she not see me writing none in this here fancy writing book that Papa done pay good money for. Is a book...of empty paper... Is no so expensive ya! P'shaw! Now I got to go and be making more a effort to write in this here book. Or at least have it out a scribble some every now and again.

11 of Aout Year of 1856

Aye-ee! It done be raining like the Angels of heaven be weeping. Have not seen this much rain in my 15 years. It been raining steady now some on two days. We gots water a good one foot. The slave house be all flooded and the crop be having issues, for true, I can see.

14 of Aout Year of 1856

Bless them souls and guide them to a resting place peaceful. That Isle Derni?re done been swept away. It just up and gone whole underwater. That great storm done bring the wrath a God down on us! They say they been finding floating folks by the Gulf that was from the place. Not a one survive that, for true.

10 of Juin Year of 1857

~143 Prytania, New Orleans~

20 of Octobre Year of 1857

~Magnolia flower, along the yard

1 of Novembre Year of 1857

Papa take a whooping to me when he find out what I done do last night. But what else a boy like me to be doing on All-Hallow E'en? Of course those veggies were not a good to be eating! Me and the boys, we just put them to better more fun use. I to go and apologize to Ms. Ardoin this afternoon and offer myself up for chores for the next month some. Was every bit worth it though for the lark we had.


Date: 2016-08-15 23:37 EST
5 of Janviver Year of 1858

I have this here book going on almost two year now and I only gone and fill a couple pages used up. I feel a lil guilty but I a busy man. This year I get some new sunday best for presents. Papa done said that the time for toys and games for me is done now that I make seventeen years. I start learning how to work the help round the plantation the end of the week so as I can help Papa tell them what to do when needed.
Tonight Twelfth Night and start of Carnival. I wonder if they fixing to have that there dress up walk down main again. Last year, I tell you what, it was something else. The torches and masks and merrymaking fun. Maybe this year I be in the parade rather than watching from aside.

16 of Fevrier Year of 1858

~Mardis Gras

10 of Mai Year of 1858

Papa tell me that he read in the paper that a fella named Brown over in Virginia had a antislavery gathering of a sort a day or two past. He some crazy Northerner for true. I have no idea that not every a one saw the same on owning slaves. Even the good book say in Colossians that we be just to our slaves like God be just to us. No where do it say not to take a ****** as a slave. Papa say it a common thing for a lot of the Northerners to be jealous of us good Southern folk for the easy lifes we live. Maybe they just rush around too much. Life too short for all that. Got to enjoy life!

28 of Aout Year of 1858

~The help's shack


Date: 2016-08-20 22:40 EST
25 of Decembre Year of 1858

~Christmas tree

15 of Mars Year of 1859

Lebeau's bals de maison been had the night before this here one. It was bout as exciting as a month of Sundays, I tell you what. Right when I fixing to move along back home, I spy a precious belle of a cher making eyes at me, ya. I suwanne, I sweat like a sinner in church when Henri make her out to me.

Annette Clement

He tell me her mama and papa bring her up from the Gulf for the next little while on a visit to her ailing maw-maw. According to Henri, she only just get into the Cresent City a week some ago. It take me a bit more of drink and some ribbing from Henri afore I get up the courage to ask her for a dance.

Gurl has the finest auburn hair and the prettiest green eyes I ever done seen. Gaw. Devil take me, I might a gone and got lost in them for a time or two when we have a dance Her sweet voice like angels singing when talk and when she laugh, gaw...I feel like firebugs be bouncing about in my belly.

Needless to say, the soiree were not so dull an event after meeting with miss Annette. We take our sweet time making with conversation and having a stroll around the complex near the main house. Afore we know it, most of the guests gone on home and it were right dark. We say our bonsoirs and go on our separate ways so as folk not get any idea or to talking about any scandalous things that not go on.

Though...maybe another time we see another again.

22 of Avril Year of 1859

I see miss Annette again today when I go down to Canal street for shopping. She with some other belles and their ******s doing the same. The ladies, they know me and make eyes at me, bless their hearts. But no way can I be making a sow ear into a silk purse so I make no second look most a time. Asides, if I fixing to sow my wild oats, papa say I could take any of the ones from the shack to learn on without scandal. But miss Annette...she make me want to not only take a second look but stop and stare for a time. She make my mind move like molassess and my heart move like a jackrabbit.

She a sly fox I finding out, though. Dropping her hankerchief as she go by. I sure I hear her tell her slave not to touch it so as I be the one to bring it back on over. Batting those lashes at me when I do. Gaw, them eyes! If I weren't a gentleman I do some sinning with her, for true!

26 of Mai Year of 1859

I suwanne, Lebeau getting on my last nerve! I fixing to slap him silly if he not hush up his mouth about miss Annette and me. His little brother come find us out behind the new Th??tre de l'Op?ra attached at the lips and then go tattle to him. It was a fool thing to be kissing, I know, a right fool thing. Especially since I find out the other day she promised to a fella back down in Mobile.

I not afeared for my reputation but if it were to be found that she been sneaking about with another man's son to canoodle in the dark with, well...I not want to make no trouble for miss Annette. She a right lovely cher.

So Lebeau and his little sneak of a brother best be keeping to themselves about this to anyone else or there be strong words to be had.

12 of Juin Year of 1859

Miss Annette tell me this morning when we have our secret rendezvous that her Maw-Maw pass on the other morning. It mean the reason keeping her and her folks here be done and over so she be heading back on down to Mobile to get wed. It feel like a rock in my belly. I mean...I know things between her and me weren't to be lasting long at all but she the first girl that show me things about pleasure.

Now, no go on thinking that I take her virtue; I not a scoundrel but I certainly am now more a man because of her. I not so crass as to write the particulars in this here book a mine but, I tell you what, the things that girl do with her mouth...

Gaw, I going to miss her something fierce.

10 of Aout Year of 1859

~sad loss of some fine burbon

12 of Octobre Year of 1859

I read in the paper that crazy Brown fella over in Virginia did a even more crazy thing! Cotton-headed couyon tried to go and make a raid at the federal armory there. Seem he was fixing to hand arms over to some ******s and set them loose against their masters. Papa says he a Abolitionist. I do not rightly think he be a called any a thing other than dead when they charge him with treason for this. I do not have a lick of understanding for why a lot of them there Northerners think it such a sin of a thing to own a ******. They ours, Papa pay good money for them, so they is our property.

The Bible say in the 25 of Leviticus 'However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.'

I take that to be meaning that so long as you do not take a white man as a slave, is all right and good in the eyes a the Lord. I wonder if there are going to be more crazy folk like Brown doing things like that. I hope no...that sort of crazy is what brings wars, ya.

28 of Novembre Year of 1859

~road bridge over down by Lake Pontchartrain