Topic: On the Hunt

Rie Darkrave

Date: 2008-01-25 02:17 EST
Rie walked in her head hung low her form seemed to glow as she walked down the street and hurryed to the gallery. She needed to find Val ..... Lil .... ANYONE.

In panic and tears she hamered on the door to the Glary crying out. "Val please! Answer the door!" Something had happend to her something that wasent ment to happen.....something that had caused Rie to go missing soon after the wedding....but shed explain it all in due time.

"VAL!!!" she cryed out in painic. Tears fell down her face as she looked down at her belly...she was pregneat and it was clear to see that. Though she had had no sexual contact with anyone but Belle......and thats why she needed find Belle to tell her what had happend...

"Val." she whimperd and jerked back a bit as the baby kicked angrly within her. She swalowed hard....she hadent fed on blood nore had she had any human food in over almost a week....but how else would she pay to get back here from that damned costed her alot but it would be worth it once she found Belle.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-01 22:09 EST
The young, goth teenage daughter of Lilith opened the door for the young woman pounding on it. She stood there, shocked at the sight of the half starved woman, and spoke.

"Val's not here right now. She's out looking for Belle. I think she said something about the West Side. Look, um, do you want to come in and sit? Eat? My Mom is here, but she's real sick. I could cook for you, or somethin'." Shruggin, worried about this stranger, but not wanting to look like she cared too much.

Rie Darkrave

Date: 2008-02-02 00:29 EST
She blinked looking at the girl as she held onto the door fram relizing how silly she must look.

"Thank you, now you say your mother is here?" inhaling deeply she sighed smiling Lil and nodded setping in her body shivering a bit as her hunger pounded down on her

Punk Rock Pixie

Date: 2008-02-02 14:50 EST
Shakily, aided by the wall, Lilith emerged from the hallway. She stood, leaning against one wall and then a sofa, and her voice was barely heard. She looked terrible, but she was on the mend. Bruises had faded to that sickly, yellow green, and the cuts were scabbing over.

"Rie. Is it you? my. A child. Come in, sit. Lyric, go fetch her a glass of that heart's blood Val keeps in the fridge. Warm it for her, will you? She is famished." Moving slowly, as one with terrible wounds to their womb and genitals will, she nodded for the woman to sit. "Val is not back yet. She went to fetch Belle from whatever nastiness she found herself in."

Grunting in pain, but her mind blessedly clear of nightmarish day-dreams, Lilith smiled warmly to Rie. "Welcome back. Rhydin is the better for your return. Belle will be ecstatic to see you. Is there anything Val or I can do to help you? You look as if you have seen much."

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-02 14:53 EST
Shocked into action by the sight of the mother she had yet to formally meet, Lyric obeyed, as any good girl would. She found herself astonished by this once she was half way through her task, blood warming for Rie.

Carrying the glass out to this friend of her Mother's, Lyric found that if she were honest with herself, she had been longing for instruction and boundaries from her mother. She yearned to be told what to do, how to do it, and when. Had she lost her marbles?

This inner conflict of teenage rebellion and longing for a Mother raged within her, keeping her occupied and quiet as she seated herself closely beside her estranged mother.

Rie Darkrave

Date: 2008-02-03 04:02 EST
Rie smiled once she saw Lil then felt a knot in her gut that she couldent losen her hand on her stomach as the child not only kicked but the knot grew.

Taking the warmed blood she smiled smelling it her eyes flashing a moment as she drank. It had been loong far too long sence she'd had blood and this made her blood boil. She placed the glass on a table once done then sighed.

"Then I fear i must go Lil i have to find Belle...she dosent know yet." She stood shiverd down to her core then sat back wanted more the baby wanted more....

Rie groan sofly then raked her hair from her face exposing three inch fangs. "Lil i need more blood ..only a little...i have to go soon."

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-03 19:05 EST
Eager to be away from the Mother that was drawing her in like a moth to a flame, Lyric nearly shouted in her eagerness, "I'll get it!"

Running from the room, buckles of her boots jingling, heart racing, she poured another of the foul smelling stuff and warmed it, wondering as she watched it if Val drank this stuff. She found herself obsessing over blood now, and found she had this desire to get to know Valentine as well as her mother.

Returning to the sitting room, she handed the woman the glass and watched in awe as she drank, feeling a bit of envy at her obvious beauty and maturity. Would Lyric EVER get to grow up and have adventures of her own?

Punk Rock Pixie

Date: 2008-02-03 19:07 EST
Exhausted from her trek from bedroom to front room, Lilith smiled warmly to Rie and shrugged a bit as her over-eager daughter ran off for more.

"Do you wish to feed, Rie? I am willing. Belle can wait for you for a moment more."

It was then that her daughter returned with the warmed blood, handing it to Rie. She watched, amused, as Lyric seemed speechless around the vampire, and completely fascinated.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:32 EST
Kalis appeared before both Rie and Lilith in a flash of dark green flame, he looked at them both, his eyes burned with green fire, and he spoke to them, his voice dark and cold.

"Rie, Belle, i trust you will help me, Xander is in danger, i need to find her, it is urgent, the child she carries is in danger as well, please tell me where she is at."

Of course Kalis was trying to decieve them, he wanted to find Xander, in order to kill her and her unborn child, they both were a threat to his rule. With Yaxlir gone, the son of Yaxlir would carry all of the powers of a Dragon of Athas, and the powers Xander possessed. The child had to die, as would the mother. Kalis would stop at nothing to send both mother and child to the black.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-04 00:40 EST
Screaming at the appearance of a large ball of green flame (never a good thing in Avalon, she assumed this was equally as bad here), Lyric was up on her feet and instantly thrown backwards over the back of the couch. She was startled and immediately on the defensive as she hit the hard wood floors, well, hard. Head first.

With air knocked out of her body, the bent wires of her fake wings gouging into her back, and little birdies circling her head, she decided to take a nap.

Lyric, shocked, scared and injured, fell unconscious.

Rie Darkrave

Date: 2008-02-04 05:54 EST
Rie looked at Kalis then stood shaking her head "No i dont know were shr is but i have to go .... things have to be fixed"

She stood wobbly and leand over the couch and stroked Lyrics hair giggling sofly. "Oh Lil tsker good care of her she will grow to be a good child."

She walked to Kalis and hugged hom saddly a tear falling down her face. "I missed you as well."


Date: 2008-02-06 15:19 EST
Val returned home after what seemed like a tremendously long night, but in fact was just a matter of hours. She paused at the door before entering, her senses alerted to the presence of Kalis. Stiff, she walked in and looked about the gallery for him, and then entered her apartment to the back.

"Where is he? Kalis? If you are here, please leave. Xander is not here, nor is Belle or Rie. Lilith is very ill, and I have things to take care of. I do not wish to seem rude, but I am exhausted and Lilith and my new house guest have been put out enough by my absense." She did not wish to anger him, but she needed him out. She did not know what was true, whether he had done these atrocious things his son claimed or not, but she could not take a chance with Lilith or her daughter, Lyric.

Moving to the couch to take Lilith in one arm, and staring at the still unconscious Lyric on the floor, she asked, "Do I want to know if your responsible for that, my friend?"


Date: 2008-02-06 16:39 EST
Gave a hug to Rie, but there was no real emotion to it, only the coldness he now bore, he was dark now, once again the monster he used to be. He looked to her and to Val, and to the unconscious Lyric.

"Very well i will seek Xander out for myself, and yes i must say i was at fault for the girl fainting, my enterance seems to have made her faint from fear. I bid you ladies a good day."

his voice was dark too, cold, and cruel, he was not the Kalis that they knew, he had returned to the Darkness, there was no kindness in him left. He was a Dragon of Athas and Champion of Rajaat, slaughterer and bringer of Desolation. He was Kails-Nar, Lord of Sorrows.

He left as he came in a great green flame, cold and cruel in its light, no warmth, only cold. And then he was gone.

Jial Alexander

Date: 2008-02-08 03:48 EST
Jial had walked in only to find a ball of swerling flame vanish into thin air. He then looked over to Val and then the girl on the floor who seemed to have fainted.

He walked over to the girl and picked her up looking to Val and speeking calmly. "Im going to take her to the guest room thats by mine. Im sure she wouldnt want to wake up on the floor." he said the last part with a smile.

Walking from the room with the young girl in his arms he took her to the guest room and set her on the bed. Siting beside her he brushed her hair from her face and said in a soft tone. "Hey kiddo wake up."

He had thought he could posbly wake her and find out what was going on.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-09 13:32 EST
Moaning incoherently at first, Lyric rolled onto her side, and then sat bolt upright, a scream caught in her throat.

Eyes wide, about to yell for Val, or for her mother, she caught sight of the hottest guy she had ever seen. Blushing, smoothing her skirt and spiking out her hair, she gave him a winning smile. "Um, hey."

She wondered where this God of Punk had come from, but found she didn't care. So, she flirted and preened herself, hoping to make a good impression on him when she remembered that green ball of fire and jumped from the bed, "Oh my Goddess! Mom!"

Grabbing Jial by the hand, she ran down the hall, leading him to the living room where her mother sat with Val, hugging each other. "What happened? What was that? Are you guys okay?"

Looking from one face to the next, she then scooted a bit closer to Jial, trying to decide whether to play the damsel in distress, or the strong, cool type. He was hot, and whoever he was, she wanted him!

Punk Rock Pixie

Date: 2008-02-09 13:35 EST
Huggin Val, startled and disturbed by her attitude toward Kalis, she knew something must be up. But what?

Then her daughter came running into the room, Jial in tow. Uh oh. Glancing to Val, a questioning look, and then to her daughter as she fawned over Jial. This could not be good. She'd seen that look on her daughter's face on her OWN face before. Lyric was in lust.

Taking Val's hand, she squeezed it, hoping that Val would go gently on Lyric. Lilith knew how much Val loved Jial, and she knew how much she beat herself up over him being sent away; she blamed herself for everything.

Yaxlir Aru'Thos

Date: 2008-02-09 13:58 EST
With a flash of grey and black ash and black flame, Yaxlir appeared, he too was different, no longer the young and naive boy. He was somewhat distant and cold, hard edged and very wise to the way things really are, he looked at the group gathered, some he knew, others he did not, he spoke with a strong and rather dark voice to Belle, Rie and Val

"Rie, Belle, Miss Valentine, i am here to find my father, i sense his lingering presence, the worm, the coward hides from me, i need to find him, Xander and my son must be protected from him. He seeks their death, as he sees them as a threat. Did he say anything to any of you as to where he was hiding?"

Jial Alexander

Date: 2008-02-09 22:05 EST
Jial looked arownd a bit after being drug into the room by the girl. He then wached her and knew theat look in her eye. Oh crap he was in for it this time. He had never really had this problem before but knew he was ganna have it now.

He slid a hand from Lyrics and said sofly. "Im going to the kitchen." He sliped away into the shadowns of the hall tords the kichen his blue tigers tail sawaying a bit as he did. His tail was rarly ever seen before but now he really didint mind.


Date: 2008-02-10 18:14 EST
A bit surprised at all this "popping" in and out of her home, she grumbled something to herself about putting some magical locks on the damn place or something.

But, beings Yaxlir was only trying to protect his own, she replied,", he didn't. I sent him on his way. He is not welcome in my home. I hope you are able to protect your wife and child. Lilith, Lyric, Jial, and I will be leaving here soon. He will not be able to get anything out of us."

Glancing at the obvious love-stricken Lyric, she sighed, shook her head and walked over to the girl. "Lyric, no. He is far too old for you, and...he is mine." Kissing the girl on the head, she immediately realized what a mistake that was. Not only did she forbid her to lust after Jial, she had treated her like a child, something no teenager wants. Great. What a fine mess THIS was going to be!

Val watched the girl stomp off to the guest room Val had given her earlier that day, and winced as the door slammed so hard, it liked to have flown off it's hinges.

A weak smile and a shrug, Val looked from Lilith to Yaxlir, and then took a seat.

"Yaxlir, I don't know where he is hiding, but I have heard there is an assassin looking for him, Inanna Sorgatani. I believe she worked for Kalis at one point, and she may be able to help you."

Jaden Blackcroft

Date: 2008-02-10 20:47 EST
"Jial!" yelled the young man who came walking into the Gallery his hair wet from the rain and falling int his face. The boy wore a black shirt and lether pants along with his black army boots.

"Damn it Jial were are you? I know your here i can smell you!" he called out as water driped down his smooth pail face. His dark blue eyes shimered as he looked arownd at the art.

"God its cold." he muttered then cought the sent of a young girl and began to walk slowly tords that etrancing smell till his head pered into her room. He licked his dry lips looking at her.

Jial Alexander

Date: 2008-02-10 21:08 EST
Oh dont you dare even thin about it young man." Jial said his hand on the sholder of Jaden.

With a swift movemet he had Jaden agains the wal creating a larg slamming sound. "What the hell do you think your doing?"he growled lowly.

"I wouldent syugest you be looking at girls by sneeking into there house, one day one will kick your a$$." he said pinning the boy against the wall gritting his teeth.