Topic: Trouble with a 'T'

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-01-15 19:30 EST
She meandered up the street, having gotten directions from some vamp chick on where to find Valentine De 'laCroix's gallery. She was tired, scared, but a teenager; she was not about to let anyone know.

Teased, dyed red hair was beginning to wilt in the fog and mist of the night, and her roots were showing badly. Platform, knee high boots were tightly buckled and jingling like a jester's bells as she quickly walked up to the gallery door.

Lyric paused to think about this crazy idea for a moment, completely at odds with what this teenage half-Fae normally did. Was it wise to be knocking on the door of a known crazy at night, and a vamp, no less?

She had to, she had no place to go and she knew that Valentine knew her mother. Lyric needed to find answers, she needed to find Lilith or her Aunt Eve. Valentine might know where they were.

Lyric sucked it up, smoothed her plaid skirts, adjusted the fake wings of netting at her back (a sore point with the half-fae, she desperately wanted wings), and knocked loudly on the Gallery's front door.


Date: 2008-01-21 00:09 EST
Coming out of the side gate, Val left the wrought iron gate swinging open; it squeaked loudly when she shut it. She walked silently up behind the young woman in the fake fairy wings, curiously.

Standing behind the girl, she figured her for fifteen or sixteen, and she could smell the fear on her. Clearing her throat softly, she spoke,"Can I help you?"

Smiling warmly, but sure to allow the girl a glimpse of perfect, ivory fangs, Val extended a hand to the young woman. She discovered, from looking the girl in the eye as she turned, that she was not all human. Even more curious!

"I am Valentine De'laCroix. This is my gallery, but it is closed for the duration, as you can see. I have an ill friend staying with me. Was there something I could help you with, Miss....?" Something about this girl was so familiar, but what was it?

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-01-22 20:11 EST
Startled so much she jumped, Lyric turned to face the vampire behind her. Her mouth gaped like a fish, then once she managed to recover her composure, curled up into her usual sneer.

"Danu. It's Miss Danu. I'm here because my Aunt Eve told me about you. I'm here looking for my Dead-Beat Dad and my Run-Away Mom. You seen either of them lately?" With a scoff, a snort, and a large pink bubble blown from the gum she was chomping on, Lyric noticed something in the eyes of this vampire that suggested that maybe she had flapped her lips a wee too much.

Standing straighter, she cleared her throat, shuffled those platform boots, and fidgeted with the shredded tips of her fake wings. "I mean, I just want to know why she left, you know? She dumped me off with ole Grandma, and then scramed. I never got to see her, I guess. I just wanna know why." Blushing, the girl fell silent, and lowered her once challenging gaze to her toes.


Date: 2008-01-23 17:53 EST
Her stern look softened, oh dear Goddess...this was her. A catch in her breath, she bit her lip gently and nodded, turning the girl by the shoulder and giving her a little push, aiming her to enter the side yard gate.

"Go. Come inside. We need to talk." She urged the young half-fae forward. Her baby blues clouded, darkened, and she didn't quite know what to do.

"Where are you staying?" She asked softly, a more sincere tone, gentler.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-01-24 14:38 EST
Sensing a solemness in the vampire, Lyric quelled her sarcastic tongue and spoke softly, "Nowhere yet. I came here as soon as I found where you were. Well, I hit the bar, first, but then straight here. You know, for courage."

Her courage was waning quickly, and she fought the trembling in her body. She led herself down the path of denial, thinking all the while it was because she was cold and it was getting dark.

A cool hand rested on her shoulder, steering her through the shadowed and overgrown gardens, and towards an open french door. Lyric moved to step into it and was halted with a squeeze. She paused, then was steered past this door, momentarily blinded by the guazy purple sheers that billowed out in her path. She freed herself from them and was led to a small kitchen door, where she was urged inside. She turned to speak to Valentine, but saw she was alone. Silently, her hostess had disappeared.

Well, time to explore then. Her boots left clods of mud and dirt on the kitchen floor, but from the coating of dust on just about everything there, the kitchen was not a place Valentine went much. Lyric poked about, raided the fridge for a glass of wine (just about the only thing in there) and moved to peer down the hall. She heard muffled, soft voices, and then an urgent, almost fearful one. She shrugged, sipped her oddly flavored wine, and snuck into the living room beyond.

The walls were adorned with artwork, assumingly Valentine's, and it was dark, yet fascinating. Lyric loved it! She could TOTALLY live in a house like this!

Pausing to snitch what eventually turned out to be an ancient chocolate candy, Lyric grimaced, but choked down another handful. She was starving.

Being half human had it's advantages; the major one she saw was being able to eat human food. How boring to only be able to eat and drink growing things and necter! Ugh!

Lyric had this strange sense of deja vu as she listened to the muffled voices. One sounded so familiar, yet it wasn't Valentine; hers was the deeper toned voice.

Lyric sat on the black leather couch and stared at a photograph of a woman bound intricately with silk scarves, her body nude but covered in henna tattoo designs. Lyric could almost smell the incence, the subtle scent of curry and ginger from the Hindi woman's skin. She was lost in the picture, entranced by it. Her wine forgotten in her hand, she was drawn into the scene and from either the spell of the photo or Lyric's own hunger, began to halluncinate. She could hear the cistrum, the bells on the woman's fingers chiming sweetly, and chanting.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-10 18:17 EST
Lyric stormed out of the living room, huffing, and slammed the door. How DARE she claim that man for her own? He was NOT Val's type, he was HERS!

Throwing herself on the bed, boots banging into the wall and smudging them with streaks of black rubber, who cared anyway, she found herself trying not to cry. She's show Valentine. She'd steal that handsome punk for herself, and there was nothing Val could do about it! Goddess! She acted like she was her MOTHER or something!

Jaden Blackcroft

Date: 2008-02-10 20:55 EST
"God its cold." the boy muttered then cought the sent of a young girl and began to walk slowly tords that etrancing smell till his head pered into her room. He licked his dry lips looking at her.

He then felt a hand on his sholder and thought. "Awman Jial go me."

Jial Alexander

Date: 2008-02-10 21:01 EST
"Oh dont you dare even thin about it young man." Jial said his hand on the sholder of Jaden.

With a swift movemet he had Jaden agains the wal creating a larg slamming sound. "What the hell do you think your doing?"


Date: 2008-02-11 13:53 EST
Valentine knocked on the door to Lyric's room, but only recieved a blast from a radio in return. At least the girl had taste in music, she thought to herself as the walls shuddered from the onslaught of rock music.

She turned and walked away, shrugging to the pale, exhausted looking Lilith that lay on the sofa.

"She'll get over it. Don't worry. Now you, get to bed. You need rest."

Jaden Blackcroft

Date: 2008-02-11 19:08 EST
As rain came down upon the land of Rhy'din the shouts, hallers, and crys of the two fighting gentle men could be heard. Bolth in only jeans then moved like a gracefull dance. Jaden and Jial.

The boy had supriseing strenth and lernd fast like his mother. He also had the looks of his mother Mercury and had only ganed Khareths firm bild and short temper.

They contued there pratice in the mud alowing it to splash up there legs and feet, the rain pounding down on the two denced guys. Sweat and rain water ran down her bodies as they moved wiftly almost like a dance.

Any time that Jaden got knocked down he eather found a way to bring Jial with him or he would jump right back up to his feet. As Jial tought him Jaden found himself thinking of that girl with the fake fea wings.

They contued there fighting as the sun began to set into the trees not far off.

Punk Rock Lyric

Date: 2008-02-18 19:06 EST
Lyric had returned to what was now her room, officially assigned and everything, and cranked up the radio. She paused mid cd change, head cocked to one side, thinking that she had heard someone at her window. She jerked her head, but saw no one. Shrugging, she went back to singing loudly, and rather well, to an Evanescence song, and slid out of her fake wings. They were a bit bent from her fall earlier, so she sat on the bed to repair them. She paused now and then, swearing she heard what sounded like fighting outside, but, never seeing anything.

Val kicked at her door as she smelled food, and knew it was time for dinner. She wondered what they would talk about. Odd, this family she had now. I mean really, a vamp that cooks in the dark and a Mom that was totally beaten and broken down from some asswh*les that ended up flayed alive. Just what would they talk about? Lyric smirked, and giggled, then headed down the hall to meet her Mom and Val.

Jial Alexander

Date: 2008-02-19 18:05 EST
He came running in that brat Jaden not far behind. He streched and smiled as water driped from his now flat hair and hid his right eye like it had before. "Aye! Val, love...will you get us some towels?"

Jial laughed as Jaden takled him onto the floor and began to woot triumphantly though they were soaking the floor water driping from there hair down there bodys.

Both then stood and graoned a bit. They looked at one another then laughed Jial ran off and grabed some towles asumong Val hadent hurd him. They both striped before anyone came and wraped the towles arownd them selfs.

Jial headed off to the kitchen only to find Val cooking. "Wacha maken love?" he asked placeing a hand on her hip as he stepped behind her a drop or two of water falling on her body as he did so.

Jaden Blackcroft

Date: 2008-02-19 18:11 EST
The boy laughed loudly as he walked down the hall then like the nosie boy he was he opend the door to Lyrics rom and leand against the door fram waching her sing as she fixed her wings.

Using telapathy he said. "Oy its time for dinner dontcha know." forgeting that hewas in a rather short towle he crossed his arms waiting for her response.