Topic: A Brief Government History of Lupinoss


Date: 2010-01-23 16:55 EST
The government style of Lupinoss has changed several times since the first pair of Lupinossai were genetically created and set loose on the training continent called Lupinoss. A government style didn?t appear until 50 years after a strong army of 20,000 Lupinossai warriors were made. (10,000 Earthrii. 5,000 Soultrii. 5,000 Airii.) This government was a standard military command chain put in place by the human creators and trainers. After those 50 years the Lupinossai army lost contact with the humans and were facing the grim fact of being on their own. Military command continued for 20 years. Finally, the top generals, Canis and Lupis, realized that the original military goals and purposes of the Lupinossai would not happen.

The command structure was torn down in the 70th year of Life. They replaced the command structure with a pack society structure. This structure was reminiscent of their canine genes. A ruling pair of Alphas and a secondary pair of Betas would run a Den of at least 50 Lupinossai, all the way down to a Pack of at least 20 Lupinossai. With the advent of the pack structure, the Lupinossai training continent was then divided by Canis and Lupis and doled out to the 8 alpha pairs to claim as their own territory. This marked the end of the Year of Life period and ushered in the Pre Den Wars years. By now the Lupinossai population is now 50,000 strong, and several new mutations had appeared. (Riivii, Dessii, and Wuudrii)

In the 80th year Pre Den Wars, the Lupinossai population was now pushing 600,000 Lupinossai. The Hybridones or hybrid Lupinossai were now coming into their own, breaking the traditions of keeping their races pure and untainted. The current Pack System was no longer working. Thousands of packs were in each Den, and hundreds of Den?s now existed in each territory. Matters of violence, laws, and breeding were being disputed with bloodshed between packs and Dens. This started the 5 year period known as the Den Wars. 150,000 Lupinossai died trying to establish who had right to command who. Many Packs and Dens were wiped out. The largest Den in each territory, however, survived the attacks. Their Alphas sought out council with Canis and Lupis at the now ancient command center to deal with this problem.

After a week, a new government system was put into place. The Council of the Great Dens was put into place. The largest Dens were now called Great Dens. The territories they claimed were now renamed to reflect who held which territory. To dispute maters, any issues must be passed through the Alpha of that Great Den. If it was a major issue that could affect more than one Great Den, the Council of the Great Dens would meet to discuss the issue with Canis and Lupis presiding over the meetings. This system worked for 10 years. This period was known as the Council of Dens.

By the 10th year of the Council of Dens, Canis and Lupis were both reaching 230 years old. Their bodies were starting to fail, and their minds growing feeble. Even with this apparent feebleness, the Lupinossai Alphas proclaimed them god-like and granted them the honorary title?s of Hero-Deities of Lupinoss. Canis and Lupis did exhibit strong magical prowess, but were far from gods. A god has never existed on Sliinkaa. However, any Lupinossai exhibiting great works or mighty deeds were bestowed this title of Deity upon the act being recognized. This set up a period of worshiping a false pantheon known as the Age of Canis and Lupis. This lasted for 20 years. The Council of the Great Dens was still in place, but many Lupinossai, now enamored with the stories and myths of these mighty Hero-Deities were deferring or seeking them out for the final say. This caused many Alphas to hate the Hero-Deities and moved to have them removed in the 15 year of the Age of Canis and Lupis. This did not go over well.

Roughly 1.5 million Lupinossai were now on Lupinoss. Half of the nation was loyal to the Hero-Deities, the other half were loyal to the Alphas. A very brief, but bloody war known as Demons and Deity War broke out for 6 months. If you were not in support of the Hero-Deities, you were a Demon and vice versa. 300,000 Lupinossai died, and many of those honored with the title Hero-Deity were put to death. But the war was in the favor of Deities. With their side being the victors, the Deity supporters believed peace would reign and that Canis and Lupis would lead them for all eternity.

The 20th year of the Age of Canis and Lupis, Canis and Lupis passed away in their sleep. Many supporters were shocked. Many supporters would not believe. The Lupinossai society was thrown into panic. The Council of the Great Dens seized power quickly, taking over the old command center and making new decrees. The decrees renounced the Deities, and put control firmly back in the united leadership of the council. This lasted for 5 years. This period was known as the Age of the Council of Great Dens.

The 5th year of the Age of the Council of Great Dens, an heir was born of the Great Den Wolf. The heir showed the same aura and spirit of Lupis. Many kept this secret with hopes of a revival of the reign of Deities. The Council of the Great Dens caught wind of this heir, and troubled descended on the Alphas. Soon the Great Den Alphas were turning paranoid and skittish fearing a vengeful retribution from the heir when he grows older. The Great Dens of Steel, Stridar, Spiritor, and Griidool united together. They pushed into the territory of Great Den Wolf to find and kill the heir. This sparked fear and anger in the Alpha?s of Great Den Wolf over the intrusion and intensions of murdering one of their own. Great Den Wolf allied with Foxingale, Sprintar, and Shieldar.

The stage was now set. The Great Den Civil War ignited. It was a war that lasted for 20 years. Great Den Wolf was decimated. Only 3 males survived the war. The heir was one of them, but the heir fled to another realm. The Great Den Spiritor was the only Great Den not suffering heavy casualties. 550,000 Lupinossai perished during the Great Den Civil War period. Bringing their magic to bear, the Great Den Spiritor seized control of Lupinoss and ruled the lands with a Tyrannical government.

20 years passed under this rule. This period was known as The Rule of Mages. Multiple pockets of resistance rose up during these years, fighting against the tyranny. Mage Killers came to light as a new type of warrior bent on killing just mages regardless of the side they were on. Lupinoss did recover their numbers quickly despite the guerilla tactics employed. Lupinoss was now sitting at 2 million Lupinossai now.

The 18th year of The Rule of Mages, the heir returned. He made known his presence and rallied supporters to his cause. Soon the Fleetian Fangs arose. The Fleetian Fangs was 600,000 strong. A 2 year war raged known as The Spiritor Hunt. Anyone who was of the Great Den Spiritor were hunted down and killed. By the 20th year of the Rule of Mages, all of Great Den Spiritor?s influence was shoved back to their own territory. Too this day, Spiritors are still held in contempt and in a bad light. The heir, Fleetian Wolf, brought back the rule of the Deities. He appointed new Deities and put them in charge of ruling the Lands of Lupinoss.

The Age of Deities now took place for 40 years. Peace reigned, the Lupinossai rebuilt their lives, and the Heir vanished again during this period. The Lupinossai now totaled 6 million and a new species now shared the lands with them. The Wolfral arose from The Rule of Mages. A strong mage named Fen Stridar created dire wolves that were sentient and could cast magic. Now they live with the Lupinossai, their own miniature nation within Lupinoss. By the 30th year of The Age of Deities, corruption and old age was striking the new pantheon. The son of Fleetian Wolf, Vuusoolta was sent to find Fleetian Wolf to return and appoint new Deities. Fleetian Wolf returned in the 38th year of The Age of Deities. He was hesitant to appoint new deities. During his absence, he had time to reflect on the history of Lupinoss. With his arrival, he met with the remains of the pantheon and surveyed the dismal remains.

On the 40th year of The Age of the Deities, he spoke to the whole nation of Lupinoss. He decreed that the age of Deities, Gods, and myths of higher powered beings ruling the common Lupinossai was over. The common Lupinossai would listen to their brethren to lead them by means of a council of agreement. Fleetian Wolf introduced Parliament government to the Lupinossai.

The introduction of Parliament ushered in the beginning of a new period. The period is called The Phoenix?s Flight. It was named this as the nation was rising out of the ashes of so many failed governments and wars. They now had access by sea to the rest of Sliinkaa. Fleetian Wolf and Ammy Spiritor are now the Head Male and Female of Parliament for 2 years. After that, who knows who will lead.

The Lupinoss' current form of government: Parliament Style


1 Head Male
1 Head Female

1 Elected Male Representative for each of the eight Great Den States
1 Elected Female Representative for each of the eight Great Den States

1 Elected Male Public Advocate.
1 Elected Female Public Advocate.

The Head Male and Female direct the council of the representatives and the flow of speakers. All Parliament members vote upon issues presented. Majority vote passes a ruling on the issue presented.

Representatives are elected by residing Lupinossai in the Great Den States. Lupinossai born in the Great Den States can cast a vote for male and female representatives in that State upon reaching the age of 15. Those not born in the current Great Den State they are residing in must return to their Home State to cast their votes.
Votes are gathered and counted in front of public witness and under guard.

10 pairs of Representatives are voted. 8 pairs will be voted directly from their Den States. The remaining two pairs are voted from a valid list of entrants from across all 8 dens. Valid entrants must conform to the following qualifications:
*At least a 3rd ranking alpha (Male/Female)
*At least 40 years of age (May be over ruled if no candidates are available and the age need be lowered.)
*Native born on Lupinossai soil.

The pairs need not be mated pairs. Non mated pairs may be preferred but not mandated. Once elected, the 8 representing pairs will then vote among themselves to decide which of the 4 Lupinossai of the 2 pairs voted from across Lupinoss will be Head Male/Female. The pair not chosen will be assigned the public?s advocate position. Any Lupinossai may come to the Public Advocate and make a valid appeal to speak to the Parliament. The Public Advocates are allowed to give council to the requesting appealer on matters concerning the Parliament. The appealer may choose either gender to represent them.

The Head Male/Female is adorned with a crown of gold and platinum. The crown is to have a rising half sun emblazoned on a shield of gold rising from a band of platinum. The band shall have the following 9 gems inlaid. The gems shall be of cabochon cut:
Opal: Center stone. Shall represent status of Head of the Parliament.
Ruby: 1st stone on the right of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Wolf.
Topaz: 1st stone on the left of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Spiritor.
Sapphire: 2nd stone on the right of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Shieldar.
Smokey Quartz: 2nd stone on the left of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Steel.
Emerald: 3rd stone on the right of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Sprintar.
Jade: 3rd stone on the left of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Stridar.
Diamond: 4th stone on the right of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Foxingale.
Aquamarine: 4th stone on the left of Center Stone. Shall Represent the Great Den State Griidiil.
Location of these stones represent the Den States the compliment/contrast each other and keep balance. It will represent the concerns of all the Great States resting on the minds of the Head male/female.

The Representatives of the Great Den States are adorned with a simple band of gold. In the center shall be set a cabochon cut stone of their Great Den State, as well as the States name engraved upon the band.

The Public Advocates shall be adorned with a silver collar, hinged, with a simple clasp. Engraved upon the collar shall be an emblem of a Lupinossai speaking.

The Parliament is active for 2 years, and then new members are elected. The 8 pairs of representatives may not be voted for a second term in a row. The may be voted for after two years have passed. The head male/female may be voted to fill a male/female representative slot. The Public Advocates may be voted to Head male/female status. Or, all 10 pairs may be replaced.

Removal of any Member of Parliament is by vote of Parliament after just cause and proof have been provided. A removed member may no longer be voted to any position of Parliament for the duration of their life. If the removed Parliament member is cleared of charges, an appeal may be made and the member?s record cleaned and eligibility for being voted for restored.

Alpha ranking system is as follows:
Great Den States and each city may vary on methods of appointing Alpha status. Defer to their standards in times of clarification.

1st Rank Alpha: Alphrans Minoa (Usually bestowed upon Adolescents reaching Adulthood and bearing no family shame.

2nd Rank Alpha: Alphrans Mentroa (Usually teachers, Adults that are mated, or other roles of respect.)

3rd Rank Alpha: Alphrans Graan Mentroa (Elders of the city)

4th Rank Alpha: Alphrans Graan Divisio (Current Elder of the Great Den State)


Date: 2011-02-10 18:40 EST
For those who have read the above post on the time line of various Lupinossai Governments, you may have noted that it was mentioned that Canis and Lupis passed away in their sleep. Current facts, and a resurfacing of these two as actual deities has lead to the belief that the records may have been tampered with by supporters of the Deities on purpose.

Canis and Lupis may have passed away from their physical bodies, but their souls did ascend to god hood and they are very much alive. It is believed that the records and any evidence of their continued existence was hidden by their command to prevent even worse blood shed.

Now that Lupinoss has passed into a more enlightened era, Canis and Lupis, as well as a whole host of demigods and angels have reappeared.