Topic: A Fathers Care - A Daughters Justice


Date: 2014-12-23 18:39 EST
"Absolutely not." Fleety said with resolute firmness.

"You just can't go about hunting a dragon without support." Myrlene said in defiance.

Fleety looked up from a small back pack shi'd been packing with enough rope, chain and a myriad of shackles that would imprison half an army. Shi lifted the vials of Dragons Bane essence and unstopped each one sniffing out their potency. Shi stared at Myrlene with eyes that glowed like smoldering embers.

"You will not go anywhere near that dragon Myrlene. It was bad enough that he abused you and my grandson in the privacy of your home. I will not allow that to happen to you in public nor will I put you at risk with dealing with him." Shi snapped at her.

Myrlene approached Fleety and pulled at hir elbows. "Please father, listen to me. Just let him be. We are divorced and I haven't seen him in a year. Is this really needed?" She waved a hand to all the hunting gear her father had on the table.

Fleety moved hir elbows out of Myrlene's grasp. "You were subjugated to harm and depravity. I will not allow atrocities put upon my family to go unpunished. I will exact a price out of his hide." Shi said.

The small back pack was soon synched tight and slung over hir shoulders. Shi wore simple tan leather armor under hir red tunic and hakemah. With a practiced motion shi began fastening on hir sword belt. Myrlene made an exasperated sigh and moved to the doorway of hir fathers study. She crossed her arms and blocked the opening. Sword adjusted for fast running Fleety moved to the door and stopped to stare down at her daughter.

"Myrlene move out of the way." Fleety said. Alpha power poured into hir words.

Myrlene gave a slight tremble as that power filled Fleety's words but she ground her teeth and frost sheathed the threshold and door frame. She had dug in with her powers and stared up at her father.

"Listen to me." She said. Deity aura filled her words with vibrant power and they impacted with the Alpha power of Fleety. "I forgave Moonshine for what he's done to me and Calcifer. Leave the dragon be. There is no point in starting a war with the other dragon kin by hunting him down."

Fleety's ears had twitched at the abrupt defiance of hir command and status. Shi schooled hir expression to calmness and willed hir hands to remain relaxed against their want to backhand Myrlene. The power struggle between them was palpable.

"A war with the dragon kin would only happen should I hunt more than Moonshine. I have obtained permission from Icer herself to make Moonshine pay for what he did. I have also promised not to kill him, though death is what he deserves to spare others his selfish and arrogant ways. Now move aside. I have traps to set for him." Fleety said.

"No father. I will not let you through. Without someone else there, you'll lose yourself. You may have good intentions over something stupid as my honor but can you really control yourself? How easy will it be to fall into the fervor of combat and kill him with ease? Let me come with you and ensure he is not unjustly punished." She pleaded.

Fleety's ears flattened now in annoyance. "Why do you still care for him? He was someone you were thrust together with and bound by the soul because of stupidity on his part. You should be asking for him to be beaten as he beat you. Why are you pleading his case?"

"You forget that his stupidity kept me alive that night after Mogriil tried murdering me. I am returning the favor now and sparing him." Myrlene said with a small tremble in her voice.

Fleety gave a small sigh, leaned in and put a strong hand on her small shoulders. "Lene..." Shi took a knee to stare at hir daughter on an equal level. "If it was some stranger that beat you or any of your own children, what would you do?"

"He's not a stranger father. He was my husband for three years." She said with a firm set of her jaw.

"Yes, he was your husband. That closeness is blinding you Myrlene. Think about the fights you and I have had. It's hurt us both often to the point of avoiding each other in the past. Yet I am sure you won't beat me as punishment nor would I attack you for disrespect. We often sooth our tempers with love when action should be the course. I am not supporting that we stop caring for each other as father and daughter; having at each other with claw and sword. I just want you to look at yourself and your son seriously. When you two separated, how long did it take us to get you to be social again? To trust any male strange or familiar? How many nights did we hold you as you cried and cried from the pent up abuse breaking out?" Fleety's words were gentle, yet heavy with truth.

Myrlene stood there, her eyes darting away from Fleety's stare. She was swallowing nervously as the words drug up the still sore and wounded heart she had.

"What good will violence do for this situation?" She said in soft resignation.

"Not a whole lot in all reality, but I don't plan on using too much violence. I simply want to demonstrate that our family will no longer be messed with and the perpetrators walk away with no consequence. I am not only doing this for you as a caring father should, but I am also doing this for him. He needs to be aware that his actions and current mindset are not something pleasant to continue. Would you rather see him abusing future mates?" Fleety said.

She shook her head no to the asked question. Fleety's reasoning was loosening her hold on opposing this plan of action.

"I don't want to see anyone get hurt like that again." She said.

"Then let me through. Let me set the traps. Capture him and bring him here to face his crimes before us all as a family." Fleety said.

With tense hesitation, Myrlene moved from the doorway, the ice around the frame melting away. Fleety leaned over and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead then stood. Shi strolled out of the room.

"I'll be back in a couple hours. Don't fret your mothers over this. I am setting traps then coming home." Fleety said.

Myrlene watched hir leave the house and she never left the front window. She stood vigil, watching and waiting for hir return.


Date: 2015-01-02 19:10 EST
Shi'd left the house fully intent on hunting the dragon, Moonshine, down to make him pay for his crimes. Fleety left Den City and made good time, only losing thirty minutes before shi was in the foot hills. Shi took one rest break here and opened the pack; the remnants of a black smith's hammer was withdrawn. The bits of wood handle and sweat crusted leather wrapping were sniffed closely to catch the dragons scent. Once the scent was firmly affixed in hir mind the journey was continued.

Fleety wandered the foot hills for an hour before the scent trail was found. It lead hir over several hills and into familiar territory. Goat trails and a thicket of forested trees, charred brittle by magic fire and in hir bones shi felt the sizzle of Chaos soaked into the landscape. The path went up a small rise and as shi mounted the rise hir suspicions were confirmed. Before the Lupinossai was large mounds of rubble and hewn stones; castoffs no longer needed from the excavated lair that was once Myrlene and Moonshines, caved in by the Ember Knight's rampage.

Slipping into the trees, Fleety took up watch of the lairs entry for a span of 20 minutes. Shi could see smoke rising out of the entry of the lair, the scent of roasting wyvern swirling among the ash particles. The sounds of a hammer ringing on metal echoed faintly in the lair. No guards were seen, no signs of a living creature other than the smoke and hammer falls. Shi considered the possibility that Moonshine had not found another mate to inflict his harm upon yet. However, unless shi ventured inside that idea could be quite false. A trap could be easily set at the mouth of the lair or just inside the entry to snare him swiftly. With courage shi could venture forward and take him into custody hirself and spare the trapping.

Fleety's hand went to the hilt of the sword shi wore, a worn and well used Vorpal Katana, the hungry blade of void energy was slid free of the sheath. Quietly shi stalked up to a pile of marble stones the size of canon balls. Red gaze stayed on the lairs entry, hir mind recalling roughly the layout Myrlene had of her home before. It could have changed, but the weak echoes of the hammer lead hir to conclude that Moonshine had kept his forge bellow ground one or two levels as it was before. Perhaps it was the only area of the lair that had survived intact?

Shi stilled hir thoughts, focusing for the fight to come, hir heart quickening in glee to struggle with something larger than hirself. Hir body wanted to feel the aches and strains of championing hir life and right to live among battle. The sweet calling of blood lust and violence called to hir soul and sang hir into motion. A lovely song of glory and honor in a hard fight; the victor standing over the beheaded vanquished.

Beheaded vanquished? I am not beheading him. I am merelely subduing him for capture though if he were hurt, the scent of blood would be nice... What am I thinking?

Fleety's eyes blinked and shi was no longer behind the rubble but standing withing the entry of the lair. Shi looked down at hir hand, holding the vorpal katana sure and steady as a veteran soldier did. Hands used to shedding blood, casting decimating magic and ears deaf to the screams of pain, pleading and death. Fleety felt disgust tangle in hir guts like a barbed fish hook. Shi had promised Myrlene not to harm Moonshine and yet, shi was standing in the lair, ready to seek him out and seek his blood. Hir hand trembled slightly. Hir daughter had been right. Shi was too close to losing control. This is not want shi wanted. Not a blood bath but compensation for hir daughter.

Without a sound, Fleety retreated from the lair, the need for blood, for battle, for violence crying out to hir soul and heart as shi moved for the trees.

Tainted. This territory is tainted by His powers.

Fleety ran from the forested area, daring not to look back, to give hir darkest yearnings a foothold into hir mind again. It wasn't until shi'd reached home, sun setting in the hills of the Lupinossai Glade that shi slowed. The repeats of her daughters voice broke the death grip on hir resolve and shi looked at Myrlene. Her daughter looked at hir, crystal blue eyes stared into hir own ember reds and Myrlene pointed to the vorpal katana still in hir hand.

"Did... Did you kill him father?" Her tone held a sharp note of dismay and sorrow.

Fleety looked down at hir blade, hir mind reminding hir of that fine balance shi'd fell off of. Shi sheathed the blade and took a deep breath to steady hir nerves.

"No Myrlene. I... have not harmed him. I've found him, but no harm was done and no traps were set." Shi said, tired.

Myrlene gave a look of intense relief that faded into confusion. "You set no traps? Were you not intent on capturing him, father?"

"I could not set a trap. The place he is in is cursed Myrlene." Fleety said in a shiver.

Myrlene's brows beetled. "Cursed? Where did you find him father?

Fleety's eyes held a haunted look to them. "He resides in your old lair, Myrlene."

Myrlene's gasp was sharp and hard. "He's in the middle of Sweet Water Woods."

Fleety wore a grimace. "Nay Sweet Water Woods anymore. It vibrates with Chaos. It's become the Hollows of Chaos."


Date: 2015-01-19 19:21 EST
Myrlene tapped her chin in thought. "If you are hell bent on still punishing Moonshine and Sweet Water Woods is tainted we have two choices."

Fleety wiggled out of hir pack and took a seat rubbing hir face. Myrlene watched her fear stricken father. Was it really fear or was it something else? She moved into the kitchen to fix hir some relaxing tea.

"Option 1, father, is we go see Aribius and Amaretto about pulling Moonshine out of the lair. Chaos energy rarely affects them and I'm pretty sure Ferunoth would love to get tallons on a dragon that's abused me." Myrlene said.

Fleety looked up and shook hir head. "No! I am not including them in hunting him down. I need to do this."

Myrlene sighed, the sound lost to the hiss of steam soon whistling from the tea kettle.

"Option 2, then is we go together and you are not going to argue with me. I can shield us from the Chaos energy while you go play macho alpha male." she said.

Myrlene brought the tea to her father and she could see Fleety was mulling over the options, not liking either of them. Setting the tea next to hir, Myrlene leaned close to Fleety's ear and spoke.

"Why did you really run father?