Topic: A Fathers Care - Coalite Rii-Wolf


Date: 2014-12-16 19:53 EST
Fleety walked into Tairen and Fiim's house that shi shared with them. Shi gave Fiim's kids a few hugs, a couple of pats on the head and candy. The sounds of wood working in Tairens little carpentry room reached hir ears making hir smile and Fiim was cooking, glancing out at the kids once in a while keeping track. She gave Fleety a wave and went back to roasting fish. Fleety had waved back and left the kids to their puzzles and toys as shi went in search of Caolite, hir own child sired by Tairen and hir.

Water splashes and the snap and flutter of wet cloth attracted Fleety to the back of the house where a stream ran by. Caolite was washing the family clothing and hung up rows of shirts, pants, dresses, robes and an assortment of bright new shorts and dresses for the kids. Fleety paused a moment watching hir child and then began to stalk up on Caolite when hir attention was on the wash basin.

Caolite let out shriek as Fleety stalked up to hir and tickled hir sides. Shi whirled on Fleety. "Mother! Stop doing that! I can't hear as good as you do."

Fleety gave a small smile then looked earnest about apologizing. "Sorry about scaring you like that Mouse. Need a hand with the laundry?

Caolite gave hir a perturbed look and went back to scrubbing out some stains in one of Fiim's work dresses. "Sure mom. You can hang up the clothes in that basket by your foot."

Fleety began hanging up the wet clothes, smoothing them out to let the wind dry them with wrinkles. With wood clothes pins clenched in hir muzzle shi mumbled at Caolite. "What has you upset Mouse?

Caolite looked up from hir task and shi fixed Fleety with a stare of bitterness. "I hate that nickname, and I hate being the last kid you ever see. You spend more time with Myrlene and Merlin Jr. than me. Even Fiim's kids get more attention. Do you hate me? Do you regret having me mother?"

Fleety felt the heat of those words and hir fur bristled a bit before shi regained control of the sudden emotions of anger from Caolite's warranted disrespect. Shi didn't say anything yet, the rest of the wet clothes were hung up to dry allowing hir time to choose the right words to say. Caolite appeared to be a ticking time bomb of emotions.


Date: 2014-12-21 18:28 EST
"I deserve every bit of that anger you have aimed at my Caolite." Fleety said.

Shi walked over to sit next to Caolite and began washing out diapers in the bucket. Hir child seemed sullen after hir acceptance of blame. As Fleety washed, shi wondered if Caolite was waiting for hir to deny being wrong. The proverbial pin pulled from the grenade. Yet, robbing Caolite of that need Fleety watched hir child fume quietly; ground lost as more clothing was scrubbed.

"I am not always the best mother to you, nor have I been the best father to my other children. I could give you a multitude of sweet lies, a kiss on your forehead to make you smile and walk away without solving a thing. I am sick of doing that." Fleety said.

Caolite looked up from hir laundry and stared at hir mother. Shi couldn't believe what was said. "You're being honest, aren't you?"

Fleety dipped hir head in a small sign of agreement. "I owe all of my children my apologies and my full attention. I've come to you today Caolite to rebuild a bond that shouldn't have been trampled by the chaos of life." Shi leaned on the edge of the wash bucket and looked at hir child square in the eyes. "What do you say we finish up the laundry then ditch this place for the day. Just you and me?"

Caolite appeared to weigh that offer heavily. "You didn't answer my questions." Shi said.

Fleety gave hir a small smile. "I find questions better answered on full bellies or pleasant walks; not over chores or dirty clothes." Shi offered a sud soaked hand to Caolite for a shake. "We walk, talk, eat and sort out ourselves today?"

Caolite stared at hir mother's soapy hand and made the slightest sound of regret. "Okay mother, but I get to choose a few gifts I want you to buy me."

Fleety chuckled and tousled Caolite's hair leaving white bubbles plastered to hir bangs. "Anything, my Treasure."


Date: 2015-01-02 19:52 EST
My Treasure. That was a nickname Caolite could get used to. It was better than being associated with vermin.

The clothes had been washed and hung to dry swiftly with them both working at the chore. Fleety picked up the empty buckets, nested within one another and the scrub board.

"Run inside Caolite and get ready to be out for the day. I want you to feel happy and look nice, not like a servant girl." Fleety said, regret in hir voice.

"Okay mother, but I need more clothes. I am wearing holes in all of the ones I have and step-mother Fiim refuses to let father spend any money on me." Caolite said.

The words were direct, innocent of lies and straight to the heart as the words of the youth often were. Fleety followed Caolite in as hir mind gnawed on that fact. Hir own child, sired by Tairen was having proper care withdrawn by Tairen's first mate, Fiim. Caolite could be lying, shi was of the age of a teen now, troublesome times for most as the grew and matured. Fleety decided to side with caution and let Caolite vanish into hir own room. The wash buckets set aside, Fleety snatched up a cookie from a plate freshly made on the kitchen counter then went hir child's room. The door was closed and shi gave respect for the need of privacy in spirit. However, wanting to know if Caolite was truthful, Fleety drew a sigil in the air and scryed into Caolite's room.


Date: 2015-01-15 19:03 EST
What Fleety saw within Caolite's bedroom made it hard to believe the child was suffering for lack of clothes. There were plenty of shirts, pants, dresses and shorts all folded neatly upon shelves and in drawers. The room was sparse of most trinkets, baubles and nick knacks most teens acquired. Caolite's guitar was in the corner cradled in a special hand carved stand for it. A gift Fleety remembered Tairen giving Caolite on hir first birthday. Other than that, no posters or toys or things of delight and fun.

Fleety gazed back at the folded clothing and noticed only the top layer of the clothes seemed touched and worn. The rest, new things made by Fi'im were not even touched much less worn. Shi decided that perhaps it was not a case of Fi'im keeping Tairen from caring for Caolite but more of a probable case that Caolite was refusing care from Fi'im, not being hir real mother. Fleety thought about that revelation and let the scrying spell fade. Shi vacated the door way to allow Caolite to be undisturbed and to avoid being caught snooping.

Into the kitchen Fleety walked and shi'd pause a moment to admire Fi'ims form, alight from the cooking fire. No one could blame Fleety for admiring what hir mate saw in Fi'im. Strength, grace, predatory smoothness and muscle, like an eel covered in fur and given legs to walk on land. Fi'im stood, pulling up a brace of roasted trout she'd caught for the family in early morning hours and gave Fleety a smile when shi came into view. She'd turn and start to remove the fish and with care started to divide them up into portions.

"Long time no see Fleety in kitchen. You no come around much these months. You not feel well?" Fi'im asked her rather cracked common tongue.

Fleety dipped hir head in slight shame hearing Fi'im. "I haven't meant to be away so long Fi'im. Many things have happened in the last few months. I am back though and will be around more in both houses. Will you forgive me for not being around much?"

Fi'im rolled her eyes in amusement and ate a bit of fish as she cut up the roasted flesh. "No sorry need you. You alpha. Do what wish. I am happy when you visit Caolite. Much emotion in that puppy. Much, much emotion."

Fleety nodded to what Fi'im had said. "I agree with you Fi'im. Shi is quite upset with me. I am hoping to take hir out today for a day of fun and bonding. I am puzzled by something shi said to me Fi'im. Shi's telling me that you won't let Tairen buy hir things, like clothes?"

Fi'im waves a fillet knife in the air as she talked. "Shi speak true. I say to Tairen, no more buy clothes for hir. Shi have many not wearing. Good clothes, made here by me. Why bur more? She no wear clothing I make. No smell like you, no given by you or Tairen. She's spoiled."

Fleety's ears twitched and shi sighed. "Fi'im, that's not being spoiled, that's acting out wanting hir parents attention with so little of it given to hir. One other thing, why is shi being treated like a servant in this house?"

If it wasn't for the fact that Fi'im was finished filleting fish and had put the knife away, Fleety was sure the Riivii would have sliced open hir belly in an instant.

"No servant. Shi do chores. Not young, small and weak puppy. Grown up puppy that one. Strong enough to help in house. To keep place in house. No work in house free to find work elsewhere and leave. My pack raise tough girls, tough boys. No pamper." Fi'im said.

Fleety rubbed hir chin, opened hir muzzle then closed it favoring silence. Fi'im had made several good points and shi didn't wish to incur the wrath of the river woman. With a dip of head in agreement to her words and a small, stolen kiss on the cheek, Fleety slipped back into the living room where Caolite stood, waiting to leave. The child was in a faded olive green shirt with white cracked lettering calling out M.A.S.H. 401 and some equally faded and thread bare grey jeans. Over the shirt was a warm fleece line navy blue denim jacket and shoes that showed little wear and tear.

Questions bubbled up in Fleety but she contained them as hir and Caolite walked out the front door to enjoy their play date.