Topic: A test of Force, an Assassin on the Loose

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-12 03:00 EST
((I would like to thank Drax mun for Role Playing with me on Yim to get Lene more into her Jedi Training and to have fun!))

Myrlene: Lene wiped the dribbling blood from her nose. Tonights dueling session in the outback arena was rough. She pulled her crimson Jedi cloak around her to keep warm as she travelled the Southern Glen home.

Kohn Starkiller: He was walking around. Something in the force..Disturbed him. Growls of breathing. Much like those of Vader himself. His dark image was enough to scare many children. Leather clad hands closed, claws tapping against each other. Heavy boots thudding and crushing flowers and gravel bellow them.

Myrlene: Lene stopped a moment and listened. Her ears heard something on gravel. She felt something cold and seething with violence. She knew this feeling. She had once tried the dark side and was blindsided by a dead Sith Lord. Looking around, she pushed out her senses trying to find that spot of coldness. Her paws clenched in their heavy gloves.

Kohn Starkiller: AS fast as he was there. He was gone. Masking himself in the force. Several saber hilts dotted his belt. He pulled one sensing someone in the force. He moved closer. Observing for a moment before showing himself. Pure red saber hissing to life. His helmet. It looked like a cross between a Mandalorian helmet and Ubese Enviro mask.

Myrlene: She wrinkled her muzzle feeling that cold spot vanish just Master Pallin could. The snap hiss of a saber coming to life made her heart race before she saw the red blade and the masked one behind it. Lene's gloved paws closed around both sabers under her cloak and watched the figure before. "Who are you?" she asked politely.

Kohn Starkiller: He walked forward. Spinning his blade around. "All you need to know Jedi. Is I take the name of my ancestor. Starkiller." He gripped his blade and looked to her. His growls were of anger. But what Sith didn't have anger. He used hatred but same question. He watched her. She was young. Seemed to young to be that strong.

Myrlene: Lene took a step back. "I see. I have taken the name of my parents Wolf-Spiritor. You bear the mark of a path I have known briefly." As backed up, she shunted Force down through her legs and right into the ground. Gravel would blast out with blazing speed at Starkiller.

Kohn Starkiller: He made a sound of what seemed like laughter. He shot to the left. Speed boosting. He killed his blade and crossed his arms. "You will have to do better girl." He lifted a finger and shot a small bolt of lightning at her.

Myrlene: She braced herself and the lightning hit an invisible shield. "Why do you wish harm on me?" she asked. She unclipped one saber under her cloak keeping it and her gloved paw hidden. Pulling in the Force, she began to fade.

Kohn Starkiller: He laughed. "You're Jedi. I am Sith. Do the math." He shot forward. He stopped and shot his arms out. Massing a massive wave of Force the moment he stopped shooting it at her. She had some knowledge.

Myrlene: Lene had vanished to the eye, but the Force blast slammed into her many shields she had built up since that night she was collard by the dead Sith Lord. A furrough in the gravel was gouged deep as she slid back. She felt one shield crumble. Lene pulled in more Force to build it up again. "You say I am a Jedi? I am but a Force user. Jedi is simply a label." spouting Master Pallins philosophy to a T. Her form was illuminated as she raised a paw sent a tight arc of purple Force lightning Stormkiller's way.

Kohn Starkiller: He laughed and lifted his hand. Grabbing the arc. He shook his head. "Purple Lighning was the trademark for Darth Sidious. His lightsaber made an insteresting addision to my collection...Once I fished it from debris." He SHot his hand back. He had used Lightning for years. He lifted his other hand and shot them both out. He was a master of Lightning. Learng its highest degree. The arcs shot out wildly. Almost uncontrollable.

Myrlene: Her gray eyes saw those multiple flailing arcs of lightning coming her way. Her shielding wouldn't be that strong. Lene danced left and right and snapped out her silver lightsaber activating it. For a moment a lavender blade formed, then shifted and coiled on the ground. Lene snapped the light whip about tagging what arcs she could. A few slipped in charring parts of her Jedi cloak and numbing her broken right leg that was in a cast. She gritted her teeth and shunted Force to still the pain.

Kohn Starkiller: HE sped ahead to her side. His saber was moved to hover by her neck. "You're wounded. A Sith kills those stronger to prove strength. It would be beneath me to kill a wounded person." He Looked to her. "You have much to learn youngling." He spun around arcing his blade to scar her to remember this ecounter. But since this left him open he was taking a very big risk here.

Myrlene: Lene yelped in pain as she lost her left ear and some hair. Her fur giving off singed smell of burning hair. She brought up her empty paw and grabbed his blade. Her gloved sparked and coallesced. It was designed to handle a lightsaber blade. She pivoted and that light whip solidified to a solid light saber blade coming in for that unprotected side. Her metal, joint cast seized from the lightning blast making her aim faulter.

Kohn Starkiller: He laughed as a blade floated in mid air blocking hers. He spun grabbing the blade standing with his chest open. He looked to her. "A med droid can repair that ear. But the pain will stay with you till you join the force." He shot a heavy boot out looking to knock her injured leg to make her drop to a knee maybe. He couldn't say that moving the way he did didn't hurt.

Myrlene: The seized cast broke under that boot strike rebreaking the leg again. Lene dropped in pain trying to pull in the Force, but the stabbing in her leg was threatening to black her out. She was gasping hard.

Kohn Starkiller: He kneeled beside her after putting his blades away. He tilted her head up. "Remember Kohn Starkiller." He laughed as he let her head go. Reaching down taking her saber. "I hope you don't mind. I don't have a blade with a silver crystal."

Myrlene: She growled at him but was too weak from pain to do anything. She had another one on her belt concealed under the charred Jedi cloak. She would remember that name. A spark of hatred was kindled in her. She grabbed it and let it fill her. She let the hatred burst from her and let out of a wall of Force enery like a bomblast with her in the middle of it.

Kohn Starkiller: He spun and crossed his arms. He grunted after sliding back a few feet. He looked to her. "Mongrel." He shot a hand out shooting a arc of lightning at her. Using Repulse in such a recless manner. If she used it when he kneeled. He would have been at the disadvantage. But she used her hatred. "Embrace your hatred. Give into your anger."

Myrlene: That lightning wrapped around her and she dropped into darkness hearing his advice ring in her mind.

Kohn Starkiller: He took this moment and vanished himself running to safety. He was an assassin. And being near a victim even if left wounded was always a big nono.

Ember Pallin

Date: 2009-11-12 15:07 EST
Ember was sitting in a subterranean cave just outside of the Den. He was offered the place as a gift by the Lupinossai. His gray eyes snapped open from the meditation he was in. He felt an odd disturbance in the Force. It was the signature of a Sith.

"Odd. Sith in these parts rarely act out." he murmured to himself. Then he felt a sudden spike of fear and anxiety in the Force. He knew the energy pattern. It was Lene's.

Ember stood, put on his gray cloak and grabbed his sabers. This was not good. As he reached the entrance of his cave, he felt Lene scream and sensed the pain she was in. He quickened his booted steps and left the cave. As he reached the main road in a Force sped run, he felt another surge of Force as Lene tapped her more violent side briefly. That confirmed Embers worry. She has run into a living Sith.

Thirty minutes later, his boots crunched gravel, and Ember sensed Lene before he saw her collapsed form on the trail leading out of the Southern Glen. He dropped to one knee and gently rolled her over. Her cloak was singed by lightning, and one of her sabers missing. He could also since that her healing leg was broken again, and something else. He looked closer and inhaled sharply. Her left ear was missing. The wound cauterized instantly. Definitely a Sith.

"It seems my padawan that the long dead Exar Kuhn has dropped a few rungs in your priorities." he said softly. He picked up Lene easily and headed back for the Den. Ammy had a few Bacta Tanks in her lab and Lene would need recovery.


Date: 2009-11-12 22:18 EST
He sat meditating in his chambers. The Venator vessel he had found was perfect. After a few modifications first. The ship ran smoother then the Star Destroyers during the Empire. Crewed by people he gathered from the Imperial Remnant...And those loyal to his ancestor Gorse Bendak during the Mandalorian wars.

He was reconstructing his lightsaber using the force. He replaced the lens and power cell. This would hopefully make his blade more solid and stronger. The troopers he rallied was enough to keep him more then safe. The ship was under lock down constantly. Patrols with heavy weapons were everywhere. Scanning of outter and inner hulls ended every few minutes. Crew count every hour.

After a few hours Kohn walked into the bridge. Status reports were given to him. He waved them off. He ordered all turbo lasers to blast away at any asteroids. Weapons modifications testing time. Everything done. He would make sure he was ready for anything now that he had struck the hornets nest. Attack one Jedi attack them all.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-12 22:34 EST
Ammy was shocked when she received late night visitors to her lab. Especially when it was her Master and her daughter who was in bad shape. Ember laid Lene down on an exam table and began to remove the singed robes and equipment. Ammy walked over to an empty bacta tank and prepped it in silence. She returned to Lene and checked her daughter over.

"She fought someone with Force powers and a saber didn't she?" Her voice stated not so much asking.

Ember just nodded and said one word that mad Ammy's blood boil. "Sith."

They carried Lene over to the bacta tank and put her in. Ammy took full stock of her injuries and the fire in her blood built. "Why was she attacked? She's was injured, and young. Beyond the standards of a prize hunt for a Sith."

"I am not sure who did it Ammy. I do know it was a Sith. I felt it in the Force. I am going to investigate who did this." He said calmly.

Ammy nodded. "Let me help. I want revenge." she looked to Lene and the read outs. "She'll be out for a week. The bacta will speed up her leg healing. As for her left ear." Ammy shuddered. "I will see what I can do in the lab. I don't want my friends to be bothered by this. Not yet at least." she walked from the bacta tank. It was hard to leaver her daughter injured like this to heal on her own, but she needed answers.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-15 03:34 EST
She felt herself floating in something sticky. The battle was on repeat in her mind. Lene went over and over it until she could count how many ways she messed up. Her leg was feeling better. Something was pumping into and it felt cold. She knew this cold.

Lene opened her eyes and saw she was in a gray, thick liquid. Must be mom's lab that I am in. This is a bacta tank and right in front of me is you! In front of the tank, almost invisible but quite there stood the shadowy form Sith Lord Exar Kuhn.

"I am so glad you remember me so fondly, Lene. Having fun being lazy?" his voice rang hollow and cold.

"Wait till I am out and I will show you lazy Sith!" her eyes sparked a little.

"Ah such sweet nectar. There is that flaming spirit your mother possesses. It would explain why she is out for revenge for you. Yes, odd one she is. Fully in control of her emotions that she can flip them on and off and use them to fuel what she needs. Pity you haven't learned to harness your own. But then again, you are weak, broken, and faced someone far superior to your infantile skills." his voice jabbed icy cold tendrils of fear and loathing into Lene.

"Then why are you here pestering me. You could just let Sith Kohn kill me and take him as your damned apprentice! I am not interested in becoming a killer like him." she said with fury.

"I see. Then why did you look around a place dedicated to violence and slavery then? Hmm. You were seeking higher power from a source that had it. A vile source and you found me. Let's nod kid ourselves here. I am very interested in you Lene. You have massive potential if we just refine you. Kohn is not as refined. He has a Sith Lord master and is not strong but learning as well. I offer you something unique. Something different than the sniveling path of killing the stronger to prove your greatness. He dangled that offer like bait.

"What use is a Sith if they are not killing people to prove themselves? They only rely on their emotions to do that which is destructive. The know no peace, and you're trying to tell me that you offer a shiny new path of darkness?" her voice was sarcastic.

"So you are well versed in old history. Now is not then. A Jedi Pilot, one Corran Horn taught me never to underestimate someone ever again. I am not underestimating or undervaluing your potential. I can see your futures most of them end with you wielding great power as you see fit. The others see you dead. The choice is yours. You can listen to me and learn to harness your true powers or you can seek another master if you live long enough. If not me, then another dark lord will come." Shadowy arms crossed.

"Why the hell is evil attracted to me? Answer that question and I will consider learning from you." Lene spoke firmly and with sincerity.

"Evil is attracted to power and then is destroyed because it will feed on everything, even itself to gain more power. You however are a vessel of great power that will not hunger recklessly for more or end yourself to get it. You, Lene, have suffered much in your young life and that was to hammer out naivety. To be innocent invites greater harm and fragility. To be slightly tainted offers protection and strength.

I am sure your beloved Master Pallin will tell you that light and dark are just dusty old labels. He is true to a degree. Light needs Dark, Dark needs Light or they both stagnate. Ember will not teach you the dark side. He taught your mother that side and she used it well against the pirates that kidnapped you. Quite gruesome too. He fears that giving you access to the darker side, you'll lose control. I offer you control of the darkness."

Lene closed her gray eyes for a moment and thought about what was said and offered for a long time. Opening her eyes and feeling the phantom sting of her left ear missing she nodded to Exar Kuhn.

"I will accept your training once again under one condition."

The shadow looked like it was very amused. A shadowed hand waved for her to continue.

"I choose when not to listen to your instructions if I deem them dangerous to others." She narrowed her eyes at the shadow.

"Ah, now that is why I am interested in you Lene. You know when to take control and have no fear of being told no. I will accept that condition. Now then, as to our former arrangement of fighting me to prove yourself, your test has changed. Once we are done training, you are to hunt down this Sith Kuhn, and defeat him. Whether you kill him or not matters not to me. He's master will kill him if he fails either way. Now then, let us get you out of that nasty liquid and into learning. Your leg is fully mended and you will keep you left ear missing for now. Let it serve as a focus to your lessons." The instructed then faded.

The bacta suddenly drained and the tank opened. Lene fell forward on her hands and knees gasping as she pulled the respirator out of her muzzle. Then she stood. Sure enough her leg was no longer burned. She felt warmth flood her. Not the warm fuzzy blanket warmth of the Light side, but a river of burning lava promising to melt away her fears and remake her anew.

Lene grabbed a spare change of clothes, dressed and left mom a note then she left the lab. She wore her singed and tattered cloak, but with something new added to it. Lene had transmuted a platinum skull pendant and replaced her personal crest clasp with it. Tonight she started life as an apprentice with a purpose.


Date: 2009-11-15 22:46 EST
Secluded in his ship still. In the one chamber that was large enough to house his holocron collection. The main cargo bay. He poured over hours and hours of holocron teachings. Both Sith and Jedi alike. He had many masters this way. But only one to prove himself to.

"Locked within its recesses, accessible only to a Dark Lord of the Sith, are the forgotten histories and lore, dating back a hundred thousand years or more."

He spent much time learning from all the holocrons the Sith Lord Darth Treya left behind. How manipulation can prove more of a weapon then the force or lightsaber. He knew of pain and hunger. But he never lost himself to these teachings.

He knew powers of the force that demanded much of him. He knew saber forms that demanded much of the body. Much that demanded from him. He consulted many. He chatted with many of the old Mandalorians he found. Any that knew how to fight like a Jedi or Sith. As refined and tactful of the Jedi Order to as wild and ruthless as the Sith.

It was a quiet thing to fall. But it was far worse to admit he fell. And he admitted it and embraced it. He was cold. He was hard to read at times. This Lene he met and fought. Interesting as she was. His only plan. Learn anything from the fights.... And then end her disgusting existence with the force.

He learned the one thing only few ever did. Certain places, strong in the force, can be used to break the will of others, to keep them from joining the force. And he learned how to use them...And use them as the great Darth Revan and Darth Malak did during the Jedi Civil war during the Old Republic many millennia ago.

"There is a place in the Galaxy where the Dark Side of the force runs strong. It is something of the Sith and fueled by War. It corrupts all who walk on it's surface, drowns them in the power pf the dark side - It corrupts all life and feeds on death. Revan knew the power of such places... and the power in making them. They can be used to break the wills of others... of Jedi, promising them power and turning them to the dark side." (Darth Treya to the last remaining Jedi Masters at the Enclave on Dantooine before the attack on Citadel Station by Darth Nihilus.)

Ember Pallin

Date: 2009-11-17 02:18 EST
Ember was the first to return to Ammy's lab. He found the note left for Ammy and the empty Bacta tank. He read the note:

~I was healed by Sith Lord Exar Kuhn. I have agreed to learn from him to handle this Kohn. Gather what you can about him, but please don't fight him mother. It is between me and him. I will be gone a lot in training. Lord Kuhn will protect me till I am ready to fight Kohn.~ Lene.

Ember just laid the note back in its spot and sat to wait for Ammy's return. She was going to spike like no tomorrow.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-17 15:19 EST
Exar Kuhn led her to a place where no one would find her while training. They spent many long hours the first two days getting Lene to harness and tap her emotions in some manner of control. Lene was making progress in keeping the emotions separate from her core so she would not be consumed by them.

Exar Kuhn was relentless and attacked her at every opportunity forcing her to pull on Force sources she was not aware she had. Then he released her for a week.

"Go and apply what you've learned. Grapple all of your emotions and inspect them. Know them. Learn how to use them. Come back in a weeks time for more." Exar Kuhn's hollow voice spoke.

Lene just nodded and left. She pulled the Force around her and made a shield that absorbed the Force leaving her traceless to any looking for her by unnatural means.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-17 22:04 EST
Ammy returned to her lab. No luck either on where to find this Sith assassin. Seeing Ember waiting for her told her that he had no luck either. She sighed and took a seat at her desk and saw the note laying there. She picked it up and read it. Emerald eyes softened a little and she laid the note back down.

"What do you think Ember?" she nodded to the note. She figured he had read it already.

"Obviously, Lene feels this is her matter not ours. Sith Assassins are dangerous, but so is Lene. This assassin is not aware of who their target really is. All I can suggest is we keep looking for data and offer training and counseling when Lene asks for it." his voice had that note in it that indicated he had been mulling this over for some time.

Ammy slumped a bit and just nodded. She had no choice in this.


Date: 2009-11-19 14:32 EST
He was training hard. Sabers constantly being worked on and checked. He was trying hard to learn the moves on the holocrons. He was doing well to. Moves and knowledge flowed to him. It seemed as if there were few he could not take on and beat. This Lene from that night. Her saber made a fine addition to his weapons, even modified the hilt a tiny bit to make it able to be connected to another saber hilt like all his other blades.

His ship destroyed a few cargo ships that unwittingly found his ship. That way the Darkened Heart, Kohn's ship, to anyone who might be searching for him now. An evil act ofcourse but he wa Sith and lives mattered not to him. Hell he killed his last ship Captain infront of the bridge crew. Being hidden was the one thing he wanted untill he mastered the last few holocron techniques.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-19 15:38 EST
Lene was face down in the mud once again. Hollow voice laughing at her. There was an urge to get up and let Kuhn have it but she resisted it. Every time she did, she was put right back in this same spot.

Lene got up on her knees, wiped the mud off of her muzzle and looked at the hovering shadow of a man.

"You are still to wild in your emotions. Let go of your worry about losing or dying. Grab the Force by the throat and embrace it."

"Like you did when Coran Horn destroyed your temple?" She quipped and stood. She would try a new tactic that she had been working on in the rings.

"So the whelp has done some history reading. I am not impressed. Yes, the temple was destroyed and the young padawans thought themselves clever in the trap they laid. A true Sith Master anticipates his demise and makes arrangements. You found one of many fragments of my energy." Kuhn laughed.

"Oh so you not just another Sith hungry for knowledge and power then? Just out to save your own skin?" She was prepping an arsenal while she talked. She took her memories of every thing she has experienced and charged them with Force power. They glowed in her mind and soul like spheres of power.

The shadow made a sound indicating it was smirking and made a come hither gesture that would surely end in another attack. Lene approached Kuhn anyways. Pure energy shot from Kuhn's shadow in a ragged beam right for Lene. This was new but so was her gambit. Lene grabbed hold of her memories of Fleet protecting her when she was young. The beam came closer to her and she could smell the Force energy. She held up a paw in a feeble attempt to deflect it as her memory was doing nothing. The beam vanished? No, better yet, she felt stronger. The beam was absorbed.

"Impressive. You may have Sith blood in you yet."


Date: 2009-11-24 23:14 EST
Kohn was meditating at this time. It was his manditory two hour period to reflect on his training. He had warned the commanders not to disturb him unless it was important. He had already slain a few to prove his point. he door hissed open and Kohn was on his feet. The commander entered slowly and cautiously.

"Um My lord...We are picking something up on long range scanners. It seems there is someone out there looking around. Your orders my lord?"

Kohn began to fix his saber hilts to their spots. "Commander. You have the ship. It's time I went planet side. I have a few errands to run. Have my personal Aurek fighter prepped and ready for launch. "

He could sense it. A massive Darkside presence. Something he felt from only few. But this fet....vague. Like he had only felt it once. Maybe it was the prey he toyed with. If so...His day would grow for the better.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-26 00:00 EST
Lene worked on her ability to absorb power in secret. She tried to learn more from Kuhn, but he had vanished. Gone, no more could he be felt. Seemed the halo effect from the crystal was finally spent. So she sat in her new room at Arcadia and concentrated. Meditating on her skills, her fighting form, and with her Holycron began reviewing something interesting. She was reviewing countless lightsaber schema.


Date: 2009-11-29 13:10 EST
Kohn was trying to get her to come out of hiding. Why was it she was seemingly affraid to face him again. He hid this little venture from his masters yes. But a darker, sinister plot was born of this. There must always be a master and apprentice.

He had put up wanted holograms. Making a trail to find himself. If she looked around in the world to find him. She would find a trail leading to him. And it would depend on who you were whether or not it was subtle or obvious.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-29 16:42 EST
Lene had indeed seen the holo posters for her and the reward. She just grinned at the amount. The last advice Lord Kuhn gave her before he vanished permanently was that one out for revenge doesn't seek out the victim, you let the victim come to you. And that was what Lene did.

She wasn't that daft a girl. She was taking her time, meditating and growing stronger until the time was right to make him pay. For now, she kept going to work and practiced all things at night. The time will come when they will cross paths.


Date: 2009-11-29 23:16 EST
He was meditating near where he found her. His blades circling him. THis is how he meditated. His ship was in orbit. His breathing was growlish and ghoulish. But it would serve his purpose. He would shroud himself in the force untill his prey came close. His plan was unfolding as he had fore-seen it. But there was a few more things to do untill then.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-12-10 00:15 EST
((Due to current work, schooling and general overall weariness of people just wanting to start fights with Myrlene in a pissing competition, I, as founder of this folder am locking this SL Thread permanently. The Den thread is not be to site of any more bizarre wars, or hunting of characters. That is all. Sorry to those that may find this rude, but the majority of players in this thread have pulled out. Happy Holidays.))