Topic: Ammy Spiritor: Who is she?

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-04-13 13:38 EST
It has come to my attention that a lot of friends and players are wondering what the hell is going on with Ammy? Who is she, and what is her twisted little back story. Well, being Ammy, I am going to do what I can to fill you in on that in a couple of posts on this sticky. It's a long story, and can be quite confusing, but maybe it will help you out some. Enjoy.

Ammy Spiritor

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-04-13 18:37 EST
Prehistory of Ammy the Phoenix:

Not a whole lot is known exactly about Ammy the Phoenix. She was a human as far as any records that survived indicate. She was a powerful alchemist in the lands of Chanteer.

Chanteer is roughly 3,000 miles away from the shores of Lupinoss. Many species live on the island. Mostly anthros, but a small colony or two of humans have made peace treaties and allowed to live among the native species.

Alchemy was a magic that thrived in Chanteer. Viewed as a blessing for making some parts of Chanteer inhabitable. Most of the species alive on the continent could do alchemy due to the rich deposits of magicite deep in the ground. They humans grasped the art and refined it to perfection for the rest of the species. They were able to visualize and simplify the symbols needed for transmuting materials.

Some of the humans became arrogant and tried to use their mastery to start a war on Chanteer to dominate the anthros. This did not bode well, for the humans had the refinement of alchemy, but the anthros could tap into the raw power. The ware raged for 4 years, and came to a smokey end. The anthros, dominating the human colonies, began capturing and burning human alchemists alive. It was like the pages of the witch hunts on other countries. Those humans not using alchemy were taken for breeding stock and the human colonies wiped out for all but one alchemist.

Ammy the Phoenix, the eldest Human Alchemist, had fell in love with a sea bard that washed up on shore. His ship was sunk during the war, mistaken for a ship from Humara, birth land of Humans. He was from Yesterwend instead. An island kingdom 4,000 miles away. His name was Johan Michael. His handsome looks and charming ways captured her heart.

He was skeptical about the war that raged on Chanteer. The anthros in his kingdom were peace full. Ammy would just nod at his remarks and tell him that they were just simply caught in a battle from miscommunication and young hot heads. Johan even asked her to stop the war as the Eldest Alchemist, but she could not. Her hands were tied by the fact that if she sided with anthros, the humans would flee and bring and army to Chanteer from Humara to take over the continent. A feat not done in a thousand years. If she sided with the humans, more violence would erupt, and the continent may very well be lost to the seas from wars using alchemy to match her powers.

Records indicate that Johan had proposed a new plan. Remove the Eldest Alchemist from the continent and let the two factions war. That way, greater force will never be needed. Ammy would agree with the plan, and on the shores of Mielma, she raised her cream skinned hands, and raised his ship the Salinka from the sea. From there, the records are hazy. Some were destroyed, others in Chanteer were edited and redone to suit the current rulers view on politics and what worked best in their favor.

One fact is known for sure. During that year, the year of Blood and Symbols 04, Johan became captain of the Salinka, and Ammy vanished from all records. Johan was hailed a fine captain upon returning to Yesterwend, but he gave no record of an alchemist from the war torn country of Chanteer ever stepping aboard. One scribe even penned that when asked, the sea bard would just glare daggers at the asker and walk away.

During this same year, another war was raging. This was on the continent of Lupinoss. Home to the Lupinossai. They were fighting each other in bloody civil war. It was a time when the Great Dens were nothing more than the 8 largest packs ranging in the 10,000's on the the continent. Records from the war stated that an odd, hairless creature, known as a human after interrogation, was found aboard a small shipped wrecked on the shores of Lupinoss.

Finding herself in one more war torn country, Ammy listened the conflict. She noted that the country needed unity, and offered to lend Lupis, the founding Alphrans of the country a hand at unifying and ending the blood bath. With alchemy, a power never seen on Lupinoss brought to bear, the war was ended swiftly and brutally. From their one can find multitudes of records about the Dens coming to life, and territories drawn. Ammy was even reported to be held in higher regard than Lupis.

And so, like so many in power before her, whether Lupe or Human, she became greedy. Her power was unique and she started to repeat the mistakes her brothers and sisters of the craft made on Chanteer. New war erupted again in Lupinoss, with Ammy nearly caught. Seeing the error in her ways and attitude, she offered to sacrifice herself to keep Lupinoss safe from the outside world, where her power was just one of many talents others had.

To redeem herself, she crafted the Grand Shield Array and activated ancient magic to seal Lupinoss away. The spell took her power and turned her body to ash. So touched by this were the Lupes, that they brought their own talents to bear. They captured her soul in a gem before it could vanish. Sad to say, human souls were never meant to be kept in gems like Lupe souls were. The soul started to go mad, and became tainted with a desire to break free. A taint known as Chaotic.

Soon, by the records of Tammy Spiritor, the soul would be released as the Great Den Spiritor, known for their magic, were beginning to wage a war for domination against the other Dens. And this is where Ammy Spiritors life will start, as a clone, a blank body, crafted to house the soul in that gem. It was not to be.


Date: 2009-04-20 17:42 EST
Being the chief keeper of records for all history for the Lupinossi Den in both Rhydin and Lupinoss, I have granted the following records disclosed to all for viewing.

Log entry 1
Tammany Spiritor
Chief Lab Specialist, Alphrans Cloning, Alphrans Mentroa Science
Lab B234, Spiritor Tower of Prisoner Exchange and Experimentation

Where do I begin? How does one begin to even note the crafting of life, much less the death of it? I thought the Elders touched by senility when the made their request known. Clone a body and bring a human alchemist back to life after she went on a tirade?

The decision is not mine to decide on. My mate, Tal, Director of the Tower, already accepted the request. I now stand in my lab, my home for 30 years, staring at a soul gem and a clay pot of ash remains. No easy task is to had here. The DNA will be totally destroyed at worst, or horribly damaged at best from the Alchemy fire that consumed the woman.

Still, she was the one they came to, the chief of science to work modern miracles. She snorted in disgust. Science is never meant to bring life back from the dead, and it was not magic. Yet she must try. She took the jar of ashes to a work bench, and dumping them out on a sterile screen, began sifting through them. She flicked out rocks and dirt from the remains.

"Grounders never use their brains." she sighed. She rubbed her forehead a bit. Soltre were the most scientific and intelligent of the Lupinossai race. Who knew why the ancient humans crafted them to be so. The Soltre genetics were astounding in the DNA splicing. It even let them tap into the magecite bellow the ground.

She had to smile a little. The mages on this continent thought they were all mighty with their magic, and ability to reason out basic science and math. Bah. The things she knew from research would shake the entire race to their core. Evidence on who made them, proof against the deity bullshit recorded, and the fact that magecite use was not magic, just a higher degree of scientific manipulation on a the energetic wave level.

Another smile. Those thoughts, spoken or even known were grounds for execution. That is why I am locked in this tower with so many others. A hive of true knowledge never to be released. The larger debris now removed with sterile instruments, she snapped on gloves and sifted the smaller debris out. Soon, she had pure, white powdery ash. Now the hard part. Taking a few pinches of the ash, she added it to a beaker and then hydrated it carefully with a protein and nutrient matrix.

She walked over to one of the ancient microscopes left by their human creators. She leaned on the table and gently swirled the beaker, making sure the ash was consumed and reabsorbed. The grayish black sludge turned red after a few minutes indicating some restoration was made. Taking a pipet, she drew a sample and mounted it on a slide. Placing on the reading tray of the scope, she flicked a switch and the microscope hummed to life.

She squinted red eyes into the lenses, and bumped the magnifying field. Tammany saw cellular massacre on every level. This task was edging into impossible, then she spotted a damaged, but intact red blood cell. She marked it on the scope, and a pair of ancient extractors came to life and pulled the blood cell free and held if for later examination. Okay, a slim hope now the she gasped. Bone marrow was found. Pure gold for DNA. That was drawn off as well.

Tammay flicked off the scope and grabbed the petri dishes holding the extracts. She moved them to another lab table and began soaking them in stripping and extract solutions. The liquid began glowing blue, showing she was getting DNA, but it wouldn't turn golden to indicate whole DNA. Her ears flicked back some. The miracle would not be enough. Taking samples mounted on more slides, she went back to the scope. This time she plugged in a discolored view screen into the scope and hit a few glowing buttons.

Scope humming to life, images flickered onto the screen. She could see double helixes swimming before her red eyes. Damaged helixes. She was afraid of that. She examined the damaged sectors and pulled out a well used, laminated flow chart. Human DNA was nothing new to her, but, they didn't have any samples on hand to repair the damage. What to do?

The gem on the other table seemed to call out to her. Tammany blinked a few times. Human souls were not meant for soul gems, and should not be able to communicate with her. Yet, this one did. She walked over and picked up Ammy's gem. She held it close and listened.

After a few minutes, she went back to the scope and looked at the screen. The gem had told her to substitute the human for the Lupinossai genes and a body should be possible. It looked sketchy on the screen but plausible. With reluctance, she flipped a switch and an old, robotic arm swung towards her. She rolled up her right lab coat sleeve, tied some rubber off above her furred arm and tapped for a vein. The robotic arm scanned the arm, noted the vein, and plunged a needle tipped glass syringe into her arm. Her blood, red and slightly purple, surged into the syringe.

She clamped clawed fingers over the injection site when enough blood was taken. She let ancient computer tied to the equipment run the results. She rolled her coat sleeve down, and left the lab. The computer would take a bit to run, and she was hungry. She left the lab locked and went up 10 levels to the lounge and enjoyed some cold coffee, some smoked fish, and quiet stare at the other lab rats when asked about her latest task.

Her break finished she went back down to the lab, and on entering was greeted with the coding finished. Peering at the view screen, the computer had matched viable Lupinossai coding for the damaged human DNA. She hit a button on a cracked keyboard to begin simulation. Her eyes lit up as she saw a Lupe child spawned and grow to adulthood. It would be lifeless and blank, ready for the soul in the gem. She hit the replicate command keys, and walked to the cloning tanks.

Green light flooded the 10 foot tall, by 8 feet round tubes. There were 4 in total, but she only needed on. Flicking a few switches, she adjusted the amniotic fluids to be used to accommodate the unique DNA to be used, and hit the fill button. In minutes the tube was flooded with thick, clear fluid. Another tap, and a small matrix was lowered into the fluid. She consulted a hanging folder with yellowed laminate pages. So far, cloning had been hit or miss when she did it, and that was for body parts.

After carefully rereading the instructions, she hit the injection command and watched the DNA material flow into the matrix. It began to take on the small fetus form in minutes. She stood stunned as she watched. A fetus the size of her clenched paw was formed and began growing ever so slowly. The side panel on the tube showed 1 week for a child, 2 weeks for a teenager, and 5 weeks for an adult.

Her red eyes went back to the forming body, and she wrapped her arms around herself. She felt cold and a bit numb. Was this how the humans of ancient times felt as the created us for the first time? Or did they just sneer at us like some experiment that was hoped to be useful to explain the costs of it. She would never know as those records were lost due to time and many wars. She stood there for the rest of the day and night just watching in awe.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-05-28 20:34 EST
Tammany didn't know how it had happened, but the experiment to produce a clone for Ammy the Phoenix reached the public. Den Spiritor was taking heavy flak for this attempt at creating life outside of a females womb. She later heard that the Den of Councils had made the order to make the clone, but were now, in the face of civil war from opposition, rescinding the order.

She pulled herself away from her thoughts as a metallic clang came from the lab door. She had barred and shorted out the ancient locking mechanism. The Den of Councils ruled for the clone to be removed from the lab and even disposed of. She couldn't let it happen. Another metallic crash was heard.

"Open the door Tammany. You know the decree. Do you want your Den to go to what for some dead human again?" A gruff voice called out to her.

Tammany moved to the cloning tanks and initiated the wake up protocols. The clone was only a child. 8 years at least. Ancient pumps whirred to life an the amniotic fluid drained from the tank. The clone twitched as electric stimulus was applied. The eye opened. They were red. Bright red. The tank door unlocked. Tammany grabbed a towel and walked in. She detached the cables, and breathing tubes the computer has placed once the clone was mature enough for them.

The clone, no, the child looked around in a daze. More crashing was heard, followed by some ticking sounds. She heard a "Fire in the Hole!" shout. Her mothering instincts, though never bearing children herself, kicked in. She threw the towel over the child and shielded her with her own body.

A loud explosion rang through the lab. The door was blown off its hinges sending out shrapnel into delicate equipment. Metal shod paws were heard running into the lab, orders to spread out and search issued. Tammany moved the child out of the tank and closed the tank door. She tried to quietly move the clone to a cluttered space in her lab. They never made it that far. She felt pain explode in her right knee, as one of the enforcers, spotting her, rushed up and kicked out with nasty fighting spats.

Tammany lost her grip on the child and fell to the floor. The other enforces rushed to the scene.

"We have gained access to the lab. Tammany has been secured, but we have not found any sign of the adult clone you're looking for. She did have a child with her."

One of the enforcers picked up the child still wrapped in the towel gently.

"And what is you're name child?"

The child looked to the enforcer with bright red eyes. Something came to the child's mind like a hazy fog. A name formed in her mind. "Ammy"

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-07-23 21:59 EST
Year 5, Ashes of the Phoenix, in the Month of Arca.

I find myself in peculiar straights. My mate was presented with an orphan child found in a lab of one Tammany Spiritor. The child appeared thin, scared, and possibly a victim. My mate, being barren for years now, took the girl without hesitation. We raised her as our own. The officials could roughly guess her age at 5 years. She was a light in our dark house. Finally the noise of play, laughing, and giggling filled our empty rooms.

5 years have come to pass now, the girl, Ammy, which is the only thing the poor child remembered, is growing fast. It is common for Lupe children to grow like weeds. But the screams and night terrors she is having of late are not. It has bee 8 months since they have started. Ammy wakes in terror, crying. We find her bedding and room in shambles like some giants paw has crashed into the house.

Yesterday, my mate found red marking on Ammy's cream fur that were not there before. We think she may be possessed by some ill or vengeful soul seeking return to the mortal world. We were going to see the mages of the towers for divining, but today was too much. Ammy was scribbling symbols all over her room in blood from a cut on her arm. They were glowing!

Not wanting my mate to fear anymore, or to lose my status as Alphrans from having a possessed child, we arranged for the mages to take Ammy to the towers from whence she was found. She has only be gone hours now, but we feel safe once more. I feel pity for the poor child and what is attack her, but I can not abide that type of behavior. She is not right in the head or body. I wash my paws of any dealings with her. May Lupis and Canis find mercy and usher her off the mortal world quickly.

~This page was found ripped out and a corner soaked in blood. A small note attached stated it was found in Maauus' paws by healers. His house was burnt to ash, and strange symbols carved on his forehead. His wife vanished.~

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-11-29 07:27 EST
I can't believe. I must be blessed by Lupis and Canis. My Ammy has come back to me. Two guards brought Ammy to me and I was bit shocked at how fast she had grown. My heart wept as I saw strange markings all over her and she had dried blood in her fur. Several gashes were on the poor child's arms.

"This thing has been brought to you for experimentation and examining. It exhibits unusual magic and odd symbols that none recognize. one guard growled.

Ammy was shoved to Tammany. The little lupe looked up with red eyes that showed fear and terror from countless nightmares. Tammy knelt down and wrapped her arms around Ammy's small body and picked her up. She snapped at the guards.

"I will examine her when she is more mentally stable. Till then, don't set foot in my labs again, or I'll feed you to M.I."

The guards hastily retreated from the labs after that threat. M.I. was a monstrous organic construct Tammany made after Ammy was taken away from her. Some rumors floated around that Tammany made M.I. as a replacement child.

Ammy in her arms, Tammany walked over to the lab door and kicked it shut. Then she locked the door and took Ammy to an examination table. She sat the little lupe on the table opened a few to the tables drawers. Stethoscope in paws she checked Ammy's breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Then she removed the blood stained clothing from Ammy. She was shocked. More gashes and wounds. Her red eyes noted that they were all self inflicted wounds.

Tammany shook her head in pity. She told Ammy to stay put and went to fill a metal basin with water. She returned and gave Ammy a bath, removing dried blood from fur, treating the wounds, and noting the markings in her fur was the actual hair discolored in specific patterns.

"Well, Ammy, you may not remember me, but I created you. Then they took you away. Let's get some clean clothes on you, a warm meal, then you can sleep in my bed. Sound good?"

Ammy just stared up at her and nodded silently. Tammany clothed the little lupe in some pup clothing she had bought on a fit of depression. It seems it wasn't depression but an act of future necessity. A warm meal of venison soup, Soulstra bread, and some Gabi juice had Ammy closing her eyes at the table. Tammany just smiled, picked up the little lupe and tucked Ammy into bed.

She left the door open to the tiny sleeping room of her lab and went back to some projects she had running. Her red eyes noted a clipboard one of the guards dropped. It was the case file on Ammy and why she was brought back. Tammany read the reports and her eyebrows raised. Seems she may have a wild night ahead. Tammany retrieved some ancient recording equipment, set it up in the small bedroom quietly, and went back to work. All she could do was wait and see if the reports were accurate.