Topic: Ammys gift to future survivors of Lupinossai Cancer

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-08-08 03:01 EST
((If you do not like drama, serious sl's, or touchy subjects such as cancer, do not read any further. I am doing this sl as a means for Ammy to give once more to the Lupinosse Den by testing a new treatment for cancer. I am not basing this on anyone's experience with cancer, merely using my knowledge and creativity to keep the sl flowing. If you would like to help her in her endeavor and participate in the sl, let any of the Lupinossai know in live RP or by PM. Thank you.))

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-08-08 03:36 EST
Fen opened the door to the Teas'n Tomes. In his arms he carried a dragonling. Not just any dragonling but Ammy. He kept stroking her long slender neck for a bit as he nodded to the lady behind the counter.

"Two cups of green chai tea please, and two muffins. I'll be in one of your nooks with my friend here." Fen explained with ease. The lady nodded. She'd seen the Lupinossai doctor a few times when he did research on non Lupe conditions. She walked away from the counter and showed him the nook with the cushiest cushions, then left. Fen moved to the couch and sat Ammy down.

Ammy chirped and purred the whole time she was being carried. She seemed quite happy in the bliss of being young. She gave another chirp as Fen sat her down. Inquisitive bright green eyes looked at him.

Fen sat beside Ammy and gave her another long stroke, slowly. "Well Ammy, where do we go from here? Your sick." he said softly. Pulling his messenger bag onto his knees he opened it and pulled out a file folder. "I had a feeling I would need this when Fleet called me asking where you disappeared too."

The nexus seemed to decide it wanted to be quite.. Mean, as it dropped an Elvin woman onto a booth. Serenity gave a yelp, startled out of her sleep, then peered around grumbling

A slight head tilt and chirp to Fen nosing the file.

Fem chuckled slightly. "Yes, why don't we open your file little one and find out what made you cough last time?" he said with a fatherly voice. He was in good practice as his twin pups recently born kept him working at it. Flipping open the manila folder, he read her file. It wasn't the happiest file. Ammy had a long list of hospital visits with multitudes of injuries during the last year or so. There was even a death certificate. He waded through the records. Another pet for Ammy

Ammy chirped again, craning her little bright crimson crested head over Fens forearm to read with him.

Serenity sat up, then looked around. Hm.. she wasn?t alone. And was stuck in the Elvin form.. Again. A quiet sigh

The lady behind the counter arrived with the green chai tea and muffins. She gave a worried glance to Serenity and hurried over to make sure she wasn't hurt.

Taking the tea, Fem sipped it slowly flipping through the reports. He sat the tea cup down as he came to the one he was looking for. "Sudden onset of coughing. Patient has difficulty breathing. Two incidents of near drowning in bloody phlegm. Patient reports fainting spells, blood sputum when coughing, complete loss of appetite, and the inability to sleep for length of time. Patients weight has rapidly decreased." he read softly as if he was reading a story to his pups.

"Well Ammy, seems like you're starting again with your new body." Another sip of the tea, then he continued to read.

"Treatment by her doctor and husband, Fleetwolf. Nebulizer was used. As well as herbal tonics and potions. Possible suspect of Tuberculosis but tests were negative. X-rays to be issued but Patient showed complete recovery before X-rays were given. Okay. This is a start. We should X-ray your chest Ammy."

Ammy chirped again hearing him read. Then she spoke. "Okay, Fen." Her form shifted to her demonic Lupinossai form, nude, but furred. She started to cough from the exertion.

"Easy Ammy. Drink the tea. It'll help open up your airways." Fen said with a slight bit of worry.

Fen took in her form. She used to be a quite stunning Lupinossai. One that he even sought out as a mate before Fleet came along. Now, her glowing green eyes were starting to sink into her head. Her body wasn't as filled out as it should be, and she was looking much worn.

Ammy finished coughing, her paw flecked with blood. Wiping the blood from her muzzle she took the cup of tea for her up and sipped it. As Fen said, it started to open her airways.

"Thank you Fen. I was going to come see you, but I thought by having Icer make me a dragonling that my body may be able to heal. I sleep well now, but I don't have an appetite and I still cough blood."

Fen nodded, writing this down on a new record entry sheet. "Have you been feeling faint lately?"

Ammy nodded. Another sip of tea and she looked to the muffins with distaste. The sight of food seemed to make her feel ill.

Noting an ill look on Ammy's muzzle, he followed her line of sight to the muffin. "Hmm." He jotted down a few more notes then sat the file to side for now. Leaning over, he poked into the messenger bag and pulled out something the size of a lap top computer.

Ammy looked at the item with interest. "What do you have Fen?"

"This Ammy, is a new portable Digital X-ray unit. Made possible by the technical research you did for the clinic. I do miss having you and Fleet on my staff. You know, you could get your exile mark removed." he said as he opened the portable X-ray and tapped a few buttons. It whirred to life and he tapped a few more buttons.

Ammy was captivated by the technology that she had helped spawn. "Maybe, Fen. Right now, it doesn't feel so bad being an exile. It does sting to have other Lupinossai hate me and my family, but so far me, Fleet, and Lene are managing." A cough seized her for a moment or two.

Adjustments made, Fen waited for her coughing to subside. "I am sure you are managing, but neither you nor Fleet is in good health, and Lene. Lene has her own issues to tend to. You do realize in the Den, only you and Fleet are truly exiled. Lene still holds the seat for both Den Wolf and Den Spiritor during the council of elders. You should reconsider the exile." Fen advised softly.

Ammy nodded weakly when the coughing stopped.

"Okay." Fen held out the X-ray device to Ammy. "Hold the X-ray with both paws, one on each side, and close to your chest."

Ammy took the X-ray device and held it as instructed.

Fen put out a paw and raised the device a bit higher. "I want a good view at your lungs, heart, and breasts. I have a suspicion about what is ailing you."

Ammy nodded.

Fen tapped two buttons. "Now, hold still, breath out, and hold your breath." he tapped a green button and the X-ray hummed to a high pitch and then pinged as it activated.

Ammy almost dropped the X-ray at the noise, but did well to hold still.

"Good. Perfect exposure." Fen said. He took the X-ray device from Ammy and closed it. He then operated the device like a tablet computer and brought up the digital image of the X-ray taken. "Lupis, it's what I thought." Fen softly whispered.

Ammy picked up her tea and sipped more, trying to keep her airways open. She didn't have any troubles with breathing as a dragonling.

Fen slid closer to Ammy and showed her the image. "What do you see?" he asked.

Her glowing emeralds took in the black and white imagery. Well defined ribs, the ghostly image of her heart. Faint ghost of her lungs, and "I see fluid buildup indicated by shadows in the lower third of my lungs." she kept looking and gasped. "Are those shadows what I think they are?"

Fen nodded. He put and arm around Ammy's bare furred shoulders in support. "It's cancer, Ammy. You have lung cancer. I don't see any spread yet, but it may spread. I'll need a few blood samples to run."

Ammy leaned heavily in Fens one armed hug. "When I was sick before, Lene used alchemy and put her paws into my chest. She pulled something black and nasty out before. Could it have been this before?" she asked. Her body shivered, not from cold, but from fear, worry, and knowing what was wrong.

Fen pulled her closer to him and nuzzled her cheek in old Lupinossai gesture of comfort. "According to your health records, I would say yes. Most likely not as advanced as this."

Ammy nodded. Her furred cheeks were damp from silent tears. She held out her furred arm to Fen. "Take as much as you need." she said hollowly. She grew up as a lab experiment, she knew the drill.

Verbosk roars as the Nexus drops him on the floor right in front of the crouch. He growls and rubs his backside. His tail didn't agree very well with the landing.

Fen glanced over at the Draconian. The place seemed to be raining people. Reaching into his bag he withdrew a rubber tourniquet, and several vials. Tying the rubber tourniquet in place, he tapped and felt where a good vein was. Taking a small bottle of alcohol, he wet down the fur. Picking up a needle and plastic receptacle, he gently pierced her skin and the vein. An almost purplish blood oozed into the receptacle. He quickly inserted the vial and let suction do the work.

Verbossks entry should have startled Ammy, but she was numb from a different kind of shock. The type of shock only dire news brings. Her ears flicked a little at the needle prick. She watched her blood flow into the vials a bit blankly.

The watchman shakes his head, clearing up his eyes, then looks around. The stifling odors immediately hinted at the Teas'n Tomes. He looks around and sees Ammy, in the nude, being worked on by what looks like a doctor of some sort.

Within seconds, four vials were filled. Fen removed the needled and held his thumb over the sight to stem any further bleeding. "Hold your arm tight. You know the drill." he pulled his thumb away the gently rocked all four vials in his paw to gently mix the blood with something in the vials.

Verbossk peers at them, confused, as he stands. "Ammy? What's going on?"

Holding her arm pressed to her chest and her own metal thumb over the puncture sight she looked at Verbossk. She didn't mind being nude as she was still covered in fur though it had the odd red fiber optic glow effect. "Verbossk. Meet Fen Stridar, an old friend of mine and the Head Healer of Whisper Paws Clinic. He took over my husband?s clinic when he retired. He's taking some blood to run tests for..." she didn't continue.

Verbossk bows his head to the doctor, Fen. "Nice to meet you."

Blood gently mixed now, he checked the blood visually, nodded once to himself and placed them in his bag. A glance to Verbossk. He swore Ammy knew more and more people. He nodded once to Verbossk. "Pleasure to meet you sir." Then he looked to Ammy. "I've noticed that in the dragonling form you don't cough as much. I would suggest you stay in that form until I've run the tests and find a course of treatment. Don't give up, just hang in there, Ammy." he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"What's going on? Is it involved with Ammy's illness?" Verbossk asked.

She nodded, looking quite tired. Ammy leaned against Fen for a bit. A look to Verbossk and she nodded a yes to his questions.

"Well, what is it," Verbossk asked, raising his hands in a questioning manner to emphasize his inquiry.

Fen gave Verbossk a long look for a moment judging whether to say anything. "This is a delicate nature, the news I have. Will you keep it private?" he asked Verbossk.

"Ammy is the mother-in-law to my Bromissk. If she desires confidence, I will give it to her," he answered with a very deep bow at the knees.

"You can tell him, Fen." Ammy whispered, then coughed some more.

"Alright then." he said softly. "Ammy has lung cancer. What type, and how far it has spread, I don't know yet, but that is what is making her sick."
The Draconian's eyes go wide a moment. "C-Cancer?"

"Yes. Cancer is something that happens to a body when cells in the tissue mutate into something harmful. The lung cancer is seeping blood into her lungs. That's why she coughs so much." Fen said slowly.

"I know what it is. But my kind never get it. Can you create something to get rid of it, Fen?" asked Verbossk.

"Neither are Lupinsossai. Ammy...seems to be the first case. That is why I am doing tests. It may be specific to her genes. If so..." Fen paused. "Then I would need to test Lene. She may be at risk later in life."

A look to Verbossk. "That depends. Our clinic isn't set up for cancer treatment."

Verbossk points a taloned hand at Ammy. "But isn't she among the first brood?"

"Not exactly. Ammy...well... Ammy is unique. She is a clone of someone long dead."

Verbossk taps his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps it is a... mutation?"

"I won't know until I run the tests. Either way, this has happened before." Fen sighed and rubbed Ammy's back.

"I mean, cancer is found in the genetic material. Perhaps the cloning process caused that gene to be active."

"I'm getting tired Fen." she murmured. Then, Ammy seemed to melt and shift back into the cute little dragonling again.

"That is one possibility." Fen stroked the dragonling. "She died in a battle to keep the Den safe last year before we could find out what made her sick last time. The symptoms all match to what is happening now."

"It has to be in the genes, then. All that needs to be done, then, is to activate the code that will nullify the effects." Verbossk stated.

Ammy curled up by Fen and closed her eyes falling asleep.

"Oh, I know Verbossk. Trust me. I know a lot about Ammy. She's very unique."

Verbossk nods anxiously.

Touching Ammy?s sleeping forehead Fen murmured. "Retre Til Iiceer laaiiroo." A small twinge made his head hurt and his nose bleed a little, but Ammy vanished. She would be back in Icers lair. Nodding that he was still able to do that spell at least, he wiped away the blood as if it was nothing. He picked up his tea and sipped it.

Verbosk sets himself across from Fen.

Finishing his tea, Fen set the cup down. "Please forgive me for having to leave so soon. The blood must handled promptly. If you need to speak with me, come see me at the clinic."
"So... are you related to the Alphas, Fen? Oh. Okay. Have a good evening." Verbossk offered.

"Just as a friend. Nothing by blood." Fen stood and nodded to Verbossk. "Pleasure meeting you Verbossk." He grabbed his bag and left the shop.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-08-10 17:53 EST
Ammy hopped out of Fen's arms when they had entered the Glen. She thought about the discussion they had in the Inn a few minutes ago. If she could get a hold of the Lupanicrosis Vaccine and the equipment to tinker with it, she could perfect a cure for cancer. Or at least she hoped to. A glance back to Fen who was following her, she thought about the chemo drugs he was carrying. It was going to be nasty, but a treatment was a treatment till something better is found.

Following Ammy, Fen retraced the steps in administering the chemo drugs he had in a bag. Ammy was his first cancer patient, and he was very nervous about everything. Still, if she was brave enough to take on the drugs for any length, he should be strong enough to support her efforts. He looked around for a nice quiet place for them to be in.

Ammy chirped a little and found a nice comfy copse of trees. That looked like a nice place to be while being treated. She slunk over in that direction

Glancing in the direction that Ammy scampered off to, he nodded. A nice, quiet place with beauty. A great spot for the treatment. Reaching the copse with Ammy he sat the bag down on the ground and opened it.

"Find some place you lie down or sit in for an hour Ammy. The chemo has to be given to you slowly and you'll need to be in lupe form." he instructed as he pulled out a bag of IV fluid, IV line, needles, and two tiny odd shaped bottles as well as gloves.

Ammy nodded and shifted with some effort to her demonic Lupinossai form. Finding a nice, thick area of moss under an oak tree, she took a seat and groomed out her fur with her claws as she waited for Fen to get the treatment ready.

Hooking the line to the IV bag and flushing all air bubbles out. He attached a needle to the line then gathered the supplies and walked over to Ammy.

"Now, for the first two days, your body fluids will be a bit toxic to others. Try to find an area away from Icers lair to be for the next two days. It'll be safer. Also, don't be alarmed if you shed fur or your dragon mane and scales during the next two weeks. It's the chemo's side effect. Now let's get you hooked up first." He pulled out a rubber tourniquet around her furred arm.

A vein surged with a few taps of his finger. Wetting down the fur with alcohol, he took the IV needle and punctured her arm.

Ammy twitched at the sharp jab of the IV needle. "Ow." she said softly. "I sure hope this helps and I am not just wasting time."

Releasing the tourniquet, he bandaged the IV into place. "It will help Ammy. Chemo has been used for years. Once you get the LCV and can tinker with it, I'll take you off of the chemo treatment. Just, for now, it will halt the cancers growth." Fen said with confidence.

He donned the medical gloves and took out a large syringe. Puncturing a rubber stopper in the odd looking chemo bottles he emptied first one bottle, then the second bottle. Checking the drip on the IV he inserted the syringes needle into the rubber port on the IV bag. Injecting the clear fluid, he made sure the fluids mixed by gently rolling the iv bag. Once he was sure he had mixed the fluids for enough time, he readjusted the drip to a slower pace.

"Now, we sit and wait for the entire amount of fluid to be drip into your veins."

Ammy nodded. She felt fire flow into her arm one drip at a time. The world felt odd as her body felt ill and her stomach slowly turned nauseous. Her joints started to ache as well as her bones. Ammy gave a soft whimper trying to think of something else than the pain.

Fen took off the gloves and put everything used so far back into the bag for proper disposal. He sat by Ammy and rubbed her shoulders. "Not much I can do about the side-effects Ammy. Did you ever like me when we were still enemies?"

Ammy gritted her teeth a little as the fur he was rubbing felt like it was on fire. "Like you when were still enemies? That's an odd question. Hard to like an evil deity bent on kidnapping or killing you. Though I must say you looked dashing in your ebony armor. Why do you ask?"

"Well. At one point I fell for you during one of your escapes from a kidnapping attempt. You always have this mischievous fire about you. A spunk and drive that is often amusing."

Closing her eyes as she felt a wave of nausea take her she thought about that answer. "What is it about you and Fleet that find's high spirited girls so amusing. Honestly. We're just trouble."

"I don't think so. Mokksha is a very spirited girl. Timid sometimes, but she can be quite spirited about things, but rarely is she trouble. Speaking of Fleet, have you spoken with him about the cancer?"

"No. I left to take care of myself and haven't been back to the new house. I think he was looking for me last night, but I was deeply asleep. I'll speak with as soon as I can." Ammy said, her voice wavering as she felt very tired.

"That would be for the best. During treatment and after, you need to have support around you while you fight cancer Ammy. This is not a one person fight. It may be your body, but you have touched many around here. Make sure you update Lene as well." He casually glanced at the IV bag. It was half empty. He kept her talking hoping to get her mind off of the effects. "So, you like being a dragonling now?"

"It has its challenges. Everyone likes to dog pile for snuggles and lots of teething dragonlings, but I feel safe. I seem to be able to sleep now but I just can't seem to force myself to eat."

Fen leaned back against the tree nodding. "Well, the chemo is going make you feel even less hungry, but we have got to find some way to get you eating again. You're too thin. You seem to drink well. Do you feel like trying broths?"

"I'll give it a shot." she said softly. She gave a hard cough and winced. "I feel like crap."

He gave Ammy a slow hug. "Well, you have to feel worse to get better unfortunately. I sure hope Verbossk can persuade Vuu to release the LCV for you to use."

"Yeah, that would be grand." she slumped in Fen hug feeling weaker. "Are we done yet?"

He glanced to the bag and it was just about empty. "Almost. Maybe you should return to your home during the treatments so you can still be safe. Use the dragonling form, but stay with Fleet and Lene. They can probably help you more."

?I'll think about it Fen. I'll think about it." she said nearly asleep.

Fen knew when to stop pushing. Ammy could be stubborn somedays, and if she felt safer with Icer's lair, he would need to talk with her and Arthur. They needed to know to keep her separate for a day or two during the actual treatment doses. For now, he held his friend, stroked her red hair and watched the fluid slowly slide down the Iv tube, nearly finished.

Ammy passed out from the chemo induced weakness. The chemicals were hitting her system quite hard. She lay in his arms oblivious to the world.

Fen removed the IV, bandaged her arm, checked to make sure her pulse and breathing was strong. They were. Putting the used IV in with the other materials in the bag, he slung the bag over his shoulder and slowly picked her scarily light body up. He was taking her to Fleet and Lene. She could yell at him later, but for now, she needed a safe place to rest that wouldn't endanger young dragons.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-09-01 14:52 EST
Everything hurt on Ammy. She was somewhere warm and could smell the ocean. Fen must have taken her home. In fact, she could just hear him, Fleet and Lene talking. Ammy opened one dull green eye and found herself staring at Tin. The sight of Tin, a dingy, but very loved plush wolf toy, brought some comfort to Ammy. Tin was Lene's most precious thing in her life and here he was keeping an eye on her.

She tried to whisper to the plush wolf and found her throat a proverbial desert. Ammy tried rise from under the warm comforter she was cocooned in. The act of moving sent pain through her and she whimpered, though it came out a wounded roar from her dragon form. She slouched back in bed.

Paws were heard coming into the room. The cool feel of metal caressed her cheek. The smell of automail, clove, and the tang of powerful magic enveloped Ammy. That could only be Fleet. He continued to stroke her cheek.

"She probably tried to move, Fleet. You know more about Chemotherapy than I do. Ammy will need someone to care for her for the first week after each treatment. " Fen's voice spoke, tones of concern laced with the words.

"I know Fen. I just wish Ammy would of told me first about the cancer and the treatments. I would have been there every step of the way. Is there any way to get a hold of the research Ammy was doing when the Lupanicrosis outbreak hit?" Fleet voice responded with a softness only an ageless one can manage.

Ammy heard Fen sigh. "Lene has already asked me, so has a draconian named Verbosk. I wouldn't be able to release it until the Counsel of Dens said yes. Some days, Fleet, I think you made a poor decision instating that collection of old ones. Many are so wrapped up in the glories of the old days." Fen's voice was sounding tired and harassed.

"Sometimes a wanting child must be allowed something that could be harmful to learn a lesson. The Den was wanting a better way of being led and I was getting to tired to care anymore. So I gave them what they wanted. I will admit it has not been the best thing I have given my people, but they will learn." Fleet responded.

Ammy felt her cheek being stroked still. She tried to work her voice again and managed a hoarse croak. "Water."

The stroking ceased and was replaced with a strong, yet familiar set of arms holding her. A plastic straw was felt in her muzzle and she sipped for the water greedily.

"Fleet, I must ask this question. Have you ever regretted bringing Ammy back from the dead?" Fens voice was laced with curiosity.

"Many times Fen. Many. But like all deities, if we give life to something, even if it was a creature made before our existence, we have no right to take away that life. I don't know how to explain this, but to let Ammy wander on as a lost soul in the ether's would be letting something inside me die." Fleet confessed softly.

"Okay, Fleet. Just be aware that the cancer may be your fault. I don't wish to say that, but the old proverb is still true. 'The hour glass of life is meant to flow one way. One life, one hour glass.' I will help you care for Ammy and hopes she pulls through this. However, if she does reach a point stepping off of this mortal coil, I must council you to let her go." Fens voice was laced with notes of coldness.

Ammy felt tear drops patter on her neck. "I will take your advice Fen. Let me know when the next chemo treatment will be." Fleet spoke with a hint of sadness.

Ammy heard Fen leave and Lene enter. She felt her daughters paws coming through her mane.

"Father, I think it was the best choice you made bringing mother back to us. She has done a few things that has helped many. I am sure she will pull through this obstacle. Her tenacity to live is her strength. Don't worry yourself by what others say or ask. She will be fine. I will give my best to persuade the Council to let the research material to go." Lene reassured Fleet.

"I know you will Lene. You're just like your mother. Determined to move mountains if needed." Fleet responded and kept stroking Ammy as she drank more water.

Her sips were starting to slow as she felt the comfort of her family around her. She found herself drifting off to sleep, secure.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-10-01 13:45 EST
The series of chemo treatments seemed to flow into each other. Ammy lost track of the days between them either lost in sleep, or wandering around Rhydin to get her mind off of the pain. Her hope that Lene and Verbosk would obtain the LCV research plummeted when she heard that Lene had been arrested for murder. How could anyone think her daughter was capable of killing anyone?

Relief from the pain of the chemo did come in the form of meditation in the Force and talking with the many dragonlings and dragons of the Shimmerscale Lair. Her dragonling form staved off the worst of the chemo effects as well as the weakness the cancer was inflicting on her. But it wasn't enough for her. She wanted to live and win this long fight.

Reinforcements came in the form of good news. Her daughter had been cleared of the murder charges, and Verbosk had placed a metal case in front of her one night. She knew that case and what was inside. Now she lost track of time, but not to the pain or sleepiness of chemo. Ammy was working on something once thought impossible in medicine. Curing cancer.

She knew she had her paw on the answer, but it was buried deep within a puzzle of nanites, genetics, and research. After toiling for two weeks, Ammy stared at three vials of vibrant blue cancer anti serum 1 (CAS1). Now that she had a sample to test, she needed to figure out the best delivery system for it. She really loathed needles now due to the chemo treatments, and some days she was in dragonling form which would make needles useless.

Pondering this puzzle, she paced the house thinking. Ammy passed a tall mirror and she stopped to look at herself. Haggard looking, fur thin in many places, and looking like a starving street urchin. Her automail didn't seem in proportion with her thin body anymore. Her neck though was still well muscled. She blinked her glowing emerald eyes.

A medical collar would work if she made it attach to the back of her neck. Soon, she was in her workshop creating the new piece of medical equipment. After a day of sleepless work, she had the collar finished. The hum of clippers were heard as she shaved a strip of fur from the back of her neck them used medical adhesive to attach the collar securely. Wishing for luck, she inserted the first vial of CAS1 and the collar drank it greedily.

A tingle on the skin of her exposed neck let her know that her body was starting to absorb the CAS1. Now it was back to waiting and seeing what effects it will have.