Topic: BIG SL IDEAS - Old Version

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-13 21:30 EST
Well as promised, here is the posting to give us an area to hatch out large SL's or even smaller ones. Feel free to post your ideas about an SL you want to do, or ask if you need some advice or ideas.

Happy rping!

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-13 21:59 EST
Hello to everyone. Now that we have a few more people playing Lupinossai I was thinking about having a battle between Spiritors and the Den. What do you guys think? What is spawning this thought is the fact that as stated in some of the History posts that the Spiritors are not liked at all by the other Great Dens. Now that we have a Spiritor who isn't a good guy (Igneous) we have the potential to spark a war.

If a war were to happen, Igneous would be using stolen soul gems to power Armor Golems.

So here is the rough idea, let me know what you think, who's up for the SL and any other ideas on it.

Mirius Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-14 16:30 EST
I think it would be a great idea and a load of fun. I would definitely like to be part of the storyline. As for any extra ideas I would have to think of some and come back with them.


Date: 2011-03-14 22:59 EST
One thing that should be considered in an SL story like this, what are the motivations on both side besides the obvious generational hate of Spiritors?

Another one we all should consider is if the deities of Lupinoss are on this realm, would Canis and Lupis step in to quell any wars?

Just some ideas to mull on.

Mirius Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-15 03:16 EST
Well, one thing is any war can escalate with hatreds, but Igneous and Mirius are both Spiritors, and Igneous being the Fourth of the five generals, the den could start to think that a large threat is arising and that the spiritors could be coming from the old country finish them off. In other words, fear and panic could lead to hostility.

As for Canis and Lupis popping in, Fen the Dark One could always start some trouble to buy time for the others to do what they need to do and get ready to attack the Den if they were to jump in to try to calm people.

If any of that makes sense which I hope it does.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-15 18:22 EST
That would make since, though if Canis and Lupis stepped in, then Igneous would lose a chunk of his Allies wouldn't he?

Something else I just realized that is a big hole in this SL idea is that soul powered armor would be considered a vile, evil magic to the Lupinossai and the magical shield would keep them out of the Den. So the Den would still be out of harms way.

It would seem that Igneous' plans to take over the Den would have to involve infiltrating and causing issues within the Den such as sabotage or inciting a riot and dealing with the Den Fangs.

What do you guys think?

Mirius Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-16 03:54 EST
Hm. That is also true. Although, with the ID card that Mirius has and since she does not consist of pernicious magic, she can slip in and find out all about the den. Whether there be issues among the people, if anyone isn't liking something, or other issues, and perhaps even that trial that is going on about Mogriil murdering for Vuusoolta.

And then more thoughts on dwelling to see if she can spark a riot or cause something to go against the Alphrans of the Den, as you were mentioning., which sounds plausible. Mirius might be able to help in that, too. Or the help of someone else.

Hope the throw of some of these ideas help.


Date: 2011-03-19 15:42 EST
I thought I would post this interesting tangled web of character motivation that has been happening right now while we are planning this Big SL. If I got something wrong, please feel free to post and correct me as I am writing this with a cold and lingering Nyquill effects.

So after talking with a player muns in IM's we've discovered a few things:

Igneous - He's pretty much just come from a land where the Spiritors have pretty much conquered all of Lupinoss. Thus said, he is looking for new territory to claim.

Mirius - She's been bouncing through rifts ever since she got sucked out of Lupinoss. I don't remember at what age her mun told me, but Mirius doesn't even remember why Spiritors are attacking the other Great Dens. However, she also comes from several war torn rifts and has gotten used to fighting and killing. Sounds straight forward, but here where it gets a bit tangled. She has an adopted daughter now, has been healed once by Ammy who is a Spiritor and the creator of the Den but isn't trying to kill Mirius or take Rawsha away. Mirius has met Lene and is wary of the teen after Lene came investigating the missing Rawsha and the inspected the rifle bullets Mirius was carrying due to several Den Fangs being shot and killed. She's met Iimiidiina and well simply put things went nasty from their. She's also met Fleet, the heir to the Great Den Wolf, and had a nice in depth talk with him though they didn't kill or attack each other. So Mirius has several interesting areas she can branch through.

Amaretto - Just plain mischievous and evil. She's hooked up with The Ebony Knight (Evil Deity of Lupinoss) and pretty much does his bidding. Simple to say she's just a chess piece in everything.

Ammy Spiritor - She just wants the wars to stop and has so far moved in many directions that would be deemed traitorous to the Den: Allowing Mirius to adopt Rawsha, giving Mirius a high level ID Card to the Den, and even going to the point of trying to stay out of any conflicts whether or not it is for either side. She is also of the belief that maybe the Den needs to be over run, taken over, and society remade a new. How war would accomplish this, I don't know.

Fleet Wolf - Wants the wars to end just as much as his mate Ammy Spiritor, but he's taking a different tact. He's been putting himself in harms way to talk to the other factions to try to reason with them. He's failed with Mirius, but has agreed that if he can keep his family out of the battle, she won't go after them. He has yet to meet Igneous, though the Ebony Knight worked him over really good last time.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor - Plain and simple is just trying to do her job as a Den Fang Law Enforcement Agent, as well as be a good mother and mate to her dragon Moonshine. Both, I can see are just caught in the middle of all of this just trying to make sense of it all.

Moonshine - Pretty will be supporting Myrlene in whatever she does.

Iimiidiina - Hard to tell with him. Iimiidiina is all over the board. For one he's shown pure hate for Mirius and Igneous but has also shown he can ignore them and put up with them for a short time. As to how his motives for the wars and reactions to it will be is a guess in the dark though he does seem quiet opposed to any evil forces.

Fiim - Former slave in Lupinoss to Spiritors. In an odd time flux, she was around when Ammy was a young pup herself and in the Spiritor Laboratories making her into a Spiritor Mage Weapon. Fiim has no love for any Spiritor, though she may break if captured by them.

Tairen - Fiim's mate is just about the same, but treated worse than Fiim in Lupinoss. He's also been given rough treatment by several others in the Den and has now taken a stance of not liking too many Lupes he doesn't know. He seems likely to break like Fiim if caught and his mun did mention that maybe he could break and be sent to kill.

Vuusoolta Wolf - Eldest son of Fleet Wolf. Leader of the Den has pure hate for the Spiritors and would love to see them all six feet under including his step mother Ammy Spiritor. Though he hasn't mentioned that he would love to see Ammy die. He has also made it well known that to mess with the Den will definitely lead to war. Though right now, as posted in several SL's Vuusoolta is trying to duck the spotlight with the whole Mogriil case and the killing of several councilors at Vuusoolta's orders.

Mogriil - Might as well mention him. Mogriil as we've all discussed is purely neutral in everything now as he is Amaramus Con Jackus' servant. His trial is still going on and may offer a lot of fodder for spreading rumors and riots against Vuusoolta.

Verbosk - He's a wild card so far though he seems to have loyalties to Vuusoolta.

Faan - Scared to death of Spiritors, though if war were to come he may try to sneak into the army to fight against them. He's also wary of Ammy Spiritor.

Street Wolf - Elder brother of Fleet Wolf was leading rebellions and resistances against the Spiritors in Lupinoss. No doubt he would make sure his family is somewhere safe then start the rebellions and even fight in the army against the Spiritors.

Vixie Rivergem - Another wild card in this tangled web.

Sean - If Igneous ever figures out what the significance behind the human veterinarian is, things could go badly quickly. Sean's unaware of the war brewing.

Rawsha - Again, wild card in this tangled web.

Garnet - Again, wild card in this tangled web.

Emuna - Hard to say with the muns character. Wild card spot for her too.

Fen Stridar - Used to be the Ebony Knight. Again another time twist and he was brought to the light side by Mokksha and has abandoned his evil ways though he is still tied to the evil powers. He is not happy with the reappearance of The Ebony Knight and has had tenancies of wanting to fight the evil god and the wars. He's holding back though as he now has a family and runs the hospital. In effect, a possible wild card depending on how things go.

There are a whole host of other characters I am sure that can come into this planned SL and cause all kinds of events to happen. But I am not aware of them yet. Also, to keep in mind, both sides have a lot of allies that haven't been tapped yet, or asked for help. I hope this gives everyone birds eye view of whats cooking in the pot. What I have said here is not law, it is not cold hard facts. They are just the observed feelings of what I sense with these characters. Again, feel free to post and correct me.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-24 19:46 EST
Okay gang. Last nights Live RP was a really good session and I believe it set a good tempo and mood for this multi area SL. In case you all are wondering why I went with Trials, Tests, Resolutions, & Victories for the title it was due to the SL not being solely focused on a war between the Den and Igneous' army. The SL from what I am seeing already is about several areas, several characters, and multiple events happening all around and in the Den.

I did get a clue by four from my mentor when mentioning this SL. She was wondering why I was doing an SL that sounded more and more like drama when I am trying to avoid it. I did respond that we are aiming to resolve all of the conflicts in the most positive way and we are not going for all out massive attacks, or unrealistic combat. Shoot I am working with everyone so that only NPC's die and chars stay alive if not maimed a little.

The goal I want us all to keep in mind with the BIG SL is to help make the Den a safer, better place, and to help pull all the Lupes together in harmony. A lot of back history has been written that has caused a lot of barriers and rifts to be brought to light, but this a fun, unique, and challenging task to help the Den overcome all of them and come out a unified peaceful nation once and for all.

So grab your gear, your minds, and your imagination and let's get cracking on this SL. I will still refer people to come here for OCC discussions of ideas to implement in this SL, or if you are in Live RP IM everyone playing or better yet hit up yahoo instant messenger for more rp discussions. You can find my Yim at : fleetwolf23 but please write a little note of who you are when asking to friend me please.

See you all in the RP.


Date: 2011-03-30 19:19 EST
Hey guys. So I notice when we did a conflict between Igneous and Street that a lot of NPC's were roped in and killed (nothing wrong with the killing part) but the battle got really big really quick. Also, as I've heard from a few people in IM's ,a lot of people who are playing in or around the Den have chars not geared for fighting or battle.

This leaves me in a little quandary as I was hoping to do some more battles, but I will listen to Ammy's comments and advice in a PM. The battles and any skirmishes between Igneous' army and Den armies should be kept to a WWII style city setting. In short, we all know a war is going on, we all know violence is happening and evil is running rampant, but we look at from a distance.

In short, having Tazzy run news announcements like they did in WW I and WWII by giving a brief blurb on the latest battles happening and leaving any fights that are role played to very small interactions. kidnappings maybe, or amaretto and igneous doing something to set up a conflict or to annoy other characters, but it's just them, and no npcs to keep the numbers and sheer amount of violence down to a manageable size that will leave plenty of room and time to include everyone.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-04-13 15:30 EST
Hey guys, been a while since we noted anything in this OCC Thread. Well have gotten quite a bit of RP in the BIG SL that we planned. Thanks to all the participation so far from those playing.

You may have noted that the latest post was a personal point of view from Ammy and not a Live RP Chat Log edit. I did that as some of our Live RP's can happen quick and it can be hard to weed out a lot of the logs so I decided to through in a personal post every once in a while with some of my characters to summarize some of things that have happened in the sl as well as how they are feeling right now with it all. I encourage everyone to do this in the SL.

Let us see what your characters are feeling and how they are dealing with all of this. Anyways, enough yapping. Down to business. I am going to have Tazzy run another news report that states the Den army and Igneous' army are at a stalemate so far and neither can get any advantage. This is what is leading to the Live RP I am hoping to do this weekend (Friday maybe if I am free).

In short, Igneous will have a patrol with him and will be planning on kidnapping Rawsha, Ammy, and Vixie when they stumble upon them in the market district. Igneous will enslave all three and will try to break Ammy and make her into a weapon to gain the upper hand in the war.

I have spoken with the muns and Rawsha and Vixie is on board with being kidnapped. Rawsha will be a slave/hostage and will work in the camp. Vixie will be a slave/eye candy in Igneous' court. Ammy will be a slave/magic weapon.

But not to worry, we have a contingency plan for this. Mogriil and Luna will be with the group when it is attacked. It's been agreed that Mogriil and Luna will be blindsided and over powered while Ammy, Rawsha, and Vixie are nabbed. This will then lead to them returning to Mirius and planning a rescue.

Now what I need to find out from everyone involved in this is how long do you want your characters enslaved before we start the rescue?

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-05-08 20:37 EST
Hello to all again. Sorry if this sl isn't getting updated much. It seems Yahoo Messenger conferences work better and faster than post and wait methods here. We have actively busy plotting, planning, and adjust the Big SL as well all RP with it.

So far, two captives have been freed from a strategic strike by Xangrath.
Iimiidiina is coming to terms from a failed infiltration attempt as well as his dragon Valla being captured.
A Shimmerscale dragon has been captured as well.
Lene is now in the enemy base but is having to deal with killing others to keep her position hidden.
More rescue attempts are being launched as Igneous has moved his camp.
And on the horizon, we are nearing the end of this SL with massive attack by Amaretto and her army of Soul Knights that she will bring to bear against the Den Army and Igneous for breaking his alliance with her.

That being said, I am posting here the stats on all three factions at the upcoming war sessions will need them for all to refer to.

Amaretto Soul Knights:
Primarily all Soul Knights are the same in animation. Soul Energy animates them through a glyph within the empty shell or armor. The glyphs are etched into the metal. The armor varies on the type of Knight. Soul Knights have some magic resistance but it that resistance will wear away under a determined attack. They are difficult to kill with physical attacks as they have no bodies within. A crushing and dismembering attack is needed to make them unmovable or destruction of the glyph. The glyphs are randomly placed and only one per knight.

Types of Soul Knights:
Footman: Chain-mail and Hardened Leather. Longsword weapon.
Pikers: Chain-mail and strips of metal bandings. 15 long spear weapon.
Archers: Chain-mail and Hardened Leather. Soul bow weapons (fires bolts of soul energy and sonic blast rounds)
Brutes: Plate Armor. Wolf's Angel sword (armor cleaving and disarming hooks)
Ronin Captains: Banded Steel Armor. Katana swords.

Army Size: 1,000 Soul Knights (500 Footmen/ 200 Pikers/100 Archers/180 Brutes/20 Ronin)

Den Army: 600 Troops (200 footmen/100 Archers/200 Fang Knights/100 Dire Wolf Calvary)
Footmen: Hardened Leather Armor. Short Sword and Shields
Archers: Hardened Leather Armor. Long Bows, Crossbows, Musket Rifles.
Fang Knights: Plate Armor. Long swords, Wolf Angels, Pistols, Shields
Dire Wolf Calvary: Banded armor and chainmail barding: Lances and Scimitars.

Igneous's Army: 500 Troops (200 Humans/200 Drow/100 Dire Wolves/25 mages/ 25 ogres/ 50 orcs)
Humans: Mostly Chain-mail. Short swords, Long Swords, some shields.
Drow: Mostly leather and chain-mail. Crossbows, long bows, scimitars.
Dire wolves. No barding. Fang And Claws.
Mages: Human and Drow. Magically enhanced robes. Multitude of spells.
Ogres: Hide Armor, thick skin. Clubs, metal bats, golem swords.
Orcs: Hide Armor, Long swords, shields.

To keep things fair on the soul knights for the glyph area. I will randomly roll a die when they are hit to see if the glyph was hit.

Helmet = 1
Chest = 2
Right Arm = 3
Left ARm = 4
Right Leg = 5
Left Leg = 6

Hope people do well and survive this battle.


Date: 2012-01-15 23:15 EST
Hey, I was hoping we could use a few portals and go romping all over Lupinoss and the planet of Sliinkaa. What do you all think? Have a few SL's not happening in this realm for a better and unique flavor? Worth a shot right?