Topic: Brotherly Bonds, Lies, & Lineage

Orion Wolf

Date: 2011-10-20 12:17 EST
The keen of a T.I.E. engine perforated the night as the headlight of a motorcycle closed in on a small shack near Dark Hearts Grove. The motorcycle rolled to a stop and the keen of ionic drive cut out suddenly as the rider dismounted. The rider was tall, garbed in leather and walked with a bearing and limp suggesting time in the military. Jet black fur covered the male where ever the leather didn't cover, and if one were to look hard enough the scars of a hard life would be seen.

His left eye glowed orange indicating a cybernetic implant but that was not the menacing eye. His right eye was a cold, calculating red that may seem slightly sensitive to light, a mere inconvenience ignored and endured with gruffness. The rider was a Lupinossai, and one that was by no means very old though his 90 some years did wear heavy on his shoulders. Mounting the rickety steps of the porch he built years ago, his paw fell heavily on the cold, rusted door knob, the other paw produced a steel key that opened the lock on the door with a reassuring snick.

Stepping inside, he gave the long unused shack a careful eye. Once he was sure that nothing had been disturbed he closed the door behind him. Lighting a few candles he retrieved a locked chest and sat it on a rickety table. Blowing off the dust he paused before taking out a key to unlock it. Two years ago, he had built this shack when he started hunting monsters, vampires and the like. Now it was just a place to keep his closest guarded secrets and treasures safe.

The chest was opened and the items within stroked with a paw seeking familiarity and trembling as they touched well concealed heartache. He began unpacking the items, laying them out on the scarred and pitted table. A soul gem of pure black obsidian, the hilt and broken blade of a once fine sword, a small bound leather journal, a gold crest of the House of Wolf, and lastly a small leather coin purse with gold coins still inside. Dragging over a chair he sat and stared at the assembly before him.

What had brought him back to this place of old ways, old memories and old pain? Bonds of blood, bonds of family, and the oldest bond of all, Brotherhood. The Lupe sitting in the chair bore the name Street Wolf, a name well feared, a name well known by merits that he himself had fought and bought with blood. That was what everyone else knew even his past dead mate, and his current loving mate Sari.

But when has what people perceive as truth about a person ever been true? Street Wolf was indeed someone entirely different. A difference long thought buried under decades of history, bought off with gentle lies and paid forgetfulness. Yet like so many best laid plans if one doesn't look from the war table to take in the view of the battle those plans will be laid to waste.

Leaning back in his chair he regarded the obsidian soul gem for a long, long time. What has sparked this visit is his young brother, Fleetian. True some called him Fleet or Fleety now that he has the blessing of Canis as well as Lupis. Street had to chuckle slightly thinking about those blessings.

I always knew he had potential. Pity no one listened to me in Wolf Keep.

It was that potential though that has caused his young brother much trouble through the years. Many times Fleetian has come to him confused by the ability to do magic when no other Wolf could, or that he was having dreams when a child of Lupes hazed in his memories. Each time Street kept his tongue and gently steered his younger brother to other inquiries, but now the days of lying were coming to a close.

A recent back fire of a spell had de-aged his brother and with the accelerated maturation to the right age, memories were unlocked, lies had their foundations undermined and barriers were now removed. Oh yes, Street was back here, upon the guise of being away on business to make several decisions.

Taking a long deep breath, he picked up the obsidian soul gem and let his breath out over the soul gem.

"Awake, father, I have much need for your council." his well rehearsed accent of Irish/Russian was gone, replaced with a well schooled tongue.

Orion Wolf

Date: 2011-11-02 01:24 EST
The obsidian soul gem was a dull black void that shimmered slightly and warmed in Streets paw. Wavering before him was a pale, ghostly image of a physically fit and powerful Lupinossai. What would have been dark gray fur was now a washed out gray. Once brilliant blue eyes that would have made many cringe in fear and many have hope were now the dull eyes of the dead. The Lupe was garbed in the last vestiges at the time of death. The once crimson tunic and pants now stained with the rust brown of dried blood. The cause of the blood plain to see as a gaping hole in the Lupinossai's side was plainly visible.

The specter gazed upon Street for a long, long moment then the ghostly muzzle opened to issue forth a voice from the grave. You have my son's soul and blood, but I do not recognize your form anymore. Why do you trouble me in my time of eternal rest?

Street bowed his head before the specter and took a knee. Even though he was nearing 100 years of age, before Wolf, First Born Son of Lupis, Street always felt as a pup before him. "Father, I find myself in a slowly closing noose. Fleetian is finding his memories." Street spoke with respect to the specter.

So, he realizes that his abilities do not belong to the bloodline of the great and noble Wolf. The specter gave a long and tired chuckle. Why are the youth always troubled about their heritage? Blood is blood, bone is bone, life is life, in the end they all become dust and the soul is free to travel unimpaired. So why is this matter troubling you my son? Can you not tell your brother the truth about his life?

Street raised his head in what would seem to be disrespect to an elder Alphrans. "Father, the times, events, and history of our people lean heavily against the insanity of the whole line that Fleetian is from. To say the truth now to him, would, would..."

Anger him to no end, I believe is the thought you are having my stammering son. You were so eloquent in your squire days, but I suppose that those days as well as the memories and mannerisms of Orion, the son you used to be are long, long gone.

The specter seemed to pause in long thought as if contemplating the flow of magic, the meaning of life, or just seemingly staring into nothing as if bored.

"Father, what I was then would no longer survive here in the now. Orion was a self-centered squire with thoughts only of ruling Wolf Keep. I had illusions of comfort, pride, and even envy when you came home with Alitis and Fleetian. I was an ignorant pup then, thinking you loved her and Fleetian more than I. Yet..." Street took in a deep breath.

Yet being his guardian for nigh 85 years has tempered you, Orion. You were a forged blank at that age. Had I the time, I would have forged within you a true sword of leadership for my people, alas the maker was killed and the blank was left to find less skilled masters to work it hard and hone it sharp.

"Yes father. You're words and wisdom cut to the bone and marrow as sharp as ever. I miss our days of sparring, but I hesitate to mention these things to Fleetian. Den Spiritor is hated, reviled, and to this day, blood feuds still erupt. We have faced and brought down Spiritor revolts even in this realm. Are you sure telling him who he really is as a wise course of action?" Street asked, very worried.

The specter regarded Street for a long time now. It seemed to measure the worth of its words carefully before speaking once more. Orion, you have the path before you. You know what you must do yet you balk as if this if your first duel. Fleetian was a very keen and smart lad, but do you remember what happened the time his favored dire wolf mount died and the stable lad told him the dire wolf escaped?

Street thought about the memories from a time when he was but a squire. ?I think so. As I recall, Fleetian fixed the lad with a look of pure anger and fled to the stable to search for the dire wolf. I remember as I was one of the squires digging the hole for the huge beast. The event was not pleasant to say the least.?

Not pleasant? You coat the bitter truth in honey my son. Fleetian was beyond upset. He was lied to and when he found the truth out himself I had several families clamoring at my office demanding retribution for their sons he killed.

Street spread his paws out in helplessness. ?Then is not that proof that I should not tell him the truth? He does have a deep vein of strong emotions either good or bad.?

The specter sighed once more. Orion you think with your fear and worry, not your head or heart. I made mention of this memory as I do not know how he has grown since my death. What I imply to you is this seed of wisdom. Being told the truth is a lot less hotter fire than finding the truth while others feed the lies to hide it. Telling him now will indeed hurt him, but what do you think he will do when he fully remembers who he was and who his family really is?

Street bowed his head shuddering. Father was right. This was a situation without a victory. ?Very well father. I will tell him, but I ask for this one favor. I wish to present your soul gem to him and I want you to be honest with him as well. He loved and adored you. I was merely put up with.?

The specter nodded his ghostly head. Have wanted to speak with my adopted son for a long, long time and so I will reveal myself to him when he touches my gem. I will explain everything as well and support you my son. It is not a burden wholly your fault. I was the dying father that swore you to an oath, now I will help you to break and throw away that oath. However, I ask a favor in turn. I ask that you use your birth name given to you to honor me and your mother. Fleetian may or not wish to use his true name, but tell him anyways.

?I will father. Before, this night, stands Orion Wolf, heir to the throne of Den Wolf, last true son of Wolf the Firstborn. I pledge to you that I will speak with my adopted brother and tell him the truth.? Orion held the soul gem in both paws near his heart.

Ah, it has been a long time since I have heard you use your name. I am proud of you my son. Now I rest again till you need me. May thy path be long, the weather fair, and your belly ever full from the bountiful hunt. The specter shimmered and vanished deep within the basalt gem.

Orion was left alone in the shack amongst a world of his own creation. A world built up on lies now he was going to pull it all down. ?Lupis and Canis, forgive me this erring life of lies and strengthen my heart for this long and hard task ahead of me.?

Orion took anything he valued and tied the chest, now locked again to his bike. He turned and moved back into the shack, opened a can of gas from his emergency supplies and dowsed the floors. Orion walked outside, straddled his bike and started it. The whine was comforting to him at the moment as if the bike was not a lie or a twisted truth that he invented. Removing a lighter, he lit up a menthol cig clamped in his muzzle now and took several long puffs. Staring out on the dark path before him, he flicked the lit cig behind him and took off. The burning cigarette tumbled into the shack and the small building ignited in flames burning everything within to ash in a few hours. There was no going back to the past now.


Date: 2011-11-07 12:34 EST
The beach house that Ammy and Fleetian resided in was quiet and dark. All were asleep, or one would think this the case but a faint glow from the study may be glimpsed from the ocean.

The study, usually neat and tidy, was now strewn with half open tomes, manuscripts were in piles on the floor and the great mahogany desk overflowed with the papers bearing the scrawls of a half-mad author. A single candelabra with five candles was lit on the desk in the only area clear of paper and books. Before the soft light, in a wheelchair, sat Fleetian. A heavy tome filled with every known lineage and bloodline was before hir.

Pages crinkled and rustled as shi kept turning page after page. Clawed fingers ran over every singles relative in the Wolf line searching for the answers to one troubling question. Why was shi the only Wolf mage in all of history. Every page though mocked hir. Every Wolf was born of parents and lineages without Soultre blood. Fleetian turned to the final page in the Wolf section and sighed. The list of names and heritage floated before hir tired eyes revealing nothing.

Am I a fool? A paranoid Lupe? Is it really that horrible that I am the only Wolf that performs magic? Hir thoughts floated in hir head like deep pool that one could drown in if they lingered too long.

Shi must have fallen asleep for a moment for only when shi slept did the dreams of fire and screaming return to haunt hir.


I smell smoke! Is the keep on fire? the image of a young Lupe, clad in the garb of an unfamiliar house sprang from the large sleeping pillow. The feel of cold stone on tender young paws made the Lupe shiver. The Lupe had to remind himself that he was not home, in the warm deserts of Den Spiritor, but the cooler north of Den Wolf.

In the dimness of the room, the Lupe could see smoke seeping through the bottom crack of the door. The Lupe began to panic. Lupis, the keep is on fire! Did, did father find us? Quickly the Lupe garbed himself in a leather tunic, leather pants, and strapped on a small sword that Wolf had given him two months ago. His muzzle had a small smile touch it when thinking of the leader of Den Wolf. Such a kind male. Loving, but strict, never unfair and deeply caring. That was a true father. A father that didn't want to slit his sun from chin to groin for a ritual of eternal life.

The Lupe shivered from those thoughts and pushed them aside. He had to find out where the fire was and put it out. That is what Wolf would do, what father wanted. Opening the door the Lupe stepped out into the stone hallways and started to cough. The smoke was very thick outside of the rooms. Staying by the walls and sliding along them for guidance he moved for the stairway and noted smoke coming from the lower floors. The Lupe quickly took to the stairs down and found himself soon on the ground floor near the courtyard.

A glimpse out of the arrow slits in the wall showed the cause of the fire. The main gates were burning, several of the barns and sheds were blazing bonfires of wood and animal flesh. The ring of steel, the cries of pain, and the howls for help filled the courtyard with only the stone wall between the Lupe and the battle. What was going on? He moved to the wall and watched through the slits. He saw the red tunics of Wolf guards clashing with the golden rod tunics of Spiritor mage warriors.

The Lupes brilliant blue eyes widen in horror. Father has found us. I've gotta find mom and get us out of here. Maybe Canis and Lupis would be a safer haven in Lupis Glen.

The crash of the entry door to the hall echoed down to the Lupe and startled, he whirled, tiny sword in young paws. Spiritor mage warriors were now in the hall and spotting him were moving quickly. There, we've found him. Don't let him escape!

The Lupe heard them and had no intentions of being taken back home anytime soon. Fri'intaa! the Lupe shouted and the hallway plummeted to freezing temperature catching the Spiritors in the blast of magic, raw, unrefined, but very powerful. They all froze solid. The Lupe ran down the hall away from the frozen Lupes.

He searched the keeps lower levels, looking for mother. Everywhere he went more fighting ensued. The Lupe had managed to escape several groups of Spiritors in the hallways. Seeing that mother was not on the lower flows, he ascended a set of nearby servant stairs and made his way for the chambers of Wolf. She would be there, he hoped, and be safe.

As he moved, he wondered where Wolf and his son Orion was. The keep was under attack, they may be in the courtyard. Reaching the chambers the heavy door was splintered and on the floor. The Lupes heart quickened and without thought he burst into the chambers and looked about. The rooms were strewn with debris, the scent of magic heavy in the air, the scent of black rose and lichen in the air. He knew that scent. Only one Lupe had that scent.

He moved faster for the sleeping room and found the door barred shut, the voices of his mother Alitis sounding shrill and begging. The gruff voice that seemed to swallow hers was one that the Lupe feared. It wasn't father. Oh, no. If father was after them, the whole keep would be leveled already. It was the voice of Bellaire Fi'igoo, Spiritors right hand mage.

Tell me where your son is! I'll make your death quick if you tell me where the boy is! His mother screamed out that she didn't know. Tell me now Alitis. Tell me where Merlin is now! The crack of fire and the smell of singed fur and burnt flesh greeted the Lupes nose.

Merlin trembled where he stood. Mom was being hurt, but dammit all Bellaire was a Mage General. What could he do against someone that strong. Another scream from Alitis decided his fate. Bristling in fur, Merlin looked right at the door and did the one thing at his age he was good at. He barked right at the door and a sonic blast tore the door off the hinges and slammed Bellaire down to the stone floor.

Merlin ran in and headed for mother. The sight made him cry. Alitis was burnt on most of her body. Her beautiful fur and skin charred and red. She saw him and cried for him to flee. Run Merlin. Run! Don't let them take you back to Spiritor. Run!

Merlin came to her and knelt by her side, eyes wide. If only he could heal. If only he could heal her. I wont leave without you mom. He took a scorched paw and she screamed in pain.

Bellaire stirred and shoved the door off of him. Alitis stared in horror and shoved Merlin away from her. Merlin, you are the first born of Spiritor. You are the most powerful Lupe born. You must run and become stronger. Flee now, but never forget, you are a Spiritor, but you're nothing like that madman.

Merlin rebelled against the idea of leaving his mother but the heavy paw of Bellaire crashing down on his shoulder made him start. Merlin twisted away and the small sword in paws followed his body and slashed the arm of Bellaire clean off. The mage swore as blood spurted freely from the lost limb. The mage cauterized the wound with a fire spell giving Merlin the only chance to flee.

He looked back to his mother, pleading for her to get up with his eyes. Alitis shook her head at Merlin. This is your time to live. My time is over. Run, Merlin, only you can stop your father from becoming a never dying tyrant of insanity and magic. As she finished speaking she lifted a charred armed that cracked as the burn skin broke.

You will not harm my son, Bellaire. This is my curse upon you and your family. My word as a Selan Witch, I curse thee to be blind whenever you and your blood line search for my son. A cold, black haze fell over Bellaire and the mage roared in rage turning on Alitis. He burnt her to ash.

Merlin watched in horror.


"Mother!!!!" shi jolted awake in hir wheelchair, the scream echoing through the house, the heavy book in hir lap falling to the floor.

Fleetian lifted a paw to hir head, tears were streaming down hir cheeks. This dream. Those memories. The are not mine. That is not me. That can't be me. I never grew up in Wolf Keep. I grew up on the plains of dew, farming with father and mother.

Those thoughts seemed to pail in light of those memories. Lupis who was shi? Was shi really this Merlin? The door opened in the study and Ammy limped in, leaning on her cane. "Fleety? Sweety, what's wrong? Your scream woke up everyone."

Shi felt Ammy come over and put loving arms around hir. Fleetian didn't know what to say. Hir mind was so confused right now and the tears that kept sliding down hir cheeks against hir will confused hir more.

"Ammy, I... don't know who I really am."

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-11-14 18:31 EST
Ammy spent all night soothing Fleety in that study. Whatever shi was remembering was horrifying. She?d never seen hir like this in the years she was hir mate. When Fleety finally dropped off into a restless sleep in their bed, she slipped out onto the porch and watched the sun rise. Leaning heavily on her cane, she looked like some concentration camp survivor dressed in the halter top and shorts. She felt like one too.

As her golden eyes took in the early morning sun glittering along the waves of the beach, she took note that she was not alone. A motorcycle was parked nearby and Street Wolf was walking right for the house. Ammy put a paw to her muzzle to both stifle a yawn and a look of concern. Street looked a bit ragged as he got closer to the porch and he smelled of gasoline and smoke.

Now what is happening? I swear this family and it?s relatives are just one big magnet for chaos! Letting that thought drift behind her she gave a tired smile to Street. ?Morning, Street. You?re visiting rather early. Things okay??

Orion fixed her with that one red eye that spoke volumes that no, things were not okay. ?Ammy, the daughter I?ve always loved in place of my own dead daughter. You?re looking quite rough around the edges. I need to speak with Fleet urgently.? Orion moved for the porch steps.

Ammy blocked the stairs, ears twitching some and golden eyes staring at Street. ?In all the years I?ve known you, Stree, both as adoptive father and as comrade in arms I?ve never heard you speak common this clearly. Who are you??

The fur on her shoulders and neck bristled and she took a step down towards him. She may look frail and worse for wear, but this was her house, her domain, and she could siphon off energy from the wards on the house. Orion took two steps back and didn?t make any more moves forward. He gave a sigh. How could he forget that Fleet?s not the only one affected by the lies. Orion held up his paws in defense.

?Ammy, calm down, I need to explain a lot of things to Fleet.? He said in a well cultured voice.

?I don?t think so. If it is so important for hir to hear from a brother who doesn?t sound like his brother, then you can tell me, hir mate, right here, right now. Otherwise, you can turn around and go back to the Den.? She crossed her arms and stared at him.

?Alright, I will tell you. Can we at least sit down on the porch swing? I am pretty sure what I have to say may make standing hard.? Orion said simply.

Ammy watched him skeptically. She wasn?t this normally paranoid about strange behavior but after the last few months, anything unusual was harshly inspected. ?Okay. I?ll grant you that much for now. Don?t think about dashing into the house, or you?ll be missing your legs.? She nodded for him to move to the porch swing.

Orion walked up the steps and then sat on the porch swing looking a bit irked and a bit worried. Ammy finally came over and sat on the edge of the porch swing and as far away from him as possible. That distance hurt Orion?s feelings a bit and he sighed.

?I?ve been a father to you for several years now, and with a change of my accent you now treat me like a stranger?? he asked hurt.

?You don?t just lose an accent like you had for over 80 years. Talk.? She snarled a little.

?Fair enough.? He took a long breath and began. ?Ammy, I am sorry, but I have lied to you, Fleet, Mirius, hell, the whole Den even, for years now. My name isn?t Street, it?s Orion. I?m the last living son of Wolf.? He said calmly.

?What?? she gave him a look of disbelief, ?You?ve been drinking Nahgra again, haven?t you? You?re drunk. Everyone know that Wolf?s heirs are all dead. You being a son of that noble Lupe is laughable. You?ve told me about your farming parents, even Fleety has. And what?s with the name Orion??

Orion fixed her with a sharp look. ?I am not drunk. You know me. I can drink and drink and never get drunk. So could father, my real father, and yes me and Fleet have told you a lot about our parents farming. Our foster parents Ammy, were farmers in Den Wolf. We were not born to them. I was born to Wolf and Lasha Winter-Gem. They named me Orion after the constellation of the Ancient World of Earth. I and Fleet left to live with them after Wolf Keep was attacked by Spiritors and killed father and mother.?

Ammy listened and held up a paw. ?So, Fleety saw Lahsa burn to death in hir nightmare last night?? she asked Orion, thinking she knew what was wrong with Fleety now.

Orion sighed and rubbed the back of his head. ?No, that wasn?t Lasha shi is dreaming about. That was Alitis, hir mother.?

?Fleet?s not from your mother? But I thought you two were blood brothers?? Ammy asked a bit confused now.

?We are brothers, but not by blood. Fleet is? was?? he struggled with how to say this. ?Fleet isn?t who shi says shi is either. Fleet?s real name is Merlin. Merlin Spiritor. Hir mother, Alitis was the first mate of Spiritor.?

?Whoa, whoa, whoa! You?re telling me, my mate is the lost first born of Spiritor?? she looked at Orion as if he was suddenly a dragon that decided to take up opera singing.

?Yes, Ammy. You are mated to the most powerful Lupe ever born, second to Spiritor himself.? Orion leaned forward on his artificial knees appearing to be weighed down by all of this knowledge. He rubbed his paws together nervously. ?It wasn?t planned for father to take up with Alitis, but when the mate of your youngest brother suddenly shows up at your keeps doors, bloody, frightened, and the young lupe with her spooked beyond belief, you don?t turn them away. I never got the full story from father about what happened, but he told me enough. Told me how Spiritor, with the magic he so loved, had found a way to live forever, just like Lupis and Canis. Supposedly, Spiritor started to go insane trying everything to gain this ability and that Alitis couldn?t take anymore of the insanity and ran with Merlin in tow.

I still don?t know this day, whose blood was all over Alitis, but I had other things on my mind. I suddenly had a younger brother and a second mother. Father offered her sanctum in Wolf Keep and even officially mated her to protect her from any Spiritors searching for her. That was a great mistake. I told father this was dangerous, but when do adults listen to children? Never. Alitis wasn?t a bad person, and Merlin was okay. He could have his moments of wild temper tantrums with magic that followed. I could put up with all of that, but then father started to teach Merlin how to be a squire, and my training was forgotten.? Orion said the last with dark grimace.

Ammy was quiet, taking this all in and comparing how Fleety tended to act sometimes. ?So, Fleety really is a Spiritor then? That?s why he can do magic like no other Wolf can??

?No Wolf can cast magic without having Spiritor blood, Ammy, and so far, no Wolf can cast magic. Vuusoolta and Myrlene are not Wolf born. They are truly Spiritor born. ? Orion explained.

?Well if Fleety is really Merlin, why didn?t shi tell me?? Ammy asked feeling hurt to not know this deep secret of her mate.

?You are a Spiritor, Ammy. Fleety has been running from Spiritors for a long time, though I wasn?t surprised that eventually shi would settle down with one. Fleety couldn?t tell you for a very good reason. I had his memory wiped while we were kids.? Orion explained.

?What? Why?? she asked.

Orion sighed once more. ?The night Wolf Keep was attacked; father finally confided in me that Merlin was in grave danger from Spiritor. Spiritor was actually searching for them both and the news of his mating with Alitis had sent Spiritor into a further rage. I was told to take Merlin and leave in the morning, to go and hide for as long as it took for Spiritor to finally die. Wolf Keep was no longer safe, but father didn?t realize Spiritor had Fangs close to the keep already. They attacked. Mage Fangs casting spells and wielding steel. Father and the Wolf Fangs faced them, but the attack was too much. By the time I found father in the confusion, he had a hole blown in his side by a blast of magic and was dying as I knelt by him.
As he was dying, he swore me to an oath. An oath to make Merlin forget who he was and to hide him, to raise him up as a Wolf and to keep him away from the ways of Spiritor; then his body went still and turned into a soul gem.? Orion withdrew the obsidian soul gem from his jacket pocket.

Ammy stared at the soul gem quietly. She had heard rumors about that soul gem and thought them fairy tales. Now she was seeing the real thing. ?H?how did you wipe Fleety?s memories? And why was shi named Fleetian??

?Well, I found Merlin in father?s rooms cradling a pile of ash that sifted over what Alitis usually wore. I was surprised that anyone was alive after seeing the Spiritor General leaving the rooms in a rage. Merlin was in shock and wouldn?t speak or move when I tried to get his attention. I couldn?t blame him. Hell, I just watched my father die before me, he his mother. I took him, and anything I could grab supply wise and ran for a gypsy camp that night. I figured the Wolfen pack of gypsies wouldn?t turn me away, and I was right. They took us in and contacted my mother Lasha who had been captured and awaited a trial in Spiritors court. She sent me a package before she died the same way Alitis did.

Inside that package was my father?s shattered sword that I left behind in the Keep and a pouch full of gold, the only bit of Wolf wealth she could give me. The letter told me how much she missed me, how much she feared dying, and finally telling me to speak with the gypsies to perform an old ritual of changing identities. So, I spoke with a Wolfen gypsy who had a cute little pup named Oalix only a few months old at that time. He and his father new the ritual Lasha mentioned and warned me against it. It was a ritual that was very hard to reverse should we wish to change back. I looked at Merlin and the quiet, shocked Lupe that wasn?t really Merlin anymore and told them to do it.? Orion looked over at the waves on the beach.

?I didn?t like Merlin much when father started training him to be a squire, but there is something about losing a parent, two parents that makes petty jealousy melt away and only compassion remains. I wanted to take Merlin?s pain away and ordered his memory wiped. The Wolfen were the ones who mentioned the name Fleetian as a good name to use. It meant someone who was fast and ever quick to adapt to change. It seemed perfect, but Merlin wasn?t the only one Spiritor would be looking for. So I tossed aside my birth name and took the name Street. The Wolfen mentioned though that Merlin would still be recognized because Wolf?s don?t have bright red eyes like flames. I told them to give him my blue eyes, the eyes father gave me as a wee pup in my mother?s belly. I took Merlin?s eyes in exchange. My body and marking didn?t match Merlins so no one would think much about a scrappy Wolf with red eyes. They?d just think I was some bastard child.?

Ammy was speechless hearing all of this. So much of what she thought about Fleety?s humble life and rise to heroic fame seemed a bit tainted now. ?So were these Wolfen the ones that raised you two??

?No. The Wolfen feared that we may have been followed and found a farmer and his wife who was barren that were more than happy to take two young pups with no questions. With no memories and a new name, Fleetian took them very easily. After a while, when I got old enough to be on my own, I left and joined the Wolf Army, but I always checked in and stayed close to keep an eye of Fleet.? Orion said, taking a long breath.

?So, you really are the last true Wolf then? Heir to Lupinoss. What does that make Fle..Merlin? Heir to a madman and the most hated Lupe of Lupinoss? Why now? Why are bring this all up now?? she demanded with a touch of anger. ?Shi?s been through hell and has done so much, and now you?re telling me shi?s the heir of the most hated Lupe ever!?

Orion held up a paw to her pleading to calm down a bit. ?It?s not a nice bit of business, any of this Ammy, but the ritual that kept Merlin away and Fleet in the present was unraveled when shi turned young. I can?t keep lying. You don?t know how much Merlin hates being lied too.? He said nervously.

?I?d say you are a bit too late, Orion Wolf. Shi?s started having these nightmares, and last night was the worst. I?m afraid, Fleety may know already, though shi kept muttering something about Merlin couldn?t be real, couldn?t be hir.? Ammy said watching Orion with narrowed eyes. She hated seeing anyone being hurt, but Fleety was close to her heart. Her mate had endured so much because shi thought shi was a Wolf, and now this new would hit like a hurricane. ?How do you plan to tell hir? Shi?s finally sleeping after a long night of crying and screaming.?

Orion looked at the soul gem of Wolf and felt reassuring warmth spread through his body. ?I think I?ll let father speak to hir first. Just let me inside and I?ll place it in hir paws.?

?Oh, no you won?t. I?ll do it. You?ll just wake hir up. Take one of the spare rooms and sleep. You look like you can use it. I?ll put the gem in hir paws, but I warn you, if this harms hir more?? she stood and plucked the soul gem out of Orions paws and entered the house.

Orion followed Ammy and moved for a guest room and closed the door. He was soon asleep. Ammy limped down the hallway to her room, walking cane in paw and gently opened the door. She stood in the door way and gazed at the sleeping form of Fleety. Shi kept twitching, evidently in the throes of another nightmare. She looked down at the obsidian soul gem and went over what Orion had told her. She knew this was going to do nothing but hurt Fleety more, but she felt that Fleety deserved the truth.

Quietly she walked up to the bed and then sat by her mate. She stroked Fleety?s hair from hir muzzle. This Lupe before her was Merlin Spiritor, the heir to Lupinoss?s magic. Mage of all Lupe mages and son of the most insane Lupinossai second to Fen the Dark One.

Ammy sighed stroking Fleety?s ears. Figures that I would have such a unique mate, I am not destined for anything normal. Well, I best get this over with so I can pick up the pieces. Ammy slipped the soul gem gently into Fleety?s paws then gave hir a gentle kiss on the forehead.

?I hope your dreams are sorted out by the end of all of this. I?ll be here for you my dear heart. Don?t forget who you are when you learn who you were.? Ammy whispered then carefully curled up by Fleety and slept.


Date: 2011-11-18 15:11 EST
Fleety was standing in Wolf Keep. How shi knew where shi was disconcerted hir. The place looked familiar for some reason and shi walked around the keep for a moment or two. The place was deserted, doorways broken or in varied states of disrepair. The stone walls stood proudly though mortar flaked to the flooring like dingy gray snow. The place smelled of old smoke, old blood, and shi felt the place was echoing with the energy of love, caring, anger, fear, violence, and peace.

As shi walked the keep, shi glanced at hir body and noted it wasn?t very solid, but feint and wispy. Did I die somehow? hir thoughts echoed through the hallways as if shi spoke them.

Fleety moved faster as the feeling of sorrow and depression was creeping up on hir. Soon shi passed a door that wasn?t smashed in but simply hung there open. Shi stepped inside and hir blue eyes went wide. It was the room that shi woke up in every time shi had the nightmare with the Lupe female turning to ash, but this didn?t feel like a nightmare. Shi walked the room and looked over the dusty objects that were left behind. Some of them came to hir mind as shi looked.

A ring of mythril twined like vines with leaves of gold on it caught hir eye. Shi picked it up and found the ring magically swell in size until it appeared to be the right size for hir fingers. An inscription was on the inside band of the ring. By Root and Branch, Rowan and Dogwood, May the Bearer be Protected shi read the inscription. Not knowing why shi felt comfortable with the ring Fleety slid it onto hir right ring finger. It felt warm now and shi felt very safe.

Glancing about more, Fleety caught sight of a wand. It was about 12 inches long, made of what shi could only guess was the ivory tooth of a dragon and scribed with whirls and snarling vines. Lifting it up, the wand warmed to hir touch and a voice whispered into hir ears. Welcome back, boy of my master. I have been long forgotten and abandoned. Will you not take me with you?

The talking wand surprised hir. ?Who are you?? shi asked verbally.

I am Drak Faan, wand of Spiritor. Don?t tell me you have forgotten taking me from your father? You were quite devious, a scamp after his heart and more sly than he could imagine.

Fleety stared down at the wand speaking again, finding it odd to be conversing with a wand. ?I think you are mistaken. My father never did magic. He was a farmer.?

A farmer? Hehehehehe that?s a good lie boy, but Spiritor was never one to dirty his paws with soil. Ah I can sense it. A fragile spell has clouded your mind though the fog is clearing. Tell, me boy, what is your name?

?I am not a boy. My name is Fleetian Wolf.? Shi spoke firmly.

Who? Fleetian Wolf? What a load of tripe. You, boy, cause I am far older than you are, are none other than Merlin Spiritor, heir to the magic of Lupinoss. Fleetian Wolf my knobs.

?Merlin?? shi quipped confused. The name sounded odd, though the more shi turned it in hir mind, the more the name felt right, like a warm coat that was forgotten on a cold night. But that wasn?t hir name, was it? Shi was born a Wolf and raised on a farm.

My, my, my, you have a lot of nice, rosy memories laid down in that empty head of yours, don?t you? Must say though from those memories you did make a fair farmers hand but you were an apt pupil of magic before this mockery of a life.

Fleety stared at the wand again and growled. ?What do you know of anything? You are just a wand of magic in some dream I am having.?

Oh, you?re having a dream? How do you know? Does this place look like it is a dream? Were not the nightmares you had of you being a young child, in a male body, searching for a mother your mind refuses to believe? Come now, Merlin. You are smarter than this. You are a Spiritor, not some wishy washy Wolf.

The comments sparked a bit of anger in hir. ?You?re lying. I am not a Spiritor. I am nothing like those self serving, magic wielding murderers. This is just a dream and I will wake up.?

Yes, you may wake up, and greet your mate who is a Spiritor. Odd choice for a Wolf to mate a Lupe of their hated enemy, don?t you think? As for lying, I cannot lie. Objects of magic are restrained to telling the truth. Though I could prove to you who you are, but the fog in that empty head is clearing. I?d rather watch you stumble around and find the truth on your own. Take me with you and I can offer hints to keep you from getting lost on the dark and twisted trail you have stepped onto.

Fleety tilted hir head looking at the wand again for a long, long moment. This dream was getting more bizarre every minute. But if the wand wanted to come along and could prove helpful shi couldn?t complain. ?Very well, I seem to remember this place as Wolf Keep, but I have never been here before. Where am I really?? shi asked looking around the room more.

This is Wolf Keep, or what?s left of it. You may think you are sleeping, but really, your body is wherever you left it and you are now walking in the world of souls. Watch your step, and remember this, things found in this realm can be taken back to your body when you wake, but you can only take 5 things. Remember that. Only 5 items may you take.

?But, why am I in the world of souls?? shi asked confused. The room held nothing else that caught hir attention. The rest of the items were clothing for a child and toys. Shi left the room and walked the stone hallways.

That?s a simple answer. You have someone to meet here. I wonder who it could be? Heheh.

Fleety regarded the wand a moment as shi walked up a set of a stone stairs bearing soot from a fire and crumbling lightly under hir paws. ?You are a very odd wand. No hints to who I am supposed to meet??

Think, boy. Why would you be here in Wolf Keep? Hmm? Why indeed does your mind produce such accurate memories of a place you?ve lived in for a while yet solemnly deny?

Shi turned those questions in hir mind as the steps led up to another hallway. This one bore the remnants of rotting carpeting and the scattered shards of broken dishes. Something silver and shining dully in the dim light caught hir attention. It was a small chalice in etched with wolves running down a deer on it. Reaching down hir ghostly fingers snatched up the chalice. The weight felt familiar, and the running wolves seemed to race along tirelessly on the chalice and into hir mind.

Go on Merlin, take the cup. I want you to feel welcome in my keep. You and Alitis will be safe here with me.

A small boy of dark grey markings that seemed similar to Fleety?s mind was before a large Lupinossai male that bore royal vestiges. It was Wolf. But how would shi know this? Wolf was dead while shi was a mere pup playing in dirt? Shi watched the young boy shiver and rub his arms.

Come now Merlin it?s time to eat and you can use your new cup with us. It?ll be warmer dining hall. Winters in Den Wolf can be a bit long, but our summers are just as nice as your homeland of Den Spiritor. I do hope you and your mother will fit in.

Fleety rubbed hir eyes and the vision that suddenly came to be left just as suddenly. Shi held the chalice and felt something familiar from it. Raising the chalice, shi touched it to hir lips and the memory of watered wine and juice greeted hir ghostly tongue. Lowering the chalice, Fleety stared at it. Shi must have drank from the cup, but how? Shi was not that boy, was shi?

Heheh. You taste the past, do you not, boy? How does it taste? Distant? Near? Faint? Strong? You know that objects do not imbue memories on those who don?t impart that memory. Curious, isn?t it? the wand spoke again.

Still not sure about the memory, though the foundation of hir resolve was crumbling, Fleety took the chalice with hir. Proceeding down the hallway, shi glanced out of the narrow slits in the walls that looked down on a crumbling and overgrown courtyard. No blood was seen; being washed away a century of rain and snow, yet fresh pools of blood seemed to linger there. Stepping to the slit, shi gazed longer on the courtyard. The ghosts of warriors now battled. Red tunic Wolf Fangs against Goldenrod Tunic Spiritor Mages danced to the death in the courtyard. Arrows and magic were traded in stride with mace, staff and naked blade.

Among the fighting shi recognized Wolf taking down mages with ease, by him a squire who shi recognized as a very young Street. Hir brother? A squire to Wolf? That couldn?t be, Street left for the Den Wolf Army when he was 20. The sounds of battle echoed eerily and distantly. Among those sounds was the words of Wolf, Orion, go find Merlin and Alitis. Get them to safety. Flee the keep if you must. The battle faded from view and the courtyard was once again crumbling and overgrown.

That squire who was Street, is named Orion? The name chipped away some of the haze clouding hir mind. Orion, son of Wolf and my stuck up adopted brother. Mother why do I have to be here with him? Orion is nothing more than a spoiled jealous Wolf and he won?t even play with me! All he does is play with swords, follow Wolf like some starved puppy and stares at me like I am some piece of rotten meat.

The words seemed odd to hir yet they resonated with hir mind and soul sounding exactly as if shi said them. The vision of the female Alitis smiling at the young Lupe flowed over Fleety like a warm breeze. Fleety rubbed hir eyes. The realm of souls must be messing with hir mind. Shi pushed one down the hallway and saw a soot covered painting on the wall beside a battered down door. Wiping away the soot revealed a family portrait of Wolf, a female Lupe shi didn?t know, the boy named Orion (or was he really Street?), the female named Alitis, and the boy Merlin all standing together.

A touching family portrait for a mockery of a real family it?s a pity you were brainwashed into the Wolf line of thinking. Do you see how happy the eyes look in on Wolf? Bet the arrogant bastri?i enjoyed the knowledge of holding Spiritor?s mate and first born hostage. Drak Faan cackled within hir head.

Fleety didn?t like how the wand used hir to see things, but shi did gaze at painting for a long moment. Shi noticed something. Wolf had piercing blue eyes, so did Orion, but Alitis and Merlin shared piercing red eyes. Shi just grinned and tapped the eyes on the pictures. ?This is proof I am not Merlin. I have blue eyes, not red.?

Really? You?re going to base your belief on a little thing such as color? Maybe Spiritor isn?t sorry for losing such a dim candle. You of all people should know that changing appearances magically is child?s play! Even a gypsy can do it with a little bit of soul magic.

?You speak ill of me too often. Maybe I should just snap you in half.? Shi growled at the wand.

Now there is the temper and fire I remember, though it?s but a dim spark of the true blaze Merlin kindled deep in his soul. But if you really don?t want to trust my word, walk to a mirror and use a simple revelation spell. Drak Faan quipped snidely.

Carrying the painting with hir, Fleety looked for a mirror and found one inside of a room at the end of the hall. The door was splinted and the remains molding on the floor. A blue carpet that must have looked majestic with a prancing wolf was now faded, thread bare and worn. Entering that room there was a mirror in front of the remains of a wardrobe. Approaching the mirror, shi reached out with a paw and wiped away centuries of soot and grime from the polished silver surface.

Before hir stood a ghostly looking Fleety in red tunic and brown leather pants, piercing blue eyes the only thing that looked living. Staring at the mirror shi spoke. ?Rivas Tanan Tueth.? The image in the mirror wavered a moment and the piercing blue eyes dimmed to show under the icy blue waters a brilliant red waiting to boil out like lava. Shi stepped back with a gasp and the spell faded, the blue eyes brilliant once more, the red gone like a memory.

?This can?t be! I am not a Spiritor. I can?t be one, I mean, yes, maybe I changed my appearance to fit with the other Wolf members but Street has red eyes, not blue. He can?t do magic. He has tried and failed so many times.? Fleety reasoned with hirself.

Hehe. You spent so much time wondering why you could do magic as a Wolf and never once thought about why a Wolf with red eyes, the eyes of a Spiritor, could never do any magic? This is rich. Orion must have messed you up good with all the fairy tales he fed you. Drak Faan said with cold humor.

?No. I refuse to believe any of this yet. If this really happened, that means I would have been, by the looks of the painting 6 or 7 years old and Str? Orion would be 12 at least. All of this smacks of designs beyond to kids mere capacity for strategy.? Shi argued with the wand and the part of hir heart wanting to believe the revelations happening around hir.

The wand was silent, and Fleety smirked. ?No comments for that argument eh?? , shi looked around and noticed another room connecting to the one shi was in. Walking through the door, Fleety was presented with a scene from hir nightmares. There, on a semi-melted marble dais sat the remnants of an ornate throne and on the floor, hardly disturbed this deep within the keep were the white ashy remains of a living being. This was the room shi saw Alitis burned to ash, night after night.

Fleety felt sick and doubled over trying to retch but when you are a soul, puking was not an option. Shi didn?t want to look at the throne, but the sight and the feelings the nightmares drilled into hir mind drew hir attention to it. The nightmare flooded hir mind restoring the appearance of the mahogany throne and the beautiful female Lupe that sat there looking in abject terror at the faded image of Bellaire spouting a gout of dragon fire from his muzzle to wash her in fiery death. The image dissolved when the image of young Merlin cried and ran to the searing hot ashes as Bellaire cast his gaze around as if blind and stormed out of the room.

Ah, so that is what happened the night I was left behind. A true pity to learn of the downfall of Alitis. I suppose the Sellan Witches vanished quickly after the fall of their head witch. On the bright side of things, at least there isn?t a body to bury! Drak Faan sounded way too cheery about such a morbid topic.

Fleety ignored the wand as shi kept staring at the ashes. This was getting too real for hir to keep doubting, but shi didn?t want to believe! How could shi believe in a life shi had little memories of? The notion and the memory of touching the fine, warm ash of what was once mother filled hir mind and soul while the real ash before hir beckoned to be touched, to be consoled. Fleety stood and shuffled over to the ruined dais and knelt by the piled ash.

As if fearing that shi would somehow hurt an already dead being, Fleety lightly touched the ash. Now it can be said that many things hold memories, and many things can trigger the removal of amnesia no matter the cause. The memories held within that powder ash ignited in Fleety?s mind and they burned in hir blood and sang in hir soul.

Mother? Mother, please don?t be gone! The child cried before the blackened dais. The sounds of Wolf Keep fighting for freedom was drowned out by the rushing fear in the boy. He was alone. Who would protect him now from father?

The mere thought of Spiritor brought to the boy the vivid scene of the dark laboratory, the smell of lamps burning with the oil made from humans and Lupinossai. Rust brown runes in a large summoning circle glowed with eerie white light illuminating the blood stone altar in that laboratory. The altar he was brought before without understanding. How could he understand his father?s cruel intentions that night? He was but 6 years old and just learning magic. Merlin knew little about blood magic, or the paths of obtaining eternal life from one sacrifice every 100 years. Little did he realize that he was the sacrifice for his father, the first one for the many centuries to come.

The crazed, insane gleam in fathers eyes though made Merlin very afraid, even if it was father. The fear grew more when the lab aide started to tie him up and move him for the altar. He watched his father lift a clear glass dagger above his heart, ready to plunge it into Merlin?s heart. But the knife never plunged into his heart. Merlin vaguely remembered finding the courage to scream and the innate gift he was born with the ability to create a sonic blast with his voice had allowed him to escape the lab.

Fragmented bits of memory showed Merlin trembling and telling mother what father tried to do. He remembered her face, the shock that soon was replaced with a dark hatred. Memories of them shouting and arguing, the noise reverberating through the cavernous dwelling. The explosions of magic against witch wards and mother coming in quickly and telling Merlin to gather a few things for a trip and the small amount of courage he had to sneak into that lab again and steal Drak Faan, father?s prized wand. He didn?t know why he chose just the wand, but it seemed to make sense to him in some way that without it, father would be weaker.

Soon, memories of running from home with mothers paw clamped around his own urging him to move faster. Seeing the deserts of Den Spiritor in the blazing sunset soon to be replaced by rolling hill of deep green with the sunrise and the bustle of a huge city in the north of Lupinoss, he shivered cold now from the cooler northlands. Memories of being welcomed to Wolf Keep and that he would have a new brother Orion, and they were both to be squires filled him with awe, wonder, fear, and rebellion at being some warrior instead of resuming training as a mage.

These were all present and warmed by the memory of Alitis, holding him as a newborn pup. Singing him to sleep as he grew, laughing with joy as he did his first magic spell, crying when he got really sick from tainted food and the missed anger of a loving but protective mother.

Fleety blinked hir eyes as the memories eased in their torrential flood seeing the ash and blackened stone again. Lifting hir paw with the fine gray ash clinging to them, shi bowed hir head and cried. This? was really hir mother and these memories really belonged to Fleety though Merlin was hir name then. The haze of the memory spell was now gone. Shi remembered sitting here; not caring about the world, hir life, or that anyone else existed. Hir whole life was now ash. The only person shi ever cared for as a child was gone.

Through that fog the vague memories of being led away from the Keep by Orion came to hir. How they fled, how he promised to look after hir and never let hir be harmed by Spiritor ever again. Shi even remembered the gypsy camp they went to and the strong magic they used to cover hir memories of being Merlin under a thick warm blanket of nothingness. Hir rightful past no collided with the warm family memories of the lies Orion had spun. Shi wasn?t a farmer with a rare talent for magic. Shi was the son of an insane magical tyrant!

?Why didn?t he just leave me to be found and sacrificed? It would have been kinder to me than this? trap of memories. Had I died, I would no longer feel this heart wrenching pain of watching my mother die.? Fleety wept.

Death is so boring. So final. This way, you can at least take your anger out on people. Be vengeful. Exact a blood toll on the Spiritors, hell even take over the Spiritors and become the great mage yourself! I know the ritual for eternal life. With me, and that spell, you would be unstoppable.

Fleety stared at the wand in horror. This is why shi stole it from father. It was the wand that drove him to insanity and a thirst for power. ?It? was you that made father the tyrant he is!? shi shouted angrily at the wand.

Tsk, tsk. I am merely an object. How can I influence anyone much less a powerful mage. I merely chose to do his bidding as he captured my essence when he slew my mighty body. He was already insane. The illness was just well buried. I helped him uproot it, nurture it, and let it blossom into the fearful flower of power that he was really destined for. I can do so again for you, Merlin. All you have to do is say yes, and I can imprint the spell of immortality on you. Just takes a little sacrifice now and then. Drak Faan said in a cajoling voice.

?I?m already immortal and I did it through hard work. Keep your filthy spell.? Shi snarled at the wand in hir paw.

Have it your way, but one day, you?ll crave power, just like your father. It?s only a matter of time, after all, you are his son, the great Merlin Spiritor. I can wait, till then, I can update your pathetic magical training if you want the lessons. But that is a matter for a later time. I feel someone else wanting your attention. Drak Faan said in a boring tone.

Fleety glanced up and hir eyes went wide. Before hir stood the deathly image of Wolf and he regarded hir with wonder and sorrow.


Date: 2011-11-29 23:42 EST
The soul of Wolf gazed on Fleety for a span of a few heartbeats that neither of them had. Slowly, Wolf approached Fleety and offered hir a paw to stand. It has been many centuries since I last saw you, Merlin. Though, seeing your current state and age, maybe I should address you as Fleetian Wolf, the son not of my blood. You have grown strong though you seem to dabble between the signs of Mars and Venus. Wolf chuckled hollowly.

Fleety stood and regarded Wolf for a long moment. Shi remembered him vividly now, being there for hir during those few months they had fled to Wolf Keep. This?this was the father shi wanted, not that monster shi left. The father that lead and cared for hir not the one wanting eternal life no matter the sacrifice that had to be made.

You seem a bit astonished and confused. I cannot say that you have no right to be so. My son Orion has fulfilled his oath beyond what I could have imagined. I have read your soul and have seen your memories as if they are a cluster of cocoons bursting forth into a cloud of butterflies. To think that Merlin Spiritor has almost been completely replaced by Fleetian Wolf, a Lupe that never existed. Wolf clapped his ghostly paws in applause.

Fleety looked as if shi wanted to sit down abruptly on the ground again, but shi didn?t. No matter what shi could bring to hir mind, shi could not deny who this was. That strong body, the platinum hair, the blue eyes, the markings of gray and dark gray fur in a dancing kaleidoscope of patterns belonged to only one Lupe that ever lived. The hole in his chest from a mage blast sang testament that this was the soul of Wolf, first born of Lupis. Hir lips quivered as the unsteady defenses in hir mind crumbled around hir letting in the truth.

It would seem my mere presence has unhinged your mind to its fullest now, Merlin. Wolf stood there watching hir.

Fleety bowed hir head and slumped hir shoulders. ?Then it?s all true. You are Wolf. I need not be so crass to ask for proof that my eyes and heart tell me. So I am this Merlin Spiritor. An escaped sacrifice and son of a mad Lupe.? Shi cried as shi stood. ?Why did you command Orion to cover my memories? Wasn?t it painful enough the first time I had to live through them as a child? Now I suffer through them again as someone alien to them?? shi gave Wolf a wounded stare.

Some of those answers I cannot provide as I died before that time. Orion would know, but I can answer why I had him do this to you. You are a precious Lupe to Lupinoss. You hold the spark of magic that all Lupinossai use. My little brother Spiritor failed to realize what he had gifted you with. You are, in no simpler words, the god of Lupinossai magic. Even though I do not favor magic or magic users, such a rare gift is something not to be tossed away. The Lupinossai need someone to govern the magic that so many wish to use. I just wanted to protect that lost and scared puppy until he stood on his paws a grown man, Merlin. That is what has happened. You are a strong and brave Lupe. Reckless and stubborn at times, both traits of your birth father, but you are no weakling child anymore. Wolf said solemnly.

?So you decided not to ask my opinion and fixed things to suit your needs?? Fleety fixed Wolf with a cold stare of anger now.

I did what I thought was best for your future. I am sorry I have caused you pain. I have earned your anger rightfully, this I admit and I ask for forgiveness. I do ask though that you don?t take your anger out on my son who followed the orders of an old man. Wolf spoke with tenderness.

Shi took a few deep breaths and settled hir nerves. ?Would it have truly been bad for me to continue to live as Merlin Spiritor??

Wolf gave Fleety a look of quiet confusion. I am not an oracle, nor am I a far seer. Just the tired remains of Lupe once living that wouldn?t know how your life would have turned out down the other path. I acted on what information and insight I had. Spiritor would have torn Lupinoss up looking for you if you kept your name, Merlin. I do know that he has attacked and controls much of Lupinoss from the memories of Orion. Truly sad times that my Den is no more, but ask yourself this, if you continued on as Merlin, overcame the grief and loss no pup should ever have to witness and continued your training, would you still be the same Lupe you are today? Would you be the shining beacon of hope so many have come to see you as? Or would you have turned into just another Spiritor mage that few would trust and most would want to kill?

Fleety stood there and looked deep within hirself asking those questions. Shi trembled at the answers hir heart and soul gave up. ?I would have continued my training and faced my father. Struck him down and take his place. Dare I say I would have been more powerful and more arrogant than he was with that power.? Shi lifted a paw and rubbed hir forehead. ?But without actually going down that path, I may become just as good as I am now.?

Perhaps that could have happened. Who can say now? That trail is now grown over and no longer passable. Wolf said simply.

?Yes, it is.? Fleety said bitterly. Shi looked around the room a bit more. ?Are these truly the ashes of Alitis, my mother??

Wolf nodded quietly. Fleety looked at them for a long, long moment. ?I was told by this wand in my paw that in this realm I can take five things back with me, is this true as well??

Another nod from Wolf was given. Fleety knelt by the ash again and taking the silver chalice with running wolves etched upon the metal, scooped up the ashes of Alitis until the cup was full. ?It is not fair that she rest here, cold, and alone.? Shi stood now and placed the wand in a pocket, and clutched that chalice close to hir chest.

I see you found Spiritors wand. I am sure I do not need to impress upon you how dangerous that item is. It is vile and cunning Merlin. Use caution with it. Wolf warned.

?Oh, I know this already. Draak Faan has tried to sway me to my father?s ways once already and I have denied it.? Fleety walked to the painting on the floor and picked it up. Shi felt shi was carrying the shattered parts of hir past with hir now. ?I have four items now and I am sure I could find a fifth item and be greedy to keep all of this knowledge to myself. Yet, I wish to bring something to Stree? Orion from you from this, his real home. Do not get me wrong, I am sorely angry with you both still, but I cannot, out of conscience return home with only things pertinent to me. What would you wish I take back to him??

A smile ghost of a smile touched Wolf?s lips. Such a noble Wolf you have been brought up to be. If you would be so kind to go to my cabinet with the Wolf sigil on it, within is a mahogany box. It is small, yet heavy. The treasure within is what I would like Orion to have. Do not open it though as it is spelled just for my heir.

Fleety nodded and went to the cabinet and fetched the heavy box. Shi looked at Wolf. ?Now what? I doubt you have anything further to tell me that won?t either upset me further or confuse me worse.?

Haha. Orion accuses me of a sharp wit and tongue. You are quite right Merlin. I have sadly, no further advice, revelations or insights for you. Just simply this last fact, I loved you and your mother dearly even though the time was short. Now then Merlin, it is time this old soul went back to rest. May your travels and roads be gentle and light. Gather your friends close, your family closer and live to your fullest. Wolf vanished from the room.

That old wolf gets creepier and creepier the more time passes him by. Well then, seeing how you aren?t so dull witted now, I guess it?s time to wake you up boy. quipped the wand.

Before Fleety realized what happened, shi felt the warmth of hir bed, the covers over hir shoulders and the caress of Ammy?s breathing on hir ears. It seems Ammy was holding hir close and fast asleep. Opening hir brilliant blue eyes to slits, shi saw shi was home again and in the restful dark of the room were items piled neatly on the floor by the bed. A mahogany box, a silver chalice filled with ash, a ring, and a wand carved from a dragons tooth. Fleety blinked a few more times.

No, it wasn?t a dream boy. the wand cackled within Fleety?s mind and then was silent.

Orion Wolf

Date: 2012-01-16 00:11 EST
Orion had hear the fevered dreams Fleetian was having down the hall as he slept in a guest room. He also heard the comforts of Ammy. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a long moment. At least Fleetian found another mate. Orion recalled his adopted brothers first mate and the family he had. That was a time he had seen Merlin truly happy. Yeah, he was attaching that name to Fleetian whether shi liked it or not. Shi may never go by the name like Orion did, but that was a choice only shi could make.

That family of Merlin's though was grand. A fine Felinoid mate, either a Cheetain or Leoparn. He couldn't quite remember though the name Alloa stuck well in Orions mind. How could he forget the name of a dazzling beauty he only glimpsed from behind the bushes in a raining forest, blood trickling into his, at that time, only remaining eye.

Orion rolled over on the bed and stared at the wall, his natural eye, turned red to keep Merlin's identity a secret only saw the wood and deep shadows, maybe a painting of a calm mountain stream. Ammy had a thing for Japanese culture. His glowing orange eye saw through the wall, latched onto heat signatures of generators, wires, plumbing, and the occasional bat or owl in the night. He used to have to eyes until he was drug up before Spiritor in the courtyard of Wolf City and there tried and found guilty of leading a resistance against the Spiritors. The memories were so long ago yet even faded the held a visceral memory.

Strung up to a post newly erected weeks before with the sole intent of burning the residents of Wolf City at the stake for sheer violent pleasure. He was tied to that post, he could smell the sooty ash and the seared flesh smell baked into the wood now. He was leaner then, less scarred, and full of righteous anger. Cocky even, some would say. Yeah, he was cocky cause he knew he was caught by his mate and daughter had escaped with the rest of the Crimson Paws. Orion even remembered grinning annoyingly at Spiritor as he came with his lackeys who held bared cat of nine tail whips and several iron implements of torture.

Oh, Spiritor was mad indeed, and read off the long list of true and false crimes they saddled me with. I was still smug even after the ripped out every one of my earrings, stripping me of all social status and rank. Next they hammered a black pearl on a heated spike through was left of my right ear. The mark of a murderer. Next they heated the brand. Orion could smell the hot iron, felt the searing heat close to his muzzle, and the searing smell of flesh as they branded him a renegade and an exile to kill the next time he was spotted. He bore all of this with a malevolent smile, irritating Spiritor more.

Next came the whips. He'd been whipped and cut in battle, it stung and hurt, but Orion endured. As he lay on that bed in the house of Ammy, the next thought had him curled up in a ball so tight joints popped. He shut his eyes, but his mind played on the fate that tore the grin from his muzzle and stamped out his hopes in ever believing Spiritors could be humane. They paraded the captured Topaz and Jasmine, his mate and daughter. Spiritor laughed at him, seeing the grin vanish. The bastards had me now, and my family.

More charges read this time against my family. They tied my head back, forced open my eyes to watch them both raped repeatedly by soldiers and finally Spiritor himself. As they both cried and screamed for my help, their throats were slit and their blood flung upon me, marking me as the reason they died. Orion barely remembered screaming so much in his life, but he did. If he could of broken loose he would of died happily taking as many of the Spiritors down with him. But he was bound, and after that horrid site, Spiritor decided to show a mockery of compassion. A hot poker into my right eye partially blinding me. As a show to the public, what was left of it, that a traitor and renegade should not be encouraged, Spiritor neutered me on the spot as well.

And so, whipped, lashed, family destroyed, any hope for a future generation gone and marked for life as the next one to kill on sight, they let me go, down Forsaken Pass and into the world of Salinka. Three days he found Merlin and his family but never came out of those bushes. Just watched as a wounded, hurt animal, hating life and seeing Fleetian happy with a mate, a son, and now a baby daughter in the arms of Alloa, the burning fire of jealousy and hate for Fleetian himself ignited in Orion.

Orion rolled over once again on his other side and tried to force he body to stretch. He was so stupid and hurt back then that hating Fleetian was a mistake, but a mistake it was. He never once went back to Merlin and spoke face to face. He always watched from the shadows, kept his promise to father and loathed Fleetian more. He let Fleetian believe Orion was now dead and the rift between us grew immensely.

A tear or two rolled down Orions old cheeks. He turned and screamed into the pillow until he passed out once more. His last thoughts before fatigue and grief took him was 'I'm sorry Merlin. I'm sorry.'


Date: 2012-04-24 21:41 EST
Fleety untangled hirself from the embrace Ammy had woven around hir and worked hirself to sit upright. Shi ran a loving paw over hir mate?s hair. Ammy cared much for hir and would go to the ends of the world for hir if it would ease hir pain. Fleety felt the soul gem of Wolf in hir other paw and shi wrapped fingers tightly around it. This was a pain that wasn't something Ammy could help hir with. This was personal pain that only shi could deal with. Shi sat for a few quiet minutes in thought.

Orion couldn't sleep anymore and he had no more tears left to cry. He had let out everything he had pent up over the years of watching Merlin grow up in a life not hir own and now he was here, so close to the end of facing up to his actions. He sat up in bed then leaned on his knees and rubbed his neck. How was he ever going to mend this mess? The darkness in the room around him seemed to mock him silently. Orion stood and left the room and walked for the cozy looking den of the house. He sat down on one of the couches and felt miserable even in the cozy atmosphere. He felt like an outsider in this house his adopted daughter had built and shared with Merlin. Orion wanted to say little brother but that was a damn lie too. Father adopted Merlin, and shi grew on Orion as a little brother but now, he had a hard time applying the term brother to the Lupinossai that was still asleep in hir own nightmares and lying broken from a successful attempt at rescuing hir family.

Fleety heard someone moving outside the room. Shi drew the wheelchair close to the bed and pulled hirself into it and wheeled hirself over to the bedroom door. Wolf's soul gem lay in hir lap. Opening the door, Fleety wheeled the chair into the den and saw Street on the couch. Or should shi now be calling him Orion, shi thought coldly.

Orion felt the gaze of someone on him and he looked up to see Merlin's blue eyes staring right at him. He swallowed hesitantly and looked at the Lupinossai he once called little brother as shi sat in that wheelchair. "Morning." Orion said quietly.

Fleety said nothing to the greeting. Shi simply rolled the wheelchair into the den and stopped so shi sat a mere foot from Orion and stared right at him. "Which is it? Orion or Street? Fleet or Merlin?" hir tone held sharp notes of hurt and betrayal.

Orion watched hir move and stop in front to fix him with that glacial look he knew all to well. Only father ever had that look, a look Orion should have own with those blue eyes that he willingly gave Merlin to protect hir. Now he shivered under that stare. "Orion and Merlin is the truth of it." he spoke tensely.

Fleety's jaw tightened and hir fingers tightened on the armrests of hir wheelchair. Streets..Orions admission was the final piece, the final confession to this whole mess and it hurt. "Soo... I'm the son of the infamous murdering and mad mage Spiritor then. Cursed to be just as insane as he is, right? Too risky to let a child grow up with his real name and know who he really is for fear he would become something great?" shi snarled every single word as shi spoke to Orion.

Orion flinched a bit hearing hir, but shi had the right to speak what shi did. "Merlin, listen to me.."

"DON"T YOU DARE USE THAT NAME ON ME AGAIN!" shi snarled in rage. The air in the den dropped to a wintry chill. "You didn't think I needed that name when we ran for our lives why use it now. That name is useless to me now, brother." Shi nearly spat out that last word. "How could you just lock away my memories? Erase my entire being as a Spiritor? I didn't ask for you to make me a farmer?s peasant son. I didn't ask for you to rescue me. I just wanted to die among my mother?s ashes!"

Orion pressed back into the couch unsure on if he was going to survive this discussion with his adopted brother, but a Wolf never backs down from a challenge or a fight. Orion reached deep within for his courage and dug in his heels. "Damn it Merlin, I'll call you by your real name if I wish to. You can't blame me for this entirely! I was a child, just like you. I lost my father and mother in that damned mess you and your mother brought to your doorstep. I saved you're damned life and kept that baastrii Spiritor from living for ever. That's what would have happened if he got you and sacrificed you. He'd be immortal and we'd all be enslaved and dead."

"No, he wouldn't have found me. Mother laid a death curse to keep me hidden from pursuers." shi snapped at him.

"How was I to know that? I found you in the ashes of your witch mother and the burned remains of father?s throne room. You wouldn't talk to me for days and even when you would it was just to say her name over and over. Lupis, Merlin I was instructed to keep you safe and keep you safe I did. I saw you in pain. I took it away." he said with tones of beseeching hope.

"IT WAS MY PAIN!" Fleety cried. "Mine. Mine to own and keep. You had no right to erase my life. You replaced my mother and father with lies. My whole life with lies." shi started to sob.

Orion looked down at the rugs for a moment trying to find a way to wade through this pain he had inflicted on Merlin. "Your mother was dead, your father a crazed Spiritor. I gave you a whole family."

"You gave me nothing but two Wolf's who knew nothing about what they let into their home. You gave me a life that was not of my choosing. You made me into a Wolf. I am not a Wolf. Spiritor blood flows in my veins. Blood of a mad, insane Spiritor, but it is still Spiritor blood." shi snarled once more.

Orion sighed deeply. "If I could take back what I did, I would have Merlin. I would love to take back everything, but I can't. I can't give you back your mother. You can't hand me back my parents that your father took from me, or my mate and my daughter he took personal pleasure in violating and killing before he took out my eye. If you really want to claim Spiritor blood again, then I would be force to take up a blood duel with you for your father?s crimes." Orion said under strain.

Fleety's eyes narrowed to sapphire slits. "So, you're saying I cannot be outraged at the sins of your father for having you erase my memories and making me someone else for two centuries and taking up my rightful blood name due to you wishing blood vengeance on crime committed by my own father? Typical damn Wolf."

"Typical damn Wolf? After all we've been through, you are going to start throwing arrogant slander at me? Why? I kept you alive? Hell, I even married you to Ammy. I've supported you in life and I even gave you something my father gave me and only me. I gave you my blue eyes. So don't you start acting high and mighty on me. I came here to lay things to rest and make things right."

"Fine. You want to make things right, give me back my mother, alive. Give me back my childhood as Merlin and my times of being able to study as a mage. Give me back my innocence from all the bloody wars Den Wolf put me into with my own fellow Spiritors. Give me back all the nights I lost sleep from wondering why I was the only damned magic using Wolf in that whole nation! Give me back the Truth! Street the Liar!" shi threw Wolf's soul gem at Orion's head.

Street Wolf: Orion caught his father?s soul gem quickly and held it close for fear of losing it. "I CAN"T! I don't have magic! I'm not like you! I'm not an angel. I'm not a deity! I'm not freaking heir to the magic of Lupinoss. You want you're damned witch of a mother back? Resurrect her. You did it to Ammy. Granted she turned into a demon because of it. Hell, you even became young again because of magic. This is why this argument started! Magic! You're the one who has the potential for everything. All the magical talent. All the dreams and adoration of the people. All the loving mates and the fun history. Hell, Merlin, I want my mate and daughter back that your father Spiritor raped and slit their throats in front of me. I want me eye back. I want my people back. I want Den Wolf back." Orion started to sob. "I'm so tired of being the only Wolf left."

Fleety snarled, "Oh, you think magic fixes everything? Do you? Tell that to a frightened boy who is staring at his father holding a sacrificial knife to that boys little belly just waiting to slice him open. Magic fixes nothing. Hell, you want your Den Wolf back? You want your mate and daughter back? Your dammed blue eyes? I never liked these blue eyes. You want them back? Do you? How about I give you all the magic? Huh? Huh? Let you go insane with all the power that keeps humming in your head and heart whispering to you every single minute about what you could do if you just stepped off of this path, or took that turn. To look at all the possibilities that can happen in the near future. You know how many times I've seen my families die, each and every one of them with this magic? Do you? It's madness and it's fathers gift to his little boy of insanity as well."

"If magic never existed, my people would still be alive. You're father was a curse to our race, Merlin. A bloody curse and you're starting to sound like him already." Orion said his heart breaking. "Is there no way to mend what I've done?" he asked pleading.

"You've mended enough brother. Two centuries living life as a fake Wolf is plenty of mending. You want to mend things? Leave me alone. I've a family now. One of Spiritor blood as it should be. No lies now. My children will be noble Spiritors now, and I'll take back the Den of Spiritor and change what my father did to it and remove the taint from its name." Shi spoke with a deep biting cold in hir voice.

"I.. I can't leave you alone Merlin. You are my brother, whether blooded or not. I've watched over you for 80 some years and I am not going to walk away now." Orion said hurt. "Merlin.. please, forget about the Spiritors. That Den is a lost cause. Your father has done so much harm to that Den's name that the Spiritors are widely hated by all. You should know. You've killed more than I have."

Fleety hung hir head and seemed to look appalled. "I killed my own kin because of Wolf treachery." shi looked up at Orion. The look shi bore could kill if shi just added a bit more will to it. Go ahead. Kill him. Remove the Wolf that has hurt you. That has taken all that you are the rightful heir to. Kill him and with me, Drak Faan and your access to the Spark of Lupinossai Magic you will surpass your father.

"Merlin, I did what I thought was right and what I was told." seeing hir gaze intensify, Orion felt very nervous now as if he was being sized up for a kill. "Merlin? Merlin? Fleet? Fle..Fleet? Snap out of it. I don't want to hurt you!" his voice cracked and his paw fumbled for the .50 cal desert eagle on his hip.

Shi could hear Orion and the wand speak to hir though Orion seemed to get dimmer to hir thoughts. Surpass hir father? Rival the first mage ever born by Lupis and Canis? Surpass the Gods themselves and rule the Lupinossai and all shi had to do was kill one more Lupinossai. Just one more Lupinossai like so many shi's already killed in the Great Den Wars of their people. A Lupinossai that has betrayed hir trust in so many vile ways. Fleety, please remember who you are when you find who you were. Ammy's whispered voice while shi had slept and wandered the dream realm washed over hir. Fleety shuddered and the wands voice vanished from hir mind.

Orion pulled the gun free and leveled it at his brothers forehead. He pulled the trigger back, finger hesitating on the trigger as those murderous blue eyes kept staring at him.

Fleety let out a held breath and flicked a paw at the gun with a ripping force of magic that caught several books and nick knacks on the shelves behind the couch.

Orion's eyes widened as the gun was ripped from his paw. KRACK! The gun fired as it was hurtled through a window along with the debris of books. He scrambled back over the couch and took cover.

The bullet remained spinning in the air, a few hairs from Fleety's forehead. Shi plucked the bullet from the air and dropped the bullet to the floor. Shi went back to looking at the cowering Orion. "Well now, guess you're guns don't solve everything just like my magic doesn't solve everything." Shi carefully folded hir paws in hir lap and now looked like a brewing thunder storm instead of a raging hurricane. "Your welcome here, brother is growing thin."

Orion shook while he hid. "You were trying to attack me!"

"I was merely glowering at you. If I wanted you dead, pathetic Wolf, we wouldn't have had this conversation. You know firsthand what I am capable of doing in battle. Do you see your entrails on the floor while your skin is intact still? Are you in the embrace of never-ending cold? Have I blinded you for eternity with a thought so frightening you take your own life?"

"" Orion stammered.

"So one little glower and you point a gun at my head and pull the trigger. My dear brother, you want to kill me don't you? Put down the last son of Spiritor before shi gets a chance to go mad with power. Admit it!" shi pointed an accusing finger at Orion.

Orion slowly stood and stopped cowering. He looked at Fleety, one red eye and one glowing orange eye staring quietly. "No more lies. Those thoughts cross my mind, Merlin. You are like him in every way. Attitude, power and emotions. How can I know you won?t turn on us all and enslave us? How can I know, that you, Merlin, won't dip into magic and start another Great Den War, one that no one will come back from? Can you honestly answer me brother that the magic doesn't make you crave power? Answer?" His paw was slowly sliding for his other pistol.

The question was like a razor across hir wounded heart. It cut deep and stung. Orion couldn't trust hir with the memories shi had now. Couldn't trust a brother who knew what shi could become with the powers shi had at hir finger tips. Power that had torn their people and nation to pieces several times before. Magical power. Pure, wonderful, ecstatic magical power. And why not? It was hir damn birthright as heir to Spiritor. Why shouldn't shi dominate the Lupinossai as the head Lupinossai? As to the demanded answer shi met Orions stare with the glacial blue eyes hir brother so willing gave up to keep hir safe. What a simpering idiot. "What if I don't have an answer?"

"Damn it Merlin. Damn it Fleet. You're better than this. You're not a power hungry Spiritor! You can't be and still claim to be caring! Would you be willing to tie up Myrlene and slit her open to live eternally? Sacrifice that little girl you all adopted, named Rawsha to live eternally as well? Twist Ammy into a magical weapon again like you father did? Do Lupis knows what to Mirius? Are you willing to destroy what you've built? What about your first born son, Vuusoolta? You going to kill him for believing that he is a true born Wolf? Or kill him when comes after you when you start going insane? Fleet, please, brother, are you intent on turning your back on us all and embracing that mad power?"

"I have no need to live forever. I do that already and I won that right honestly. Why should I deny my birthright? Why should I deny being a Spiritor? It is what I was born as. A magic using Spiritor, son of the greatest Lupinossai Mage ever and I have children to prove that fact. Why should I hide from it anymore? Because some whining Wolf puppy holds onto this dumb notion he is still my brother and wants to protect me from the evils of the world? Brother, you are useless to me now. I've no need for a simpleton barbarian that acts first and thinks with his weapons. You've destroyed my identity once. I will not let you do it to me twice."

Orion stood there stunned, looking at Fleet for a long moment.

"From this point out, Street, Orion or whatever you wish to call yourself, treacherous Wolf, I have no brother."

"I.. only did what was needed brother. Please, reconsider and let us mend things. I don't want to see you turn to this path." Orion pleaded.

"Then you should've left my damned head alone Orion. You messed with my mind you are not my brother by blood. You are just a lying Lupinossai that used me to keep your homelands safe. I DO NOT LIKE BEING USED!" shi snarled and the room shook. "So either you kill me, or leave before I kill you."

Orion removed his paw from the remaining gun and let his paw hand by his side. His fears had come to light. He had lost his little brother in unveiling the truth. Orion hung his head, tears streamed down his cheeks.

"You're not moving." shi growled and sent an ice spike at Orion. It embed in the wall just an inch from his neck.

Orion didn't even flinch. "My heart is over here you, you lousy Spiritor." he snapped and slowly moved for the front door. He lost that last of his family this day. Fleety was all that he had left of his old days. They were gone now. Placing a paw on the door knob, he looked over his shoulder at Fleety. "Merlin Spiritor, by my rights as Orion Wolf, surviving blood member of Den Wolf, Son of Wolf, Mate of Topaz and father of Jasmine Wolf. I lay their blood and the blood of my kinsmen at your at your fathers paws. Spiritor being dead, I challenge you, Merlin Spiritor do a blood duel by swords, to end when one dies. Come face me like a man Spiritor and we will make the wrongs right." he opened the door, walked out of the house and closed the door.

Fleety sat there in the wheelchair and heard the challenge given and watched Orion leave. Shi heard the motorcycle start and fade as it took off. Shi raised hir head in rage and anger. How dare he level the crimes of Spiritor at hir!

We could kill him very easily while he rides. No living challenger. No duel. Quick. Simple. And we proceed with our plans of power. The wand coaxed hir. Fleety's mood soured tremendously and shi banished the wands words and voice from hir mind. Shi should have left that infernal artifact in the dreamscape to rot and mold with Wolf Keep, lost to time and memory. But shi couldn't. It was fathers. The only possession of his shi had. And it was all hir's. Shi sat in the den, in the dim room feeling lonely now in the silence. Shi had banished the only person shi had known as a brother. The only family shi had left was tossed out like garbage. For what? Blood and magic. Magic...

The word felt sour in hir muzzle and hir heart ached with what shi did to Orion but his treachery ached worse. The wounds were too fresh, too painful to be reasonably dealt with right now. All shi wanted to do was lash out and hurt someone, something and scream like a child. But shi was not a child. Long gone were those days in a cloud of fine ash. Shi shivered in hir wheelchair. Enjoy your rewards Merlin Spiritor. Enjoy your isolation and the power you crave. Enjoy the misery, the death and the madness you are going to cause to those around you as you take that Spark and become what you should be. The Future Sight that haunted hir often came to hir mind and shi couldn't shove it away. It showed hir ruling a decimated Lupinossai. The whole land subjugated to hir will. Vast areas cratered by hir magical will. Shi was alone in hir ruler ship. The bodies of hir family lay broken and bloody on the battlefields doing what they did best. Being heroes either for or against hir and shi killed them. Shi killed them all.

Shifting hir eyes to the Den of Rhydin it was in ruins. Hir first testament to the powers of the Son of Spiritor. An end to the squabbling insanity the Lupinossai of that city brought. Shi brought them all peace. Every single one of them. Sweet, sweet peace. Eternal peace in death. Ash and burning flesh filled hir nose and shi shuddered. Here's your victory Merlin. Here's your heritage.

Some day you will crave power just like your father did. The cruel words of the wand haunted hir as shi looked at those future visions. Fleety wept. Shi only wanted what was denied to hir. Hir life back. Why was shi being punished for that? Why? The visions didn't stop though. As with any future sight, many paths flow and change. Shi saw hirself split hir power. Saw the Spark leave hir and the carnage of the future fade and a brighter future return. Shi had a choice. Shi always had a choice.

Shi wheeled into hir study and unlocked a glass case. Shi withdrew a glass knife etched with ruins on it. Looking the knife over carefully, shi nodded to hirself as if readying for a decision. Moving to hir desk, shi pulled over a silver bowl and filled it with liquid amber. Shi slid the knife over hir palm and let the blood into the golden orange liquid.

"I speak to the blood of my father through the blood of the son. Remove from me the blood right. Remove from the Spark of Lupinossai Magic. I ask that the Spark be passed to one who will be of a nobler heart than mine to bear such a powerful and terrifying gift. Let the Spark pass to a new avatar, and bring that avatar to me to receive the last piece of the Sparks power." the golden liquid began to glow and radiate power.

Shi raised hir paws and the mixture of blood and amber floated like an orb in the air. Blowing upon it, the orb solidified into a small amber stone with hir blood at the center of it. "Now go, find a new bearer for the Spark." the stone flew out of the house and into the Glen to settle under a very large stone on a very high hill to wait one day for a new bearer. The spark passed from hir, shi resigned hirself now to the fate of one day having to cross lethal blades with hir former brother Orion.