Topic: Cross Cultural experiences with the Lupe girl next door.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-12-26 00:26 EST
Arcadia, about 4pm in the afternoon. ((Taken from original post in Arcadia))

Lene finished filing a large stack of shipping invoices from today's cargo delivery. Normally she would hum to a song on the radio, but today she was quiet. Music was playing from the radio, but the songs were unusual. The words made no sense. A lot of people were singing about something called 'Christmas' and adoring a baby. Then there was songs about some jolly fat guy in a red suit and giving gifts to people. It was strange listening to the songs.

She returned to Hochi's desk, with all of the activity lately, she'd forgotten to get a desk ordered for herself. Maybe she should see about getting a drafting desk made so she could sketch and draw when the office was slow. Lene was getting a lot of ideas about designing things and when she asked mom about it, Ammy just laughed softly and told her that it was her Airii genes. Sitting at the desk, she looked through some more papers, Nicole was humming along silently translating more documents into Lupesh. Lene was still struggling to learn to read common. It seamed easier to speak common than read it.

A knock at the office door snatched her attention away from the requisition orders for a crate of Tennis Balls, 4 pallets of Lime Jello, and a crate of Loose Packed Ball Bearings. "Come in." Lene said. In walked one of the gate guards. He was a cute looking guy and she admired the way he stood guard day after day. She blinked and shook her head. That was all she needed was to fall in love with another guard.

"Miss Lene, your parents dropped off a package for you at the gate. Do you want me to bring it in for you?" he asked with a slightly bored tone to his voice.

"A package for me? Sure Gabriel. Bring it in." she answered in surprise. Gabriel retreated and in a few minutes returned with not one, but two packages.

"Thought you said I had only one package, Gabriel?" she looked at the packages he was setting on the desk.

"You did, Miss Lene. The second package is from me and Michael. We thought with you being away from home that maybe you didn't get a Christmas gift." Gabriel was smiling a little.

Lene stared at Gabriel for a long moment. There was that odd word again. She saw he was smiling and didn't want to make him feel mad by asking to explain this Christmas word. Lene just nodded to Gabriel and said thank you. She went back to looking at invoices and Gabriel made a slow measured retreat.

Soon another stack of invoices were ready to file and Lene was feeling a bit thirsty. She dug into her leather satchel and snagged a bottle of soda. She made a habit of grabbing soda's in town after work to keep in the office. Opening the soda with that wonderful snapping pop, she took a long sip. Carbonation tickled her wet nose and a few drops of soda collected on her whiskers. She sat and rubbed her neck for a moment and eyed the two packages. The one from mom and dad was plainly wrapped and she could smell wonderfully smoked trout and Soulstra bread. The other package from Gabriel and Michael was wrapped in vivid color paper and had ribbon and a bow on it.

Lene scratched her chin for a moment in thought then opened the package from mom and dad. She was right. A box of mom's home made smoked trout strips, and Soulstra bread that must be dads recipe after a little test nibble. A picture was in the package of Mom, Dad, Street, Sari, the pups, and Mog? Oh right, they were split now, but he was still family. She pulled out the empty silver frame that was gifted to her at the antique store and put the picture in. She sat it on the desk and just smiled. It was nice to the see whole family looking back at her. A glance back to the open package and she saw a note under the food. She removed it and read.

~To our precious Lene. Home is way too quiet and lonesome with you gone. We hope you're enjoying your job and the path that you are traveling. We sent you some Celebration of Life and Soul food so you could enjoy a bit of home. We finally corralled everyone together for a picture. Not easy when your Uncle Street and Aunt Sari have four pups running around. Mogriil even stuck around. He's been busy helping out a Cafe Lupe and has gotten along with his father quite well now. The rumor howls have it that he's eying a cute Erthrii who works at the mill. Those two look happy. Oh, dear, shouldn't have said that. I know it's been too soon since you guys left.

Your father has been grilling Fen and the staff at the clinic getting things in order. He has so much energy now. Oh, we have a Veterinarian who stops by regularly now at the Den. Says he's an old friend of your dads. The Philosophers Flask has been dead slow. I have been making potions and ointments to fill all the shelves, yet no one comes. I am hoping to get that ATV from Tru soon so I can sell some items in Rhydin without moving my shop. I should probably stop chewing your ear now and let you go. I did snag another picture for you. It's of Master Pallin, you, and me during the last training session we had together on his ship. It's tucked in under the bread. Happy Celebration of Life and Soul. We miss our baby girl.

Love, Ammy and Fleet.~

Lene sniffled a little. The letter reminded her of how much she was missing the Den. Setting the letter down, she lifted the box of bread and took the second picture and smiled a little. Those were the days then. Training in the Force, feeling invincible and special. She rubbed her stump of a left ear at that thought. Another sip of soda and she looked at the gift from the guys. Christmas gift is what Gabriel called it. Well it would be rude not to open it. She undid the bow, and gingerly unwrapped the gift. She folded the shiny paper neatly, planning on keeping it. The gift was actually two gifts neatly wrapped together. One was from Gabriel the other from Michael. Odd how she opened Gabriel's first. She liked the guy as a friend, that's all. A harmless, friendly liking.

Opening the gift she looked in concern and a little confused. It was a dog collar? Lene was wondering if this was a joke, but the collar was really nice. Black leather, silver and gold plated buckle. Little sparkly gems were lined on the collar to spell her name 'Lene' in white sparkles. A small note was in the box with the gift.

~To Miss Lene. I honestly don't know what to get a Lupinossi for Christmas. You're the first Lupinossai I have ever seen. I hope you don't take offense at the dog collar. I figured, well, since you look part dog, that maybe your culture wears them? If not, let me know please, and I'll take it back and find you something better. Merry Christmas from Gabriel.~

Lene of course had Nicole translate it into Lupesh. Well she couldn't be mad at Gabriel for the gift now. It was not meant as a rude gesture. Grinning, Lene picked up the collar and put it on around her neck. It felt nice and sparkled when she looked in the small mirror hanging on the wall. She turned to open Michael's gift just wondering what he would get her. Lene almost gasped. Inside was a pair of hand crafted, beautifully inscribed steel fighting bracers, complete with hand guards and articulated fingers! What a wide spectrum in the gifts. She slipped them on and they fit snugly. A note was with his gift as well. After translation she read it.

~To Miss Lene. I heard you like to duel in swords. I used to fight my brother James back home in Porley. We'd hit each other with wood swords and smack each others hands and knuckles something fierce. Figured you could use a sturdy set of bracers to keep your fine looking paws safe. Merry Christmas from Michael.

P.S. Your father was more than happy to give me the measurements for you paws.~

Lene sat back in awe wearing a sparkling collar with her name on it, and brand new bracers. What was this holiday that made people give away expensive gifts? She looked at her families picture and felt a pang of guilt. Celebration of Life and Soul was a time of being happy with what we have and how things could have been worse. To remember to live with what is left and to be happy. Was accepting these Christmas gifts bad? She looked to Nicole.

"Nicole, would you happen to have any cross references about accepting gifts during Celebration of Life and Soul?" She asked hesitantly. They were really nice gifts and would hate to see the boys find their gifts returned.

"No reference found Lene. Most logical deduction is that since you are away from home, celebration of ones customs is advised, but partaking in the customs of others that you live with is also advised. Keep the gifts." and with that Nicole shut off.

Lene just smiled and sipped the last of her soda. She picked up the silver frame and hugged her families picture. Feeling happy and content she slipped of into a unexpected nap still holding the picture tightly wearing her new gifts.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-12-28 00:36 EST
Lene waited for two days before speaking with Gabriel and Michael. She took that time to get some advice as she had never been on the receiving end of a Christmas gift, and these were some really nice gifts. After speaking with Aja, Anya, and a few others, it was evident that the gifts could be viewed as more than just Christmas gifts. This left Lene in a pickle. She was still a bit tender from having to leave Mogriil because he was related to her. First cousins should never mate no matter what the culture. Now she had two human teen guards showing interest in her. Why was it the guard types with her?

Well it was time to talk to those two. Lene stepped away from the office for a break and headed to the shipyards gate. She had the dog collar on, as well as the steel bracers. No point in just wearing one or the other when talking to them. It would surely signal a preference and she wasn't sure if that would start a male fight for her approval. She really didn't know much about the human culture, yet she was born in Rhydin. Some days are just too confusing.

The boys spotted Lene easily, and Gabriel fussed a little with his uniform. Michael just laughed at him and gave him a solid, playful punch in the arm. Lene hesitated coming closer seeing the punch, but figured it was safe seeing Gabriel laughing and slugging Michael back in the shoulder.

"Uhm, hi guys." She said a little shyly.

"Afternoon, Miss Lene. Catching some fresh air?" Michael asked casually.

Lene nodded. "Yes. The office gets a little stuffy sometimes. By the way, thank you both for the gifts. They are really nice, and a bit expensive but I do like them." She said with a light voice that was almost tense.

"So the dog collar didn't piss you off then? I wasn't sure what you'd like. I've never gotten a Lupinossai girl a gift before." Gabriel said. A small hint of relief in his voice.

"I do like the collar. It is very nice and I like to wear it. However, ask the Lupinossai you are buying it for next time. It can sometimes mean you want to own them. My mom was a little peeved seeing me with it on, but she understood when I explained it was just a gift. I mean, it is just a gift right?" she asked trying to keep any hostility out of her voice.

Michael was now laughing seeing Gabriel's look of surprise. "Told you she's not like a pet. You should of stuck with the sword belt and scabbard like I suggested, Gaby."

Gabriel gave Michael a withering look and just about jumped the boy.

Lene was now a bit worried. "Honestly, the collar and the gauntlets are both very nice boys. Though I am curious. I am a bit new at reading common and the Lupesh translation of your notes lead me to believe you two may be interested in me?" quite a bit of hesitation in her voice.

That question had two very opposite effects on the boys. Michael just grinned widely and slapped his forehead lightly. Gabriel became very quiet and didn't look at anyone.

"Oh no. I am so sorry Miss Lene if you think I wanted to date you. I have a girl already. I just figured you'd love the gear since you duel often. My father was a dueler, and I like to duel with my brother when I can. Gabriel over here though, can't stop talking about you though." devilish grin was flashed at Gabriel.

Lene looked to Gabriel and never saw a human move so fast. Gabriel tried slugging Michael. Michael just slipped under the hook and gave a solid punch to Gabriel's solar plexus. The hit made Gabriel crumple by the gate. Lene gasped and Michael just laughed.

"He's fine Miss Lene. He just has a glass stomach. Gabriel is not too impressed with girls. You're the first one he's taken an interest too." Michael toed the unconscious teen, then began to poke him. "You're worrying Miss Lene. Get up faker."

Gabriel wasn't coming too. Lene's worry turned a little to panic. Great, she managed to get a guard hurt by asking a simple question. She walked over to Gabriel. "I know magic. Maybe I can bring him around." She knelt and readied the Healing Transmute array in her mind, but she hesitated. Aja did say Parker had the place warded and her magic may not work well with it. So she stayed kneeling, halfway into her spell preparation trying to decide what to do.

Gabriel made the decision for her. He opened his blue eyes, coughed once, and sat up quickly, cracking his forehead against Lene's. Lene fell backwards on the ground and was out like a light. Gabriel rubbed his forehead cursing.

"Jesus, that was like head butting steel. Damn." he rubbed more. Michael just smirked and walked over to Lene. He shook her trying to bring her too. No response. She was breathing though. He looked over to Gabriel with a mischievous look in his green eyes.

"Way to go, Gaby. You just knocked out the boss' secretary. Aja will have your hide. Better go take Miss Lene to Parker to make sure she's okay." Michael instructed. He knew Lady Aja wouldn't really ream Gabriel, maybe chew him out some, but teasing Gabriel was too much to pass up.

Gabriel blinked, and quickly picked up Lene. He expected her to be heavy and almost tossed her completely over his shoulder when he found she was lighter that he thought. He quickly grabbed her limp form in time to keep her from hitting head first on the ground. A few of the shipyard crew had stopped work and were now watching both boys curiously.

"Gabriel, stop playing with her like a rag doll, and go see Parker!" Michael booted Gabriel in the butt to get him moving.

Gabriel carried Lene slung over his shoulder, and jogged for Parker. "Out of the way please! Medical attention required." he ordered keeping panic out of his voice. He didn't see Michael leaning against the wall laughing hard and holding his sides.

More yard crew stopped working and glanced at the gate guard shouldering the limp Lupinossai girl. Seeing he was aimed for Parker, they went back to work. Gabriel reached Parker's room and knocked loudly. Parker admitted them both in and shut the door.

One hour later, Lene was in the office, leaning heavily against her office chair with an ice pack to her forehead. Gabriel was back at the gate standing guard. Michael tried to rib him about the head butt, but kept getting told that nothing happend. Lene kept her eyes closed and wondered where she went wrong. Parker told her that the stress of deciding whether to heal Gabriel or not with magic triggered a fainting spell that was complicated by accidental headbutt trauma from Gabriel. Parker brought her too easily, checked her awareness and reflexes, and told her to ice down her forehead. He did chuckle about how hard Lene's head was. Lene looked at the clock. She had three more hours left in the office. Small groan escaped her muzzle. Human boys could be dangerous.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2010-01-19 17:34 EST
The next morning Lene stepped into the office and gave a small groan that one gives when they know they are alone. She felt horrible. Last nights fighting in the Outback really took it out of her. Her right cheek wasn't swollen anymore, but a close look at her fur would show nasty black bruising on the skin. Lene moved a little stiffly to Hochi's desk and sat down with a thankful sigh. A few orders were on the desk, and some files to be tended to as well.

With a small groan, she sat up and began to poke at the papers. Something hard was under one pile. Curious, she unearthed another gift on the desktop. It had a big card that read ~To Miss Lene~. Only two people called her Miss Lene. She gently cradled her abused head dreading opening the gift to find something to talk to the boys about. Yet, if she refuses the gift, she might irreversibly piss off the boys. Serious question about boys always arise when no one is around to ask advice from?

Gritting her teeth, she carefully opened the box. Paws clapped over her muzzle as she just stared in horror at what was inside. Emotions crashed around in her throwing her through aw, wonder, curiosity, shock, appalling, and finally ebbed with severe embarrassment. The box held something lacy, and red. It looked like clothes, but there was no way they could cover much. What type of human clothing was it? She grabbed a pencil and lifted up a frilly strap with the pencil. Lene blinked, embarrassment deepening. It was a red lace bra, or that's what she thought what the assorted strings were suppose to be. Dropping it on the desk and keeping away from it, she peeked at the other piece and was already guessing. She viewed a pair for frilly panties skewered on her pencil. Panties was being too generous. Thong maybe, and why was there a cute, plush, sheep face on the front of it? Oh Lupis, don't tell me those boys swiped the Scottish catalog from Tru.

Lene just shook her head. This was too much. What possessed them to do this? This was going too far! Lene shoved the gifts back in the box and a note fluttered out of the box. She grabbed it, bent on finding out who was her target for chewing out. It was from Gabriel. Now it was obvious he was after her. She read the note:

~Miss Lene. I am at a loss for words right now, but I thought I would get you something girlish. I realized that dog apparel may not be appropriate anymore. I do like the color of your hair and did some research on Lupinossai. Sadly I couldn't find much on them, but I did read that the local lycans like the feeling of freedom, and often wear clothing as decoration only. I must admit that these garments on a regular girl may be declared as illegal and downright shameful, but you have fur that covers those private things right?

Gabriel Malloy~

Shaking her head, Lene felt a little lost about what to do. After a moment of thought, reflecting on things Aja and Anya have told her about being modest and not slutty, she shoved the frilly, naughty things back in the box. She would send them back to Gabriel. The collar was fine, but this gift was over the line and she was going to let him know about it personally.

Gabriel Malloy

Date: 2010-01-19 20:24 EST
Gabriel Marcus Malloy, how could you send such a gift to such a sweet girl like her? Honestly, what are you thinking in the spikey coconut you call a head? You don't go about looking for a girl by sending her frilly lingerie. I raised you better than that. Now you go find her and apologize for that gift. I'll go burn it with the rubbish today.

His mother had that type of nagging voice that followed you around like an annoying headache. Gabriel honestly thought Miss Lene would like the clothing, but now, after finding out from his scowling mother who received the gift back plus a visit from Miss Lene, that not all Lupes were the same. Last time he asked advice from a Lycan.

Running his right hand through his spiked hair, Gabriel approached the shipyards office. He was off duty today, wearing his raggedy blue jean jacket that mom threatened to throw out anytime he took his eyes off of it. Underneath that was a blue surfer style t-shirt with a Kiwi fruit hanging 10 on a surfboard. Faded blue jeans were tucked into his size 13 boots as usual, and by his measured stride you could never tell he had a concealed hand gun at the small of his back. A Tazer also was tucked in the inside pocket of his jacket.

He knocked on the door of the office when he reached it in moments. Miss Lene had opened it and looked up at him.

"Yes?" her voice dripped with disgust.

Gabe's blue eyes hardened just slightly, but he did deserve the sting in that voice of hers. "May I come in?"

Miss Lene wuffled and waved him in. She even walked like she was mad. Boy, he was going to get it, he just knew. "I came over today to apologize for the lingerie I bought you. I am very sorry about it."

He watched Miss Lene sit behind a desk with stacked papers. She wasn't looking very amused by the apology.

"I see. Why did you think by asking a Lycan, that you'd know what to get me? Couldn't you have asked me yourself?" she pointed out quite frankly.

Gabe bristled just a little, but held his temper in check. This was a girl after all, even if she was fuzzy. Treat her nicely. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Gauging by how mad my mother is and how mad you are, I would say it was quite a surprise."

Miss Lene snorted a little hearing him and finished some paperwork. Then taking out a bottle of soda she took a long sip then looked right at him.

"Oh it was a surprise all right. I am not sure I understand the whole dating thing with humans, but that gift seems like it would be quite rude. I have been trying real hard since moving here to prove that I am an adult and mature. That gift made me feel like I was sending signal out telling people I am a tramp, or a slut." her voice held a note of hurt in it.

Gabriel leaned against the door and rubbed his chin. "Ah, now that makes sense. Well, you will not be getting anymore frilly gifts from me, at least not while my mother is still alive. However, I am still at a loss here. I mistreated you and I want make it up to you. Would you like to for a drink sometime?"

Miss Lene raised an eyebrow at him for a moment. "No sketchpad?" she inquired.

Gabriel held his hands out in front of himself. "No sketchpad, I promise. I know some people find it rude to see themselves sketched in the nude, but I like to study the layout of muscles and form. Clothes clutter up the picture." He grinned.

Another look leveled at him by Miss Lene. "I would prefer any further sketches of me to have my clothes still on me and unless otherwise specified. Got it?" her voice quite firm.

Gabe just grinned and nodded. "Fair enough. Say I pick you up later tonight after work?"

Miss Lene leaned back and seemed to be thinking it over. Then she simply nodded and shooed him out of the office with the wave of a paw. Stepping outside, Gabriel just grinned. That didn't too bad at all.