Topic: Den Elections 2013 (Now Closed)


Date: 2013-01-04 15:13 EST
January is the month for Den Elections.

Many of you may think that deciding on who runs the Den is not of importance but you would be quite wrong. Over the three years of the Lupinossai Den's existence in Rhydin many have come to lead and have left that leadership position. Here's an insightful glimpse of who all have taken up the mantle of leadership and a rough idea of term length:

Lupinossai Council of Den Elders: 3 months (Disbanded)
Ammy Spiritor: 3 months (Killed in Action during term)
Fleet Wolf: 1 month (Ruled unfit due to loss of Ammy and suicide attempt)
Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: 5 months (Youngest leader at age 9)
Vuusoolta Wolf: 2 years (Current Leader)
Ammy Spiritor: 2 years (Revived by Fleet Wolf, serves as Consultant to Vuusoolta Wolf)

The next posting will contain a glimpse of what has happened to the Den with each of these leaders followed by a posting of who will be valid for elections.


Date: 2013-01-05 01:11 EST
For this glimpse at the past achievements and downfalls of the Dens prior leaders, The Den Howler has dug into it's archives and its unpublished field notes to give you a recap.

From records and the remaining witnesses still alive to remember the rule of The Council of Den Elders times were a bit grim:

The Den was newly formed and set free from Slaver Lord Brutin. Strong factions and Great Den resentments were harbored among the freed slaves and exiles, particular around the Spiritor mages. The Council saw emergence of The Ebony Knights most known Avatar, Fen Stridar, as well as a short war against him. An epidemic of Lupanecrosis was unleashed as well upon the Den when Spiritor Mages sought to take over. The Council of Den Elders was able to see the Den through the hard times and drive the Ebony Knight away for a time as well as stop the the Spiritor Mages and implement and end to the Lupanecrosis Epidemic. However, their efficiency was lacking and they were disbanded in favor for a more direct leadership. The Council of Den Elders was relegated to a secondary ruling body for passing laws and judgement to back up the ruling leader. This would last until Vuusoolta Wolf would come to leadership in a little over 1 year.

Under Ammy's Rule the Den witnessed:
The Ebony Knights Avatar, Fen Stridar conquered and turned to good. The in-statement of Whisper Paws Clinic, Wings of Foxingale Orphanage, a growth in the Den and modernization of the cities structures and the ground work for city works and utilities. Alliances created with the Marduk (Sentient AI Robots), The Shimmerscale Clan, and the Iron Dragons. It was also the darkest time the Den Faced. The war against Takhasis erupted and destroyed two-thirds of the Den killing many Lupinossai, orphaning hundreds and claiming the valiant life of Ammy Spiritor during the resistance to hold back the Dark Queen.

Under Fleet's Rule the Den witnessed mourning, loss and a month filled with funeral rites, soul gem creations and shrine making. During a publicly reported attempt to claim his life due to severe grief from losing his mate Ammy during the attacks, Fleet was removed from leadership.

With no one in leadership, most of the Den's populace dead and the Den in ruins, Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor, 9 year old daughter of Fleet Wolf and Ammy Spiritor answered the call to lead the Lupinossai people. In a time when many young ones had lost parents and she herself may as well be an orphan with a mother dead and a father under medical watch for his life, she rallied the Lupinossai to rebuild the Den. Witnesses and reports state that she even made a set of armor and a crown out of the remnants of the deceased Ammy Spiritors auto-mail and wore them when leading to inspire courage to the Lupinossai people and to herself. The Den witnessed and was lead through the greatest period of rebuilding, renewal and the acceptance of other races to inhabit the nearly empty Den under Myrlene's leadership. The Soul Garden, the Myrlene Memorial Park, and the Widows Compound were all founded and started under Myrlene's leadership.

Under the Leadership of Vuusoolta Wolf & Counseled by Revived Ammy Spiritor:

Myrlene stepped down as leadership when the stress was too much for the child to deal with. She instead gave up leadership to anyone willing to take it and left to tend to her father. Vuusoolta Wolf, a relatively unknown and new arrival in the Den took up the mantle. It was discovered later on that he was the first born son of Fleet Wolf and had many years in formal education, tactics, leadership and more. The first year of Vuusoolta's leadership proved he could lead and direct yet his intentions were a bit dark and clouded. The Den saw Laws for instituted for the first time and enforced by the DFLEA and law enforcement agency. Judging systems were set up. Trade was being started and magic was being viewed as something to be held in contempt or as the cause of much of the Den's issues. Vuusoolt's leadership also saw a dark time during this first year. Accusations of murdering two Den Counsel Elders and the framing of Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor for the murders followed by the trial and conviction of Mogriil as the actual murderer ordered by Vuusoolta to kill the two Counselors to remove internal coup attempts. Vuusoolta made no denial and accepted the accusations willingly.

Vuusoolta earned the Lupinossai's respect when turning the decision of leadership into a Den wide vote and offered himself up as one nominee. At this time it was confirmed that Ammy Spiritor, Hero of Den, had been seen back among the living, revived by her half insane mate Fleet Wolf. Other candidates ran as well, but in a landslide the Den voted in a tie for Ammy Spiritor and Vuusoolta Wolf to lead the Den. As a first time to be ever done in any Lupe record of history two leaders lead a city. Ammy though moved to the position of senior leader and took more of an advisory role to Vuusoolta letting the younger Lupinossai continue leading the people. During this dual leadership the Den saw the rise and fall of crime, the growth of business, the in-statement of the Lupinossai Learning Center and the Den Library, the rebuilding of Whisper Paws Clinic that was bombed during Vuusooltas first year of leadership into the modern Whisper Paws Hospital. Free medical care to the general public, increased security, a brief war with Spiritor Mage and General Igneous Fi'igoo and a victory against that general. The alliance with the new sister city Fang Wood Academy and the continuation of building upon Ammy Spiritors model of a modernized Lupinossai City.

Now we will be turning to several candidates this month to see who will lead the Den and to see how long they can successfully lead the city and improve it.


Date: 2013-01-14 13:31 EST
Electorial Candidates for Den Leader are as follows:

Igneous Fi'igoo (Lupinossai, Former 4th ranked General of Den Spiritor Army, Governor and Headmaster of Fang Wood Academy/City)

Frostad Shieldar (Lupinossai, Former Court Speaker to all courts of Lupinoss, current Commissioner of DFLEA )

Fleet Wolf (Lupinossai, Loaa for Canis and Lupis, Goddes and God of Lupinoss, Last direct blood descendant of Spiritor himself, retired doctor, Weather Bard, Father, Family Man, Former Foreign Affairs Diplomat and Judge for the Den City)Resigned from running. Personal commitments that prevent leadership duties to be fullfilled.

Street Wolf (Lupinossai, AkA Orion Wolf, Last direct blood descendant of Wolf himself, retired soldier and retired general of the Red Tails and Crimson Paws rebel factions, Chef and Owner of Cafe Lupe, Father and Family man) Resigned from Elections - Not Interested In Position

Ammy Spiritor (Lupinossai, Loaa for Canis, Former Humaran, Practicing Alchemist and Mage, Owner of the Alchemists Fire in Rhydin, Currently a professor at the LLC, Fang Wood Academy, and Bristle Academy, Hero of the Den City, First leader of the Den City, Reportedly Resurrected, Mother)

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor (Lupinossai, Former DFLEA Lieutenant, Founder of Project Busy Paws, Long record of Den's Poster girl for trouble, Mother, Youngest Leader of the Den on record) Resigned from Elections - Personal & Private Obligations

Lupis (Lupinossai God - Enough said) Interview Cancelled - Equipment failures due to high magic aura

Valla (Dragon - not much is known about this large wingless dragon other than he's been around the Den City for a while and is taking a first crack at elections.) Out of running due to lack of public appearance.

Interviews with each to follow and more updates to these stats to follow.


Date: 2013-01-15 00:56 EST
A simple object sat in most homes in the Den City or in Fang Wood Academy or in the dwellings of most Lupinossai all over Rhydin. A non-sentient soul gem harnessed to receiver technology picking up the broadcast waves from the Den?s Magik Net. Ever one of them across Rhydin began to glow and hum. A broadcast was coming on.

*Crackle, Pop, Hiss*
This thing on?

*Clunk, Rattle, Groping sounds* The light is blinking. Do you mean you know nothing of this equipment you have?

Eh. You flip the switch thingy and I shove this black dohicky into your muzzle... *Clunk*

*Clack, Snag, Smack* Give me that microphone before I throw you out of my Academy wench!

Ah, ah. Do I make this bill to General Igneous Fi'igoo or Governor of Fang Wood Academy?

What bill?

The one the Den Howler will be sending you for insulting a working woman on live broad cast. Or, I can let it slip and that little love slap if you buy me dinner and a date.

Remind me why I allowed you into my Academy?

A: It's open to the public. B: It's Den Election time. C: You're one of the candidates. Shall I start asking questions, or are you going to continue to sulk? This is Tazzy Stream Dancer with the Den Howler here listeners interviewing electoral candidate Igneous Fi?igoo for Den Elections 2013.

*Slight Grinding of Teeth* Ask your questions and send me a bill. I'm spoken for.

Oooo. Spoken for? Well now. Question one. How will your love life be affected if you are voted as Den Leader?

You're serious? Aren't you?

Thousands of listeners want to know Iggy baby.

My love life with be private just as it is now, and far more prosperous than yours. Next question.

Fiesty! If you win, what would you do for the Den that prior leaders have not done?

Besides not continuing the endless circus of mishaps, disasters, and public failures? Hmm. For one, removal of magic practice restrictions on mages. Renewal of the depleted military. Sharper laws and tighter defense. Perhaps a caste system.

So a reviving of Den Spiritor all over. How well did that work out for your ancestors?

Next... question. *slight snarl heard*

We'll take a short sponsor break.
*Several minutes of colorful sounding and tacky radio tune commercials are played.*

And we are back listeners. Remember the words of our last sponsor. If your Flying Broom just aint flyin' straight, come on down to Zigs Black Cat tower for a straw replacement and twine upgrade.

You need better sponsors.

What's wrong with the Den Howlers sponsors?

Zombie Pep Squad? Dragon Wash R Us? Daycare and Neuter Clinic? The Mighty Wizards of Dishes and Chores? All low brow.

Bills are paid and fine listeners are entertained. My father didn't buy me into a governor?s position.

My position was gained with hard work, miss Stream-Dancer. Do you have more questions?

Ah, yes. Start a war and go up against the current leader of the Den and get handed a scrap of land to live on in exile. Hard work indeed, Governor Fi'igoo. Yes. More questions. Would you further city works, education and the programs for the poor, orphaned and widowed in the Den?

*Muffling of the mike and muted words* What is that dragon doing now?

You have a dragon Igneous? Is it a free citizen?*A few bumps and a clacking of a mike getting close to something*

A rumble as Blizzards neck arched to try an peek inside. Still she was too far off, and another snort sounded.

None of your concern about my dragon. I am simply the guardian while my star pupil is out somewhere doing who knows what with a very disreputable teacher.

Would this be a Fang Wood Academy teacher? Didn't know your academy had disreputable teachers giving classes. Should parents be concerned and send their children to the LLC?

*Sound of a fire ball crackling*

Right. Back on topic. City works, education, the poor, orphaned and the widowed?

Blizzard Shimmerscale snorted. The chains rattled and soon there was a call.

City works would be continued, modernized and enhanced with magic. As to the rest everyone would be evaluated, and sorted by what they are deemed best at. Education will be given according to what each child or adult is qualified for and everyone will be employed... *Thwap of a window opening. Muffled yelling* Throw the dragon some meat and maybe a Drow!

You feed some of your citizens to a dragon? Uhm... so you're suggesting that under your rule everyone would be cared for in a handpicked fashion without freedom of choice?

Nostrils twitched as Blizzard paced now, watching for any sign of food. She was hungry! Food was delivered to said dragon.

May I remind the listeners that three years of free choice has lead to several disasters in the Den and the constant re-election of the same family members of a inbred, deranged blood line that is unfit to rule.

Aw, now someone is just a sore loser after one little war. The Wolf-Spiritor family has lead the Den in many things....

Food! A growl and soon Blizzard was nearly lunging. Snapping up whatever meat had been provided. If she bit the one providing the food.. Well it wasn't her fault!

Half the Den destroyed, plagues, Necromancers, rogue Mages... Besides me, stop staring!... murders and a rise in crime not to mention one leader publically announcing his involvement in the killing of Den Council members.

Leaders are only 'human'. Moving along. Trade? What would you do to foster Den trade with the rest of Rhydin?

Trade would actually be improved for once. Rhydin has a rail system. Something I was thinking about for some time but never had the investments to start. I would petition the Rhydin governor to install a route to Fang Wood Academy and then I would build our own routes between the Academy and the Den facilitating faster transportation and movement of goods. Fang Wood Academy had benefited vastly by being a crossroad to all races and professions.

Are you saying the Den is aloof?

A growl sounded, and it wasn't long before all the meat Blizzard had been thrown had disappeared down her jaws. Nostrils flared, and soon she was tugging against the chain. Obviously it had been reinforced.

Hardly. You can't through a rock without hitting a dwarf, gnome, dragon or Kender in that city. I would say it's lost some of its value really and diluted it's Lupinossai population by whor.... being so generous with other races.

Tsk. Almost had another bill to write up. What about cultural strengthening?

*Snort* Yes, like most Lupinossai want to remember their past and most outsiders want to hear our drama. I suppose a standardized history and indoctrination would be implemented.

Wings beat as Blizzard tried moving closer.

Wouldn't that destroy all cultural relevance that each Lupinossai has from heritage passed down to them from the ancient eight Great Dens?

Just how Blizzards chain got tangled with the tree.. Well was up for some debate. A hiss, and a squawk trying to untangle herself from the branches.
For the love of Canis' tits! What has gotten into that dragon! *Clatter, clunk, scrape, bang of window opening, obscene words shouted and wafting dragon roars over the mike*

This is what Blizzard got for trying to get closer. More roaring sounding.

*Gasping sounds* Sincere apologies to all listeners and any children out there crying at this very moment from the foul language Governor Igneous Fi'igoo is using. That is Governor Igneous Fi'igoo, Head Master of Fang Wood Academy, Head Office. He'll be happy to donate to your favorite charity to say he?s sorry.

After sending a wave of staff and soldiers to placate, play with, feed, pet, calm or something to settle the beast, the sound of the window slamming shut is heard. Lousy, stinking, excuse for walking boots. I should have it stuffed for Raws... This thing still on?

Once again, that's Governor Igneous Fi'igoo, Head Master of Fang Wood Den.

Ever seen what lightning does to a reporter?

Puts a mage under arrest and closes his school?

It would take the staff quite some time to get Blizzard?s chain untangled. A few stroking her snout reassuringly while others pondered the puzzle of just how the chain and tree had become so entwined.

Wonder if Ammy has a Smite Reporter spell? In answering your question, all heritage is history from different viewpoints. That is a very inefficient method of learning history. One needs an un-opinionated and uncompromised version of history.

Right. So we can begin teaching everyone Den Wolf's history view point?

Do you take lessons in irritating your interviewees?

Just you Iggy. What can I say. A man in robes drives me nuts.*kissing sound are heard*

One of the staff managed to unchain Blizzard and gave a tug on the lead. Just where were they going? Surely not inside! Another light tug, and that was exactly where she was being led.

5...4....3....2.....1.... *deep breath heard* Den Wolf's history view point may be considered among many others. Next question.

Sir?The staff member stood at the door with the chain in his hands. and well the dragon remained on the other end, tugging against the one holding her.

What would you do about defending the Den? Working with foreign powers and nations in Rhydin? And handling rogue mages and this Necromancer rumor that's been going around?

Defense is easy. Reestablish the military. Be rid of the useless DFLEA agency and set up...dragon... why is it in my office?!

Ah so this is the mystery Dragon we've heard so much about. So pretty.

We had to get it out of the.. tree. Blizzard rumbled and tugged again, nearly sending the male flying.

Yes, pretty. Get closer and give it a pet. Wear some of this steak sauce while you?re at it.

Ah, ah. News Journalists are just empty calories. Rice cakes and all that. So military beef up, removal of police and setting up what again for defense?

Soul knights. *Growling tone*

My my. Breaking laws already. Dealing with Foreign powers and nations in Rhydin?

Soon Blizzard was sniffing around, moving closer to Tazzy. Was she still hungry?

Depends on what happens. *Rustle of robes and a clap of paws to shoo away a mentioned dragon*

Now a sniff to Igneous, and? That tongue flicked, giving him a sloppy, slobbery lick.

Not a very strong strategy, Governor Fi'igoo. Vuusoolta Wolf has met often with outside nations for tea and other celebrations to talk about events and negotiations. *Slide and pet of the dragons snout with her dainty paw.* Aw, don't they feed you anything? Here, have a high calorie bar, you look wafer thin. *Candy wrapper is heard being opened*

Slobber dribbled down her jaws as Blizzard sniffed the wrapper that was being opened.

Don't feed my dragon, miss Tazzy. Foreign Nations and Foreign Powers are not a concern to the Den for the most part. That city is isolated more times than not.

*Feeds the gooey chocolate protein bar to the dragon* I can't help it Iggy. Someone has to take pity on your limp lizard. Odd that you say the Den city is isolated when previously you mention it is teeming with enough races it?s diluting the Lupinossai living there. What about Rogue Mages and Necromancers?


Sniff. Soon the chocolate bar was gone and Blizzard nudged Igneous's hand with her snout.

*Sounds of a dragon being petted*

Aw. Be very quiet listeners and you'll hear proof that Igneous has a heart.

Another rumble, this one sounding content. Meanwhile outside the staff were working on trying to clear the dragon's old bedding.

I am not beyond caring. I am very fond of one student. Rawsha, wherever she is out there. I do miss her and her mother. The question to rogue magi and necromancers. Why should I police them?

Public danger to people in the Den. Property destruction. Pups seeing their dead grandmothers pinching their cheeks. No child should suffer that fate again after an elderly family member has passed on. Just isn't right.

Tazzy? May just have gotten a testing lick.

Wooo...hooo...hey now!

::Slobber and all!::

That listeners was Tazzy enjoying my lizard.

Magic users are free to practice unless they break laws. Plain and simple. Further governing of them would be like breaking the leg on a child wanting to run.

*Fizzle spit of a mike soaked in dragon drool* But it's perfectly fine to break the legs of the common Lupinossai who don't do magic?

I don't make the rules about who is born with what.

Now there was heavy breathing sounding in the microphone. It was a curious thing.

Ack. Don't, nooo! *Squeeeee, crunch, gurgle*

*Tap, tap, tap.* Whew. Thank Lupis for a back up mike. Billing you for that too Igneous.

Mikes were edible, yes? A growl, and soon Blizzard was sniffing Tazzy again.

Maybe I should just give you a castle? *Sarcasm* Anymore questions? The dragon seems very curious about you. You might be tasty.

Mics weren't quite tasty, but fingers.. A nudge with Blizzards snout.

Ah.. right. I think I have enough now to give a clear, unbiased interview on Igneous Fi'igoo, candidate for Den Governor. Here, take them all!*A cascade of bouncing wrapped candy bars was heard hitting the floor and paws moving rapidly away.*

You fogot your mike!

Keep it! *Door slams closed in haste*

Crunch, munch. Wrappers and all. Did Blizzard really need chocolate?

I think I'll send it to you dire wolf express and... bill you for it.*Chuckles* Igneous Fi'igoo here. Candidate for Den Governor. Elect me, and I'll turn the Den around and put us in the right direction. What direction is that? A strong militaristic, prosperous age of magic and fortune. Fang Wood Academy out. And you my wonderful dragon, I've forgotten about you. Did you miss me cuddlekins? We'll get you all settled into a nice comfy stall, groomed, flown and happy until Rawsha is back.... It's still on isn't it? *Click, hiss, silence....*


Date: 2013-01-17 22:45 EST
Once again the air waves were buzzing and soul gems around the Den City and Fang Wood Academy began to broadcast another Den Howler program. Radios in Rhydin could tune in to Magik Net as well if they tuned into 104.1 Air Paws, a radio station relay set up by DJ Cobalt Foxingale-Fenua.

Welcome back to Den Elections 2013. This is Tazzy Stream Dancer giving you interviews on your electoral candidates. Tonight we have a taped interview with none other than Hero of the Den City, Ammy Loraine Spiritor!

*click of a recording being started*

Thank you Mrs. Spiritor for sparing some of your scant time for an interview for the election time ballot sheet.

Please, just call me Ammy. I'm happy to answer any questions as best as I can.

Very well Ammy. Are the rumors true that you are the disreputable teacher Igneous Fi'igoo mentioned in his interview?

Maybe, maybe not. I don't wish to slander any candidate, but Mr. Fi'igoo has a tendency for using labels that apply to more than one person.

Ah, so I noticed. He did seem a bit testy with the interview. You've been a former leader of the Den city before, correct?

Yes. A few months when the Den City was founded by my own hands, I lead it. That leadership was passed on when I died. Recently I've served as a senior leader with Vuusoolta Wolf, but in a more advisory position rather than a political position.

Yes, funny thing you should mention your death. Some residents claim it was hoax, eye witnesses say it wasn?t, and many radicals claim you?re a walking undead. Care to clarify?

Much to the disappointment of any steak sharpening, holy power wielding clerics, I am not undead. I am quite alive and actually was made an angel a year before to help Canis, Goddess of Lupinossai with her tasks. My death then was real. No hoax about it, just some that really loved me found a way to fight death and brought me back. In the words of some Rhydinian's 'I got better'.

In light of your very busy schedule, with teaching, family life and apparent higher up calling, why run for leadership again?

I didn't elect to run again. Every time it's the populace of the Den City that seems to ensure my name shows up. Some out there still believe in me.

Fair enough. In the event that you win the election, how would it impact your current schedules and family life?

The impact would be small, really. Life these days has marvels of technology, like cell phones, computers and more. And my family is settled enough now that I can be away when I need to be. In fact, most of the time my family is with me often during times of business when permitted.

You believe then that duties and family should mingle? That neither should be kept separate, secret or segregated?

I'll give you a tip Tazzy, as a teacher. Look at any history book from any realm, any reality. Families that worked and played together grew stronger together and talents and trade were passed on and kept strong. Why hide what I do? Why hide my family? I am fallible just like anyone else. Being a leader is not some magical ritual or miracle. Just a lot of hard work and learning.

If you take leadership, what would you do to help further the Den Cities public works, social programs, education, orphans and widows?

I believe I would continue to extend the works my stepson, Vuusoolta, and my daughter, Myrlene, have started. Vuu has done wonders in getting many modern utilities started. The Den city is close to having its own power grid. It has a public water works, sewer and an effective judiciary system with police enforcement. Lene has done wonders with Project Busy Paws. Finally a program that takes repeat offending juveniles and puts them in a 2 year work probation to learn a trade to become a functional member of society. I may add some programs of my own if I win but will not mention any until I know what the results are. As to education, I am fully behind the efforts to keep moving forward and expanding the Lupinossai Learning Center and Fang Wood Academy. They take in student of all races and we are installing new courses that teach subjects more than just Lupinossai culture.

What about the orphans and widows?

The Den City definitely has had an increase in orphans and widows over the last few years. A fact I am not proud or happy about. Many things have been done to try and help them from public treasury to help care for them all the way to a free health care system at the Whisper Paws Hospital. Yet, I feel we are not doing enough for them. I am going to dance with the devil here for a moment and say that I agree with Igneous Fi'igoo on topic. We need to reach out and assist the orphans and widows in getting educated, retrained and self sufficient. Many are simply staying where they are, locked in fear or depression for a lack of someone to look to for leadership. I believe I could find ways through the schools and even a modified Project Busy Paws to get them back on their feet and feeling brave and proud again.

Sounds like you have a plan. Any thoughts on safety, security and foreign diplomacy with the Den City?

Yes. I do believe we need to revive the military but just enough to defend out city. We don't need a force large enough to start wars or attract foreign powers to our gates. That is what has happened before. Also an upgrade to the City layouts and security measures. So much is heavily magic based, but magic can only go so far. We live in a cross realm of technology. Time to implement that technology. As to Foreign Powers, I would continue to meet them as usual and bring diplomacy with me.

What about trade and business?

Expand them. Any city thrives on both and can't survive on its own self-enclosed system.

How would you expand them?

Rail ways that are being set up in Rhydin. Shipping lanes that exist. Use of a commercial teleport hub. Realm gates as well.

So, you'd go for a multi-realm approach on trade then. Interesting. What about the Den Laws, Rogue Mages and Necromancers?

The Den Laws work well. They could use updating perhaps and amending in some areas. As to Rogue Mages and Necromancers, what do you mean?

Many citizens are stating the rise of mages doing things that are clearly violating the Magic Laws section in direct rebellion to being policed. Do you believe mages should be policed? Should be registered and tracked? There are also reports of many undead things and stories from the woods near Fang Wood suggesting necromancy is on the rise.

I believe the city of Rhydin had a similar problem when it came to trying to regulate magic, but the laws put in place by Vuusoolta were put there not in a matter to... rule mages but to prevent mishap in the city with untrained, under age magi. As far as I know, no mages are required to register themselves. As to the undead things, this is Rhydin. Undead happens and the practice of necromany happens as well. I believe unless it's a direct threat to the Den City, it's of no immediate concern.

So you're completely fine with laws that restrict mages on reproducing, wearing of magical negating items on children that have talent if they are not enrolled in a magical training class and the practice of raising and playing with the dead?

To clarify, the negating items are if the child?s parents refuse to enroll the child or provide proof of training the child themselves in proper magic handling. As to the reproduction restrictions, those laws, I believe are still in the amendment process. Vuusoolta Wolf would know more on that. As to the practice of necromancy, what right do I have to say what magic can and cannot been practiced by someone. I can only specify actions against someone if they are harming the public directly. We have no necromancers in the Den City and if we did, the Guild of Magi would be dealing with them directly, not government.

This Guild of Magi. Where have they been? No one seems to know of this guild.

If you're not a mage, you have no need to know about the guild. Believe me, knowing of the guild and knowing the guild knows of you is worse than any law the Den City can pass. They are their own body of laws and government within the Den City.

So you are saying that you support a shadowy group of assassins that are free to kill mages as they see fit? Do they stand trial for the murders?

No further comments on the Guild of Magi.

Final two questions. What would you do differently with the Den City than the other leaders and why is Vuusoolta Wolf not running for a re-election after two successful years?

I would lead with a firm hand, making sure all were taken care of, the city in good working order, crime reduced and that any coming to mess with the city would leave with a very bloody nose. I would also aim to make our city a center of information, trade and a place of hybrid technology where tech and magic work together. As to why Vuusoolta is not running again, ask him when you interview him. It is not for me to say.

Thank you for the interview Ammy.

Tune in next time listeners for your next electoral candidate! This is Tazzy Stream Dancer of the Den Howler signing off.


Date: 2013-01-31 21:45 EST
*Hum and sizzle of soul gems warming up.*

Good evening Rhydin, Den City, and Fang Wood Den! Tazzy Stream-Dancer here with the Den Howler via Magik Net with your next Electoral interview. Before we interview tonight's candidate, a quick update on the runner ups. Unfortunately the Den Howler will not be interviewing Lupis, God of the Lupinossai. My sound equipment does not agree with his godly presence and I can't afford more replacements. You'll just have to use your best guess with our manly God. Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor has dropped out of the running citing personal and private commitments that would keep her from performing leadership duties, Fleetian Wolf has followed suit and Street Wolf flatly voiced his lack of enthusiasm for leading a Den of Idiots. His words, not mine. Lastly, this dragon known has Valla has yet to be found. We don't know how he was nominated but failures to appear in public has caused a forfeit in the running.

Moving on tonight, we are interviewing Frostad Shieldar, Commisioner of DFLEA, police force of the Den City and outlying areas. Thank you for the time Frostad.

You're welcome Tazzy, though my time is rather limited for this interview. You can call me Frost.

Understood. You are a busy Lupe directing the police efforts to keep the Den City well policed and under control. Instead of asking you the usual list of questions, I'll try a new tactic. Tell me Frost. If you won the elections. What would you for the Den?

*Slight rustle of mic*

That is not an easy question to answer Tazzy. No one can or should answer it easily. We've all heard things mentioned so far by two candidates. I think the best thing for anyone in this spot to do is this.

Go on.

If the citizens were to choose me, I would do my best to try and lead the Den City and the neighboring settlements of Lupinossai and Den Citizens outside of our walls to the best of my ability. I would try to keep DFLEA functioning at full capacity and would hire a new Commissioner. Orion Wolf would be my new acting Commissioner. I would assess our military strength to see if we can protect our borders and citizens against any attack possible as well as assess and upgrade defenses as needed.

I would work with our citizens to get direct public involvement with our social programs to help stimulate more of them to help those in need, whether poor, addicted, orphaned, widowed, disabled or more. I would also take a heavy interest in getting the Den City more involved with Rhydin City and her activities as well to show that we can offer help and business as a new partner for this new year.

Furthermore, having been a court spokesman for many years in every noble and public court from Den Sprintar all the way to Den Spiritor, I would assess, overhaul, update and amend the very robust and young law system our current leader, Vuusoolta Wolf has blessed us with. His intentions have been very noble, and the child of law he has birthed in his term of leadership is ready to learn to run beyond its first few steps.

Foreign policies would be addressed and written up to deal with all foreign visitors whether they are peaceful or hostile. Lastly, Mages will be call upon to be responsible for all of their actions. The Guild of Mages would be officially recognized, legalized, and their laws of conduct for all magic users implemented in place of the current Magic Laws in the Den Laws ordinances. However, executions would be negotiated.

Very well organized and delivered Frost. Do you have any love interests or family?

No comments on either of those. Private life is just that. Private. All citizens, even leaders have the right to their privacy.

How would you handle education?

An actual education guild would be created for the direction, implementation and growth of education for all in the Den City and Fang Wood Academy.

Do you believe the Den City should have a Caste system like one candidate has suggested?

Caste's systems have their places in some societies. However, in our society and this day and age, I believe a Caste system too harsh, barbaric and reminiscent of the old ways many here have left in the Old World. I believe perhaps a more modern ranking or class system for benefits and additional public services may be a viable option, but not something I would be interested in offering unless the citizens ask for it.

One last question. It has been mentioned by some candidates about physically reorganizing the land of the Den City to improve things. What is your take on this?

If it is something the citizens are wanting, I could understand it. More room for crops, better routes for fishing and trade, better utility routes, recycling of old derelict buildings and removal of possible disease breeding grounds. But if it is just a whim of the leader, best to leave sleeping dogs lie.

You've been an amazing candidate to interview Frost. Any last words before we end this transmission?

Simply this. When you vote. Do so with peace of mind. Vote with your mind and your heart together. Emotions and false words win the wars for many false leaders.

Sage advice from Frostad Shieldar, Commissioner of DFLEA, electoral candidate for Den Elections 2013. This is Tazzy Stream-Dancer for the Den Howler signing off!


Date: 2013-01-31 22:09 EST
Alright ladies, gentleman and others preferring not to classify what you are. We are down to the final runner up selection here and the voting will open up for the weekend to all citizens of the Den City, Fang Wood and those that are citizens of those two cities that are living outside of it. Voting boxes, magically warded and physically guarded to prevent tampering will be at the Den Circle, Fang Wood courtyard, and two outposts in the Southern Glen. Please vote!

Now then here are the final runner ups for 2013 Den Elections and a chance to run the Den for 2 years. By their names will be a percentage of like ability with the public so far that will garner a portion of outside votes from non-citizens which will impact vote totals.

Ammy Spiritor 30% Likeable

Frostad Shieldar 50% Likeable

Igneous Fi'igoo 10% Likeable

Lupis, God of Lupinossai 10% Likeable